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Creation of a home brewed chapter- update 10/13 with sanguinary banner and devastators!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Suburbs of Chicago

So the stripping went fairly well. They no longer make the stripping product I used to use, but I made do with power clean and it did a pretty decent job. It didn't get down to the bare plastic, but got down to the base coat which should work well enough for my paint scheme.

Heres the before pic:

And here is the after:

I've also gotten a bit of painting done, but haven't had a chance to get pics yet, but I should be able to get them up soon.
Made in gb
Pious Palatine

Good work. Did you strip everything or just the 'fex?

Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Suburbs of Chicago

I've stripped everything but the heirodule so far. That beast is too big for the container I usually use to strip things. I think I'm going to have to wait until my dogs food container hits empty then borrow that for a day or two as I think its just about the perfect size!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
So here's the pretty much completed death company Dreadnought. I decided to have him serve as a sort of mini diorama, with a dead gene stealer at his feet, a termagant climbing up his back, and a carnifex head in his claw. I'm happy with most of it, but I may go back in and do some green stuff work on the decapitated carnifex head to make it look a bit better. I hollowed it out and stuck a bunch of bits, wire, etc in there and goo'ed it up with super glue and a few layers of paint, wash, and purity coat. On the other hand if I go back I might just make it worse, so eh....not sure.

Thanks for looking and as always, comments and criticism are welcomed and appreciated!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/02/03 18:48:29

Made in ch
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!

Holy Terra.

That base just isn't big enough, if it was you could put him on a rock of sorts, it would be awesome...

Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Suburbs of Chicago

You really think the base is too small? Its the standard size a dred comes with. He does have his left foot a bit higher than the right, giving the impression he is lifting the decapitated carnifex head up in victory. I actually though the base looked a little too empty, that's why I put the dead stealer on it.
Made in ch
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!

Holy Terra.

I'm a fan of huge scenic bases. I'm currently basing my Cataphractii using 4 of the GW basing paint, plus wood, sand and various styrene bits. I've done 4 in the past 2 weeks.

Made in gb
Pious Palatine

Death Co dread looks great, I like the mini diorama you've done. The bases isn't too small, but needs more texture /debris the dead gene stealer on a flat surface with no battle debris around looks a bit cynical and at odds with the carnage happening with the dread.

Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Suburbs of Chicago

Thanks for the feedback on the dread's base guys! I might go back and add some wounds/ gore to the stealer, and see what other bits I could litter it with.

Been Working a bunch of stealers and a few terminators in the last few weeks, slowly but surely grinding away at the backlog of minis that meed paint. I like working on two armies at once as it keeps it from getting monotonous, but it also seems to take longer to get an serious amount of stuff painted. I guess its a trade off either way. Any way, heres what I've been working on recently:

Thats it for today, thanks for taking a look! Comments and criticism always welcome and appreciated!
Made in gb
Pious Palatine

Cool. Those termies really are great models. You've really done them justice.

I like the genestealers too, very cool.

Made in ch
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!

Holy Terra.

Im working on a bunch of genestealers myself now, as a break from my Raven Guard Legion. Nicely done!


Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Suburbs of Chicago

Been working on getting all those monstrous creatures I got in my craigslist buy stripped, built and re painted. First up is one of the carnifexes. I have never liked the look of dakkafexes, as those stubby little devouer arms look weird on that huge body. I know they are a very effective load out, but seeing as I am unlikely to ever use these guys in a game, aesthetic wins over practical every time. So I gave this one a stranglethorn cannon, with a set of the devourer arms as a nod to a gun beast. Looking at the close up pics I can see some really egregious mold lines etc I should go back in and fix. Not sure I'm bothered enough to do so, but I should...Eh, we'll see how much energy I have when I get home tonight.

Made in ch
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!

Holy Terra.

Very nice! I like the shading a lot!


Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Suburbs of Chicago

Thanks Emberlordoffire! I'm fairly pleased with how the nids are turning out. Its nice to work on this and my grail wardens at the same time, because the marines are all hard lines, and crisp highlights, where the nids are lots of natural looking dry brushing and shading. The contradiction of the two different styles helps keep me from getting bored with either so far. Looking at the amount of gaunts and strealers I still have to paint does worry me a bit though...
Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Suburbs of Chicago

Continuing the work on my Tyranids, I busted out a bunch of base coats on some of the med size creatures this last weekend (raveners, lictors, tyrant guard etc.) I got a good base on all of them, only had the time to finish the guards though. # of the four are the newer models, and one is the old metal model with some spare crushing claws from the new kit. Comments and criticism welcome and appreciated as always!

Made in ch
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!

Holy Terra.

Nice. Are those the old models? I can't tell...


Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Suburbs of Chicago

Most of them are the newer models, but one of the guys with the claws is an older metal model with plastic claws. you cant tell because his tail in shorter, his knuckles are bigger, and the carapace is a slightly different shape.
Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Suburbs of Chicago

So I finally got around to working on the first of the sanguinary guard that I built like 4 months ago. This first set of shots is really WIP mid paint job.

The next bunch are with a full base coat and a few of highlights. Still need to put a smoother coat of the bone color on, and white highlights on that, plus highlights on all the red areas. Might also do a shade of the gold and highlight it back up.

I'll try and get some shots up once I get him finished in the next few days. Comments and criticism welcome and appreciated as always!
Made in gb
Pious Palatine

Cool. The Nids are looking great and I really like the scheme on the Sang Guard, very eye catching indeed.

Made in ch
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!

Holy Terra.

So you didn`t go with my idea PAINT THEM RED!

Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Suburbs of Chicago

Sorry Emberlord, I tried one in red and I just wasn't digging it as it looked too much like a standard blood angel. I think the bone highlights their elite status and sort of "purity" without being all gold and pretentious.
Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Suburbs of Chicago

So I've finished 2 more carnifexes, one of the model that came out in 5th edition and one of the models that came out in 2nd edition. I updated the older one with some arms from the current kit, and some crushing claws from a tyrant guard. I did some side by sides to show the difference in size between the two iterations of the same model.

First up is the more recent model:

Next up is the older of the two:

And heres the comparison shots:

Thanks for taking a look, criticism and comments welcome and appreciated as always!
Made in ch
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!

Holy Terra.

I like the older one. Looks more like this ----> than a 'nid. Lol.

Made in gb
Pious Palatine

Looking good. That next 'fex kit is a huge improvement on the old IMO...

Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Suburbs of Chicago

Emberlordoffire you are spot on, the old one does look more ork than tyranid. Glad you guys like them. Now that I have all the fexes done I'm alternating between working on the tyrants and sanguinary guard.
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Bath uk

your paint jobs are really really crisp, look great! bone scheme looks good on the sanguinary guard, its just a bit clumpy (not that I could do any better..)
good work

RIP Colour Sgt Kell. Forever in our hearts.
Click below for plenty guardsmen

Cadian 404th "The Lost Boys" P&M blog

Tutorial:How to make IG packs
Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Suburbs of Chicago

Thanks STG! I agree the bone looks a little clumpy on the sanguinary guard. He was the first I panted and my paints went on a bit thick. I've painted another since then and its looking a bit better. Still have to get some highlights on him and then I'll post some picks.
Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Suburbs of Chicago

Been a while since I posted, so i figured I would show you all what I had been working on. Much as I have enjoyed working on the grail wardens and hive fleet ______(name pending) one of my first 40k loves has been space wolves. When I saw that Krom was now available on his own, I had to pick him up. I've been taking my time with him, trying to make him look about as good as my limited skills will allow. So, now for something completely different, I present to you Krom Dragongaze (with up graded plasma pistol)

Made in ch
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!

Holy Terra.

What "limited" skills? Nothing limited here...

Made in gb
Pious Palatine

Yeah Krom is looking pretty damn swanky if you ask me. Excellent work.

Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Suburbs of Chicago

Aww, thanks guys! I'm still working on developing my blending technique and my brush control could be better, but overall I'm pretty happy with my current painting abilities. I finally invested in some windsor and newton brushes and that has definitely helped with the brush control.
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