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2024/04/12 12:07:22
Subject: 7th Ed 40K?
Confident Halberdier
Hey all, I’m looking for a regular 40k opponent in the York area ( UK), however I stuck with 7th edition for various reasons. It’s a long shot I know…
2024/04/12 14:38:28
Subject: 7th Ed 40K?
Gore-Drenched Khorne Chaos Lord
Unfortunately I can't help but given how much of a big and divisive beast 7th was, any idea what tone of 7th you wanted, be it full decurion phase with all the stupidity that goes with, more of a taudar situation or something more casual?
2024/04/12 21:37:59
Subject: 7th Ed 40K?
Ultramarine Chaplain with Hate to Spare
If I was in your area I'd totally play some 7th again. But we'd have to negotiate how crazy we'd want to go. My last memories of 7th ed was piling up Chaos Spawn and Berzerkers into a Ruins terrain piece, and then moving it across the table with a psychic power to assault from the Ruins into the enemy. Jeebus, what a crazy time that was!
2024/04/12 22:58:37
Subject: 7th Ed 40K?
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar
I think the 7th might have had the most disparity between start and end of edition power creep of all editions.
You’ve always been able to break 40k, but in 7th you really needed to sit down with your opponent and talk about what kinda fame you were looking for.
2024/04/13 21:38:51
Subject: 7th Ed 40K?
Huge Hierodule
To put it another way, are you looking for rule book & codex only, or are all the expansions (hardcover art books with six pages of bonkers jank) on the table?
2024/04/17 20:36:37
Subject: 7th Ed 40K?
Confident Halberdier
Yep I agree, it’s super easy to break 7th but I still think the core mechanics work best for me. I never really got into all the expansions and formations and whatnot, I like a nice traditional list (with the joy of building it) so it wouldn’t want to indulge in all the op stuff
2024/04/18 00:03:24
Subject: Re:7th Ed 40K?
Discriminating Deathmark Assassin
Out of my Mind
7th was the last playable edition of 40k, and if I were near I'd play for sure.
Horus Heresy/Age of Darkness is what 40k could've become and works well enough if you have the 7th Ed. Points. There was a group working on updating 7th Ed. armies for use in that rule-set, but I lost track of who was even doing it.
Current Armies
Waiting for 40k to come back in the next edition.