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Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/14 20:03:06

Post by: inmygravenimage


This is my rather large and extremely meandering blog of the last 11 years.
There's a strong comic bias to my output (DC/Marvel, Hellboy, 2000AD), along with old West and feudal Japan horror (Brimstone/FoFo), some whimsical Labyrinth style fantasy (Moonstone), and sci-fi ranging from star wars, to Mantic's Dreadball, Gaslands... and of course the ubiquitous presence of GW
For the last few years I've tried to average a mini day. 2020 had... other ideas this year, I'm just going to apply the golden rule: to paint what I want, when I want.

2021 Painted model tally:
January - 70
February - 183
March - 123
April - 42
May - 66
June - 94
July - 29
August - 38
September - 30
October -
November -
December -
2021 running total - 673

2020 FINAL TOTAL - 930

Papa Bless!

So, after a decade away from wargaming in my 20s (bar a brief flirtation with Warmachine and Heroclix), I came back via 40k...

So I'm thinking of building a small force of Mentor Legion. Am I nuts to consider this? Would I be better painting all/some of the insignia?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/14 20:26:23

Post by: Fifty

I reckon the owl logo is paintable if you mark out the points, connect the lines and then fill in.

I have a squad of Mentor Legion painted up to go with my Blood Angels, but I haven't yet done the logos myself. :s

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 06:19:48

Post by: inmygravenimage

Right, apologies for dodgy image quality: wife's camera. Nevertheless, you can see it in (almost) all of its glory: my first test shoulder pad.
C&C wanted folks!

I wanted to retain the feel of the original but update for a Mk7/contemporary grimdark look. My feeling is that the boss with the eagle might be slightly too raised and that maybe the owl's head should be sunk into the penant. The penant itself could stand to be slightly larger, but I wanted to leave room for a bit of scrollwork underneath. I'm not particularly up for doing a separate piece of scroll work for tactical/tutors and elite, thinking maybe use empire laurel wreaths on the left shoulder for elites (though I could do an owl's head in one). As you can see by the fact that I've not done it, I'm not even sure I want a piece of scroll at the bottom, although without it does look a little "top-heavy" just now.

I'm also wondering whether to cast this (or a finalised version), or sculpt each, or (and this is what I lean towards) press mould the eagle and sculpt the penant each time. With the casting option, would I be as well approaching someone like Chapterhouse to do it for me? Thoughts?

Cheers folks!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 06:48:54

Post by: Great Unclean One

Looks good! I can't see the detail much because of the pic quality but it looks pretty well detailed!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 07:57:29

Post by: MeanGreenStompa

Given how many you'll want and the possibility of terminators and chest plates etc. Perhaps asking chapterhouse might be an idea?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 08:14:47

Post by: Hits_the_spot

If your looking for pads from the UK, im currently putting together a line of custom parts, i could add the pads to my list.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 08:16:00

Post by: MeanGreenStompa

Oh and go all owl, no eagles, no 'background pennant', just the owl head.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 13:34:03

Post by: inmygravenimage

Hits_the_spot wrote:If your looking for pads from the UK, im currently putting together a line of custom parts, i could add the pads to my list.

As in you sculpting, or you adding my pitiful effort with your parts line (if so feels humble)?

MeanGreenStompa wrote:
Oh and go all owl, no eagles, no 'background pennant', just the owl head

I'm inclined to agree, it does look at little cluttered. I'm working on a stylised owl to replace the chest boss/aquilla head on torsos, too. I meant to buy batteries for my camera today, totally failed to do so, will try to get better pics out of wife's camera.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 14:57:56

Post by: MeanGreenStompa

Yeah, I'm thinking that greenstuffing and casting for yourself is a lot of hard work, especially given how the army may/will grow over the years.

I was very impressed with chapterhouse's mantis, scarab etc just recently and think they'd save you a lot of effort + can do rhino and LR doors, terminator and officer shoulders and so on.

Also keeping it to just the Owl, minus pennant and or the eagle icon will keep it sharp and clear.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 15:20:08

Post by: Matt Varnish

the banner and other stuff was common back in Rogue Trader era, just go straight up owl head. What about using something already and modifying it to be the owl, like lets say the Raptor head (sideways though) and filling in with GS what you need to make the owl?

I agree though, getting chapter house to make some would be the easiest way.

I would convert as much as possible the weaponry. Make man-portable lascannons with tons of extra wiring and so on, add scopes to every bolter where possible, different turret and sponson layouts on vehicles, since they are the testing grounds of the Astartes. weapon mounts in the wingtips of speeders.. you get the idea.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 15:41:36

Post by: Xenith

Erm...or you could just buy Mentor pads from GW?


Anyways, the Mentor Legion are pretty cool, Will look forward to seeing them take shape!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 15:59:29

Post by: darthmatty

Found this for you re fluff stuff http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Mentor_Legion. I think Forge World do bits for Mentor Legion. Hope you find this useful.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 16:09:55

Post by: inmygravenimage

Cheers for the links guys. I don't really like the gw mentor pads: they're raptors, not owls. Like the ideas on scopes etc; I was intending to give assault marines auspexes as teleport/time shifters rather than jump packs, thoughts?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 16:27:01

Post by: MeanGreenStompa

I think some form of backpack/body harness would be better, principally since auspexes take up a hand.

Perhaps have the operator consol on the forearm like a Predator's...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 16:29:15

Post by: Maj.Winters

I had never heard of the mentor legion except a passing name in a book or something. They actually sound pretty cool. You should have one named Archimedes saying, "who who? what what?"

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 16:31:04

Post by: inmygravenimage

@Maj. Winters: Tee-hee!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 16:45:55

Post by: Dronze

inmygravenimage wrote:Cheers for the links guys. I don't really like the gw mentor pads: they're raptors, not owls.

You do realize that owls ARE considered raptors, yes?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 16:55:52

Post by: inmygravenimage

Yes, sorry, as in Raptor, not raptor. It's all very hawk and eagle, not very owl.

Anyway, here's a version without penant:

This was fairly quick and dirty, obviously top-right corner needs fixed. Still, a better image. Possibly standing a little too prominent on the pad though.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 17:04:58

Post by: MeanGreenStompa

Looking far more iconic than the previous one. Detail isn't that clear from the pic but looking far better.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 17:09:27

Post by: Generalstoner

Didn't the Mentors change to a red Eagle head in the newest codex?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/17 19:25:48

Post by: TempusCorvus

I'd go with the owl, regardless. Especially since the name is probably an allusion to the Odyssey. Athena, goddes of Wisdom, disguised herself as one of Odysseus' friends, named Mentor. Athena's sacred bird was the owl.

The More You Know! [/classicalmythologygeek]

That aside, this is quite impressive. I've never been able to sculpt stuff onto a pauldron, so I'm always impressed when I see people who can. Maybe I need to let the Greenstuff cure a bit before I try. Anyway, the icon looks great. Good luck with this project.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/18 13:29:01

Post by: inmygravenimage

Project on hold new baby in hospital

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/18 13:46:06

Post by: Scrazza

nice sculpt. Subscribed.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/18 15:01:11

Post by: Gitsplitta

This is gonna be a great thread... looking forward to it! Hope the baby is in the hospital because it's "new", not because it's ill. My best wishes either way. - GS

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/18 15:54:09

Post by: inmygravenimage

Sadly the latter, aye.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/18 16:29:48

Post by: Scrazza

oooooooooh........stil nice thread.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/18 19:33:32

Post by: Young_Logan

Not a bad scuplt, better than i could do, lets see it on some models

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/19 17:08:49

Post by: inmygravenimage

A quick update with a Termie pad:

Mix of grey and green. Needs some fill between the logo and the wreath. Penant's done with grey stuff for sake of nice clean lines. It's a wolf guard arm I had lying about, I intend to use the body with the front of the wolf skull filed down and gs'd into a point to make a bird skull. The wreath's a nod to the classic elite logo. I have 2 of the wolf guard bodies so they'll both get that treatment, whilst this SB with a little skull will end up on another.

I know it might seem callous to do some sculpting while my 4 week old is in hospital, but I was home for an hour and I needed not to think about stuff for a bit.

He, incidentally, is a bit better, starting to take 1ml of milk an hour, less sedated. Not great, but getting there.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/19 17:53:57

Post by: Gitsplitta

Thanks for both updates, hope things keep going well. Little improvements... eventually he'll get there.

Arm looks good. Why is the head a little asymmetrical at the bottom? I can't quite make it out. There's a really great tutorial on making green stuff wreaths you might check out. With your skills making them would be a snap. I only mention it because the wreath is pretty bulky compared with your owl head and really crowds it. A more delicately done wreath would probably show off your artwork much better.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/06/20 20:11:45

Post by: darthmatty

The updates are great, looking forward to seeing the finished work!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/04 09:54:58

Post by: inmygravenimage

Great news! Joe is out of intensive care and up on the cardiology ward, with a view towards eventual escape! So relieved - though still wary. Thanks for everything guys!

A side effect is that I've started thinking about the project again. A mate very kindly Gave me all his black reach marines which increases my stock as it were. My further thoughts are:
Scopes on everything - don't know whether to make these from scratch (tips anyone?) or raid bits stores/dakkaites

Mk8 armour - this fits ultra tech fluff I think, probably going to make a gorget out of plasticard and gs the pipe cover.

List wise I'm thinking of hq librarians (again, space teachers), tac squqds teleporting, scout bikes and speederstorm as core units. I want to avoid vehicles w with tracks as they are "old tech " ditto droppods. Oh, and assaults with auspexes as time-shifters.

Thoughts and opinions?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/04 11:41:16

Post by: Gitsplitta

Excellent news IMGI! A big hoot & hollar commin' your way from the US of A.

Scopes really make the figure look nice, I've put them on all my sternguard and haven't regretted it a bit. Some bolt guns come with them which can be picked up occasionally on the internet. I scavenged most of mine from sniper rifles (also off the net), and I think there's an upgrade kid available with one in it... this is all very expensive though for an entire chapter. I BET you could make your own out of two different sizes of plastic bits (a u-shaped channel and a tube) and a piece of wire. That way you could make as man as you need for nearly free.

I'm working the Mark VIII angle for specific units in my army. Think it works with yours perfectly.

Best, and am so glad for the good news... my kids have been asking after your boy. Delighted to be able to tell them the good news.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/06 05:47:34

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ok, so, wife's away with #2 son in hospital (who's much, much better but needs to reestablish feeding routine), can't sleep, did a little test sculpt (obviously); 3 possible shoulder pad designs:

They're a little rough and ready still, but I'm happier I think with the slightly more stylised, larger look of these than the previous little one. These should be fairly easy to crank out by hand with suitable consistency. Which do folk prefer? What other detailing would folk like to see?
C&C as ever, folks, much appreciated!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/06 05:51:29

Post by: Gitsplitta

Glad things are going well my friend, good news.

Kind of hard to make them out (old eyes), but from what I can see... my vote goes to the middle one.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/06 06:40:07

Post by: inmygravenimage

Not old eyes mate, just I have forgotten how to properly use the macro settings on my camera...
I agree, incidentally, the middle one is my preference, as well as being quick and easy to sculpt, but it's always interesting to see what others think straight out of the gate.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/06 08:46:12

Post by: Tek

The middle one looks a little like he has a skull-nose. Any chance of some closer images?
I've been following this for a while now - I intend to make some Mentors for a future SM project I've got swirling around my head.

Glad to hear everything's looking up.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/06 13:16:53

Post by: Scrazza

I prefer the 1st one. can't see it clearly, but I THINK that one has a beak. The more detailed something is the cooler, IMO.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/06 14:24:44

Post by: inmygravenimage

Joe's home! Can't quite believe that only ten days after open-heart surgery we've got our boy back! Thanks for all your support over the last three weeks!

Both 1 & 2 have beaks. I'll endeavour to take better photos asap.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/06 14:56:49

Post by: Scrazza

that one looks very nice too.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/09 10:13:38

Post by: darthmatty

Am very glad to hear the wee man's home and safe mate. The sculpts are looking great. Looking forward to seeing some painted up.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/09 16:18:33

Post by: Lennysmash

Ditto glad your lil one is getting better by the day IMGI.

The models are looking great, I did look at Mentors for a time but settle on a templar style instead, nevertheless I'm still v.intrigued by this project and more that a lil miffed i didn't stick with my convictions.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/10 16:21:41

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ok, a test model: an assault Marine, with auspex/time-shifter and mk8 bits.

Close up's a little blurry sorry; I'd be lying if I said I was happy with sculpt. I really think earlier smaller logo better; but, c&c folks, please!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/10 16:50:42

Post by: inmygravenimage

Cheers, but (1) I want to use old mentors logo which is an owl, not a la Raptors and (2) I would never press mould, never. Honest guv

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/18 10:54:51

Post by: inmygravenimage

Okay folks, here goes:

I can't tell whether it's the close-ups or just that I suck, but I'm not happy with the paintjob at all. Still, the insignia seems to have worked okay, though I think I'm going to add a laurel to it also.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/18 10:57:25

Post by: Scrazza

very nice. But maybe the insignia needs a bit more detail qua paint?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/18 11:36:44

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very nice Blackhand... really striking. I agree with Scrazza, the emblem needs... something... to differentiate the detail, otherwise it just looks like kind of a red blob.

That color combo looks really good though. Great job!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/18 11:44:07

Post by: inmygravenimage

Agreed. Need to highlight more; I also think a laurel (green, probably) will make it pop. Anyway; don't know whether this looks any clearer:

Cheers chaps; keep 'em coming (I feel less demoralised about paintjob right now...)

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/18 17:54:34

Post by: Miss Dee

try it in another colour?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/24 12:13:11

Post by: inmygravenimage

Okay, so just not at all happy with pad, had a think and went back to the termie version for inspiration, and the original art for colours. Now have this:

Much, much happier with this; the detail's better, the colours better, all good. I've also repainted the white cream, with white highlights, which isn't at all obvious but looks much smoother and crisper in reality.

On reflection, I think the Mk8 gorget's too high (fine for this guy though), and I'm going to try and different paint method too, next.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/24 12:31:43

Post by: indiana1000

he looks good can't wait to see more!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/24 13:35:26

Post by: Scrazza

Yeah that new shoulder design looks way better.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/25 15:54:07

Post by: Miss Dee

Much better

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/25 16:30:42

Post by: Gitsplitta

Looks terriffic inmy, nice contrast and form!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/08/05 15:02:18

Post by: darthmatty

Lookin' good mate. A big bag of win!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/08/05 15:50:35

Post by: cosmic pixie

Looks good - I like the shoulder pad but it could look better in a red/brown - dark flesh to start?

I am not a fan of just using auspexes as your jump packs - I reckon that hover boots would look awesome with auspexes being the controls. But, hey, it's your army.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/08/09 09:44:50

Post by: Lennysmash

I think the marine is a foot slogging assault marine Cosmic don't think its meant to be a jump pack, but I could very well be wrong.

@IMGI - Great model and pose but for me the white could do with some work, maybe a less extreme shading using washes or inks. What is the method that you used for it?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/08/09 10:49:48

Post by: inmygravenimage

Auspexes as Time-shifters, counts as jump packs. Just something different, basically. Each to their own

I agree on the white, so here's the revised version:

Primed dark grey, badab black wash, layered drybrush codex/fortress/white, MP cream highlighted into white. Still unfinished, but muuuuch happier.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/08/09 11:06:57

Post by: Lennysmash

Have you checked out Les' video on the white scars btw? He uses a Tamiya weathering compact that you may find useful for adding some soot and such like to your marines. Of course that all depends on which side of the 'clean vs dirty marine' fence you sit, lol.

I also tried the grey for the undercoat but I personally found that it took too many coats and looked a little powdery (even with thinned down paints) to make it an effective method for me. Have you thought about a white undercoat with a bluish grey wash, then neatened with white. I've not tried it myself but it could give you quite a cool effect. I'll see if I could test a model for you (although a lot of my stuff is still in pack boxes :( )

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/08/09 11:46:25

Post by: inmygravenimage

That's an interesting idea on the wash; I did a green/grey test but it just didn't work for me. Cheers for ideas!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/08/09 13:23:03

Post by: cosmic pixie

Yeah, I thought that they were counts as jump packs, sorry.

The auspexes work, but might be unclear unless pointed out before the game.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/08/09 13:28:40

Post by: MajorTom11

White can be a b**ch... I suggest prime white, wash with a watered down black in the recesses, re-apply a 50-50 white codex grey, then a pure white again in a really thin layer.

I also think that the doing the green darker would contrast a bit more strongly and help definition. Maybe have the base color be the darkest green you can get your hands on and leave a lot of it showing?

Keep trying with the white, it's all just practice! hours and hours and hours of frustrating, coats so thin i can't tell if it did anything practice!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/08/09 14:27:45

Post by: Gitsplitta

Hey graven, don't know if you've seen it... but Ifalna's been working on a Shrike model and has a blog on her progress. Her white is really astounding... you might check it out if you haven't already.


That being said, your current version looks very nice. The figure really pops now. Good going!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/09/17 08:49:33

Post by: inmygravenimage

Okay, so, in order to try to stay on top of stuff I'm merging my blogs together. Recent distraction has been this Doom Eagle Dante for Gitsplitta's Thing#1:

Bit of touch up required, but nearly there and pretty happy. Rubbish photography as ever. More to come - Hellhammer, Ogrun and Mentor Legion a-go-go!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/09/17 11:41:25

Post by: Gitsplitta

Looks gorgeous graven, he's gonna love it!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/03 07:33:30

Post by: inmygravenimage

So, put together a rudimentary light box, which still needs work but nevertheless strikes me as a good plan (basic idea stolen from Blackhand). Been finishing of a Great Marine Swap figure, here's a bit of a detail view:

Had hoped you could see my primitive first attempts at OSL from the plasma coil, but no. Still, it worked well enough for me to continue to work with. This guy was done shading Cream up to white, which has produced a very crisp finish.

My other idea, which will be the next experiment is:
Prime Vallejo Grey
Badab Black wash
Airbrush White
... and detail accordingly. I don't know if this'll work, any comments or experiences appreciated.

From a construction point of view, most of the army is now built, although I need to make gorgets for 2 Dev squads, Command Squad and a couple of randoms. Am going to be salvaging a conversion beamer from an old mini of gitsplitta's for my MotF, whilst gradually cobbling together another techmarine with servo-harness from spare parts.

Also finishing off a swappable turret for my one and only tank, a whirlwind/razorback (lc/twin-plasma); I noticed that there's a little blob on top of the whirlwind's mounting plate that could easily be replaced with a magnet; the mount for my razorback turret (which is all made from bits) fits over the top and has a magnet for security. Pics anon, alongwith a semblance of a list.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/03 12:08:04

Post by: Gitsplitta

Hey graven, great to see the Legion getting some love. He looks really great!

Glad you got a light box, that will help tremendously, my photography has really improved since I got mine. Just from looking at the picture I can give you some advice. The yellowish cast to the photo is due to the white balance being out-of-kilter. There are several ways you can address this issue.

1. Change the bulbs to "full daylight" bulbs.
2. Adjust the white balance on your camera (I can do this on mine including manual tweaking of the setting. I just changed the bulbs in my lamps & then took a bunch of "bracketing" shots, where you take a pic at every setting so I could choose the most natural looking exposure.) From the looks of it, having your white balance set on "incandescent" should help.
3. If you have it... use the "remove color cast" feature on photoshop to make the whites white again...

Like so...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/03 12:24:22

Post by: Commander Cain

Very cool Dante conversion!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/04 21:54:35

Post by: inmygravenimage

@gits: Cheers for advice on lightbox; I've tried to take that on board on new pics (vid. Mantis packs)

@Cain: ta!

Slightly distracted by stuff for gitsplitta today. Was going to look at making these into servitors and thieving the arms for my techmarines:


Automatically Appended Next Post:
I should've specified - by arms, I meant the pointy ones on the back of the Cephalyx (fetish dude).

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/05 17:04:51

Post by: Miss Dee

chaos medic

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/05 17:16:17

Post by: inmygravenimage

Very much so; but actually thinking of using it as a mystic for my inquisitor.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/09 17:47:07

Post by: inmygravenimage

Okay, some WIP work on Techmarine:

So parts from all over the place, but really happy with how he's going; need to add more detailing on the halberd and pistons/teeth to the giant arm; tempted to have some xenos or other in there, though I'll need to go on the bits scrounge...

This will be my MotF; the lovely gitsplitta's providing me with a classic conversion beamer, so that be going over the shoulder.

In keeping with fluff, wanted a funky turret; had picked up a cheapo whirlwind, and this fits over the top of the hatch cover. In the end this'll be a fully swappable rhino hull, hopefully.

And lastly, as made by my not-quite 3 yr old (all parts chosen by him, some help with glue by me:

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/10 19:31:08


Sorry bud, I think the dozer is the best of the lot!

I do like the way the techmarine is consulting a dataslate instead of watching the battle going on around him

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/10 22:01:12

Post by: Gitsplitta

Sweet Graven. Soon as that sanguine backpack arrives I'll get your bits packed up (including the con beamer) and get them off to you! Would hate to think that your fine MoTF was being held up on my account!

Dozer is great BTW!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/19 11:51:08

Post by: jimmy72nd

Hey bud,

Just read through your blog and really impressed with you Mentors, Sculpts ands Conversions..

Will be following this one..


Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/19 13:59:19

Post by: Shoggy

inmygravenimage wrote:

Hi Im just wondering where you found these. They look ideal for electro priests / Arco-flagellation victims.

p.s. Its great seeing some of the older lesser know chapters getting some love .

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/19 16:06:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

Cheers for support lads. The pictured models are a Cephalyx and drudge slaves from warmachine. The Cephalyx minus back bits will be a mystic for my =I= retinue, and the drudges are getting turned into servitors.

It's fun doing a proper old chapter: I remember getting issue 99 of WD (adverts for other companies!) and being blown away. Ah, youth, etc. In order to make my vehicles look a bit more high tech, I've decided to file off all the rivets - yes, we have knowledge of WELDING! I might even invest in some mk4 armour and a LR Prometheus to continue the rare/high-tech theme.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/19 16:33:37

Post by: ghosty

Until someone does a rainbow marine army, I shan't be swayed by all this old school wave.

That said, loving the mini's. Techmarine seems a bit OTT though.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/29 08:30:34

Post by: inmygravenimage

Inspired by the mighty Blackhand, I decided to try to knock together a owl-style helm:

I'm worried that it's rather more parrot than owl! I wonder about making it more tapered at the front and adding a ^ groove about half way up to create a more defined V beak below it. Thoughts? C&C?

In other news, the first of the new test batch of marines has been part-painted and I'll try to get a photo up of him soon as.


Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/29 09:18:51

Post by: wib

You've got some great stuff here, really liking the MotF.

For the owl helm, it might make it a bit more owl-like with "ears" like the Night Owl suit: http://www.scifiscoop.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/watchmen_night_owl.jpg

Just an idea.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/29 09:30:15

Post by: inmygravenimage

Good call. I've experimented with adding owl-like brows on a vanguard too, which I might do on this guy. It's very WIP; I just don't want to over do it. Once settled, I've got some polymorph, which I'll try to do a mould from.

Glad you like the MotF, too; whilst I love my crazy techmarine, the MotF has a (relative) simplicity which I'm really happy with.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/29 09:42:34


Great start to the helm, definitely think the "eyebrows" are the way to go, have you thought about enlarging and "rounding" the eye a bit..not too much but enough to suggest the owl's large eyes?

As for the beak, narrow and hooked is what I think of when I think of owls parrots have a wider more rounded shape...not that any of that helps

Oh and your package arrived today! gotta say thanks again! I will do my best to get some thoughts down on paper and GS in the next few weeks for the banners.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/29 11:52:38

Post by: neil101

Mentor legion, the brainy marines! funny i was looking at this pic the other day thinking they would be a nice chapter to create. and i also noticed the olw logo. great work here on bringing ghosts to life.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/29 12:27:08

Post by: wolfshadow

Looking forward to more on this. Grreat work. So much inspiration in the P&M blogs.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/29 13:45:58

Post by: Gitsplitta

Looking good graven. I concur with the rest on modifying the eye area, either with brows or brows and rounding. Keep in mind that in many species the "brows" actually continue around the eye all the way back to the cheeks, forming what look like plates that frame the eyes. Google a photo of a Barn Owl if I'm not describing it well. It's more extreme but on such a small object it might get you a more recognizable image.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/29 13:56:53

Post by: inmygravenimage

I'm going to try to do a broad arching V across the brows, going down the sides in a sort of 7 shape - much like the Night Owl look, though adapted. If I get some time tonight I'll give it a whirl. Cheers lads!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/31 16:34:06

Post by: inmygravenimage

Okay, a revised helm:

The roughness around the edges is super-magnified, it's smoother in the flesh, as it were. How do folk feel about this version?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/31 18:25:42


Definitely more owl - less parrot, I'm liking it.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/10/31 19:35:13

Post by: Asherian Command

Good job!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/11/15 22:48:27

Post by: inmygravenimage

An attempt to photo what's on my desk just now:

We are space teachers, therefore we must have... Librarians!

I'm using only power/force axes (just cos, right?) and liked the look of the HE Lion axes for force; quite pleased with how they look.

Not a lot going on with this old chief librarian, but the axe head's a nice fit, I think:

Rubbish photo notwithstanding, very happy with this, my counts-as Korvyddae:

Termie Lib off a classic GK:

Chapter Champion - love the Calgar Guard models:

A very WIP counts-as Sicarius:

Like the glaive here, will probably do something similar to AOBR commander.

Termie Serg WIP:

And for variety, a Sternguard Heavy Flamer (who I've just noticed has lost a cable).

So, toddling along!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/11/15 23:00:26

Post by: Commander Cain

Nice conversions! Can't wait to see them painted.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/11/15 23:13:29

Post by: monkeytroll

Nice use of the old GK there, and thanks for the nod to those lion axes, my Bloodfists also stick to axes and could do with some more

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/11/16 00:16:31

Post by: Gitsplitta

Outstanding work graven! They look fantastic! Man you've been busy...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/11/16 04:52:37


Very cool, I agree that Calgar bodyguard model with the winged helm really suits the Mentors.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/11/16 06:45:56

Post by: wolfshadow

Nice conversions!

Now for some PAINT!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/07/29 12:06:29

Post by: jimmy72nd

Hey man, great work on those helmets, if you make them for your whole force then there gonna look sweet...

Also i see you've done quite a few new conversions since i last checked and they are awesome matey.


Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/12/04 22:40:13

Post by: inmygravenimage

Wee update 4/12: done a Mantis Warrior for gitsplitta, check him out over here -

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/12/10 20:51:03

Post by: inmygravenimage

An Update? With an actual painted model? Never! Lies!

No, actually, I've got off my bum and gone and finished painting the AOBR serg test model:

My poor photography notwithstanding, I'm genuinely really happy with this guy. I'm never gonna win GD, but heck, the white's clean, the colours are smooth, and the highlighting's neat. Job done.

A side-on view, showing the sculpted insignia and a bit of OSL from the plasma. Having said he's done, I might add some scrawl to the scroll, but that's about it. Also, having said that I'm happy with him, magnified the trace of mould line on the backpack is agonisingly apparent.

Oh - and I'm rubbish at eyes. I know, I know...

Anyway, C&C much appreciated folks!


Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/12/10 21:10:31

Post by: Gitsplitta

Hey man... don't sweat it. He looks great!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/12/10 21:12:51

Post by: inmygravenimage

2 Updates in one day? No chance!

But yes...

Because I always get distracted just modelling stuff, started on a Command Squad:

And because I got a request for this one:

Warmachine Drudges turned into Gun servitors. Fun!

@gits: thanks bud


Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/12/10 21:15:48

Post by: wolfshadow

I like the Servitors.

And nice paintjob on the SGT. Like the shoulderpad.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2010/12/12 22:43:23

Post by: inmygravenimage

Guys, means so much to hear you think that the paintjob's passable! Glad you like the shoulder - they're tedious as heck to make - I have maybe another 40 to do - so good to know they work for folk.

Got more glue today - had to resort to gw superglue, bah - but that meant did work on scenic bases for most of army and counts-as Hestan, who's not really come together previously but something clicked today. Also built a box of sternguard that came with an extra body which made for a nice extra combi dude. Levels of flash diabolical mind you, especially on the beakies. Anyway, onwards and upwards!

Can't do any more spray priming as (a) winter has invaded and (b) garage full of plasterboard, wood, paint and other paraphernalia of having work done on house. At best I'll do the servitors & gitsplitta's mantis warrior by hand. Thanks as ever for support folks!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/01/18 18:56:09

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ok so finally a bit of post-xmas progress. Still a bit stuffed on the priming front, but joy of joys now have a portable spray booth with extractor and turntable, whoop whoop!
3 little things on the go beyond general building:
1) a Deathwatch =I= for the contest (built, but waiting for primer) - can't show pics, alas, but very very very excited (sad, I know) - a Mentor =I= on 60mm base, space hulky diorama.
2) a mini for the very worthy Chapter Conclave (Thread: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/210/333851.page):

This is a WIP for "Blink", a Weeping Angel (BA successor), inspired by Yggdrasil's paint schemes. Going for a marbled stone, coming along quite nicely. Doing an experiment with the skin tone based on an oil-painting technique, layering dark, then red, then yellow, then flesh tones. It's... interesting.
3) a mini for Gitsplitta's Mantis Warriors, experimenting with bits and pieces (Thread: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/2490/289929.page):

Vanguard Sgt Tonbo, Hero of Hespiran IV (or something) He's very green...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/01/18 20:08:06

Post by: shrike

More Inushi pics!
Nice job on the sanguard BTW.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/01/18 22:14:57

Post by: Gitsplitta

Methinkst I sense a bit-o-Dr. Who fandom... (a very good episode BTW).

Brother Tonbo looks fantastic graven! But how are you going to paint his pad with the wing covering it?? Hmmm?


Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/01/19 00:17:41

Post by: Fifty

Can we please have more angles on the two jump-packers? They both look very interesting.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/01/19 07:03:30

Post by: inmygravenimage

Cheers for comments guys; @ gits, the wings aren't actually as close to the pad as it appears (cheers for the comment on your blog btw); @ fatty, ask and ye shall receive. Was able to make a bit of progress last night whilst the boss was sorting photos on the computer (living next to my painting desk as it does, so still a bit of time together); the photos a bit rubbish as kids were a menace last night and I'm seriously zombified:

Nowhere near done mind you...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/01/20 21:14:46

Post by: Fifty

I like the look from behind.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/01/20 23:11:00

Post by: Monkeh

Nice, first time I've seen this thread. Love the work on the mentors!

I would just jump both feet first into casting. It's really not as hard as it looks from the outside. Check out blackhands awesome shoulder pad casting tutorial and you'll get it down after a couple of tries

Would be totally worth it for another 40 odd pads and much, much quicker.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/01/22 20:43:13

Post by: inmygravenimage

So impromptu lightbox fail - also, just not happy with the front view of this guy:

But happy, at least, with the wings:

And actually the side views are ok, just not lovIng the front!

Anyway, there we are!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And Brother Blink:

Really pleased with this guy; vision produced!

Back to mentors next; and maybe paint some dkok for variety.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/01/22 21:08:01

Post by: whalemusic360

How have I all together missed your blog Graven? Hate it when I do that. Blink and Buggy look good. Still not sure on the wings though, look a little close to chaos mutations to me.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/01/24 08:25:31

Post by: inmygravenimage

Granted. I'd actually been hoarding them for some death guard ! Still, fancied doing something a bit different. Glad you like the blog.

Quick update (no pics because...): components of Deathwatch entry built, hurrah. Also did majority of remaining owl insigniae (18 to go! Woo!), sculpted up 5 heads, cyber owl and 4 pads. Busy busy. In brain have started writing fluff too, and resolved how to do scout insignia which was really puzzling me. Debating whether to add scopes to termie sbs, a la cullin - thoughts?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/01/24 09:48:35

Post by: Fifty

I figure, as I am using my Space Marine Blog as a purely Badab War Blog, and my Mentor Legion will therefore never get posted there, I'd post them here.

These guys were all purchased on the very day that W40k 2nd Ed was released. The Captain was started and finished back pre-1994. Probably 1993. The squad was started and all of the white and green colours painted in 1993. In 2008, after many years away from the hobby, I touched them up with some black and red, to get them table-top ready. I ought to paint some owls on the shoulder pads, but am concentrating on Badab stuff right now.

The guy next to the Captain is a spare. I think he came on the front of a white dwarf. You can have him as a transfer to your army, if you like?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/01/24 22:31:45

Post by: inmygravenimage

Awesome! Great to see more mentors - and no daft raptor pads. Rebel Scum...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/06 09:13:23

Post by: inmygravenimage

I've not done much with this lot over the last wee while as I've been doing deathwatch stuff. Still.

So a question of fluff for designing up my Mentor Legion, and indeed to start list building: I'm trying to decide what to include/build with my mentor legion, in an attempt to keep them feeling fluffy and ultra-techy.

In general, I've avoided tactical squads and focused on elites - sternguard, vanguard made from Sanguinary guard - plus assault marines with "time-shifters" (auspexes!), scouts in storms and on bikes with gls, etc. I'm doing a motf with conversion Beamer, and for tanks I've done a lasplas razorback, whirlwind and predator (joy of magnets). I've got a lr to do as a crusader, though I'm tempted to do one of the rarer variants. I've filed off the rivets (Argh) to show we know hi-tech welding...

One my ideas was to add some chain details (BT Style) to echo the whole "we've had an audience with the Emperor" thing - which I know isn't high tech, but does feel fluffy to me. Someone also mentioned to me that the Mentors got a drubbing from the Word Bearers in a novel apparently? Anyone able to shed any light on this?

I'd like, I guess, to know folks' thoughts on how to maintain a fluffy ultra tech feel with model builds and lists generally.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/06 12:40:24

Post by: Gitsplitta

inmygravenimage wrote:I'd like, I guess, to know folks' thoughts on how to maintain a fluffy ultra tech feel with model builds and lists generally.

Yeah, that's kind of a trick isn't it when the rules of the game put limits on your tech the same as everyone else. There might be occasions where you can sub-in eldar technology for Imperial... not to make your stuff look Xenos really, but the lines of their big guns for example are smoother and more space-age looking... thus might reflect a more refined design that the SIC. Thinking outside the box (like your time-shifters) is a good idea as well. Might help if we knew your next project and could trow out some ideas on how to make that specific unit look more advanced tech-wise.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/06 17:49:37

Post by: whalemusic360

Or tau even. Some of there stuff looks even more tech-y and less baroque then eldar. I'd also consider some modifications on boltguns. I saw some cool ones that were made longer and more tech like, I'll give it a look, see if I can find em again.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
That was easy:
Insaniak's bolt guns

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/06 18:31:08


With my Blackhands I hunted out every marine helmet I could find that had targeters on the eyepiece, even going so far as to cut the horn off the nurgle aspiring champion helmet to get the 3 lensed spec ops look, I think it gives the whole army a more modern look.

Oh and pack on as many scopes on your bolters as possible!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/06 18:50:12

Post by: inmygravenimage

Thanks for the suggestions guys. Scoping on weapons to the max, certainly, and like those bgs. Is there any equipment that feels particularly high tech? I've gone for mostly mk8 and a few mk4, armour wise - seems right.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/06 22:36:44

Post by: Yggdrasil

Mk8 is definitely a nice idea... Though not that easy to find!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/06 22:46:47

Post by: Fifty

The eyepiece is a good suggestion as it is so noticeable. Mk 8 is important. "Modern" equipment and high-tech tanks, like Storm Ravens and Land Raider Prometheus is good. Land Speeder Tempests, etc...

The Mentor Legion army in the apocalypse book had trikes and quads insteads of bikes and sidecars. That worked well.

Commanders, apart from Nisk Ran-Thawll should keep their helmets on. Nisk needs to have his white cross over of his face. He should be a counts-as-Kantor in order to make your Vets scoring.

Personally I think of a Conversion Beamer as archaic, from the Dark Age of Technology, rather than modern. I don't think the Mentor Legion recover old Tech - they use new stuff. For the same reason, I think Dreadnoughts feel like "old" tech rather than new. I know new Dreadnoughts can still be made, it just doesn't feel very progressive.

I think Las-cannons seem more high-tech than the other Heavy options, so go for that generally.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh! Mini-servo arms for many models...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/07 01:04:34

Post by: Lord Kaesar II

@Fifty- Well, the high tech of the future is the old stuff. Remember this is a very backwards tomorrow, where yesterday is much more tech-savvy and revered for such. So, in my unprofessional opinion, I'd say that conversion beamers, plasma, and all the other stuff is plenty progressive for the Mentos.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/07 02:05:58

Post by: Gitsplitta

Jet bikes... you need to resurrect the old jet bikes...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/07 07:41:55

Post by: Lord Kaesar II

Gitsplitta wrote:Jet bikes... you need to resurrect the old jet bikes...

I second the motion

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/07 13:50:04

Post by: inmygravenimage

Mk8 involves lots of thin plasticard and gs-ing over cables. It won't be universal - some have worked well, some will get decapitated - but many will be thus.

Jet bikes - lordy, that's a blast from the past. Not sure; I was certainly thinking of kitbashing LS to make Tempest (although where would I find the rules for them - IA?)

As for commanders, despite hating painting faces, I was planning on using the white cross generally (as per original art).

Nisk I've got something special planned... I'll try to get a pic up this week.

Curse you fifty with the mini-servo arms though: this is all spawning the madness that is my Techmarine count-as-Ironclad dreadnought. Again, pics asap (2 word teaser though: "The CLAW!"

I'm very pro the old-is-new, the major tech throw-outs are flamers and power fists, very few of them at all. Lots of plasma pistols, all the commanders in fact. I'm also limiting myself to power axes (which is hellish, actually) over swords, just cos.

I really like the eyepiece suggestion a lot, and will work some more in. Also fits with the whole owls have asymetrical sensory organs. Many of the helms (hopefully, got to get to post office today to abuse Blackhand's casting skills) will be owl-ised...

Here's a final question: Storm Bolters - to scope or not to scope? Seems silly in a sense, it's an assault weapon, why do you need a scope (yes, I appreciate it's just a man-doll, but still), but Cullin's isn't bad looking. Thoughts?

Cheers guys, I'll reward your patience with me with more photos soon. Also, work on house is nearly done so I'll get my garage back!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/07 14:07:22

Post by: Gitsplitta

I plan on using RT-era jet bikes in my army. For me, they'll be scout bikes, and I'll run them as normal bikes... the models are for visual effect and feel, not gaming advantage.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/07 14:29:45

Post by: inmygravenimage

Yeah, but it's getting them that's the problem...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/07 14:59:55

Post by: Gitsplitta

Yeah, I was lucky enough to have 5 of them that I bought way back then... then traded for another 5 ten years ago or so when they were more affordable... If you could get ahold of one, you might be able to take it apart (or cut it up yourself) and mold your own from it... they were pretty simple models really.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/12 11:13:56

Post by: inmygravenimage

Right well, onwards; if you can't paint stuff (garage still out of commission), build stuff instead.
I really like the FW chaplain dreadnought, and then I read the fluff in IA; the fact that he's called Titus made something click in my brain, and fluff has started to coalescence like lint in my navel. Owls are of the orders Strigidae and Tytonidae; so, my scouts will have a small T shape insignia that's like a stylised barn owl face shape, and upon becoming full marines they gain the Insignia Strigidae, or full owl shoulder badge, though some proudly bear the Insignia Tytonidae upon helms and crests.

So, on to some pics:
As I say, like the FW chaplain dread, but I always like to try my own twist on things. Wife got me Ven Dread for xmas and hadn't really decided what do with it, but this has helped my mind come together:

Only thing I'm not sure about is the vehicle icons on the sides of the greaves; I wonder about using the backpack icon sconce/skull instead. Thoughts?

Anyway, I also really like the idea of Librarian dreads - not that us mere mortals get to use them, mutter, mutter - and hey, then I thought: what about the other one of the big 3? I'm already planning on Techmarines a-go-go - very Mentor Legion with all the tech - so logically why not have a Techmarine Dreadnought? Of course I want it to be usable, and the mighty whalemusic is kindly provding me with some Ironclad parts, while the honourable bashthebosh had some SW dread parts lying about, leading to the following:

It's slightly silly, but, I love it. Really happy with the tiny grabbers (bit T-Rex like, but still), and might make a conversion beamer arm as well, just for the sake of it. Going to do underslung flamers and plasma too, I think.

On to characters. First, the big yin himself, Nisk Ran-Thawll:

Really happy with how the helm's turned out, and I'm also fairly chuffed with the combi-plasma at a jaunty, you really are beneath contempt angle. I might add a bit of chain, too, to complete the BT connection. Naturally, he'll be getting a banner, and a cyber owl, hopefully.

And last up, a counts-as Chronus. Love MkIV, and I think the whole "Maximus armour is the apotheosis of tech" fits Mentors, though I really can't justify massive FW expenditure. Sorry for rubbish photo; there was another showing his pack which has a servitor arm attached. I've also done a version of him in a cupola, with wall-e scanner attached to the pintle mount.

On the subject of up-teching, I think I'm going to add more scanners and do-dahs to my tanks. I'm going to be filled with retro jetbike joy, though I'm going to mk8 the riders. I might be weak-willed and get a Master of The Ravenwing to adapt as a counts-as KHAN! (ahem, sorry about that). eBuy here I come...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/12 11:46:12

Post by: shrike

inmygravenimage wrote:he'll be getting a cyber owl, hopefully.

like in clash of the titans?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/12 12:21:16

Post by: Gitsplitta

Love those dreads... which one is the first one? He's different from my FW venerable..

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/12 14:18:58

Post by: shrike

Gitsplitta wrote:Love those dreads... which one is the first one? He's different from my FW venerable..

I think it might be the chappie dread with a different head...maybe...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/12 15:25:40

Post by: whalemusic360

inmygravenimage wrote:

This guy? Its the plastic GW kit with some kitbashing. I really like the RW bits on the shoulders, consider that stolen

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/12 18:16:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

Colour mr whalemusic correct indeed. Yeah, I wondered how to do incorporate wings, then came up with that. Glad folk like him!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
A follow-up question: which of these feels more conversion beamer-y, in the mind of dakkaites?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Obviously these are very rough mock-ups...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/13 01:54:03

Post by: Gitsplitta

They're all too skinny... need more Beef!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/13 02:03:38

Post by: Commander Cain

I agree with gits, they need to be more chunky with pipes. Maybe go with something more like what Hits-The-Spot made for his TS tech marine set.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/13 02:20:58

Post by: monkeytroll

Out of those three, number 2. But yeah, needs some more gubbins on there

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/13 08:11:58

Post by: inmygravenimage

I agree, #2's my favourite. However, to get the look I want, I think I'm just going to have to scratch build one. Oh, sweary words...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Ok, WIP:

The muzzle, currently, is a bit of a metal head off an old titan; not convinced, and makes it over balance. Looking at pics on t'internet, I think I need an exhaust out the back, possibly using barrel from some sort of plasma weapon.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/13 12:07:31

Post by: Gitsplitta

Better my friend, much better...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/13 18:48:50

Post by: Lord Kaesar II

Well, I'd personally advise an old school needle point for the tip of that conversion beamer, but you could prolly have it coming out of the titan's head, but that's just what I did for my conversion beamer for a certain MotF (which Hits the Spot then telepathically stole, I may add, even though he had no notion of this project of mine)

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/13 19:02:35

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ooh, any pics of your motf? Don't see any in your gallery is all.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/13 21:21:08

Post by: Lord Kaesar II

Well... my camera hasn't exactly been producing usable pictures lately... and the MotF may have taken a seat on the backburner as with 90% of my projects... But I do have a sketch of it!... Minus the needle, which in the real model I have simply put in where the original firing hole was, though it is, of course, a thin needle as in the RT era conversion beamer. Here we are with this:

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/13 23:09:08

Post by: inmygravenimage

That's really helpful, actually, and I went on a hunt for hits the spot's too.

So, duly modified:

the pointy bit is recessed inside the cuff (and I now have one very sad looking scalped ork...)

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/14 00:42:42

Post by: monkeytroll

Yeah, looking good now.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/23 11:00:16

Post by: endtransmission

That looks much more like a conversion beamer now, though it does look a bit long and unwieldy.

I know it's probably too late, but how about shunting the beamer's barrel backwards a bit so that part of it is showing underneath the shoulder housing and doesn't stick quite so far forwards?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/23 11:40:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

Well as you say, tricky, though cool. I'm going to add some more detailing to it though, so hopefully that'll balance it out.

I know updates are lacking just now btw - frantic week at work + parents a-visiting - will try to get stuff up tomorrow though.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/23 12:49:01

Post by: shrike

on the blueprint (get it? ultramarine MOTF? I'll go kill myself now.), it reminds me of a psycannon.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/02/23 13:05:29

Post by: inmygravenimage

you are a silly man shrike! Impending seppuku...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/08 06:46:35

Post by: inmygravenimage

Yikes, nearly a month without an update. Poor show.

Okay, onto the good stuff - well, ish; for some reason, my camera just wasn't behaving itself, still worse for wear from a wedding Saturday:

Current incarnation of the C-Beamer. It's getting there, needs more bits around the muzzle. I'm toying with adding an underslung plasma, as it is for a techmarine dreadnought.

Speaking of which, here's the bad boy himself:

Thanks to bashthebosh (SW dread) and WhaleMusic360 (Ironclad components) for inordinate amount of bits that went into this project.

And a view of... The Claw! (Oo-oo-ooH!)

While we're talking Techmarines and me being a desperate scrounger, thanks to Gitsplitta for this pre-heresy c-beamer:

And with the impending addition of 5 classic jetbikes, I finally had an excuse to buy and convert one of my favourite models, the Master of the Ravenwing:

This guy will be my counts-as Khan/MotF on a bike depending on circumstances. Going to put a c-beamer in place of the plasma underneath, I think. Still need to mount an owl on the front (thanks Lego Harry Potter!)

I'm enjoying making Mentor-ised versions of the codex characters just now; here's Calgar counts-as in regular and spicy flavours:

the aim was to use as many of the same/similar parts as possible; rather pleased with the result. That's a Kantor backpack just visible on #2 - cheers gits! (was a shame to strip it, mind you). #1 has a cut-down heavy bolter backpack for his ammo feed (apols for lack of rear view).

One of my major jobs for this army is to build Vanguard out of Sanguinary Guard. Got a spare jump pack out of a bits buy, and came up with this:

The sg pack in the pack was missing its thruster, so chopped one of a spare marine jump pack and tidied with skull and grey stuff. Natch.

Last up, a couple of devs, just some fun wee conversions:

Pinching Blackhand's awesome helmet idea (cheers also Lennysmash for helm itself!)

And this guy, which a couple of folks had asked to see!

Later peeps,

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/08 12:28:16

Post by: Gitsplitta

They look great Graven! Excellent work.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/08 13:05:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

Cheers mate. I just realised wrong pic was up for MotF; fixed. Obviously, there's lots of work left, eg styling up the mm, finishing the insigniae, but you get the general idea of where I'm at just now.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/08 14:44:12

Post by: Gitsplitta

I really like your Calgar builds. Thing 1 bought the regular Calgar figure and I've never hated a single model so much in my entire life! Ended up grnding out the head recess so I could change the head but there are so many different issues with that fig... mostly involving so much fiddly detail that the figure loses all coherency and impact. Guess Calgar believes in accessorizing. Anyway, I like your scratch builds much better.

The job you did on the dread is tremendous... I've got long term plans to build a MoTF dread for my army... The MoTF I'm going to build for Adepticon will still be "human" but will be mostly bio-mechanically enhanced. After their crusade, he survives only in a dreadnought suit (though highly modified to accommodate his profession). Looking forward to be able to "breathe" a bit with my modeling one the big push is over so I can start to explore some of these other ideas.

Man, than scratch-built conversion beamer really worked out nicely... and I'm surprised how nicely that old one fits on that model of yours. Where did you find that tech shoulder pad?

Anyway... tremendously good builds graven... your army is going to look beautiful!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/08 18:15:02

Post by: whalemusic360

So much techmarine.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
In a good way, lol

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/08 19:21:16

Post by: shrike

really sweet! I know of a few people who'd love this army...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/08 23:07:55

Post by: inmygravenimage

@ WM: I know! Feel that techy lovin'!

Thanks for the support guys. The tech shoulderpad is a chapterhouse one, very nice indeed. I always had the idea for the motf pose in my head, just glad it came together as I envisaged.

Played against DE tonight - blooming fnp. A hard-fought draw.

Also should be getting 2 more metal jetbikes to compliment the 5 - woohoo! - that arrived today, many thanks to gitsplitta and solar_lion.

Next up - more Vanguard!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/08 23:24:37

Post by: tipios

Nice work, I like you dread work

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/09 21:36:03

Post by: bobbythes

planning a plagueBearer on toilet probably reading disease daily lol rofl

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/10 09:21:15

Post by: inmygravenimage

bobbythes wrote:planning a plagueBearer on toilet probably reading disease daily lol rofl


@tipios: Cheers. I am developing an unhealthy fascination with dreadnoughts, I realise.

Incidentally, re the DE: I learned that they have a bit of a glass jaw in cc, and I shouldn't be afraid to take them head on (which tbh cost me Kantor and a squad of sternguard). The beasts are very nast, and agonisers are still infuriating. Witches are pretty lethal; I suspect Melta spam will work well against them simply for dealing with FNP. Marine Scouts continue to be awesome: one guy, last survivor of shot down Storm, munched his way through a unit of Caballites with nought but a combat knife. He's so getting a promotion. I've also made a scout serg as a tribute to gitsplitta: he's holding an ork head (that of the boss himself) high in powerfist; I may well have to make another with a DE head.

Last night was spent snipping stuff of sprues to Boardwalk Empire, so will try to get some more done tonight.


Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/10 11:47:20

Post by: Gitsplitta

Gee graven, thats flattering... I think... *gulp* Thank you??

I've only had one experience fighting the new dark eldar so far. It went fine though I did most of my damage by shooting & did not get into hand-to-hand with the nasty assault units. It'll be interesting to hear your observations as you get this army out more and more.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/10 16:55:51

Post by: tipios

inmygravenimage wrote:

@tipios: Cheers. I am developing an unhealthy fascination with dreadnoughts, I realise.

I've gone beyond unhealthy fascination, and have arrived at totally obsessed with dreads

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/16 17:29:33

Post by: inmygravenimage

A question to you ejamacated types: I'm wondering how to do a legion of the damned unit for this army, and I'm considering doing Star Scorpions as count-as. They'll look like really beat-up Mentors to a casual eye; it's also an excuse to get some Red Scorpions without reducing myself to penury. Thoughts?

Also, would the new GK Warp-jump packs be a good sub for the time-shifters?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/16 19:45:52


I'm certainly not what you would call ejamacated but I don't see why you couldn't substitute any "elite" SM chapter for the LotD, but considering how High tech the Mentors are supposed to be couldn't you just say they are an elite version of the Mentors with all the fancy equipment they have developed?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/16 19:55:13

Post by: inmygravenimage

Hmm. Also true.



Okay so, next question/poll: if done that way, use Mk 8, Mk4, or GKs?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/16 22:42:20

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Hi Graven,
great work so far!love the mentors conversions i was a bit disappointed when they got retconned. please keep it up!
in answer to your question however, if they are using the most advanced then surely the Mk8, i know the oldest is the best for everything else in the Grimdark, but power armour has undergone many improvements since its introduction during the Unification Wars, so id say the Mk8 is the most appropriate.
Just my £0.02

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/16 23:13:38


Yep definitely MK8...not sure I have ever seen it but the newer the Mark the better.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/17 01:11:05

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Mk8 ala Lexicanum


o and if you mean where to get it Blackhand ..... no idea sorry

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/17 01:35:55


Oh DUR! So its the sarge armour out of the Tac Marine box!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/17 01:40:49

Post by: Revenent Reiko

erm not sure (damn now im gonna have to go check )...... so it is! easier to find than i thought lol

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/17 01:53:01

Post by: whalemusic360

Or (iirc) the champion from the command squad box.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/17 08:45:45

Post by: inmygravenimage

Yeah, the company champion does, as do some of the BT torso variants (one of which I'm using, albeit for a sternguard).

The logic with Mk4 was that Maximus Armour was supposed to be the ultimate iteration of pa, one that has arguably never been bettered. I think I'm going to use Mk4 on my pre-Heresy jetbikers, as that seems fitting. Mk8 has the advantage of being distinctive and skull covered, which fits the LotD theme.

Speaking of which, how else should I distinguish them as LotD? I'm thinking Skull or Flame motif on the Right shoulderpad, and/or painting it black. I'm also going to include flamers, which make no appearance in the army generally. I'm going to do them all with the extra eyepiece head except the serg, who I'll use a dev serg or apoth head for, I suspect.

Anyway, I have finally succombed to the wife and nurglings' plague so don't know if I'll get much done tonight. Ah well.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/17 09:51:22


inmygravenimage wrote:I'm thinking Skull or Flame motif on the Right shoulderpad

As trite as this may sound how about a skull surrounded with a wreath of flames, it would echo your owl head with a laurel wreath you have on your other pads.

Hope you feel better soon bud!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/17 11:04:28

Post by: inmygravenimage

Not trite - echoic I actually really like that idea. I think I'll sculpt the skull and paint the flame. I think with my limited gs skills I'd be hard pressed to make them look that different from laurel leaves. Cheers mate, good plan. Papa nurgle loves me!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Yet another question: looking at backpacks for these LotD, I'm toying with using one of the following:
1) Basic tac marine skull pack
2) BA Death Company packs
3) DA Packs (Sword on top and/or Reliquary)
4) A mix of 2&3


Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/17 18:56:27


I really do like the look of the Death company packs but you might find you have to carve off a lot of blood drops....I guess a mix of 2&3 would give some variety and flair

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/17 20:14:36

Post by: Revenent Reiko

The Flame/Wreath idea sounds brilliant! would tie it in nicely i think.
i agree with BLACKHAND on the issue of the blood drops, but the DC packs look so cool it would almost be a shame not to use them lol
a mix of 2&3 sounds best to me too

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/17 20:42:57

Post by: inmygravenimage

Cutting and gs'ing packs doesn't phase me. I'm seriously considering giving them each a unique pack, might be a good reinterpretation of the LotD all having unique armour - thoughts? Also, back to flame-wreath: what about using the skull/wreath pad and slightly gs'ing the wreath? Would that work?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/17 20:59:17

Post by: Revenent Reiko

personally id say it depends on how much like flames the wreath leaves can be made to look. although judging by your level of GS fu i wouldnt be at all surprised that you can do it. and a good flaming paint job would do wonders to let someone else viewing them know what they are...
and the unique packs is an excellent idea, you see it all the time with modern spec ops, the regular soldiers all look pretty much alike, its the vets that customise their gear to suit their specific needs.
just my £0.02

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/17 21:51:45

Post by: inmygravenimage

Cheers, 2 pennies much appreciated!

Have decided to just make the shoulder pads, fool that I am. Have just been buying legs and backpacks off letthedicedecide though so I can crack on with these guys.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/18 00:56:13

Post by: Revenent Reiko

wow thats gonna be a lot of work! but im sure its gonna look wicked so cant wait to see it
and ty, i dont know much, but i try, and its always nice to be appreciated

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/20 18:13:44

Post by: inmygravenimage

A wee update, stuff for other folk in the marine swaps:

Solar_Lion has been outstanding in his donTion of pre-heresy jetbikes; I got thinking about a homebrew Ultramarine successor, the Solar Lions.

Chapter Master was made from random White Lion Chariot bits I found in the old box, head stolen from Pretty Boy, one of my Psyker Battle Squad (hey, I needed a mane of luxurious hair!), BA dagger, etc, etc. More tweaking to come I think, especially on the axe. Still, quite pleased.
Rear view:

And for the mighty Whalemusic:

Plan is to use infernus pistols so it counts as an attack bike, theoretically. Fun times! Awesome fluff by WarOne for this guy.

C&C as ever welcome,

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/20 20:06:20

Post by: Gitsplitta

They look great graven... SL's going to be tickled pink!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/20 21:31:23

Post by: Knightley

Really digging the c-beamer for the dreadnaught (which means in the future I;m going to have to make a Techmarine in a dreadnaught - thanks.) and the chaplain with jump pack just oozes awesome


Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/20 22:13:40

Post by: inmygravenimage

Why thank ya kindly sir! We all love a C-Beamer. Next up is to make one for my Techmarine biker/Master of the Ravenwing. On the subject of that I'm thinking of adding a small robotic servo-arm with a plasma cutter attached to it, maybe folded up and in at the shoulder - thoughts?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I realise that I never got around to adding these pics from the Deathwatch comp; proof, if nothing else, that I paint occasionally!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/22 14:20:45

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Really like the Deathwatch marine! i love dioramas lol
I personally think any techmarine/MoTF etc. should have a servo arm of some sort. Mechandrites (and their larger servo-arm brethren) seem to be the most widely used/available 'perk' from the AM. So yeah, i think a plasma cutter toting servo-arm is a great idea

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/22 14:37:11

Post by: inmygravenimage

Well he has a giant servo arm/power claw hanging off the back; maybe I'll add plasma cutter to that. Good call, and glad you like the DW guy!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/22 15:41:27

Post by: whalemusic360

I dont remember seeing that in the comp. Looks good graven! Got lost in the auto append btw.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/24 10:52:23

Post by: inmygravenimage

Cheers bud.

In a break from our usual programming, a wee bat rep from Tuesday:

1000 pts v Orks.
I ran:
5 scouts, hb, bolters
LS storm w hb
10 marines, melta, rl
7 sternguard, HF, lc, serg w combi melta and pw.
6 sternguard, lc, serg w combi melta and pw.
5 devs , 2 plas, 2 hb.

He ran (this is rough)
Horde of grots.
3 kans
Boyz with nob and boss in cybork suit
Flash glitz with pain boy and boss bloke.

It went ok, I bunched up in one corner of the board, storm in reserve, and let him come to me, playing the volume of fire card.

It was bloody; Flash Gitz are very, very scary at 2W 4++. They all but obliterated the vanillas at range. Ultimately it was the scouts plus the hb devs that chewed them up very slowly (arrival of storm turn 3 turned the green tide - delay mishap T2).
Plasma cannons performed dreadfully, very unimpressed. Sternguard plus Kantor unholy on cc, once again confirming that, in the magic space future, you're better to just hit stuff with sticks. Continue to be utterly underwhelmed by vanilla marines.
I wasted a lot of fire on the KKs, which ultimately were easy to slow down. I would avoid the LCs in sternguard again as it wrecks the rest of the unit's utility. I'm inclined to keep my sternguard more focused generally. Still love em.

A great game, very sporting and good fun. Need to get some shots of the foe as his use of ramshackle bits on the orks was inspired. Fun times!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/24 18:49:47


Yeah I don't really like adding heavy weapons to a unit like tacs or sternguard, I always end up agonising over whether to move them or not, much prefer to load up a dev squad or a couple of dreads with LCs.

If you would lilke I have a lascannon for a dev marine in my bits box, you could swap out one of the plas devs?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/25 10:42:40

Post by: inmygravenimage

Cheers mate but I'm sorted, I have 4 LC guys as it is. It was just an experiment, really. Incidentally, I have 4 Vanguard made up with heads/crested pads and a couple of LotD made up with the new edged shoulder pad/MK8 torsos. I'll try to get some pics up tonight. Also, I have finally got biker legs, so my Jetbikes can begin to assemble! Next stop: Mk4 torsos (mmm, retro-future!)

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/25 13:49:29

Post by: Revenent Reiko

yeah i wasnt sure on the LC sternguard when i saw the list, devs are pretty much your best bet (or rifleman dreads if course )
looking forward to the LoTD conversions amd the vanguard!
and jetbikes are just cool all the time

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/26 09:29:54

Post by: inmygravenimage

Semi-regular updates?! I know, shocking.
So, the mighty Blackhand moulded and cast me some pads and heads. The first pad was a tidied version of my standard pad, here seen a LotD:

Pose on this guy inspired by one in Ifalna's outstanding commission painting blog (which you can check out here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/870/307516.page#2600191)

For the LotD insignia I've decided to do a simple skull pad, black with red trim, White skull with glowing eyes. Here's a wip view on another guy:

Rubbish pic as ever but gives sense of components: mk8 body, BT bolter, da/BA backpacks

And a better pad shot:

The Vanguard fill me with unspeakable joy, pathetically. Blackhand's Owl Helms are to kill for, and the wing pad was an idea we both had simultaneously:

I know there's a lot of hate for Vanguard. I know they're overpriced. I don't care. And I just love it when a plan comes together

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/26 10:58:51

Post by: Hyenajoe

inmygravenimage wrote: Blackhand's realizations in general are to kill for


Seriously this is absolutely awesome! It's the kind of models which reanimate my interest for Space Marines!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/26 16:03:25

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very cool...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/26 16:06:56

Post by: shingouki

looking great.the owl helm looks mint(good).

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/26 21:21:06

Post by: inmygravenimage

Glad y'all like what you see. Blackhand's efforts are most impressive. The Vanguard are exactly as I envisaged them, love it when an idea comes together. I have to decide whether to do some with chainswords or make it one whole big axe fest. Might do a Lightning Claw one and a th/ss one. I have discovered a flaw in my LotD plan: I have no spare torso backs. Off to the bits stores methinks!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/27 17:47:25

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Wow Blackhand the pads and helmets are really impressive! and Graven, your poses really do them justice especially loving the vanguard.
(i am however shocked at the regularity of the updates! haha)

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/31 20:13:21

Post by: inmygravenimage

Okay, as promised, and parts courtesy of many a kindly dakkanaut (you know who you are) a classic Mk1 Jetbike:

Part of me thinks, wow, I love it, it's everything I hoped for.

The other part of me thinks that it looks a little like one of those slacker guys on a kid's bike.


Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/31 20:25:31

Post by: Miss Dee

I thought you had a resin jetbike. tho he looks a bit big on a kiddies bike

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/31 20:30:51

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Wow Graven, they do look cool especially with the full Mentor marine, posed and everything!
but there is a hint of 'adult on kids bike' which is a bit of a shame. Is there any way of bulking the bikes out somehow?
(also ive never seen the RT jetbikes before, they are wicked) really shows how much bigger the models are these days too.
good work man!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/31 20:34:11

Post by: whalemusic360

I'm going to have to go with the fat kid on a moped camp. Someone just came out/is coming out with some resin jetbikes though.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/31 21:54:20

Post by: Miss Dee

Maxi Mini

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/31 22:02:29

Post by: inmygravenimage

Cheers folks. Yeah, I know resin bikes are an option, as would converting plastic marine bikes, I just want to fond a way to get these classic ones to work. A front guard from ravenwing bikes might work - or might add to moped-look...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/03/31 23:38:09

Post by: Gathering Storm

Hey Graven, just found your blog again and been meaning to post for a while but RL got in the way a lot. You've got some really cool stuff here and I really like the owl marine, that BLACKHAND is a genius.

However, I can't help but be reminded of Fry from Futurama riding his Scooty Puff Jr when I see the marine on the RT bike.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 01:22:21


I think a cowling like the ravenwing bikes would do the trick, if they are too front heavy then try adding some jetpacks as thrusters?

Also where did you find the helmet you are using on the rider?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 08:49:20

Post by: Miss Dee

Bits and kits do the FW resin parts, as does bitz box.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 10:04:15

Post by: inmygravenimage

Yeah, it's a mk4 resin helm, as is the torso. Maximus Armour is supposed to be the best of old tech, so seems to me that it makes sense with the old hi-tech bikes. Could prob spare you a couple of helms BH.
Playing with front pieces and blutack this morning was promising, might block in the bolter mounts with plasticard and put a cut-up chimera track as a data slate/scanner. Incidentally, do the gunner arms work? No one's commented so I'm hoping yes; the lack of obvious controls on these bikes is rather irritating.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 11:27:51

Post by: Miss Dee

Could be MIU.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 12:16:18

Post by: inmygravenimage

Mental interface?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 12:17:32

Post by: Yggdrasil

Sorry for being O-T graven (seems like today's the day, anyway), but I really can't figure out it's you writing, with your new avatar...

I loved the grin pretty much!!!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 12:57:15

Post by: Gitsplitta

LOL! It's beautiful baby!! Don't let anyone tell you different!

You put honest-to-God marine jet bikes on the table and people are going to ooh and aah.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 13:16:05

Post by: Miss Dee

Mind Impulse Unit.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 13:25:42

Post by: tough n' orky

love it all

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 13:27:25

Post by: Revenent Reiko

BLACKHAND seems to have the right idea, but i can see how giving the bolters a cover would do the same job, and look just as epic!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 17:20:02

Post by: inmygravenimage

Actually I just meant a standard bike faring BUT that's a possibility that hadn't previously occurred: adding them at the front over the existing bolters. Hmm. Oh, and smiling avatar will return - wife agrees with you Yggs, it's such a very lifelike image

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 17:59:05

Post by: monkeytroll

Whilst I do have a soft spot for those old jet-bikes I have to say it does look like daddy has pinched junior's toy for the day

Hopefully a bit of bulking at the front will help the issue. The arms work fine, and I'll also be awaiting the return of 'the grin', funny how we come to identify with other people's avatars so much

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 19:55:51


Could you get hold of the winged cowling from the Master of the Ravenwing jetbike, was thinking it would fit with your "winged" theme well.

Of course it would mean you will need to start casting them....

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 20:01:55

Post by: inmygravenimage

I have one, actually, though it's built. I had thought of that (not that you were in any way advocating the recasting of IPd material!); the problem would be it's very bulky relative to classic bike. I'll play with stuff over the weekend I guess. Gunner arms win over MIU then?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 20:08:30

Post by: Revenent Reiko

i like the gunner arms for the record, and the RW cover would fit nicely as well as look good.(of cors not vindicating the casting of IP'd material )
hope its not gonna be too bulky in comparison, but i have faith in you Graven.
and im wih everyone else on the profile pic, confuses the hell out of me when i look for the grin :S

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/01 22:11:44


A, Gunner arms are a definite win

B, maybe try a Greenstuff mould to get both sides of the RW bike cowling and then sculpt the sides to be lighter and more in keeping with the RT bike

and C, totally agree with everyone, bring back the Grin!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/02 08:01:53

Post by: inmygravenimage

Taking on board everyone's input, I've come up with this:

Really chuffed, I think it works well: maintains the classic look without making it look like a fat bloke on a Vespa. What do you lot think?

Oh, and classic grin will return - I'm celebrating not having to warp the children of others for a fortnight!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/02 09:15:52


Looks much better already, can you post a side-on pic?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/02 09:37:37

Post by: monkeytroll

Looks interesting graven, adds a bit of bulk but hasn't taken away from the classic look. How about using RT marine legs on the riders? Think they'd sit a bit better on the bike.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/02 10:23:18

Post by: SebastionSynn

change the wing fronts so that the wings run down in front of the the riders controls and off to the sides of the bike front, then in keeping with your theme GS into the gap between the wings the owls head. that will bulk out the front more and not make it overbalanced, and since your using smaller wings than the ravenwing model, it also won't be so bulky as to be out of place with the classic bike. Just a suggestion, it's your model after all.

edited for typo

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/02 12:56:46

Post by: inmygravenimage

Do you mean /||\ or \||/ ?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/02 15:58:23

Post by: Revenent Reiko

looks good Graven, much more balanced now, and definitely still fits the theme.
I think i know where SS is going, more like the Judge Dread lawmaster from the movie, with an owl head replacing the eagle.
...and less bulky at the front/side

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/02 16:29:06

Post by: SebastionSynn

Do you mean /||\ or \||/ ?

if the above '/l' were to represent one set of wings then what i meant would be this: wing /l Bolters l\ wing, by bringing the wings down and across you create the illusion of a fairing out of the wings and then fill in the middle opening between the wings and on top of the bolters with the owl's head.

kind of like here:http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/11/14/155491_sm-.JPG
the difference being of course that his wings are swept back and yours are swept down. I don't have time right now since i'm heading to the game store for our saturday game, but later on tonight when i get home i'll do a rough draft in Paintshop showing you more exactly what i'm trying to describe.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/02 18:08:25

Post by: inmygravenimage

I like the theory SS and have played with some blutacked variations. Whilst it looks ok, it loses the classic bullock bike grill - but more than it doesn't resolve the fat bloke issue. Still, I think it's definitely got merit - be interesting to see a sketch.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/03 07:49:43

Post by: inmygravenimage

And pics for consideration:

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/03 08:41:22

Post by: SebastionSynn


went searching the net looking for the images i would need to mock up what i was describing in my Paint Shop program when i found this, which is basically what i was trying to describe except instead of an eagle/raven head green stuff an owl in it's place. it will serve two purposes this way, 1) it would bulk up the bike without taking away from the overall classic model, and 2) it would sort of cover up the handlebars/controls so that your marine doesn't look like he's riding one of the kiddie quarter machines you used to find in front of supermarkets and in malls. However, the first of the pics up there with the wings repositioned and sweeping back from the front of the bike would add the illusion of speed to the bike, and it would make the bike unique from the other ravenwing bikes out there. Hope this helps.

EDIT: forgot something, I apologize for taking so long to get back to this thread, our weekly game of 40K ran kinda late and then when i dropped my friend off at his house we got into a discussion concerning the GK's/BA's, Stormraven, and whether or not Black Templar could use them.

Edited for typos

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/03 12:04:17

Post by: shrike

I prefer the one over on the BOLS.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/07 18:50:23

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Wow that BoLS bike is killer!
I think bulking the bike out is the only way to lose the fat bloke issue, just gotta try and keep the RT jetbike feeling. I mean, what is it exactly (other than the fact that its a space marine on a jetbike) that makes the model special in and of itself before changing it? There has to be some way this concept can be kept while removing the fat bloke thing.
seems to me that a git of a kit bash is in order...
just my thoughts

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/08 07:27:59

Post by: inmygravenimage

I agree, the BoLs one is tasty, although I kinda prefer Knightly's excellent take on jet bikes here:
However, I'm going to keep going with the mini bikes just now for these. I've got a couple of the bigger metal jetbikes too, which will become attack bikes further down the line. Thanks for the input guys!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/08 07:59:08

Post by: Knightley

Graven your far to kind! I knew there was a reason I subbed to this thread

I'm digging the Rogue trader bike, sadly the later marine legs are huge compared to the old rogue trader ones. Are you going to GS any of it?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/08 08:46:30

Post by: LordCreed

good stuff

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/08 09:33:44

Post by: inmygravenimage

Knightley wrote:Graven your far to kind! I knew there was a reason I subbed to this thread

I'm digging the Rogue trader bike, sadly the later marine legs are huge compared to the old rogue trader ones. Are you going to GS any of it?

Cheers (and thanks too Creed). I've got the squad made up minus arms; I think the combination of pointed front faring and back feather thing adds enough balance. I'm not overly worried about legs as they looking in proportion to mk 4 bodies. Also, "historically", old tech is smaller and more elegant so I'm happy enough as is. I'm really worried about losing the look of the old bike, so it's about reconciling that.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/16 16:33:42

Post by: inmygravenimage

Have made some progress and will attempt to get some pics up over the weekend; been on hols, so a bit behind.

A separate question for you my (dis)loyal followers: could this


feasibly pass as a toad dragon? It's a great lump o' resin sitting in a box just now. For an idea of scale, it's about 28mm from base to knee joint. I don't play WH, just wondering. Ah, needless side projects!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/16 17:45:06

Post by: Gitsplitta

You put that on the table on you could call it anything you wanted!

I'd orkify it and make it a squiggoth! (always wanted one of those)

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/16 19:09:46

Post by: monkeytroll

Hmm, definite potential for a cyber-squiggoth there methinks

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/16 21:33:54

Post by: Revenent Reiko

thats a kick- model!
definitely more of a Squiggoth than a dragon, but still rocking! Im sure no-one would mind you using that as whatever you like
and whats all this talk of disloyalty??!!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/17 00:15:53

Post by: SebastionSynn

I've seen that thing before and yeah first thought that came into my head when i saw it was CHEAP squiggoth, so at some point i will be doing my best to get one of those.
so toad dragon, eh? are you going for something similar to the Forge World Tamurkhan on toad dragon? if so then yeah it has definite possibilities.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/17 12:47:15

Post by: inmygravenimage

Just testing you before the glory of papa nurgle

Funnily enough Metropolis (lurker) who gave me the Tarascus for my 30th, now plays Orks and has commented on whatxa great Gargantuan Squiggoth it would make. I have no real desire to play WH just think it could make a fun conversion.

Been experimenting with bits of dread sarcophagi and the visor off Ven Dreads would work really well as a mini-faring in front of the jetbike joysticks; if any one has any spare, lmk/pm me! I'll endeavour to a pic update tonight, kids notwithstanding.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/18 21:54:52

Post by: inmygravenimage

Some progress on a number of fronts:
A jetbike group shot as promised

Left-hand end guy has sarcophagus experiment, which I like but think will work better with the Ven Dread visors. I like the guy looking at the sergeant, as if to say "Where's your other arm gone?", the answer to which is on the end of a bloody great executioner's axe so he can be a Khan counts-as.

Nice group shot of LotD in various stages of WIP:

Loving playing with individualised backpacks, these guys make a happy distraction.

Shrike returns, with new claws, chains and... Teleporter!

I have another 20 of these ready to adorn my assault marines... Yay! And yes, he is primed. And so it begins.

Or not.

Alas, one bitter disappointment.

Much of my paint has solidified irrevocably. This is both a nuisance and an expense I can do without.

On a brighter note, I decided Solar Lion's chapter master needed more Grrrr:

Big claw is good, no?

Thanks to all you guys who've helped with countless bits scrounging efforts of late.
And a huge thankyou to the mighty sonofruss for his contribution:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Some progress on a number of fronts:
A jetbike group shot as promised

Left-hand end guy has sarcophagus experiment, which I like but think will work better with the Ven Dread visors. I like the guy looking at the sergeant, as if to say "Where's your other arm gone?", the answer to which is on the end of a bloody great executioner's axe so he can be a Khan counts-as.

Nice group shot of LotD in various stages of WIP:

Loving playing with individualised backpacks, these guys make a happy distraction.

Shrike returns, with new claws, chains and... Teleporter!

I have another 20 of these ready to adorn my assault marines... Yay! And yes, he is primed. And so it begins.

Or not.

Alas, one bitter disappointment.

Much of my paint has solidified irrevocably. This is both a nuisance and an expense I can do without.

On a brighter note, I decided Solar Lion's chapter master needed more Grrrr:

Big claw is good, no?

Thanks to all you guys who've helped with countless bots scrounging efforts of late.
And a huge thankyou to the mighty sonofruss for his contribution:

Later gang!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/18 21:59:25

Post by: whalemusic360

I find it ironic the guy with the crosshairs on his pack has a flamer. Way to brag you always hit your target, Battle Brother Douchecanoe! Some us actually have to aim.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/18 22:40:05

Post by: Revenent Reiko

looking good Graven! the jetbikes arent so lopsided now either with the addition of the wings on the front, the LotD are looking wicked! loving the customised look, and im with WM, the cross-haired flamer made me lol
Shrike looks kickass with the chains, reminds me of Ghost Rider for some reason o and the big claw is nice and hefty now, S_L will love it i bet
wish i could have helped with the bits situation, but since i bought the majority of my SM army pre-made, i dont have much of a bits box :(

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/18 23:16:47

Post by: Gitsplitta

And the mail is for??

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/18 23:44:44

Post by: shrike

inmygravenimage wrote:Some progress on a number of fronts:
A jetbike group shot as promised

they look like they're playing mariokart lol
complete with wii remotes...

I look awesome- nice work!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/19 03:31:58


Dude! What kit is the lion banner from? If it is the White Lions I will just have to buy the kit it has so many parts I want.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/19 05:29:09

Post by: inmygravenimage

Thanks for all the comments lads.

shrike wrote:they look like they're playing mariokart lol
complete with wii remotes...

I look awesome- nice work!

Really glad you like them. They've been hard to get right since the outset. The other thing still to add to the unit is the Mk2 Jetbikes as Attack bikes, getting them tonight off a buddy.

Gitsplitta wrote:And the mail is for??

It's a dice bag

whalemusic360 wrote:I find it ironic the guy with the crosshairs on his pack has a flamer. Way to brag you always hit your target, Battle Brother Douchecanoe! Some us actually have to aim.

Yeah, I thought just a little humour in there somehow fitted the LotD. Glad you spotted it, I thought when I was doing it, no, this is a daft idea, no one will get it.

Revenent Reiko wrote:Wow!
looking good Graven! the jetbikes arent so lopsided now either with the addition of the wings on the front, the LotD are looking wicked! loving the customised look, and im with WM, the cross-haired flamer made me lol
Shrike looks kickass with the chains, reminds me of Ghost Rider for some reason o and the big claw is nice and hefty now, S_L will love it i bet
wish i could have helped with the bits situation, but since i bought the majority of my SM army pre-made, i dont have much of a bits box :(

Cheers for the words Rev; don't be daft about the bits and, hey, if you do need stuff, just pm me. Dakka is a whole lot of pay it forward, after all.

BLACKHAND wrote:Dude! What kit is the lion banner from? If it is the White Lions I will just have to buy the kit it has so many parts I want.

The Lion banner is a regular marine standard with a white lion icon from the Chariot. The banner topper and shoulder pad lion's head are also from that. The strange things one finds in the old bits box, eh?

Keep em coming folks!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/19 09:58:57

Post by: SebastionSynn

Way to brag you always hit your target, Battle Brother Douchecanoe! Some us actually have to aim.

they look like they're playing mariokart lol
complete with wii remotes...

just one word.....just one....ROFLMAO.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/19 10:31:08

Post by: Revenent Reiko

inmygravenimage wrote:
Revenent Reiko wrote:Wow!
looking good Graven! the jetbikes arent so lopsided now either with the addition of the wings on the front, the LotD are looking wicked! loving the customised look, and im with WM, the cross-haired flamer made me lol
Shrike looks kickass with the chains, reminds me of Ghost Rider for some reason o and the big claw is nice and hefty now, S_L will love it i bet
wish i could have helped with the bits situation, but since i bought the majority of my SM army pre-made, i dont have much of a bits box :(

Cheers for the words Rev; don't be daft about the bits and, hey, if you do need stuff, just pm me. Dakka is a whole lot of pay it forward, after all.

Thanks Graven! thats a really generous offer

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/19 12:16:56

Post by: Miss Dee

You pinched the teleporter idea I had for my Night Lords Rapter squad.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/19 22:41:25

Post by: monkeytroll

Bikers looking cool there, just hanging back playing some playstation, waiting for the action to start.

Nice individualisation of the marines, also liking the crosshair trophy

Like the chains on Shrikey, and yes, big claw is good.

Although big Klaw is better

Chainmail dice bag? lol

edited as 1 monkeytroll banging on a keyboard cannot spell.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/20 13:13:48

Post by: Miss Dee

Get IE Spell.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/20 21:56:08

Post by: inmygravenimage

No pics today. I did attach 20 teleporter packs to assault marines though sorry for brain theft Miss Dee - guess chaos marines don't have to worry about jumping through the warp and going crazy eh?
Did make a lot of progress: the assault marines all have chain attached, and both units are now ready to be primed. I also tidied up my one and only tac squad, made backpacks for scouts, primed some more lotd, decapitated a chaos marine for Nisk's base, and drilled a variety of barrels. Leg work, but very satisfying and productive. Oh, and found some plastic flight stand rods in my bits box! Hurrah, etc.
Now, of course, I have to start planning vehicles: I'm thinking LR Prometheus. High tech, and a whole lot o heavy bolters.
One other thing: I have a lot of fluff in my head (no laughing at the back there) which justifies a lot of my modelling decisions, and just idly wondered if that would be of interest to folk.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/20 22:06:43

Post by: whalemusic360

The rules for the LRP are kinda meh. It looks cool though. How about an LR Achilles?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/20 22:48:59

Post by: Miss Dee

That tank is cool but has big gaps. pop over to my blog here on Dakka and take a peep.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/20 23:10:52

Post by: Revenent Reiko

What does the LRP do again? other than be a DSing AV14 brick full of guns of cors
im always interested in fluff (teehee) seriously though, any army is better when theres a story behind it i find.
p.s how did i miss the chainmail dice bag ??!!
p.p.s nice to see The Grin back

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/21 02:31:45

Post by: whalemusic360

Basically, its got the 2 twin linked heavy bolters (not 4, which is lame), gives you +1 to reserves, Night vision, and makes cover saves (from it) -1. 12 transport. Oh, and its an Elite choice. Which is weird.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/21 03:10:12

Post by: HF Izanagi

Would it be wrong to say that I find your Shrike looks better than the official GW model...? I like the transporter poles sticking out of his pack, very Gundam beam-saber-esque.

And without that nasty raven-shaped bird dooky pattern on his helmet (as in the original), your gritty model wins loads more cool-points than the standard one! (apologies to anyone who actually likes the GW Shrike's "unique" helmet)

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/21 10:22:39

Post by: Revenent Reiko

whalemusic360 wrote:Basically, its got the 2 twin linked heavy bolters (not 4, which is lame), gives you +1 to reserves, Night vision, and makes cover saves (from it) -1. 12 transport. Oh, and its an Elite choice. Which is weird.

Thanks WM
woah that is one weird LR :S (i heard that the LRP was the original name of the LRR, hence my confusion)
it does seem to fit the high-tech idea though. and that many re-rolling heavy bolters is gonna shred pretty much anything (4 would have been better though).

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/21 10:55:17

Post by: inmygravenimage

@HF Inazagi: Truly, I'm honoured!

Cheers WM, I'd forgotten it was an elite slot. Whilst on one level that's very Mentors, it's also quite limitting. I have crusader and a apoc command kit sitting unbuilt to convert into the LRP, might just pimp it instead.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/21 12:11:34

Post by: whalemusic360

LRC > LRP. I got one just cuz it looks cool. Though I got a helios and terminus as well, so there's that.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/21 20:14:32

Post by: monkeytroll

Yes, please throw out your fluffy stuff. Fluff is always good, more so if it has a bearing on your modelling.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/24 21:40:22

Post by: inmygravenimage

A wee update here: some great marine swap stuff -

And further jetbike work, now with ven dread visors -

Tomorrow I'll try to get detailed shots of the gms stuff up (BA Termies and grot), maybe even some fluff too.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/25 05:27:20

Post by: Marcin Ciszewicz

Impressive jetbikes... even though a part of me thinks they are tad small for today's Marines. On the other hand, Shrike is pretty good with that "you're next" pose and chains.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/25 21:26:31

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ok, this is more fluff-related today. The LR dilemma is not going away. Somehow, it just doesn't feel right; not subtle enough. Equally, I've never liked the look of drop pods especially - so am going to use these:

There's a comment in imperial armour apocalypse about Termites being legit as drop pods - win!

Which of course leaves me with a LRC.

And a box of GKs I raided for parts.

And an Inquisitor with retinue in amongst my guard army.

Oh bother.

I seem to have a small GK army there.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/25 21:40:15

Post by: MajorTom11

Latest stuff is looking great dude, very characterful

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/25 21:42:57

Post by: Knightley

Very nice Graven! Have you got much dirt erupting from the bottom of the mole machine transports?

Your Jetbikes are also looking pretty pimp Glad to see you're starting to collected a small Inquisitor force as well

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/25 21:50:59

Post by: inmygravenimage

Thanks chaps. Yeah there's more dirt around the base than the image suggests, and the model's more detailed too; they redid it since the painted version went on their site. A pound of resin mind you (450g), it's a bit of a beast!
Careless of me to end up with a GK force really. I have a xenos =I=, callidus, servitors, mystic etc. More to paint!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/25 22:12:53


Welcome to the GK party, let me know if you need anything before you go aout and buy it!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/25 22:24:08

Post by: Miss Dee

right arm storm bolters.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/25 22:38:18

Post by: Revenent Reiko

inmygravenimage wrote:Ok, this is more fluff-related today. The LR dilemma is not going away. Somehow, it just doesn't feel right; not subtle enough. Equally, I've never liked the look of drop pods especially - so am going to use these:

There's a comment in imperial armour apocalypse about Termites being legit as drop pods - win!

Which of course leaves me with a LRC.

And a box of GKs I raided for parts.

And an Inquisitor with retinue in amongst my guard army.

Oh bother.

I seem to have a small GK army there.

Wow they look hot! ive always thought there must be other ways of DSing other than Drop Pods, Teleporters, and Jump Packs. Termites are a wicked idea!
and o dear with the GK's
only kidding, if you 'happen' to have them use them!
and they would look great Mentor-style

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/25 23:43:36

Post by: Gitsplitta

Love the burrowing pods!! I remember when those first came out... they were awesome! :-)

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/26 05:33:15

Post by: inmygravenimage

@Blackhand: TBH my list's probably going to be pretty similar to yours (purifiers w halberds + LRC) so I think you've probably already used anything I might want to thieve! Cheers though.

@Reiko: you raise an interesting point - GKs Mentor Style. I had considered both doing Mentors as counts-as GKs (ultra-tech for psi-tech) and GKs in Mentor colours (elite of the elite), but have decided just to do them fairly straight up, regular GKs with minimal conversion (well...) though maybe in red with bone and purple details. The BA Termies I did for gms are sort of a colour test:

Back to Gamecraft paints, got everything bar my primers liquid again; it's layered black/chestnut/deep red/bright red, then baal red wash over the red, gryphone sepia in recesses, orange highlights on the red and then bone final highlights. Helms are just white, gryphone sepia and a bone highlight. Cruxes etc are khaki, gryhpone, and bone drybrusing. Pretty quick: I knocked out the squad in 2 1/2 hours. Fixing the shoulder pads will be harder: I freehanded the sigil and it looked dire so a transfer and matt varnish later = some improvement!

Anyway - so, Red Knights a-go-go. Got to grub up some bits for a Corteaz so I can run more guard, or might just convert my existing xenos (big scythe!) This is not a distraction from the Mentors btw, just good to have a project that feels self-contained, you know?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/26 05:41:22


inmygravenimage wrote:@This is not a distraction from the Mentors btw, just good to have a project that feels self-contained, you know?

Yeah thats how I felt about my GK as well, having 95% of the models ready to paint meant I could finish the army much quicker then the months long slog that often comes with building and painting an army.

BTW you gonna run a Dreadknight? Oh and I definitely suggest you run a Riflemen with Psybolts ..... 4 twin-linked strength 8 shots a turn on a dread chassis...brilliant

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/26 14:45:20

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Glad i can give you some ideas Graven! Those termies look great, and a weird coincidence your Red Knights are the second ones ive seen this week (im looking at you BLACKHAND), they do look really good though (in both cases). EIther was would work i think (counts-as i mean) and does give you some flexibility with how you want to run them.
i lol'd at the 'minimal conversion' and IMO theres nothing wrong with doing other things while doing a project, it helps keep it fresh.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/26 14:59:33

Post by: Gitsplitta

They look really good Graven. I saw enough multi-colored "counts-as" space wolves and blood angles this year at Adepticon that red GK's don't phase me at all.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/26 17:04:04

Post by: TheChronoTrigger

Yeah, i agree. Go for the red knights. Anything colorful will stand out more to judges for painting scores as well. Also a really nice break from the norm. I wanted to start white knights, but didn't really feel like jumping on the GK bandwagon. With your skills i think the red knights will turn out great

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/26 17:10:09

Post by: Miss Dee

Or they could be Exorsists

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/26 17:23:32

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Miss Dee wrote:Or they could be Exorsists

didnt they get retconned?
if not, then theres the justification for the Red Knights (and the high tech gear)

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/26 17:57:35

Post by: Miss Dee

Grey knights requite from the exorsists

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/26 20:03:21

Post by: Knightley

Looking pretty good Graven! can't wait to see the GK's painted in that scheme.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/27 11:17:17

Post by: inmygravenimage

Thanks for the kind words folks.

And now, in a change from our usual schedule: Fluff! My take on the Mentors, which has shaped my P&M decisions thus far. My fluff-fu is weak. so be kind; C&C, as ever, etc.,

Of the myriad mysteries and contradictions of the Astartes, the Mentors are among the most enigmatic to outsiders and their fellow Space Marines alike. This is despite the fact that, in many ways, a citizen of the Imperium might have a greater chance of serving alongside one of these than any other of the Emperor’s finest.

In truth, the Tactical Marines that lend assistance and expertise to others of the Faithful are a relatively small part of the chapter as a whole, which prides itself on an unrivalled level of specialisation. Fostering a culture of elitism, it prizes knowledge as much as aptitude, and though it respects and indeed reveres technology does not necessarily hold it in the same awe as other Chapters.

As with all, its members begin as members of the Scout Company. The Mentors keep a higher number of scouts active in the field than is necessarily apparent, as they emphasise the use of stealth, camouflage and infiltration techniques that other chapters eschew; to the Mentors, all are weapons in their arsenal. The Legio Tytonidae, as they are known, are not permitted to wear the full blazon of the Chapater, the Owl’s Head or Insignia Strigidae; instead, they strive for the right to wear the Insignia Tytonidae, a T-shaped badge that distinguishes them as the best among the newly-inducted. Competition for the Tytonidae is fierce; though not a prerequisite for advancement within the Chapter, all of its greatest warriors have achieved it. Equally, not all Scouts within the chapter become part of its bike squadrons, this being an honour reserved for those who have attained the Insignia, with scouts instead serving about the Chapter’s numerous Land Speeder Storms.

Upon joining the ranks of the Legion’s finest, as well as earning the right to wear the Chapter’s characteristic Mk8 armour and the Insignia Strigidae, Marines are permitted to wind a chain about their favoured weapon, as a mark of respect and kinship to the Black Templars; this comes as a special honour from the mighty Emperor himself, having granted their Chapter Master, Nisk Ran-Thawll, an audience. Fully-fledged marines thus find themselves serving among the Tactical squads, though typically sent far afield to assist other chapters, the Ordos Imperialis, planetary governors and others. As much as Mentors teach, they learn, gaining skills that will develop themselves as well as others in the chapter. They are unafraid to utilise technology garnered in this way; hence the Mentor Legion’s use of devices such as Termite drills in place of conventional drop pods.

Equally, the Legion maintains many pre-heresy technologies: hordes of jetbikes are not an uncommon sight for its enemies to see bearing down upon them; to optimise their use, the riders have the privilege to wear Maximus armour, which integrates itself more naturally to the ancient hover technology. In terms of advanced technologies, the Mentors make use of temporal displacement fields rather than conventional jump-technologies; though superficially similar to the warp-technology teleporters used by the Grey Knights chapter, they do not place the same pressures upon the mind of those without psychic gifts.

The Mentor Legion maintain an uncommonly high proportion of elite units, even by the standards of the Adeptus Astartes. Numerous dreadnoughts are maintained by the many techmarines of the chapter, and indeed such is value of the knowledge of the servants of the Omnissiah that it has been known to preserve past Masters of the Forge thus also. One of the highest honours sought by members of the chapter is to bear the Gallea Noctuae, a stylised owl’s helm worn by the chapter’s Vanguard. For their service, the Sternguard of the chapter are permitted to wear other variants of armour, typically Mk6 or 7 as suits their individual preference and aptitudes, whilst amongst captains of the Legion, Maximus helms are often worn. Service in the chapter's Terminator squadrons is reserved for those who best adapt to the rigours of regular telportation, as the Mentors forgo the use of Land Raiders as a rule, or at the very least as a means for transportation. None are more legendary, however, than the steadfast, stalwart Elite Cadre of the Mentors, whose ability to arrive upon the battlefield in time of need rivals that of the whispered legends of the Legion of the Damned. The Elite Cadre bear a simple skull blazon, but adorn their packs with iconography that speaks of their knowledge, honours and achievements.

It has been noted that as the Mentors assist, they study, to an extent which some find positively unnerving. The Mentors see it as their duty to ensure that not only the achievements of great heroes are enshrined in lore, but their skills as well. Thus there are a rare few who seek, and manage, to emulate the greatest or most uncommonly gifted of other chapters. Understanding the power of legend, on more than one occasion a mystic hero of a chapter has been seen to cut a swathe through an implacable foe and rally the loyal against impossible odds to victory, only disappear once more into the mists of lore; and their greatest mission complete, the hero returns once more to their true home among the Mentor Legion.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/27 12:52:46

Post by: Revenent Reiko

graven you shouldnt put urself down, thats great fluff man, well done
liking especially the hint of the MoTF Dread

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/27 13:09:41

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very well done Graven... nice read, cohesive. I like it!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/27 17:05:00

Post by: inmygravenimage

Thanks guys. I've yet to do Tank fluff etc, I'll get to that anon.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/27 19:34:10


Very nice bud, fluffy but logical.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/27 20:09:34

Post by: Knightley

Great fluff, better than I've done

Quick question:

is it the Helm of Widsom? or Wisdom?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/27 20:39:36

Post by: inmygravenimage

English teacher rolls 1 on spelling...

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/27 20:42:56

Post by: Revenent Reiko

inmygravenimage wrote: English teacher rolls 1 on spelling...

comedy gold, if only my English teachers were that funny

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/27 22:04:02

Post by: Knightley


I guess you Widsom and you lose some.....

Bad humour is bad right?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/28 06:00:33

Post by: SebastionSynn

is it the Helm of Widsom? or Wisdom?

It's the helm of Widsom. Widsom was a Master Librarian for the Mentors 3rd chapter Terminator assault squad. He was fond of quoting bits of wisdom from both the Emperor, and the Adeptes Astartes Manual written by (Primarch Russ?). However, he also had a penchant for puns. this proved to be Master Widsoms undoing during a battle against a greater Daemon of Khorne, as the Daemon didn't find anything Punny about his quotes and instead became even further enraged when Master Widsom made an off color comment about the size of the Daemon's Axe vs the size of the Daemon's dangly bits. from that day forth the Helm has been looked upon as both cursed and blessed, as the new bearer always seems to have Wisdom beyond their years, but for some reason they also constantly report of a ringing in the ears from wearing the helm and complain of migraines. the chapter has since enshrined the Helm in the hall ancients next to it's owners armor in honor of the battle against the Daemon, but mostly because none of the marines in the chapter will have anything to do with the armor anymore.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/28 08:39:47

Post by: inmygravenimage

@SebastinoSynn: funny man

Okay, so it's getting fixed...

On to new matters: I've sold some confrontation stuff and have £80 burning a hole in my pocket. Do I:

Concede I need more storage and buy an army case (£60)

Or spring for a unit of GK Termies and a Furioso to convert into a GK Rifleman, and a Jokairo cos I love em (£61)

... and in either case, buy more primer.

Or do something else? I think the mentors are about as tooled up as they're going to be for the foreseeable future - they need painted, mostly! Nevertheless I'm kinda tempted to just get the Red Knights built and painted first, so I can hit the table with em.

Incidentally, had a game v Eldar the other night, 750, ran a Vanilla tac squad with HB and an Epistolary (gate, vortex) in a "drop pod", an Ironclad (the MotF dread, now known as Uncle Fester), and scout snipers with Telion.

Went 2nd, and wiped out the foe. First time that tac squad have ever done anything useful, though gating didn't work very well (scattered off table, bah), scouts were brutal even with only 4 left after a turn of dedicated fire from 2 scout squads and dark reapers. The poor DRs broke after being hurricaned and HFd by the Ironclad, as did one unit of scouts after being deathwind-ed. Morgan Ra and the other unit of scouts got it from the Tac marines, leaving striking scorpions to get picked off at leisure. In all, successful, certainly!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/28 15:08:45

Post by: SebastionSynn

sounds like your opponent was a complete idiot. not to belittle your victory, as a victory is a victory, and usually does require the opponent to make lots of mistakes. he made the mistakes of wasting too many pts in Dark Reapers and Maugan Ra, and also using Striking Scorpions. For 175 pts worth of Dark Reapers, I'd have taken a Wave Serpent brightlanced, with a unit of Dire Avengers. I'd also trade out the scorpions for Howling Banshees, and another Wave Serpent, and would have run a Farseer and retinue in a Falcon.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/28 15:14:52

Post by: Gitsplitta

He may not have had all those figures available...

Though, taking a Phoenix Lord in a 750 point battle is A) pretty cheesy and B) not very sound from a military perspective. But, kudos on the win graven! Take 'em any way you can get 'em.

I'd go for storage. Painting up all these great figures does you no good if they all get wrecked in-between battles because there's no good place to put them or safe way to transport them to the battle.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/28 15:51:01

Post by: SebastionSynn

go for storage. Painting up all these great figures does you no good if they all get wrecked in-between battles because there's no good place to put them or safe way to transport them to the battle.

I'd have to second that, this is one of the reasons my orks aren't painted yet, really isn't worth it to put a good paint job on them just to toss them into a tackle box after a game, which is all i ahve to carry them in right now. friends here in the area use the plastic storage shelving you can get from Dollar General and then they lay down magnetic strips inside the thing and put washers on the bases of the figures. I've been thinking of doing the same thing as it will save me a lot of cash not having to spring for all that foam.

He may not have had all those figures available...

true, having 11K+ pts of Eldar does give me a lot of options that others don't have.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/28 15:54:09

Post by: inmygravenimage

Actually he was just really experimenting. He wanted to do something other than wave and/or seer spam. We agreed the scorpions are total write-off; it made for an interesting game because of the very fact that it was so unbalanced, in some ways. But he admits that basically, he got it very wrong!

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/28 16:03:22

Post by: Gitsplitta

You never know for sure unless you try... and occasionally you can blunder into some synergistic relationships between units that might not be apparent otherwise. I'm all for 'sperimentin', especially if you're in a friendly game environment.

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/28 16:40:49

Post by: Revenent Reiko

Yeah im going with Gits, theres nothing worse than broken models (except stolen models ) as i can testify to unfortunately.
The carry case has to be the way forward, much as i would love to see you tackle some more models.
and congrats on the win

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/28 19:44:27

Post by: Miss Dee

Are your Mentors beta testers?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Still ?

Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone! @ 2011/04/29 02:57:39

Post by: SebastionSynn

Actually he was just really experimenting. He wanted to do something other than wave and/or seer spam. We agreed the scorpions are total write-off; it made for an interesting game because of the very fact that it was so unbalanced, in some ways. But he admits that basically, he got it very wrong!

ok, i take it back, and offer an apology instead. It took me a long time of throwing things together before i finally found what worked for me, which does not include dark reapers and striking scorpions. Scorpions are nice since they have the str increase IF you can get them into combat, too often i find them slogging around the board and being a waste of pts. Dark Reapers are much the same, unless i can get them into terrain that is close to an objective that they can cover, then they somewhat make up for their lack of movement, and inability to cover more objectives or achieve a better firing position. Wraithlords were great until i met the Tyranids, and then they blew. Swooping Hawks have suffered a similar fate as the gaurdian squads. so the models that see the most action in my games tends to be farseer, autarch, banshees, avengers, dragons, jetbikes, and tanks.