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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/01 14:16:24

Post by: Davout

Just like the title says, post up a pic of the last game you played.

I played my first game of 8th yesterday and played another game of AoS

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/01 15:35:52

Post by: lord_blackfang

Wouldn't you know it, I just came home from playing 2 games of Kings of War and today was the first time I didn't take any pics.

So here's one from last Saturday

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/01 15:52:18

Post by: AegisGrimm

I'm not sure my camera from 6 years ago will work, and that's when I last played, unfortunately.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/01 17:44:40

Post by: ScootyPuffJunior

A little over a week ago, my Desert Rats went up against my friend's Afrika Korps in our second game of Version 4 FoW:

I ended up winning by breaking his formation the same turn I captured an objective.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/09 17:49:25

Post by: Elbows

Had two games of 2nd edition yesterday - good fun. My Yderis Craftworld Eldar preparing to fend off an incoming Tyranid horde.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/09 19:47:12

Post by: Illumini

Not much gaming recently with summer weather, vacations etc. Last was a kings of war game where my Kislevites crashed into an Ostland army, breaking through on a flank and continuing to roll up the southern curs. Seen here are the Sons of Ursun supported by Ungol horse archers forcing a breakthrough against the Ostland spearmen.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/09 20:25:23

Post by: Davout

I played a fun game of Dragon Rampant using paper figures and terrain. Very convenient when traveling.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/09 21:13:51

Post by: ncshooter426

Voidravens bombing genestealer cult

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/09 23:12:25

Post by: -Loki-

Game of Malifaux.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/10 01:08:18

Post by: erratyk

Batman the Miniatures Game

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/10 11:59:30

Post by: Rygnan

A few pictures from Sunday, a day of comics based gaming. First off was DC Universe vs the Marvel Universe, with the Justice League facing the now defunct Dark Avengers, and then a few quick games running a Batman scenario I've been working on for bashesbetween the named heroes

[Thumb - IMG_3244.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_3245.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_3246.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_3247.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_3248.JPG]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/10 13:08:51

Post by: StygianBeach

Orcs vs Undead in a game of Kings of War in 15mm scale (using CM instead of Inches).

The game was 1500 points and it was the Relic capture senario.

I was using Orcs and I was defeated, 3 relics to 0 in the end :(.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/10 18:02:20

Post by: Stevefamine

Before deployment in my last 1500 pt dropzone commander game. Did not take pictures since the one player's army is primed gold and it was an intro game for a friend of mine so we set up the table fairly cool. I try and set the table up in a theme for when we play - this was the "edge of the city" vibe and deployed with a major advantage in it.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/10 22:13:04

Post by: thekingofkings

 Stevefamine wrote:
Before deployment in my last 1500 pt dropzone commander game. Did not take pictures since the one player's army is primed gold and it was an intro game for a friend of mine so we set up the table fairly cool. I try and set the table up in a theme for when we play - this was the "edge of the city" vibe and deployed with a major advantage in it.

That table is absolutely gorgeous!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/11 18:11:07

Post by: Stevefamine

I don't think I'll ever get around to painting my bloodbowl stuff lol. Too easy to play right out of the box

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/11 21:58:46

Post by: Davout

Got a game of X wing last night. The noble Imperials bravely clearing out a wretched hive of scum and villainy on an outer rim desert world.

TIE bomber shoots threw the canyon.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/11 22:48:59

Post by: Commodus Leitdorf

From my last game. 1000pt Age of Sigmar game of Freeguild Vs Gutbusters.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/12 14:46:15

Post by: Illumini

X-wing actually looks much better on a map like that than on the normal space map

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/12 23:28:36

Post by: Pancakey

Last game to send off 7th

[Thumb - image.jpeg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/13 03:31:32

Post by: thekingofkings

Last AoS battlefield (with stormcast and Flesh eaters removed)

[Thumb - IMG_1496.JPG]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/13 14:07:48

Post by: Easy E

Davout wrote:
I played a fun game of Dragon Rampant using paper figures and terrain. Very convenient when traveling.

This is super cool!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/14 17:05:54

Post by: amazingturtles

We tried a game of 40k eighth with just the battle for vedros set! glory in the unpainted madness!

it went... oddly.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/14 20:19:51

Post by: Shadow Captain Edithae

Our game of This is Not a Test (Necromunda and Mordheim style skirmish warband game heavily inspired by Fallout 3) from last Saturday.

New California Republic Rangers

Mormon Tribals


Early casualties for the Tribals

The Tribal Warlord goes ham.

A Powder Ganger suicide bomber scales the wall but is instantly gunned down by the Tribals.

The NCR Ranger Sniper's rifle jams.

Another Ranger trades fire with the survivors on the roof of the watchtower.

The Tribal scores a hit with her ZINGER (exotic Nano-bot weapon that causes Relics to malfunction) on the NCR Heavy Trooper, causing his power armour to malfunction and lock up just as the Warlord bears down on him.

The Warlord is gunned down in a hail of assault rifle fire from the two Rangers accompanying the Heavy Trooper, saving him from the Warlord's armour piercing force blade (basically the Proton Axe from New Vegas: Old World Blues).

A Powder Ganger charges into melee with a Mormon but fails to kill him. So the NCR remotely detonates his suicide vest, killing them both.

A Tribal tries to pick his way through some rubble but is gunned down.

Final Turn: one of the Tribals is picked off by the NCR Sniper.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Love the red armour on that sister. Is that Celestine?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/14 20:27:05

Post by: pretre

 Shadow Captain Edithae wrote:

Love the red armour on that sister. Is that Celestine?

Order of the Bloody Rose and yes.

There's more pics of the army in that link.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/07/16 00:27:36

Post by: Dreadclaw69

 Elbows wrote:
Had two games of 2nd edition yesterday - good fun. My Yderis Craftworld Eldar preparing to fend off an incoming Tyranid horde.

Do you have any house rules for the newer minis that have come out since 2nd?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/09/22 13:13:47

Post by: Elbows

Just saw your post Dread - and short of some vehicles? No, we just run old codices. We may eventually do some for the Tyranid (though, shocking to some people - they play really well with only 8-10 entries etc.). The Eldar codex has more entries than the current one, so it's not a big deal.

The game I played last night was a test of my convention scenario, for my Old West game, Shoot N' Skedaddle.

The train station was blown up by Outlaws through the clever use of prostitutes, tunnels, and dynamite.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/09/25 00:38:07

Post by: Davout

Glad to see this thread still going. When I started this thread I was unemployed and married. I sit here now a first year teacher, football coach (in Texas of all places) and divorced. Suffice to say I haven't touched a model never mind played a game sense I started this thread. Hoping to get a game in when I head back home for Thanksgiving (as long as we don't make playoffs).

For all of you still rolling dice, please keep posting awesome pics of your games so that I may live through you.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/09/25 10:24:31

Post by: Osbad

Played Team Yankee at Newcastle Warlords last Thursday. I was Brits, he was Russkis. Her Majesty's finest won the day! Huzzah!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/09/25 10:36:59

Post by: Nevelon

The Boy is still using half my army while he builds and paints his Salamanders. Yesterday we divied it up by age. He could only take units younger then him, I took the older stuff. As he’s 11, that’s somewhere in the 4th edition era. Unfortunately that meant he got to take my freshly painted LRR out for it’s first test drive. It was a pretty close game, with him dominating the midfield for most of it. But age and wisdom took the day, with an 8-6 victory for the Ultramarines. He could have won, if only that last tac marine camping the objective in the open could have survived my last turn of fire. But as that fire was the full attention of my undamaged classic LR, his hope for victory evaporated in a few zillion megajoules of coherent light from the Godhammers.

Still, a close fought game where everyone had fun.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/09/25 19:16:59

Post by: Easy E

I played a lot of games of Total CARnage....

It is a dexterity car combat game. It is super simple, and my wife, daughter, and I played several games on a 6X4 table with toy cars my kid had in the house.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/09/25 19:29:37

Post by: Eldarain

Game of 8th against a new player at my place.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/09/26 11:27:54

Post by: Denny

Last game of 7th edition. Haven't plated 8th yet.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/09/26 12:03:11

Post by: Apologist

A shot from Outskirts of the Plains of Tethys, one of the first 8th ed games we played.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/09/26 13:26:43

Post by: Easy E

Rampant Stars using Battletech Mechs from Catalyst Games. The Assassin and Enforcer are making a break for the board edge while the Hunchback closes in to unleash the pain!

Which he did, and nearly crippled the Assassin. But it wasn't enough to stop him from limping off the board!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/09/26 22:29:50

Post by: Elbows

Just ran a couple of 8th ed games with a buddy after we spent two days working on painting up his Steel Legion (he has bags of them from years and years ago - he just moved back East).

His stuff isn't painted and the table isn't finished so this is "best" pic I could manage.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/09/30 23:52:39

Post by: Just Tony

August 12th, 2017. WFB 6th Edition. Lizardmen vs. Dogs of War.

Turn 1 Lizardmen by Tony Lucas, on Flickr

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/01 02:06:36

Post by: amazingturtles

On the glorious path to glory, there is only one true objective

Protect the veggies!

also take bad cell phone pictures of models you painted 15 years ago! That is also the true glory!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/01 13:52:25

Post by: Elbows

A game of 40K apocalypse. I wasn't intending to play but I helped rolling dice when things got hectic.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/01 14:02:17

Post by: Sgt_Smudge

Most recent game of 8th, and the first time fielding my Knight Titan.
Full picture battle report on Dakka too, if more pics is what you're after: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/740808.page

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/02 18:17:51

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

We've been playing a lot of Shadows of Brimstone.

[Thumb - image.jpeg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/02 19:47:39

Post by: Albino Squirrel

From my last game of Black Powder. Full battle report can be found here: http://adventuresinminiaturegaming.blogspot.com/2017/08/black-powder-american-civil-war-battle.html

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/03 16:41:55

Post by: Easy E

Posiedon's Warriors by Osprey....

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/03 17:06:55

Post by: supreme overlord

A 1200 PT game vs. Blood Angels on Sunday. Eldar win bottom of turn 2

[Thumb - image1.jpeg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/04 08:23:38

Post by: Stormonu

A little late getting this up (we had the game a few weeks ago), but a fun one

Tau (me) vs. Necrons (my son). The DeffKopta seen flying over the battlefield was supposedly recording it for the "Da Ork Battle News Netwark", and belong to my younger son's Ork army. We used the Open War deck to generate the game set-up. Long-end deployment, our objective was to recover a plasma reactor from a downed Aquila Lander that had crashed in no-man's land.


Tau forces (1000 pts) : set up on the left


Necron forces (1000 pts - sorry it's blurry) : set up on the right


The Tau suits rushed forward to initially seize the reactor, only to lose their commander to a counterattack from Wraiths and two squads of Deathmark assassins. The Fire Warriors dug in, supported by a broadside, keeping the majority of the Necron army occupied. Meanwhile, railgun armed pathfinders did their best to whittle down the Wraiths that had seized the reactor. The fleeing wraiths were pursued by the Tau Crisis suit bodyguards who sought to not only retrieve the reactor, but avenge their fallen leader. Assisted by a depleted squad of vespid, the Tau managed to destroy the last wraith on a rocky outcrop mere meters from escaping the badlands.

As the plasma reactor rolled from the grasp of the last fading Necron wraith, Ork Warboss Wartusk stepped from the nearby bushes and siezed the container. With a wide grin, the Ork boss ordered the nearby Deffkopta to wrap up it's coverage, moments before the big bosses Teleporta transported him back to the safety of his bunker. His ploy had successfully worked - the rumors he'd spread about the reactor had been picked up by enemy forces and they'd dropped the reactor at his feet, just as he hoped they would. With the reactor in hand, now his mewling Mekaniac no longer had any reason he couldn't finish the Stompa he'd been itching to unleash on the nearby 'umie forces...

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/04 10:05:19

Post by: Turnip Jedi

Alchemists vs Hunters, Hunters won, although might have helped if I remember the cards have rules on both sides

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/04 17:03:40

Post by: orchewer

Played 1000 points of Alpha Legion (me) vs. 1000 points of Iron Warriors last night at my FLGS. This is top of Turn 1 where I used my Forward Operatives stratagem to deploy a unit of 20 Possessed Marines right up against his battle line. I ended up winning the game (relic mission), but during his last turn he ended up sniping my Chaos Lord with four krak missiles to the face, so I say he got a moral victory.

[Thumb - IMG_3310.JPG]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/06 19:33:58

Post by: Racerguy180

Last night's fun.

500pts My Salamanders vs Orks

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/11 13:22:28

Post by: Easy E

Aquanautica Imperialis- Tyranids vs. PDF

All scratchbuilt models, terrain, markers, and rules.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/11 14:12:00

Post by: licclerich

1750pts Guard vs Maines

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/15 23:23:46

Post by: Jamie Shred

2000pts nids vs Primaris meat grinder mission

[Thumb - 20171014_211444.jpg]
[Thumb - 20171014_211450.jpg]
[Thumb - 20171014_211454.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/16 21:53:30

Post by: thekingofkings

Goblins vs dwarves, 500 points.

[Thumb - IMG_1573.JPG]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/18 10:54:44

Post by: Turnip Jedi

Guildball Fish vs Hunters

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/19 07:50:56

Post by: FabricatorGeneralMike

erratyk wrote:
Batman the Miniatures Game

Wow, I love the oldschool RCMP coloured car.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/20 01:32:34

Post by: Grave33

Just some nids attacking an ork base

[Thumb - 20171010_134055.jpg]
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[Thumb - 20171010_145812.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/20 06:32:29

Post by: Racerguy180

Salamanders vs Black Templars
1500ish pts.

Best game I've had in a long time

[Thumb - 20171019_182544.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/23 15:21:12

Post by: edbradders

This is the last game I played. ‘‘Twas Terminator Genisys

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/23 15:40:42

Post by: ChargerIIC

Played in a doubles tournament and this got this game in afterwards. Cawl is pretty good.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/30 20:12:35

Post by: amazingturtles

Welcome to the blurriest game of family table hammer

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/30 20:37:20

Post by: JamesY

This is the last game I played, in the summer holidays unfortunately as I had to cancel the game I had planned last week. 30k, 6k of my Iron Warriors against a mix of Imperial Fists, Iron Hands and Mechanicum.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/30 23:20:04

Post by: Racerguy180

2v1 Salamander & Custodes vs Orks 3kpts

[Thumb - 20171026_193545.jpg]
[Thumb - 20171026_195646.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/31 19:52:46

Post by: supreme overlord

Pic of our first Inquisimunda game in a 10 game campaign. Inquisitor Midas and his Arco-Flagellant hounds are laying waste to a gang of rat muties in the jungles of Caspian III

[Thumb - image1 (1).jpeg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/10/31 20:19:17

Post by: Skinflint Games

The Battle Of Kubica Pass - played the week before last, battle report here: https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2017/10/28/apocalypse-earth-battle-report-the-battle-of-kubica-pass-pt-2-fight/

[Thumb - 20171018_222955.jpg]
[Thumb - 20171018_221807.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/01 10:55:25

Post by: Turnip Jedi

Another game of Guildball, and as usual Sakana takes another Usine beatdown

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/01 11:32:41

Post by: Dysartes

Davout wrote:
Glad to see this thread still going. When I started this thread I was unemployed and married. I sit here now a first year teacher, football coach (in Texas of all places) and divorced. Suffice to say I haven't touched a model never mind played a game sense I started this thread. Hoping to get a game in when I head back home for Thanksgiving (as long as we don't make playoffs).

For all of you still rolling dice, please keep posting awesome pics of your games so that I may live through you.

How things can change in a month, Davout.

Not posting a picture, but here's a video of my most recent "game" - teaching a friend to play Blood Bowl on Twitch:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/01 12:05:56

Post by: Illumini

@skinflint: is that double cannon tank a conversion or an existing miniature?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/01 13:00:43

Post by: daedalus

A friend's Blood Angels and my Mordians going out for a stroll when those Ynnari folks attacked!

Turned out to be a bad call for the eldar. This was turn 3 or so. A turn later, the BA player was down to about six marines and I had some of that row of Storm Troopers (not "Scions") in the fray. By 5th turn we managed to kill Whatshername and took the table.

EDIT: Stupid imgur doesn't let you upload pictures anonymously anymore. I swear I don't know what the internet is turning into.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/01 14:31:23

Post by: Elbows

A fun 2000 paint game of Eldar vs. Dark Angels (more pics on the blog)



Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/01 14:52:54

Post by: Skinflint Games

@Illumini - it's a scratchbuild, cardboard, drinking straws, sprue bits and a pair of drinking straws, plus a wad of greenstuff on the turret (my green stuff fu is still somewhat lacking..)

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/01 23:49:58

Post by: Nevelon

Death goes for a stroll on halloween.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/02 09:24:57

Post by: Illumini

 Skinflint Games wrote:
@Illumini - it's a scratchbuild, cardboard, drinking straws, sprue bits and a pair of drinking straws, plus a wad of greenstuff on the turret (my green stuff fu is still somewhat lacking..)

I visited your blog. The conversions are good, but as you say, the greenstuff is rough. I think you should try to sand it once it is set to get a smooth finish.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/08 16:11:55

Post by: Elbows

Another really great game with my buddy - we're doing a linked campaign of loose scenarios we're devising.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/09 03:54:26

Post by: ScootyPuffJunior

FoW V.4 Mid-War, USA vs. Germany (100 pts.). I had an M3 Lee tank company supported by an armored infantry platoon against my buddy's Afrika Rifles supported by a stupid Tiger. My poor tactical play and bad dice contributed to my resounding loss. Again.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/10 06:44:07

Post by: Racerguy180

90pl 1750pts Salamanders vs nids

[Thumb - 20171109_201218.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/11 13:31:55

Post by: Elbows

Some superb games of 40K with a buddy.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/11 22:57:01

Post by: Jamie Shred

2k blood angels vs deathguard relic. Chaos won at the end of turn 5 with no continuation and only the dreadnought standing for blood angels.

[Thumb - 20171111_191439.jpg]
[Thumb - 20171111_191454.jpg]
[Thumb - 20171111_191443.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/11 23:30:51

Post by: Gordy2000

A boarding action as part of our three year campaign. Followed on from a Battlefleet Gothic game.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/13 17:15:02

Post by: Elbows

More 40K - been on a roll lately.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/14 20:12:57

Post by: Skinflint Games

 Illumini wrote:
 Skinflint Games wrote:
@Illumini - it's a scratchbuild, cardboard, drinking straws, sprue bits and a pair of drinking straws, plus a wad of greenstuff on the turret (my green stuff fu is still somewhat lacking..)

I visited your blog. The conversions are good, but as you say, the greenstuff is rough. I think you should try to sand it once it is set to get a smooth finish.

That's not a bad idea, may take you up on that. Also been trying out acrylic filler (decorators caulk) to help with touching up cardboard scratchbuilds, it smooths way easier than greensftuff

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/17 20:01:40

Post by: Racerguy180

Last night's 1k Salamanders v Black Legion

[Thumb - 20171116_203858.jpg]
[Thumb - 20171116_202207.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/18 12:22:30

Post by: tneva82

Assembled second knight a bit though now stop before magnets arrive. Then got a game of Sons of Horus vs Blood angels. Tournament coming up tomorrow so tried the onslaught with ambush deployment that's 2nd game of tomorrow. Horus led defence against ambushing blood angels. I was tad too aggressive at the start so we basically traded squads at first. Then I tried too ambitious move and split justicaerin and Horus to deal with 2 threats but maybe 4 cataphract terminators+praetorian was too much for Horus...Especially when you fail charge roll and then eat 7 S7 AP2 shots which promptly causes 3 wounds.

In the end it was up for whether blood angels could clear my tactical squad from objective on their deployment zone worth 5 VP for me. If I can keep them out draw, if not I lose. Alas bunch of tacticals without even a live sergeant was no match for 7 angry blood angels with additional CCW to boot.

And yeah we need to work on terrain Board is fully not done yet and only little scifi themed so wild west buildings etc whatever are used as well. I'll be hoping to do some terrain work next month now that sons of horus painting is on good stage.

Pic shows starting situation. Horus at dead center as due to being LOW he had to deploy first so was worried if I put him close to one side BA promplty puts everything except maybe rhino's on OTHER side thus rendering him struggling reach anywhere! Main combat was at bottom with predator, big tac squad and both terminator squads and 2 praetorian. My big tac squad, praetorian and Justicaerin basically took that side out but leaving most of Sons of Horus dead. From top 2 rhino mounted tac squads and support squad punched through my rearguard tac squad taking out vindicator and eventually forcing sicaran to flee and took control of objective they were after and then one tac squad went in and in last turn charged remnants of my big tactical squad on objective on bottom-right of picture.

Justicaerin were murder slaughtering tactical squad and terminator squad losing just 2 of their members before immobilized predator got 2 more dead leaving last one just trying to keep himself alive rather than try some brave solo charge against bazilion blood angels

[Thumb - 20171118_110400.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/19 09:29:09

Post by: tneva82

End of first tournament game. Sons wiped out except for primarch that tried to chace retreating iron warriors. 8" charge failed which was boring but propably better

[Thumb - 1511083284998362076243.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 0305/03/19 10:06:17

Post by: lord_blackfang

KoW goodness, Dwarfs vs Varangur

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/20 03:08:24

Post by: Nevelon

The return of floorhammer, wherein the Eldar cleanse some filth from one of their maiden worlds. Bottom of turn two, when the marines still maintained the hope of victory. But the Seers had a different fate plotted for them.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/20 04:14:19

Post by: ChargerIIC

My opponent was bringing Tau, so I thought it would be fun to try out a Supreme Command detachment of Genestealer Cult, complete with 20 Genestealers. A lot of lessons learned, especially when it comes to trying to bog down flying tau infantry. 3d6 flamers suck to engage, but the Bullgryn finally nailed the suits to a wall.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/20 10:33:37

Post by: tneva82

 ChargerIIC wrote:
My opponent was bringing Tau, so I thought it would be fun to try out a Supreme Command detachment of Genestealer Cult, complete with 20 Genestealers. A lot of lessons learned, especially when it comes to trying to bog down flying tau infantry. 3d6 flamers suck to engage, but the Bullgryn finally nailed the suits to a wall.

Owww that's open terrain. Tau was probably loving it.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/20 15:34:28

Post by: ChargerIIC

tneva82 wrote:
 ChargerIIC wrote:
My opponent was bringing Tau, so I thought it would be fun to try out a Supreme Command detachment of Genestealer Cult, complete with 20 Genestealers. A lot of lessons learned, especially when it comes to trying to bog down flying tau infantry. 3d6 flamers suck to engage, but the Bullgryn finally nailed the suits to a wall.

Owww that's open terrain. Tau was probably loving it.

That was the crazy part. I though it'd be facing a traditional stand still gunline. I was really surprised when his stuff jumped to within 9 inches of my line and wiped out almost a quarter of my list. Those 3d6 flamers are a problem that was only mitigated when the bulgryn charged in with their slabsheilds. ShadowSun ate a pair of hellhounds, but the genestealers soaked up a lot of firepower.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/20 18:32:49

Post by: amazingturtles

More blurry table hammer! More!

Stormcast against Ogres. The ogres* won on account of the butcher's spell devouring everything.

*yes, ogres.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/23 16:59:46

Post by: Strombones

Battlegroup in the Bocage country. US armored vs. SS Panzer troops

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/23 17:07:20

Post by: Elbows

Battlegroup is so good. I almost started a WW2 project but decided to wait for the Cold War version.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/23 20:14:50

Post by: Strombones

 Elbows wrote:
Battlegroup is so good. I almost started a WW2 project but decided to wait for the Cold War version.

Unfortunately you may be waiting awhile for their WW3 stuff (Battlegroup NORTHAG). I believe the next release is another full hardback in North Africa covering the later desert war with the entry of the US.

Though Cold War BG should be slotted to come after that.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/24 00:10:06

Post by: Elbows

Yeah, I'm in no rush. If I decide to dedicate myself to something like that it'll give me time to start assembling anyway. Do you play anything else locally in Charleston?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/24 05:31:38

Post by: thekingofkings

had a quick brawl over turkey between the Griffins of Akkylanie and the Scorpions of Dirz. Tarkhus led some praetorians against Claudia and some creatures out of Shamir. The Griffins would eventually come out on top.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/24 18:54:25

Post by: Strombones

 Elbows wrote:
Yeah, I'm in no rush. If I decide to dedicate myself to something like that it'll give me time to start assembling anyway. Do you play anything else locally in Charleston?

We dabble in 30/40k and a number of home brew games. Are you around here?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/26 05:50:14

Post by: Racerguy180

Thanksgiving eve's game Imperial Fists w Custodes & Salamanders vs Death Guard & World Eaters

2k pts Cities of Death w Dawn of War deployment

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/26 09:40:58

Post by: Illumini

Played my first game of the walking dead, Brian Blake barely made it. Full report here: https://mandollies.com/2017/11/25/the-walking-dead-prelude-to-woodsbury-scenario-1/

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/11/28 16:58:10

Post by: Easy E

Thanksgiving Total CARnage! You can tell it is Thanksgiving due to the festive table covering!

You can read about it here. https://bloodandspectacles.blogspot.com/2017/11/total-carnage-battle-report.html

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/12/07 20:31:52

Post by: tneva82

Game of invincible dreadknight. 2 turns of firing by almost all cadian army(and short of manticore all big guns I had) against that thing and best I got was to 1 wound(and that was early first turn so it ate almost 2 turns full shooting without taking 1 wound...). Executioner cannon and plasma cannon went toward grey knight HQ that had been wounded 3 times by flamers but failed to do nothing either. Turn 3 with most of my big guns still firing I didn't do anything. Sigh.

It went so ridiculous I even tried out of desperation to charge the damn knight with my warlord naked company commander But 3" charge roll put end to that plan.

[Thumb - 20171207_181649.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/12/08 18:42:10

Post by: Racerguy180

Last nites 1750 Salamanders vs Black Legion
custom planetstrike mission

A victory of the righteous adherents of the Prometheum Cult over the heretical Black Legion.

[Thumb - 20171207_204722.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/12/11 17:29:02

Post by: Easy E

The Battle of Marathon using the Men of Bronze rules and paper templates.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/12/17 03:56:48

Post by: Racerguy180

The insanity of my local GW stores Holiday Bash

[Thumb - 20171216_160504.jpg]
[Thumb - 20171216_153422.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/12/19 16:32:20

Post by: Sherrypie

Funny introgame with my 2000+ points Death Guard against my long-time opponent's Guard and the new guy's Mechanicus. Three objectives in the midfield (those red boxes), each worth 1 VP at the end of each round or 3 if stolen from the enemy that turn. While flaming debris rained from the skies. Oh the shame, my Contemptor is still unpainted...

Lesson of the match, damn it's hard to get Guardsmen to listen and just die on the objective in the ruins when they have 2+ saves (+2 from digging in with Cities of Death and their bloody Strategem for extra +1 cover). It's time to start building those 20 man Plaguemarine squads for 120 grenades

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/12/19 23:33:13

Post by: -iPaint-

This Is Not A Test, post apocalyptic goodness.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/12/22 15:34:06

Post by: licclerich

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/12/22 16:10:21

Post by: Racerguy180

Last night's 90pl Salamanders vs Tyranids.

[Thumb - 20171221_191330.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/12/22 18:39:12

Post by: ChargerIIC

After 2 weeks of trying to build a post-CA 2k AM list with my limited range of models, managed to scrape together something using Marines for infantry and AM tanks in a spearhead. Faced Chaos renegades/marines.

Another game in which I lost mainly in deployment. My opponent did a refused flank and managed to get cultists engaging everything in melee. I wiped out 35 cultists in my first turn, but enough survived to engage my hellhounds, tanks and artillery. I killed a helldrake but the other ate my artillery and a company master.

My Intercessors did well with their stalker rifles. Might have to bargin for bits so I can convert the quick build guys to stalker pattern. Stygies Vanquisher worked out great. even if he got mobbed early on.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/12/23 11:14:45

Post by: Rygnan

Got a couple of games of DCU in today, this is from the second (a 4 way battle). Turns out flying Superman up to 3 other Kryptonians isn't a good idea... Wonder Woman and Flash died shortly after, both to Deathstroke (over 2 turns though) but GL and Batman endured a bit of a pounding

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2017/12/27 21:41:04

Post by: Easy E

More Holiday family gaming with Total CARnage!


I also played a ton of VR games!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/07 14:36:27

Post by: tneva82

Sons of horus vs imperial alliance in custom asymmetrical scenario.

[Thumb - 20180107_135637.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/07 20:47:26

Post by: amazingturtles

Shadespire! charge and such.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/07 21:08:35

Post by: leopard

My Orks in their first actual outing since 2009 when I started them..

1,500 points v Dark Cheesey Angel Ceesy Cheese

My deployment

Not an overly optimised list but except three infantry models every work I have painted

Calm before the firestorm

Lost about a third of the army before they even moved, most of the rest the second turn.

Killed a few bikes and a character on a bike, plus a couple of marines, got utterly cheesed

fun though

Surely there should be some sort of karma penalty for the warlord in my enemies army being easy to spot as the only actually painted model...

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/08 06:06:24

Post by: privateer4hire

First game of the year and it was AoS. My buddy's Khorne against my vanguard units of Sigmarines. I stupidly tried to out close combat him and got eaten

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/11 00:31:15

Post by: Skinflint Games

Epic Space Marine, Orks v Imperials 4350 pts including DIY Leviathan! Full battle report: https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2017/12/26/a-green-christmas-ii-this-time-its-farcical-epic-space-marine-battle-report/

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/12 07:19:19

Post by: Racerguy180

Tonite's 2k friendly training mission
My Salamanders vs Crimson Fists (led by vote4pedro)

Interesting deployment open war deck scenario.

Twist was measured reserves

both of us really liked this scenario, lots of action and with the segmented deployment was an interesting change up.

A victory for the Salamanders but interesting as Pedro and a Primaris Lt weathered the assault of a Redemptor and "killed" him.

Had first dogfight and it was fun talonVtalon combat where I almost single turned a stormtalon.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/22 17:21:12

Post by: Easy E

Aeronautica Imperialis game....

.... you can see the whole report here: https://bloodandspectacles.blogspot.com/2018/01/battle-report-aeronautica-imperialis-in.html

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/22 18:52:52

Post by: Racerguy180

Saturday's game @ GW Union City, CA

120pl my Salamanders vs Black Legion

[Thumb - 20180120_125611.jpg]
[Thumb - 20180120_150308.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/22 19:36:46

Post by: bigern314

A game of "The Rules with No Name" last Tuesday on a break from Bolt Action.

20180116_200440 by Aaron Wilbers, on Flickr

[Thumb - 20180116_200440.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/27 11:28:15

Post by: tneva82

Sons of Horus with titan support against Blood angels with knights and pair of vendettas to help out. Objectives were center bridge for both, bunker in SoH deployment zone for blood angels, tower in BA deployment zone for SoH, destruction of titan for BA and survival of titan for SoH.

Titan shooting was rather deadly despite first turn targetting plasma against knight/rhino group and 2nd turn plasma scatters being less than helpful. However stream of missiles from one knight, melta shots from second knight, lascannons and autocannons(good for clearing void shields) from predator and hail of lascannons from vendettas were binging away titan. Terrain plus unit crowdness kept titan pretty much locked in place(we need to figure out terrain so that it doesn't prevent moving as much or dictate it can actually stay in river or get non-river sections) so eventually knight gallant was in it's face. I tried to shoot it(including 2 shots from plasma of titan) but it was still on one hull point and titan on 2. I was "oh gak" but then remembered hammer of wrath. S10 auto hit on I10? Oh yeah! If that fails I'm screwed(1 WS2 attack vs 2 STR weapons at WS4...) but if I dn't charge I'm screwed anyway. Charge, took out, explosion caused d3 hull points so still good chance to die but luckily 1. Phew.

Elsewhere assault marines after getting pummeled by titans bolter and having traffic issues due to river finally got charge against 20(minus few casualties) tacticals with chaplain and apo. 10 or so blood angels were left. Took 3 combat phase but eventually only 3 sons of horus emerged unscathed. Ironically partially helped by blood angel praetor instant killing chaplain that had cataphractii terminator armour so suddenly Sons of Horus could sweep and lucked out on test...

Land raider with terminators fell into traffic issue plus dreadnoughts assault cannon rending 2 HP and then got charge so went down. Terminators eventually stomped dreadnought though took ages as neither side hit. Tactical squad that had charged got beaten the crap out of by lighting claws though took 2 terminators with them. So eventually 2 terminators were facing remnants of 2 tac squads(maybe 7 guys in total) and jetbikes(2 heavy bolters and heavy weapon volkite) and fell to shooting.

SoH veteran squad basically drove around flanks until predator immobilized rhino and then disembarked and went to tower. On final turn predator and 2 vendettas(that went to hover mode) tried to take them out but sergeant survived and passed LD. With bridge on hands of tacticals and titan dead this was 2-1 win for Sons of Horus.

[Thumb - 20180127_110716.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/28 05:35:02

Post by: AegisGrimm

I'm bummed I forgot to take pics of last weekend! I finally got to play my first minis game in over a year, an Orcs vs. Stormcast battle using Age of Fantasy Skirmish by One Page Games, where I taught my father to play, now that I live next door to my parents and the kids were asleep. I'll have to remember next time, it's a great indie system where 4 Stormcast can take on 10-15 Orcs with the right tactics.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/28 06:24:37

Post by: privateer4hire

We played another learning game of Necromunda this weekend.
I fielded my Goliaths and he fielded a loaned out gang of Eschers.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/28 06:39:56

Post by: Racerguy180

Thursday's friendly 120pl my Salamanders vs Jp's Dark angels.

open war deck is getting more and more fun everytime we play it.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/28 13:45:12

Post by: tneva82

30k zone mortalis for the first time. First time against mechanium so whole pile of "they do WHAT"

Jump packing power fist dudes were major pain but last tactical got away in kp which was good. My dread held them nicely after killing 3 in charge but last 2 plus 2 bigger guys came for rematch. Somehow 6 s10 hitting on 3+ and instakilling them got just one. Elsewhere terminators slaughtered chaff but nasty elite beast gave worry but 4++ saved day. Lost due to first blood when my overall useless librarian charged lone fast attak rotor cannon flamer guy and got shot to death. Could have just retreated toward 10 tacticals rushing to help...

Game ended on turn 5 needing 3+ to continue. If continue almost quaranteed draw minimum, win if 2 s10 smash attacks don't kill contempator(3 hs left) before getting killed in return(4 s10 attacks hitting on 3+ is handy)

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/28 16:35:25

Post by: Galas

Game in a local tournament of 12 people I believe? Second round of the tournament after a lost against Alpha Legion (Not anything cheesy, he ran 2 squads of 20 chaos marines, a land raider, a Chaos Drake, etc...). My Dark Angels vs Tau (Broadsides, pathfinders, stealth suits, etc...). A loss, 7-14, basically because nearly all my antitank was plasma and try to destroy a Ghostkeel suit with -2 to hit with plasma
Very fun game, it was anyone game to the end.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/29 07:24:09

Post by: Low_K

2500 point battle between Eldar and Daemons of Nurgle. 8-6 victory for the Daemons.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/29 14:19:41

Post by: Easy E

The First War of the Diadochi using the Heirs to Empire rules. Eumenes of Cardia vs. Neoptolemus the Satrap of Armenia.


As you can see, I am not afraid to use some paper templates for a game. 6mm Successor armies are on my "To Buy" list for this year.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/29 19:38:45

Post by: ChargerIIC

Had a nice three games with a quickly built list in a 1.5k tournament:

A fun game with the winner of best painted. I did a pretty good job of taking on his mawlocs, but the sheer amount of threat vectors left my forces overwhelmed with a crumbling flank.

A Dark Eldar player tat started by dropping the most points-intensive model in the tournament - a 400pt Tantula. Unfortunately for him, My plasma inceptors took it off the board before it could even activate. He managed to eek out a victory using the superior mobility of his forces. Primaris Chaplin was a champ, facing the DE incubui and Succubi head on.

For some reason this is the only pic that actually got saved to my phone,despite me taking several. Dual Helldrakes and a demon prince. I was able to obliterate one helldrake and almost finish off the other, but the demon prince managed to wreck my center.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/01/30 18:11:28

Post by: tneva82

Ig vs black templar. Was turkey shoot but victory going to holder of objective that he started with gave him running chance. As it is if i hadn't rolled 3 and 4 to extend to max length he would have won. As it was i won. Scenario rule of acid rain(-1 to hit in shooting, advance and charge that comes ang goes) kept 2 turns of shooting to minimal especially as cadians had to move to chase object holding characters surrounded by primaris guys who were there just a bullet screens.

[Thumb - 20180130_194008.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/02 00:53:14

Post by: Valkyrie

Played a 2k game tonight, Ultramarines vs Skitarii/Custodes. Very close game, I almost tabled him yet he won 14-13 on VPs.

Ignore the grey Marine at the bottom, he's just wandered into the wrong game.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/02 02:45:58

Post by: jazzk

My boyz vs IG

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/04 04:29:36

Post by: ZergSmasher

My Chaos Soup vs. my friend's Death Guard:

I ended up losing this game due partly to a couple of huge play mistakes on my part, and because we ran out of time while I was down on kill points (if we had finished the whole game I probably would have pulled it out). Still, it was good to try out my competitive list and work some of the bugs out of the system.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/04 21:33:22

Post by: Sherrypie

Played a few games this weekend, loyalist Death Guard vs. Catachan Guard and goddangit if my Contemptor could stay alive long enough to hit something at once, that would be great. Won the games though, Blightlords really pulled their weight and withstood all the heavy fire for days on end. Days!

Anyhoo, this is 1900ish points in the Chapter Approved scenario with supply drops, termies pushing on.

[Thumb - DSC_0628.JPG]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/05 16:57:59

Post by: Easy E

Some aeronautica imperialis.....

You can read all about it here:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/05 16:59:02

Post by: kronk

Played a game yesterday with my wife. 1000 points of Orcs vs Adepta Sororitas. Deployment zone was 24" on the narrow table edges, Eternal War mission "No Mercy", and boy was that ever true. The middle of the table was a shooting gallery.

She won 9-6.
First Blood wasn't until Turn 3, and Orcs got it.
A 10 sister Retributer squad with 4x heavy bolters and 6x bolters getting the Act of Faith that lets them shoot an additional time at the beginning of each turn and has a cannoness that lets them reroll 1s... fething hell.
2 units of 1x Warcoptas infiltrating from the rear was an excellent diversion. Kopta Rokkits are no joke, either!

Yes, I know half of my orcs aren't painted. They will have to wait until after my HH army and Chaos army are done. Maybe.

Her Sisters are coming along nicely. The one unpainted, unfinished tank in the first picture is an immolator.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/10 13:00:56

Post by: tneva82

Pic of game we are playing right now(stopped for lunch break). Start of turn 2. Baneblade is counting as glaive as we wanted to try out just how nasty it is since it's supposedly so awesome. I might have overloaded on anti-tank stuff despite deliberately not taking pair of knights to march behind(while knights would take d3+1 haywire hits 4++ and 3++ protects and guys behind would be safe). I started game so here on turn 2 with Horus & Justacaerin dropping around and having 10 lascannons and 2 vindicator laser destroyer it went poof. For added misery to Imperium it then promptly scattered right top of custodians taking 2 out, damaging land raider heavily(so it was easily taken out) and so far Imperiums have failed 2 critical charges at 4" and 5". So it looks like Horus is having easy victory. He's also fighting custodian tribute on fairly even basis. 4++ rerollable is nasty but degrading stats means even with fist tribune is now wounding only on 4+ and striking last. If Horus hadn't taken couple wounds from hail of plasma it would be walk in the park. Now one bad round could get him killed.

Also imperial player went on wrong side with his assault squad I think. One on one vs my tac squad I think he's in trouble. I'm fearless due to chaplain and well...I have chaplain and apotechary. War of attrition was on my side especially as I was able to shoot couple guys off. Assault marines are good enough especially with 4 power weapons(2 swords and 2 axes) wounding on 3+'s and 2+'s but 4+ to hit hurts and as said attrition was on my side. Other side had tactical squad without additional CCW or character. That would have been much better.

edit: Well the custodian trooper with power fist type of weapon actually killed the chaplain breaking the deadlock so with the last jump pack marine actually killed off last of sons of horus tacticals in sweep. If that 5" charge hadn't failed things might be different. As it is with 10 lascannons nearby I don't think those have much chance...At least no danger of tacticals reaching enemy deployment zone which is the objective.

edit2: Well Sons of Horus took 6-2 victory. Justicaerin(2vp), bikes and Horus into enemy deployment zone, slay the warlord and attrition. Blood angels only got support squad into deployment zone(2 pts). MVP's were Horus(largely ability to deep strike but of course killing tribune was also big), lascannon squad(8 hull points off glaive, squad of 3 custodians, one terminator, finished off last member of another custodian squad and last assault marine) and jetbike squad with plasma cannons. Handy especially on the crowded table. Nowhere was safe from them.

But it was closer than it might look. As said serious bad luck with Imperium. Had the lone custodian with power fist made charge(5") he could have killed off chaplain which would have altered that area vastly. Then when said lone guy made charge against heavy weapon squad he got hit by 2 lascannon(on 6's), wounded both times and failed both 5++ rerollable. Had he made it and say win combat(not that unreasonable. He has 2 attacks, 3 on charge, hits on 3+, kills on 2+, is hit back on 5+, wounded 5+ and has 2+ save) imperium would have got him and assault squad would have survived so 4 vp's from there so draw. And btw he doesn't even need to KILL enemy. Just needs to stay alive(oh and 2 wounds on him) as we were on deployment zone and nothing could have got there in time.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/11 13:29:50

Post by: tneva82

30k sons of horus vs wolves. Had infiltrating 10 lascannons and seized so hoped i could at least immobilize one spartan. Nope and grey hunters came and for loss of 2 killed 20 tacticals with apotecharioe and my warlord. I fury of legioned and sent 5 terminators. 16 claw attacks, 3 hits, 1 dead. Lascannons failed also stopping land raider with termies that ate librarian squad. At the end herald and last tac squad charged remaing grey hunters and got slaughtered.

I had 2 jetbikes, immobilised sicarian and fleeing lascannon left. He had remnants of one grey hunters, another full squad inside spartan and terminators left.

Too bad he didn't have assault squad with him so we went for 2.5k lists. My 3k list would have had much better chances i think.

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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/11 14:34:04

Post by: Alex Kolodotschko

Played a game of Necromunda for Twitch with the Yogscast on Wednesday.

More details and better pics in my blog.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/12 15:05:53

Post by: Easy E

Love the drink umbrellas in that scenery set-up.

I played some more Aeronautica imperialis. Varingyr vs. Orks again, the third battle in a four game ladder campaign.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/13 14:10:21

Post by: Elbows

Got in a few games of 2nd edition and some 8th edition this weekend.






Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/13 17:27:03

Post by: amazingturtles

Kings of War! specifically my kingdoms of men against ratkin, depicting the rare moment where i actually did something right

Berserkers can do things well if they manage to get to where they need to be.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/13 19:41:01

Post by: ChargerIIC

Escalation League was a 750pt game. My new Zerg bumrushed a thousand sons army and managed to hold for a little while before being wiped out.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/13 20:32:12

Post by: r_squared

Last night my Orks attacking Alpha Legion in 45 PL Campaign. Managed an impressive 11-5 win for the Boyz.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/16 18:27:24

Post by: Skirmish Wargames

Recently we've been getting into the old Star Wars Miniatures Battles system from West End Games. We're heading to Ghengis Con 41 in Denver tomorrow, so who knows what we'll dive into there.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/16 21:51:09

Post by: thekingofkings

 Skirmish Wargames wrote:
Recently we've been getting into the old Star Wars Miniatures Battles system from West End Games. We're heading to Ghengis Con 41 in Denver tomorrow, so who knows what we'll dive into there.

looks like a blast, got a couple thousand of those models myself (the wotc ones) havent played the WEG version, is it any good?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/17 04:05:08

Post by: Skirmish Wargames

It's a pretty solid, straightforward system, despite its age. An award-winner back in the day. Plus the rules are available as free open-source PDFs now, with the blessing of the author.

You can find them at http://www.d6holocron.com/downloads/wegminiatures.html if interested.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/17 11:59:08

Post by: Nevelon

Literally the final shot of my last game. Ambush scenerio, I needed to get 1/3 of my army off the table edge to win. This is the top of the 7th round. I’ve already got one squad off, and two more are ready to run when I go (at the bottom of the round) The rest of his army is out of position, having butchered my other forces. All he has left is a 4xLC pred down to it’s last wound. My primaris LT. has a couple of wounds left on him, but isn’t dead yet.

The dice gods smile on the pred, and even though he needs 5s to hit, he lands 3/4 of them. Wounds and armor save follow, and the lieutenant falls. My other unit (Sgt. Chronos in a vindi) rolls off the table edge. I’ve saved 330 points out of a 998 point list. Just shy of victory.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/23 14:36:35

Post by: Elbows

Continuing our narrative campaign...brutal stuff.




Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/23 15:32:32

Post by: ChargerIIC

Escalation League continues. Haven't won a game yet, but defiently gave Ultramarines a run for their money. After this match I finally understand while the new smite rule is in effect. Hive Tyrants really are giant psychic tanks

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/23 16:26:49

Post by: Icculus

My Dark Eldar facing off against some Daemons

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/24 10:26:28

Post by: tneva82

Playing this right now. Bazillin blood angels vs smaller sons of horus group but reinforcements coming.

Ba had first turn moving from table edge. Lucky break when snap firing lascannon squad blew sicaran in cover. Now about to be ba assault phase with termies about to charge against squad with ws3 due to hallucination

edit: Blood angels won. Tacticals and praetor cleared their objective easily from terminators. Assault marines cleared the main objective fairly well though I had reinforcements coming but issues began when there was contemptator coming their way. I was by now out of ranged AT and damn hallusination spell sniped melta bomb wielding sergeant from tac squad rushing in(19 S3 hits...Ouch! That hallusination is good tactical sergeant killer since it's 1 S3 hit per other model in squad and those are 20 strong blops!)) so I was basically without ANYTHING that could hurt that dreadnought. I got charge with justicaerin but only one chainfist left that could hurt and alas charge range was low enough that combined with narrow area only it got into b2b contact and thus was splatted out first.

So this was 4 VP's for BA. I had 2 VP's on building I still had and likely would control as my tacticals unleashed fury of legion and with whopping 50 bolter shots killed last 8 tacticals from that hallucination libarian(that had on one turn first hallucinated into my tactical squad resulting in dead apotechary and then psychic scream which killed 6 tacticals. Ouch. Took quite a dent). BA still had 10 support marines with volkite chargers and that librarian but vs squad of 13 tacticals, my warlord beatstick praetor and another squad of 2 tacticals he's hard pressed to survive there in last turn or clear enough to have more models there.Especially as I was in cover so would be striking first if he charges. Particularly handy with the warlord...

[Thumb - 20180224_121334.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/24 11:10:32

Post by: licclerich

My 40k game of Orks vs Chaos using my collection


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/24 18:05:31

Post by: Elbows

Nice to see a table with the proper amount of terrain on it.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/25 05:57:21

Post by: privateer4hire

My Goliaths fought off an Escher sabotage attack against a promethium relay station the Dark Princes were guarding.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/25 13:19:30

Post by: tneva82

Sons of horus going to eat fury of legion

[Thumb - 20180225_150756.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/25 13:28:54

Post by: Odrankt

1000pts of GSC vs Kraken Tyranids.

At this stage it is turn 4 I have a Leman Russ, 14 Genestealers and a Magus. My opponent has 10 Gargoyles, 12 Devigaunts and a Trygon.

[Thumb - IMG_20180220_211929.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20180220_211910.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/25 21:48:23

Post by: Sherrypie

I wrote Zone Mortalis for 8th. Play testing commenced through the weekend. More effective flamers and grenades abound, brutal morale penalties, smoke, dark halls and what not. I dig it.

My Death Guard took part in fierce naval fire fight with my pal's Ironically 80's Space Knights, 1000 points per side. Objective: strike in fast and deep, take out their engines and let them die to our big guns. This of course meant that the whole battlefield shook from time to time, metal fell from the ceiling, dust blocked visibility and all that jazz. I started the game by blowing up one of the three targets, rolled forward with my terminators and crushed his first overeager crusader squad between them and the Contemptor. As they clashed with his Ironclad in the middle, my right wing got crushed by his company veterans but bought enough time for one melta squad to come crashing through the locked doors and blast the second engine. His chaplain and champions hacked my auxiliaries apart and eventually avenged Helbrecht, who had been beheaded by my lord midfield, but it was still not enough and in the end his ship had suffered too much for this to count as a victory, even if the boarding party had been slain to the last. VP's went 4-3, slight win for Death Guard.

Had another match too with the same forces, sides reversed. This time there were 5 objectives, there were booby traps all around, Space Knights came creeping in from the air vents, the ship's superstructure ripped apart sending half of the forces left to their deaths, my Lord slew Helbrecht again while simultaneously and ALONE wrestling with a crusader squad, an apothecary, a chaplain and a company ancient. Oh and he casually slew an Emperor's champion too while at it, before finally succumbing after like four turns of bloody melee. VP's 5-4 here for the Space Knights, again very close with the attacking side wiped out in their plunge. In the end of the 7th turn nothing remained on the field except my Contemptor

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/02/27 20:01:28

Post by: infinite_array

1000 point game of Konflikt 47, Germans vs Americans in Maximum Attrition. The Germans won 4-1, with the Americans losing most of their infantry and a Coyote light mech, while only managing to take out the Panzer IV-X.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/03 13:44:37

Post by: Jamie Shred

Got a game of AvP in last night custom mission, aliens vs predators. Aliens needed 5 frags and to escape, predators needed to rig the ship to blow and escape. Was good fun but needs some tweaks, the alien player deployed a royal guard and warriors in the predators objective room so predators had little chance of completing their objective.

[Thumb - 20180302_181544.jpg]
[Thumb - 20180302_203207.jpg]
[Thumb - 20180302_203213.jpg]
[Thumb - 20180302_203219.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/03 14:32:28

Post by: Sim-Life

2000pts Nidzilla vs Blood Angles

my friend want to test the thunder hammer/storm shield/jump pack captain so I obliged and gave him plenty of targets.

End of turn 1

End of the game.

Ended up as 10-6 to the Nids. The thunder hammer captain claimed a carnifex and a haruspex but died to the heavy venom cannons from the harpy and a volly from a unit of warriors with a death spitter and a venom cannon.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/03 21:12:06

Post by: infinite_array

4 player game of Gaslands. Only managed to make it through the first gate in a couple hours, but that was mostly due to all of us learning how to play.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/04 00:18:26

Post by: r_squared

Orks Vs Death Guard. Trying out a walker heavy list with Dakka Jet support, a really close game resulting in a win for the Boyz, and a lesson in the dangers of buffed Pox walkers.

60 power level orks, this is the first time I'd played any of these models in 8th, Zhardsnark was just a standard Warboss on a bike for this game. Great fun.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/04 13:34:37

Post by: licclerich

1750 40k Eldar vs Chaos Deamons

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/04 17:08:05

Post by: Looky Likey

12000 Points aside, eldar vs. Chaos knights and titans. Should have had another phantom and 5 more knights but the phantom couldn't make it.

[Thumb - DSC_0094.PNG]
[Thumb - DSC_0093.PNG]
[Thumb - DSC_0092.PNG]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/05 20:08:12

Post by: Easy E

Wow, that Titan fight was kind of cool.

The final battle for the Ork vs Varingyr AI mini-campaign was played. This one was a Pitched Battle scenario from the Airspace Compilation, so the victory conditions were a bit off the beaten track. Led to an interesting game.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/05 20:33:05


 Elbows wrote:
The train station was blown up by Outlaws through the clever use of prostitutes, tunnels, and dynamite.

My kind of game.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/06 01:27:11

Post by: Elbows

It's always a good time in Drake's Branch.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/10 21:58:40

Post by: lord_blackfang

Before the game. It was 590 credits of Goliath vs 860 credits of Orlocks - the injury tables have not been kind to us!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/10 22:19:39

Post by: Draco765

Couple weekends ago, My Necron vs his Raven Guard. Wraiths kept pushing into his tanks and he kept backing them up, I used the Chapter Approved Stratagem to keep them alive. I got line breaker with one of the Wraiths in the picture left.

[Thumb - never say never.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/10 22:28:48

Post by: Elbows

More blood spilled in Drake's Branch.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/12 14:43:01

Post by: Easy E

I got a game of 8th edition 40K in.... two actually. My first time playing the 8th edition rules.

You can read some of my thoughts on the rules below, as I have been playing since 1st edition, but not very well.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/12 15:13:38

Post by: ChargerIIC

Got a game in at 1500 pts. I'm still not winning, but at elast this game gave me a clear idea of what I want for my final list:

My final stand, swarming Bjorn and being slaughtered in mass:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/12 16:36:26

Post by: Skinflint Games

2nd Ed 1000pts: Guard vs Orks using 1/72 Airfix and Caesar fugures. Vehicles are scratchbuilds and conversions from various bitz

[Thumb - 20180309_141543.jpg]
[Thumb - 20180309_141632.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/12 16:41:49

Post by: daedalus

That is an incredibly impressive Russ for a scratchbuild.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/12 22:04:09

Post by: Skinflint Games

 daedalus wrote:
That is an incredibly impressive Russ for a scratchbuild.

Thanks man! Eli Patoroch papercraft template, scaled down 2/3. Did the tracks with IDE cables and the guns with drinking straws. Bitch of a build though, the primer reacted with the glues and the damn thing started coming apart while I was painting it! Check this out if you're interested: https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2017/12/03/cheaphammer-40k-scratchbuilt-imperial-armour-in-1-72/

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/12 22:43:18

Post by: Easy E

Those templates ruled! I made about two tank companies worth of those, and would show you the PLOG to prove it, but Photobucket ate it.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/12 23:37:55

Post by: Skinflint Games

 Easy E wrote:
Those templates ruled! I made about two tank companieps worth of those, and would show you the PLOG to prove it, but Photobucket ate it.

Photobucket has a LOT to answer for, it ate all Gordy2000's battle reports which were things of great beauty.. a lot of people lost a lot of good stuff through them

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/18 13:49:25

Post by: licclerich

Photobucket/post image/image shack bin there done that. I now use IMGUR...best yet...for now!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/18 17:50:22

Post by: Gimgamgoo

My wife and I decided to add some spice to our Gates of Antares games and squeeze in games of Silent Death. That way, there's a space battle, then the winner gets a bonus to the next ground battle etc.
We've only just discovered Silent Death, even if it is out of print - although you can still get the pdf books and the minis are still made.

We tried our first game without the nice custom mousepad hex space mat that's due from Deep Cut, so instead played our first short game as Algoryn vs Ghar on the rather lame Starfinder Flip-mat. Those creases are so annoying and the hexes aren't quite as large as we'd like, but a fun game was had.

Silent Death:

Love the game, and kinda wished I hadn't spent quite so much on X-Wing or Attack wing, as this is so much better.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/19 14:10:31

Post by: Easy E

My last battle was the Battle fo Cius of Propontis during the Ionian Revolt. If that all sounded like jibberish it was Greeks versus Persians.

As you can see I used my favorite models.... paper templates. You can read the details of the battle below.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/20 18:58:15

Post by: ChargerIIC

I finally won a game!

My Tyranids went full bore against Death Watch. My opponent ended up owning the right flank, only to have the objective (comet) landing on the left where all my infantry and support was. By running everything that could over there and sacrificing the rest, I was able to win by scenario.

I've decided to take a week's rest while I assemble/primer/paint models. This was the final game for the escalation league I've been playing in and I had a lot of fun. I wasn't able to get all the painting I wanted to, but I'm still happy with the experience.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/20 20:31:23

Post by: infinite_array

I played in two DBA (De Bellis Antiquitatis) events this past weekend at Cold Wars.

Only won two out of seven, but I'll take that since it was my first time playing and I was mostly trying to get my head around the rules.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/23 22:46:46

Post by: Easy E

 infinite_array wrote:
I played in two DBA (De Bellis Antiquitatis) events this past weekend at Cold Wars.

Only won two out of seven, but I'll take that since it was my first time playing and I was mostly trying to get my head around the rules.

You should post and tell us more in the Historical section of the board. I want to know more.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/24 19:41:46

Post by: Kommisar

A couple games from the gentleman's tournament at adepticon. Kept forgetting to take more pictures.

some pro display boards

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/24 22:10:17

Post by: Sherrypie

Tried Heralds of Ruin today, more tomorrow. Took a bit of gentlemanly discussion to find out where the fun balance was (my Death Guard shall not consist solely of deepstriking terminators, your Imperial Guard shall not spam all the plasma in the galaxy etc.) but after a few test matches it was really fun.

Here we have a fierce battle raging over an abandoned hospital site and in the end, after the rattle of bolt and lasfire has died down, bloodied soldiers emerge from the stormed buildings and the lament of those broken fills the air, the XIV legion stands strong and defiant.

[Thumb - DSC_0716.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_0723.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_0726.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_0734.JPG]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/03/25 19:32:22

Post by: Sherrypie

More Heralds of Ruin. Had a good evening kicking IG arse with a third fellow butting in with his dastardly Rogue Traders. Firstly the Traders smacked some IG heinies too, while drunkenly trying to get a map to their actual goal and then proceeded to raid the Death Guard laboratories in search of a Doomsday Device. And raid they truly did, for while about 80% of their team was utterly murdered by the Astartes, their swaggering leader made a leap of faith from the highest ledge on the battlefield, slid safely across to the next roof, ordered his voidmaster to grab the thing and the bastards flew to safety while hanging one-handedly from a drone

Afterwards we had to go clear some minor monster problems, perhaps having something to do with the lost device...

[Thumb - DSC_0736.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_0738.JPG]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/04/10 14:59:42

Post by: ChargerIIC

Dropped my Codex NonComplaint against an adMech army with a serious if accidental theme of '3s'. Pushed hard only to find out that AdMech doesn't actually suck at melee. Also used flyers for the second time and learned a lot about how the rules interact. I was very proud of my jinking until I realized I couldn't fire any of my weapons....

Also hovering models can be charged by ground units

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/04/13 18:28:04

Post by: infinite_array

I ran a quick demo of Arena Rex for a local store owner - Marcus Furius, Otho Mentulus, and Viatrix vs. Hermes, Urbicus, and Tribune. Was glad to get it out on the table again.

I've got everything for the Ludus Magnus faction, so I could get up to a full 5-on-5 fight with a piece of Living Terrain in the center of the table.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/04/17 22:15:53

Post by: ChargerIIC

Played a post FAQ game with pre-FAQ points. Lots of high point models died quickly to leave a melee based slog between two armies that don't do well at melee

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/04/25 06:38:29

Post by: tneva82

Orks vs dark angels. Due to deployment zones, me seizing and orks simply having tons of models(and I happened to have 2x10 boyz I had planned to mob up but decided instead to use as rear area chaff instead) dark angels had REAL hard time deep striking. Only due to chronical time issue forcing me to skip stuff like measurements gave him 6 terminator sized hole on my backfield to even allow putting them anywhere but his own deployment zone corners...My dakka jet basically invalidated most of his deployment zone! And even lone tank busta nob visible on top left screwed up his deep strike possibilities. Buggy was also used just to block bottom left corner effectively.

Alas due to time issues(2h is really short time to play slowest gw game in decades with orks) we only got my 3rd round(me starting) before time up. Would have been question of can those terminators take and hold objective vs ghazz, 2 boyz squad etc with no help coming(either dead or mired in orks way too far to help anymore)

[Thumb - 20180424_193139[1].jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/04/25 15:54:14

Post by: Apologist

An updated version of the classic RT scenario 'Battle for the Farm'.

If you're interested, the full report's here.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/04/25 18:26:03

Post by: Easy E

Are thgose LED marines? Cool!

I forgot to post this Men of Bronze game here;

Historical Persians vs. Greek battle using paper templates.... gasp! Thankfully, the actual model replacements are on the painting table.

Read all about it here: https://bloodandspectacles.blogspot.com/2018/04/battle-report-men-of-bronze-ravaging.html

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/01 17:31:58

Post by: Gomez

Another Arena Rex game...

5 v. 5 matchup...
Cohort A: Urbicus, Hermes, Acerbus, Micon

Cohort B: Lupa, Gaius Pallidus, Leo, Atrox, Noxius

Leo had an amazing Reaction: Counter Attack move early in the game that scored him NINE successes and doomed Hermes to a much earlier defeat than I had counted on. Thank goodness Urbicus hung in there and kept Leo occupied for the remainder of the match.

MVP goes to Acerbus, the rhino - he trashed Atrox, took out Leo's last few health, and pounded Noxius into the dirt all on his own. He made up for my other gladiators being less than stellar... I already mentioned Hermes getting punked by Leo, but Micon also was totally ineffective on the other side.

Really loving this game the more I play. Sounds like it's going pretty strong at the moment as well.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/01 18:01:39

Post by: winterdyne

Our first proper game of AoS at the Shed.

The field. Game was 'Battle for the Pass', with 4 objectives (The Big Tree, Skullvane Manse, Town square, Woodcutter's Cottage).

My Wars of the Roses guys pressed into service as Freeguild with a REALLY quick (4 hours) sculpt of a saddle on a Reaper Bones Griffon to mount a general on.

More Wars of the Roses minis as Freeguild. Archers occupying the Market Hall (but not for long).

Blightkings assault the market hall and throw in a massive 45 hit round... archers didn't last long.

Some Knights arrive to ruin the Plaguebearers day...

General on Griffon messes up the Blightkings shortly before a GUO arrives to lay the smackdown on him.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/01 20:03:23

Post by: ChargerIIC

Fought a thousand point game in preparation for an upcoming tournament. I faced some Index Deathwatch. I'm pretty certain it would have been a very different outcome post-codex:

Totally feth'd up the deep strike and my charge, but still came through by sheer virtue of a 3+ armor save:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/02 11:48:10

Post by: Dwro1234

Had a 2000 point battle yesterday. The only rule was that every model had to have at least 4 wounds.

[Thumb - 20180501_193710.jpg]
[Thumb - 20180501_181507.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/04 05:00:38

Post by: Captain Brown

Orks defeated my Imperial Guard.



Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/04 07:09:32

Post by: Midnightdeathblade

Vulkan and his boy breaking some thousand sons. Yes he lived. He killed the Dreadnought, 3 of the sekhmet and 4 of the blademasters, both infantry units fell back and the blademasters were finished by some terminators.

[Thumb - 29572638_1456032601186448_2188260482593713036_n.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/06 00:36:23

Post by: Captain Brown

Battle between Space Marines and Imperial Guard.

Space Marines had several units in reserve and tried to mouse trap the guard as they moved forward. Plan backfired and the Guard beat off all the reinforcements with massed fire and eventually controlled all the objectives.



Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/06 11:36:03

Post by: tneva82

First round in tournament. Kiiled 2 assasins but he hunkered so i got objectives so 20-16 to him only

[Thumb - 20180506_112631.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/06 13:25:56

Post by: tneva82

Second round. With da jump put pressure to objectives. Resurection gave headache. 11-11 draw

[Thumb - 20180506_141742.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/06 16:17:28

Post by: tneva82

Third round. I killed archon only in game but objectives were good enough and had barely relic with me so 12-12 draw.

[Thumb - 20180506_164424.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/07 13:42:18

Post by: Easy E

A battle in the Great Samnite War using my famous paper Stand-ups!

You can read a full report of the battle on the blog....

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/07 18:27:06

Post by: Captain Brown

Imperial Guard versus Legion of the Damned Knight and Space Marines with special victory conditions.

Objective was the Knight, which used it's speed to move away from any dangers. Since Space Marines and Legion of the Damned had the first turn they targeted all the Heavy Weapons Squads and wiped them all out.

Although regular infantry reduced the Knight to half wounds in two turns.



Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/08 01:15:03

Post by: MarcoSkoll

I'm a little surprised, embarrassed and disappointed to realise that the last game I played was back in November...

(No, the players haven't shrunk, that really is a very big Valkyrie).

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/08 02:12:34

Post by: RazorMind

Nurgle vs Nurgle in a desert backwater

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Nurgle vs Nurgle in a desert backwater

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/08 02:36:05

Post by: Platuan4th

My foot slogging triple Battalion DEldar face off against my friend's Tau.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/08 06:38:25

Post by: Da Boss

Dungeons and Dragons, outflanking a pack of Ghouls

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/08 13:24:15

Post by: meatybtz

My Daughter playing with her orks and pulling from the dead pile.

Apparently Rarity is about to be interrogated by my dead Intero Chaplain.

She still knows her Ork's names and it's very funny. She is 3 1/2 years old and rolls dice and holds templates for me. Though usually she rolls dice then proclaims: I win!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/08 14:50:09

Post by: ChargerIIC

Fought a friend of mine at 2k points using the leaked german deathwatch codex.

His dice betrayed his corvus blackstars pretty badly. One didn't make a single armor roll all game, dying to small arms fire.

Finally getting the handle on how my list works, but damn if going deathwatch for my primaris list isn't tempting.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/08 19:43:46

Post by: cutter

here'sthe table from my last game,
including a shot from our campaign map.

[Thumb - IMG_20180508_210933.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20180508_210955.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/08 21:14:07

Post by: Da Boss

Some lovely set ups on display in this thread, including the one above me!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/09 17:38:38

Post by: Captain Brown

Orks versus Space Marines.

Start of the battle did not go so well for the Orks with the Battlewagon being destroyed first round. In fact the Marines proved to be very hard to kill and their only failing was not grabbing more objectives earlier on. However attrition slowly whittled the Orks down in the last two turns to snatch victory for the Marines.



Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/09 22:38:10

Post by: Platuan4th

I'm jealous of your 2nd ed cardboard buildings.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/10 08:38:38

Post by: sushi2001

I see a lot of all infantry or mostly infantry Imperial Fists armies. Is that a viable list? A mix of normie marines with primariis supported by characters like lieutenants and captains.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/10 14:29:10

Post by: ChargerIIC

sushi2001 wrote:
I see a lot of all infantry or mostly infantry Imperial Fists armies. Is that a viable list? A mix of normie marines with primariis supported by characters like lieutenants and captains.

I think there are a lot of Primaris lists using Imperial Fist doctrine. If you go Primaris,you go infantry heavy since you have really good heavy infantry options that replace vehicles and because what vehicle options you do have are terrible outside the bog-standard predator. Imperial fist's chapter tactic is great for auto-bolt(assault) weapons and for agressors. Hellblasters like it too, since it punishes the enemy for trying to stay in cover.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/10 15:56:52

Post by: Captain Brown

Platuan4th wrote:I'm jealous of your 2nd ed cardboard buildings.

They are one of the Marine players. Most of mine are packed up for a move.

sushi2001 wrote:I see a lot of all infantry or mostly infantry Imperial Fists armies. Is that a viable list? A mix of normie marines with primariis supported by characters like lieutenants and captains.

The two Marine players fielded regular Marines vice Primaris.

ChargerIIC wrote:
sushi2001 wrote:
I see a lot of all infantry or mostly infantry Imperial Fists armies. Is that a viable list? A mix of normie marines with primariis supported by characters like lieutenants and captains.

I think there are a lot of Primaris lists using Imperial Fist doctrine. If you go Primaris,you go infantry heavy since you have really good heavy infantry options that replace vehicles and because what vehicle options you do have are terrible outside the bog-standard predator. Imperial fist's chapter tactic is great for auto-bolt(assault) weapons and for agressors. Hellblasters like it too, since it punishes the enemy for trying to stay in cover.

One of our regular members has always played Imperial Fist since he started repainting his Crimson Fist Marines many years ago. He is winning about half of his games with the infantry, a dreadnought and a Predator. Perhaps a little less than half, but no where near as many loses as the Orks have suffered.



Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/10 19:19:25

Post by: JamesY

Last game was on this bank holiday Monday. Took an armoured breakthrough list in 30k. Wasn't much fun tbh as despite being fully informed of the row I was using, my opponents weren't really equipped to deal with it. It was satisfying gunning Dorn down with a predator squadron though.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/14 13:03:44

Post by: Osbad

Star Saga, last Thursday.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/14 14:31:18

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Forgive the random eclectic nature of the scenery.

Been trying to get my dad to actually play every now and then, but he isn't a big fan of the more fantastical stuff, or the scale we tend to paint in. He's collected Britians and 1/32 scale toy soldiers since he was a little kid, so he's got quite the collection. So I tried to play to the strength of what he's already got.

My side of a hybrid Song of Drums & Shakos/ Song of Drums & Tomahawks. Maoris versus Von Tempsky and Rangers.

Didn't get a good shot of my dad's side. I believe the figures came from Irregular Miniatures.

Maoris were dug in their Pa pretty well, with the NZ forces having to advance through difficult terrain. My shooting was terrible as always, so my dad split his forces with the bulk trying to go around and surround my Pa.

Frustrated by the lack of ranged success, I sent some close combat- focused scouts through the forest, where one of the topless women proceeded to butcher her way through a unit of constabulary. Having taken out at least three members of the unit and the commanding officer, the constabulary's morale broke, sending the remainder of the unit scattering for safety. The topless woman was then promptly shot by one of the rangers as they made range.

Feeling the overwhelming presence of the foreigners closing in, I sent a few more skirmishers through the woods to try and reduce the Rangers' numbers, hurling spears and closing in on the unsuspecting Kiwis. The results left much to be desired.

Upon reaching the Pa, the Rangers began traversing the fortifications, where they were met swiftly in hand to hand combat, and fell just as swiftly. Things were going well until Von Tempsky arrived, whereupon he challenged the chieftain to a respectable duel.

I rolled a natural 1 to my dad's natural 6. Needless to say that was pretty much the end of my Pa at that point.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/14 16:30:17

Post by: sushi2001

What is this game?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/14 16:45:46

Post by: ChargerIIC

Apparntly everyoe in the East Bay had their own tournement going on on Saturday. I attended a 1k tournament in concord in which you and a teammate combined scores.

I failed to bring enough anti-armor and then dropped against three lists I couldn't even scratch. Lesson learned

No pic, but my first matchpu was against a dark agnels list with all the plasma. Found out I've been misreading WoTDA's CP cost wrong for months :p I lost over 2/3rds of my list on the approach and only managed to kill his screens.

My second match was against a Deathwatch army using the new codex. I quickly realized that without my Interceptors or Dark talons, I can't kill a Corvus Blackstar. At one point i was forced to charge a unit with double frag cannons in order to salvage some victory points, only to have all three units die to the 76 frag cannon rounds that were fired in overwatch.

On the plus side, I was able to mix it up in melee and tie up a lot of points with my grapnel wielding reivers :

My final matchup was against my own partner. He brought a levithan dreadnought that I could only wound on a roll of 6 (my own damn fault for the list build). I actualy ended up running my entire army around and away from the dreadnaught to kill the three assasians and managed to last until the bottom of turn 5 before being wiped out.

I'm licking my wounds and getting ready to face my oponents again today, but this time with my anti-armor along.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/14 16:45:58

Post by: Easy E

Edit: The game with the Maoris sounds like it was Ganeesha Games Song of Drums and Shakoe/Tomahawks. Not a fan of those rules myself, but they would be great for beginners. Love the idea of playing to what you had.....

I got another game of Men of Bronze using paper stand-up templates. Nothing like paper templates ot represent those men of bronze! This time, we played the Battle fo Ephesus which was one of the opening battles of the Ionian Revolt. We went back a bit in time since I didn;t have enough Persian Cavalry when we got started.

You can read about the real battle and our results at the blog....

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/14 16:57:25

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Yeah, we were playing Ganesha's rules.

Song of Drums & Tomahawks for the most part. We used Drums & Shakos volley fire rules to both speed things up and to keep it semi- historically accurate.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/14 18:47:03

Post by: ProtoClone

Only game I have stuck with for over 41 years and still don't understand how to play correctly.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/15 14:26:17

Post by: ChargerIIC


 ProtoClone wrote:
Only game I have stuck with for over 41 years and still don't understand how to play correctly.

Boy, those new spells-as-models models for Age of Sigmar look pretty fun. Did the newspaper come from the box or do I have to purchase it seperatly?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Finnaly dropped against one of these custodes/AM lists with the double CP regneeration. We were matched for starting CP, but boy was the game a little one sided. I'm still learning how to use flyers and the mix of 3+ armor saves on the guardsmen and 3+ invul on the custodes was brutal.

In the end I only managed to kill 12 guardsmen and a custode. I really need to put some character removal back in.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/15 17:27:51

Post by: tneva82

Orks vs slaanesh daemon, 1k. Can't understand how me didj't get more than 3 turns. Welj she's fairly new so was bit slow but 3 turns in 2h. Damn.

Was touch and go. I had 3 daemonettes on back field threatening objective with 2 kmk out of los(move would give). Elsewhere charriot plus prince with 2 wounds left vs 15 or so boyz, warboss and painboy. 16 attacks from charriot hurts.

[Thumb - 20180515_193228.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/17 17:02:16

Post by: tneva82

Orks vs ig. For a change brought mechanized army and ran against pask, russ and shadowsword. Got recon scenario which further screwed me as he is only hurt by counting as moved, my units are slowed down and chinork was forced to deep strike on my zone ensuring i got to shoft turn 3. Had it come turn 2 it would have been business as usual. Was reduced to kmk's and grots having killed just hellhound and odd infantry.

The one time i don't bring infantry swarm opponent is skewed toward at and then scenario was perfect for him...ugh

[Thumb - 20180517_184343.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/19 10:17:38

Post by: licclerich

Me and my regular opponent 1750pts 40k
Marines vs Dread mob with lots of Kans and Dreads

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/22 15:23:47

Post by: amazingturtles

Sometimes you gotta make do with what you got.

except in my case where sometimes is all the times, but it's still good.

Orks fighting space marines using modified Vedross rules, against my little nephew who is becoming quite good at rockets.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/23 18:37:56

Post by: infinite_array

Last game in the 500 points part of our slow grow Konflikt 47 league. My Germans against British.

Things learned:
Jeeps are fast. Very fast.
100 free points of off-board artillery sucks (for me, that is. British player loves it), especially when at such a low points value.
Never leave my power armor jump infantry at home.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/25 16:02:40

Post by: Captain Brown

Tau Versus Orks

Game was as close to one sided as I have played in 8th edition. Tau used their Stealth Suits to lay a beacon close to the head of the Ork advance and dropped two units of Crisis Suits with 3 flamers each to whip out entire units. Orks never really recovered from the loss of so many models.



Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/25 20:59:15

Post by: Easy E

 infinite_array wrote:
Last game in the 500 points part of our slow grow Konflikt 47 league. My Germans against British.

Nice to see some Konflict '47. I thought about it.... and ultimately decided against it because I just didn;t have the money for yet another game, even if I could use a lot of the models for WWII games.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/28 20:32:15

Post by: Captain Brown

Space Marines versus Eldar.

Space Marine player set up his army on a broad front to try and control as many objectives as possible while the Eldar concentrated on their right flank.

While the Marine did control more objectives for a turn or two the Eldar crushed the Marines left flank and rolled up the centre capturing the objectives and destroying most of the Imperial force.

There were a few epic defensive actions on the Marine's side, with single models stalling the Eldar sweep.



Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/28 21:33:22

Post by: Cothonian

This was a "Multiplayer Battle: Carnage" with four players. On my right flank were 20 Death Company that charged me almost immediately. After wiping out 20 of my infantry my Tank Commander in a Punisher mulched them. On my left flank was a demon prince and four dreadnoughts (all forgeworld, I cannot recall the names) who charged head first into the Tau in the opposite corner. Early game I moved one of my APCs and its load of troops to the middle, securing points. Ultimately I won the match, both by points and the fact that the Death Company and Tau were wiped from the board, and my Chaos opponent only had two heavily damaged Dreadnoughts to take on my APCs, Hellhound, Tank, and Bullgryns.

Overall it was a good match.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/29 00:47:28

Post by: privateer4hire

We played two back-to-back games of Full Thrust over the weekend. Swapped fleets and refought the fight. Only proved that some star nations have superior ships in close quarter fights.

EDIT: Yeah, we used a dollar store black plastic table cloth and it really shows.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/29 18:48:42

Post by: ChargerIIC

Brought out my chess clock in order to see just how big of an effect it would have on my game. Just to double down on my fumbling, it was also the first time I brought my list as a DeathWatch force instead of a Iron Hands/ Dark Agnels combined force.

I dropped against a list containing about 6 leman russ tanks, 3-4 squads of mixed elysian and vostroyan infantry, and 2-3 plasma command squads (elysian). In my Space Marine list it would have been my death.

Turns out 5 intercessor/5 hellblaster fortis squads backed by a 10 stalker pattern intercessor squads can really ruin a tank.

We both started with a lot in reserve. I had to run things much tighter since I didn't have Chapter Tactics boosting everything without auras.

There was three tanks there...

When the elysians dropped, I just had all the backfield shooters advance. Reviers ran back to keep them off my guys.

We ran 90 minutes per player and finished in turn 5 with 15/20 minutes left. I won via a single VP from first blood, having taken the right side of the board and prevented his securing the objectives on the left. I've decided to keep painting and use this list (slightly tweaked) for BAO. My opponent was a superior player and veteran, so I felt pretty good about pulling a victory out.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/05/30 04:37:09

Post by: tneva82

Fun game of orks vs wolves involving shooting orks, gretchins charging(twice) and goffs that retreated out of combat. In other words all sort of weirdness.

[Thumb - 20180529_183955.jpg]
[Thumb - 20180529_194038.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/06/02 17:02:25

Post by: lord_blackfang

A thing

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/06/03 08:12:29

Post by: tneva82

5 vs 5 apoc game starting. Turn 1 1/3 army(or best fit) starts so my dep was super easy. Stompa

[Thumb - 20180603_105903.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/06/05 14:40:47

Post by: Easy E

A game of flying battleships called Castles in the Sky....

Yes, more paper templates. Once I get my Greek sorted, it will be onto some flying ships..... maybe.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/06/05 17:48:39

Post by: Captain Brown

Eldar versus Space Marines.

Some old Necromunda terrain came out.

I placed a more balanced deployment rather than a refused flank like our last battle.



Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/06/06 19:50:07

Post by: ChargerIIC

Happened to draw a DeathWatch vs DeathWatch match that I thought would be a good way to test out my new bolt rifles. I dropped all but of my two fortis kill teams against my opponents three razorbacks (with oldmarine vets) and 3 hellblaster teams in DS.

It was a massacre. His multiple frag cannons wiped out my intercessors, followed up with melee weapons against my characters and the three hellblaster squads nuked my hellblaster and stalker squads off the table. By the time my second turn started I had killed a razorback and 2 models but I only had 3 models left alive. I didn't even bother dropping my fortis squads but had to surrender right there.

Definitely have to figure out a defense for that list.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/06/07 18:54:00

Post by: Racerguy180

last night's 4k Apoc.

Salamanders w Metallica elements vs Dark Angels w a knight household.

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[Thumb - 20180606_164931.jpg]
[Thumb - 20180606_164757.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/06/14 07:26:04

Post by: Destroyer_742

Got to try out my valiant in a 1750pt game vs my brother.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/06/18 21:45:39

Post by: Easy E

Super System 4th Edition

The Union (Of Semi-professional Heroes) vs. the Black Hearts

You can read all about it here is you are so inclined:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/06/18 23:06:37

Post by: ph34r

One of my more recent battles, either I have been forgetting to take pictures or I haven't played that much recently:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/06/25 15:03:40

Post by: Elbows

A couple games of 40K 8th edition (Token activation)

3-Way Game at 1,250 points.

1,250 Game Eldar vs. Deathkorps.

1,500 Game Chaos Space Marines vs. Nids.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/06/25 18:49:52

Post by: infinite_array

Big Battle DBA (three armies to a side of 12 units each).

An invasion from the sea in Ancient Greece. The invaders were Spartans, Thebans, and Asiatics, against a defending force of Athenians, Thessalians, and Phokians.

The defenders won when the Spartans, then the Thebans, broke and fled.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/06/25 22:38:41

Post by: r_squared

2000pts of Orks vs Raven guard and Dark Angels, the Relic, ends in a major Ork victory.

Backing up into our deployment zone dragging the reluctant relic with us.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/06/26 14:58:07

Post by: ChargerIIC

A few pics from the last game. A collegue of mine wanted to try out his new Knights lance and I brought my Deathwatch - complete with two hellblaster Fortis kill teams and a new Inceptor kill team. It promised to be an interesting match as nearly all of my shooting was Str4 but I could rely on the same mission tactic for his entire army.

He fielded one of the new Castellean knights (with the dual reactors), a Valiant, Gulliman the Sue-per marine and I think the knight with all the guns was a castigator.

I've faced knights before but not with Deathwatch. The lack of lascannons was going to hurt, but I have two librarians that should be able to help out. I deployed very center-line, I figured getting as close as possible as soon as possible with the knights was the best tactic. (Should have read up on them - didn't realize they could fall back without penalty to shooting or charging :p)

He wound up charging my center but got too close to my Primaris librarian, who null zoned the valiant. All the shooting took it down in a handful of wounds left, but the return shooting started taking chunks of intercessors off the table. I dropped my inceptor and 2nd hellblaster kill team in place to nail the valiant, but the Inceptors whiffed every shot despite supercharging. In the end the inceptors managed to get another round of shooting off to severely wound the Castellean at the cost of an entire 10 man intercessor squad that was cooked alive by those 3d6 2 damage flamers the castellean has.

In the end, I killed the Castellean but the resulting double engine explosion wiped out all of my agressors and remaining intercessors on the that flank. I finally managed to hammer the valiant to death with my crozious, but that left my with 4 marines versus a still half-health castigator. We tried valiantly, but were wiped out in the end

It was an incredibly 'killy' game and I enjoyed the attrition. We actually went to about round 7 before we realized that we had both completely forgotten about the scenario and objectives. I feel pretty good about how I did, given that T8 is a matchup that been an almost auto-loss for my primaris in the past. I think I could have actually pulled out a victor if I had about 3 more CP so I might give the CP warlord trait a go.

On a side note, my Primaris Watch Captain has failed to actually wound anything for 3 games straight, even with the Bane Bolts of Erixya. Going to make him a little sign of shame if he keeps it up.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/06/26 15:17:28

Post by: privateer4hire

My GSC got pasted this past Saturday by my buddy's Death Guard. Here's part of the battle, a crater my guys were defending [poorly] against three of his terminators.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/19 05:11:11

Post by: cutter

So, we had our annual 2500 points game last weekend.
Crons & Nids vs. Eldar & Tau.
We had an exciting game (loads of kills an both sides).

[Thumb - IMG_20180714_130023.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20180714_125944.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/19 15:09:39

Post by: nareik

Those paper figures look fun!

I had my first game of Age of Sigmar thanks to a staffer teaching me to play!



Obviously we weren't playing points!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/19 15:54:08

Post by: infinite_array

First game of Red Book of the Elf King.

Played the introductory scenario. Three units of Companions per side instead of six, three Glamour spells each instead of seven, and a four turn game instead of seven turns.

Saylian Trollblood was defeated by Vachel Goldenhand and his Companions of the Throne of Towers.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/19 17:37:57

Post by: Nurglitch

I was working on a play-through for my Titanomachina game:

This photo was taken mid-game, as Rhea jumped away and pummelled two of Tethys' Small Buildings flat.

Blue (Tethys) beat Yellow (Rhea) 22-11!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/20 02:25:33

Post by: RazorMind

Gaslands! I missed the old car wars days and tried this one out, lots of fun

[Thumb - DeliverancemakesGrapenutzsqueallikeapig.jpg]
[Thumb - GrapeNutzexplodes.jpg]
[Thumb - MrSprinkleseyesaZombie.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/24 12:37:56

Post by: Nurglitch

I just wanted to say how much I love this thread!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/25 15:43:16

Post by: judgedoug

Forgot to take pic of Eagle of Brittany (the last game I played), so here's the last 40k game that was played (last Thursday)

[Thumb - 37412575_10104448901871796_4790501651741933568_n.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/25 18:44:00

Post by: Greywing

Some really inspirational stuff in this thread (which I just discovered/binge-read). Thanks to all who have contributed!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/27 23:01:33

Post by: badguyshaveallthefun

Warriors of Chaos vs. Tomb Kings.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/28 22:43:32

Post by: amazingturtles

Silver Tower: Priest Edition!

Guest starring the Doomseeker.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/29 02:20:58

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Corpse Carts?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/29 03:50:42

Post by: Eldarain

Had a fun game welcoming back a player who's been gone since 4th.

It was the first outing for my Sassy Daemon Prince. He dueled the Primaris general on the deciding objective winning the game standing atop his mangled body.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/29 03:53:13

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

A game of Paleo Diet with Dakka's Barzam and BobtheInquisitor, from Ganesha Games.

It plays similar to Song of Blades and Heroes from Ganesha Games, but a bit more cooperative in how you hunt the animals. They don't get active turns but react to certain triggers players or other animals can cause.

(Stolen from Barzam's photos)

Barzam was the only player who actually managed to contribute anything worthwhile to the game. While I helped wound the Andrewsarchus, his diminutive dwarven huntress with the club managed to fend off a wolf that became attracted to all the action, killing it off with her pointy stick.

My caveman was pelting the beast with arrows to no avail, which caused it to end up charging my cousin's bear(his hunter was "in disguise") which I believe end up getting him killed. Eventually we drove the beast toward's Barzam's hunters who finally did it in.

BobtheInquisitor chased a pygmy hippo off an cliff and stared down a wolf with a hunter that looked vaguely like the Emperor of the Imperium.

A good time was had by all... except for in the bathroom, where a life size Primaris greats you with this chilling challenge-

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/29 07:33:31

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Like poor Bubo, I was helping. I held down reactionary running dog while great bear of the people embodied historical dialectic in face of insatiable beast of the bourgeois!

And I really hope that meme takes off.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/29 07:49:53

Post by: privateer4hire

We played our first game of Pulp Alley today.
Really impressed with how well the rules hang together.
We only got one thing wrong (that we know of) and that's because we didn't look one page back.

We used a sci-fi setting with aliens, robots and mutants.
The mission was Lost Keys.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/29 12:02:13

Post by: Nurglitch

Pulp Alley is fantastic!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/29 22:08:44

Post by: Opeth30

8th ed Warriors of Chaos vs Wood Elves. 3000pts + another 1000 from the monstrous arcanum. One I get Dan's WoC list I'll do a proper battle report.

[Thumb - game1.jpg]
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Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/07/31 14:58:33

Post by: ChargerIIC

Finally, Finnaly got a game in. Dropped my planned BAO list (don't ask) against another local player's Necrons. I hadn't faced a full necron list before and it was a fun clash as two attrition oriented armies ground into each other. I initially gave him a bloody nose but the 3+ invul save on the wraiths let them eat and entire flank after I killed their supporting destroyers. I feel like if I had deployed a librarian differently (for null zone) it could have been a very different game.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/01 07:42:09

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Clear bases, very cool.

But y'all needs some terrain...

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/04 03:41:03

Post by: amazingturtles

Silver Tower: Priests for everyone! edition continues as the heroes face down their mightiest foe yet.... themselves

wait no it's just a little spider goblin who was abandoned by his buddies, do we really have to kill him?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/08 02:58:41

Post by: Easy E

Some Blood Bowl with Skaven and Humans....

You can see more about how the game played out here if you want....


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/11 23:06:33

Post by: privateer4hire

Our second game of Pulp Alley.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/13 14:22:52

Post by: Easy E

This is a game of the First War of the Diadochi using Heirs to Empire, Eumenes of Cardia vs. Craterus.

Hopefully, within a year these paper templates will be replaced by Baccus 6mm armies.

You can read up on it here:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/13 15:23:50

Post by: Nurglitch

 privateer4hire wrote:
Our second game of Pulp Alley.

Pulp Alley and Shoot N' Skedaddle are fantastic games; it's great seeing that people are playing them!

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/13 21:51:45

Post by: Kommisar

played a few garagehammer games last weekend

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/14 15:06:15

Post by: ChargerIIC

Dropped against Death Company last night. An interesting game in which my 2W models charged against a double librarian dreadnought list.

First game I dropped bikers in. They did great for their amount of board threat, even if they were never going to make their points back.

Crux moment was when a ten man squad of death company dropped with Lemartes and the dice utterly screwed him. They died to Auspex Scan, overwatch, and rifle butts as my opponent's dice decided that armor saves just weren't their thing. I still lost 6 intercessors, but it's a trade I could be happy with

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/15 03:54:41

Post by: tneva82

After 6 week break due to trip to japan got a game. Still recovering from trip so simply took last game's bag so knights. Wolves challenged me. Alas turkey shoot as his wolves were not even that optimized with 2 huge termi units etc. Didn't even go full out so for example didn't annihilate devastators with lascannons asap nor missile armed one either. And castellan vs 3++ wolfens i started with big guns rather than shoulder guns(which ensured inv save got full benefit) and it was easy as stealing candy from kid.

Final nail in the coffin was me drawing priority order(assasinate) and witch hunt with 1w(shield breaker to face turn before) runepriest close to my warlord castellan giving me not only high chance of wipeout but gave dominating lead on vp's.

Lost one helverin, war glaive was almost dead and errant was getting mauled by terminators as i let them be there(i could have fled with landstrider and raven giving me also shooting but with game being over before it even started let's stomp!)

[Thumb - 20180814_173747.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/15 19:14:35

Post by: Easy E

Dwarf vs Ork Blood Bowl game. Again, it is an exhibition game between me and my wife.

You can read all about it....


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/17 10:46:01

Post by: Dr. Mills

Had a couple of games last night. First game was a quick 500pts battle between my Custodes and some Tyranids. My opponent conceded on the 4th when he lost 37 out of his 42 models and I lost 3 of my 6!



Second game was a three way fight between Custodes, AdMech and Tyranids. This time a narrow victory for my Custodes with a single VP separating all three armies!



Great games on a lovely board too, what can be better?

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/19 20:32:21

Post by: kinratha

Sadly I haven't been able to game for awhile now do to a deployment.

But boy did Russ and Ferus have quite the showdown.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/20 10:03:25

Post by: licclerich

40k Tau vs elder over an imperial refinery

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/20 15:32:40

Post by: Easy E

Love the refinery.


Played, The Games: Blood and Spectacle the other day:

Each session of the games consists of 3 "events" that are randomly determined. They could be the lesser amusements, Gladiatoria, or Spectacles. As the Lanista, you select a ludus of Gladiators that you equip and train as a specific Gladiator style. You can then choose which Gladiators participate in which events to try and maximize your success in the event; but more importantly to improve your Gladiator Troupe's chances for the season. A typical season consists of 8-10 games. This one is around the 7th Games for the men of Metallus' Ludus of Leptis Minor.

You can read the details the days Games here: https://bloodandspectacles.blogspot.com/2018/08/the-games-blood-and-spectacle-games-of.html

and look into the rules here: http://www.wargamevault.com/product/210557/The-Games-Blood-and-Spectacles

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/21 18:05:11

Post by: ChargerIIC

Dropped against Orks for the first time. Unfortunatly I realized about halfway through the game that my opponent was wrong about his statline and that Ork Boyz aren't T5 Str5. No wonder I failed to kill anything in the first turn. Lesson learned for the future at least:

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/21 23:19:02

Post by: Skinflint Games

Finally managed to get this done! The biggest battle we've done yet, and it was a BLAST


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/24 11:44:24

Post by: Valkyrie

Last game I played was 2k of Custodes + Guard against Grey Knights + Marines. Was an enjoyable game, was pretty close for the first couple of turns thanks to his FW LR Redeemer (2D6 D2 autohits aren't nice against Custodes). This picture shows the point in which the tables turned however.

5 Paladins and an Apothecary against a single Custodian. I spend 2CP giving me 2 extra attacks and +1 to wound, so that's 5 attacks hitting on 2's rerolling, and wounding on 2+

He fluffed his attacks and didn't do a single wound, in return I slay 3 of the Paladins, and 5 more Custodes teleport in next turn and wipe the rest out.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/24 14:04:19

Post by: infinite_array

I got a chance to play another game of Red Book of the Elf King.

While all my Companions and Thanes are painted, my opponent only had three of his Companion units finished, so it was another half sized game.

While I'm still looking forward to playing a full sized game (6 Companion units on each side), we did play on a full sized table and had 7 Glamour spells to use. With randomly drawn Glamour, we noticed that some are semi-helpful, while other are must-haves if you're choosing Glamour before a game; for example, one spell increased a side's Courage stat by +1 for the entire game, which was hugely influential, since passing Courage tests keeps Penalty tokens off your units, which keeps them in the fight.

Also, with a standard 10" move/charge, or a 5" move and 8" shoot, units can basically fly across the table, especially if you roll high for activation tokens. Of course, that'll be mitigated by having more units to activate - 12 activation tokens doesn't go as far for seven units as it does for four.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/26 04:27:18

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

We tried out One Page Rules skirmish game, Firefight.

A terminator chaplain, two assault marines (disguised as Cypher and a Death Company Chaplain) and a scout versus a pile of Barzam's hodgepodge WWI- esque Guardsmen.

My scout snuck up on a Guardsman trying to secure an objective and shot him dead within the first turn.

Barzam reciprocated by killing Cypher before he could do anything other than skulk in some shadows, and my team were constantly pinned down by shotgun fire.

Termie Chap got angry, deepstriked in and vaporized a Guardsman for his troubles.

Barzam's guards continued to keep me pinned and unable to claim any objectives while the Termie Chap shrugged off multiple rounds of fire directed at him.

Gunfire wasn't working, so obviously it was time for the guards to fix bayonets! You can imagine how that turned out...

Growing more and more frustrated, the Chaplain continued to shrug off most shooting (with the exception of a single plasma shot he managed to survive) and continued braining any guardsmen stupid enough to engage him.

In the end Barzam won due to the fact that I couldn't keep my guys upright and scoring.

Overall I liked the rules. Quick and concise, no need to look up rules or any excessive bookkeeping seeing how everything was on a single sheet of paper.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/27 17:22:07

Post by: Easy E

I have been playing a lot of Blood Bowl lately.....

You can read all about it at the blog.....

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/28 14:54:03

Post by: tneva82

Gunline orks vs ig...

[Thumb - 20180828_174606.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/28 20:30:29

Post by: ChargerIIC

Dropped against my arch-nemisis list: Imperial Knights. It should have been an interesting experiment in how my list changes could handle this drop, but I managed to 1) forget half my anti-heavy armor tactics and 2) roll terribly

Peak HeadDesk was when I failed to deploy my Fortis Hellblaster squad turn 1 and then had 3 of the 5 Hellblasters explode on shooting as soon as they showed up. Then I wasted my re-roll strategem on an overwatch armor save and didn't use it on my Dreadnought charges. Guess who rolled a 5?

Still had a bit of fun. Not certain about the bike/vanguard vet squad, but the rest of the list is working well.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/30 10:04:19

Post by: Skinflint Games

Learning 2nd Edition 40k - Deathwatch Vs Grot patrol, breaking in the new urban board .. we will make the jump to 8th soon enough, but for now it's like 1993 never ended ;-)

[Thumb - 20180829_225228.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/08/30 16:03:54

Post by: badguyshaveallthefun

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Corpse Carts?

Those are my Chaos Warshrines. I built those before the official model was released.

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/09/01 18:44:50

Post by: lord_blackfang

AoS 1000 pts of Nurgle vs SCE.

SCE lost in the "roll for scenario" phase, we got 6 objectives and I was able to bring my full army to bear against his while my MSU summons took an objective each turn. Not taking Nurgle in small point games again without some fixes to their summon rules (unlike everyone else's, Nurgle's summoning does not scale with game size, so it's better in small games and worse in large games).

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/09/02 08:57:35

Post by: tneva82

Orks vs iron warrior, 1.5k casual tournament. Iw shot like 200 orks losing just 1 squad fully, half terminators and near dead warlord but board control secured 13-9 win for greenskins

[Thumb - 20180902_101645.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/09/02 15:24:16

Post by: tneva82

After getting slaughtered by shooty blood angels(kill points swung it to 0-20) i played vs grey knights. With 26 vs 243 models it ended up wipeout with just 2 wound flyer lect from grey knights

[Thumb - 20180902_130349.jpg]
[Thumb - 20180902_165039.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/09/09 03:28:55

Post by: ZergSmasher

Here's a pic from game 3 of the RTT I was playing in earlier today. Our TO allowed my opponent's list despite how...extraordinary it was. This pic shows how it ultimately ended. My Dark Angels, Knight Gallant, and Astra Militarum vs. my opponent's entire army consisting of a single Warhound Titan.

My Gallant got in there, shrugging off the overwatch, and just smashed the Warhound with the Paragon Gauntlet after my other units plinked a few wounds off of it. This went down on turn 2.


Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/09/09 08:18:20

Post by: Forgotmytea

A rather brutal blood bowl game between my Wood Elves and a friend's Skaven. After some brutal blocks including two full-on deaths at the hands of my treeman, the game ended in a 3-2 victory for the Wood Elves.

[Thumb - 20180908_164701.jpg]

Post pic of the last game you played @ 2018/09/09 20:38:22

Post by: tneva82

 ZergSmasher wrote:
Here's a pic from game 3 of the RTT I was playing in earlier today. Our TO allowed my opponent's list despite how...extraordinary it was. This pic shows how it ultimately ended. My Dark Angels, Knight Gallant, and Astra Militarum vs. my opponent's entire army consisting of a single Warhound Titan.

Well guess RTT didn't mind players doing longwinded way of giving up games!