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Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/03 12:14:05

Post by: reds8n

last thread :


April releases are listed :


There's certainly some interesting stuff coming out.

Think I'm most looking forwards to


least looking forwards too -- still -- failing to secure a physical copy of Sabbat Crusade which is still going for silly money on e-bay and the like


Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/03 13:50:50

Post by: Looky Likey

I wish they would have carried on reissuing the Gaunts books as a three book hardback set as they did with the first three books. I'm guessing they didn't sell very well as the first set of three hung around for ages?

I have finally started the latest Gaunts book, Warmaster having taken an age to read the latest Fabius book. Spoilers on the Fabius book, which I really enjoyed apart from:
It really annoyed me that they built up the Fulgrim clone and the prospect of a rebuilt, most likely loyalist, Emperor's Children, then used Trazyn as a maguffin at the last minute to dash it all. Still, rather brutal of Fabius

Oh, and there was even an interesting spoiler from Fabius on the missing legions:
Fabius's original lab on Harmony had clones for ALL 20 primarchs, very interesting that Fabius could get genetic material for the missing Primarchs, big shame that was all was mentioned on them.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/03 14:00:03

Post by: reds8n

I liked warmaster but the first few ref's to things that, apparently, occur in some of the Sabbat Crusade short stories threw me a bit.

Fabius wise :


I seem to recall that wwaayy back there was a fan theory that Trazyn had a primarch in his collection :

"A giant of a man clad in baroque power armour, his face contorted in a permanent scream".

One assume Trazyn would dress his collection appropriately, wonder if this is him/it ?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/03 14:09:22

Post by: Looky Likey

 reds8n wrote:
I liked warmaster but the first few ref's to things that, apparently, occur in some of the Sabbat Crusade short stories threw me a bit.

Fabius wise :


I seem to recall that wwaayy back there was a fan theory that Trazyn had a primarch in his collection :

"A giant of a man clad in baroque power armour, his face contorted in a permanent scream".

One assume Trazyn would dress his collection appropriately, wonder if this is him/it ?

On that, it is briefly covered:
Trazyn mentions that a couple of hundred years before meeting Fabius he nearly managed to add another Primarch to his collection, so Fulgrim might have been the one you mention, or number 2 in the collection? I thought it was either Vulkan or Dorn that Trazyn had?

Trazyn needs his own book covering this stuff as there are loads of lore nuggets, he has a whole mid battle scene made up of frozen UM and WB during the underground war on Calith, a Krork (the orginial orks) that has power armour better than Fabius's heavily improved SM power armour, and a ton of other stuff.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/03 15:04:30

Post by: BrookM

This is my top pick of this year:

April can't come soon enough!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/04 06:13:41

Post by: gigasnail

i finished First Lord of the Imperium. what a magnificent trollfest. i'm still not sure how i feel about it.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/04 07:20:13

Post by: tneva82

Well huge change to 40k world. Surprised there's not been more fuss about it.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/04 07:32:44

Post by: BrianDavion

as someone whose not a big fan of audio dramas. can you spoil?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/04 07:36:32

Post by: tneva82

BrianDavion wrote:
as someone whose not a big fan of audio dramas. can you spoil?


Some were deliberate lies to comfort dying but some big ones:

-Emperor was not Emperor until he met Malcador that was born some 6000 years or so ago(he remembers his own birth by the second).
-Heresy was basically deliberate action by Emperor. He never intended marines to stay long so much like thunder warriors they were meant to go. They were meant to exterminate each other once they had served their function of taking humans(not post-humans) to the stars so basically Emperor was making damn sure there WOULD be civil war. Chaos accelerated things though a bit.
-Malcador also noted things are still going as planned(this I suspect is the lie)

Some other stuff but those were the big ones.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/04 07:42:48

Post by: BrianDavion

6000 years ago would conflict with Master of Mankind... so SOMEONE is lying. the heresy being deliberate makes sense too.

Sounds to me like GW is deliebratly trying to add some confusion and mystery to the story of the emperor. a good decision. It's better when we don't know.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/04 07:48:57

Post by: tneva82

BrianDavion wrote:
6000 years ago would conflict with Master of Mankind... so SOMEONE is lying. the heresy being deliberate makes sense too.

Sounds to me like GW is deliebratly trying to add some confusion and mystery to the story of the emperor. a good decision. It's better when we don't know.


Memory fails me. Did they refer to Malcador's age in Master of Mankind? 6000 years ago was here birth of Malcador, not when to-be-Emperor and Malcador met.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/04 08:43:23

Post by: BrianDavion

tneva82 wrote:
BrianDavion wrote:
6000 years ago would conflict with Master of Mankind... so SOMEONE is lying. the heresy being deliberate makes sense too.

Sounds to me like GW is deliebratly trying to add some confusion and mystery to the story of the emperor. a good decision. It's better when we don't know.


Memory fails me. Did they refer to Malcador's age in Master of Mankind? 6000 years ago was here birth of Malcador, not when to-be-Emperor and Malcador met.


No but if the emperor wasn't the emperor before then... what was he? an ordinary man?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/04 09:02:42

Post by: Looky Likey

BrianDavion wrote:


No but if the emperor wasn't the emperor before then... what was he? an ordinary man?

He was:
Just the best of the Warlords according to Malcador, I suspect this is a lie. We know from PoV scenes of the Emperor that he was much much more than this.

I suspect the biggest thing that didn't go to plan was Magnus destroying the wards around the Palace and scuppering the web way as the web way should have followed the Great Crusade/Heresy.

There is some discussion on this audio book in the previous thread thats worth reading if you want spoilers.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/04 11:53:39

Post by: Sarus

Honestly I know they kind of have to brush on the emperor given the topic, but with some of the recent work they've put out I almost wish they would just go back to leaving it for fans to just mull over with little information one way or another.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/04 13:03:35

Post by: Alpharius

While I was initially quite excited by the Horus Heresy, a lot of these 'big reveals' are...less than satisfactory.

Some might make a bit of sense, maybe, but it almost does feel like a bit of a troll job at times.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/04 14:31:47

Post by: Looky Likey

I am sure that no matter what ideas they went with it would be impossible to please everybody as so much has been ill defined and fans allowed to fill in the gaps (as with all great universes), best case is that they please as many people as possible. I'd be interested in a detailed survey on people's opinions on the reveals once the series is wrapped up to see if they managed that.

My personal peeve with the series is that you get internal monologues for the Primarchs, which might seem weird as I mostly love the Primarch series, but I think that the Primarchs thought processes should be so alien that they'd make no sense to even a trans human. Instead we often end up with the monologue of a petulant teenager.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/04 16:45:59

Post by: Yodhrin

 Looky Likey wrote:
I am sure that no matter what ideas they went with it would be impossible to please everybody as so much has been ill defined and fans allowed to fill in the gaps (as with all great universes), best case is that they please as many people as possible. I'd be interested in a detailed survey on people's opinions on the reveals once the series is wrapped up to see if they managed that.

My personal peeve with the series is that you get internal monologues for the Primarchs, which might seem weird as I mostly love the Primarch series, but I think that the Primarchs thought processes should be so alien that they'd make no sense to even a trans human. Instead we often end up with the monologue of a petulant teenager.

Well, that kinda matches their actions - most of what the Primarchs do over the course of the Crusade and Heresy doesn't make a whole lot of sense unless you place it in the context of a bunch of squabbling, petty, status-obsessed siblings vying for the affections of a distant father figure and becoming stroppy & rebellious when they don't get them.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/04 17:58:04

Post by: Ratius

Please God just let them reach Terra. Scary to think HR was written in 2006. Im all for fleshing out a fairly epic story but BL have been milking this for years now.
Granted the argument went that when FW began releasing their HH book series, BL were likely instructed to keep pace (i.e. not out pace) but with FWs work on the HH having gone tits up, its time for BL to bite the bullet.....

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/04 20:31:30

Post by: Azreal13

Might be something or nothing, I had my MMPB pre order of Corax cancelled by Amazon yesterday.

The only other time I recall this happening was when Dan Abnett got ill and Prospero Burns got delayed, but as I believe Corax has already been published, that can't apply here.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/05 11:07:57

Post by: Looky Likey

 Yodhrin wrote:
Well, that kinda matches their actions - most of what the Primarchs do over the course of the Crusade and Heresy doesn't make a whole lot of sense unless you place it in the context of a bunch of squabbling, petty, status-obsessed siblings vying for the affections of a distant father figure and becoming stroppy & rebellious when they don't get them.
They didn't have to be like that though, BL had the choice to remove that element from the story and make them more sensible. Any time a demi god who is meant to be operating on level beyond human ability makes a decision even I, king of bad decisions, thinks is stupid, then something has gone wrong.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/05 11:19:12

Post by: Mr Morden

 Looky Likey wrote:
 Yodhrin wrote:
Well, that kinda matches their actions - most of what the Primarchs do over the course of the Crusade and Heresy doesn't make a whole lot of sense unless you place it in the context of a bunch of squabbling, petty, status-obsessed siblings vying for the affections of a distant father figure and becoming stroppy & rebellious when they don't get them.
They didn't have to be like that though, BL had the choice to remove that element from the story and make them more sensible. Any time a demi god who is meant to be operating on level beyond human ability makes a decision even I, king of bad decisions, thinks is stupid, then something has gone wrong.

It does however match the behaviour of most divine or semi divine entities in Mythology - the only thing missing is the love affairs with each other and mortals.

I do think it can go too far in some depictions but most of them seem to be severely damaged - especially emotionally.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/05 13:17:06

Post by: Looky Likey

 Mr Morden wrote:
It does however match the behaviour of most divine or semi divine entities in Mythology - the only thing missing is the love affairs with each other and mortals.

I do think it can go too far in some depictions but most of them seem to be severely damaged - especially emotionally.
But those are creatures of their emotions, mostly lust I've always held the belief that the Emperor made the Primarchs to be above simple pleasure seeking, I can't remember if we ever had conclusive proof if they were capable of a physical relationship or like Ken dolls (before the Heresy, afterwards I dread to think what Fulgrim got up to once he turned). Obviously Angron is a creature of rage, but that was his Chaos souped up butcher's nails exacerbating the issue.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/05 14:02:43

Post by: Yodhrin

Whatever the Emperor intended them to be, he used the power of the Four in their creation and there's no way that didn't warp them to some degree, even the ones that stayed loyal in the end.

And they could have changed things, sure, but given the things they have chosen to change and how they chose to change them, I'd prefer they keep that sort of thing to a minimum - the Heresy was always a Greek tragedy writ large.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/05 15:18:57

Post by: Galas

We only need the Emperor to become golden rain to laid down with Malcador and give birth to Horus. Then we can call the Horus Heresy a proper Greek Mythology background.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/05 16:08:02

Post by: Alpharius

Yeah, let's not, OK?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/10 17:30:17

Post by: Looky Likey

Black Library are after new blood for a anthology they are planning for their 20th anniversary: https://www.warhammer-community.com/writeforblacklibrary/

I hope this one is a bit more open to people outside of GW HQ than some in the past.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/10 22:32:00

Post by: Baron Klatz

Haha, fingers crossed for Shinros winning, a death themed story is right up his alley.

I might submit something too, my years of fanboying over Dark Souls, Medievil, Ghosts and Goblins, Maximo might finally pay off.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/10 22:47:58

Post by: ImAGeek

We want diverse narratives that fit into at least one of the following themes:

Detective/Police Procedural

Can’t wait to read CSI: Terra!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/11 02:14:29

Post by: shinros

 Looky Likey wrote:
Black Library are after new blood for a anthology they are planning for their 20th anniversary: https://www.warhammer-community.com/writeforblacklibrary/

I hope this one is a bit more open to people outside of GW HQ than some in the past.

Yup I am going for it, hope I get it. I already picked out an extract now to make all my mates read and criticise it!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/11 03:11:41

Post by: Baron Klatz

Huzzah! Good luck.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/11 03:21:54

Post by: shinros

Baron Klatz wrote:
Huzzah! Good luck.

Thanks honestly I am nervous we have until april so I am going to refine it some more.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/11 03:46:37

Post by: Baron Klatz

Don't be nervous, you're stories are really good.

If anyone beats you then they're probably Josh in disguise.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/11 10:27:33

Post by: Looky Likey

Best of luck to you shinros, and anybody else from here giving it ago, wish I had the writing skills to do it myself!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/11 10:36:26

Post by: Knockagh

All the best to everyone entering this, great opportunity for budding authors that you wouldn’t get elsewhere!

I envy your writing abilities and dedication to the craft!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/11 10:42:49

Post by: Lord Kragan

I'm going to try my luck with two stories: one a procedural story where a freeguild captain must enlist the help of a Nagashite Necromancer in uncovering a series of murders and another about a knight of the order of the fly defending a settlement in the blighted duchies from an attack of forces of the Living City. Maybe think of doing that story of a heist set in Hammerhal.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/11 12:20:47

Post by: Baron Klatz

Oh wow, please feel free to post those on the fiction sub-forum if you feel like it.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/11 12:22:41

Post by: HorticulusDK

Lord Kragan wrote:I'm going to try my luck with two stories: one a procedural story where a freeguild captain must enlist the help of a Nagashite Necromancer in uncovering a series of murders and another about a knight of the order of the fly defending a settlement in the blighted duchies from an attack of forces of the Living City. Maybe think of doing that story of a heist set in Hammerhal.

Baron Klatz wrote:Oh wow, please feel free to post those on the fiction sub-forum if you feel like it.

Oh yes please ! Very cool

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/20 11:05:24

Post by: reds8n

Been a bit sparse new release wise, but the year is yet young.

I read Mr Reynold's Fulgrim book which was most enjoyable.

Probably the best in the Primarch series thus far IMO -- edging out the Lorgar one.

In the meantime the following interviews might be of interest :



Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/20 16:09:19

Post by: BrookM

Almost all the stuff I want for this year is dropping in one week after another right now, I just need to wait until next weekend for Kingsblade to go up for preorder so I can complete the order.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/22 10:26:07

Post by: Lord Kragan

Path To Glory


Path To Glory
A Warhammer Age of Sigmar story

Amidst the ruins of the Lantic Empire, a few brave survivors fight to the last. With Chaos everywhere and the empress lost to a burst of lightning from the Heavens, it falls to a captain, a sorcerer and the new emperor to try and save their people.

It's a sweeping epic, longer than your usual short story and packed full of action, drama and intrigue – and it's the Black Library debut for Evan Dicken.

eShort €4.49 Add to Basket
Add to wishlist

The Age of Myth is over. After centuries of peace, the forces of Chaos have returned to the Mortal Realms, and Order is being overrun. Sigmar has retreated to Azyr, and those left behind make their stand in the face of the numberless hordes of the Dark Gods. In the ruins of the Lantic Empire, a few brave heroes lead their shattered armies in the defence of their once-mighty realm. With their empress dead, a captain, a sorcerer and the new emperor must make a stand and try to save their people.

It's a pity it's just a short story.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/22 10:28:43

Post by: HorticulusDK

Wow, this one was definitely not expected !

... I hope there is more implications than "just" an Age of Myth story ...

Great !

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/22 10:33:48

Post by: Lord Kragan

 HorticulusDK wrote:
Wow, this one was definitely not expected !

... I hope there is more implications than "just" an Age of Myth story ...

Great !

Maybe it hints at a mortal death faction, considering the POV character is VERY bitter about sigmar's retreat.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/22 10:34:41

Post by: Looky Likey

The latest in the Primarchs series went up for pre order this weekend for the limited edition: https://www.blacklibrary.com/Home/ferrus-manus-ltd-ed.html

I believe it'll get posted in time for the release date of the 27th January.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/22 10:48:26

Post by: HorticulusDK

Lord Kragan wrote:
 HorticulusDK wrote:
Wow, this one was definitely not expected !

... I hope there is more implications than "just" an Age of Myth story ...

Great !

Maybe it hints at a mortal death faction, considering the POV character is VERY bitter about sigmar's retreat.

Between this story and the MP shorts, everybody seems angry at Sigmar

And you're right, IIRC the Flesh-eater Courts Battletome mentions that many Lantic survivors became ghouls roaming the ruins of the empire.

So yeah, mortal death

And apparently, in the end the Lantic Empire is just a more steampunk and golden version of the Empire / Freeguild (which is what I understood from the snippets we had in the fluff and totally fine by me).

It's also nice to have the Fyreslayers battletome reference about the Gilded Steamgird and the Lofnir Lodge.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/22 11:56:15

Post by: shinros

So I have read path to glory and I have to say I enjoyed it what it shows is how people felt when sigmar shut the gates and trust me you feel for these people. If you read up on the setting such a decision is being felt even in the present with the reclaimed and not even once does sigmar explain himself. I honestly get Grungi's words in spear of shadows I can easily see why people turned to chaos or especially nagash in this case.

Also stormcast have no right to have beef with people that went over to chaos because of sigmar closing the gates to ayzr. Plus sigmar is also enabling the situation with reclaimed. I really understood why the characters were upset in this short story.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/22 11:57:36

Post by: Lord Kragan

 shinros wrote:
So I have read path to glory and I have to say I enjoyed it what it shows is how people felt when sigmar shut the gates and trust me you feel for these people. If you read up on the setting such a decision is being felt even in the present with the reclaimed and not even once does sigmar explain himself. I honestly get Grungi's words in spear of shadows I can easily see why people turned to chaos or especially nagash in this case.

Also stormcast have no right to have beef with people that went over to chaos because of sigmar closing the gates to ayzr. Plus sigmar is also enabling the situation with reclaimed. I really understood why the characters were upset in this short story.

Quick question since I won't be able to buy it until month's over but:

do they become ghouls in the end or just join chaos?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/22 12:06:17

Post by: shinros

Lord Kragan wrote:
 shinros wrote:
So I have read path to glory and I have to say I enjoyed it what it shows is how people felt when sigmar shut the gates and trust me you feel for these people. If you read up on the setting such a decision is being felt even in the present with the reclaimed and not even once does sigmar explain himself. I honestly get Grungi's words in spear of shadows I can easily see why people turned to chaos or especially nagash in this case.

Also stormcast have no right to have beef with people that went over to chaos because of sigmar closing the gates to ayzr. Plus sigmar is also enabling the situation with reclaimed. I really understood why the characters were upset in this short story.

Quick question since I won't be able to buy it until month's over but:

do they become ghouls in the end or just join chaos?

It's chaos because it takes place in Chamon, around this time Nagash is actually busy defending what's his according to the lore. Unlike sigmar. It's just more of the fact Sigmar's decision is still being felt in the present and not even once does sigmar try to fix it. I still think this story helps shows that the setting is more grey than anything when it comes to the gods.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/22 18:05:47

Post by: HorticulusDK

Oh, really nice post ! Guy seems like a true fan

I'm wondering how does BL "reach out" to ask you submissions like this.

How does it learn about you, and decide to contact you ?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/29 09:40:58

Post by: Looky Likey

 Looky Likey wrote:
The latest in the Primarchs series went up for pre order this weekend for the limited edition: https://www.blacklibrary.com/Home/ferrus-manus-ltd-ed.html

I believe it'll get posted in time for the release date of the 27th January.
Finished this over the weekend, by far my favorite Primarch book, my only complaint is that it is a little short. I would be interested in the opinions of any Iron Hands aficionados on this book on how they feel it portrays their Primarch as he comes across as Angron should have been if he'd never had the Butchers Nails implanted.

It was also great to see the Imperium being one upped in the genetic engineering, massive overkill, pure evil stakes by the Gardinaal all for Ferrus to claw back that in the book's final act with utter destruction of the entire planet. The relationship between Fulgrim and Ferrus needs its own buddy buddy book as well.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/29 10:05:27

Post by: Mr Morden

 HorticulusDK wrote:
Wow, this one was definitely not expected !

... I hope there is more implications than "just" an Age of Myth story ...

Great !

I enjoyed the story, interesting characters and a bit of world building. Noted that

The Empress was pulled away at her death by Sigmar so now a Stormcast?
The now followers of the Chaos Champion should be interesting in sequels and if they later encounter their former Empress.
Interesting that it appears that the Fyreslayers betrayed them..

Some nice touches touching on the power of the Empire and its Technology /magical stuff

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/29 10:17:29

Post by: Lord Kragan

 Mr Morden wrote:
 HorticulusDK wrote:
Wow, this one was definitely not expected !

... I hope there is more implications than "just" an Age of Myth story ...

Great !

I enjoyed the story, interesting characters and a bit of world building. Noted that

The Empress was pulled away at her death by Sigmar so now a Stormcast?
The now followers of the Chaos Champion should be interesting in sequels and if they later encounter their former Empress.
Interesting that it appears that the Fyreslayers betrayed them..

Some nice touches touching on the power of the Empire and its Technology /magical stuff

Well, not as much as betray them, but archaon hired the Lofnir lodge with an obscene amount of Ur-Gold to have them send a masssive phalanx of Magmadroths to break that fortification line.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/29 11:55:23

Post by: BrookM

 Looky Likey wrote:
I would be interested in the opinions of any Iron Hands aficionados on this book on how they feel it portrays their Primarch as he comes across as Angron should have been if he'd never had the Butchers Nails implanted.
My guess is, the usual piss and vinegar as always.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/29 15:11:25

Post by: reds8n


On Saturday 24th February, Games Workshop and Warhammer stores around the world will be holding a celebration of all things Black Library – and we have the low-down.

The event will be in part a celebration of 20 years of fantastic adrenaline-fuelled fiction from the worlds of Warhammer, and in part because the brand new Inquisitor Eisenhorn novel, The Magos is released on that day. And stores will have a host of special merchandise to commemorate both of these things. First, very excitingly, will be an exclusive resin Citadel miniature of Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn himself. This model is based on the classic Clint Langley artwork depicting the Inquisitor in his younger days, and is a perfect collector’s piece… and also a great addition to any army of the Imperium, as he will include rules in the box! Yes, you’ll be able to use Inquisitor Eisenhorn to bring ruin to your foes on the tabletop. Pick him up from the 24th in-store or online.

But what about goods celebrating Black Library’s anniversary? There will be plenty, and we don’t want to give everything away just now, but remember a while back when you guys voted on which out of print books you’d like us to bring back? Keep an eye out for all the Black Library Celebration news, right here, very soon.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/30 04:06:11

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Well, that might get me out to the Battle Bureau.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/01/30 07:03:23

Post by: TwilightSparkles

Hopefully Eisenhorn has points and isn't just a "use him as generic inquisitor" cop out for matched play....

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/01 19:57:11

Post by: Knockagh

Eisenhorn model, a box of book covers released on postcards in a fancy box and a blank journal released this month to celebrate 20 years of BL. I’m hoping and kind of expecting a suprise book release too. Maybe Ravenor box set?

Eisenhorn model looks cool, I will get it if I have a chance but will pass swiftly on the notebook and postcards.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/02 12:02:41

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

looks like the upcoming WD comes with a couple of stories, not sure if they're new or have appeared elsewhere

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/02 13:36:46

Post by: Yodhrin

Who exactly has been acclaiming Inquisitor: Martyr, Bob from Accounting?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/02 13:58:37

Post by: BrookM

Both short stories have been published before as digital quick reads.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/02 20:16:51

Post by: Knockagh

Inquisitor Martyr looks so absolutely amazing I’m pretty sure it will never live up to my expectations. If it is as good as it looks it could be the most dangerous thing for my precious free time since the great Skyrim addiction of 2012. Which nearly wiped out my reading time and severely disrupted my sleeping habits.

I’m not on steam so I assume I can’t get the free levels that came with WD this month.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/02 20:27:53

Post by: BrookM

It's not that hard to set up a Steam account, but this isn't really the thread for that.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/03 15:11:10

Post by: Looky Likey

Picked up and read Khan's primarch book yesterday, very good, even manages to fit in why the Emperor and Mal wanted to keep the warp under wraps.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/03 16:22:59

Post by: Mr Morden

Dance of the Skulls is a good read - Neferatatastic - A Brothers Confession was not bad either.

I had the ebook of the Dance - nice to have it in print as well.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/03 16:29:41

Post by: Yodhrin

 Looky Likey wrote:
Picked up and read Khan's primarch book yesterday, very good, even manages to fit in why the Emperor and Mal wanted to keep the warp under wraps.

I probably won't be buying that novel, could you put a wee summary of that into a spoiler box please?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/03 19:42:36

Post by: Looky Likey

 Yodhrin wrote:
 Looky Likey wrote:
Picked up and read Khan's primarch book yesterday, very good, even manages to fit in why the Emperor and Mal wanted to keep the warp under wraps.

I probably won't be buying that novel, could you put a wee summary of that into a spoiler box please?
sure, Khan spoilers ahead:
Lots of pressure put on Khan and his seconds for Khan to meet with Malcador to carry on the discussion started with the Emperor. When Khan does meet Malcador, Malcador only wants to discuss Khan sticking with the story of the Imperial Truth. Khan not really interested as he knows its rubbish, the warp exists and wants to eat your soul.

Khan sent to fight the Nephillion who are positioned as Gods to the enslaved humans and eat the humans souls. Khan talks to a saved enslaved human who didn't want to be saved and still thinks of the Nephillion as benign Gods. Khan comments that this is a clumsy lesson from Terra about the Imperial Truth to his seconds. That if you tell humans that the gods are real it will encourage worship.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/03 20:52:36

Post by: Knockagh

According to Warhammer community there are going to be some suprise releases for the 20th anniversary.

“But what about goods celebrating Black Library’s anniversary? There will be plenty, but we don’t want to give everything away just now.”

Scumbags will empty me.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/04 12:17:45

Post by: reds8n

new WD reveals that the 2 books being specially reprinted are :

Drachenfels -- from 1989

and Brothers of the Snake .

and pics of the released this weekend anthology.

Should also be on sale at warhammer world too.

[Thumb - sote1.jpg]
[Thumb - sote2.jpg]

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/04 12:39:56

Post by: BrookM

Is this anthology book a WHW exclusive?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/04 12:55:20

Post by: reds8n

It's on sale at the HH/Necromunda event this weekend.

I think it will be on sale at various other events this year, and will be on sale at WW for a while.

I have a vague memory about them saying they'll do one anthology type book like this per year but that might 've been an old plan -- note this one doesn't have any AOS stories .

I think they'll get digital releases at some point too.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/04 13:15:10

Post by: BrookM

Cheers, maybe I'll get around to visiting WHW later this year, but digital release is a good alternative, as I do need me some more Prince of Crows stuff.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/04 13:56:01

Post by: reds8n


apologies for the C & P format here :

New #AOS omnibus #BlackLibrary

- The Realmgate Wars: Volume 2 by @David_Annandale @GavThorpeCreate @GuyHaley @RobSandersSpFic @JMReynolds @WarlordGuymer CL Werner Matt Westbrook

Warbeast, Call of Archaon, Fury of Gork, Bladestorm, Mortarch of Night and Lord of Undeath + short

New #WH40K book #BlackLibrary

- Of Honour and Iron by @ianrunshispen

Dark Imperium Ultramarines story.

New #WHFantasy omnibus #BlackLibrary

- Masters of Steel and Stone by @GavThorpeCreate and @NickKyme

The Doom of Dragonback, Grudgebearer, Oathkeeper, Honourkeeper (novels) + Ancestral Honour &City of Dead Jewels (short stories)

New #WH40K omnibus #BlackLibrary

- The Beast Arises: Volume 1

The first four books.

New #WHFantasy omnibus #BlackLibrary

- Skaven Wars: The Black Plague Trilogy by C L Werner

The three novels + short stories.

New #WH40K omnibus #BlackLibrary

- The Great Devourer Omnibus by @NickKyme @GuyHaley @JMReynolds @jtparrino @LaurieGoulding and Branden Campbell (twitter?)

"This omnibus contains the novel Valedor by Guy Haley, alongside four novellas and a host of short stories".

New #WH40K book #BlackLibrary

- The Voice of Mars by @WarlordGuymer

Iron Hands book with Father Kristos.

New #WH40K omnibus #BlackLibrary

- The Victory: Part 1 by @VincentAbnett

First two books of the Victory Arc.

New #WHFantasy omnibus #BlackLibrary

- Death on the Pitch - A Blood Bowl Anthology by @RobbieMacNiven @GuyHaley @WarlordGuymer @GavThorpeCreateMatt Forbeck & Worley Alec (twitter?)

Collection of BB short stories.

New #WH40K audio #BlackLibrary

- Our Martyred Lady by @GavThorpeCreate

Saint Celestine + Inquisitor Greyfax.

New #WHFantasy omnibus #BlackLibrary

- Tyrion & Teclis by @WilliamKing9

"This collection of William King’s Blood of Aenarion, Sword of Caledor and Bane of Malekith brims with rip-roaring adventure."

Visions of Heresy gets a reprint too.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/04 14:06:59

Post by: BrookM

The Victory Arc?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/04 14:15:03

Post by: reds8n

Gaunts Ghosts.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/04 14:20:52

Post by: Yodhrin

Hah! Nice to see Mikhail Savier getting work with GW - his sketches of Marines and armour are some of my favourite depictions of "truescale" Marines.

All the WHF omnibuses are brilliant. Shame BL couldn't muster up the energy to put out so many WHF books when WHF still existed, but my shelves love anthology editions and I'll be glad to get hold of those Dwarf-related short stories(and for anyone who, like me, was not a fan of Gav Thorpe's stuff after the Heresy novels - Elves & Dwarfs he can do really well, so grab that one if you like stunties).

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/04 14:31:14

Post by: BrookM

More GG? Bleh.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/05 09:13:34

Post by: Looky Likey

Just about finished Wolfsbane, a good book but a bit too much metaphysical stuff with the underverse section for me. While the ending is not in doubt there are a few surprises in the book.

The book starts with a very rare Horus PoV chapter. Horus acts just like the sterotypical older child confronted with a new sibling when the Emperor first introduces him to Russ.

Cawl is in the book, and in such a way he cannot in anyway shape or form be Arkham Land

Russ has two interesting moments with Malcador:
A rare smile crept across Malcador'sthin lips. 'Do you know, I did tell your father to make you more personally compatible with each other. But he believed you all needed to be different to fit the tasks He had ordained for you, and that rivalry rather than blind affection would drive you to greater heights'

Ruus' face twisted. 'If father knew this foe was so dangerous, this Chaos. He should have told us about it. Then this whole sorry mess of a war would never have happened.'
'He kept it from you to protect you' said Malcador. 'If He had told the trust, the outcome may well have been worse. More of your brothers may have been tempted to actively seek greater power. See what happened to Magnus.'

Russ could have beaten Horus with the psi spear given to him by the Emperor, but hesitated, instead talks to the real Horus rather than the corrupted version. I can't help but feel this will be a mirror of the Emperor's final battle with Horus. Russ' role was to remind Horus of his humanity, sow that seed for the final battle.

I can't find the direct quote, but Malcador also talks about the 20 legions being, the 2 we do not talk about, the 9 who turned traitor, and the 9 than remained loyal. I found it very interesting that the lost 2 are not described as traitors or similar by Malcador.

Abaddon's slaughter of the Wolves is not covered but the Wolves are decimated by the end of the book.

It all leads up to Beta Garmon for the next big phase in the HH and ties in with where Adeptus Titanicus is set...

I have The Burden of Loyalty, the Primarch event book, and the BL event Anthology for 17/18 left to read from my purchases this weekend, going to have a fallow period until Magos comes out.

I mentioned this in the FW thread but the SoT books may be separatey branded from the HH books. They also confirmed that the HH books would carry on after the SoT started and finished. The Scouring is also confirmed to start after SoT finishes.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/05 09:55:31

Post by: tneva82

 Looky Likey wrote:
Russ has two interesting moments with Malcador:

I can't find the direct quote, but Malcador also talks about the 20 legions being, the 2 we do not talk about, the 9 who turned traitor, and the 9 than remained loyal. I found it very interesting that the lost 2 are not described as traitors or similar by Malcador.

Well with all the other references in the HH it's been evident that whatever happened happened BEFORE HH started so loyal or traitor would be irrelevant. They were all loyal by then.

For example in 2nd book Horus in dream saw one of the missing primarch and knew what had happened. So whatever had happened was already done for a long time before Davin.

And certainly would make task of BL REALLY hard to keep what happened secret if the legions would be active in HH!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/05 10:12:58

Post by: Looky Likey

tneva82 wrote:

Well with all the other references in the HH it's been evident that whatever happened happened BEFORE HH started so loyal or traitor would be irrelevant. They were all loyal by then.

For example in 2nd book Horus in dream saw one of the missing primarch and knew what had happened. So whatever had happened was already done for a long time before Davin.

And certainly would make task of BL REALLY hard to keep what happened secret if the legions would be active in HH!

If the two missing legions had turned on the Emperor then I would have expected Malcador or Russ to mention them as the first traitors or similar, regardless of when it happened.

Their gene seed and DNA is available, both Cawl and Fabius have access to both, and Fabius has created clones for all 20 primarchs in his last book while Guilliman believes Cawl has created Primarus using all available gene seed regardless of source. So I do not hold up with them being completely lost anymore.

Having them as the two they don't talk about rather than referring to them as traitors or just plain dead just makes weirder and weirder. When you have family you don't talk about at all when the other half of the family you do despite being murdering traitors who nearly killed their own father, killed a few of their brothers, and wiped out half the Imperium, then something really bad must have happened. May be they forgot to buy the Emperor a Christmas present?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/05 10:16:49

Post by: Mr Morden

Saint Celestine + Inquisitor Greyfax

Romance is not dead at BL

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/05 10:38:12

Post by: BrookM

I just hope that the next Greyfax audio drama is less.. wooden in its delivery. It was full of cringe imho.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/05 11:02:56

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Drakenfels is pure awesomeness.

A brilliant subversion of every high fantasy book I read in HS.

I may not buy it again, but I may just reread it.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/05 11:08:09

Post by: tneva82

 Looky Likey wrote:
tneva82 wrote:

Well with all the other references in the HH it's been evident that whatever happened happened BEFORE HH started so loyal or traitor would be irrelevant. They were all loyal by then.

For example in 2nd book Horus in dream saw one of the missing primarch and knew what had happened. So whatever had happened was already done for a long time before Davin.

And certainly would make task of BL REALLY hard to keep what happened secret if the legions would be active in HH!

If the two missing legions had turned on the Emperor then I would have expected Malcador or Russ to mention them as the first traitors or similar, regardless of when it happened.

Their gene seed and DNA is available, both Cawl and Fabius have access to both, and Fabius has created clones for all 20 primarchs in his last book while Guilliman believes Cawl has created Primarus using all available gene seed regardless of source. So I do not hold up with them being completely lost anymore.

Having them as the two they don't talk about rather than referring to them as traitors or just plain dead just makes weirder and weirder. When you have family you don't talk about at all when the other half of the family you do despite being murdering traitors who nearly killed their own father, killed a few of their brothers, and wiped out half the Imperium, then something really bad must have happened. May be they forgot to buy the Emperor a Christmas present?


Them being something else than traitors has been set up before though.

This is why I hope they never actually reveal what happened. Whatever they come up with would be let down and illogical anyway. Not everything needs to be explained. Mysteries are GOOD so this is just perfect as it is. Hints but never tell what happened.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/05 11:10:21

Post by: AndrewGPaul

If they were to reprint the original GW Books edition with the internal art, I'd by it, as I only have the Boxtree edition.

You should all go and buy it. It may not fit the Old World timeline, but it's still one of the best novels written in the Warhammer setting. I'm still a little bitter that the Great Enchanter's cheap knockoff became a god in the Mortal Realms.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/05 11:22:24

Post by: BrookM

Seriously, GW and BL have stated before at events that they will not tell people what happened to the two lost legions. They wanted to keep some things a mystery and that whatever they would think up would NEVER live up to the expectations of the community.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/05 11:44:34

Post by: Looky Likey

People said similar about the Primarchs coming back in 40k, people said the same about Custodies/SoS (although not as many people), hell its even looking like Squats are coming back into 40k. The old rules do not seemingly apply anymore and it would not surprise me to see at least something more concrete about the missing 2 than we had previously in the next few years, particularly with all the trolling around them in recent books.

I completely get that a good chunk of people do not want the mystery spoiled, but I don't think GW care about that. By the time the HH and SoT series are past the final battle I'm fully expecting people to be upset, regardless of how it is handled for the same reason.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/05 12:22:59

Post by: Yodhrin

Agreed that Drachenfels is good, but I hope it's more than just that novel and they reprint the Genevieve anthology - Beasts In Velvet is even better still IMO.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/06 19:11:18

Post by: Kosake

I just got the newsletter. They will release a unique Eisenhorn Miniature for sale during the BL celebration. Does anyone have any info on the price? It looks kinda nice and would be a cool proxy for a leader in a Inq-based Kill Team.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/06 19:38:08

Post by: ImAGeek

 Kosake wrote:
I just got the newsletter. They will release a unique Eisenhorn Miniature for sale during the BL celebration. Does anyone have any info on the price? It looks kinda nice and would be a cool proxy for a leader in a Inq-based Kill Team.

£20 I think.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/06 20:00:29

Post by: Mr Morden

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Drakenfels is pure awesomeness.

A brilliant subversion of every high fantasy book I read in HS.

I may not buy it again, but I may just reread it.

Yeah I have two copies and the collected edition - I might buy a third

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/06 20:07:46

Post by: Alpharius


Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/06 20:22:32

Post by: BrookM

Some books are just that good?

I have Ravenor in hardback, tattered paperback and signed omnibus format myself.

I also have the Eisenhorn trilogy in omnibus, three part reprint and digital format.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/06 20:41:20

Post by: Mr Morden

 Alpharius wrote:

Cos I can, I spend more money on a cinema ticket

I lend books out alot so don't always get em back, plus I voted for Gene so kinda feel i should get it.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/06 20:49:16

Post by: Alpharius

Fair enough!

More to share is always a good reason!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 00:46:43

Post by: Baron Klatz

I have all the Bretonnia books and still bought the omnibus anyway back in the day.

Lovely obsession, what can I say?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 00:49:09

Post by: godswildcard

A man (or woman) can never have too much whiskey, too many books or too much ammunition!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 01:05:57

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

 Yodhrin wrote:
Hah! Nice to see Mikhail Savier getting work with GW - his sketches of Marines and armour are some of my favourite depictions of "truescale" Marines.

All the WHF omnibuses are brilliant. Shame BL couldn't muster up the energy to put out so many WHF books when WHF still existed, but my shelves love anthology editions and I'll be glad to get hold of those Dwarf-related short stories(and for anyone who, like me, was not a fan of Gav Thorpe's stuff after the Heresy novels - Elves & Dwarfs he can do really well, so grab that one if you like stunties).

Damn. I asked BL if they would ever release those WFB omnibus and they told me they wouldn't. So, I bought those books for way too much each. Should never have taken BL's word, I guess.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Baron Klatz wrote:
I have all the Bretonnia books and still bought the omnibus anyway back in the day.

Lovely obsession, what can I say?

You had to! The third book was only included in the omnibus, wasn't it?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 04:43:48

Post by: FeindusMaximus

 godswildcard wrote:
A man (or woman) can never have too much whiskey, too many books or too much ammunition!


Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 08:40:35

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Yodhrin wrote:
Agreed that Drachenfels is good, but I hope it's more than just that novel and they reprint the Genevieve anthology - Beasts In Velvet is even better still IMO.

There was a Genevieve omnibus a few years back, going for under $10 on Amazon.


My review:

As I said in reviewing the hardcover, the editorial description implies you'll be getting a typical fantasy novel but don't believe it for a second. Genevieve is filled with pop culture references, clever twists and mercifully devoid of fantasy cliches.

The first novel in the collection Drachenfels opens with a group of mismatched heroes heading for the evil wizard's tower (YAWN) however they are messily killed in the first few pages and the story then skips ahead ten years and focuses on the big-budget play being produced to celebrate their triumph where the hero is a vain director and self-proclaimed genius.

The entire book is like that, what seem to be typical fantasy stories soon focus on daily life in a medieval world.

Pick it up you won't be disappointed.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 10:01:06

Post by: Yodhrin

Oh I know chief, I managed to snag a secondhand copy off Amazon for pennies a while ago, but I was lucky - from UK sources even secondhand it goes for around 12 quid normally, the only worse ones are the Eisenhorn and Vampire Wars omnibus editions, so having the omnibus back in-print would be great for us(and I wouldn't mind replacing my slightly ratty copy).

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 10:58:33

Post by: reds8n


official May releases.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 11:09:22

Post by: BrookM

Not sure if posted before, but table of contents of the upcoming Magos novel:

– Pestilence​
​– Master Imus’s Transgression​
​– Regia Occulta​
​​– Missing in Action​​​
​​– Backcloth for a Crown Additional​​​
​​– The Strange Demise of Titus Endor​
​​– The Curiosity​
​​– Playing Patience​
​​– Thorn Wishes Talon​
​​– The Gardens of Tycho​​​
​​– The Keeler Image​​​
​​– Perihelion​​​
– The Magos​

For me only the last three or four sound new, the rest I've already read at some point or another.

Coming 24th of this month, can't wait!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 11:29:32

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Has Abnett ever said anything publically about the future of the Einhorn and Ghosts? The Ghosts just got a novel after 5-6 years (which ended on a cliffhanger), but the latest Einhorn trilogy has hung on a cliffhanger for 5+ years.

I read something about him scaling back for a while, is it that simple?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 11:34:34

Post by: BrookM

IIRC he got fed up with the policies of GW at the time? Dunno, I just want the Bequin trilogy to be resolved already.

Though in better news, at least Knightsblade is a good read so far and I'm happy to note that the back of the novel clearly states that this is a series. It may be a selfish thing to say, but I'd love to see an Imperial Knight novel EVERY year.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also, going over some of the stories from the Magos..

Pestilence, the Curiosity and the Gardens of Tycho have nothing to do with Eisenhorn.

Good stand-alone stories, but why include them here?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 12:12:25

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 BrookM wrote:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also, going over some of the stories from the Magos..

Pestilence, the Curiosity and the Gardens of Tycho have nothing to do with Eisenhorn.

Good stand-alone stories, but why include them here?

Foreshadowing for Bequin 2: Electric Boogaloo?

We can hope right?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 13:46:02

Post by: BrookM

They're not connected to Eisenhorn in any way.

The only bridging story between Ravenor and Bequin is Perihelion, unless the Magos also takes place during the gap.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 14:33:00

Post by: Alpharius

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
 Yodhrin wrote:
Agreed that Drachenfels is good, but I hope it's more than just that novel and they reprint the Genevieve anthology - Beasts In Velvet is even better still IMO.

There was a Genevieve omnibus a few years back, going for under $10 on Amazon.


My review:

As I said in reviewing the hardcover, the editorial description implies you'll be getting a typical fantasy novel but don't believe it for a second. Genevieve is filled with pop culture references, clever twists and mercifully devoid of fantasy cliches.

The first novel in the collection Drachenfels opens with a group of mismatched heroes heading for the evil wizard's tower (YAWN) however they are messily killed in the first few pages and the story then skips ahead ten years and focuses on the big-budget play being produced to celebrate their triumph where the hero is a vain director and self-proclaimed genius.

The entire book is like that, what seem to be typical fantasy stories soon focus on daily life in a medieval world.

Pick it up you won't be disappointed.

Your review - and that price - convinced me to buy it - thank you!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 14:34:27

Post by: Mr Morden

 Alpharius wrote:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
 Yodhrin wrote:
Agreed that Drachenfels is good, but I hope it's more than just that novel and they reprint the Genevieve anthology - Beasts In Velvet is even better still IMO.

There was a Genevieve omnibus a few years back, going for under $10 on Amazon.


My review:

As I said in reviewing the hardcover, the editorial description implies you'll be getting a typical fantasy novel but don't believe it for a second. Genevieve is filled with pop culture references, clever twists and mercifully devoid of fantasy cliches.

The first novel in the collection Drachenfels opens with a group of mismatched heroes heading for the evil wizard's tower (YAWN) however they are messily killed in the first few pages and the story then skips ahead ten years and focuses on the big-budget play being produced to celebrate their triumph where the hero is a vain director and self-proclaimed genius.

The entire book is like that, what seem to be typical fantasy stories soon focus on daily life in a medieval world.

Pick it up you won't be disappointed.

Your review - and that price - convinced me to buy it - thank you!

Have you not read the Genevieve stories? They are great. She also has her own series not set in the Warhammer universe if you enjoy them.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 14:51:51

Post by: Alpharius

I didn't know that - can you shoot me a link to them?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 14:58:46

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

That's the Anno Dracula series I believe? I've been meaning to get around to those. Also that Neferata ltd is smexy. I don't normally care about the ltd's, but that one is speaking too me.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 21:15:19

Post by: Knockagh

 BrookM wrote:
Some books are just that good?

I have Ravenor in hardback, tattered paperback and signed omnibus format myself.

I also have the Eisenhorn trilogy in omnibus, three part reprint and digital format.

Hahaha, i do this, I know it’s crazy but if I like a book lots I will buy as many editions of it I can get my hands on. I love reading an old book in a new edition but would never think of reading a book I’ve already read.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/07 21:29:49

Post by: Mr Morden

 Alpharius wrote:
I didn't know that - can you shoot me a link to them?



Overview - its a bit like Moorcocks work but with much more pop culture - modern and historical.

The Anno Dracula series by Kim Newman—named after Anno Dracula (1992), the series' first novel—is a work of fantasy depicting an alternate history in which the heroes of Bram Stoker's novel Dracula fail to stop Count Dracula's conquest of Great Britain, resulting in a world where vampires are common and increasingly dominant in society. While Dracula is a central figure in the events of the series, he is a minor character in the books themselves, and usually appears in only a few climactic pages of each book. While many of the characters from Newman's Diogenes Club stories appear in the Anno Dracula novels, they are not the same versions as appear in those stories, nor is the Diogenes Club itself exactly the same.

The series is known for its carefully researched historical settings and the author's use as supporting characters of both historical people and fictional characters of the appropriate period. The metafictional style was inspired by the Wold Newton Universe of Philip José Farmer, and Neil Gaiman helped develop the series (and was originally going to be its co-author).[1] Gaiman has also credited the series as being one of the main influences on his short story "A Study in Emerald".[2]

Entries in the series have won the Dracula Society's Children of the Night Award, the Lord Ruthven Award and the International Horror Guild Award, and have been short-listed for the Bram Stoker Award and the Sidewise Award for Alternate History.

The series currently consists of five novels and a number of short stories and novellas. The author is currently contracted for a sixth book.

Also that Neferata ltd is smexy. I don't normally care about the ltd's, but that one is speaking too me.
Sorry there is another Neferata book - or do you mean Mortarch of Blood. I am crossing fingers for this as Dance of the Skulls was actually quite good.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/08 15:45:40

Post by: BrookM

Still need to listen to the second half of this one, but so far.. THE SNARK.

The crew gets along just fine. An angry Rogue Trader who barks and snarls at her crew all the time that she's going to shoot them, haughty Eldar who looks down on everything, a Navigator whose head is constantly elsewhere and the techpriest.. He is the best of the bunch, usually they are cold and without emotion, but this guy is so snarky and full of loathing for everything, he actively wishes for death or something. His comebacks and remarks are also good.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/09 14:13:42

Post by: Looky Likey

I enjoyed that audio drama as well, are there more planned?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/09 14:44:44

Post by: BrookM

It certainly ended with more questions and the description itself makes it sound like there are more planned.

As long as we get more of the Techpriest.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/10 17:42:27

Post by: BrookM

Legacy format of the Praetorian of Dorn is coming soon.

As always, I'll be ordering mine from the Book Depository.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/10 21:40:47

Post by: Splog

 Alpharius wrote:
Your review - and that price - convinced me to buy it - thank you!

Me too. Well... ish. I've already got a copy of Genevieve sitting unloved on a bookcase for the best part of a decade, shelved because "Meh Warhammer". I'll give it a go!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/10 23:03:30

Post by: Alpharius

 BrookM wrote:
Legacy format of the Praetorian of Dorn is coming soon.

As always, I'll be ordering mine from the Book Depository.

Son, I am disappoint.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/10 23:14:32

Post by: BrookM

Well, I'm not going to throw a tantrum over this, but I will vote with my wallet in my own way by buying at a discount elsewhere. If they want the full amount they should release these in a more timely fashion already.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/11 18:12:31

Post by: Knockagh

 Looky Likey wrote:
I enjoyed that audio drama as well, are there more planned?

Apparently there are more planned but crazily only on audio. No novels to come from the series at all. I think this is a pity good characters with good scope for a solid series. Requires a book to properly flesh it out

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/11 18:26:01

Post by: BrookM

Personally I feel some series would work better in shorter audio format than others. The performance of the actors really helps in selling this.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/11 21:51:42

Post by: Knockagh

I like the audios but they are so short it feels rushed and I feel a little cheated out of the wider story as they tend to focus on such a short period of time. I like longer novels for detail.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/11 22:35:24

Post by: Lord Kragan

Fabled hero of the Warhammer Old World, Gotrek Gurnisson is reborn and cast into the Age of Sigmar for a brand-new, feature-length audio adventure.

Gotrek Gurnisson was the greatest monster slayer of the age, who met his doom at the End Times. The heroic duardin stepped forth into the Realm of Chaos to fight the daemons gnawing at the world's ending and satisfy his death oath, leaving behind his companion Felix Jaeger. Now Gotrek has returned, having outlived the old gods and the Old World. Spat from the ruinous depths with his redemption unfulfilled, he emerges into the Mortal Realms, a strange new world where gods walk the earth and dark forces are ascendant. Nothing is as he remembers. His oaths are dust, and the lands are torn asunder by Chaos. Yet when Gotrek learns of human champions being elevated to immortality for Sigmar’s fight against this darkness, the so-called 'Stormcast Eternals', he knows why fate has brought him into this new age. To find Felix. For only then can he find the peace in death he seeks. But is there more to Gotrek's apotheosis than even he can fathom? Has he truly been chosen by Grimnir and for what purpose?

This audio drama boxed set contains a four-part story read by a stellar cast, recounting the much anticipated return of Gotrek Gurnisson.

You've gotta hand it to Gotrek, not even the end of the world can finish him properly.

He's back. And he's looking for his bro and kick ass. And his bro is nowhere to be seen now.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/11 22:40:47

Post by: BrookM

I foresee mobile users whining soon.

Also, that description..

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/11 23:19:03

Post by: shinros

Yup I am getting that when it comes out.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/11 23:19:40

Post by: Yodhrin

Ah goodie, so they can't even stick with their own material for a couple of years. Wonder who else they're going to dig up and rob of the tiny shred of catharsis and closure the End Times could charitably be credited with giving.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/11 23:26:51

Post by: Knockagh

As much as I love Gotrek I reckon this is pretty pathetic. I think AoS fiction has been struggling after the disaster of the realm gate wars. They need good new fiction to bring people in, not bringing back old dead characters. Dallas all over again

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/11 23:37:13

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

I wonder if it's a setup to explore the forging of a stormcast, and what happens to destroy their memories after reforging,

Gotrex seeks out and finds Felix who now remembers nothing , the teller of tales and chronicler wordless

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/11 23:41:38

Post by: Lord Kragan

 Knockagh wrote:
As much as I love Gotrek I reckon this is pretty pathetic. I think AoS fiction has been struggling after the disaster of the realm gate wars. They need good new fiction to bring people in, not bringing back old dead characters. Dallas all over again

And it's struggling based on...

Because, really, I would say it's on a faaaar wealthier and healthier spot now than back in 2015-2016.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/12 07:21:21

Post by: MajorWesJanson

Black Library in general feels like it is slowly recovering from the pit they fell into a few years back, especially prioritizing hardbacks for HH and LE/Premium/bite-sized/minute-reads nonsense.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/12 07:53:19

Post by: BrookM

It helps that new releases, while in hardback, are competitively priced now at €22,- which IMHO is a good move.

That authors pump out a lot of good stuff (YMMV obv) at a steadier pace is also good. Two Imperial Knight novels in the span of two years is great, it usually takes much longer for a sequel to happen.

Can't wait for the next installment of Eight Lamentations either.

Now if only they'd speed up the release schedule of their legacy formats..

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/12 08:45:23

Post by: Looky Likey

 BrookM wrote:
Personally I feel some series would work better in shorter audio format than others. The performance of the actors really helps in selling this.
Same for me. I really like the audio dramas as they are more like radio plays than an audio book, just wish Radio 4 with their bigger budger would do an adaptation of HH. The short form audio books I don't like so much.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/12 08:56:41

Post by: alphaecho

 Knockagh wrote:
 Looky Likey wrote:
I enjoyed that audio drama as well, are there more planned?

Apparently there are more planned but crazily only on audio. No novels to come from the series at all. I think this is a pity good characters with good scope for a solid series. Requires a book to properly flesh it out

All of the Garro audios were finally published as a novel with additional linking sections.

You may have to wait a couple of years......

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/12 15:33:28

Post by: Mr Morden

 BrookM wrote:
It helps that new releases, while in hardback, are competitively priced now at €22,- which IMHO is a good move.

That authors pump out a lot of good stuff (YMMV obv) at a steadier pace is also good. Two Imperial Knight novels in the span of two years is great, it usually takes much longer for a sequel to happen.

Can't wait for the next installment of Eight Lamentations either.

Now if only they'd speed up the release schedule of their legacy formats..

read the preview of the Imperial Knight novel and loved it - almost BattleTech like so ordered the first one - reading tonight.

Various novels looking forward to but especially 2nd part of the Eight Lamentations should be great - love the characters and world building and Mortarch of Blood cos Neferata.

Hoping we may get a Daughters of Khaine novel.

Still holding out hope for new Ciaphas Cain book or even a third book in the Dark Heresy series by the same author

Gotrek - I liked the books but often was more interested in the support characters than the main duo.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/12 15:52:42

Post by: BrookM

I think that the Dark Heresy series is dead and gone now, while I want to learn how the story ends, the action was awfully dull in those books. Its main draws were the characters and the world building it did for the game itself.

I'm halfway through the second Imperial Knights novel and I am loving it. It has a current of hope running through it that other 40k novels don't have. It's still grimdark bolter fiction, but things feel less futile and depressing for a change.

I also dearly hope that elements from the novel will be picked up by GW proper for fleshing out the background and some of the mechanics. Sacristans driving around in massive Baneblade sized repair vehicles, festooned with point defence weaponry and servo-repair machinery for infield repairs and rearmament. Knights supported by swarms of servo-skulls and cherubs creating a network that fly overhead as an eye in the sky.

WE NEED DAMNED DROPKEEPS. Knights don't use landing craft, they don't use drop pods, hell no! They drop small castles / fortresses onto the planets below as an instant secure drop zone and base, then stride out from there!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/12 16:04:04

Post by: kronk

 BrookM wrote:

WE NEED DAMNED DROPKEEPS. Knights don't use landing craft, they don't use drop pods, hell no! They drop small castles / fortresses onto the planets below as an instant secure drop zone and base, then stride out from there!

Hang out around appliance stores and ask for empty Washer/Dryer boxes!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/12 16:19:23

Post by: BrookM

I am tempted to build something like that for Armies on Parade next time.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/12 16:56:46

Post by: Alpharius

 BrookM wrote:
I think that the Dark Heresy series is dead and gone now, while I want to learn how the story ends, the action was awfully dull in those books. Its main draws were the characters and the world building it did for the game itself.


I rather liked that series, and I'm kinda of bummed we'll never know what happened.

Last book ended on a rather big cliffhanger, IIRC?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/12 17:02:01

Post by: BrookM

The worst thing ever for any GM: a split party was about to come together again, only to be split once more.

That and their Inquisitor was absent for most of the story without any explanation given.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/12 17:26:59

Post by: Tagony

I wish it was a book and not audio drama, but I loved the oldhammer Gotrek and Felix books.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/12 18:05:02

Post by: Carnikang

 Knockagh wrote:
As much as I love Gotrek I reckon this is pretty pathetic. I think AoS fiction has been struggling after the disaster of the realm gate wars. They need good new fiction to bring people in, not bringing back old dead characters. Dallas all over again

Disagree. Bringing back a familiar face and exposing them to an entirely different world, and getting their reactions, could be interesting and fun. It also gives me hope that my scaly boi Kroq-Gar gets remembered in all his glory into existence. I'd love to see a new Lizardmen/Seraphon story or novel.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/12 18:17:52

Post by: Mr Morden

 Carnikang wrote:
 Knockagh wrote:
As much as I love Gotrek I reckon this is pretty pathetic. I think AoS fiction has been struggling after the disaster of the realm gate wars. They need good new fiction to bring people in, not bringing back old dead characters. Dallas all over again

Disagree. Bringing back a familiar face and exposing them to an entirely different world, and getting their reactions, could be interesting and fun. It also gives me hope that my scaly boi Kroq-Gar gets remembered in all his glory into existence. I'd love to see a new Lizardmen/Seraphon story or novel.


Have you read Pestilans by Josh Reynolds - some great bits with the Seraphon in that

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/13 09:34:22

Post by: schoon

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
I read something about him scaling back for a while, is it that simple?

There were health issues involved. Really glad that those have passed and he's back writing again.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/13 20:00:10

Post by: reds8n

provisional date etc etc I'm sure


Inferno #1 Paperback – September 4, 2018

A new collection of short stories, penned by debut and established authors, showcasing the best works from across Black Library’s many universes.

The classic title returns as a new anthology of short stories, penned by debut and some of Black Library's fan-favourite authors. This collection showcases some of the best new works from across Games Workshop’s many universes; from the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, to the brutal underhive of Necromunda, through to the sprawling realms of the Age of Sigmar, and the savage sports fields of Blood Bowl. Featuring stories from Josh Reynolds and a new fantasy from Guy Haley, this anthology is a brutal, gritty, and occasionally fun, dash through some of Black Library’s newest short fiction.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/13 20:27:53

Post by: BrookM

That they are staying true to the old format pleases me immensely. Hopefully they'll offer subscriptions of these as well.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/13 20:52:09

Post by: Alpharius

...this anthology is a brutal, gritty, and occasionally fun, dash through some of Black Library’s newest short fiction.

I mean, I *think* I know what they meant there, but still...

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/13 21:05:56

Post by: BrookM

I think its a nod towards the more whimsical stuff like Blood Bowl, Ciaphas Cain and the like. Maybe a return of the good old comics they used to run in Inferno! back in the day, like Deff Skwadron and.. well not Obvious Tactics, blergh.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/13 21:23:20

Post by: Alpharius

Right, that's what I thought, but it still reads funny - as if, you know, most of the stuff in there won't be fun to read!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/13 21:59:41

Post by: BrookM

Most of it is outright depressing, futile and grim dark, which would appeal to many of the vinegar pissers out there.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/13 23:14:04

Post by: His Master's Voice

 Yodhrin wrote:
Ah goodie, so they can't even stick with their own material for a couple of years. Wonder who else they're going to dig up and rob of the tiny shred of catharsis and closure the End Times could charitably be credited with giving.

In a perfect world, the dead stay dead, but GW buried a trove of valuable stuff when they burned WFB down. There's no way GW will let any of it rot for long.

They brought back Squats, for God's sake.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/14 03:12:07

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Alpharius wrote:

Your review - and that price - convinced me to buy it - thank you!

You won't regret it!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
That's the Anno Dracula series I believe? I've been meaning to get around to those. Also that Neferata ltd is smexy. I don't normally care about the ltd's, but that one is speaking too me.

Anno Dracula is a (slightly connected but...) different animal. Same author, the setting is a take on the Dracula novel where he beats Von Hellsing and turns Queen Victoria into a vampire. The first book is a steampunk dystopian vampire novel where vampires are the new upper class of Victorian England and literally bleeding the peasants dry. Lots of literary and historical references, like League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, but written years before.

Later books get harder to read since the references and characters are under copyright so they have to be veiled.

Fun reads but sometimes way too proud of their own cleverness. Much like LoXG.

Genevieve appears in Anno Drac with slightly different spelling as a renaissance era French teen turned vampire. GW might have a case to kick up a stink but apparently everyone is cool.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Carnikang wrote:
 Knockagh wrote:
As much as I love Gotrek I reckon this is pretty pathetic. I think AoS fiction has been struggling after the disaster of the realm gate wars. They need good new fiction to bring people in, not bringing back old dead characters. Dallas all over again

Disagree. Bringing back a familiar face and exposing them to an entirely different world, and getting their reactions, could be interesting and fun. It also gives me hope that my scaly boi Kroq-Gar gets remembered in all his glory into existence. I'd love to see a new Lizardmen/Seraphon story or novel.

A point of view character is a well-established way to introduce a new setting, probably would have been a good idea for the earliest AoS novels.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/14 04:04:13

Post by: xking

Gotrek never did die when the End Times happened. He was in the realm of chaos, not on the old world.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/14 14:15:21

Post by: Alpharius

Even better then!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/14 15:32:25

Post by: Galas

I expect a good amount of references to Samurai Jack from this Gotrek novel. If theres none I'll be dissapointed!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/14 15:56:43

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

 Galas wrote:
I expect a good amount of references to Samurai Jack from this Gotrek novel. If theres none I'll be dissapointed!

A Lord of Change pulling an Aku perhaps? I could get behind that.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/14 21:14:59

Post by: BrookM

So, this book..

If you liked the first one, do yourself and the author a favour and read this excellent sequel as well!

Good Knightly action, characters made some good developments during the time skip, some nice glimpses into the history of Knight Worlds and yessssss, there is at least one more novel coming in this series, hopefully more!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/16 12:44:24

Post by: reds8n


some familiar and deserved names on there !

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/16 13:17:49

Post by: Yodhrin

 His Master's Voice wrote:
 Yodhrin wrote:
Ah goodie, so they can't even stick with their own material for a couple of years. Wonder who else they're going to dig up and rob of the tiny shred of catharsis and closure the End Times could charitably be credited with giving.

In a perfect world, the dead stay dead, but GW buried a trove of valuable stuff when they burned WFB down. There's no way GW will let any of it rot for long.

They brought back Squats, for God's sake.

In a perfect world, we'd be discussing the tie-in novels for the upcoming Bretonnian model range revamp for WHFB 9th, and they'd have just announced a new Gotrek & Felix audio adventure penned by William King

Still, I think dipping too heavily into WHF is a mistake. AoS needs to be its own thing, and the more they bring in elements of WHF rather than create something actually new they move away from that goal. I get that AoS was conceived of under the old regime and maybe now the studio guys have some leeway back they want to resurrect things they liked from WHF that the initial plan didn't call for, but they should be using all that much talked about creative freedom to, you know, create, rather than producing a Greatest Hits album.

They *just* got done killing WHF off, at least give it a few years before they start plundering the tomb for valuables.

EDIT: And while Gotrek got a "rode off into the sunset" ending, the rest of the characters from the book very much did not. Felix is dead. As in doornail. He is an ex adventurer. And why on earth would you want to bring back a character who's *entire point* is to be the mundane, vaguely-rational, everyman foil to all the crazy shenanigans in the series as a god-powered superhuman undying paladin? He wouldn't *be* Felix in any meaningful way, and without actual-Felix(and Max, and Snorri, and Malakai, and Ulrika etc etc) Gotrek is actually a pretty boring character.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/16 14:11:39

Post by: Mr Morden

Just bring back Genevieve and Detlef to link in with the re-release of her debut novel.

Seeing throuhg the eyes of someone directly from the Old World could be interesting.

The BL authors are devloping some really good charcters of their own now - check of Spear of Shadows for a great variety of them as well as Plague Garden for more and if you want some Stormcast.

Ulrika would also be a wecome character.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/16 15:25:02

Post by: BrookM

From Facebook:

There's just over a week to go until the Black Library Celebration hits a store near you, complete with new books, exclusive merchandise and a model of Inquisitor Eisenhorn to use in your games of Warhammer 40,000.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/16 16:18:21

Post by: TwilightSparkles

So, the ltd Magos is in-store sales now on 24th?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/16 19:02:27

Post by: Knockagh

Where did you see that poster? I doubt the book will be in stores, there are on the web site as available to order from the 24th no mention of shops.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/17 08:35:48

Post by: TwilightSparkles

 Knockagh wrote:
Where did you see that poster? I doubt the book will be in stores, there are on the web site as available to order from the 24th no mention of shops.

Black Library Facebook account, yesterday. Also last week when I was in GW I git given a different flyer and the staff member said they'd have the mangos limited but I put it down to have as in "order online instore".....

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/17 10:22:09

Post by: reds8n


"The Lords of Silence. They're coming.

Is this for the primarchs series?

Nope, mainstream 40K "

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/17 10:48:38

Post by: CassianSol

I think he said a while back he was working on a Death Guard novel.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/17 17:11:13

Post by: reds8n

Picked up my legacy format of "Praetorian of Dorn" from my local GW today.

Regular edition copy of "The Maqos" will be picked up next week between 10- 11;30ish when Mr Abnett is doing another wee signing at my local

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/17 17:19:08

Post by: BrookM

Lucky you, I'll have to order mine, though I am happy that the format of the paperback is the same as the reprints of the Eisenhorn trilogy, so they'll look quite nice together on the shelf.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/17 19:35:45

Post by: Slinky

I ordered myself an Eisenhorn mini on Element Games website, looks like I was lucky to get one, but there will be a further release later in the year (31st March). I am not sure what the direct-order situation is, though.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/17 19:57:03

Post by: Knockagh

I ordered mine through element as well. Is it a limited mini? I didn’t think it was, they still have them for sale at the minute.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/17 20:23:04

Post by: Slinky

It says the following on the EG product page now:

"Eisenhorn Product Description
PLEASE NOTE: As of 10:37 on 17/02/18, we have sold through our initial allocation of this product. We are still taking order, however Games Workshop are estimating that we will not receive additional stock for another six weeks (this applies to all retailers). This is because all subsequent orders will be made-to-order, and after the next print run this mini will no longer be available.

If you wish to avoid delays we recommend placing a separate order for any other products you require, as adding this product will affect the dispatch date of your entire order. "

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/17 21:05:47

Post by: Knockagh

I didn’t notice that I’ve no idea if mines the later date or not!

Looks like I will be waiting a while on a few things. I ordered Kal Jerico & Scabbs as made to order. Classy looking models!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/17 21:37:14

Post by: BrianDavion

I don't see the mini on the GW order site... is it not orderable until next week?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/18 22:46:05

Post by: BrookM

More info: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/02/18/black-library-celebration-loot/

Sadly going to miss out on a lot of this, Saturday is a work day for me.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/19 09:40:53

Post by: Looky Likey

I was one of the many who pre ordered Eisenhorn from Element Games, just hope they have enough stock for mine.

I'll be picking up the limited edition of Magos when it drops, it still annoys me that none of the 40k limited editions match, they all look wonky on the shelf.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/19 11:41:54

Post by: Knockagh

They do indeed. I remember someone saying when they brought out the new look limited editions it would have been fantastic if they had made the spines matching. That would have been fantastic. Even if they had matched 5 or 6 before changing colour. The vaults of terra don’t even match. Still buying them and they are nice but they missed a trick when they remodelled them.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/19 13:28:02

Post by: reds8n

It's Digital Monday, and this week we have a very special treat for you, with not just one new story, but six – one every day up to and including Saturday! And did we mention that they're all brand new Necromunda tales? Today's is 'Death's Head' by Josh Reynolds, and features a blast from the past as a Goliath ganger goes in search of the infamous (and deadly) Lothar Hex:


Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/19 15:35:45

Post by: Looky Likey

 Knockagh wrote:
They do indeed. I remember someone saying when they brought out the new look limited editions it would have been fantastic if they had made the spines matching. That would have been fantastic. Even if they had matched 5 or 6 before changing colour. The vaults of terra don’t even match. Still buying them and they are nice but they missed a trick when they remodelled them.
That might have been me, I usually avoid buying any series until it is complete and available in a single format unless I must have it now. I think I'd have avoided buying the current range of limited edition 40k books if I had realised that they would look so messy. Now I'm committed to buying them as mixing in a limited edition and a normal hardback or large paperback would look even worse. I hope it'll sort itself out at some point. I can't believe they managed to get it right for the HH (assuming you bought the hardbacks), The Primarchs, and Beast series but nothing else.

[Thumb - DSC_0085.PNG]

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/19 17:03:33

Post by: BrookM

Oh yeah, the €22,- hardback range has some wonky dimensions in there as well. Most look nicely next to one another as a neat row, but then we've got the Imperial Knight books (excellent series, BUY BUY BUY), shorter than the rest for some reason!

The spines of the Inquisition novels are sexy by the way.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/19 20:02:06

Post by: Knockagh

 Looky Likey wrote:
 Knockagh wrote:
They do indeed. I remember someone saying when they brought out the new look limited editions it would have been fantastic if they had made the spines matching. That would have been fantastic. Even if they had matched 5 or 6 before changing colour. The vaults of terra don’t even match. Still buying them and they are nice but they missed a trick when they remodelled them.
That might have been me, I usually avoid buying any series until it is complete and available in a single format unless I must have it now. I think I'd have avoided buying the current range of limited edition 40k books if I had realised that they would look so messy. Now I'm committed to buying them as mixing in a limited edition and a normal hardback or large paperback would look even worse. I hope it'll sort itself out at some point. I can't believe they managed to get it right for the HH (assuming you bought the hardbacks), The Primarchs, and Beast series but nothing else.

The Heresy hardbacks were so wrong! They had a curved spine until Eye Of Terra and then they moved to flat spines! Why oh why would anyone do this!!

Even the Primarchs series should have stayed with gold/silver details on the boxes. Fulgrims purple is an abomination. But like yourself I keep at those special Ed’s and can’t get enough of them! Haha

[Thumb - F4BF596F-FD24-4350-AD7F-C410C7CF13D3.jpeg]

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/19 21:53:10

Post by: farmersboy

 Knockagh wrote:

The Heresy hardbacks were so wrong! They had a curved spine until Eye Of Terra and then they moved to flat spines! Why oh why would anyone do this!!

Because they don't care? They supposedly cater for collectors but continue to make these childish errors.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/20 14:19:13

Post by: reds8n

Thoroughly enjoyed Praetorian of Dorn.


actual cover revealed :

by Neil Roberts :

[Thumb - dapic.jpg]

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/20 14:49:56

Post by: Alpharius

 reds8n wrote:
Thoroughly enjoyed Praetorian of Dorn.

Why you gotta troll like that?!?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/23 07:24:08

Post by: BrookM

Read two of the six Necromunda short stories thus far.

Burned is okay, nothing ground shattering or anything, bit of background filler for those curious about how the Underhive looks and feels, though it has a good twist in the end, whereas Death's Head was nice, as it showcases a "clever" Goliath (something some people here were upset about) and also, melon-fething LOTHAR HEX, complete with scary face and deck of special holographic cards.

Next up.. Emp-Rah's Eye.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/23 08:28:40

Post by: ImAGeek

 Alpharius wrote:
 reds8n wrote:
Thoroughly enjoyed Praetorian of Dorn.

Why you gotta troll like that?!?

It is a great book, and I’m an Alpha Legion fan.

On the different format thing, Talon of Horus and Black Legion are different in hardback. ToH has a curved spine and BL has a flat spine. I prefer the flat one and I can live with it but I can see why it would be annoying.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/23 09:34:19

Post by: Looky Likey

Mixing up flat and curved spines is annoying, but at least the basic colour is the same, the logos are roughly in the same place. The inquisition hardbacks are different colours and they couldn't even print the I in the same place!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/23 09:50:09

Post by: BrookM

Oh man, I hate it when the company logos jump all over the place.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/23 10:30:46

Post by: reds8n


little bit of blurb about the forth coming "Ashes of Prospero"

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/23 11:40:47

Post by: Knockagh

 BrookM wrote:
Read two of the six Necromunda short stories thus far.

Burned is okay, nothing ground shattering or anything, bit of background filler for those curious about how the Underhive looks and feels, though it has a good twist in the end, whereas Death's Head was nice, as it showcases a "clever" Goliath (something some people here were upset about) and also, melon-fething LOTHAR HEX, complete with scary face and deck of special holographic cards.

Next up.. Emp-Rah's Eye.

Would go say they have the old western feel to them the old book had? Or more of a 40k vibe?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/23 13:28:37

Post by: BrookM

It's more dystopian and grimy now, so far there's no western vibe present, which is a shame.

In my opinion no real 40k vibe comes off it. There are hints of it, but this isn't a society completely run by it either.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/23 16:47:05

Post by: Knockagh

 BrookM wrote:
It's more dystopian and grimy now, so far there's no western vibe present, which is a shame.

In my opinion no real 40k vibe comes off it. There are hints of it, but this isn't a society completely run by it either.

As much as I like the old western feel of the old books I’m glad they are more grimy and dystopian, shake it up a bit.

So long as it feels far removed from the normal 40k fiction we have. The lives of those involved are so parochial and far removed from marines, Inquisitors, church, mechanicus and guard that these have little or no relevance for them. I loved that feeling of complete disconnect from the bigger picture.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/24 07:40:26

Post by: BrookM

Scar Crossed was okay, a bit of a glimpse into the politics of two Houses, but nothing special really.

Emp-Rah's Eye however.. favourite of the bunch so far! A nice look into Ratskin culture, but also a trip through the Underhive itself as a rite of succession. Maybe also a bit of a retcon of older fluff (or specific to this group of tribes), as the Ratskins here worship the Hive, the overlord sitting in the Spire and looking down on all of them from above, the mighty Emp-Rah. Though it was cool the way they described knowing that their Underhive world isn't the only one out there, but that the Emp-Rah looks out over thousands of other worlds as well.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/25 08:39:53

Post by: BrookM

And the last two.

Once a Stimm Queen was okay, certainly gave us a glimpse at the much-hated "Black-plates", the derogatory slang for the Enforcers, who yes, have cyber mastiffs who like to go for faces!

And last is Dirty Dealings, which was okay, but I wasn't a fan of how the main character was prepared for everything, just as planned, like some sort of Batman. The twist explains it, but still.

Emp-Rah's Eye and Death's Head are my personal favourites of the bunch, the rest was okay, but nothing groundbreaking or too interesting in my opinion. They do a bit of world building, so there's that at least.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/25 09:23:15

Post by: Knockagh

Thanks for that BrookM. Appreciate it. Hopefully we will see some novels in the not to far off future. Personally I would love to see Matt Farrer take on a series I loved his Junktion. ADB I reckon could pull off a mean gang war too

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/25 10:51:11

Post by: BrookM

Junktion was good, it was nice to read a book not about one of the houses, but instead the essential little people that make up a settlement.

Here's hoping we don't get repeats of Salvation or Fleshworks though, ick.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/26 14:11:16

Post by: BrookM

Not the best place, so unless someone knows a better thread..

Free Eisenhorn mission: https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/Downloads//40K_Eisenhorn_Narrative_Mission.pdf

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/26 14:16:03

Post by: zerosignal

 BrookM wrote:
Not the best place, so unless someone knows a better thread..

Free Eisenhorn mission: https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/Downloads//40K_Eisenhorn_Narrative_Mission.pdf

Free is good, but blimey... that must have taken them all of five minutes to think up.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/26 14:29:57

Post by: kronk

Saturday, I picked up the Eisenhorn mini from my new FLGS. Got a free copy of Dark Imperium novel. Great mini!

 reds8n wrote:
Picked up my legacy format of "Praetorian of Dorn" from my local GW today.

I enjoyed that one, despite some one spoiling the ending without using spoiler quotes here.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/02/26 14:51:04

Post by: reds8n

..alas... !

3/4s of the way through "Shroud of night" ..

and it's enjoyable enough.

Don't want to damn the author with faint praise -- been the odd section or line or etc etc that I've really enjoyed, and the overall premise is sound enough.

Just not really sure the stuff about primaris marines is really needed or does anything/goes anywhere, thus far anyway.

Think I'm going to read start on "The Magos" next , but going to follow the suggested order in the new book for all the tales.

.. 1st world problems etc etc eh.

UK people might be interested in :


which seems to have some nice discounts.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/01 16:57:59

Post by: byrd9999

I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else yet, not even on the BL site, but it looks interesting for fans of the underrated Peter Fehervari:


It's the Genestealer Cults book with an added short story, "Cast a Hungry Shadow", previously available as an e-short.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/02 09:48:49

Post by: schoon

Thanks for the book reviews BrookM .

I've been wondering about those.

Overall, would you say worth the purchase?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/02 11:01:13

Post by: Mr Morden

 BrookM wrote:
Junktion was good, it was nice to read a book not about one of the houses, but instead the essential little people that make up a settlement.

Here's hoping we don't get repeats of Salvation or Fleshworks though, ick.

Ordered Junktion with Necromunda and really enjoyed it, lots of interesting stuff going on.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/02 13:58:47

Post by: BrookM

Black Library has its own tab on the GW site now, no more mucking about trying to find the books via the horrible menu system. They've also got upcoming releases listed, in some cases up to three months(!) ahead of release time. Quite pleased that Titan's Bane (still waiting on the preview on the BL site) and Agent of the Throne - Truth and Dreams are released a few weeks apart, makes waiting for both in one delivery not that much of a hassle.

Link: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NL/Black-Library

Still need to get started on the Magos, decided to read the free novella first instead (horrible priorities, I know..) and not a bad selection at all. The Covenant short story is good though, proper intro to the characters of the main novel that I still need to finish one of these days. The Lukas story was okay as far as origin stories go, Bear-Eater needs to grow onto me as it feels I don't know, odd. Still need to read the other Age of Sigmar short, the two Horus Heresy stories.. Really liked the Last Son of Prospero, which is something I was missing when I wrapped up the White Scars arc to date, didn't like Into Exile all that much though, could be the odd reverse time line format, but it didn't appeal to me one bit.

Can't wait for Sunday to roll on in so I can get started on the Magos, may keep the limited edition boxed up (quite surprised they shipped it in a protective box, I thought they'd chuck it in like the rest of the books as they usually do) until I can get a proper display unit or something.

On another note, has anyone bought the postcards?

If so, any comments on them? Seeing some of the covers listed makes me feel somewhat nostalgic and maybe turn it into a scrapbook project.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/02 18:28:22

Post by: Knockagh

Limited editions always come boxed up in a protected box. Have to be at the price of them!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/02 18:56:01

Post by: BrookM

Aye, I'm not a collector's edition collector myself, this was a gift from my bestie, but happy to see they make some effort to keep it in one piece.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/02 22:43:40

Post by: Kanluwen

I liked the short story "Pantheon" best out of all the Black Library Day ones.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/03 11:15:19

Post by: reds8n

I was happy with all the free stories TBH.

I thought the Lukas one served as a nice intro to his book, which I finished a wee while ago and thoroughly enjoyed.

Shroud of Night was ...a solid read too in the end IMO.

Glad I waited for the paperback version but as/when/if they do a sequel I'll pick that version up as well.

No bad moments as such IMO and a few really good ones.

I think the Alpha Legion make for good protagonists.

Started on the Magos book, decided I'm going to follow the suggested chronology/reading order provided .... it's a tough life sometimes eh ?

meanwhile :

Malus Darkblade on print on Demand :


Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/03 18:51:32

Post by: Yodhrin

What's the skinny on the Darkblade novels? I recall enjoying the occasional story from the comic, but Little Me didn't really care enough about elves to get all of them and the novel adaptations never even registered.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/04 00:39:07

Post by: kendoka

 Yodhrin wrote:
What's the skinny on the Darkblade novels? I recall enjoying the occasional story from the comic, but Little Me didn't really care enough about elves to get all of them and the novel adaptations never even registered.

IMHO the three Darkblade novels are my absolute favourites from Black Library.
Dan Abnett and Mike Lee at their best. A must-read if you like(d) the Old World.

Note: Stay away from the C L Werner turd that is ”Deathblade”.
It is beyond bad. Badly written and disregarding both the previous books and much of the dark elf fluff.
With Malekiths armour walking around empty at night and other stuff that is equally silly...
Think ”giant alien baby” from Alien 4...

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/04 01:43:09

Post by: Yodhrin

Really? That's surprising, I've yet to read any WHF novel by CL Werner I didn't like. I'm tempted to excuse the author since it's an End Times book and they're all garbage because "wrap up an entire setting with 30 years of history and dozens if not hundreds of beloved characters in half a dozen novels kthxbai" is perhaps the most ludicrous brief ever given to any group of authors.

Though is it not five novels? Daemon's Curse, Bloodstorm, Reaper of Souls, Warpsword, and Lord of Ruin all seem to have that Abnett/Lee pairing as author.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/04 08:21:48

Post by: BrookM

Started on the Magos, quite a lengthy foreword there, but at least we now know (unless it was already mentioned aeons ago) that after Penitent the last book in the Bequin trilogy will be called Pandaemonium, whenever he gets around to them, as they're still in the waiting room awaiting their turn in the writing queue.

Also decided to go through them in order, though I will be skipping the Eisenhorn and Ravenor trilogy, but kudos for the table of contents giving a recommended reading order and pointing out what novel to read when.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/04 23:18:11

Post by: kendoka

 Yodhrin wrote:
Really? That's surprising, I've yet to read any WHF novel by CL Werner I didn't like. I'm tempted to excuse the author since it's an End Times book and they're all garbage because "wrap up an entire setting with 30 years of history and dozens if not hundreds of beloved characters in half a dozen novels kthxbai" is perhaps the most ludicrous brief ever given to any group of authors. Though is it not five novels? Daemon's Curse, Bloodstorm, Reaper of Souls, Warpsword, and Lord of Ruin all seem to have that Abnett/Lee pairing as author.

I too blame the whole End Times debacle - and would not be surprised if the Deathblade book was a completely different book that got a ”search and replace” treatment in order to be rebranded into a Malus novel.
To quote a review on Amazon: ”A pathetic end to a great series.”

Oh, and I actually recently bought the Bloodwalker Malus short too see if CL Werner had improved his Malus-writing. It was OK, way better than Deathblade - but still miles from the brilliance provided by the original authors.

Sorry about the confusion caused, I was referring to the Chronicles (Omnibus) book one (The Daemon's Curse, Bloodstorm and Reaper of Souls) and book two (Warpsword and Lord of Ruin) as well as the Darkblade graphic novel, all three (or six if bought separately) are great.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/05 10:31:07

Post by: Looky Likey

 BrookM wrote:

On another note, has anyone bought the postcards?

If so, any comments on them? Seeing some of the covers listed makes me feel somewhat nostalgic and maybe turn it into a scrapbook project.
I didn't even see these when I made my last BL order so I picked up a set while I was in WHW on Sunday for a game. Its a really big stack of postcards as you'd expect. The print quality is decent but not amazing, I could see a picky person not being happy with them as they aren't quite as sharp or detailed as the modern dust sleeves.

[Thumb - DSC_0095.PNG]

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/05 10:43:48

Post by: BrookM

Cheers for the pic!

I may pick these up later this month, as I am a sucker for good art and it looks like there's also some of the older pre "Nyeeeeeeeeeeeeh, everything is BAD NOW" cover artwork is also included there. Good bit of nostalgia really. So doing a hobby scrap book now.

Finally reached the main course of the Magos, namely the Magos novel itself! Though reading up on the older "domestic 40k" stories was fun as well, they've aged well and made me feel a bit stupid that when re-reading Playing Patience I missed how she got her surname the first time around.

Also finally got to read the Keeler Image, which was good, if a bit disgusting.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/07 12:50:07

Post by: reds8n


june releases.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/07 13:04:26

Post by: Mr Morden

Some good stuff there

read a couple and really enjoyed

Also looks interesting

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/07 15:18:28

Post by: Looky Likey

What a terrible book to mark the 50th book of the HH:

Black Library wrote:Finally, all of Nick Kyme's shorter Salamanders stories – a novel, two novellas and two short stories – are collected together into a numbered volume in the series. Dive in and get lost in the fiery action.
Said no one ever, not even his mom.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/07 16:05:54

Post by: Alpharius


Lots of pauldrons and names with lots of apostrophes - look out!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/07 16:19:38

Post by: BrookM

Vulkan lives! Yadda yadda.

Wrapped up the Magos and feeling sad now, it'll be quite some time until the next installment of the Bequin trilogy will be upon us.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/07 20:23:25

Post by: Alpharius

Do we even have a rough estimate for when that might actually show up?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/05/30 08:08:30

Post by: BrookM

As of the foreword, which was written around August of last year IIRC, they are both still in the "waiting chamber" awaiting their turn to be written. Gaunt's Ghosts is up first with its final(?) arc.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/12 19:21:40

Post by: farmersboy

For those interested in the two Tau e-shorts that have just gone up on BL, please be aware that they were already in the Legends of the Dark Millennium collection "The Tau Empire". I nearly bought the damn things again.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/13 20:41:30

Post by: BrookM

The Titan's Bane page has finally got an audio preview up, just days before going up for pre-order: https://www.blacklibrary.com/coming-soon/march/titans-bane-mp3.html

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/14 08:51:35

Post by: foostick

Don't know if this is widely known or bothers anyone but a lot of the HH hardbacks for the older releases are no longer appear to be on sale.

I only discovered this as I'm after 4 of them and was looking on eBay and a load have appeared on there and are going for astronomical prices, Descent of Angels currently at £75, Flight of the Eisenstein at £83!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/14 10:11:28

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Mr Morden wrote:
Some good stuff there

read a couple and really enjoyed

I'd second that. The author really creates a neat theme of Ghaz as Moby Dick to Yarrick's Ahab. Yarrick is dedicated, brave, clever and skilled and no matter what he does, it ain't enough.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/14 16:37:03

Post by: Ghaz


The new Inferno will debut later in 2018, and rather than a magazine, it will be a revitalization and reimagining – Inferno Volume One will be the first in an ongoing series of short fiction anthologies. The contents will be fiction from the worlds of Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warhammer Chronicles and Necromunda, from authors old and new.

At its heart, Inferno will be a celebration of new Black Library writers. The first volume will contain stories by more than half a dozen new talents, many of them appearing in print for the very first time. Their stories will cover a variety of subjects, including the Astra Militarum, Adepta Sororitas and Orks – as well as stories set in the underhive and the Mortal Realms.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/14 17:49:14

Post by: BrookM

While I would've loved for a return to the pulp mag format, this all sounds good to me, first issue lineup is certainly promising.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/14 18:34:08

Post by: Yodhrin

 Ghaz wrote:

The new Inferno will debut later in 2018, and rather than a magazine, it will be a revitalization and reimagining – Inferno Volume One will be the first in an ongoing series of short fiction anthologies. The contents will be fiction from the worlds of Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warhammer Chronicles and Necromunda, from authors old and new.

At its heart, Inferno will be a celebration of new Black Library writers. The first volume will contain stories by more than half a dozen new talents, many of them appearing in print for the very first time. Their stories will cover a variety of subjects, including the Astra Militarum, Adepta Sororitas and Orks – as well as stories set in the underhive and the Mortal Realms.

Oho, what's all this then. Are we really going to be getting new short fictions in the proper Warhammer Fantasy setting? The cynic in me thinks it'll just be occasional reprints of existing short stories, but I do hope there's some new stuff.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/21 09:34:44

Post by: Looky Likey

 BrookM wrote:
The Titan's Bane page has finally got an audio preview up, just days before going up for pre-order: https://www.blacklibrary.com/coming-soon/march/titans-bane-mp3.html
Gave this a go yesterday, its pretty good if you like their audio dramas. They do need to consider using a wider cast of voice actors though as some of the voices are too similar to other characters in other series.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/21 09:47:45

Post by: BrookM

I've got it in my shopping basket over at the GW site since it went up for pre-order, I'm going to order it alongside Truth and Dreams when it goes up for pre-order next weekend.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/25 10:36:16

Post by: reds8n


An Adepta Sororitas story

Called to a distant world to solve a mystery that could link to the history of her order, Sister Superior Augusta contends with orks as well as her own hopes…

It sheds light on the Sisters of Battle from a different angle, and explores their relationship to their history, as well as their interactions with the Missionaries of the Imperial Church.

Sister Superior Augusta of the Order of the Bloody Rose has been called to a planet in the far reaches of the Imperium, a world where no Imperial foot has stepped in thousands of year, save a missionary sent to bring the Emperor's light to the natives. On the world is a cathedral, ancient and run down – but with an icon at its heart, a warrior-woman with a bloodied rose on her chest. Is this a symbol that Saint Mina, founder of the Order, once walked on this world? Augusta is determined to find out…

Written by Danie Ware

did anyone pick this up ?

I'm kinda tempted but don't really like the e-format.

Finished a re-read of all Abnett's Inquisition stuff due the Magos release.

Holds up very well indeed IMO.

Bit frightening looking at some of the original release dates

I think I enjoyed "Pariah" more this time around too.

The burnt through "Ashes of Prospero" which was a fun filled , almost romp like, story.

I think I prefer Mr Reynold's take on Lukas but TBF he had a lot more space/room to develop the character in a whole book than Mr Thorpe had here.

Be interesting to see what affect -- if any -- the end result of the book has on the SW going forwards.

One hopes it isn't simply ignored like some of the best BL stuff has been at times -- alas.

.. and yes I am still bitter about Mr Wraights superb "swords of the empire" books.

plan to pick up :


but in dead tree format when possible, next week I think ?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/25 10:57:49

Post by: BrookM

The Magos was depressingly good, though I will admit I stepped into this with low expectations. Depressing because the sequels are still quite a few years off. But it was a good read that went back to the roots of the series, while also tying everything together, somehow. Bit of author spank I suppose. It was also nice to finally get to read the Keeler Image and that other one I hadn't read yet.

As for the eshorts, I am very selective, as I find them a bit on both the expensive and short side to be something worth pursuing every time one is released. So I tend to only get the ones that really fall in my sphere of interest, like Execution and the Necromunda stories. Though I suppose these shorts can be seen as treading the water for some future projects?

Picked up the postcard box myself on Friday, still need to check the contents, but a quick glance shows that they're nice quality, along with the publishing year and the artist responsible, will be a fun trip down memory lane for sure, not to mention some cheapo birthday cards for some people.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Looky Likey wrote:
 BrookM wrote:
The Titan's Bane page has finally got an audio preview up, just days before going up for pre-order: https://www.blacklibrary.com/coming-soon/march/titans-bane-mp3.html
Gave this a go yesterday, its pretty good if you like their audio dramas. They do need to consider using a wider cast of voice actors though as some of the voices are too similar to other characters in other series.
Mine is on its way now, looking forward to it.

I find the current batches of audio dramas to be hit and miss so far, though is more to do with the writing than the actual production value. Though I do hope that this improves with time, or they find dedicated audio drama writers who can really work well with the medium.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/26 08:35:56

Post by: Looky Likey

 reds8n wrote:

An Adepta Sororitas story

Called to a distant world to solve a mystery that could link to the history of her order, Sister Superior Augusta contends with orks as well as her own hopes…

It sheds light on the Sisters of Battle from a different angle, and explores their relationship to their history, as well as their interactions with the Missionaries of the Imperial Church.

Sister Superior Augusta of the Order of the Bloody Rose has been called to a planet in the far reaches of the Imperium, a world where no Imperial foot has stepped in thousands of year, save a missionary sent to bring the Emperor's light to the natives. On the world is a cathedral, ancient and run down – but with an icon at its heart, a warrior-woman with a bloodied rose on her chest. Is this a symbol that Saint Mina, founder of the Order, once walked on this world? Augusta is determined to find out…

Written by Danie Ware

did anyone pick this up ?

I'm kinda tempted but don't really like the e-format.

Finished a re-read of all Abnett's Inquisition stuff due the Magos release.

Holds up very well indeed IMO.

Bit frightening looking at some of the original release dates

I think I enjoyed "Pariah" more this time around too.

The burnt through "Ashes of Prospero" which was a fun filled , almost romp like, story.

I think I prefer Mr Reynold's take on Lukas but TBF he had a lot more space/room to develop the character in a whole book than Mr Thorpe had here.

Be interesting to see what affect -- if any -- the end result of the book has on the SW going forwards.

One hopes it isn't simply ignored like some of the best BL stuff has been at times -- alas.

.. and yes I am still bitter about Mr Wraights superb "swords of the empire" books.

plan to pick up :


but in dead tree format when possible, next week I think ?

Its rare that I pick up the shorts these days as they always seem to end up in a compilation sooner or later and I feel ripped off buying them twice. I do want to read the story though.

I'm waiting till Imperator is up for pre order before I pick up the new Carcharodons book. Really hope it is as good at the last book, one of my favorite 40k books I read last year.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/26 08:41:21

Post by: Kdash

Anyone else picked up and read Outer Dark yet? I read it over the weekend, and found it reasonably enjoyable.

It does reference some of the other Carcharodon stories though, but can still be read as a standalone book.

Not sure it provided as much new insight into the Chapter as expected though.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/26 12:51:13

Post by: reds8n

hope to get it this weekend, really enjoyed the first book.

today's offering :


A Death Spectres story

As Alundra searches for her brother on a world haunted by the fearsome Flayers, she encounters what might be her people's saviours – or their destroyers.

It's a sinister story set on a world overrun by Necron Flayed Ones – a distinctly dark horror-tinged tale from the pen of Cavan Scott.

The world of Sandran is plagued by an eternal horror. Terrifying mechanical monsters with knives for fingers, which drape themselves in the flesh of the dead, raid the planet periodically. The people of Sandran have learned to live their lives in the shadow of the creatures they know as the Flayers. But as Alundra, a young woman in search of her errant brother, comes face-to-skull with one of the Flayers, her fate – and that of her world – is radically changed. The Death Spectres have come to defeat the metallic monsters. But will the people of Sandran be saved, or will they be collateral damage?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/27 19:02:25

Post by: reds8n

Not BL related as such, but worth a read if you get a moment :


Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/28 10:02:17

Post by: Yodhrin

 reds8n wrote:
Not BL related as such, but worth a read if you get a moment :


"Getting books at a discount is fine for us, so we can make profit. It is not fine for you, since all you need money for is survival and whatever few brief moments of meaningless joy you can scrape together before the grave claims you."

Standard "Old World" whinging of people seeking to use the law to preserve a business model that is no longer viable due to technological advances and changing social attitudes. Yes, that's a grotesque simplification, but it's pretty much the reality - the only difference between what these folk are seeking to do and what other entertainment industries have tried - with varying degrees of success - to do is the latter groups had huge legal and lobbying budgets to throw around, and the strategy here is to instead tug on the heartstrings with a "poor starving artist" routine.

The traditional publisher model is a millstone around the neck of 99% of authors and aspiring authors, it largely benefits only the tiny handful of "big names" who can churn out a bestseller a year, and that is not some novel situation that's only cropped up recently. The traditional retail model benefits exactly one group: traditional retailers. The vast majority of writers will earn as much or more using self- or hybrid-publishing models, even with the Great Bezos Devil insisting they price their work super cheap, than they ever would have endlessly pitching to trad publishers putting out full-price books via physical stores.

But then, the middlemen always try to divert the blame away from themselves when customers and many producers find ways to cut them out and the handful of people who did well out of the status quo ante realise their gravy train has reached the end of the line.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/03/28 19:11:35

Post by: BrookM

Titan's Bane came in today and I decided to give it a listen while working on my Armigers.

Not bad! Not bad at all!

Roll on next week for the next audio serving:

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/01 11:40:27

Post by: farmersboy

Looks like the BL has tripped up over Easter; got an e-mail about the latest Primarchs novel (Ferrus Manus), ordered the eBook, now it won't let me download it. I can't see anywhere that indicates it's pre-order only - anyone else having the same problem?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/05 08:45:44

Post by: Looky Likey

 BrookM wrote:
Roll on next week for the next audio serving:

Listened to this on the way home yesterday. I enjoyed it but it wasn't as good as the first episode, felt like a LARP session if that makes sense? Fans of the tech priest will likely be unhappy with this episode as he is hardly in it, and when he is in it he isn't sassy.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/05 12:41:23

Post by: BrookM

Pity to hear that, it's still some time until I can pick up mine, but I don't remember the Techpriest being sassy in this series, aren't you by any chance mistaking him for the sour cogboy from the rogue trader audio drama?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/05 13:12:01

Post by: Looky Likey

 BrookM wrote:
Pity to hear that, it's still some time until I can pick up mine, but I don't remember the Techpriest being sassy in this series, aren't you by any chance mistaking him for the sour cogboy from the rogue trader audio drama?
Yes, yes I am. But to my defence they both sound the same.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/05 13:22:56

Post by: BrookM

Hehe, would that be racist? I kid. Though in seriousness, this could be another case of them using too much of the same talent pool again.

Still, looking forward to it, Titan's Bane was quite a surprise to me personally, Das Boot but with a large panzer, I blame the Mordian chap for sounding like Jürgen Prochnow.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/07 12:35:23

Post by: reds8n

July releases.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/07 13:57:09

Post by: Lord Kragan

 reds8n wrote:
July releases.

WOOOO! Callis and Toll!

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/07 14:16:58

Post by: BrookM

Not a new novel, but a digital version of the Enforcer omnibus.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/07 14:53:07

Post by: aracersss

 BrookM wrote:
Not a new novel, but a digital version of the Enforcer omnibus.

what if it ties with an arbites release thou

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/07 16:27:37

Post by: Kanluwen

 aracersss wrote:
 BrookM wrote:
Not a new novel, but a digital version of the Enforcer omnibus.

what if it ties with an arbites release thou

There's been literally nothing to suggest an Arbites release. The absolute closest is them saying that they plan on doing plastic Enforcers(not Arbites) for Necromunda "sometime soon-ish; possibly this year but most likely 2019".

They've been rereleasing a lot of omnibuses. This one was popular, so it sees a rerelease.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/07 17:14:00

Post by: BrookM

It's a decent trilogy, I always liked the second novel best myself, as it established that the main character is now used to her job as head honcho on her new posting and instead introduced a really cool plot about the succession within a Rogue Trader dynasty.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/07 22:04:46

Post by: Mysterio

Any thoughts on the "Ulrika the Vampire" series?

Worth reading?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/07 22:18:19

Post by: MajorTom11

What the hell is happening with the HH series? Went from like 8 books a year (it seemed) to like 1-2 a year now... How much longer are they going to drag things on? I remember reading something a few years ago about them mapping out the end game and not letting it drag forever, I guess they didn't really get on it lol...

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/07 23:02:37

Post by: Knockagh

 MajorTom11 wrote:
What the hell is happening with the HH series? Went from like 8 books a year (it seemed) to like 1-2 a year now... How much longer are they going to drag things on? I remember reading something a few years ago about them mapping out the end game and not letting it drag forever, I guess they didn't really get on it lol...

I doubt there are even 8 books left, but yes they are dragging their heels. I’m way behind in my HH reading so I’m not sure what stage they are currently at. But I think there is broad consensus they should get a move on. The passing of Alan Bligh (and 8th ed) has completely halted the production of the HH black books. I think the heresy has stagnated with lack of progress. It will take quite a bit to motivate people back in.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/08 00:20:32

Post by: Yodhrin

 Mysterio wrote:
Any thoughts on the "Ulrika the Vampire" series?

Worth reading?

I enjoyed them. Not as much as I enjoyed the pre-End Times Gotrek & Felix books(that awful kinda-but-not-really-Mordheim-ish one aside), and it's not as entertainingly subversive as the Vampire Genevieve books(though the earlier of those books really show their age in terms of the kind of Warhammer World they depicted - by no means enough to make them unappealing though, even to a die-hard 6th Ed-era surreal-grimdark fan like myself), but they're fun reads and give an interesting insight into how Lahmian vampires operate in the Empire.

I'd probably wait until the book goes up on Amazon for five or so quid discount from the cover price and pick it up then, you only usually have to wait a couple of months past the BL release date for the paperbacks to show up there.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/08 06:08:00

Post by: BrookM

 Knockagh wrote:
 MajorTom11 wrote:
What the hell is happening with the HH series? Went from like 8 books a year (it seemed) to like 1-2 a year now... How much longer are they going to drag things on? I remember reading something a few years ago about them mapping out the end game and not letting it drag forever, I guess they didn't really get on it lol...

I doubt there are even 8 books left, but yes they are dragging their heels. I’m way behind in my HH reading so I’m not sure what stage they are currently at. But I think there is broad consensus they should get a move on. The passing of Alan Bligh (and 8th ed) has completely halted the production of the HH black books. I think the heresy has stagnated with lack of progress. It will take quite a bit to motivate people back in.
This and Alan was also quite a pillar of information and support to both BL and GW staff as well. Authors in particular relied a lot on him to check certain events or the like for their Horus Heresy novels, as the guy was an amazing walking source of background information and fluff.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/08 11:43:23

Post by: reds8n

5th of April


My Pre-Siege of Terra prep involves a reading of the entire Horus Heresy series, from scratch, including everything I’ve read before. Up to Ruinstorm now.

.. so.. the end is coming..

.. but it is going to be a while yet.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/08 22:54:43

Post by: shinros

Sooo we should be getting a novel with demon Fulgrim being involved somehow. Coming July.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/08 23:04:25

Post by: ImAGeek

 shinros wrote:
Sooo we should be getting a novel with demon Fulgrim being involved somehow. Coming July.

August, I think - the Death Guard book there is in August, and the July releases are on the site and none of those three covers are there.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/08 23:07:39

Post by: shinros

 ImAGeek wrote:
 shinros wrote:
Sooo we should be getting a novel with demon Fulgrim being involved somehow. Coming July.

August, I think - the Death Guard book there is in August, and the July releases are on the site and none of those three covers are there.

Yeah you have to hit view all to get the banner, perhaps it was a mistake or is GW waiting for the right release window?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/09 00:31:00

Post by: Lord Kragan

 shinros wrote:
Sooo we should be getting a novel with demon Fulgrim being involved somehow. Coming July.

Mmm... looking at it I think it's a reference to 40k, HH, and AoS novels. So maybe a novel focused on daemon Fulgrim at the heresy. And the two other guys on the right don't bring a bell whatsoever-.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/09 06:00:57

Post by: BrookM

I wanted to say Callis & Toll, but they got their own kickass cover art now as well:

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/09 06:13:24

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Are they fun characters?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/09 06:19:43

Post by: BrookM

I don't know, I think they popped up in a short story or two, I think some posters have expressed joy in the past about this being a full blown novel.

I am looking forward to this one, Witch Hunters in AoS could be interesting.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/09 07:37:33

Post by: Knockagh

 BrookM wrote:
I don't know, I think they popped up in a short story or two, I think some posters have expressed joy in the past about this being a full blown novel.

I am looking forward to this one, Witch Hunters in AoS could be interesting.

It will be the first AoS novel I’ve bought since I tried and hated the first few realm gate wars. Have to say it looks interesting, though i have no clue where the main story is at. I do find it strange as I can’t imagine how witch hunters even fit into the world of AoS as described in those early Realm Gate wars novels I read.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/09 07:44:40

Post by: HorticulusDK

Knockagh wrote:
 BrookM wrote:
I don't know, I think they popped up in a short story or two, I think some posters have expressed joy in the past about this being a full blown novel.

I am looking forward to this one, Witch Hunters in AoS could be interesting.

It will be the first AoS novel I’ve bought since I tried and hated the first few realm gate wars. Have to say it looks interesting, though i have no clue where the main story is at. I do find it strange as I can’t imagine how witch hunters even fit into the world of AoS as described in those early Realm Gate wars novels I read.

They are an interesting pair for sure ! Take the Witch Hunters trope in the megapolis of the Age of Sigmar, quite well done.

Before regains Silver Shard, read Citiy Of Secrets, where the Callis and Toll are introduced - it's great !
(Maybe then the short story "The Old Ways").

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/09 07:50:08

Post by: BrookM

I think it was CL Werner (could be wrong here) who also mentioned wanting to write about the new order of Witch Hunters in a new setting, as they would be quite different from the likes of Thulmann of the world that was.

I'm thinking less witch burning, more fantastical adventures as some sort of secret agent in service of Sigmar. One can dream.

If you're looking for a fun and action-packed read though, I highly recommend this one:

A big dumb Summer action movie in the words of the author and it's not a bad description either, as its a fun romp through the magical realms with fun characters and great moments. I think this is a book I'd recommend to others who are interested in the setting, but have no idea as to where to start, as it does a fair share of world building as well, showing off a lot of cool places and settings, each filled with their own people and threats.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/09 07:55:00

Post by: xking

 Knockagh wrote:
 BrookM wrote:
I don't know, I think they popped up in a short story or two, I think some posters have expressed joy in the past about this being a full blown novel.

I am looking forward to this one, Witch Hunters in AoS could be interesting.

It will be the first AoS novel I’ve bought since I tried and hated the first few realm gate wars. Have to say it looks interesting, though i have no clue where the main story is at. I do find it strange as I can’t imagine how witch hunters even fit into the world of AoS as described in those early Realm Gate wars novels I read.

I suggest you read "City of Secrets" and then read " Callis and Toll: The Old Ways" first (In this order) before reading "Callis and Toll: The Silver Shard".

Also recommend reading "Overlords of the Iron Dragon" or "The Witch Takers" if you did not like the realmgate wars novels and you want more mortal characters. "Overlords of the Iron Dragon" is a really good novel and "The Witch Takers" is a introductory short story about a witch hunter couple who hunt down chaos stuff, They are getting their own novel series.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/09 07:56:57

Post by: BrookM

Could the witch hunter couple be the pair shown on the banner by any chance?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/09 07:58:29

Post by: xking

 BrookM wrote:
Could the witch hunter couple be the pair shown on the banner by any chance?

I think so.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/09 07:58:32

Post by: Lord Kragan

 Knockagh wrote:
 BrookM wrote:
I don't know, I think they popped up in a short story or two, I think some posters have expressed joy in the past about this being a full blown novel.

I am looking forward to this one, Witch Hunters in AoS could be interesting.

I do find it strange as I can’t imagine how witch hunters even fit into the world of AoS as described in those early Realm Gate wars novels I read.

Here's the issue, there's been quite a bit of movement from that time over two years ago.

As for who these guys are, part of me hopes they are NOT the guys from the witch takers. That way we have yet another novel aside from CL Werner's and those already announced.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/09 12:03:14

Post by: Mysterio

Does the concept of a "Witchhunter" even make sense anymore in the Super High Fantasy setting of AoS?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/09 12:04:47

Post by: Kanluwen

 Mysterio wrote:
Does the concept of a "Witchhunter" even make sense anymore in the Super High Fantasy setting of AoS?

Yes. Yes, it does. It actually makes more sense given the fluff of the Kairic Acolytes.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/09 12:40:30

Post by: HorticulusDK

 Mysterio wrote:
Does the concept of a "Witchhunter" even make sense anymore in the Super High Fantasy setting of AoS?

As Kanluwen said, yes it totally does

- The tone of the Realmgate Wars (aka AOS season 1) was indeed very Epic-High Fantasy, as super humans demi gods fought against daemons and barbarians to reclaim post-apocalyptic Chaos Wastes and rescued the last enclaves of civilisation in the 7 Chaos-held Mortal Realms. This season ended in summer 2016 with "All-Gates".

- The tone of the Season of War (aka AOS season 2) was way more nuanced (it was not CRUSADE anymore), as it saw the building of giant metropolis by the conquering forces of Order (of course soon full of Chaos cultists) - this lasted from summer 2016 (with the Seeds of Hope global campaign) to summer 2017 with Firestorm and Blightwar sets.

- After the end 2017 gap, Malign Portents (aka AOS season 3), starting in January 2018, saw the rise to power of the forces of Death and the return of a kind of grimdark tone, the followers of Nagash and the multiplication of sinister magical omens making the work of the Order of Azyr (algonside fighting Chaos in the nascent civilization) more and more useful and important.

Note that the Order of Azyr was introduced in March 2016 in Grand Alliance : Order.

It is possible that the AOS background is not always easily accessible, and with the rumored AOS second edition coming in June, it's vers plausible that GW will rerelease a big Rulebook presenting the background in its depth and evolution ; a setting composed of 1. post apocalyptic Epic wars, 2. giant cities full of traditional fantasy races and more exotic creatures with all the political plotting it implies, and 3. the good ol' Warhammer GrimdarkTM

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/10 10:32:11

Post by: Knockagh

 Mysterio wrote:
Does the concept of a "Witchhunter" even make sense anymore in the Super High Fantasy setting of AoS?

That was my thoughts. Even if you remove the high fantasy the newness of the cities and cultures I wouldn’t have thought would suit witch hunters and secret orders. Those type of things traditionally come from stacked years of history and suspicion. But I’m going to give this one the benefit of the doubt and see what it reads like.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/10 10:40:33

Post by: Chikout

 Knockagh wrote:
 Mysterio wrote:
Does the concept of a "Witchhunter" even make sense anymore in the Super High Fantasy setting of AoS?

That was my thoughts. Even if you remove the high fantasy the newness of the cities and cultures I wouldn’t have thought would suit witch hunters and secret orders. Those type of things traditionally come from stacked years of history and suspicion. But I’m going to give this one the benefit of the doubt and see what it reads like.

Witch Hunters have already been in several aos stories notably city of Secrets and Hammerhal. (both of which are pretty good)
The cites are all well over a hundred years old at this point in the time line. Plenty of time for Chaos cults to get a foothold and hence the need for Witch Hunters. The witch hunters also mostly come from Azyr where the cities are much older.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/10 10:49:23

Post by: Knockagh

Chikout wrote:
 Knockagh wrote:
 Mysterio wrote:
Does the concept of a "Witchhunter" even make sense anymore in the Super High Fantasy setting of AoS?

That was my thoughts. Even if you remove the high fantasy the newness of the cities and cultures I wouldn’t have thought would suit witch hunters and secret orders. Those type of things traditionally come from stacked years of history and suspicion. But I’m going to give this one the benefit of the doubt and see what it reads like.

Witch Hunters have already been in several aos stories notably city of Secrets and Hammerhal. (both of which are pretty good)
The cites are all well over a hundred years old at this point in the time line. Plenty of time for Chaos cults to get a foothold and hence the need for Witch Hunters. The witch hunters also mostly come from Azyr where the cities are much older.

100 years is a blink of an eye even in the real world. I’ve never heard of the author Nick Horth but I think the subject makes it worth a punt.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/10 11:09:37

Post by: CassianSol

Everything that existed in Warhammer Fantasy can exist in AOS, plus more. It is one of the strengths of the setting - it can accommodate a wider variety of types of story and character.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/10 12:46:23

Post by: Lord Kragan

 Knockagh wrote:
 Mysterio wrote:
years of history and suspicion.

Like spending half a millenia entrenched, organizing the counter-attack, and needing to make sure no one outside the safe haven knows? That's a pretty strong reason. Then again, it's more than likely that the order of Azyr had it's roots during the previous wars, the Nexus Wars, when chaos thrust itself into the mortal realms. Another 500 years and change to form up based on the lessons of the damages caused by insurgencies.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/17 10:09:10

Post by: reds8n

This weekend saw the legacy format release of "Corax". which collects the various RG novellas and short stories :

Soulforge,Ravenlord, Shadowmasters, The Value of Fear, Raptor and the new novella Weregeld.

That's book 40 ... ! ..... so only 8 or so novels behind the hardback release currently.

this weeks e-short :


A Warhammer Age of Sigmar story

As the taint of Chaos spreads across the Realm of Life, the sylvaneth of Clan Arleath set out to defend their lands from the vicious ratmen of the Clans Pestilens.

It delves into the heart of the forests, and shows a sylvaneth-eye view of the War of Life, featuring the Everqueen herself!
As the taint of the Plague God's corruption spreads across Ghyran, the defenders of the forests seek physical foes against which they can take out their fury. In the Wrathwaters of Glade Winterleaf, the ratkin of the skaven Clans Pestilens spread across the lands, defiling all they touch. Leafmaster Diraceth of Clan Arleath leads his fellow sylvaneth in defence of their realm, and battle is joined – a battle in which the Everqueen herself will play a vital role.

Written by Gav Thorpe

This story is also available in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar anthology Legends of the Age of Sigmar: Sylvaneth.

and a new Crimson Fist book :


Legacy of Dorn
A Crimson Fists novel

Trapped behind enemy lines during the invasion of Rynn's World, Sergeant Galleas and his squad must rally the human survivors of the greenskin attack and teach them to fight back, if any of them are to survive.

It's the flip side of Steve Parker's Rynn's World, focusing on a small squad of Crimson Fists and a ragged band of humans in the midst of the greatest battle the Chapter ever fought

Veteran Sergeant Sandor Galleas is the epitome of a Crimson Fists Space Marine: proud, courageous, and unyielding, even in the face of impossible odds. But when disaster befalls the Chapter during the ork invasion of Rynn’s World, Galleas’s convictions are put to the ultimate test. Trapped deep in enemy territory, Galleas, his squad, and a band of human survivors, must fight the greenskins by any means necessary if they – and the Crimson Fists Chapter – are to survive.

Written by Mike Lee

Did a fair bit of coach travelling last week, so read :


which certainly had it's odd moments of ..well... being really good.

Overall it was satisfying enough -- damning it with faint praise here somewhat -- and it was nice too see a bit more chaos action/characters we hadn't seen before.
I felt it perhaps suffered a little bit from having a bit too much stuff not about Lucius/others in his retinue, but overall it was enjoyable enough.
I'll certainly be willing to try more by the same author.

also read :


which was.. satisfying enough for a book that you'll read once, maybe twice and then pass on.

There's some nice scenes and titans are a cool part of 40k , or can be.

But I felt at times some of the story needed expanding upon. For example whilst some of the opposition are described or perhaps more accurately named -- ie It's a Banelord -- I felt a bit more actual description of exactly what this means or entails would've been nice.

Similarly I don't recall the book actually saying what "Feral" and "Ravager" chaos titans are, one is left to try and sort of work it out by context. Which isn't impossible but still something of both an oversight and a missed oppurtunity IMO.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/17 12:06:03

Post by: BrookM

Cheers for the heads up on Corax, ordered via the usual discounter.

Picked up the Cadia Stands hardback and Crusade + Other Stories (awesome title right there! ) anthology while I was at a GW store today, bound to be something good in there.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/19 20:31:17

Post by: BrookM

Cadia Stands was.. disappointing! Not bad, but if this was the swan song of Cadia and the iconic shock troopers, it was rather.. meh.

Roll on July for the release of the Khan Primarch novel.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/23 16:22:08

Post by: BrookM

New quick-read out: https://www.blacklibrary.com/all-products/deus-ex-mechanicus-eshort.html

Though IIRC this is a reprint of a short story published aeons ago in one of the earliest anthology novels?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/25 13:12:50

Post by: Irbis

Guess who is back:


Plus a few more books but who cared for these compared to above

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/25 13:31:36

Post by: Lord Kragan

I am deffinitely going to pick the cain novel but I am not terribly thrilled by it, considering how utterly formulaic (the series' formula, mind you) the plot of the others were.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/25 13:47:46

Post by: Irbis

Sure, they do rehash a lot of stuff, but hopefully the break from last one was spent if not on polish, then on recharging batteries and developing original idea. Besides, even at its worst CC is still better and more original than good 90% of stuff BL publishes, so I'll take it over usual bolter/stormcast porn any day

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/25 13:55:21

Post by: Mr Morden

 Irbis wrote:
Guess who is back:


Plus a few more books but who cared for these compared to above

Ohh that's good news - and a great cover

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/25 14:07:40

Post by: Kanluwen

 BrookM wrote:
Cadia Stands was.. disappointing! Not bad, but if this was the swan song of Cadia and the iconic shock troopers, it was rather.. meh.

Roll on July for the release of the Khan Primarch novel.

I really can't agree with you on "Cadia Stands". I thought it was great, especially since it ties to Justin Hill's short stories in the Astra Militarum omnibus from a bit ago.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/25 16:42:48

Post by: Knockagh

Lord Kragan wrote:
I am deffinitely going to pick the cain novel but I am not terribly thrilled by it, considering how utterly formulaic (the series' formula, mind you) the plot of the others were.

They are supposed to be formulaic. Like an episode of Big Bang or trailer park boys. It the formula people like. Cain is a very different type of novel for 40k and one that works really well. So often trying something different within a franchise doesn’t work but the Cain thing works people love it. I can’t wait for the next Cain book, love them.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/25 17:49:04

Post by: BrookM

It wouldn't hurt if the Cain novels diverted from the same old "Fight one enemy, OH NO! Another enemy was doing something behind the scenes all along!" dross we've been getting with just about every novel so far.

Some character development would also have been great.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/25 18:57:31

Post by: xking

A pair of Order of Azyr witch hunters (called Talorcan and Esselt – you might just recognise them from an Advent Calendar story…"The Witch Takers") are the focus of The Tainted Heart, and they look simply amazing. Johan has brought them entirely to life, from their haunted expressions to the scars that stand testament to the trials of their chosen life. And the design they are embedded in, with arcane dials and Ghal Maraz, absolutely leaves the viewer in no doubt that these are devoted servants of the God-King Sigmar.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The Tainted Heart, by CL Werner (August)
Clint Werner’s, The Tainted Heart, is an impressively affecting story about indomitable love in the wake of adversity. It begins with a malign plague, and a pair of expert witch hunters intent on destroying it. Talorcan and Esselt are emboldened by faith and a most formidable romance, setting them apart from all other duos in the Black Library range. However, the evil they face, ancient and sentient, is not easily subdued, and when circumstances reach the unthinkable, there is nothing the witch hunters will not do to protect one another. In this unusual, thrilling blend of heroic fantasy and tragedy, the Age of Sigmar setting is made rich with a profound exploration of honour, courage, and fallibility. This is a refreshing and poignant re-examination of the archetypal hero, and Clint’s lyrical style and mastery of theme are deeply compelling – an unquestionable treat from one of our most gifted authors. —Hannah Hughes, commissioning editor

From: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/blog/sci-fi-fantasy/95-books-sci-fi-fantasy-editors-cant-wait-read-2018/

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I hope to see more.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/26 11:20:16

Post by: Irbis

 BrookM wrote:
It wouldn't hurt if the Cain novels diverted from the same old "Fight one enemy, OH NO! Another enemy was doing something behind the scenes all along!" dross we've been getting with just about every novel so far.

Uh, what?

The Traitor's Hand - no second enemy, Chaos cults whole time. Death or Glory - no second enemy, Cain is stuck fighting orks (and looking for tanna) whole book. Duty Calls - yes, tiny subplot with rogue Inquisitor but that's just distraction from Tyranid invasion. Cain's Last Stand, just Chaos. All short stories, ditto. The Emperor's Finest, genestealer infestation and exploring Space Hulk tied to it, no second enemy unless you reach really far and count romantic subplot as one. In the case of Caves of Ice and The Last Ditch, it's two enemies attacking at once, nothing behind the scenes. Really, only the very first book matches your description, and maybe The Greater Good but even that is a stretch.

 BrookM wrote:
Some character development would also have been great.

The whole point of the novels is being written in hindsight. The character development already happened. And even so, compare Cain from 12th artillery to one from 597th Valhallan. Both behave quite differently if you pay attention.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/29 13:48:55

Post by: reds8n

originally via :


and further thanks to Mr Taliesin on B & C
spoiled as some of the HH stuff kinda gives away things from books you might not have read yet

Anarch, by Abnett:


On the factory world of Urdesh, the assembled forces of the Imperial Crusade deliver a final battle to the commander of the archenemy known as the Anarch and his warrior elite, the barbarian sons of Sek. Victory determines more than the fate of Urdesh for both sides ... It determines the outcome of the entire Sabbath Crusade.

Ibram Gaunt, who is now a close confidant of Warlord Macaroth, finds himself at the center of this conflict. His regiment, the First Tanith Regiment, holds the key to victory in his hands. But as the forces of the Empire and Chaos meet in a final, colossal confrontation, Gaunt realizes that the biggest threat can not come from the outside, but from the inside.

Horus Heresy : Doom of the Death Guard by James Swallow.


The sky over Terra darkens as the final battle for the throne approaches ... As the traitor Primarchs gather under the warlord's banner, Mortarion is sent ahead of their forces.
But he and his warriors go missing in the warp and are struck by a terrible plague. Once the legendary Death Guard was considered invincible, but now even it is forced to its knees. To save his legion, Mortarion concludes a pact that will eternally condemn his sons. At the same time, a conspiracy unfolds in the porticos of Terras, which is said to bring about rebellion and carnage.
Malcador the Sigilit takes on the matter personally and wants to stifle any uprisings in the bud, but he will need all his knowledge and experience to put an end to the plot.

Horus Heresy: Slaves to Darkness by John French:


After long and difficult battles, warlord Horus's armies have finally conquered the heavily defended Beta Garmon system and are now approaching Terra. But not everything went according to plan. Horus was wounded and near death, and he is hurriedly brought back to the spirit of vengeance. During his absence, his deputy Maloghurst must enforce the will of the Primarch.

But the traitors are running out of time. Guilliman and the lion both rushed to Terra, and their armies could turn the fortune of war. The armies of the warlord must unite, because only then can they attack the throne world. While Mortarion forms the vanguard of the fleet, Lorgar and Perturabo are forced to line up their brothers Fulgrim and Angron, both of whom have become demons and may oppose the warlord's orders. On the eve of the greatest conflict the galaxy has ever seen, it is up to Maloghurst to hold together his fragmented legion and bring Horus back from the abyss of destruction..

Horus Heresy Titandeath, by Guy Haley:


Horus gathered his armada and defeated anyone his enemies sent him, even the Emperor's hangman. But an obstacle remains before he can strike Terra and put the Emperor's dream to ruins.
The Beta Garmon system is on the most direct and unique route to the Sol system. To overcome it, Horus gathers an army of unbelievable proportions, including countless Titans. A defeat here would mean the end of the war and Horus is not about to turn back. However, the Empire also recognized the importance of Beta-Garmon. A huge force, consisting of countless Imperial Guard units and also a contingent of titans, is here to challenge the warlord's forces.
A conflict like the Civil War in the Empire has not yet experienced, a titanic battle and a world-shaking battle that will determine the next phase of the war.

The Spear of the Emperor by Aaron Dembski Bowden:


The scattered worlds of the Elara Veil were once protected by the oath of unity between three mighty Orders of the Adeptus Astartes. The Star Scorpions fell victim to a flaw in their gene code. The Celestial Lions were punished by the Inquisition for sins they had not committed. Today, hundreds of years later, only the Emperor's Spears keep watch. They are barbarian guards who oppose the outer darkness. But, unbroken, they fulfill their long duty.

Amadeus Kaias Incarius, a brother of the Mentor Legion, is given the task of crossing the Great Rift and checking the spear's combat readiness. But instead, he gets entangled in a much-troubled crusade in the dark border areas of the Empire. The decisions he will make far from the Emperor's light will determine the fate of the war-wounded Order.

Primarchs book 10: Corax. by Guy Haley. General ( hardback and e-book) release in January 2019 it says so this will have the limited edition in October.


During the Great Crusade, Corvus Corax, Raven Guard's Primarch, has to defeat the vast space habitats of the Carinae. Determined to bring conformity to these worlds, he unleashes his legion and a huge warband of the Imperial Guard. But the rulers of the Carinae know how to defend themselves and show themselves mercilessly.

At the height of the conflict, a biological weapon from ancient times is activated in the space city of Zenith, bringing Imperial forces to their knees. Allies turn against each other and the Raven Guard suddenly has to face a tremendous superiority. With the campaign nearing defeat, Corax must balance his desire for revenge against the need for a speedy conclusion to the war.

Dark Imperium II, by Guy Haley:


On the worlds of Ultramar and in the Great Emptiness between them, the fight for the Empire continues.

Returning primarch Roboute Guilliman wants to reunite his former empire and use it as a base to rebuild the devastated empire of humanity. First, however, he must expel his fallen brother Mortarion and his traitor Legion of Death Guard from his domain.
But when Guilliman places his brother on the contaminated plains of Parmenio, the intervention of a higher power threatens to turn his understanding of the galaxy on its head, and thus its place in it.Primarch and ideologies meet in this sequel to The Dark Empirium.
Also mentioned are John French's Horusian Wars book 2, Incarnation ( July 2018) new 40k novels by Darius Hinks and Andy Clark, an Age of Sigmar novel by Robbie McNiven, and Lords of Silence by Wraight in August 2018 which we already knew.

...google translate there so pardon the odd bit of phrasing.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/29 13:57:23

Post by: BrookM

Isn't Beta Garmon also the setting for the Titanicus game? Could be a bit of a tie in.

Maybe a bit too hopeful, but Siege of Terra will properly kick off in 2019? With the Death Guard now also fully assembled and turned all the pieces should be in place now, right?

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/04/30 13:14:26

Post by: reds8n

I think so.. don't think it'll finish in 2019 but...

today's digital offering :


The Sea Taketh
A Warhammer Age of Sigmar story

A Kharadron arkanaut explores the ocean floor in search of a great treasure… but what he disturbs may spell doom for him and the humans who aid him as the Idoneth Deepkin rise.

It's the very first Black Library story to feature the Idoneth Deepkin, the new additions to Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and it's a chilling tale that will leave you wary around water…

Ingdrin Jonsson, arkanaut of the Kharadron Overlords, swaps his sky-ship for an ocean-going vessel as he joins the fisherfolk of the Blackfire Bight for an expedition. With his arkanaut suit adapted to help him survive the crushing pressure of the ocean depths, he delves into the darkness in search of a great treasure. But when he disturbs something ancient and deadly, he brings danegr not only to himself, but to the humans who aid him. For the Idoneth Deepkin are rising, and they hunger for souls…

Written by David Guymer

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/05/01 14:18:54

Post by: reds8n


A new month is dawning, and we thought it would be nice to offer you something special: a competition to win a shiny copy of the 'Neferata: Mortarch of Blood' limited edition!

What do you have to do to be in with a chance? Just share your favourite quote from a Black Library story with us in the comments below. You have until Monday the 7th of May – and we'll announce our favourite, and the winner of the book, on the 8th.

Some terms and conditions apply – find them here: https://goo.gl/W3Uaxm

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/05/03 10:58:11

Post by: Foxhound25

Just finished Imperator: Wrath of the Omnissiah, and was very disappointed. The storyline itself was very weak and if I had bought the special edition I would be very upset. Thought it was one of Gav Thorpe's weaker stories.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/05/03 11:39:56

Post by: Looky Likey

Foxhound25 wrote:
Just finished Imperator: Wrath of the Omnissiah, and was very disappointed. The storyline itself was very weak and if I had bought the special edition I would be very upset. Thought it was one of Gav Thorpe's weaker stories.
Considering how poor I find some of his stuff that is very bad news. I have it in my to read pile for this weekend as well, not good.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/05/07 11:37:53

Post by: reds8n

disappointing to hear.

I'm a bit titaned out, so to speak, currently but might well pick it up at a later date.

Read the recent Ferrus Manus primarchs book, which was.... alright.

Kind of damning with faint praise there somewhat perhaps, it was solid enough overall . Perhaps a few bits were needlessly confusing or could have been edited to make things clearer but it was a nice look at an era -- prior to the HH, before the Emperor went back to Terra -- that we haven't seen much of.

Intrigued me enough to pick up the paperback release of "Eye of Medusa" anyway.

BL has also released their August line up :


Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/05/07 11:52:03

Post by: BrookM

The Primarchs audio drama could be good, though I am bit hesitant as it's not AD-B who is doing the writing for the Night Lords story.

The Tainted Heart description almost sounds like it's a romance novel, now that would be a twist genre to tackle with Age of Sigmar.

Black Library News & Rumour thread @ 2018/05/07 12:34:56

Post by: Lord Kragan

I think that one is just a bundling of this eve calendar's audio dramas, isn't it?