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Levi's Blog: Blood Angels, Orks, Astral Claws - Waaagh! Black'eart  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


@Meph still considering buying one for personal use perhaps that will motivate me to make more artz in my free time

Rokay, on to the updates! My Blood Angels finally got some love I've worked on the tactical squad somewhat; giving them highlights (you gotta take my word for it cus the pictures are not really helping ), finished the weapons, putting on the transfers etc. Still need to do the bases, weathering and the sergeants banner! So hopefully I can finish them this week


Blarg, dark pictures...

Pixelated close-up~!

Le sergeant! Still gotta decide what to do with his banner though.

Bad boys with transfers! Still need some touch ups.

So that's it for today! NO- wait, there's more....

The Tyrant is here.....

Speaking of the Tyrant, here's your request Styrofoam04! The Blackheart version of my previous Huron sketch!

Enjoy guys, cheers!

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
Made in gb
Blood-Raging Khorne Berserker

Wow them Blood Angels certainly look quite battle ready to go against their opponents wonder how decent are Blood Angel versions of Tactical Marines?

Aha the Tyrant emerges

For my work & other source of 40K showing in game and models : https://www.youtube.com/user/DivisionZeroWoWAlive
Aiming to become Commissioned Painter, do please feel free to ask me about possible painting commissions and helping hands
Made in gb
Blood Angel Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries


That tactical squad makes me want to get in to a painting frenzy

2000+ points
2000+ points
1500+ points
Custodians 1200 points
Admech 2000 points 
Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


DarkMistro wrote:Wow them Blood Angels certainly look quite battle ready to go against their opponents wonder how decent are Blood Angel versions of Tactical Marines?

They are not very different compared to the standard tactical marines methinks. The Red Thirst rule gives them some nice buffs though (Furious Charge and Fearless).

DeathzHellShotz wrote:That tactical squad makes me want to get in to a painting frenzy

Wish I could say that after highlighting 10 marines but it's good that you got inspired!

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
Made in gb
Blood-Raging Khorne Berserker

Wow that is their special rule? I'd so want to pit them against my Evicerator Squad they need christening with a victory

For my work & other source of 40K showing in game and models : https://www.youtube.com/user/DivisionZeroWoWAlive
Aiming to become Commissioned Painter, do please feel free to ask me about possible painting commissions and helping hands
Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


Welp, you'll have to roll a one after deployment for every unit to activate that rule, so there's a good chance you won't even get it

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
Made in ca
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader

Ajax, ON. Canada

That is pure awsome!! Hail Huron! Love it

Now I cant wait to see the work you do on Lugft Huron. I really want to get that model too

"The strong are strongest alone", Lufgt Huron, Tyrant of Badab.
The Blood Reaver. Master of the Red Corsairs. Lord of the Maelstrom. Huron Blackheart.

"Life sucks when it gets in the way of Warhammer." - CGBSpender 
Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


Glad you like it pal! ;D

That Huron model is pure win (dat claw)! Can't wait to start painting it! I've also found a metal version of Huron Blackheart at my FLGS, I'll probably get that one too, just for the fun of it

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


++Blood Angels update

The tactical squad is finished- well, at least I thought they were, till I found out I forgot the squad markings on the blue kneepads. Oh well! Progress pictures then!

They look so much better with some basing!

Here's a close-up of the sergeant. I've freehanded his banner and it worked out pretty well methinks

Close-up of a battle brother with paint chips on his armour.

The other dudes:

I'm pretty satisfied how they turned out not my best paintjob ever but it will suffice for tabletop!

Let me know what you guys think.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/11/06 21:03:13

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
Made in us
Boosting Space Marine Biker

Looking good, better then what my troop choices look like right now. They be all grey plastic.

Click the banner to check out my blog, and leave some feedback.

DIY 3450pts 1000pts 
Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


Thanks! I've got a lot of gray plastic on the tabletop too so much to paint, so little time!

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
Made in gb
Blood-Raging Khorne Berserker

Very nice models coming along there now I've still got my now growing infamous "Raptors" to paint as still got flamer and one last one to paint from that lol

For my work & other source of 40K showing in game and models : https://www.youtube.com/user/DivisionZeroWoWAlive
Aiming to become Commissioned Painter, do please feel free to ask me about possible painting commissions and helping hands
Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


Thank you D.M.

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
Made in be
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

In the Warp, getting trolled by Tactical_Spam, AKA TZEENTCH INCARNATE

Nice stuff you got here Levi, that freehanded banner looks awesome

Those sketches of Lugft Huron (still not sure how you pronounce that) is pretty wicked too, I wonder what they'd look like back-to-back (good vs evil side style)

Have you ever tried sketching a Terminator? I tried to do that in pencil once, I ended up with a couple of menacing stacked boxes instead of a man

Tactical_Spam: Ezra is fighting reality right now.

War Kitten: Vanden, you just taunted the Dank Lord Ezra. Prepare for seven years of fighting reality...

War Kitten: Ezra can steal reality

Kharne the Befriender:Took him seven years but he got it wrangled down

Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine



 Ezra Tyrius wrote:
Lugft Huron (still not sure how you pronounce that)

I still don't know either I tend to leave the "g" away when I try to pronounce it and that "Lufgt" variant confuses me even more! Wonder how GeeDubs does that

 Ezra Tyrius wrote:
Have you ever tried sketching a Terminator? I tried to do that in pencil once, I ended up with a couple of menacing stacked boxes instead of a man

I've never drew a complete termie... yet! But mine's probably ends up like an angry toaster with skulls... lots of skulls.

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


Another Blood Angels update for you guys! The Death Company Dreadnought has been sitting half-done on the self for a while, so he could use some love. And I'm trying to finish stuff before starting something new...

So, painted the highlights en drybrushed the blood talons (I'm particularly proud of those) and did all the icons etc. The only thing what needs to be done is to touch up the base and put the transfers on.

Anyway, pics!

A close-up of the talon. Perhaps they could use some extra work, but the lightening of my room doesn't do it any justice though

Tell me what you guys think

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
Made in be
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine

Leuven, Belgium

Wow, nice stuff you'v'e been pumping out, mate!
That dread looks very cool, although personally I feel that they could just need a little extra small and bright highlight on the tips of the talons.

Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


I agree on the talon. I'll add some white or very bright blue to touch it up Thanks for the comment Meph!


In other news, I've bought an old (and cheap!) half metal half plastic Cadian Sentinel kit to convert it to a killa kan for my Orks. So as soon as I've finished the dreadnought, I'll be converting the sentinel. and it will be my first time to play with plasticard! Stay tuned, I'll keep you guys updated on the progress.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/11/19 09:47:54

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


So! Another item on my ever growing painting to-do-list, done! Yes, the dreadnought is finished (well, I think he is )

Pictures for you lads and then let's move on to the next project!

The orks get a little love this time and I'll be experimenting with plasticard (oh boy). This (un)fortunate sentinel is gonna be converted to a killa kan, because, well, they're Death Skulls and have to live up their name right?

Here are some pics of the early start. Not really sure how the arms and weapons are gonna fit in...

The kit is a part plastic part metal, so some parts do not fit that well I'll have to use green stuff to fill up the gaps *sigh* anyways, this will be a nice little conversion project. Let's see how it turns out!

I will be painting stuff between this project (still need to finish the test Astral Claw!) and I have some ideas for a custom space marine chapter (one of the three sons of the Astral Claws) I would like to paint!

Stay tuned!

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
Made in us
Blood Angel Captain Wracked with Visions

Blood Angels look great, but if I could offer some minor advice it would be your prep work. Some of the mould lines are still visible, which can detract a wee bit from the overall effect

Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


These were one of my first units I got when I just started with the hobby and I was quite indifferent about removing the mould lines back then... and they were too far done to fix 'em. But all the newer units have their mold lines removed and gun barrels drilled out!

Thank you for having a look Dreadclaw!

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
Made in us
Blood Angel Captain Wracked with Visions

I made that mistake myself too manys a time. Nothing like looking at a fully painted mini and realizing there is little you can do to fix the mould line you missed Your new stuff looks significantly better

Made in be
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

In the Warp, getting trolled by Tactical_Spam, AKA TZEENTCH INCARNATE

That Killa Kan's looking good Levi, I think the arm would look best either right above the upper joint of the legs (that square looking thing above the joint), or either a bit in front of that, where the entrance hatch is located

Weapons-wise, I'd say giant sawblades of doom or giant flamers, or something else along those lines

Tactical_Spam: Ezra is fighting reality right now.

War Kitten: Vanden, you just taunted the Dank Lord Ezra. Prepare for seven years of fighting reality...

War Kitten: Ezra can steal reality

Kharne the Befriender:Took him seven years but he got it wrangled down

Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


Dreadclaw69 wrote:I made that mistake myself too manys a time. Nothing like looking at a fully painted mini and realizing there is little you can do to fix the mould line you missed Your new stuff looks significantly better

Yep... worst scenario for a painter. Thanks for the complement sir!

Ezra Tyrius wrote:That Killa Kan's looking good Levi, I think the arm would look best either right above the upper joint of the legs (that square looking thing above the joint), or either a bit in front of that, where the entrance hatch is located

Weapons-wise, I'd say giant sawblades of doom or giant flamers, or something else along those lines

Thank you! He will definitely be equipped with a gaint saw, a grotzooka and a pair of missiles for extra DAKKA!

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
Made in be
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine

Leuven, Belgium

Cool, those extra little highlights on those claws surely do their thaingggg!

Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


They do, they do! Thanks for the heads up!

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


Worked a bit further on the sentikan. The weapons are now into place (but still stuck with glue tack). I've had to trim the skorcha to fit it on the Kan. He's a bit out of balance now methinks, but perhaps a gastank or other thing on the back will fix it. On to the pics!

Next up, moar plasticard and the gretchin!

In other news, I've been thinking of a own space marine chapter for a while and I finally have an idea of what I want. So, here's the colour scheme I have for now:

It's so white! Yep, I really wanted to do something with white this time and it added a new painting challenge. The paintjob is a wee bit sloppy, but I was so eager to test it out. Anyway, still need a proper name for this chapter; something with lions, that's for sure (welp they are the descendants of the Astral Claws of course).
Let me explain the colour choices a bit. Their armour was always white with red accents, but after a devastating event (it has something to do with lots of battle brothers walking over to chaos -I'm looking a you Huron Blackheart!-) they all started to paint the shoulder pad insets black as a sign of grief and loss for their fallen and dead brothers. On the right knee pad every battle brother has the freedom to express their own personal loss by painting patterns or painting it red or black (especially the veterans since the most of them had been present at the time of the event, the new battle brothers mostly paint a red stripe). On the left knee pad, the yellow line stands for the company colour, 2nd company in this case, the IV stands for the squad number.

I'll let you guys know more about the fluff some other time (still need to think a lot of things out). For now enjoy this update! Oh, before I go, some self promotion; I've started a miniature hobby blog, it's more or less an extension of this blog, but you'll find some more information about my armies/projects. The link: http://hammernbrush.blogspot.nl/

Levi out!

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
Made in gb
Blood Angel Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries


The white looks so crisp and clean. I love the shading it works well. What do you think about the new blood angels tactical squad? if you've seen them.

2000+ points
2000+ points
1500+ points
Custodians 1200 points
Admech 2000 points 
Made in us
Boosting Space Marine Biker

White Lions. BAMM!

Click the banner to check out my blog, and leave some feedback.

DIY 3450pts 1000pts 
Made in nl
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


DeathzHellShotz wrote:The white looks so crisp and clean. I love the shading it works well. What do you think about the new blood angels tactical squad? if you've seen them.

Thanks man! The new tactical sqaud is awesome! Lots of Blood Angels bits, so that's good I'll definitely pick it up. Although I've shed a single tear knowing I've just finished my tactical squad without any of the new blood angels bits...

deadmeat85 wrote:White Lions. BAMM!

I have thought about that name, but it's a bit "meh" methinks I thought more of "Lions of [insert planet name here]" of some sorts.

Bloody Ork Claws - Levi's blog! - In extension of the p&m blog: Hammer 'n Brush

Army projects:
Blood Angels
Grimtoof 'Eadchoppa's Deff Skullz

Painting project:
Astral Claws and Tyrant's Legion 
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