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Scrunty does Lizardmen  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Speed Drybrushing


You have such a good eye for organic shapes and patterns. It is really fantastic looking.

Forgive me now! Tomorrow I may no longer feel guilty...

Eyeamrai's Blog of Many Things - http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/621553.page#7329399 
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Angelic Adepta Sororitas


@ Ritides - The sculpted Carnosaur has taken a bit of a back seat recently. Im a bit daunted by the process of sculpting the scales and various other bits on the model at present. Im having a few ideas regarding this, to do with making press moulds of scales/skin textures and trying to incorporate these into the sculpt rather than doing all of it from scratch.

Hopefully ill get some time before christmas to do a chunk of sculpting and see how it turns out.

Also i am contemplating changing my list slightly, and losing the 3rd carnosaur in exchange for a slann mage instead. Mainly because End Times makes magic such an appealing prospect.....I still want, and intend to finish a whole bunch of T-Rexes anyway as its just cool to have them.

10000pts - Sisters Venatores
2500pts - Imbros Irregulars
- 3000pts
Alpha Legion (HH era) - 7000pts finished
Army of Mousillon - Bretonnian Black Knight army - 3000pts (66% painted)
Host of Xblanque - Lizardmen Army - 7000pts (50% painted) 
Made in gb
Angelic Adepta Sororitas


Only a very small amount of painting has taken place since my last update, but ive decided to bite the bullet and crack on with the sculpting on the 3rd carnosaur.

The bit i am most apprehensive about is the scales and getting the details crisp enough to not look gak.

With this in mind i thought about how i could cheat. I reckon if i can take green stuff push-mould casts of scales on various of my monsters. I nipped out and bought some Siligum, its a two parts silicone rubber epoxy thing. You get two pots (blue and white) which when mixed in equal parts form a mouldable rubber that takes fantastic levels of detail and sets in a few mins (about 10-20mins). Unfortunately its not cheap the two pots in the picture below cost me £20, but in the past ive managed to get a shed-load of small moulds out of it:

Having mixed a bit of this stuff up i pushed it onto the back of a stegadon in various places (and also a bastiladon which i didnt take a photo of):

Having let the rubber set i took it off and had a go at pushing green stuff into the moulds and immediately found a big problem. Because ive been miserly with amount of rubber i used the mould is too flexible and the greenstuff just smears and distorts when pushed into the mould. Back to the drawing board.

To give the moulds some more rigidity i place them on a plastic base and build up some milliput around the edges. Once this is set then ill try doing the greenstuff moulds again:

The bastiladon mould was a little better as it was more extensive, so i stuck the greentuff i had pre-mixed into it and am now waiting for this to dry:

The premise is that ill stick green stuff into the moulds, pull it out after an hour or so, so its a bit more set and then paste it onto the carnosaur body while cutting it up and blending the edges. Hopefully it'll help me out....otherwise this will have been a nice waste of time!

10000pts - Sisters Venatores
2500pts - Imbros Irregulars
- 3000pts
Alpha Legion (HH era) - 7000pts finished
Army of Mousillon - Bretonnian Black Knight army - 3000pts (66% painted)
Host of Xblanque - Lizardmen Army - 7000pts (50% painted) 
Made in gb
Angelic Adepta Sororitas


Ive had a go at doing a bit of scale making for the sculpted carnosaur, and so far its not bad at all. Ill have to wait and see if my sculpting skills will be enough to blend the bits together, and ive still got a shed-load to do on the legs, arms and tail. as well as adding bits around the head:

Ive also managed to finish the 2nd carnosaur. I think it sits very nicely with the first one, and has enough of a contrast in pose and extras to give it a distinctive look. Im also much happier with the swamp effect on the base, the level has much more consistency:

And here's a couple of photos with its big(ger) brother:

10000pts - Sisters Venatores
2500pts - Imbros Irregulars
- 3000pts
Alpha Legion (HH era) - 7000pts finished
Army of Mousillon - Bretonnian Black Knight army - 3000pts (66% painted)
Host of Xblanque - Lizardmen Army - 7000pts (50% painted) 
Made in us
Speed Drybrushing


Those guys look great!

Forgive me now! Tomorrow I may no longer feel guilty...

Eyeamrai's Blog of Many Things - http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/621553.page#7329399 
Made in gb
Angelic Adepta Sororitas


Ive not had much hobby progress on my lizardman recently (i fell back to doing my Alpha Legion in prep for a very large game ive got planned - http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/180/418405.page).

But i do have one update that may be of interest. My massively overly generous mother-in-law went a bit nuts at christmas and bought everything i had on my FW wish list (there were only three items), two were to do with my Alpha Legion stuff, but the other was none other than the only Lizardman based item that FW make....the Dread Saurian!

I know a lot of people are down on this model due to pose etc, but in the flesh the model is just beautiful, the amount of detail is staggering. Also the scale of the thing is stupendous! The pictures id seen of it before didnt do it justice. Below is a couple of pics of the model constructed (without gaps filled) but none of the armour plates attached:

Here are a couple of scale shots as well, just to give an idea of how big this thing is:

This carnosaur is taller and longer that the original, but still is dwarfed

Heres another with a more standard sized model (a drop pod!):

Anyway, to say the least i am intimidated about starting painting this thing. Firstly i want to add to the model a bit. I think it is missing a lot of bits i would have liked to see from the pictures in the monstrous arcanum book. I want to add feathers, smaller armour plates, and other adornments, but at the same time i want to keep the flesh of the beast as the main focus of the model.

So im open to ideas on colours, patterns, effects etc. As a help with this i have also got an airbrush for christmas....

10000pts - Sisters Venatores
2500pts - Imbros Irregulars
- 3000pts
Alpha Legion (HH era) - 7000pts finished
Army of Mousillon - Bretonnian Black Knight army - 3000pts (66% painted)
Host of Xblanque - Lizardmen Army - 7000pts (50% painted) 
Made in us
Speed Drybrushing


Can't wait to see how that beast looks with some paint!

Forgive me now! Tomorrow I may no longer feel guilty...

Eyeamrai's Blog of Many Things - http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/621553.page#7329399 
Made in us
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!


WOW...that is one big lizard. What are the rules for that thing? Does it just eat Nagash in 1 bite?

Necrons - 3000 pts
HH Imperial Militia/Cults - 1000 points Check out my P&M blog! (https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/805464.page)
Bretonnia - 4500 pts

Dakka trades (50): Gav99 (3), FenrisianStuart21 (2), gardeth, norrec65, syypher, Sargow, o Oni o, Rommel44, Lloyld, riverrat88, GloboRojo (2), Cocking_08, mickmoon (2), Acardia, Twoshoesvans, Prandtl, Thedragisal, CptJake, toasteroven, allworkandnoclay, CleverAntics (2), system seven, Siphen, Craftbrews, jmsincla, ellis91, HurricaneGirl, Bionic Reaper, quickfuze, VanHallan, quiestdeus, -iPaint-, Shadowblade07, Dez, Gremore, Ph34r, SwordBird, slyndread (2), JoeBobbyWii, VeternNoob, Madoch1, Dax415, CaptainRexKrammer, francieum, Telmenari, Melevolence 
Made in us
Never Forget Isstvan!


Wow that model is massive.

Ustrello paints- 30k, 40k multiple armies
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