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Alien vs Predator Miniatures Game, Prodos loses license to AvP. p.266  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Ancient Venerable Black Templar Dreadnought

Where ever the Emperor needs his eyes

Well, I've had the core box for a while now, but none of the KS rewards, or the WeyYu Commandos I tacked on. Honestly half the time I forget I even funded this it been so long since I have heard anything about it. That and presently the box just sits in the closet.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

PomWallaby wrote:
Prodos can talk about the added expense of shipping in waves but I've still received zero waves. If prodos came out and said to only expect one parcel it'd sound fairly reasonable to me, all things considered. But don't stall and complain to me about how expensive wave shipping is if there isn't the intent to ship in waves.

Months later - still valid.
Made in gb
Battle-tested Knight Castellan Pilot

Poole, Dorset

As jarek said yesterday Kickstarter backers aren't his priority and he doesn't really care how long it takes to fulfil. only offered me 50% off something bought on the day by way of compensation, I declined as they are getting no more of my money.

Made in gb
Omnious Orc Shaman

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...

Youngbloods and sentry guns sited on facebook...

Made in gb
Battle-tested Knight Castellan Pilot

Poole, Dorset

Yep got mine yesterday

Made in us


Live, at Salute?

How did that go?

Made in gb
Martial Arts SAS

United Kingdom

There were AvP backers up the wazoo and that queue was still going strong at 2.30pm. Jarek was (on the 4 or 5 times I passed by) delving in boxes trying to fulfil pledges and shoppers were trying to buy the AvP stuff from the shelves (plus the very nice Space Crusade stuff and the newly repackaged Warzone) and with the two crowds meeting in the middle it was pretty chaotic.

When the queue had finally died down and I got a chance to talk to Jarek, it seems like things had gone pretty well from a retail point of view and I'm sure it was a big relief for him and dozens of backers that.. well, they didn't have to deal with each other any more. I gather they ran out of the boxed game in the afternoon though so some backers who showed up still left without it.. but my fingers are crossed that Jarek and co will be able to prioritise them when they get back in the office on Monday.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/04/17 17:39:25

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

 Siygess wrote:
I gather they ran out of the boxed game in the afternoon though so some backers who showed up still left without it.. but my fingers are crossed that Jarek and co will be able to prioritise them when they get back in the office on Monday.

Able to prioritize them and willing to prioritize them are very different. If what Unclebadtouch said above is accurate, I suspect Jarek couldn't give two feths about prioritizing the remaining KS backers.

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

They didn't prioritise those who turned up at UK Expo last year but missed out (though they promised to do so). Quite why that would change now is anybody's guess.
Made in gb
Martial Arts SAS

United Kingdom

Indeed they did not (I was one of them and I got my wave 1 stuff about 8 weeks ago). But with Prodos the AvP situation is.. fluid and there are no absolutes, even if there should be.

Made in pl
Regular Dakkanaut

As jarek said yesterday Kickstarter backers aren't his priority and he doesn't really care how long it takes to fulfil. only offered me 50% off something bought on the day by way of compensation, I declined as they are getting no more of my money.

Sorry, not sure who you are, but putting words into my mouth is a bit week. I never did had such conversation with anyone, additionally as I was dealing with KSat the shkw only I never offered to anyone 50% discount neither anyone from our team. Not sure what was your goal to post such bs but definitely not cool.

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

While you are here Jarek, any chance of an update for those of us who still haven't received anything?

My pledge manager is correct and up to date (and has been for some time) but my order is still 'awaiting'. Could you give us a rough delivery date or a ball-park figure as to how many KS orders are still waiting to ship?
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 Warzone Resurrection wrote:
As jarek said yesterday Kickstarter backers aren't his priority and he doesn't really care how long it takes to fulfil. only offered me 50% off something bought on the day by way of compensation, I declined as they are getting no more of my money.

Sorry, not sure who you are, but putting words into my mouth is a bit week. I never did had such conversation with anyone, additionally as I was dealing with KSat the shkw only I never offered to anyone 50% discount neither anyone from our team. Not sure what was your goal to post such bs but definitely not cool.

The trouble is Jarek, that I'm really not sure you remember what you've said from one day to the next any more.

Back on 18th October, you stated that any backer who collected their pledge from any event would get, in their wave 2, a free extra model (or models) from your range, which would potentially include rare or unreleased models. In addition all backers should have a 25% discount code, and you also promised 5% off for life though never gave details of how on earth you'd make that work.

Out of interest, how many of those who have collected at events and now have their wave 2 have been given such a generous gift? How many of those who picked up at Salute walked away with that something extra? How many did you give a 25% discount code to?

it's a rhetorical question - we've already had plenty state they got no such things.

When you don't follow up on your promises, but choose not to mention such things, perhaps in the hope we will forget, it's hard to believe anything else you say. So with respect, I'm more inclined to believe that "random" guy who is so random that he found the time to post on the avp thread in Dakka and tell us what he heard you say, than you claiming you never said it. You have a history of saying things you probably regret (or don't even remember). That's quite likely why you had to bring the KS page down in the first place - you made promises that you couldn't keep.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Made in gb
Martial Arts SAS

United Kingdom

I didn't get a chance to speak to any of the AvP backers *after* they had collected their pledges from the stand, but I do know that (all?) pledges that were posted this year (mine included) had a 25% off card included. So backers ARE getting the aforementioned discount but I can't say if that was true of the people at Salute. But it's entirely feasible they were getting this code and / or extra minis on the day.

The problem is, anyone who picked up their pledge and got what they were expecting / owed is unlikely to have any reason to write about that online. I'm still trawling through the post-Salute blogs (even though I was there myself!) to see if anyone has anything to say on the matter.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/04/18 10:32:05

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 Siygess wrote:
I didn't get a chance to speak to any of the AvP backers *after* they had collected their pledges from the stand, but I do know that (all?) pledges that were posted this year (mine included) had a 25% off card included. So backers ARE getting the aforementioned discount but I can't say if that was true of the people at Salute. But it's entirely feasible they were getting this code and / or extra minis on the day.

The problem is, anyone who picked up their pledge and got what they were expecting / owed is unlikely to have any reason to write about that online. I'm still trawling through the post-Salute blogs (even though I was there myself!) to see if anyone has anything to say on the matter.

no, not all. I got my wave 2 in December. No discount code. I know of others, and I've read reports from Salute from people who say they got no such things.

I'm not saying they haven't handed it out at all, just that they are inconsistent in doing so. It ought to be a given - packing a wave 2 box, throw in a discount code.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

I received a 25% off coupon in my AvP box along with a very nice letter, though I didn't pick mine up at an event, it was mailed.

Just waiting for the rest of my order now. Hope it's soon, we finally got around to having a game yesterday and after getting used to the rules it was very enjoyable.

"The Omnissiah is my Moderati" 
Made in gb
Utilizing Careful Highlighting


I didn't get a 25% code with mine as i am yet to get a single figure from my pledge .
And jarek moaning that someone has put words in your mouth is abit rich when we haven't had a update about our pledges for months .....
Made in gb
Martial Arts SAS

United Kingdom

 CURNOW wrote:
I didn't get a 25% code with mine as i am yet to get a single figure from my pledge .
And jarek moaning that someone has put words in your mouth is abit rich when we haven't had a update about our pledges for months .....

Damn, I should have picked your pledge up for you while I was at Salute :(

Made in gb
Utilizing Careful Highlighting


Thanks but i wouldn't of wanted anyone waiting for a large portion of the event while they ran around like headless chickens lol
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

There was an update from Prodos on Facebook yesterday.

Hi all, first off all I would like to say thank you to all backers and customers that visited our stand on Salute. It was great to be able to put faces to names and I really enjoyed chatting to some of you about the future of the AvP line. There are some great ideas out there. I would like to apologize for long queues to our cash and Kickstarter collection point. We really underestimated how busy Salute would be in terms of customers, and to give you an idea, between Michal and I we served 274 individual customers and 68 backers! I think this year we were probably the busiest booth in the place and we weren’t quite prepared for it. To any of you that I didn’t get a chance to talk to, I look forward to chatting next year.
I want to apologise to those of you who travelled to Salute for not having Eggs and Dice at the show. The box with the die, eggs and discount codes were accidentally left in our warehouse, so these will be posted out to you with your next wave.
Customer Service
We recognise that our customer service isn’t where it should be and we’re working on this. Our current customer service department is just 2 people and they are currently dealing with normal day-to-day issues along with Kickstarter queries. We recognise that we can and will do better however the business cannot afford to expand that department at this moment and therefore we are going to streamline the process using the same number of staff using an email distribution software so that one person on their own isn’t handling every email that comes in.
Website and email
We are currently working on a new website with a new contact form which we hope will go live shortly and will help expedite customer queries. We are also in the process of changing servers as we have had our systems act up and identify legitimate emails as spam. The new servers should eliminate this by being more compatible with gmail etc. or so I’m told.
Kickstarter and New Approvals
Kickstarter: A few weeks ago, I was interviewed by the guys at Beasts of War. Here is a link to the interview regarding the current situation with AvP KS fulfillment and what is the plan going forward.
Interview starts at 1h mark, thanks:
I can now confirm some excellent news. We have had approval on the following models and every parcel starting from the 1st May that we ship will include: Young Bloods, Sentry Guns, Predator Female, Sergeant, Linn and Dutch for those backers who ordered them.
Next Transmission
I hope that the next update will be on or around the 30th of April and I’ll update you again on a timescale for KS fulfilment. I know some backers are still awaiting their boxes and we’re working hard to try fulfil these orders as fast as possible.
Prodos out!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/04/19 08:20:55

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

 Warzone Resurrection wrote:

Sorry, not sure who you are, but putting words into my mouth is a bit week. I never did had such conversation with anyone, additionally as I was dealing with KSat the shkw only I never offered to anyone 50% discount neither anyone from our team. Not sure what was your goal to post such bs but definitely not cool.

I call BS on this statement.

Lets face it, it's not like we haven't caught you out before now is it? At best it's pure incompetence, at worst outright lies.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/04/19 08:30:19

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Still no mention of the multi-pose Marines

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/04/19 10:47:04

"The Omnissiah is my Moderati" 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

they were mentioned briefly in the comments. A backer asked if they were still happening and Jarek confirmed they were (but did not elaborate)

He also said in response to a question that the Wargame rulebook is expected in June (alongside a release of WZR 2.0 rules) He is yet to confirm/deny that that means that wave 3 shipping won't commence until June at the earliest.
Made in us
Sickening Carrion


How about the other factions objective markers, and clear predators?
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

still nothing on those.
Made in au
Pustulating Plague Priest

When he says he hopes to update us again on the timescale for fulfilment, did I miss the part where he updated us before? Or is the plan still currently end of March?

There’s a difference between having a hobby and being a narcissist.  
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Access to the AVP Facebook page has apparently now been closed. Queried this with Jarek as it seems to be the only place updates are posted and he has said they will be posted out by the Kickstarter mail system.

This was meant to happen yesterday - full transcript is below:

The more things change, the more they stay the same...

TUE 4:40PM

Jarek: Hi there, thanks for your request to access AvP:ThB FB page, however that page is locked and we are not accepting more requests. Sorry, nothing personal. You are more than welcome to join our official Prodos Forum @ forum.prodosgames.com. As for updates regarding KS, you would receive official update via Ks messenger. Thanks.

Me: Seeing as you've been putting updates out frequently without running them through the kickstarter messenger I sincerely doubt that.
Backers shouldn't have to trawl through dakka and other areas to find out what is going on with their pledges.

Jarek: The KS messenger is the source of all updates, the one which was post out yesterday on the FB will be as well on KS messenger later today, thanks{/quote]

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2016/04/20 08:02:37

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Aberdeen Scotland

Home from my honeymoon at the weekend, hadn't been online in over a month.

Check on avp status, quel surprise, no change. Getting on for almost 3 years now, and not a bean has arrived.

I am looking to buy a house in the autumn and that means a new address....

So I am pretty sure those of us who have no KS stuff delivered by now are actually never going to see anything.

It's pretty crap, and I realise it's a bit maudlin, but tbh, I just don't care anymore.

I played a game of it when my mates box turned up (2 months ago) and do be it a bit of a hot mess, marines were iffy and aliens were like paper and press just walked through everything.

Sculpts are great but as a game....just no.

Not angry or anything now, just fed up and feel I could have put £160 to better use.

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

I think its time we all report Prodos to Fox ! http://www.fox.co.uk/contact
Made in gb
Nimble Glade Rider


Happy Aliens day guys!

Was going to play a few games of AVP later to celebrate, but then remembered that Prodos still haven't sent me a single piece of the Kickstarter that I paid for two and a half years ago, so I'm just going to look at the "awaiting" status on the pledge manager instead.
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