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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Yukon OK USA

I'm a huge fan of Tre's work and have been in all of Tre's KS. I also have most of his Red box miniatures. My problem with this KS is it seems like Tre isn't all that interested in it. I realise life has a tendency to get in the way of work but I'm a firm believer in if you make a promise, you follow threw with it.It's called credibility. It's important to build your company around it.
I have been confused from day one on what is happening with this KS. I feel that when you set a plan, you stick with it. When you changed up the mounted mini and the standing mini that goes with it with just the mounted mini you almost lost me. I'm still in it cause I love the miniatues, but just barely.
Made in us
Perfect Shot Dark Angels Predator Pilot

New York

Sculpts > concept art. But as others have said, you need to have more done at or near the beginning of the campaign. Based on the KS comments, it seems like you get a lot of repeat customers, but I suspect you are not getting as many new customers as you might if there were more finished sculpts for newbies to look at.

(Your minis are great, by the way.)
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Thanks yall!

Ken, I know that is what it seems like it truly could not be any more opposite.

I misjudged my real life commitments through the period of the KS with a LOT of things coming up that I just could not put off or set aside. It has been a LONG time since I made a cross country move and I was not as settled in as I thought I was.....Also I launched sooner than I would have liked to to get my foot in the door before all the big hitters started opening up...... but truth be told...... I doubt that I would have fared any better had I launched with all the Helsmaidens, Chosen, Jotunn, and berserkers done and ready for molding. The competition is just simply too much for me right now it seems. And further there does not look to be a break in that for at least the next 3 months at best. I am incredibly thankful for the support I do have and REALLY happy to have what success is there thus far. I have been able to fund the development of new product and pay myself for the sculpting. I have the support and encouragement of long time RBG fans and that alone is reward in and of itself. I have no doubt that we will see the funding of the berserkers and helsrider by the campaign's close and I am going to be working my ass off to make sure that happens. Once I am done with the sculpting from this campaign I will get started working on my next project so that it is ready when the next opportunity to fund a project presents itself.

I made mistakes in setting up the campaign for war gamers rather than role players assuming that people would want multiples of the Chosen or the helsmaidens or berserkers. I think that has had a very negative effect on people's satisfaction with the campaign. I think that if nothing else this campaign has proven to me that armies are not neccessarily the right avenue for my efforts with the RBG lines. Or at least not War Game level armies anyway.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Yukon OK USA

Thank you Tre. I'm in for this one and the next one as well. I was just having one of those moments.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
By the way, I'm a role player.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/03/16 01:16:31

Made in us
Serious Squig Herder

 tre manor wrote:
Thanks yall!

I made mistakes in setting up the campaign for war gamers rather than role players assuming that people would want multiples of the Chosen or the helsmaidens or berserkers. I think that has had a very negative effect on people's satisfaction with the campaign. I think that if nothing else this campaign has proven to me that armies are not neccessarily the right avenue for my efforts with the RBG lines. Or at least not War Game level armies anyway.

I don't think that's true really. And I hope the "secret" project will be similar levels of units sizes (I kinda feel like for a small skirmish game, 3-men-units are a good size, maybe with having the option to bump it up 5-men if you add a leader/standard bearer/exotic weapon user).

But maybe for future projects you can make a rank + corresponding champion for each sort of troop? So a stretch goal would unlock a 5 man Chosen unit and a Chosen champion. That way the wargamers would pick up the unit (and quite possibly the champion too) and the RPGers could just pick up the champion for their characters.
Made in us
Been Around the Block

Please don't give up on us wargamers I don't make 20-30 man units like warhammer but I do make 6-10 man units. If you gave up on them before finishing the njorn I would be very sad, as I have been wanting a full army of these and your Njorn for the last 6 years I am still hoping for some command, cavalry and bowmen for njorn, and whatever you make for helsvakt.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
For me, while I love your 5 seperate sculpts in a unit, I would be satisfied with 3 sculpts and a champion. (and standards for basic troops). But for me 5 scullpts a unit is even better!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/03/16 05:43:54

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

No worries Madzerker. I am not giving up on the idea of units. I am just scaling back my anticipations of high number units. 5 to 6 man units are just fine with me.

And yes the Njorn will be getting filled out the same as the Helsvakt very soon.
Made in us
Been Around the Block

best news I have heard all day!
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


Schmapdi wrote:

I don't think that's true really. And I hope the "secret" project will be similar levels of units sizes (I kinda feel like for a small skirmish game, 3-men-units are a good size, maybe with having the option to bump it up 5-men if you add a leader/standard bearer/exotic weapon user).

But maybe for future projects you can make a rank + corresponding champion for each sort of troop? So a stretch goal would unlock a 5 man Chosen unit and a Chosen champion. That way the wargamers would pick up the unit (and quite possibly the champion too) and the RPGers could just pick up the champion for their characters.

Three model units also lets you do starter boxes with at least 3 units and 5-8 models. You can have 6 unique sculpts of the same model type, and that would allow you to have two of the same units with no repeat sculpts. 6 models of one type is usually a fairly large amount in lots of skirmish games.

If you are putting 15 models on the table, that's already more than 1/3 of your crew/warband/gang/etc.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/03/16 15:13:55

Kirasu: Have we fallen so far that we are excited that GW is giving us the opportunity to spend 58$ for JUST the rules? Surprised it's not "Dataslate: Assault Phase"

AlexHolker: "The power loader is a forklift. The public doesn't complain about a forklift not having frontal armour protecting the crew compartment because the only enemy it is designed to face is the OHSA violation."

AlexHolker: "Allow me to put it this way: Paramount is Skynet, reboots are termination attempts, and your childhood is John Connor."
Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


I love the current RBG model, so if you're looking to expand beyond folk like me then don't listen to this, but I absolutely love the "units of around 10" approach.

I can use the RBG stuff for Roleplaying (it might happen someday okay!), or skirmish gaming (definitely more likely, can use LOTR SBG or Saga (Dwarves as Anglo-Danes, Orcs as Vikings, Goblins as Irish) ) and then I can use RBG models as centerpieces, leaders or front ranks for mass battle games.

That said, I am not a huge fan of the Helsvakt, just the look of them. It's a bit OTT compared to the rest of the RBG line to me, though I understand the influences and so on, and that they are very popular. So I'm not saying don't make them! Just that I am much more into your Goblins, Trolls, Dwarves and Brigands for whatever reason. (I'd love to see you do a Turin-like character- a melancholy hero in that style...awesome)

Made in us
Mutating Changebringer


Mutter wrote:
Tre, why in Gods name is there no link to your KS in your signature? O.o

Not to pile on with the criticism of Tre, but seriously. You realize there is 1 (one) link to the kickstarter in this entire thread? (Now there are two.)

I realize that a lot of things come up, and I am a huge fan of Tre's work, but there are just so many easy things that aren't being done, including things that, frankly, are almost inexcusable.

On the main page of the KS, the themed sets includes this info: "The Helsmaidens, 4 armoured female warriors pictured together above." In order to know that there is a 5th Helsmaiden you need to... well, you need to already know it, because no ordinary person is going to find this out. It's not in the updates, but a single comment 4 days ago. Which, because of the crap system for comments that KS has, is now 'below the fold', so to speak.

There still is not a scale photo on the main page... The closest the KS comes is a shot of the Jotunn next to a... chosen? maybe? There is no comparison in size between the male and female figures, or any comparison to outside ranges. This is, again, something that consistently comes up in any Red Box campaign.

Tre, you have some great ideas. Seriously, this WIP of a female bezerker is just aces;

I've worked with other KS campaigns, and would be happy to work with you (Tre), but whether it's me or someone else you really need some organizational help here.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/03/16 22:23:06

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

I do think those are fair criticisms, and I would just add that it is not timing with the Kickstarter that is the problem - there are always other Kickstarters, and now is actually a decent window (imo).

Rather, a lot of (very fixable!) things that have been noted before are on display again here. As mentioned, some very important missing info (5th Helsmaiden!) moving targets of stretch goals and when things will be done, and I think most of all for this particular campaign, very few completed sculpts to oooh and aaah over. The Chosen were close to complete, but with only holes for spikes during most of the campaign they were hard to visualize, even though they were mostly done. And when you asked about art versus sculpts - for your stretch goals, there's actually neither one, just text! (Excepting the horse WIP)

All this is super easy to fix, and maybe just getting someone to maintain and update the Kickstarter page for you would be a small but worthwhile investment in the future. You've got so many fans, I'm sure someone would be willing to do it - especially if they could call you to figure out what's what and communicate it to backers much faster. I'm sure we would all appreciate it

One more quick example that comes to mind here - Jotunn pricing and how to add it! That info took forever to come out. Obviously I'm paying attention and was able to make my pledge match it (adding $10 to the base level pledge to just get a Jotunn by itself, or adding $18 to get it as an add-on for any other pledge). But this is pretty basic info, and it needs to come out sooner and you need to stick to it!

I'm very stoked about this campaign actually, but I hope this is helpful. A lot of us have pointed these kinds of things out here and previously, and imo if you just need to keep your head in sculpting land, get a lackey to do all this for you . Maybe even for free or just for figures, if you can find the right fan! Philip Sibbering does a ton of page maintenance / Kickstarter update stuff for Ed Fortae of Trollforged, and I know he's not charging much or maybe even anything for it, just getting a lot of access to the whole process behind the scenes (which is necessary so that he can pass along that info on behalf of Ed, so Ed doesn't have to worry about it!).

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2015/03/16 22:54:09

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Thank you guys for putting a finer head on the issues that I am consistently overlooking. I honestly thought I had updated the info about the 5th helsmaiden on the front page....it would nto be the first time I thought that I had hit the save button and had actually not done so. I am fixing that now and I am also goign to go and buy a couple of figures to use s scale reference tonight. You gusy are right I either get it right or stop complaining.

Give me an hour or so and i will have the scale pics up.
Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

Awesome Tre, cheers!
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Lancaster PA

I second Buzzsaw's and RiTides comments. I actually decided not to back this, as 10$ per helsmaiden was too much for models I didn't have a plan for. 8$ per, that's a bit better. I may be a bit tighter with money of late than most folks, but uncertainty makes me even less inclined to spend.

Woad to WAR... on Celts blog, which is mostly Circle Orboros
"I'm sick of auto-penetrating attacks against my behind!" - Kungfuhustler 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Could nto get the figures for reference as both the local GW was closed AND the LGS. I will try again tomorrow morning
Made in us
Mutating Changebringer


In the interim, I noticed that one of your backers named JEVR put a link to his own comparison in your comments section (2 days ago) here.

I'll look through the Dakka threads, I'm sure I have seen some Dakkites put up similar comparisons.

I noticed that Dakka's own Azazelx' blog has a number of scale comparisons for Red Box games figures here. You might want to talk to him about using some of his photos, or arraigning some others.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/03/17 02:49:13

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

That's a nice pic Buzzsaw! I'm not too fussed about comparison pics now actually, but maybe that's because I think I know your range. But it would help convey the size of the Jotunn, for instance, particularly if you use the same hapless fig in every comparison shot (like a generic Empire trooper - not that the Empire will be around much longer ).
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Thanks Buzzsaw!

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Ok got a box of space marines.....nwo to get the pics taken.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/03/17 18:52:27

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

The stretch goal adjustment is awesome, and seeing a space marine next to yours is going to make the SM look really comical but will be very useful.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

now that I have put a SM together I see why people prefer plastic to metal. I actually really enjoyed it.

Also being this is the first time I have put one together I realized something......My figures are about the same size as SM's only without the comicly oversized heads. makes me wonder.....
Made in gr
Regular Dakkanaut

This is the pic from Update 19

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/03/17 21:31:20

Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

Heading into the last 24 hours and the berserkers are within reach. Here's new WIP shots of both them and the mounted champion:

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/03/20 06:09:28

Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

Uppsala, Sweden

I'm ridiculously excited about those berserkers, they look fantastic! Mounted champion is pretty damn epic too. Only 16 hours left now!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Awesomely enough an anonymous fan has made a contribution which has unlocked the berserkers (details in update #23). A couple of new pledge levels have also been added (for three themed sets, and for one of everything). In addition, the Hordesman captain in the image below has been made available as an $8 add-on. With only 7 hours remaining, now is certainly the time to check this campaign out!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/03/20 14:40:33

Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

A last bump as the campaign goes into its final hours. Anyone wants to get in, better do it quick.

We might just make it to unlocking a rank of Craven (archers).
Made in us
Serious Squig Herder

Just noticed in comments Tre said Craven are unlocked (since they are very close to unlocked he wanted to give people time to add them to their pledge if they wanted).

99 minutes to go!

Craven look like this btw:

Note that these aren't the new Craven. But I imagine the new set will look more or less like these. (and nice little 3-man units like the Craven are exactly what I hope to see a lot of in his future project).

Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

Uppsala, Sweden

I'm definitely in for some more Craven, the existing ones are really cool.
Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

What an insane finish. Did this do like 6-7k in the last several hours?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/03/21 02:44:50

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Yep. it did 2k in the last hour.

I learned something here. If I put more work into the campaign on the front end I get more out of it.

Timing will always be an issue but it is less of an issue than I typically think it is. I will be pre-marketing my next campaign by at least a month and I will DEFINITELY launch my next campaign in May.
Made in us


 tre manor wrote:
Yep. it did 2k in the last hour.

I learned something here. If I put more work into the campaign on the front end I get more out of it.

Timing will always be an issue but it is less of an issue than I typically think it is. I will be pre-marketing my next campaign by at least a month and I will DEFINITELY launch my next campaign in May.

By "Next Campaign in May" you mean the super-not-so-secret game system focused one, right?

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