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4 word story @ 2015/03/20 00:50:32

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

You seen the other story threads, so why not another???

Form a story of 4 words.

Continuing from the first post.

I shall begin first.

Badrukk's flash gitz were

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 06:03:04

Post by: Matthew

in a bad thread

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 14:48:09

Post by: snurl

reeking of utter failure.

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 16:13:02

Post by: Matthew

Because there are already

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 16:14:31

Post by: JamesGang

Three threads like this.

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 16:14:40

Post by: JamesGang

Don't feed the trolls.

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 16:19:56

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

Please lock this thread.

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 17:37:35

Post by: Matthew

Have you alerted them?

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 17:58:44

Post by: JamesGang

Maybe they don't care?

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 18:31:51

Post by: Verviedi

Sorry. You are screwed.

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 20:07:54

Post by: Matthew

Welp, that is life

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 20:50:49

Post by: Grimskul

I like titty sprinkles.

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 22:35:10

Post by: JamesGang

Large pie, extra cheese!

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 22:38:13

Post by: Squidmanlolz

I'll have a slice!

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 22:45:03

Post by: JamesGang

A fellow jersey man!

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 22:55:03

Post by: Matthew

And this thread is

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 23:01:08

Post by: JamesGang

Off and running now?

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 23:02:10

Post by: Bonegrinder

Full of many lulz

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 23:06:41

Post by: snurl

and half baked schemes.

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 23:13:44

Post by: JamesGang

Not following the rules?

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 23:18:14

Post by: snurl

Rules are for sissies.

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 23:22:11

Post by: JamesGang

This bites horse dong

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 23:25:08

Post by: snurl

in the worst manner

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 23:25:55

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Rama Lama Ding Dong

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 23:28:08

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I shall restart.

Once, there was a Tyranid

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 23:28:22

Post by: snurl

Papa whoo mau-mau

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 23:29:26

Post by: JamesGang

Talk about corrupted thread

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 23:31:29

Post by: snurl

Don't talk about corrupted

4 word story @ 2015/03/20 23:32:41

Post by: JamesGang

Badrukk's flashgitz were burned.

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:15:50

Post by: Happyjew

To derail a thread

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:16:38

Post by: JamesGang

In the highest degree

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:20:33

Post by: Happyjew

would require some sort

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:22:34

Post by: JamesGang

Of tactical geniu- CREEEEEEEEED!

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:23:16

Post by: the shrouded lord

This is a self-portrait of what I think I will look like in ten years.

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:23:53

Post by: JamesGang

One eyed sexy beast?

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:24:42

Post by: the shrouded lord

*One eyed HOBO sexy beast.

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:26:15

Post by: JamesGang

Keep it four words

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:27:12

Post by: the shrouded lord

I will do that.

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:27:14

Post by: Happyjew

It really isn't hard.

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:27:36

Post by: JamesGang

This is not fun

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:27:57

Post by: Happyjew

Oh yes it is.

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:28:29

Post by: the shrouded lord


4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:29:46

Post by: JamesGang

Why is thread lucky?

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:46:39

Post by: Happyjew

I don't know, LOL. ¯\(°_o)/¯

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:48:18

Post by: JamesGang

Me either, just wondering

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:48:40

Post by: the shrouded lord


4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:54:42

Post by: Happyjew


4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:56:24

Post by: JamesGang


4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:58:41

Post by: the shrouded lord

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 00:59:38

Post by: Happyjew

The Doctor and TARDIS

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 01:05:10

Post by: JamesGang

Trapper keeper notebook pencil

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 01:07:38

Post by: JamesGang

'Night fellas, I sleepy.

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 09:05:11

Post by: Matthew

Apapa omaah mau mau

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 13:46:39

Post by: snurl

Shamma Lamma Ding Dong.

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 13:50:26

Post by: Matthew


4 word story @ 2015/03/21 13:53:30

Post by: snurl


4 word story @ 2015/03/21 14:47:50

Post by: JamesGang


4 word story @ 2015/03/21 14:49:00

Post by: Verviedi

What the actual feth.

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 14:53:33

Post by: The Wise Dane

Moses said upon the...

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 15:21:39

Post by: Matthew

bad thread, why existing?

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 16:38:43

Post by: Happyjew

Because , we are trolling.

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 17:03:54

Post by: The Wise Dane

Procrastinating in my case.

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 17:20:49

Post by: Matthew

Or just trolling. Huh.

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 18:34:32

Post by: JamesGang

This thread.......feels right.

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 18:36:09

Post by: Squidmanlolz

but also feels wrong

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 18:50:34

Post by: JamesGang

Wrong but so good

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 21:01:08

Post by: Matthew

because I can troll

4 word story @ 2015/03/21 21:38:39

Post by: Squidmanlolz

and I can roll

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 03:31:21

Post by: Happyjew

The dice all night.

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 07:49:00

Post by: snurl

Without picking a fight.

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 12:27:01

Post by: JamesGang


4 word story @ 2015/03/22 13:26:37

Post by: The Wise Dane

I have occasionally drowned.

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 14:09:36

Post by: Happyjew

This thread's not locked?

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 14:23:59

Post by: The Wise Dane

That's the case, yeah.

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 14:41:58

Post by: Verviedi

This is my 1000th

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 14:42:49

Post by: Matthew

And my 1137th

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 15:20:31

Post by: The Wise Dane

BLAZE IT- Oh wait.

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 16:59:59

Post by: Matthew

What is 420 divided by 69?

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 17:04:49

Post by: The Wise Dane

Too many words, bro!

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 17:27:09

Post by: JamesGang

No it was four

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 17:27:17

Post by: JamesGang

He just included numbers

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 17:35:24

Post by: The Wise Dane

I'd say they count.

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 17:40:36

Post by: JamesGang

They do count yes.

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 17:40:48

Post by: JamesGang

But he's a hippo

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 17:43:33

Post by: The Wise Dane

Wow, that is hippopotamus-ist

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 18:09:22

Post by: Matthew

Guys, they COUNT


get it numbers

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 18:29:42

Post by: The Wise Dane

You are stretching it...

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 19:31:14

Post by: Happyjew

Is the answer six?

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 19:38:07

Post by: snurl

Only if you believe.

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 19:50:16

Post by: The Wise Dane

Wheeeeen you see a...

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 19:50:24


In the lord Jesus

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 19:52:21

Post by: snurl

Then this thread will

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 19:53:09

Post by: Happyjew

What do you do...

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 20:14:40

Post by: snurl

when threads go wild?

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 20:30:48

Post by: The Wise Dane

You accept the madness.

4 word story @ 2015/03/22 21:00:22

Post by: Happyjew

Under threat of torture.

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 00:57:33

Post by: JamesGang

I just swallowed pee!

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 00:58:50

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Coincidence, I just peed...

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 01:12:02

Post by: JamesGang

I think I'm tired

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 03:42:05

Post by: snurl

So go to bed.

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 09:47:08

Post by: Happyjew

Or stay up late.

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 10:10:09

Post by: snurl

And read this thread.

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 10:13:32

Post by: Verviedi

My cat is sitting

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 10:16:19

Post by: snurl

on top my head.

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 10:22:00

Post by: The Wise Dane

feth, I'm so hungry.

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 10:38:43

Post by: Verviedi

You can eat now.

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 11:41:29

Post by: The Wise Dane

Mmm, sucuk and cheese.

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 12:43:25

Post by: JamesGang

Apples can be red

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 12:49:54


Lilacs can be blue

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 13:20:50

Post by: The Wise Dane

We're quite relative here.

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 13:37:32

Post by: sing your life

Later they discovered that.

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 14:40:42


My dick is huge

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 15:01:48

Post by: The Wise Dane

Now we get groovy...

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 15:06:25


No touching that rod

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 15:06:33


No touching that rod

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 20:09:52

Post by: Happyjew

We built this city

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 20:12:29

Post by: JamesGang

On rock and roll!

4 word story @ 2015/03/23 20:29:32

Post by: The Wise Dane

So that we might.

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 01:43:50

Post by: Verviedi

I don't know this.

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 08:08:56

Post by: The Wise Dane

It's on the test.

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 10:00:39

Post by: Happyjew

And I've no pencil.

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 12:00:05

Post by: JamesGang

You can borrow mine!

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 12:00:20

Post by: JamesGang

You can borrow mine!

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 12:16:15

Post by: JamesGang

I can't see posts!

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 19:11:44


Well to bad m9

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 19:12:02


Well too bad m9

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 20:32:41

Post by: JamesGang

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 20:34:50

Post by: sing your life

But there is one.

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 20:43:26

Post by: The Wise Dane

I can loan you?

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 20:47:49

Post by: JamesGang

Seriously, I cannot see

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 20:47:58

Post by: JamesGang

This is the only

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 20:48:09

Post by: JamesGang

Thread that doesn't refresh

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 20:48:25

Post by: JamesGang

The rest work normally.

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 20:48:40

Post by: JamesGang

I hate this anyway

4 word story @ 2015/03/24 21:19:01

Post by: snurl

Wynona had a big brown

4 word story @ 2015/03/25 11:17:06


Why you hate friend?

4 word story @ 2015/03/25 13:13:19

Post by: snurl

Seems to work now.

4 word story @ 2015/03/25 13:21:27

Post by: The Wise Dane

That was quite weird...

4 word story @ 2015/03/25 16:37:29

Post by: JamesGang

I can see now!

4 word story @ 2015/03/25 17:07:16

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

Let's keep going dudes.

4 word story @ 2015/03/25 17:40:04

Post by: The Wise Dane

No, I don't wanna!

4 word story @ 2015/03/25 19:39:55

Post by: Happyjew

Too bad, we continue.

4 word story @ 2015/03/25 19:56:41

Post by: JamesGang

Just keep Truckin' on!

4 word story @ 2015/03/25 20:04:35

Post by: The Wise Dane

I feel violated now...

4 word story @ 2015/03/25 20:13:25

Post by: Happyjew

It's gonna get worse.

4 word story @ 2015/03/25 20:56:29

Post by: The Wise Dane

This took a turn...

4 word story @ 2015/03/25 22:32:32

Post by: snurl

....down a bad road

4 word story @ 2015/03/25 22:40:18

Post by: JamesGang

Let me squeeze your....

4 word story @ 2015/03/25 22:44:07

Post by: snurl

fresh, juicy navel oranges.

4 word story @ 2015/03/25 22:48:26

Post by: JamesGang

They are soft and

4 word story @ 2015/03/26 00:35:39


So nice to squeeze

4 word story @ 2015/03/26 00:37:37

Post by: JamesGang

And even motor boat!

4 word story @ 2015/03/26 08:24:21

Post by: The Wise Dane

Dripping with soft juices...

4 word story @ 2015/03/26 09:15:06


Sticky, salty and ripe

4 word story @ 2015/03/26 09:59:15

Post by: The Wise Dane

I love fried chicken.

4 word story @ 2015/03/26 13:02:29

Post by: JamesGang

And crunchy ripe melons!

4 word story @ 2015/03/26 13:42:01

Post by: The Wise Dane

... Crunchy? Do not want.

4 word story @ 2015/03/26 16:01:27

Post by: JamesGang

Wanted it kept ambiguous

4 word story @ 2015/03/26 16:03:32

Post by: The Wise Dane

I really like boobage.

4 word story @ 2015/03/26 19:21:33

Post by: Happyjew

Let's keep it clean-ish.

4 word story @ 2015/03/26 19:59:41

Post by: Verviedi

Wie wäre es nicht?

4 word story @ 2015/03/26 20:21:46


Ja unt ze strudel

4 word story @ 2015/03/26 22:55:14

Post by: Verviedi

Das macht keinen sinn.

4 word story @ 2015/03/26 23:10:38

Post by: snurl

Dulce et decorum est.

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 03:05:49

Post by: Happyjew

I don't understand German.

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 04:35:42

Post by: JamesGang

Sour kraut in my

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 08:03:16

Post by: The Wise Dane

γλῶτταν παλαιᾱ́ν Ἑλληνικήν λύω.

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 08:35:00

Post by: snurl

Foreigners use different words

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 08:39:36

Post by: The Wise Dane

Especially the ancient ones.

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 08:42:19

Post by: snurl

How do we know?

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 09:02:46

Post by: The Wise Dane

By studying ancient texts!

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 10:00:34

Post by: Sgt_Smudge

Why do they exist?

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 10:24:40

Post by: The Wise Dane

Because somebody kept them...

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 11:09:00

Post by: snurl

for far too long.

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 11:12:45

Post by: The Wise Dane

Hey! I've researched those!

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 11:37:00

Post by: JamesGang

You wasted your time!

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 12:53:40

Post by: snurl

Research is no waste

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 13:00:17

Post by: The Wise Dane

And Sokrates was awesome.

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 13:02:39

Post by: snurl

Its a Greek thing.

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 13:26:11

Post by: JamesGang

I'm Phi Alpha Theta

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 13:38:20

Post by: The Wise Dane

Plebians, all of you...

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 13:43:29

Post by: JamesGang

Actually it's spelled plebeians

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 18:29:11


Look you plebs, stfu

4 word story @ 2015/03/27 20:28:35

Post by: JamesGang

Hey hey hey hey!

4 word story @ 2015/03/28 04:10:15


Just STFU right now!

4 word story @ 2015/03/28 12:16:02

Post by: The Wise Dane

Do you mean... Now?

4 word story @ 2015/03/28 13:12:13

Post by: snurl

Is he gone yet?

4 word story @ 2015/03/28 13:14:41

Post by: The Wise Dane

Well, I'm certainly not.

4 word story @ 2015/03/28 13:17:45

Post by: snurl

Then we shall continue

4 word story @ 2015/03/28 13:30:40

Post by: Verviedi

to ramble on randomly.

4 word story @ 2015/03/28 14:03:08

Post by: The Wise Dane

With four words each.

4 word story @ 2015/03/28 14:24:10

Post by: Sgt_Smudge

And thus, reality was

4 word story @ 2015/03/28 14:27:27

Post by: Matthew

Esploded into yet another

4 word story @ 2015/03/28 15:54:47


Spelt wrong goddammn it

4 word story @ 2015/03/28 16:01:20

Post by: The Wise Dane

Yeah, that happens sometimes.

4 word story @ 2015/03/28 19:39:16

Post by: JamesGang

We must not stop

4 word story @ 2015/03/26 20:00:25

Post by: Happyjew

Tonight, we're gonna have

4 word story @ 2015/03/28 20:02:59

Post by: JamesGang

Baked beans and ham!

4 word story @ 2024/09/18 09:51:02

Post by: Happyjew

Don't stop us now.

4 word story @ 2015/03/28 21:02:49

Post by: JamesGang

Our gas will power

4 word story @ 2015/03/28 22:01:27

Post by: Sgt_Smudge

the light of the

4 word story @ 2015/03/29 05:44:15

Post by: snurl

Newly built shopping mall.

4 word story @ 2015/03/29 09:56:52

Post by: The Wise Dane

You still use gas?

4 word story @ 2015/03/29 10:23:15

Post by: Happyjew

What else is there?

4 word story @ 2015/03/29 12:23:44


Petrol, diesel and unleaded

4 word story @ 2266/11/18 12:43:42

Post by: Sgt_Smudge

But those are HERETICAL!

4 word story @ 2015/03/29 13:59:04

Post by: The Wise Dane

Oh - "gas", like petrol?

4 word story @ 2015/03/29 14:00:03

Post by: snurl

So is this thread.

4 word story @ 2015/03/29 14:53:37


Gas as in power

4 word story @ 2015/03/29 20:13:24

Post by: Happyjew

I would prefer propane.

4 word story @ 2015/03/29 20:35:34

Post by: The Wise Dane

Dodging a joke there.

4 word story @ 2015/03/30 00:32:12

Post by: JamesGang

I appreciated the effort.

4 word story @ 2015/03/30 03:15:51

Post by: snurl

Effort gets things done.

4 word story @ 2015/03/30 03:48:17

Post by: JamesGang

I love doing things

4 word story @ 2015/03/30 03:52:37

Post by: Squidmanlolz

work tomorrow, oh no!

4 word story @ 2015/03/30 07:06:15

Post by: The Wise Dane

I got Easter holiday.

4 word story @ 2015/03/30 11:27:58


Same here my friend

4 word story @ 2015/03/30 11:40:09

Post by: JamesGang

Jesus died for us,

4 word story @ 2015/03/30 12:10:32


Didn't die for me.

4 word story @ 2015/03/30 15:48:19

Post by: Happyjew

Jesus saves. At Walmart.

4 word story @ 0015/03/30 18:27:23

Post by: JamesGang

And the grocery store!

4 word story @ 2015/03/31 09:51:27


Not in my house

4 word story @ 2015/03/31 09:51:43


I do not live

4 word story @ 2015/03/31 09:52:01


In a grocery store

4 word story @ 2015/03/31 11:35:34

Post by: JamesGang

What a damn shame!

4 word story @ 2015/03/31 14:15:48

Post by: snurl

You should try it.

4 word story @ 2015/03/31 16:11:19


I won't succumb groceries!!!

4 word story @ 2015/03/31 19:43:52

Post by: Happyjew

I work in one.

4 word story @ 2015/03/31 22:45:56

Post by: JamesGang

The traveller has come!

4 word story @ 2015/04/01 00:49:14

Post by: snurl

With his guns blazing.

4 word story @ 2015/04/01 12:22:43

Post by: JamesGang

I made scrambled eggs

4 word story @ 20152015/04/01 13:16:42

Post by: snurl

from an ancient recipe.

4 word story @ 2015/04/01 17:59:02

Post by: JamesGang

It involved panko breading ...

4 word story @ 2015/04/01 17:59:14


Made in ancient China

4 word story @ 2015/04/01 18:22:55

Post by: JamesGang

And it was delicious!

4 word story @ 2015/04/01 22:18:29

Post by: Happyjew

But not very healthy.

4 word story @ 2015/04/02 00:58:54

Post by: snurl

From now on, we.....

4 word story @ 2015/04/02 02:39:30

Post by: Verviedi

Sing songs by Queen

4 word story @ 2015/04/02 10:52:29

Post by: Happyjew

I've paid my dues.

4 word story @ 2015/04/02 10:56:22


We will rock you?

4 word story @ 2015/04/02 15:10:07

Post by: snurl

We are the Champions

4 word story @ 2015/04/02 15:37:43

Post by: Matthew


4 word story @ 2015/04/02 15:55:26

Post by: Buttery Commissar

awaken to cats vomiting

4 word story @ 2015/04/02 21:36:50


All over our faces

4 word story @ 2015/04/03 02:33:17

Post by: JamesGang


4 word story @ 2015/04/03 02:35:06

Post by: bubbinski

It's already too late.

4 word story @ 2015/04/03 02:36:00

Post by: JamesGang

Why you say that?

4 word story @ 2015/04/03 11:20:42

Post by: bubbinski

Cats vomit, people lose!

4 word story @ 2015/04/03 13:19:05

Post by: snurl

Tell us about it.

4 word story @ 2015/04/03 16:55:17

Post by: JamesGang

Let's talk about that

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 00:07:03


Time we frolicked together

OOC: that is the correct spelling of the past tense of frolic

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 00:52:30

Post by: snurl

Lets hunt Easter Eggs.

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 02:37:23

Post by: JamesGang

Time we frolicked together

OOC: that is the correct spelling of the past tense of frolic

I knew that fact!

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 02:53:35

Post by: JamesGang

Stupid English Bicorn Hat!

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 10:58:58

Post by: snurl

French hats are better.

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 13:52:34


Are you serious m9

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 14:11:25

Post by: Matthew

u wot m9 scandinavian

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 16:54:55


Scandinavians are all kinda

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 17:47:30

Post by: Matthew

Väldigt sköna. Men, jag

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 17:55:52

Post by: JamesGang

Autistic kid pushes baby

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 18:10:12


Right up your arse

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 18:14:44

Post by: JamesGang

Down to the ground

Made me really mad.

It was my baby.

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 18:18:05


Sorry for your loss

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 18:18:51

Post by: JamesGang

It is all good

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 18:20:54


Well then that's ok

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 18:21:55

Post by: JamesGang

I agree with you

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 18:22:39


Yay everyone is friends

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 18:23:15

Post by: JamesGang

Except the autistic boy

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 18:23:27

Post by: JamesGang

He pushes small babies

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 18:28:23


That's very true, friend

Ok, bye for now

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 18:43:37

Post by: Matthew

pls dont leave creed

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 19:48:09


I'm back. G2g however

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 21:25:44

Post by: Verviedi

Awwww. That really sucks.

4 word story @ 2015/04/04 21:28:47


I'm back once again

4 word story @ 2015/04/05 07:20:20

Post by: snurl

But for how long?

4 word story @ 2015/04/05 07:33:26


Where have you been?

4 word story @ 2015/04/05 11:21:34

Post by: Matthew

In your MOTHER! Wrecked.

4 word story @ 2015/04/05 13:41:01

Post by: JamesGang

Oh snap! The burn!

4 word story @ 2015/04/05 16:29:19


I must commit sudoku

for this grave dishonour

to my family. ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!

[Thumb - a23.png]

4 word story @ 2015/04/05 19:28:42

Post by: Verviedi

Saw that on NBC.

4 word story @ 2015/04/06 00:59:21

Post by: snurl

NBC has really sunk.

4 word story @ 2015/04/06 01:16:46

Post by: Happyjew

Shouldn't it be Sepuku?

4 word story @ 2015/04/06 01:19:52

Post by: snurl

Is that considered offensive?

4 word story @ 2015/04/06 01:20:35

Post by: Happyjew

Why would it be?

4 word story @ 2015/04/06 01:22:25

Post by: snurl

Who knows these days.

4 word story @ 2015/04/06 04:20:13

Post by: JamesGang

If samurai still existed

4 word story @ 2015/04/06 07:43:03

Post by: snurl

would they wear plaid?

4 word story @ 2015/04/06 12:33:43


Or maybe checkered shirts.

4 word story @ 2015/04/06 16:02:23

Post by: JamesGang

Can't get enough ronin

4 word story @ 2015/04/06 22:15:00


47's a bad number

4 word story @ 2015/04/07 06:29:54

Post by: snurl

Why is this so?

4 word story @ 2015/04/07 13:09:20

Post by: JamesGang

The movie stars Keanu

4 word story @ 2015/04/07 15:26:26

Post by: Happyjew

Who knows Kung fu.

4 word story @ 2015/04/07 17:36:31


And some other stuff

4 word story @ 2015/04/07 17:39:34

Post by: JamesGang

And he says "whoa"

4 word story @ 2015/04/07 20:24:59

Post by: The Wise Dane

Because he just dodged...

4 word story @ 2015/04/07 22:43:48

Post by: JamesGang

Bill's excellent time machine

4 word story @ 2015/04/08 00:54:45

Post by: snurl

Over and over again.

4 word story @ 2015/04/08 04:44:19

Post by: JamesGang

Watch out thread necro

4 word story @ 2015/04/08 11:14:56

Post by: Verviedi

One page is not