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Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/05 11:01:32

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

The thread on Science Fiction model kits with wargaming use has gotten a bit crowded with toys (and I bare the blame for that) so I'm starting a new thread for toys that have wargaming uses.

Note: If you want to discuss generally how or whether toys can be used in modeling, that's something for general discussions.

For example:

Landing craft/shuttle/explorer anyone?


Wastelands truck



Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/05 15:44:42

Post by: MLaw

There are some 1/48ish trucks at Wal-Mart which are big rigs, semis, transfer trucks, etc, which I own some of. While I was in the store the other day, I saw a Matchbox car hauler. It's intended to carry regular Matchbox which is closer to 15mm gaming.. but the truck itself is pretty close to those 1/48 trucks. Mind you it's big.. but that's the nature of those types of trucks.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/05 18:31:38

Post by: Smokestack

My son has a bunch of skylanders. The vehicles look like they could be of use...

[Thumb - jet-stream.jpg]
[Thumb - 613+7fqZglL__SX425_.jpg]

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/05 18:32:55

Post by: Nostromodamus

Does this really belong in News & Rumors?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/05 18:47:53

Post by: DarkTraveler777

 Nostromodamus wrote:
Does this really belong in News & Rumors?

I agree. This isn't really news. Perhaps Dakka Discussions or Painting & Modeling?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/05 19:18:57

Post by: Sinful Hero

 Nostromodamus wrote:
Does this really belong in News & Rumors?

Historical kits and Sci-fi kits for 40k deal mostly with new kits. Will this thread follow the same pattern with new toys?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/05 19:24:52

Post by: MLaw

 Sinful Hero wrote:
 Nostromodamus wrote:
Does this really belong in News & Rumors?

Historical kits and Sci-fi kits for 40k deal mostly with new kits. Will this thread follow the same pattern with new toys?

The one I posted is new.. For the most part if it's still on the shelves at major retailers it's probably new. Toys tend to have a very short shelf life in retail.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/05 19:44:36

Post by: judgedoug

Watch out, I got banned for making a thread in General Discussion that featured cheap-toys-as-terrain.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/05 20:11:29

Post by: Kilkrazy

No you didn't. However you've gone off topic so you could be baned for that.

Back on topic, I think this is fine in News & Rumours as long as it is used to highlight new toys.

Otherwise there is an existing thread in the Modelling section to cover old toys that can be used for wargames.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/05 21:11:25

Post by: TheAuldGrump

They are getting harder to find, but the Todd McFarlane Dragons series had some truly excellent dragons.

Seeing this fellow going for $55 is strange, I picked him up for $5.

Not quite as nifty, but still easy to find, are the toy dragons and monsters by Safari Ltd.

*EDIT*Even a quick dip can really help with that model, without needing to repaint the whole thing.

A fair number of terrain pieces can be found in aquarium shops as well - I used to have a pretty nifty ship wreck model from a shop at the mall. (Now long closed.)

Not the one that I had, but one that I could find with a quick Google.

The Auld Grump

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/05 23:29:36

Post by: DarkTraveler777

 TheAuldGrump wrote:
They are getting harder to find, but the Todd McFarlane Dragons series had some truly excellent dragons.

Seeing this fellow going for $55 is strange, I picked him up for $5.

I second the recommendation for McFarlane Dragons. They are great and there some really interesting designs among the various releases. The plastic is a bit bendy, though, so some prep work might be needed to get them up to modeling standards.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/06 00:05:50

Post by: xevv

 TheAuldGrump wrote:
They are getting harder to find, but the Todd McFarlane Dragons series had some truly excellent dragons.

Seeing this fellow going for $55 is strange, I picked him up for $5.

Heh yea I picked up these guys a looong time ago for a 8-10 per if I recall. Great scale for fantasy and decent paintjob on them out of the box if youre lazy and dont feel like redoing them.

Damn things are pushing 100$ now. Wish I bought more.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/06 03:54:22

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I'm fine with it being in either forum, here we can post more older stuff. I'd stay away from rare & OOP things though, this should be a recommendation thread for stuff you can actually get, not a nostalgic one.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/06 21:41:42

Post by: Easy E

I use Skylanders figures in games of Dragon Rampant all the time.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/08 00:26:52

Post by: TheAuldGrump

Technically, the Matchbox Models of Yesteryear are 'vintage' and 'collectible' - but they are neither hard to find on eBay nor are they expensive. I was able to pick up several Foden steam trucks for a game at just under $5 each, ranging from colliers to Guinness beer.

(Currently $10 for 5)

And just the right size to look good next to the figures.

The Auld Grump

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/08 11:17:36

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I put this one up before but it's worth a mention here:


Arvis Lighter for under $20?

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And a Dread Claw for $15


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And then there's this bird/helicopter/airplane thing which might be big enough for models to enter the ramps.


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/08 11:04:15

Post by: TheWaspinator

The Transformers franchise is full of potential stuff.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/08 11:33:53

Post by: Llamahead

Posted this before but it's really useful and widely available in the UK so.....

£6 in Poundstretcher currently available and looks the part straight of the bat.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/08 11:38:23

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I've got another thread going in the game design section on dirt cheap toy space ships for games.


You can couple 100 of these for under $10, plus a few other shuttles and stuff from an old board game.

Or 144 of these for under $10.

And on the fantasy side I just found these

2"~3" long, 20 for $16. more for 10mm, 15mm games or mabye hatchlings but there you go.


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/08 12:02:35

Post by: bantha_beast

Looking for the 'arvus lighter' i ran across this from Fisher Price.


Would be a good start for some sort of techno war mammoth or something orky. Or as a large patlabour type mech for your anime inspired sci fi skirmish game.

And it can actually walk!!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/08 12:12:36

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

The 'Arvis Lighter' is a Fisher Price Alpha Eagle. And I have to stop looking at it, too darn tempting.

Anyway anyone needs a 8" dragon for $15?


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/08 12:25:34

Post by: Eilif

If anyone is interested, I've got a log of my gaming-terrain-suitable resale shop toy finds here:
Alot of it is stuff that is no longer produced, but it might be good for inspiration and it has alot of links to finished products using toys.

 bantha_beast wrote:
Looking for the 'arvus lighter' i ran across this from Fisher Price.



Would be a good start for some sort of techno war mammoth or something orky. Or as a large patlabour type mech for your anime inspired sci fi skirmish game.

And it can actually walk!!

I really like that. Reminds me alot of the old Void 1.1 Tiger.
Swap the tusks and horns for guns, cover the red standing spot and cut down the balcony and top and you'd be ready to go.

I've got a boat from this toiy series (Looks kind of like a landing craft) that I hope to convert some day.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/08 14:15:25

Post by: Genoside07

You guys are just evil....
This topic caused me to relapse and now I won't be able to go to Walmart without looking at the toy section...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/08 15:20:40

Post by: TheAuldGrump

I have seen a not-Thunderhawk built using a G.I. Joe toy as the basis. (A Thunderhawk with turbofans?) Mind you, that was in the days of The Big Black Book.

The Auld Grump

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/08 16:29:58

Post by: Guildenstern

Sorry I don't have a picture, and this is a bit local, but if you're in the US near a Michael's they have a pretty cheap set of kids animal toys, with dinosaurs that easily convert to dragons. I used one in one of my older terrain bits as a "dead" dragon, buried in dirt type thing.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/08 15:58:07

Post by: Matthew

Check this out: At least 10 good looking Daemons/statues.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/09 09:33:36

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Oh and since we'll need some planets for all the space games we're gonna write.


Might be a big small for the Rinco ships but they might work, especially if you use the BFG logic that the model is just a representation and the ship itself is a tiny little dot in the center of the base.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/09 10:28:02

Post by: -Loki-

The Avengers Quinjet and Halo Warthog are popular with the Infinity crowd because they look like generic futuristic military vehicles.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/09 12:07:38

Post by: Kilkrazy

Meccano did some nice construction toys from Gears Of War:

King Raven assault helicopter

Armadillo APC

Centaur tank

These are slightly pricey to my mind, being as expensive as the mid-range 40K vehicles but if you get them on sale...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/10 08:40:12

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Anyone need a Tyranid army?

They come prepainted!

Can also double as a Nurgle daemon army.


144 for $16.50

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/10 17:03:19

Post by: Sinful Hero

I've seen these on sale before, and it want to find a use for them. Perhaps some enterprising Wargamer can come up with something?


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/10 17:10:43

Post by: Matthew

Those look like awesome Killa Kan conversions. Stick a Grot in the mouths and add a few arms and we're set!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/11 14:33:37

Post by: porkuslime

 Guildenstern wrote:
Sorry I don't have a picture, and this is a bit local, but if you're in the US near a Michael's they have a pretty cheap set of kids animal toys, with dinosaurs that easily convert to dragons. I used one in one of my older terrain bits as a "dead" dragon, buried in dirt type thing.

Yes, that line also had Cyclops (great WHFB giants), Minotaur and a Bridge, as well as Dragons ..

Safari Ltd is the line.,.


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/11 14:44:55

Post by: thegreatchimp


I had this one and used it in 40k as and Imperial Knight / huge dreadnought type vehicle.

[Thumb - IMG_20130613_125048.jpg]

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 0026/05/11 19:19:38

Post by: Momotaro

Papo and Safari make my favourite toy dinosaurs. No painting required, indeed some of the paintjobs are really good.

They do tend to be hopelessly out of scale compared with either each other or 28mm figures. The Papo classics - Tyrannosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops - are HUGE - probably best to avoid those unless you need something to face off against an Imperial Knight. A lot of the "smaller" models are 8" long or less, and will do for generic "dino hunt" models or as a cheap alternative to Lizardmen mounts (if you like building howdahs!).

Also those "excavate your own dinosaur skeleton" kits are OK for making giant undead dinos - again, you may want to fashion your own howdah to carry figures. They're often very cheap, you just have to tap them out of of the block of plaster they come encased in... hammer supplied!

McFarlane dragons - thirded!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/11 20:54:14

Post by: lord_blackfang

Are those skellies just straight up GW recasts?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/11 21:44:29

Post by: porkuslime

oh no.. those are closer to 54mm models, and bendy as all heck

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/15 02:53:02

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I posted this a while back but it seems worth putting here

So someone on the great Warhammer Proxies! FB group


Posted a few funky WWII armored cars. They're 1:43 die cast cars by a company called Eaglemoss (who also do a great line of Batmobiles and Star Trek ships if that's something you'd like).

Apparently they're pretty cheap in the UK, 5UKP, in the US I found a site with them for $20, or y'know, less than half the cost of a Taurox.

Looking at their stuff I see a lot of potentially useful vehicles.


At 1:43 they'll be a bit smaller than GW's oversized offerings but should be about right for civilian vehicles and terrain.

A damn near perfect armored limo.

Truck, van, APC, maybe even an alternate Taurox.

I love this truck, it's just odd enough so it won't stand out as a historical vehicle on the grim dark battle fields of the 41st millennium.

And this puppy, this puppy is just about perfect for an IG logistics vehicle. I'm about half a minute from buying 3 of them.

This stretched jeep is another odd vehicle that I can imagine being parked in an Imperial city.


Alternate Leman Russ tanks? Probably too small but can be an inferior PDF tank or maybe a predator.



Good for scout cars or trucks.

Wyvern or some jerry rigged cult or PDF weapon? Orks maybe?

A good bit of terrain or an objective.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/25 04:20:31

Post by: Stormonu

Eaglemoss makes military vehicles !!!??!!

/hobbit voice

You are an evil, evil man for showing me these.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/25 15:14:15

Post by: ExFideFortis

5$ earth shaker carriages. Looks great painted up.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/25 15:34:34

Post by: jreilly89

Tamiya 1:35 scale are pretty great. Also, forget the name, but Hobby Lobby sells a lot of 1:35 scale military vehicles that are the perfect size, think it was $14 for a half track I converted into an Ork Trukk?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/28 13:31:45

Post by: Scorpionov

those toys look good' use greenstuff to mash them together for fiends or beasts of nurgle

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/29 17:52:09

Post by: TheAuldGrump

Still in production, but maybe not that easy to find, is the Girder and Panel construction toy -

(Image links to Amazon page, hopefully.)

Also called Power City Construction - with identical girders, but different panels.

I prefer the look and price of the Power City sets - but it was known as Girder & Panel when I was growing up.

Be careful as to where you buy the sets - Amazon sells the sets for about $30 - but there are places that sell the identical sets for $120....

The basic structure is made using Girders - some vertical, others horizontal, and then placing Panels onto the pegs that come out of the Girders - there are real world buildings made in much the same way. (I watched them test fitting panels to the university library not far from where I live... it was eerily familiar. )

There used to be a site that had a template for creating Panels to the toy in graphics programs - including some with a familiar Grimdark feel. I couldn't find it with a quick Google, but perhaps someone else will have more luck?

The toy has been around for a long, long time - I first played with it in the 1960s.... Back then it came with a monorail....

I am looking at them as potential terrain for a super heroes game.

The Auld Grump

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/29 17:58:35

Post by: Asterios

LEGO, nuff said.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/30 09:25:45

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

OMG they still make girders and panels? I had them in the 70s and a rubber dinosaur to smash them godzilla style!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/30 10:37:47

Post by: Jefffar

They are being made by Street Toys and there's a lot of cool stuff on their website.

It is in HO scale though.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/05/30 20:11:52

Post by: Eilif

Girder and panel is a nice system. A few things to note.

1)It's made of polypropylene so superglue or epoxy is necessary for gluing and basing and Krylon Fusion and Camo paints are by far the best I've found for priming.

2) It can function in different scales depending on what panels you use. The picture that Grump posted above shows alot of panels that are much closer to 28mm than HO. However, some of the power city panels have doors that are somewhere between to HO (1/87) and 1/64

3) The power city structures do not provide enough panels to cover all the sides, but they are just paper so you can easily copy and print as many as you want.

I did a very brief review of the stuff and it's measurements here:

And here's a building where I used it.


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/06/27 12:08:38

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Returning to Fisher Price...

Various Knights for $15~$30






Uh Cap nice mech but I really don't think that's going to help against Thanos...


And some other stuff



Nice terrain peice


And I've mentioned it before but everytime I see this 18" Hulkbuster I think... plastic Reaver Titan


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/06/30 02:50:13

Post by: Rootbeard

No picture, and an internet search utterly fails to find a relevant match, but 5 Below is selling these drink/snack cups styled after rockets, complete with thrusters on the bottoms, which could be useful.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/06/30 03:13:07

Post by: PrehistoricUFO

It's been posted in a lot of terrain threads, but the Generator from the 'Generator Defense' Halo boxed sets is absolutely gorgeous as a massive generator/silo/supercomputer/etc. It's large, about 10" tall:

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/06/30 13:15:22

Post by: Pete Melvin

That girder and panel stuff looks excellent, and surprisingly you can seem to buy it here in the UK, hella expensive though

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/07/15 04:00:15

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

OMG! Lego is making a model of that German de-mountainator machine!


As close to a titan as real life is likely to get.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/07/15 09:13:30

Post by: Matthew

Oh mama, slap a few orks on that and you have a stompa.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/08/01 04:55:11

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I'm thinking of a backwater space port table and obvioously it would need a crane.

Not one of those sleek yellow T cranes we have nowadays, has to be a big ugly dirty one.



Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/08/31 12:17:02

Post by: Eilif

That Tomica stuff is pretty cool!

I've ordered a fair number of Plarail items from HLJ and Hobbysearch for my son's Thomas trains which were started from the blue Tomica track system that has since been replaced in the USA with different track.

Maybe it's time to start looking at the rest of the Tomy/Tomica line.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/09/01 03:10:10

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Thomas, ug.

We have 3 different Thomas sets in different scales and mediums, wood, Tomy Prarail and not-Legos.

Japanese kids' magazines come packaged with DVDs of cartoon samplers including tons of ads of course. Kyoto Secunda Prime studies Prarail commercials and pamphlets the way I used to study Star Wars and GI Joe toy catalogs. I remember having dreams about building a whole city out of SW playsets.

DNA huh.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/09/01 03:30:16

Post by: Grot 6

 porkuslime wrote:
 Guildenstern wrote:
Sorry I don't have a picture, and this is a bit local, but if you're in the US near a Michael's they have a pretty cheap set of kids animal toys, with dinosaurs that easily convert to dragons. I used one in one of my older terrain bits as a "dead" dragon, buried in dirt type thing.

Yes, that line also had Cyclops (great WHFB giants), Minotaur and a Bridge, as well as Dragons ..

Safari Ltd is the line.,.


Those are a steal at the price, BTW.

I picked up the 40mm wooden disks, some gravel, and brown 99cent paint, and they base excellently. The Greek stuff is absolutely awesome sauce for games. They also have an excellent Dinosaur, and creature line. You ever wanted that Johnny Quest Giant lizard, Spider, or Scorpion? They are just the ticket. Other games to use them in include Pulp City, Warhammer fantasy, Crooked Dice TV series, or any other game that you need some freakish creatures in. 10 bucks or so, compared to 50.... Yeah, its like that.

Another line to look into is old school MARX sets. The Naverone, Battleground, or Porkchop Hill set has plenty of stuff. The old west range as well, works great for games like Blackwater Gulch, Buckshot, or SoB. You find these sets on E bay for a song and a dance, or at your local thrift shops. OR, you might just have some left over from back in the day.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/09/01 03:30:29

Post by: KingmanHighborn


I can't figure out how to make it show as a picture here, but tell me that's not a deathstrike, 3 battlecannons and a perfect fortress set up.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/09/01 10:29:30

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Another Tomica Hyper, this one really has me tempted.

It already has 2 cargo pods on the bottom and if that train is the same size as my kids' train then it might be big enough to mount a Chimera or Rhino under it.

I wish I had a better size shot but it looks good for a 40k transport shuttle.


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/09/01 11:25:02

Post by: Eilif

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Thomas, ug.

We have 3 different Thomas sets in different scales and mediums, wood, Tomy Prarail and not-Legos.

Japanese kids' magazines come packaged with DVDs of cartoon samplers including tons of ads of course. Kyoto Secunda Prime studies Prarail commercials and pamphlets the way I used to study Star Wars and GI Joe toy catalogs. I remember having dreams about building a whole city out of SW playsets.

DNA huh.


We managed to keep it to two types Tomy Plarail and the die cast metal ones. I convinced him to give the metal ones away to friends with younger kids but I kind of like the Plarail system. He's already begun to leave the Thomas engines asside and use the 3 Japanese style "real" trains I bought him and the PlaRail system is so large with such cool options. Far better than the playset based stuff that Fisher price now makes here in the USA where the Trains are still rougly PlaRail compatible but the track system is completely different.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/09/07 11:38:48

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I posted this somewhere else but it should be here.


A 1947 Ford flat bed by a company called Jada. 1:27 scale.

Check out that overbite!

There's a couple of versions on Amazon for anywhere from $15-$60 plus shipping. The scale is completely wrong of course, but it's so, so pretty.

I can see it as an Ork battlewagon, an IG tank carrier, a wastelands truck etc. The main thing would be to cover or obscure the doors since nothing else really give it a sense of scale.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/09/07 11:51:35

Post by: Capamaru

Well hulkbuster Toy's arms and Tau stormsurge is for sure a reason to start a TAU army.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/09/08 20:42:13

Post by: LuciusAR

Plastic ants, available in all sorts of toy shops and online (especially close to Halloween) turned into epic scale bugs/alternative nids by a guy on a blog I follow. A whole army for a few pounds.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/09/10 07:52:58

Post by: frozenwastes

If you do 15mm sci-fi, every matchbox release will have something useful:

They tend to be around a dollar each and repaint really well. I cut back some of the gun shield as I wanted an un-armed one.

Right now you should be able to find the Rumble Raider. Here are some painted up by Little Chris:

They come like this:

Here's a list of 2016's releases:


Generally speaking for 15mm, cars will be out of scale and close to 20mm while trucks and heavy equipment will be perfect. Though occasionally they'll be too small and more appropriate to 10mm. The Rumble Raiders are enormous vehicles with the tires almost as tall as a person, but the doors and general feel of the scale works with current 15mm sci-fi and modern/near future miniatures.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/09/11 12:46:06

Post by: Eilif

Good suggestions. I've got alot of quite small scaled matchbox vehicles that I've grabbed as civilian vehicles for my 10mm stuff. Sometimes they even have a scale on the bottom. I should really post some pics of them.

Here's some matchbox choppers I found that look great for 10mm and might pass as 15mm

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/09/11 21:16:01

Post by: frozenwastes

I really like the Sky scorcher for 15mm. I think it looks about right:

picture from: http://overthehillgaming.blogspot.ca/2013/04/matchbox-finds-for-15mm-3.html

Another thing I've started being more intentional about is paying attention to which miniature makers sell accessory weapons in different scales.

The very first time I was exposed to someone using a toy in miniature wargaming was when a local Dark Angels player got a vindicator kit, built a rhino out of it and then took the extra parts and stuck it on a $5 toy tank. He made WW2 german style tank skirts out of plasticard.

Shipping costs to Canada going up as much as they have has caused me to order a lot less parts off of ebay, but anyone in the US or UK should definitely consider toys + bitz when planning their next vehicle project. For 15mm, I wait for seasonal shipping discounts or sales and order a bunch of guns and parts to use going forward.

15mm.co.uk and The Ion Age recently had a free shipping promotion, so I grabbed the guns and missiles from this:


Since they could be ordered separately from the whole accessory pack. I've got 10+ matchbox vehicles just waiting for them to arrive. In the order I also got some figures that come with weapon options so I'll have extra parts to use on vehicles:


For 28mm there are so many more options for augmenting toys with bits.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/09/22 14:06:50

Post by: Llamahead

One of those large cheap toy insects painted and based up has become a Devourer for Frostgrave. Got some decent sized Giant Scorpions as well.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/09/28 04:49:22

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I'm looking at these, perhaps for terrain or for scratch building space ships (with a lot of grubbings of course)


Seems they might have Lego's flexibility without making something that looks like Legos.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I won't try and reprint here but I found an article on this year's Star Wars releases.


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 8016/10/23 10:08:51

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Another building toy I'm thinking of.

Quercetti-Tubation Interlocking Pipeline Construction

Seems it would provide plenty of bits for an industrial or underhive terrain project. Sure it could be done with PDV pipes but these look easier to work with and for $20 not that much more.

Another take on the idea, with some wheels and cogs as well.


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/10/30 21:52:11

Post by: Llamahead

Morrisons has some nice cheap Halloween bugs and snakes which are good for 28mm.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/11/04 04:36:50

Post by: Monkeysloth

 -Loki- wrote:
The Avengers Quinjet and Halo Warthog are popular with the Infinity crowd because they look like generic futuristic military vehicles.

Hey, it's my still unfinished Quinn Jet and my old townhome. Sadly I think I've played infinity maybe twice since then (so in the past 18 months I believed). Well, it will get more use once my we start up the infinity RPG next year.

Here's another shot of it, without the end of the wings, if people want a better scale shot.

The Halo Warthog was from the Wizkids action clix line and you still see them appear from time to time for less then $10 (got my 4 for $5 each)

Anyway, recently picked up one of these 1/48 light rails after seeing one used on the infinity forum.


Only one side of the tram's doors open though. there are more expensive ones that both sides open but I decided the extra $40 or so wasn't worth it.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/11/11 16:27:39

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I understand there's some sort of new Space Battles (I think it's called, it was big in the 70s?) movie coming. Rouge One, I think about intersteller makeup salesmen. Anyway that means MOAR TOYS and that's always a good thing no?

These are all of course scaled for 3 1/2 inch figures (though undersized for them) but there's very little that gives away the scale so they should/could work as 28mm shuttles.

First up the new hotness, the U wing


I see potential in there for Imperial, Tau, Chaos or terrain.

Then the new TIE


Not much you can do with it, it's obviously a TIE fighter but maybe replacing the front window with some kind of cockpit or prow would make it look like something new. And it is a nice TIE.

And a new A Wing.


As with the TIE, not much you can do to pretend it's not a Star Wars ship, but it is a nice one.

And finally if you have $400 to burn...


A remote controlled walking AT-AT!

Again not much you can do to make incorporate it in other games short of major surgery (and $400 is a bit much to drop for something you'd cut up) but very very nice.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/11/11 20:12:07

Post by: Eilif

The ATAT Looks like it might actually be near-perfectly scaled for 28mm. I'm not going to pay that, but if someone were running a 28mm SW convention game it might be worth it.

For wargaming, the real SW toy gems are in the Micro Machines and Hot Wheels miniature line. Lots of ships there that -depending on the model- might scale well for X-Wing. With almost every notable vehicle being available in two different scales, you're very likely to find a close match scale-wise.

If you want to do 28mm, check out the Revel model kits. They vary in size and scale, but there are quite a few that are close enough to 28mm to look good as scenery on the table.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/11/15 13:45:40

Post by: STG

Love this thread! really good stuff

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/11/15 15:14:29

Post by: Eilif

Dang, I want that copter! Just the perfect amount of realism and sci-fi mixed.

I got word on another forum that this older snap-tite kit is about to be re-released.

Unlike the newer, smaller, and less detailed Snap-tite AT-ATC, the AT-AT is 1/53 and measures over a foot tall!

Some folks are selling NOS examples from years ago here.
Prices are way too high right now, but there's some info about the size. Based on the price of other models, this one may go for less than $50 if it gets released in the states!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/11/15 18:20:19

Post by: Matthew

Isn't there an RC AT-AT? I sense a Titan conversion...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/11/15 19:14:54

Post by: Eilif

Went ahead and ordered one of the "SWAT" cargo copters. It's only 9 bucks from Walmart with free in-store pickup. Too good to pass up.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/11/15 19:15:53

Post by: usernamesareannoying

post some scale shots eilif if you wouldnt mind

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/11/15 20:02:36

Post by: Eilif

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
post some scale shots eilif if you wouldnt mind

I'll definitely do so!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/11/16 03:39:56

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Eilif wrote:
 usernamesareannoying wrote:
post some scale shots eilif if you wouldnt mind

I'll definitely do so!

The chopper I've actually seen in the store. It's big enough for 40k, though a bit undersized from what it should be (if that makes sense). At 28mm it works as a smallish cargo chopper carrying a bike or two or 10 men, while at 15mm or 10mm it would work best.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Matthew wrote:
Isn't there an RC AT-AT? I sense a Titan conversion...

About half a page up.



Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh and update on the Tomica Storm Runner

Scale wise looks pretty good, I mean comically small if you're being realistic, but for 40k looks about right. For $20~$30 it makes a nice alternate flier for IG or Marines.

More pics here:


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/11/16 18:44:26

Post by: Eilif

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
 Eilif wrote:
 usernamesareannoying wrote:
post some scale shots eilif if you wouldnt mind

I'll definitely do so!

The chopper I've actually seen in the store. It's big enough for 40k, though a bit undersized from what it should be (if that makes sense). At 28mm it works as a smallish cargo chopper carrying a bike or two or 10 men, while at 15mm or 10mm it would work best.

Good to know. That actually sounds perfect to me. I won't be using it for 40k, but for my mech attack games. IMHO, aircraft need to be smaller-than-scale or chibi-in-proportion to work in 28mm or they usually end up way too big. A properly scaled Skycrane would take up a quarter of the table. It's the same reason I think that trains compressed for 0-27 curves work better than true scale "0" trains.*

I'll do a full review when it comes in. It really doesn't look like there's much to be done to it to make it sci-fi ready.

*Speaking of which I should have an update on the sci-fi train soon....

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/11/21 20:30:45

Post by: Llamahead

Morrisons Scorpion plus torso and head from bitz box. Chilopendra for Frostgrave......

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/11/24 16:00:20

Post by: Eilif

Anyone need some ALIENS?
It's basically the ALIEN version of plastic army men. 17 aliens and 18 Colonial Marines for $15 bucks.

The Marines are around 1/32 but the aliens look right -if a bit chunky- for 28mm.

THere's a good review of them by INL gameshere:
From which I stole the pics above.
Being soft plastic, they'll have to be cleaned really well and some plastic-spcific spray paint would be advised as a base coat, but even if you have no use for the marines, less than a buck each for ALIENS is pretty good and they come in 5 different poses!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/12/12 08:29:30

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

And here's another line worth a look-see.

The Corps!

Starting with the Beast Bomber


It looks scaled for GI Joe sized figures which means it would be a massive piece of terrain for 28mm. Perhaps an IG Platoon-level dropship?


Then there's a battle suit


Probably about Knight sized

A helicopter with a transport ramp that could probably hold most 40k vehicles.


Drone launcher would make a fine Deathstrike launcher or objective.


I only seem to see this in the UK but another interesting starting point for a drop ship or lander.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
One more, I only seem to see it in the UK though, but what a perfect shuttle if you chop off the rotors.


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/12/12 16:26:58

Post by: Eilif

I've seen alot of "the corps " stuff around here. Generally they're way too outsized or cartoony to work well with 28mm, but the Sub and Dual Rotor Chopper do have potential for spacecraft.

Most interesting to me, that Exo suit could be quite good with a bit of modification to the legs (either mechanisms or just some plasticard to cover it up. How tall is a Knight? The Exo suit probably isn't bigger than 6 inches tall.. Looks like it can be found for a bit cheaper if you shop around and there is at least one other Torso sculpt that looks pretty cool.

That plane reminds me of the Timmee Toy Hercules I had as a kid. A bit too big as a C-130, but could be a passable as a C-5 Galaxy with propellers...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/12/12 19:30:42

Post by: usernamesareannoying

that beast bomber is an ork super bomber all the way...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/12/12 19:36:38

Post by: Elbows

Yeah...that Beast Bomber screams Ork special scenario (or a lot of work could turn it Imperial).

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/12/12 20:39:32

Post by: Barzam

Wow! I've never seen those big Corps vehicles. They've been recycling the same handful of vehicles for about the last 20 years, so it's nice to see something new from them. I would've loved the Beast Bomber and the crazy Chinook looking helo when I was a kid.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/12/13 01:10:02

Post by: Grot 6

There are sets of Animal Planet toys that are abundant that include pieces akin to the old Marx kits. The Prehistoric has dinosaurs, the Animals has jungle animals, and BOTH of them include rocks, trees, Cliff outcroppings, and some additional stuff that makes for great terrain fodder.

Second was the buckets of The Core armymen. They had gak loads of add ons, such as cages, fences, statues, odds and ends, and each of the sets has a number of interesting bits that have numerous uses.


http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2333512&ab=TRU:tproduct_rr:Customers Also Liked:5




The Core- Army men, Pirates, Forest fantasy, ETC.





Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2016/12/13 02:21:06

Post by: Mathieu Raymond

 Eilif wrote:

I've seen alot of "the corps " stuff around here. Generally they're way too outsized or cartoony to work well with 28mm, but the Sub and Dual Rotor Chopper do have potential for spacecraft.

Most interesting to me, that Exo suit could be quite good with a bit of modification to the legs (either mechanisms or just some plasticard to cover it up. How tall is a Knight? The Exo suit probably isn't bigger than 6 inches tall.. Looks like it can be found for a bit cheaper if you shop around and there is at least one other Torso sculpt that looks pretty cool.

That plane reminds me of the Timmee Toy Hercules I had as a kid. A bit too big as a C-130, but could be a passable as a C-5 Galaxy with propellers...

Not a single "sentence" without an exclamation mark. Quite the feat. Gotta get'em rilled up!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/01/07 02:52:08

Post by: lord marcus

ExFideFortis wrote:

5$ earth shaker carriages. Looks great painted up.

Where did you get this?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/01/15 18:19:02

Post by: Smokestack

The Titan Fall Funko pops look nice.

[Thumb - 2.png]
[Thumb - 2.png]

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/08/21 09:12:50

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Well that looks very princess-y... wait... Batgirl?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/08/21 19:26:53

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Well, that's an Ulthuan board settled, then.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/08/25 11:21:04

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

So on Facebook someone's been showing off his Thunderbird/hawk project.


$50 is a bit much for me to try unless I see it in person but if it's big enough to carry a Chimera in that box...

18" long any guesses?

If nothing else it can be a troop shuttle, maybe with 2 APCs slung under it.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/08/25 12:26:33

Post by: Adeptus Doritos

Marauder Task Force figures have potential if you're into Skirmish games. You literally purchase a figure and build his kit from the ground up.

Army of Two ballistic mask? Colonial Marine Helmet? Tactical lightweight helmet? Baseball cap? Boonie hat? Beret?

Plate carrier? H-Harness? Tactical plate armor?

M-60? M-16? SCAR? The Terminator's Remington 1887 T-series shotgun? Colonial Marines M56 'Steady Cam' Smartgun?

They got you, fam. All that and more.

Currently working on figuring out a skirmish game for this.

Another toy line that was a lot of fun- Mega Force. We actually made a 'game' for this when I was a kid. I wouldn't say they were complex, but the rules were that certain vehicles had limited capability and you had to use the vehicles that worked (A tank can't shoot down a jet, etc.). I think we 'resolved' combat by using a deck of cards and playing 'battle', but a capable person could get their hands on these toys and make a pretty awesome game.

[Thumb - 47097c823feacde1a6f0f4440c75bc21_original.jpg]
[Thumb - die-cast.jpg]

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/08/25 23:53:49

Post by: lasgunpacker

Ah yes, Mega Force. Roughly 1/285/6mm stuff and some of it quite large or scifi.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/08/26 06:49:38

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Marauder Task Force sounds like exactly what I was looking for circa 1986 in my peak GI Joe customizing days.

Wonder if it's on Amazon...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/08/30 21:17:26

Post by: Barzam

Kid Kyoto, you can buy the Marauder Task Force figures directly from Marauder inc.


They're a bit pricey, but there's a wide variety of bits and bobs, including female figures. If you're really interested, they're running their third Kickstarter right now for articulated dogs, exo skeletons, and PMC mercs.

Related to them, check out Bossfight Studios. They designed the basic figures for Marauder. They're currently doing their own line of 1/18 fantasy figures with modular gear. The first series was Greeks vs Gorgons. Second series is sword & sorcery fantasy and its first wave just released. They're supposed to have conversion sets releasing soon along with generic "blank" figures. Another company partnered with them to do a line of modular zombies and survivors that just finished up a Kickstarter campaign.

Another little tidbit, Marauder said that they are planning to make an actual tabletop RPG to go along with their figures which will incorporate the toys' customizability.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/03 17:38:21

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

There's apparently a new La guerra de las galaxias (forget the English name) film coming this year which means new fodder!


Obviously a lot of sites with full reviews out there so I'll just hit what I think works for wargaming.

The ships... the A wing and new TIE with extra EVIL are gorgeous but a bit hard to un-Star Warsify. The other two are speeders and might be useful as some sort of flyer or landed ship terrain.

These two are play sets that fold into a BB-8 toy, potentially useful but pricey.

On the whole I don't see all that much that looks useful but we all know more will come and if there's an appropriately sized version of the Gorilla AT-AT I'll be all over it.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/04 02:22:42

Post by: Eilif

The snap-fit 1:53 AT-AT is avaialble now, though it's about 100 bucks.

It's a reissue of an older kit, but it's a pretty good looking set. I'm not sure if it's a regular release in the US and the price is solid, or if it's an import and a US release would be lower in price

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/04 05:34:37

Post by: Crimson Devil

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And while I'm on the subject of cheap toys of yesteryear...

I loved these guys when I was a kid. Maybe it's time for an army of turtle aliens.

Oh wow! I had these too. I remember also having a kid sized helmet, laser pistol, and sword.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/12 13:52:14

Post by: Eilif

I just picked this up Gryffindor tower playset yesterday.


It was only $25 at WalMart.
It's essentially one sided, but has alot of potential for placement in the corner of a small Frostgrave or Mordheim board or for an RPG encounter.
I'll do up a proper review of it this week. Also wouldn't be a bad way to display some fantasy figs.

It's scaled for the $1 Nano Metalfigs which are about 38mm sole-to-eye and though the figures are not great on detail they would be fine for some cheap, light wargaming.
Already did a review of them here:

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/12 13:59:11

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

That does look useful, how bad is the back? Would paint cover the unfinished nature?

Look forward to seeing it with some figures for scale.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/12 14:30:27

Post by: Anpu-adom

Glue 4 of them together? Leave out a wall or two on each side?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/13 01:26:44

Post by: Eilif

Kid_Kyoto wrote:That does look useful, how bad is the back? Would paint cover the unfinished nature?

Look forward to seeing it with some figures for scale.

Unfortunatley it's half-hollow plastic. I'll take lots of pics when I do my blog review.

As an estimated scale comparison, the figs in this picture with their thin bases are just a smidge taller than heroclix on their bases.

Anpu-adom wrote:Glue 4 of them together? Leave out a wall or two on each side?

possible, but the two walls are different sizes. Maybe with some filling. It really is best I think as a corner of a table or with an entire second wall built behind it.

One thing though is that it is really sturdy. The pieces fit together so nicely and snap so tight that I don't think I could take it apart without breaking it a bit.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/13 03:27:54

Post by: Mezmaron

1) The Hasbro Milano scales perfectly with the 15mm Galactic A-Holes from Highlander Studios.

2) I used a "Dragon Universe" toy egg for a spore pod:


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/13 13:06:49

Post by: Prestor Jon

 Eilif wrote:
Kid_Kyoto wrote:That does look useful, how bad is the back? Would paint cover the unfinished nature?

Look forward to seeing it with some figures for scale.

Unfortunatley it's half-hollow plastic. I'll take lots of pics when I do my blog review.

As an estimated scale comparison, the figs in this picture with their thin bases are just a smidge taller than heroclix on their bases.

Anpu-adom wrote:Glue 4 of them together? Leave out a wall or two on each side?

possible, but the two walls are different sizes. Maybe with some filling. It really is best I think as a corner of a table or with an entire second wall built behind it.

One thing though is that it is really sturdy. The pieces fit together so nicely and snap so tight that I don't think I could take it apart without breaking it a bit.

Hmmm,,,,now I want to buy that kit and put my Mantic DungeonSaga furniture in it. I can use it as a ruin so hopefully the exterior façade won't require too much work to look like broken stone walls.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/13 15:50:07

Post by: Easy E

That is a good find.

Not a toy, but for an aquarium....


I have seen them in person and they are the perfect scale for 28mm figures. Good for Frostgrave, Of Gods and Mortals, Song of Blades and Heroes, etc, etc.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/13 15:59:42

Post by: Desubot

 Eilif wrote:
Kid_Kyoto wrote:That does look useful, how bad is the back? Would paint cover the unfinished nature?

Look forward to seeing it with some figures for scale.

Unfortunatley it's half-hollow plastic. I'll take lots of pics when I do my blog review.

As an estimated scale comparison, the figs in this picture with their thin bases are just a smidge taller than heroclix on their bases.

Anpu-adom wrote:Glue 4 of them together? Leave out a wall or two on each side?

possible, but the two walls are different sizes. Maybe with some filling. It really is best I think as a corner of a table or with an entire second wall built behind it.

One thing though is that it is really sturdy. The pieces fit together so nicely and snap so tight that I don't think I could take it apart without breaking it a bit.

Seems like id be nice to rip up for parts and or recasting, like the book case window arches and those sick sofa chairs.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/13 16:39:22

Post by: Anpu-adom

Yeah, aquarium/terrarium stuff are often good finds for terrain.
From alien foliage to giant idols to huge pieces of dead trees... all for fairly inexpensive at the pet store.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/13 16:48:54

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Do you have a link for the aquarium pieces?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/15 14:17:47

Post by: Eilif

 Easy E wrote:
That is a good find.

Not a toy, but for an aquarium....


I have seen them in person and they are the perfect scale for 28mm figures. Good for Frostgrave, Of Gods and Mortals, Song of Blades and Heroes, etc, etc.

Those are great. We used that same round piece s a few years back for a Song of Blades and Heroes game.
Here's the batrep that one of our members did in a narrative style.
At least two other pieces of aquarium terrain in there too.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/16 05:03:49

Post by: Monkeysloth

There's also a batcave nano metal set that looks like it would be good for repurposing.

Also here's a video of the HP one that shows all the parts (starts around 7 min mark)

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/16 20:24:27

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

I didn't want to be the guy who posts this in the Bones 4 thread, but I found this at the dollar store.

[Thumb - image.jpeg]

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/16 20:35:58

Post by: Gilda

Wow, which chain of dollar stores? I'll go looking if we have them here.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/16 20:46:38

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Dollar Tree, I think.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/18 19:06:19

Post by: Elbows

This is vaguely related. (US players only)

Just saw on the news that Toys R' Us (large US commercial toystore chain) is considering declaring bankruptcy. While in many cases this doesn't result in a chain shutting down (somehow), it's very likely you could be seeing some major stores closing....always worth keeping an eye on for discount stuff if they have going-out-of-business sales.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/18 19:17:02

Post by: Desubot

Oooo might be time to grab that one crane

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/19 03:38:57

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Elbows wrote:
This is vaguely related. (US players only)

Just saw on the news that Toys R' Us (large US commercial toystore chain) is considering declaring bankruptcy. While in many cases this doesn't result in a chain shutting down (somehow), it's very likely you could be seeing some major stores closing....always worth keeping an eye on for discount stuff if they have going-out-of-business sales.

The rumor comes around every few years, but apparently this last year or so has been really bad for retail so this might be it.

Walmart and the Internet are just killing them, they make all their money on Babies R Us.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/19 21:00:07

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Gilda, it turned out to be a 99Cents Only store. They have a lot of great stuff for terrain there.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/19 21:51:07

Post by: kestral

I got the best armyman set for 40K ever for $10 at Reny's (I fear that is only a Maine, USA thing). It was called "River combat, and featured vaguely USA and East German forces, but everything had tons of rivets on it. Scale varied but lots of it will be usable. Four Jeeps, truck with radar dish, truck with MRS, two paper fold buildings, quonset hut (a little small, but convertable), sandbag enclosure, two quite detailed artillery pieces, two highly convertible stealth bombers, two bridges, two missiles on wagons. Some other stuff out of scale but great for making junk piles when cut up. Amazing value. Just goes to show it pays to look closely at what might be in the bag!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/21 12:21:56

Post by: Kid_Kyoto


One of the ships from Dragon Ball, a bit pricey at $23 but a good flying sauce for various game needs.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/21 12:30:47

Post by: Elbows

That could easily be done up into some kind of Rogue Trader or commercial flying vehicle --- with some grime and gribbly bits it's easy to see it in 40K.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/21 12:41:23

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

Or a flying disc for Magnus for when he doesn't want to use his wings

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/09/22 01:10:20

Post by: kestral

Whoah! I like that thing!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/12/18 09:44:33

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

30" tall


Well that's my Night Lords Reaver Titan sorted.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/12/19 12:24:42

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I've been going nuts looking for this entry. Turns out it was in the Science Fiction kit thread rather than the toy thread where it should be


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/12/19 13:25:17

Post by: Elbows

What a great potential piece for a land train and a very cool scenario/terrain piece...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/12/19 13:51:00

Post by: Zingraff

I've seen one of these once, in real life. It was surreal, at the time I didn't know such a machine even existed or could exist. I was on a high school excursion to an open cut coal mine in Eastern Germany (for no particular reason), and as we turned a corner, looking down one of those deep, kilometre long corridors into the ground, there was one of these beasts towering above us. The size of a city block, maybe 30 stories high and rigged like a huge, steel galleon. It was just incomprehensible.

Also Lego, for most types of buildings and fortifications. And you could play skirmish games, like Mordheim using lego men, because changing equipment would be really easy.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/12/19 15:12:38

Post by: AndrewGPaul

There are LEGO wargaming rules floating about the Internet already.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/12/19 15:18:26

Post by: Easy E

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
 Elbows wrote:
This is vaguely related. (US players only)

Just saw on the news that Toys R' Us (large US commercial toystore chain) is considering declaring bankruptcy. While in many cases this doesn't result in a chain shutting down (somehow), it's very likely you could be seeing some major stores closing....always worth keeping an eye on for discount stuff if they have going-out-of-business sales.

The rumor comes around every few years, but apparently this last year or so has been really bad for retail so this might be it.

Walmart and the Internet are just killing them, they make all their money on Babies R Us.

Not a rumor. They filed in 3rd quarter all ready.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/12/19 16:17:55

Post by: Coh Magnussen

 kestral wrote:
I got the best armyman set for 40K ever for $10 at Reny's (I fear that is only a Maine, USA thing). It was called "River combat, and featured vaguely USA and East German forces, but everything had tons of rivets on it.

Do you happen to remember the brand?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/12/19 17:19:02

Post by: Stevefamine

Local store had about 5 of these. Painted up they look great AMAZON has them for 13$ each. On my work blackberry right now (I know lol), can anyway link the jpeg?


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/12/20 04:05:52

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Anyone need Necromunda Walkways?


8" long, 3" wide, so too narrow for most 40k vehicles (great for Epic!) but decent enough for infantry. 2 for $10.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/12/20 05:46:44

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Darn it! Handrails! Guess I can't use them for Star Wars Legions.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/12/20 19:41:57

Post by: Stormonu

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Darn it! Handrails! Guess I can't use them for Star Wars Legions.

Sure you can - just turn them upside down so the handrails become support beams!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2017/12/20 20:01:02

Post by: Eilif

Finally got my reviews up for the Harry Potter
Gryffindor Tower https://www.chicagoskirmishwargames.com/blog/2017/10/09/review-harry-potter-hogwarts-fun/
and 20 figure pack. https://www.chicagoskirmishwargames.com/blog/2017/12/11/harry-potter-nano-metalfigs-update-20-pack-and-next-releases/

Really fun and affordable stuff for those wanting to try HP wargaming and willing to do it in 38mm (aprox 1/43).

AndrewGPaul wrote:There are LEGO wargaming rules floating about the Internet already.

There are, but if it's Brikwars you're talking about, they're more fun to read than to actually play. I've had alot more fun using Song of Blades and Heroes for LEGO battles.

Kid_Kyoto wrote:Anyone need Necromunda Walkways?


8" long, 3" wide, so too narrow for most 40k vehicles (great for Epic!) but decent enough for infantry. 2 for $10.

I have one or two of those. They originated in army men playsets. They're nice, but they are made of polyurethane so be sure to use some krylon camo (with "fusion") to prime them.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/02/03 00:11:50

Post by: JoshInJapan

The orange and blue King Kong is a nice addition. One doesn't normally see something like that in a Hot Wheels set.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/02/09 15:39:22

Post by: Easy E

If you play Gaslands any Hot Wheels of Matchbox cars will do. If you get the Hot Wheels Ultimate Garage Kid showed, you have stuff for more than one game!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/02/13 22:52:08

Post by: TheAuldGrump

One of the kids in my Kids of War group found what looks amazingly like a cheap ripoff of the old GW Ork Battlewagon - the original open topped one that looks like a steam powered dune buggy with metal wheels... he is using it for a dwarf Steel Behemoth.

He found it used in the cheap toys bin of the local Goodwill.

And I have no idea what company made the thing.... It is an obvious ripoff of the battlewagon, and was made in China.

The Auld Grump - so danged jealous of the kid's luck....

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/02/26 03:03:41

Post by: Skirmish Wargames

We just bought two Hot Wheels Imperial Speeder Bikes at Walmart for $3.97 apiece on closeout. Probably not cool for Legion, but the scale looks just about perfect for Star Wars Miniatures Battles. And the price was right!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/02/26 16:34:50

Post by: Easy E

Nice, I have been keeping my eye out and hoping the Micro Machines Star Wars would release sets of Stormtroopers and rebels again.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/04 01:33:35

Post by: Skirmish Wargames

Just spent a whopping $3.50 at Goodwill for these bad boys. Looking forward to breaking them down into component parts and repurposing into grungy wargaming terrain.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/05 02:18:44

Post by: Eilif

 Skirmish Wargames wrote:
Just spent a whopping $3.50 at Goodwill for these bad boys. Looking forward to breaking them down into component parts and repurposing into grungy wargaming terrain.

Excellent finds! I recognize the launcher but what are the other two?

If you need some inspiration for what do do with the power launcher, here's what I did with a very similar example.


Making terrain from junk toys is probably my favorite part of this hobby.

Cool blog by the way. My club has a very similar approach to wargaming.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/05 02:35:12

Post by: Skirmish Wargames

Your repurposed Hot Wheels launcher is crazy good. Thanks for the inspiration.

The big purple and orange thing I got at Good Will is actually a ShrinkyDink oven. The blue robot is marked Tomy and Disney (in very small type), but that's all I know about it.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/08 15:46:53

Post by: Eilif

 Skirmish Wargames wrote:
Your repurposed Hot Wheels launcher is crazy good. Thanks for the inspiration.

The big purple and orange thing I got at Good Will is actually a ShrinkyDink oven. The blue robot is marked Tomy and Disney (in very small type), but that's all I know about it.

Thanks for the info. Two more things to look out for at Goodwill!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/12 05:35:52

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

A lot of people probably already know aobut this but in case you missed it...


US Toys R Us stores are likely to close in the next week or two. So um... good time to shop for bargains?

I guess?

Beyond losing a store I really liked, and however many thousands of people losing their jobs there's the fact that TRU is going under largely because of a $7 billion leveraged buy out that hamstrung its ability to invest. Before people mutter about Amazon or Walmart or whatever try imagining running a business with a $7,000,000,0000 millstone around your neck.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/14 03:55:47

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Some more finds

If you need a ton of funky robots cheap:


Or monsters


Or fairies


Enough statues to last the rest of your life if nothing else.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/14 04:46:29

Post by: Yodhrin

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
A lot of people probably already know aobut this but in case you missed it...


US Toys R Us stores are likely to close in the next week or two. So um... good time to shop for bargains?

I guess?

Beyond losing a store I really liked, and however many thousands of people losing their jobs there's the fact that TRU is going under largely because of a $7 billion leveraged buy out that hamstrung its ability to invest. Before people mutter about Amazon or Walmart or whatever try imagining running a business with a $7,000,000,0000 millstone around your neck.

The Washington Post really is something special, not just excusing risky corporate behaviour, but doing so by gaking on people who lost their homes in a financial crash that resulted from risky corporate behaviour.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/14 13:10:38

Post by: porkuslime

I wonder what scale those robots, monsters and fairies are in...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/14 15:37:05

Post by: Eilif

 porkuslime wrote:
I wonder what scale those robots, monsters and fairies are in...

Hey Porkuslime, long time no see!

I wonder also. $17 is probably a good deal, but just a bit outside of the impluse buy range for me. If anyone does pick these up I'd love to see some scale shots. Especially the robots, I'm loving that turtlebot!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/14 22:04:34

Post by: Kalamadea

Yeesh, those must be veterans because it looks like most of those marines already got covered in Xenomorph blood

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I should probably add something useful. I picked up 3 of these at my local dollar store a few weeks ago for $10 each. Some kind of crappy hologram mind control silyness that you download an app to your ipad and slide it into the roof. I'm sure some executive though was a great idea...and only he thought was a great idea. Looks like they originally retailed for over $100, they're online for around $25. Worthless for their original purpose (as emphasized by the dozen left on the shelf I DIDN'T buy for $10), but it's absolutely awesome for Star Wars bunkers/buildings

They're pretty big, that Jedi Order symbol on the front is about 40mm wide. The white top glues down to the white base to make an awesome looking bunker/building, the dark grey cap that the plastic "glass" pyramid sits on has a lot of nice panel lines and will make for a great landing pad/storage pad. There's a big "Star Wars" logo on top that'll need to be covered by plasticard, but that's no big deal

And with some WotC Star Wars Miniatures for scale:

and a few more

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/14 22:45:40

Post by: Red Harvest


Just what I need to play the world's only 1:1 scale TTG, Fairy Meat No use for the ponies tho. Maybe sell 'em to some bronie or the other

 Yodhrin wrote:

The Washington Post really is something special, not just excusing risky corporate behaviour, but doing so by gaking on people who lost their homes in a financial crash that resulted from risky corporate behaviour.
We also call it The Washington Compost. In days of yore, it was known as Pravda on the Potomac.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/15 06:03:38

Post by: ScarletRose

They're pretty big, that Jedi Order symbol on the front is about 40mm wide

Geez, I thought that was the paragon symbol from ME. Guess I need to get more sleep.

Still that's a perfect size bunker. I'll have to see if I can find one cheap.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/15 06:33:31

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

What are those Star Wars things called?

I tried googling "Some kind of crappy hologram mind control silyness" but didn't find them.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh and if you missed it:


Toys R Us is closing all US and UK stores.

Great work Bain and KKR!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Eilif wrote:
 porkuslime wrote:
I wonder what scale those robots, monsters and fairies are in...

Hey Porkuslime, long time no see!

I wonder also. $17 is probably a good deal, but just a bit outside of the impluse buy range for me. If anyone does pick these up I'd love to see some scale shots. Especially the robots, I'm loving that turtlebot!

Robots - "The figurines are between 2.5-7 cm tall, the biggest being 6 cm wide." according to a reviewer.

Monsters - "each 2-3 inches high"

Fairies - "Most of the fairies and unicorns are just under 2 inches tall. The dragon figures are taller--closer to 3 inches tall."

I know Kyoto Secunda and Kyoto Secunda Prime are getting the fairies when we go back to the US.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/15 16:43:55

Post by: Kalamadea

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
What are those Star Wars things called?

I tried googling "Some kind of crappy hologram mind control silyness" but didn't find them.

The first image is a clickable link to the Wal-Mart online listing for $27, just google "Milton Force Trainer Hologram"

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/15 20:11:41

Post by: Eilif

That SW Trainer/Building is kind of amazing. I'm going to look around here for one. My kids can wear the headsets and run around with their lightsabers.

Red Harvest,
The fairy/pony set for playing fairy meat is actually a pretty brilliant idea. I seem to remember someone here or TMP or LeadAd was asking about Fairy Meat last year and though the rules are available the figures are OOP.

Thanks for that. That does make the robots bit more tempting.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/16 03:50:03

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Just noticed the robots come with scrap piles and ruined walls too.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/18 01:35:37

Post by: Eilif

There are some usefull toys in the Power Ranger lines. Two of which I'm at-this-time finishing turning into spacecraft for an Adepticon "Mech Attack" Scenario.

"Mission Response Vehicle"

More pics here:

It's on OOP toy, and you have to scratch a roof of some kind for the middle cargo area but you can find used ones for around $35 shipped on ebay.


Review and pics here:
Wierd looking I know but imagine it without a head lying on it's back. In that position it has a nice downward swept nose awesome starting point for a big blocky spacecraft or sci-fi bunker. As-is incomplete versions on ebay go for about the same price as the Response Vehicle.

I'll post finished pics to my blog and project log after Adepticon, but for now let your imagination run wild...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/19 13:51:56

Post by: Eilif

If anyone is interested I put up the first post about my most recent conversions of toys into 28mm spacecraft.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/19 14:04:26

Post by: Flinty

Toys are us was so.overpriced that even the closing down sale provided limited value for money.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/26 08:23:23

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Another toy soldier set that might be of use.


Apparently tailor made for some high-fantasy toy soldiering with wizards and heroes and monsters.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/27 22:16:24

Post by: Easy E

This maybe the wrong place, but here are a couple of rulesets that use Toys as the main gaming components.

Gaslands- Osprey

Total CARnage- Blood and Spectacles

Fairy Meat-

Green Army Men: Plastic Men, Steel Resolve- Blood and Spectacles


Free Wargames using Army Men-

Are there others you guys can think of? I am sure I missed tons!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/28 16:54:12

Post by: Eilif

 Easy E wrote:
This maybe the wrong place, but here are a couple of rulesets that use Toys as the main gaming components.

Gaslands- Osprey

Total CARnage- Blood and Spectacles

Fairy Meat-

Green Army Men: Plastic Men, Steel Resolve- Blood and Spectacles


Free Wargames using Army Men-

Are there others you guys can think of? I am sure I missed tons!

Those are some very good suggestions. For toy gaming I often recommend looking at simple wargames that are well proven even if they aren't listed for "toys". As an example, Brikwars is designed fo LEGO and is a really funny read. However in play it is rather klunky. Song of Blades and Heroes on the other hand is written for miniatures but is an excellent choice for skirmish gaming with LEGO which I've done on a couple occasions.

-If you have Robot toys, Mech Attack is a good option. http://armorgridgames.blogspot.com
-The Panzer 8 series of free games are wonerfully simple and versions exist for many different genres.

Anyone looking at any kind of toy gaming needs to look at Sean Patten's free wargame rules at http://www.ironhands.com (aka Necromunicon) They are almost all quite simple and many blur the lines between games created for toys and games created for simple wargaming He's got games for
-Star Wars Galactic Heroes (or any other kind of SW toys)
-Toy Cars
-and others...

I've used the "Starcrashers" rules to play with toy spacecraft several times with my son and we've really enjoyed it.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/29 18:04:20

Post by: Barzam

I still think Mega Bloks' Call of Duty and Halo lines would lend themselves very nicely to wargaming. Probably better than Lego, even.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/30 11:06:15

Post by: AegisGrimm

I've been pondering that exact thing, Barzam! Nice chunky figures that are nearly indestructible when it come to kids' handling. Slap some flat plates you der their feet, and you have poseable game minis that have swappable weapons and armor and can be removed from bases to be put on vehicles. Probably use the Brikwars rules, but with Megablox figures.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/03/31 23:38:13

Post by: Skirmish Wargames

Transformers Chess Set, possibly for statues, objective markers or ??? Got it for $15 on eBay plus $10 shipping.

Halo Nano MetalFigs (plus Desert Batman with a rifle). Just 97 cents apiece at the local Walmart vs. $6 apiece on Amazon. (Huh? Weird.)

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/04/02 11:48:42

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Not a toy but very useful


This display is 11 1/8" tall, 10" wide and 7" deep approximately
The sculpture is made of designer composite resin, hand painted and polished
Use this castle display stand to showcase your miniatures. We have many miniature sets in our store that is compatible with this display stand.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/04/02 14:33:18

Post by: Easy E

Those Nano Metal Figs are also good for Superheroes.

I went to the local Toys R Us that was closing and was EXTREMELY disappointed by the clearance prices. ONly 10% off and all the Big G stuff was gone all ready. :(

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/04/02 14:35:52

Post by: Eilif

 Skirmish Wargames wrote:

Halo Nano MetalFigs (plus Desert Batman with a rifle). Just 97 cents apiece at the local Walmart vs. $6 apiece on Amazon. (Huh? Weird.)

Very cool to see Halo getting a Nano line. I had no idea there was such a thing! No surprise about the prices though the same thing happened with all the other Nano Metalfigs lines. One buck each at Target or Walmart (Walmart seems to have a deal to get them a couple months before anyone else) and 4-6 bucks or more at various resellers.

I have a bunch of the Harry Potter Nano Metal figs that I hope to game with some day. Here's a trio of reviews I did on the figs and playset with comparison shots to wargaming figs.

Could you give us a sole to eye measurement on the Nanos? The HP figs were pretty solidly 38mm which made them bigger than most figures, but the line is big enough that you don't necessarily need them to compatible with other lines and you could also fudge it a bit with some 34m+ miniatures lines. If the Halo figs are that height it would probably be just fine as you expect guys in futuristic armor to be a bit bigger than average.

A height on a couple of the transformers would be cool too if you can.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/04/02 19:14:19

Post by: Skirmish Wargames

Size comparison vs. the standard Cadian. Master Chief is running, but the upright Halo MetalFigs seem to be 38mm from sole to eye. Cheers.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/04/02 19:40:00

Post by: Eilif

Thanks so much for that compairson shot and measurement!
I was ok with the HP figs being big but if theHalo figs are 38-40mm I'll probably skip them as all my sci-fi figs are aroun 28-30mm. Still it's a cool toy at a good pricepoint and there's alot of potential there for wargaming with kids. A batch of Halo Metalfigs and a bag of plastic aliens and you've got a wargame!

Robots look look to be in the 60-80mm range. I haven't been following the movies, but the new style of transformers look pretty cool even perhaps as non-transformer battlemechs. I may keep an eye out for that at resale shops.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/04/03 00:09:32

Post by: JoeRugby

 Eilif wrote:
Thanks so much for that compairson shot and measurement!
I was ok with the HP figs being big but if theHalo figs are 38-40mm I'll probably skip them as all my sci-fi figs are aroun 28-30mm. Still it's a cool toy at a good pricepoint and there's alot of potential there for wargaming with kids. A batch of Halo Metalfigs and a bag of plastic aliens and you've got a wargame!

Robots look look to be in the 60-80mm range. I haven't been following the movies, but the new style of transformers look pretty cool even perhaps as non-transformer battlemechs. I may keep an eye out for that at resale shops.

If the halo Spartans are 38mm tall they would be spot on for 7 foot tall supersoldiers to fit in with your 28-30mm minis.

( 28-30mm scale being about 1/56, and 7ft in 1/56 is 38.2mm)

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/04/03 02:46:26

Post by: TheAuldGrump

 TheAuldGrump wrote:
One of the kids in my Kids of War group found what looks amazingly like a cheap ripoff of the old GW Ork Battlewagon - the original open topped one that looks like a steam powered dune buggy with metal wheels... he is using it for a dwarf Steel Behemoth.

He found it used in the cheap toys bin of the local Goodwill.

And I have no idea what company made the thing.... It is an obvious ripoff of the battlewagon, and was made in China.

The Auld Grump - so danged jealous of the kid's luck....

They found it... it was by Fisher Price Imaginext, for six inch tall orc and ogre toys (how that is supposed to fit in a vehicle that is shorter than the orcs...?)

Finding the orcs pretty easy, less luck on the battlewagon.

The Auld Grump - pricey - the orc is $54 on Amazon....

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/04/03 13:08:53

Post by: Eilif

 JoeRugby wrote:
 Eilif wrote:
Thanks so much for that compairson shot and measurement!
I was ok with the HP figs being big but if theHalo figs are 38-40mm I'll probably skip them as all my sci-fi figs are aroun 28-30mm. Still it's a cool toy at a good pricepoint and there's alot of potential there for wargaming with kids. A batch of Halo Metalfigs and a bag of plastic aliens and you've got a wargame!

Robots look look to be in the 60-80mm range. I haven't been following the movies, but the new style of transformers look pretty cool even perhaps as non-transformer battlemechs. I may keep an eye out for that at resale shops.

If the halo Spartans are 38mm tall they would be spot on for 7 foot tall supersoldiers to fit in with your 28-30mm minis.

( 28-30mm scale being about 1/56, and 7ft in 1/56 is 38.2mm)

Good Point. I didn't realize that HALO soldiers are so tall.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/20 11:11:37

Post by: reds8n


they sell out real fast, but they are ideal for games like necromunda and so forth.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/21 17:15:22

Post by: Easy E

I picked up some Nano Supers figs for Super System games after looking at the price of Knight models Batman miniature game prices. Adam West Batman was like $20!

A quick re-paint and away we go!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/21 19:49:30

Post by: Eilif

Not seeing your picture...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/22 11:49:07

Post by: Osbad

I'm getting big into Gaslands. It has given me an opportunity to turn these:

Into these:

And most fun of all so far, turn this:

Into this:

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/22 13:34:59

Post by: Easy E

 Eilif wrote:
Not seeing your picture...

....arrgh.... stupid Google Photos......

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/23 19:39:22

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Omg omg omg *inhales* I need those.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/23 23:53:36

Post by: chromedog

If Norm from tested is a fan, then they can't be that much of a challenge to assemble.

(Srsly, I've seen him struggle to fold up a cardboard box).

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/24 04:54:10

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I'll be in my bunk.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/24 06:12:53

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Looks like it would be twice the size of a GW model. Might work if you do more damage to hide the door and height of the windows.

BMC Bombed French Farm House
Colors: Tan with Gray Roof and Floor
Size: 8 x 5.75 x 7.25 inches tall
Scale: Approximately 1:32 (54mm)
Packaging: Polybag with Header Card

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/24 06:40:11

Post by: Azazelx

Yeah, I saw the scale. A bit expensive to ship to here in Aus to test it, but there's always a chance that someone on Dakka has tried one out or has a scale shot.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/24 06:44:45

Post by: JoshInJapan

The house seems to be scaled for plastic army men, so it might fit Primaris Marines.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/24 06:56:01

Post by: ingtaer

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Omg omg omg *inhales* I need those.

Indeed, I would buy a half dozen right now but unfortunately it looks like they are going through crowdfunding first...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/24 07:18:22

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Azazelx wrote:
Yeah, I saw the scale. A bit expensive to ship to here in Aus to test it, but there's always a chance that someone on Dakka has tried one out or has a scale shot.

Ah OK, eyeballing it most 28mm models will come to about halfway up the door, the base of the window. So you could easily hide a squad on the first floor with no shots in or out. They might be able to look out the windows on the second floor.

In Australia something like Miniature Scenery might be a better resource to check out.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
 ingtaer wrote:
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Omg omg omg *inhales* I need those.

Indeed, I would buy a half dozen right now but unfortunately it looks like they are going through crowdfunding first...

You could always contact them, maybe they'd be interested in sending out review copies


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/24 08:49:39

Post by: ingtaer

Cheers for the link, have sent them some messages so we will see.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/27 23:19:28

Post by: chromedog

Anyone mention the "Tech deck" toy skateboard terrain yet?

I use it on my infinity table. Got a stack of it when a local chain store had a clearance sale (2 for 1) and they were marked down, too.

The boxes are stackable storage boxes I got from a $2 shop ($2 for 6 of them).

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/05/28 19:14:43

Post by: Eilif

chromedog wrote:Anyone mention the "Tech deck" toy skateboard terrain yet?

I use it on my infinity table. Got a stack of it when a local chain store had a clearance sale (2 for 1) and they were marked down, too.

The boxes are stackable storage boxes I got from a $2 shop ($2 for 6 of them).

I have some of the Tony Hawk "Circuit Boards" version which is similar but has a metal look for the walls that is VERY necromunda. I think I showed some earlier in this thread. I'm using some right now on a comission job.

I have some of the Tech Dech stuff but haven't used it yet. Looking at how you have it, I might stop over thinking it and just give it a quick-paint job. It looks great on your table!

I have one, it' is BIG.
If you cut one centimeter off the bottom ege and moved the second story floor up about a cm it might work. Would probably still look big, but if you glued a 28mm'ish lattice over the big windows to scale it down a bit it could probably pass as a ruin of a grander sort of home that might have very tall ceilings.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/06/13 06:02:26

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Just a word of warning on those resin space stations: I bought a few packs and each one had at least one major component that looked all melty.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/06/13 13:38:17

Post by: Easy E

Here are some (poorly) re-painted Nano Metal superhero figs to be used in Super System games.....

They were pretty easy to simply paint over with no real stripping required. Plus, they work out to about $1 a figure. I am not sure how that translates to re-painted Heroclix.

here is what they started life as....

You can read more if you are interested here:

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/06/14 14:34:24

Post by: Frazzled

This thread is why Dakka is absolutely awesome. Excellent ideas here!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/06/18 06:20:12

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I don't know when I'll get to it but two contenders for a heavy landing craft. Take the toy, glue or magnetize some Armoured Containers or even tanks to the bottom and Bob's Your Uncle!



3' long!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/06/18 08:23:01

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Four more feet and it'll be like that ancient GI Joe toy.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/06/18 08:28:20

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Which reminds me, why is there no Matchbox sized Helicarrier toy for my desk?

They could have the classic Kirby one, the movie one, maybe some of the comic ones (Landron had a great carrier)...

It is because Hasbro hates us all?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/06/18 15:55:22

Post by: Eilif

That Thunderbird toy is 16 inches long. That might not be far off for full on 28mm!

I'm downsizing my toybashing junk but man is that tempting!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/06/18 16:32:16

Post by: Easy E

Elif, imagine a game of Mechattack where that Thunderbird hot drops a mech right into the combat on the table!

I added a game using those Nano metal repaints onto my blog if you are into that sort of thing.....


The miniature gaming police did not knock down my door and drag me away for committing heresy..... yet. These were super fun to re-paint and I all ready have two more figs on the painting desk.

Next up, maybe some Skylanders! in battle.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/06/28 11:58:16

Post by: Destroyer_742

I have a sector imperialis board at home and while it is vary nice, the roads are completely clear firing lanes. I’ve been checking the toy aisles for some chunky vehicles to break up the shooting gallery. So far I've found this thing that looks like it will work as some kind of ad-mech garbage truck.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/06/28 13:07:10

Post by: Eilif

Dang that is perfect!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/06/28 13:18:37

Post by: LordMcAllister

@Destroyer_742: That's a very cool conversion! Awesome to see, how some subtle alterations (painting and adding some small iconography) can change the whole appearance of an item.

I already love this thread and hope to see many more conversions of toys into wargaming pieces!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/03 04:08:45

Post by: Skirmish Wargames

A closer look at the Halo Nano Metalfigs. Plus, Desert Batman!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/03 07:45:16

Post by: Hanskrampf

That Paw Patrol vehicle is pretty good. I just checked Amazon and there are a lot of them with different loadouts. Tug boat, different trucks, etc.
Can we see a scale shot with some minis?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/04 02:52:01

Post by: Destroyer_742

 Hanskrampf wrote:

Can we see a scale shot with some minis?


It’s large enough to hide a battle tank behind, but getting more line of sight blocking terrain was the main reason I bought it

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/04 03:24:34

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Wow a lot bigger than I thought.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/04 03:34:38

Post by: Elbows

Fess up...who else started making Pac Man sounds when they looked at those pics?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/04 05:59:01

Post by: Hanskrampf

 Destroyer_742 wrote:
 Hanskrampf wrote:

Can we see a scale shot with some minis?


It’s large enough to hide a battle tank behind, but getting more line of sight blocking terrain was the main reason I bought it

Awesome, thank you!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/04 07:38:46

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Wow that actually kinda works. I thought it'd be way too big.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/04 09:13:03

Post by: ValentineGames

I can't tell the difference between toys and actual GW products...XD

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/05 20:05:59

Post by: Eilif

ValentineGames wrote:
I can't tell the difference between toys and actual GW products...XD

You're assuming there ever was a difference...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/05 21:31:05

Post by: Vulcan


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/06 14:53:24

Post by: Destroyer_742

I liked how the first one turned out so I bought another.


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/06 15:37:47

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Stop making me want Paw Patrol!


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/06 16:17:42

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Rubble on the double!

I've got a bunch of Paw Patrol rings with the shield shape I was planning to use (with some plastic wings) on some Arbites-inspired terrain. Do you want some of them?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/06 16:43:26

Post by: Ratius

That paw patrol stuff is terrific
How did you paint it up? Was the plastic difficult to get the paint to adhere to?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/06 17:13:00

Post by: Destroyer_742

 Ratius wrote:
How did you paint it up? Was the plastic difficult to get the paint to adhere to?

Really really lazily. I just sprayed them with silver spray paint, then applied one coat of khorne red for the red, one coat of Retributor Armour for the gold and a heavy wash of apple barrel black paint thinned down with water and a bit of flow aid. No issues with paint adhesion so far.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/08 09:46:45

Post by: SeanDrake

No pics as on my phone but Playmobile have stared to sell there gladiator arena again.

These were going for daft money on eBay so they have released them as a direct only order on there webstore. They are perfect for arena rex or anything that need a a roughly 2ftx2ft arena.
The official Arena Red convention display is a converted one of these and looks great.

They don't come with any of the figures or other stuff anymore and are just bagged rather than boxed almost like somebody at the company plays Arena Rex and knows what they were being bought for.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/12 14:23:59

Post by: Galef

Batman Begins Tumbler as an alternate pattern Land Raider:

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/15 20:36:05

Post by: morganfreeman

Don't mind me. Just posting so I can find this thread later.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/15 21:48:44

Post by: Mysterio

You could, of course, just subscribe to this thread too...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/16 05:51:02

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Bit of a recycle but I'm getting ready for a move and used my pile of dime store space ships to make a space hulk.


If you're doing any sort of space gaming some of those packs can be your best friend.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/18 17:33:48

Post by: Eilif

Now that's a real hulk. A massive collection of other ships fused into one.

I'd probably attach them a bit more geometrically, but the warp does strange things to these assemblages and it certainly looks great.

I think I have all the stuff displayed in the before/parts pic!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/19 04:36:03

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I still have a lot of the large airplanes and bits so I may try making them into ork cruisers.

The Ork Hulk is more like a ship, it actually has some control over movement etc, I had a lot of fun so maybe I'll do one as 'terrain' next which doesn't need to be as linear.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/26 20:00:19

Post by: Flinty

I just picked up some super cheap toy vehicles for their payloads to be used in my Necromunda scenery. A couple of pounds each from Amazon. I might be able to reuse the wheels as well, but it's the tanks and movable platforms I'm.interested in.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/27 01:55:07

Post by: Sinful Hero

 Flinty wrote:
I just picked up some super cheap toy vehicles for their payloads to be used in my Necromunda scenery. A couple of pounds each from Amazon. I might be able to reuse the wheels as well, but it's the tanks and movable platforms I'm.interested in.

Do you have any scale pics for those? Or can you give a rough estimate of size?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/27 05:21:55

Post by: Andrew1975

lots of cool ideas here.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/27 23:44:26

Post by: Flinty

 Sinful Hero wrote:
 Flinty wrote:
I just picked up some super cheap toy vehicles for their payloads to be used in my Necromunda scenery. A couple of pounds each from Amazon. I might be able to reuse the wheels as well, but it's the tanks and movable platforms I'm.interested in.

Do you have any scale pics for those? Or can you give a rough estimate of size?

Yup..here you go.

The mewp trucks convert down to a reasonable personal.mewp for 28mm, while the tank will.work nicely for.cover in Necromunda without fully blocking LOS.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/28 03:36:13

Post by: Osorios

What about this guy as a large monster for an Idoneth Deepkin army?


I've been tempted to get a different model as a counts-as for a Khorgorath

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/07/29 00:00:00

Post by: Vulcan

I'm tempted to pick up a couple as proxy DE K-beasts.

Good find!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/08/01 10:36:30

Post by: Cleatus

I picked up a bunch of these humvee toys at the local dollar store. Seems like a close size match for some 40k vehicles. Might be good fodder for Ork Trukks or Battlewagons, civilian vehicles, or terrain. Take the wheels off, prop it up on blocks, etc.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/08/09 13:10:38

Post by: rosafari

Cheap as chips SF bunker/manufactorum/industrial unit at Argos for £4.99:

£4.99! Here: http://www.argos.co.uk/product/5274116

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/08/16 09:39:47

Post by: rosafari

It’s a beast!

Useful gubbins

Storm Giant IT support desk

Glowy fish, useful for those sea elf weirdos

Giant enemy crab

Shark! Don’t know if I can make this work but it leaves me something to play with in the bath

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/08/17 02:14:30

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Saw these at Target today, look like they could be some cheap and cheerful terrain.



Kind of a Soviet brutalist sort of look, not bad for $12

[Thumb - 81dRZBg6IaL._SL1500_.jpg]

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/08/21 23:05:29

Post by: Easy E

I was looking for some plastic Dinosaurs and came across this fun site for plastic soldiers with a bunch of terrain...


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/08/22 00:07:13

Post by: Coh Magnussen

I found these guys at the local Dollar Tree :

I'll probably give the jeeps to my son, loot the digger-parts, and I'm thinking of using these as the basis for Ork lobbas :

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/08/24 19:04:04

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Annual reminder, arts and crafts stores have their Halloween stuff out. So if you're looking for skeletons, skulls, haunted houses etc this is your time!

They'll be cheaper in November but you'll only get.the dregs then

[Thumb - P_20180824_141956.jpg]
[Thumb - P_20180824_141509.jpg]

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/08/25 15:53:10

Post by: kestral

I've FINALLY tracked down what I consider the right Train for 40k.

WOW Toyz (the z is important on searches), "Classic" line. They make two engines, four styles of cars, and tons of track. Cost is maybe $25 a set on Ebay or Amazon, or $10 a car. Though they are actually a little small really, they are plenty big enough on the table and I think will look fine if you redo the doors on some of the cars.... Armored Train, here I come!

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/08/27 20:30:58

Post by: Eilif

Kid_Kyoto wrote:Annual reminder, arts and crafts stores have their Halloween stuff out. So if you're looking for skeletons, skulls, haunted houses etc this is your time!

They'll be cheaper in November but you'll only get.the dregs then

Nice, I hadn't noticed there was a construction pack! There's a military pack available right now that comes with a toy tank and a really nice fuel tank on a base. I hadn't seen one in years but some time ago I used one on this piece of terrain.


I'm fairly certain it's the same piece I used for the fuel tank on the right. as a size comparison the fuel tank has about the same length and width as a Hot Wheels vehicle.

kestral wrote:I've FINALLY tracked down what I consider the right Train for 40k.

WOW Toyz (the z is important on searches), "Classic" line. They make two engines, four styles of cars, and tons of track. Cost is maybe $25 a set on Ebay or Amazon, or $10 a car. Though they are actually a little small really, they are plenty big enough on the table and I think will look fine if you redo the doors on some of the cars.... Armored Train, here I come!

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Those are great. Some of them are closer to 1/56 though the passenger train is closer to 1/64. I agree that it's actually quite good for wargaming. A true-scale train on a wargaming table is just HUGE. A scaled down toy like this or a length-compressed O-27 scale (close to O scale but intended for sharp curves) train is much better. If you poke around on Ali Express you can find individual cars from the WowToyz/Fenfa trains for around 5-8 bucks each.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/08/27 21:53:21

Post by: Easy E

 kestral wrote:
I've FINALLY tracked down what I consider the right Train for 40k.

WOW Toyz (the z is important on searches), "Classic" line. They make two engines, four styles of cars, and tons of track. Cost is maybe $25 a set on Ebay or Amazon, or $10 a car. Though they are actually a little small really, they are plenty big enough on the table and I think will look fine if you redo the doors on some of the cars.... Armored Train, here I come!

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Sweet! Every game of every genre needs to do a train heist scenario at some point! I mean look at Firefly and Star Wars!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/08/29 23:36:59

Post by: Flinty

I just scored these bad boys on eBay for £6, scaled against some random models.and a chimera.

I'm not sure what I'll.do.with the hulk mobile but the iron man driller thingy will become a semi-abandoned mining machine for my Necromunda table. I just need to replace/build up the crew compartment at the top and add s9me searchlight and maybe a weapon mount for self.defence.

You could probably gin it up as a Termite with minimal.effortif you were so inclined.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/08/30 21:44:31

Post by: Dark Severance

While at California Adventure/Disneyland I encountered the Precision Series playsets for Cars. They had a picture of a mock Radiator Springs which was pretty cool. But the buildings themselves scale fairly well to be used in 28/32mm gaming and they light up. They can be a bit expensive, given the details, lightup and brand but you can also find decent deals on them as well. The top comes off, inside has decorations and usable terrain internally as well. The cars themselves aren't the right size but the terrain itself seems to match up decently.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/08/31 00:33:57

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

OK so for a while now I've wanted to do a WWII Landing Barge style shuttle big enough to hold a Chimera or Rhino or two. I've looked at different kits and toys but never found the right size. I finally gave up and figured I'd either have to scratch build it or just file it under never.

And then my girls started watching something called Paw Patrol...

$30 and the cargo area is supposed to be 4"x12", so big enough for two Chimeras.


I'd have to build a top deck, engines and winglets, and 40k it up (SKULLS!) but it wouldn't be impossible...

I couldn't. Could I?

Oh and for those looking for an Osprey like VTOL,,,


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/09/01 21:52:16

Post by: Eilif

Dark Severence,
That playset looks great. There was a series of Cars playsets sold in normal stores a while back that had some great potential for a retro-50's look. They were spot-on for 28mm. I had a V8 Gas station that was perfect but I gave it to a buddy for his terrain. They also show up used from time to time.

Paw Patrol, Ha!
That landing Craft is briliiant.
I almost kept my kid's paw patrol VTOL when they grew out of it but I gave all that stuff to a friend's kids.

There was an earlier red and blue one and it can often be found cheap online or at resale shops.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/09/01 22:07:58

Post by: Dr H

I did say that I should show this off in here. Although not a new toy in any way.

I happened to have a Terminator 2 bio-flesh re-generator play set.
This was originally used to cast a fleshy gel about a skeleton.

But now you can use the mould to create statues.
Although getting them out whole is tricky.

That just means you make ruined statues.

and for scale:

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/09/01 22:34:46

Post by: JohnnyHell

Having a table full of Ahhhhrrrnuld statues would be hilarious!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/09/02 02:55:17

Post by: master of ordinance

Gods, I remember that playset!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/09/07 15:59:33

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

I bought this tank from Walmart for about $6. For the same price, it is larger than the Bronekorpus and about as well detailed, although it probably needs some stowage bits and some hatches or sensors (MEdge terrain sprue?) to look better next to 28mm miniatures. The other two minis were $5 each at the 99c Store, the basis for a walker and a flyer or BFG ship.

[Thumb - image.jpeg]

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/09/07 16:00:52

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Here is a scale shot of the tank with a GW figure, a Mantic mini and a Raging Heroes mini.

[Thumb - image.jpeg]

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/09/07 17:37:03

Post by: DarkTraveler777

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Here is a scale shot of the tank with a GW figure, a Mantic mini and a Raging Heroes mini.

Oh that is quite nice! Thanks for the scale shot.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/09/07 19:37:55

Post by: Elbows

I chuckled at the Terminator "fleshinator" set. I had that way back when. We did end up using the grey plastic portion as Necromunda scenery in high school.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/09/07 20:22:00

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Good pick, can almost be a super heavy tank. What were the baby supers called? Smaller than a baneblade, bigger than a Lander Raider? Those.

THE CORPS! choppers and aircraft have tempted me for a while to make landing craft and shuttles.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/09/07 22:01:28

Post by: Easy E

The Macharius?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/09/07 22:38:37

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Easy E wrote:
The Macharius?

Macharius, Maccragge, Malcador, Marbo, something like that.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/09/08 01:19:44

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Magegge Magilacutti

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/09/10 16:59:41

Post by: Easy E

The Mr. McGoo?

I am really digging on the Nano Metal Super figs lately. With the Batamn: Miniature rules available online, I have no end of cheap figures to use for it such as Batman- Many versions, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, and more for about $1 each. I can even use some of the Street Fighter and other variants as goons.

Just give them a wash and you are set.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/09/11 11:28:23

Post by: Binabik15

I bought a Schleich "Eldrador" giant bear with crystals sticking out from him. The fur is really nicely done even compared to many real TT minis, the prepaint is as good as the usual Schleich stuff outside some garish bright green scars or whatever(so, pretty damn good) and the size is pretty close to the Giant Chaos Spawn or Slaughterbrute I might run him as. The teeth and claws could be pointier, but I once sculpted over another Schleich model (of a house cat) to more resemble my cat, so I know for a fact that can be improved. And painted over.

At 9€ I might actually get *another* one and keep the current one on a shelf - I really DO like it

They have a lot of "mythical" stuff in that range, including a scorpion roughly the size of a shoe, a frost wolf, Cerberus and this sweet burning feline that the store I bought mine did not have, sadly.


Bear (bad photo, maybe, mine has several hues of brown washed and airbrushed on the fur


PS: On my phone so excuse the crapy links to Google searches instead of proper pics.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/09/13 17:52:53

Post by: Eilif

 Easy E wrote:
The Mr. McGoo?

I am really digging on the Nano Metal Super figs lately. With the Batamn: Miniature rules available online, I have no end of cheap figures to use for it such as Batman- Many versions, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, and more for about $1 each. I can even use some of the Street Fighter and other variants as goons.


Just give them a wash and you are set.

At 38/39mm sole to eye the Nano Metalfigs are a bit big compared to 28/32mm stuff, but the price is certainly right and there's nothing wrong with gaming in a slightly larger scale. Further, the size of the nano figs makes them spot-on for scale with 1/43 die cast that are generally available quite cheaply. Also, IMHO they are close enough to be used with many Heroclix which lean towards 34mm

I've collected the entire Harry Potter line in hopes of someday doing HP gaming. Here's a pair of scale comparison shots
Emma Frost is about 34mm and the Chronosocope figs are 31mm

I've also reviewed the rest of the line and the Hogwarts playlet. Links
to those here:

Stripping the paint (I used MEK) reveals a bit more detail, but whether it's enough of a change to warrant the effort is debatable.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/22 03:20:25

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

It's that time of year again!

My son named them Ungoliant, Shelob and Scorpion. (Pronounced "Scorpy on.")

[Thumb - image.jpeg]

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/22 03:21:31

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Oh, and is anyone looking for a nice basis to convert a Dark Age of Technology Titan?

[Thumb - image.jpeg]

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/22 03:34:37

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I may need that robot... wasshisname, ED209?

Y'know I keep thinking how great Rogue One was, then I realize I can't remember anyone's name. I think the chick was called June, then there was Frenchie, that guy, ED209 and um... Lord Evil?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/22 03:45:20

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Gin Ursine, Prince Caspian, K9, and Commandant Lassard. They are totes memorable.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/22 03:50:42

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Oh and cyber Che Guavera, who can forget Star Wars' second best wheezer.

Anyway yeah, lot off the head, remount in the center of it's chest, find an appropriate turtle back, add some leg armor, lop off the arms at the elbows, add nerf guns and bob's your uncle.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/22 03:51:47

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

I forgot Ghost Dog Saul Guerrila.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/22 06:38:05

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Not sure if this has been posted, but this stuff has been a big hit in the Necromunda community:

You're probably thinking yeah, ok, that looks like it could work. But how's it look in practice?

Like this:

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
My son named them Ungoliant, Shelob and Scorpion. (Pronounced "Scorpy on.")
Perfectly reasonable name. I mean it's not a Scorpy off, is it?

Your kid's a clever 'un!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/22 16:01:59

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Oh and the Ambiguously Gay Duo of Kung Fu Cliche and Gun Guy!

Man I loved that movie so much...

Seriously is this just me or was the movie completely forgettable? I could have sworn I loved it...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/22 16:22:48

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

It's my favorite non-OT Star Wars movie. I remember many individual scenes, but that's probably because it was just an okay movie with a few really good scenes.

Speaking of the duo, I spent too many days imitating Donnie Yen's line "I am one wih the Foce and dhe Foce ih wih me." Got some pretty intense glares from people who may have thought I was imitating an accent rather than a specific performer. Haven't had that problem since Last of the Mohicans and Wes Stusi...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/23 14:43:51

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Oh hello Capital Imperialis, I've been waiting for you.

$100 in Disney stores.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/23 18:44:25

Post by: master of ordinance

You want toys in wargaming? You get toys in wargaming!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/29 20:02:10

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Been looking for trucks or APCs for some cheap terrain, found these two:



The scale is off but the size is about rhino/chimera sized so I figure it's worth an $8 gamble.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/29 21:37:27

Post by: Viktor von Domm

does that mean you´re ordering some of these? would like to see them with some minis for scale comparison...

i always get confused when inches are shown

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/30 02:28:06

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

About 50/50, I have a few things on my plate

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/30 13:49:23

Post by: Viktor von Domm

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
About 50/50, I have a few things on my plate

one of the most uttered sentences I needed to say on this board...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/30 14:00:00

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Well since I posted this the APC sold out and I just got the last ambulance. So I guess it was a good find.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/30 14:01:30

Post by: Viktor von Domm

so...it was not meant to be then^^ personally i find the small truck way better anyways^^

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/30 14:43:15

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I found these on Amazon as well, 1/32 Soviet/Red Chinese trucks. I got a few back when I was in China and, assuming they're the same (they look the same) they're oversized but can hold a 10 model squad in the back and provide good cover.


FYI this article has Rhino and Chimera dimensions in CM and Inches.


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/30 16:08:37

Post by: Viktor von Domm

that is good looking!!! has a ton of charme even more than the other truck!

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/10/30 23:28:36

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Here are the Chinese ones with models for scale

But the best trucks I've found were these ones in India by Centy

I found them on Amazon and Ebay but can't bring myself to pay triple for them here, especially when I have a half dozen in storage ATM.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
While I'm on the subject of past glories, the best van I found:



Oh and what's this? $12 Basilisk?

And $12 Deathstrike?


Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/11/02 01:09:28

Post by: theCrowe

I made this "Holo-projector" objective marker from a kinder surprise toy.

As are these Battletech salvage counters.

And this laptop was from a TMNT set and the briefcase is Lego. My kids'll never miss'em.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/11/02 16:03:47

Post by: Ashitaka

I think these are available at the Dollarama stores here for $2 each. I think I bought some to be wrecked vehicles for Necromunda.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/11/02 16:52:50

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Cool do have any shots.with minis?

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/11/02 21:24:15

Post by: Ashitaka

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Cool do have any shots.with minis?

I'll try and take something tonight or this weekend for scale.
I think that the ones I have do not have lights or pull back and go thing-y.
I actually think there are some in a dollarama bag in my car - haven't even made it into the house yet.

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/11/02 22:32:58

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Got my ambulance today, perfect size, I'd love to have 3-4 of them. Have to scour the internet for more...

Toys with war gaming or terrain uses @ 2018/11/03 01:11:26

Post by: Ashitaka

Here it is

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I have another one that has the same missile that's in the second image (original post).

They do tilt up and they do have the pull back and go mechanism.

I also found this tank that's almost the same size as a rhino:

[Thumb - 20181102_205329.jpg]
[Thumb - 20181102_205438.jpg]
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