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[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/16 08:44:26

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I thought I'd throw this out as possible sources for models/terrain/bits etc for Titanicus. I for one am really stoked for its return.

While the initial game will not have infantry or tanks (popcorn as one giant monster game called them) they can always serve as terrain or players can look at Net Epic or other options. Or just terrain for the titan bases.


The two companies that come immediately to mind are Vanguard and Reaper



Vanguard has been carrying several 6mm sci fi lines for a few years now, with some grim dark styled tanks, troops and robots.

Their new line of plastic 6mm terrain is a definite buy for me to build massive boards and city scapes. With AT coming that's now a must buy for me.


Each panel is 50mm on a side.

Then for tanks and troops


3mm but should still work




I'm not a huge fan of Reaper's CAV line, but it's Bones and cheap so if you're looking to add some tanks and trucks for terrain it should work.


Other ideas? What scale is 8mm in models or railroads? There might be useful products in that direction.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh and I'll definitely be putting these toy planes to use for a spaceport.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Ah here we are, thanks The Miniatures Page!


6mm Equivalent to 1/285 scale and 1/300 scales. Miniatures in this scale have the advantage of being inexpensive. The small size also means there is less visible detail to paint. In this scale it is possible to put armies on the tabletop which give the impression of masses of infantry. Figures available for fantasy, historical, and science fiction. 1/268

1/220 Z scale (model railroad scale). 7mm

1/200 Another scale in which 20th Century armored vehicles and aircraft are available. Some WWII era recognition models are made in this scale. 8mm

10mm Relatively new scale, used for fantasy, historical and science fiction. Some think this will be the popular scale of the future, larger enough to show detail but small enough to fit a large army on a tabletop. 1/161

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/16 08:56:37

Post by: AndrewGPaul

I've never seen the source for this "8mm" thing, so I'm going to wait until I've got a model in my hand before I start looking for alternative terrain. Having said that, I'm hoping the 10mm stuff I've got from 4Ground will be suitable, along with similar offerings from other MDF manufacturers.

If it is 8mm, my understanding is that "mm" sizes refer to the height to the eyes - the default height to the eyes of an average human being assumed to be 1610mm (from an assumed average total height of 1730mm or 5' 8"). So 8mm would be about 1:200 scale. The closest model railroad scales are going to be N scale (1:160) or Z scale (1:220).

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/16 11:36:10

Post by: leaxe

By the time Titanicus appears, you might see something bigger...

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/16 12:07:50

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

leaxe wrote:

By the time Titanicus appears, you might see something bigger...

Good to hear, these are attractive pieces of terrain but for titans they'll basically be speed bumps. The massive cubes of the city tiles make for cities that are a bit unimaginative (which is OK, I see the Imperium as being pretty unimaginative) but will block line of sight nicely. Maybe a knight can get some cover from the resin sets but not much else.

PS - if we can get some straight symmetrical pieces they'd work for all sorts of BFG scratch builds. Just throwing that out there.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/16 14:21:30

Post by: mjl7atlas

Just might need an operational z scale armoured train and track for the board, Thanks for the info!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/17 07:31:03

Post by: Pacific

Hah, I love the idea of fleeing civilians on the board! Might have to think of some way of putting that together for AAR photos..

Nuclear Shrimp miniatures do a great Gargant if you want something to go up against the titans. Quite reasonable priced compared to a lot of the old GW Gargants you now see on ebay.
They're big as well (bit bigger than the Mega Gargants) so would hopefully scale well with the new AT size titans

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/17 08:42:04

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Whilst terrain is always ace, I'm waiting to see how the stuff produced specifically for AT pans out - both in quality, and size.

AT is about how you manoeuvre your forces, with a distinct onus on keeping out of LoS when at all possible. (at least, the original was!)

So nice as the above sculpts are, if they can't hide a Warhound or Reaver, they may not be right for the game

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/17 10:04:40

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Whilst terrain is always ace, I'm waiting to see how the stuff produced specifically for AT pans out - both in quality, and size.

AT is about how you manoeuvre your forces, with a distinct onus on keeping out of LoS when at all possible. (at least, the original was!)

So nice as the above sculpts are, if they can't hide a Warhound or Reaver, they may not be right for the game

The plastic set I linked to should do the job

Each panel is 50mm, so twice the height of an AT Knight, maybe up to the head of a Reaver? 2 panel high buildings will hide a Reaver and give good cover to a Warlord.

At 20UKP for the set you can cover a table pretty quickly, with the box set terrain added in. You can also do just walls rather than buildings to stretch them further.

Of course insulation foam hills and mountains are always there are a budget option.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/17 13:31:09

Post by: AndrewGPaul

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Good to hear, these are attractive pieces of terrain but for titans they'll basically be speed bumps. The massive cubes of the city tiles make for cities that are a bit unimaginative (which is OK, I see the Imperium as being pretty unimaginative) but will block line of sight nicely. Maybe a knight can get some cover from the resin sets but not much else.

Difficult ground is useful, too - a direct route to the enemy, but you might get bogged down? (either in light buildings like these or in unpaved ground like wilderness or parks where your Warlord sinks to his ankles in mud.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/20 11:16:44

Post by: Llamahead

I always mention these guys on this type of thread C-in-C Miniatures, Ground Zero Games and Brigade Models.

C-in-c infantry

Brigade Models Armour

GZG Skimmer and Transport

Historical Ranges can be used with care like his Scotia Grendel bridgelayer.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/20 14:51:54

Post by: Malika2

Vanguard Miniatures also stock Wasteland Studio's terrain: http://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/product-category/terrain/wasteland-game-studio/

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/21 04:20:06

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Another site to check is Microworld Games



Among other things they have a 6mm super tank suitable for OGREs or land trains.

And dinosaurs with guns!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/21 04:34:11

Post by: Thargrim

Anyone know of any good 3x3 or 4x4 gaming mats suitable for this game? I've found plenty of urban ones but they always seem to have detail that is upscaled, one even had human shoeprints at 40k scale in the dirt. The resin tiles from forgeworld aren't going to be in my budget range, plus a mat can be folded up, I don't know where i'd put huge resin tiles that need to be protected from dust and cat hair.

I definitely plan on using the buildings they are coming out with for the game cause they look great. Apparently this game is going to need plenty of cover and terrain for the smaller titans to operate normally. My initial plan is to lay out plenty of buildings across a mat that could represent istvaan or a heresy mars conflict.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/21 07:18:51

Post by: Pacific

Love that GZG vehicle transport - think that would look really cool with a couple of rhinos on it, as an objective or something.

Those plastic sets Kid-Kyoto linked are really good and most importantly very cheap - can see those being a popular option on tabletops for AT.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/30 06:05:52

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Pendraken in the UK has a huge line of 10mm historical, modern and sci fi vehicles and terrain that should work. They also have N scale terrain and items.



They also have a site for 6mm and 15mm MDF terrain


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/30 09:18:49

Post by: Darnok

I wonder why nobody has mentioned terrain options from Dropfleet Commander yet (or did I miss it?). The terrain is scaled at 10mm, so might be a bit on the "too big" side - on the other hand that makes it easier to get actual cover even for larger titans.

I consider the Ruinscape Card Scenery Pack to be the best compromise between price, looks and playability. It gives you a generic city board with "battle damage" in colour and easy to set up right out of the box, can cover up to 6'x4' table space and offers a huge variety of setup options - all for less than a squad of Space Marines.

It might not be for everybody, but it is very affordable and incredigly easy to use.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/05/30 11:17:50

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

N Scale (1/160) is a bit bigger than 8mm (1/200) but there's tons of stuff.

And bigger means more line of sight blocking.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/08/13 03:19:50

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

A bit of a bump now that the game is out.

And a link to Evil and Chaos' 8mm crowd funding page, which includes the plastic terrain I showed.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/08/13 17:34:33

Post by: Malika2

In case you're wondering how the new Titan looks next to some Vanguard Miniatures 6mm models:

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/08/17 07:10:25

Post by: schoon

Pretty darned good, IMO!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/09/05 15:46:57

Post by: FrozenDwarf

4Ground is in the prosses of making some AT terrain.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/09/11 18:44:18

Post by: Flinty

Does.4Ground have the most apt location of all.wargames companies? Where else but Warminster... surely GW should relocate there from Nottingham.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/09/12 08:40:06

Post by: FrozenDwarf

some more paper buildings for cheap and quick terrain

some civilian buildings

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/09/13 01:41:51

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Old School Miniatures have some new 8mm robots coming.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/09/13 06:29:09

Post by: Albertorius

...Cherno Alpha, is that you? ^_^

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/10/18 18:21:13

Post by: Llamahead

On the Reaper CAV kickstarter here
It'll be in scale and nice things which aren't buildings.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/10/22 03:08:16

Post by: odinfellhammer

Darn, I missed the kickstarter :( , that's some nice terrain

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/10/24 03:54:21

Post by: Fajita Fan

I wouldn’t.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/10/24 07:02:08

Post by: schoon

Yeah, I'm going to have to say "no" on that as well.

While they are lumps of roughly the right shape, I wouldn't want those on my table.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/10/24 20:03:25

Post by: Fajita Fan

Not without some proper grimdarking.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/10/25 03:57:53

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Yeah I was figuring on a proper grey and more grey paint scheme and some sand around the sides, make them look abandoned and half buried.

They'd be low detail but for a few bucks you can have a Taj Mahal and an Aztech pyramid to fight over.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/10/25 11:14:24

Post by: AndrewGPaul

Spray the castle ones with textured spray, paint 'em dark grey and drybrush. Glue on some antennae, gun emplacements, etc, job's a good 'un.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/11/20 10:24:58

Post by: Pacific

You could always leave them in the colours they are, ready made Slaanesh world!

Been looking at some of the new 4ground 'micro scale' stuff. Doesn't surprise me at all that they had this come out so soon, they do always seem to be on the button.
Shame it's quite expensive, but might be nice having one 'city' area with this stuff, then bulking it up with some of the cheaper plastic kits available.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/11/21 03:53:01

Post by: Fajita Fan

Wow, that looks like fantastic stuff, it's preprinted in color?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/11/21 09:09:09

Post by: Pacific

If it's like some of the other 4Ground sets then I assume so!

Quite handy, it means you can build and play (although I've tended to paint mine to fit in with the rest of my terrain, for other kits).

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/12/20 20:55:50

Post by: Malika2

New terrain kits out!

Defence Line Shielder Emplacement - £5.50

Resin casting of a concrete anti-aircraft defence line emplacement.

This model has a cast on cruciform weapons mount.

Set contains:

1 x resin defence line weapons emplacement
1 x metal shielder turret
1 x metal ammo box stack


Shielder Emplacement - £4.50

Resin casting of a concrete shielder emplacement.

This model has a cast on cruciform weapons mount.

Set contains:

1 x resin emplacement
1 x metal shielder turret
1 x metal ammo box stack


Defence Line Rapier Emplacement - £5.50

Resin casting of a concrete missile launcher defence line emplacement.

This model has a cast on cruciform weapons mount.

Set contains:

1 x resin defence line emplacement
1 x metal rapier turret


Rapier Emplacement - £4.50

Resin casting of a concrete rapier emplacement.

This model has a cast on cruciform weapons mount.

Set contains:

1 x resin emplacement
1 x metal rapier turret


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2018/12/21 16:38:18

Post by: Malika2

Even more terrain kits!

Defence Line Archer Emplacement - £5.50

Resin casting of a concrete artillery defence line emplacement.

This model has a cast on cruciform weapons mount.

Set contains:

1 x resin defence line emplacement
1 x metal Archer gun
1 x stack of shells
1 x double shells
1 x shell trolley


Novan Oil Drums (Fuel Dump) - £3.50

Novan oil drums set consists of the following items:

3 x stacks of 9 drums
3 x stacks of 6 drums
3 x stacks of 5 drums
6 x drums in cradles
16 x single drums

6mm infantry figure for size reference only not included.


Defence Line Emplacement - £3.50

Resin casting of a concrete defence line emplacement.

Set contains:

1 x resin defence line emplacement


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2019/01/11 16:58:13

Post by: Malika2

Need more bits?

Novan Logistics Boxes (Supply Dump) - £4.00

A set of Novan logistics/equipment boxes consisting of the following:

4 x individual boxes sprues + 4 additional loose boxes
3 x stacked boxes sprues


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2019/01/19 20:02:15

Post by: Overread

Anyone got any recommendations on scenic bases for titans?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2019/01/20 09:58:45

Post by: Malika2

Erm, check out the various bits on this thread.

Anything specific you're looking for?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2019/01/21 04:28:23

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Overread wrote:
Anyone got any recommendations on scenic bases for titans?

Sprue rubble and cut up plasticard ruins?

Dress them with vehicles from Vanguard or other 6mm line?

Were you looking for more?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2019/01/21 08:22:03

Post by: schoon

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Sprue rubble and cut up plasticard ruins?

Dress them with vehicles from Vanguard or other 6mm line?

Were you looking for more?

This is my technique - you can get very impressive results of you have some hobby skill.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2019/01/22 22:07:33

Post by: CorwinB

 Overread wrote:
Anyone got any recommendations on scenic bases for titans?

You can check on Gladius Game Arts, they have some nice-looking bases :


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2019/01/30 06:16:32

Post by: Malika2

Need some illumination?

Wall Lights (6mm) - £2.00

Wall mountable lights set that can be glued to any flat surface on building walls or even used as ground mounted lights on runways or other landing zones.

Set contains:

30 x lights

See images for size comparison and demonstration of use, here seen on TMG plastic terrain tiles.
6mm figure shown for scale.


Street Lights (6mm) - £6.50

A set of city street lights in two variants, single and double lamps, (6mm scale).

Set contents 24 x street lights:

12 x single lights
12 x double lights

6mm figure show for scale.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2019/06/20 11:45:30

Post by: Ratius

Dont forget you could use some 40k kits as AT terrain if you have them lying around - things like the antenna from the bastion bunker kit could function as a huge broadcasting array or the icarus lascannon/quad gun emplacement as a huge orbital defense battery.
The recent sector mech galvanic hauler set would fit in quite well too.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2019/06/20 12:23:22

Post by: AndrewGPaul

Just about every piece of 40k scenery without a door on it could be used in AT somehow.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2019/07/01 15:43:03

Post by: Malika2

Resin ship:

Hello Backers, and Watchers!

We've now hit 33.3333333% funded!

Because we're getting good takeup on the STL set pledges, that means our projected cost burden drops somewhat from our highest margin, and we can start unlocking a few physical model kits...

So, today's project update adds a new RESIN MODEL KIT to the Kickstarter: The Largo Cargo Lighter.

The Large Cargo Lighter is 85mm long, and will be supplied with one of our clear plastic bases.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2019/07/01 17:11:07

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Grrr… I don't need more space ships!

Then again I am almost done with my Bandai Mechacoli ships.

But the DFC Resistance just came out!

But this won't ship till after you've made a dent in La Resistance...

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2019/07/21 07:54:50

Post by: Malika2

My shipping container designs have just been released: https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/shop/novan-light-shipping-containers/

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/02/13 06:42:19

Post by: Malika2

Some more possibilities with these...

Novan Gun Turrets Set - £4.00

Designed for use with Troublemaker Games plastic terrain tiles sets.

Set contains: 2 metal cast turrets.

2 x turret

2 x macro-cannon barrels

2 x plasma-cannon barrels


Small Extractor Fans x 10 - £2.00

A set of 10 x metal cast extractor fans.

Size approx. 3mms square, figure show for size, not included.


Metal Bridge Supports x 10 - £6.00

A set of 10 x metal bridge supports for use with Troublemaker Games plastic tiles range.

Length 50mm


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/02/13 08:27:10

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Oh those are nice. And I'd point out not much to prevent using them in anything from BFG to 28mm games.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/02/13 10:42:45

Post by: lord_blackfang

I just printed this off Thingiverse. Not sure of the correct size for NeoAT, it was supposedly scaled for classic Epic so I added 30%.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/02/20 19:09:32

Post by: Malika2

These might also be useful for Aeronautica Imperialis?

Novan Desert Stinger Platforms - £3.50

Stingers are static light anti-aircraft units that can be deployed almost anywhere. Consisting of a cruciform base mounting a weapons pedestal and operators catwalk, they provide low altitude anti-aircraft defence in the field as well as at military installations.

The most common weapons mounted are either twin heavy machine guns or twin light auto-cannon but other types of weapons are employed also.

Set consists of:

10 x Desert Stingers in two variants.

Models painted by Matthew O Brien


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/02/21 10:17:29

Post by: FrozenDwarf

drop the human and yes.
more so since ground asset kit apparently is just as their "board", limited run only.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/02/21 10:51:56

Post by: Sherrypie

Why would you need to drop the gunner? Crewmen look nice and are in scale anyway.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/02/21 12:43:39

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Just looks wierd.

If you are doing a troop pickup missions where the plane needs to land then yea it is ok, but for everyting else, the ground assests should be tokens only as you cant realy see that stuff when you are 1km+ up in the air.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/02/21 12:58:36

Post by: Sherrypie

By that reasoning there would be no use for any 3d tokens and one should simply resort to card chits, but if they're already using models for the guns why not crew too?

And with crew they're better suited for other games like Epic or AT too

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/03 13:17:55

Post by: Malika2

Im pondering about what other small terrain bits to design. Any suggestions?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/03 19:19:30

Post by: Sherrypie

 Malika2 wrote:
Im pondering about what other small terrain bits to design. Any suggestions?

Small buildings like warehouses, logistics parking lots, civic administrative offices, bio-domes or just small bits like fountains, park decorations, ventilation fans, solar panels and flying scifi cars to pretty up the scene?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/03 20:43:31

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Piles of wrecked cars and trucks?

Maybe military vehicles too?

Burned out cars are a stable of modern battlefields but usually absent from 40k. I imagine titans would just kick anything smaller than a baneblade out of the way.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/03 21:24:45

Post by: Racerguy180

 Sherrypie wrote:
 Malika2 wrote:
Im pondering about what other small terrain bits to design. Any suggestions?

Small buildings like warehouses, logistics parking lots, civic administrative offices, bio-domes or just small bits like fountains, park decorations, ventilation fans, solar panels and flying scifi cars to pretty up the scene?

after working on the manufactorum kit from GW, I think we need more power relays, chemical pools/vats, barrels, etc.

Gantry & walkways would also be appreciated.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/12 18:10:07

Post by: Malika2

Troublemaker Games' plastic sets are out!

Angled Gothic Wall Booster Pack - £6.00

Set contains:

10 x Gothic wall tiles

20 x Angle wall supports


Gun Emplacements Set - £14.00

Set contains:

12 x City wall tiles

12 x Half tiles

6 x Flying buttresses

6 x Gothic detail components

3 x Plasma turrets

3 x Cannon turrets


Habitorum Minoris Set - £14.00

Set contains:

8 x Gothic tiles

8 x Gothic half tiles

12 x Gothic detail components

4 x Flying buttresses

1 x Resin cast roof


Small Factory Set - £14.00

Set contains:

6 x Gothic tiles

2 x Industrial tiles

14 x City wall tiles

4 x Half tiles

2 x Flying buttresses

2 x Gothic detail components

8 x Sloped wall supports


Trenchline Set - £14.00

This set contains:

10 x Gothic wall tiles

10 x Gothic half tiles

5 x Flying buttresses

22 x Gothic detail components


Regarding the ruined set below, they've been sold out within the first day of release. Vanguard Miniatures hopes to have a new stock available ASAP!

Ruined Gothic City Set - £25.00

Set contains:

14 x Intact wall tiles

14 x Intact walls tiles with doorways

28 x Damaged wall corner tiles

14 x Partial floor pieces

28 x Half height flying buttresses


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/13 03:16:55

Post by: Racerguy180

those look great, might have to pick up a couple sets

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/13 03:23:34

Post by: Commander Cain

My stuff from the kickstarter should be showing up soon so I'll post some pics if I can build some of the stuff while I'm home. I ordered waaay too much terrain!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/13 03:44:51

Post by: Racerguy180


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/16 19:59:21

Post by: Malika2

First of all, the ruined gothic city set is back!

Also, more terrain!

Gothic Fortress Walls Set B - £25.00

Set contains:

38 x Fortress wall tiles with various reverse side details

8 x Gothic half tiles

20 x Angled wall supports

4 x Full height flying buttresses

4 x Half length gothic detail components

Games Workshop Titan model show without permission and for scale purposes only.


Gothic Fortress Wall Booster Pack - £6.00

Set contains:

10 x Gothic wall tiles

20 x Angle wall supports


And some 3mm reinforcement, but I would imagine some BFG fan would love this too!

3mm Novan Cargo Lighter B (In Flight) - £7.50

Resin casting of the Novan class B Cargo Lighter in flight mode.

1 x Hull

1 x Bridge

Model dimensions: hull length 80mm, wingspan 32mm.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/22 09:13:36

Post by: Mr_Rose

That is a very light lighter; four crates seems like a 1-man vessel but the stylings of the bridge etc. make it seem like the vessel is built for a crew of hundreds of (tiny) people.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/22 10:28:12

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Mr_Rose wrote:
That is a very light lighter; four crates seems like a 1-man vessel but the stylings of the bridge etc. make it seem like the vessel is built for a crew of hundreds of (tiny) people.

It depends on the size of the crates, each of those could be the size of a city block or larger.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/22 10:35:30

Post by: Mr_Rose

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
 Mr_Rose wrote:
That is a very light lighter; four crates seems like a 1-man vessel but the stylings of the bridge etc. make it seem like the vessel is built for a crew of hundreds of (tiny) people.

It depends on the size of the crates, each of those could be the size of a city block or larger.

While that is true, they are clearly styled on the same pattern as GW’s munitorum armoured containers, down to having a hinged ramp/door on the end with an apparent inspection hatch in what would be an extremely silly place on a building-sized pod.
It is really obvious and quite jarring, to me, is all.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/22 11:14:14

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Hrm I didn't notice the hatches. Easy enough to replace with some generic cylinders or something for BFG.

The ships themselves are meant for 3mm or 6mm IIRC.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/25 17:09:30

Post by: Cruentus

Has there been any progress on making the Defeat In Detail 3mm Prefabricated Installation larger?

I know there was a hint or tease of something coming. If that were made in 8mm to 10mm, that would be an auto buy.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/25 17:50:25

Post by: Commander Cain

If you are talking about the Gregsters Lab stuff, it was all made in a 6mm scale a while back but I believe it is too cumbersome to ship so it never made a full retail release outside of the indigogo campaign.


They did another crowdfunded set of terrain plus some gigantic 6mm scale tanks which never saw a wide release also.



Personally I'd cough up a lot of cash to get those things shipped to me, they look fantastic! I wish I had gotten into 6mm gaming earlier just so I could have picked all their stuff up

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/25 18:11:30

Post by: Malika2

IIRC Vanguard Miniatures were busy trying to stock up on some of Gregster's stuff, but it's indeed a tricky one.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/03/25 19:38:18

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Wasn't there a Void based 6mm kickstarter, Age of Empires or some such? Did that ever happen?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/04/01 07:13:40

Post by: Breotan

The Vanguard stuff seems about the best non-GW terrain out there at the moment.

I vaguely remember hearing about some sort of plastic terrain that the guys who make Dropzone Commander were supposed to have but I don't know what became of it. Too bad.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/04/02 07:03:10

Post by: Malika2

I'd like to add that Wasteland Game Studio also has some pretty sweet stuff. That being said, they're on a hiatus due to covid-19, luckily enough you can still get some of their stuff through Vanguard Miniatures: https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/product-category/terrain/wasteland-game-studio/

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/04/14 08:09:49

Post by: Malika2

Perhaps more useful for Aeronautica Imperialis?

Skinners Pilots And Mechanics - £6.00

Skinners pilots and mechanics.

Set contains:

20 x Skinners pilots

1 x Skinners Mechanic

3 x Skinners apprentices

Engineers painted by Stig Kelley.


Gobblers Ground Crew And Mechanics - £5.50

Ground crews for the Skinners airforces.

Set contains:

24 x Gobblers assistances

1 x Skinners Mechanic

3 x Skinners apprentices


Novan Regulars Pilots And Officers - £6.00

Aircrew and Command staff of the Novan Airborne Brigade.

Set contains:

20 x Pilots

5 x Officers

1 x Political Officer


Novan Regulars Ground Crews And Officers - £7.00

Novan Regulars service and ground control personnel with officers of the airborne brigade.

Set contains:

30 x Ground crew

5 x Officers

1 x Political Officer


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/04/14 18:35:00

Post by: Racerguy180

I now know what I need for my airbase battlefield.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/04/16 14:37:41

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Microworld just came up in a thread about Man O War. They also do 6mm sci fi that might be useful.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/06/15 06:59:29

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Just noticed that the 6mm version of Void called Age of Tyrants actually came out.


6mm infantry and some cool giant tanks. The Junkers have a Roman Legion look to them.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/07/25 16:14:58

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Another indy terrain company


6mm but should work in AT.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/07/25 16:51:45

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Good find! This might also be good for space games with a little work.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/07/26 06:39:02

Post by: Malika2

Add a bit of extra details to them and they're great!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/08/03 18:24:28

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Some ruined urban resin bases for the titans here folks


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/08/20 07:04:05

Post by: Malika2

Dunno if you guys have read this review of some of Vanguard Miniatures' stuff, but it has some nice teasers of the upcoming Stalker crew set!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/08/20 08:02:59

Post by: Pacific

Have to say those look awesome Malika, fit very well with the titan designs.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/08/20 12:07:07

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

That detail is incredible for 6mm

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/08/31 13:38:05

Post by: Malika2

Cybershadow – Battle Walker Crews - £8.75

This is a pre-production limited numbers release of this figure set and contains 1 of each sprue type shown in the main image.

A full production set will be released in the not to distant future.

Restricted to one set per customer at this time.

Note that these are first generation master castings the very best castings you can get.

Figures represented are: Pilots and commanders both seated and on foot (some with small arms), technical drones and engineers.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/09/25 06:41:48

Post by: sarcastro01

check out https://talon.games/collections/cav-strike-operations-10mm-battlefield-terrain. I know I saw the kickstarter pics in an earlier post but the stuff is up for sale with them now. I have a few of the generator packs and they are great!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/09/25 21:49:02

Post by: Malika2

sarcastro01 wrote:
check out https://talon.games/collections/cav-strike-operations-10mm-battlefield-terrain. I know I saw the kickstarter pics in an earlier post but the stuff is up for sale with them now. I have a few of the generator packs and they are great!

404 Page Not Found

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/09/26 01:02:11

Post by: Generalstoner

Hey guys so in terms of decals for Titan legios still with out them has anybody had any luck finding a cocktrice to use as legio Osedax?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/09/26 14:17:52

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Malika2 wrote:
sarcastro01 wrote:
check out https://talon.games/collections/cav-strike-operations-10mm-battlefield-terrain. I know I saw the kickstarter pics in an earlier post but the stuff is up for sale with them now. I have a few of the generator packs and they are great!

404 Page Not Found

The period messed it up, try this:


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2020/09/27 17:00:10

Post by: Pacific

Some cool little accessories there and pricing isn't too bad, thanks for the link

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/03/04 10:25:19

Post by: Malika2

New fortifications are out, they're compatible with the heavy rotary cannons and the heavy laser cannons.

6mm Novan – Heavy Ordnance Bunker

The heavy ordnance bunker is designed to be built into terrain features for increased protection and concealment, the reinforced roof also provides excellent protection for the turret from enemy air attack Typically found near large military installations and other high value assets they are often well camouflaged and difficult to spot until they open fire.

This model kit consists of three resin cast bunker components and has been designed to take one of vanguards heavy ordnance turrets.

Turret and figure shown for scale only and is not included.


6mm Novan – Heavy Ordnance Emplacements set

A set of three variant emplacements for use with my heavy ordnance turrets.

2 x ground level emplacements

1 x small bunker emplacement

Turrets and figure show for scale only and are not included.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/03/19 12:07:32

Post by: Malika2

Some new scatter terrain:

6mm Waste Bins Set

Even in the future you need somewhere to put your rubbish.

Set contains:

4 x large waste bins with lids

8 x bins (2 variants)

4 x wheelie bins

Novan Elite and Regular shown for scale purposes only and is not included in this set.


6mm Gothic Dragons Teeth

A set of 30 x individual dragons teeth tank obstacles.

Novan Elite shown for scale purposes only and is not included in this set.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/03/19 12:46:42

Post by: Sherrypie

Now, I did not know I needed some waste bins for 6 mm gaming, buuuut...

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/03/19 13:32:36

Post by: Malika2

 Sherrypie wrote:
Now, I did not know I needed some waste bins for 6 mm gaming, buuuut...

We all need more 'cute' little 6mm terrain bits battlefields are more than just (ruined) buildings and factories. I hope these bits will sell well enough for Vanguard Miniatures to be convinced to put my other civilian terrain bits into productions...electric poles, cogitators, holodesks, grave stones, etc.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/03/21 17:28:16

Post by: Crablezworth

 Malika2 wrote:
 Sherrypie wrote:
Now, I did not know I needed some waste bins for 6 mm gaming, buuuut...

We all need more 'cute' little 6mm terrain bits battlefields are more than just (ruined) buildings and factories. I hope these bits will sell well enough for Vanguard Miniatures to be convinced to put my other civilian terrain bits into productions...electric poles, cogitators, holodesks, grave stones, etc.

Agreed, metal is nice for the weight in terms of scatter terrain and more civilian stuff is always cool. Civilian cars and farming equipment would be cool. Anything that helps push the scale, tiny food trucks would be cool too.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/03/21 19:13:04

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Malika, great stuff as always!

Crablezworth, Z Gauge railway stuff (IIRC) might have the trucks and cars you're looking for.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/03/21 23:09:02

Post by: Malika2

Would love to design some civilian cars, that would be pretty sweet!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/03/22 14:47:21

Post by: Crablezworth

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Malika, great stuff as always!

Crablezworth, Z Gauge railway stuff (IIRC) might have the trucks and cars you're looking for.

I gotta hit up the local hobby shop and get some trees in that scale.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Malika2 wrote:
Would love to design some civilian cars, that would be pretty sweet!

Gotta design a futuristic garbage truck to match the waste bins/dumpsters

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/03/27 23:09:53

Post by: Malika2

Big announcement!

A new venture for vanguard miniatures today sees the release of the first in hopefully a long line of 3D resin printed products.
The first releases are all terrain related, my old medium landing pad and heavy bunker previously available as resin casts, and two new products, a small balcony set and outrigger landing pad to enhance your building models.

Building Small Outrigger Landing Pad (6mm)

A small landing pad that can be added to the side of a building or other structure.


Model is 3D resin printed.
Print supports have been removed but some clean up may be required.
Model has been hollowed so hole filling may be required.
Figure show for scale purposes only and is not included.
Dimensions, W. 35mms H. 35mms


Small Balcony Set (6mm)

A set of two small 3D resin printed balconies to customise your building models.


Print supports have been removed but some clean up will be necessary.
Figure show for scale purposes only and is not included.
Dimensions, small 20mm x 15mm x 5mm, large, 38mm x 15.5mm x 5mm.


Novan – Medium Landing Pad A 6mm

A common hard landing pad design found on many Novan worlds.

Set contains one resin printed medium landing pad.


Pad dimensions: 90mm wide, 5mm in height.
Print supports have been removed but some tidy up may be required.
Figure show for scale purposes only and is not included in this set.


Novan – Heavy Ordnance Defence Redoubt (6mm)

The Novan heavy ordinance defence bunker can be found all across Tusculum Nova typically guarding the approaches to cities, starports and military installations. Variably armed and often found in mutually supporting positions alongside other defensive measures and garrisoned by a least a platoon of infantry these bunkers have proven there worth during countless conflicts.

Set contains:

1 x Resin printed bunker

1 x Resin cast heavy laser turret

1 x Resin cast heavy rotary cannon turret

1 x Metal radar dish


Bunker dimensions: 125mm wide, 65mm depth, 15mm high, not including turrets or radar dish.
Print supports have been removed but some tidy up may be required.
Model has been hollowed so hole filling may be required.
Figure show for scale purposes only and is not included in the set.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/03/28 06:06:46

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

All good stuff!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/03/28 10:05:13

Post by: CorwinB

Very nice!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/04/18 13:35:53

Post by: Malika2

Remember the big gun I've shared last week in the rumours section? Apparently it was part of some additional 3D printed terrain kits!

Novan Elites – Forward Operating Base (FOB)

The Novan Elites forward operating base (FOB) is a pre-fabricated modular fortification that can be assembled in many configurations. This set contains the components to assembly one configuration “A” structure with two gatehouses and four defence turret mounts. This model should see further modules released to expand on the theme and open up new layout options.

Set contains:

6 x plain walls

4 x walls with light turret positions

2 x gatehouses

2 x gates

1 x sentry turret sprue

Dimensions: 165mms square, wall height to top of parapet 24mms


1) These models have been 3D resin printed and are hollow to reduce weight and material cost, print supports have been removed but some clean up may still be required.
2) Model has been designed to enable magnet use as desired.
3) Various miniatures show for scale purposes only, GW knight shown without permission.


Novan Elites – FOB Upgrade – Bunker With Dish

This is an upgrade module for the Novan Elites forward operating base model, a heavy bunker that provides the FOB with a powerful multi-function dish.

Set contains:

1 x bunker

1 x bunker roof

I x dish

1 x dish turntable

Dimensions: bunker height not including the dish 45mms, 75mms long on a side, replaces three corner modules.


1) All components are 3D resin printed.

2) Print supports have been removed but some tidy up may be required.

3) Some file work will be required to get the roof and dish to sit properly in there locations.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/04/20 17:18:46

Post by: Crablezworth

Love the firebase, can totally see marine vehicles parked inside and little dudes manning the walls. Really like the turret option.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/01 15:40:06

Post by: Malika2

This might come in handy?

Gothic Flying Buttress Set

A set of 8 x resin cast gothic flying buttresses.

Limited edition product.


Height: 36mms
Resin colour may vary


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/05 09:53:56

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Those could also be good for 28mm, a nice replacement for the OOP cities of death terrain.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/09 19:02:33

Post by: SamusDrake

They look fantastic alternatives! Bloomin marvelous for only £12.50.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/30 10:02:03

Post by: Malika2

The first bunch of terrain kits I've designed are now available on my Cults3d!

Type Alpha Logistics Crates:

The Type Alpha Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 16 opened crates (various types of contents)
- 1 crate handler (figure is about 7.3mm tall)


Type Beta Logistics Crates:

The Type Beta Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 10 opened crates (various types of contents)
- 6 combinations of stacked crates
- 1 crate handler (figure is about 7.4mm tall)


Type Gamma Logistics Crates:

The Type Gamma Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 15 opened crates (various types of contents)
- 1 crate handler (figure is about 7.3mm tall)
- 8 combinations of stacked crates


Type Delta Logistics Crates:

The Type Delta Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 10 combinations of stacked crates
- 2 crate handlers (each little less than 7.5mm tall)


Type Alpha Transport Drums:

The Type Alpha Transport Drums fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 individual transport drum
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked on top of each other
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked next one another
- 1 handler (figure is about 7.2mm tall)


Type Beta Transport Drums:

The Type Beta Transport Drums fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 individual transport drum
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked on top of each other
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked next one another
- 1 handler (figure is about 6.9mm tall)


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/30 15:23:54

Post by: Pacific

Wow those look awesome, I am almost certainly going to be getting some crates of bananas for my ork settlements (as everyone knows, the banana is the fruit of choice for most orks)

Out of interest Malika will you be selling prints of these for people without a 3D printer?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/30 16:17:11

Post by: Malika2

I don't have a printer myself, so I can't sell prints directly. If I can find a Print on Demand party or something along those lines, they might be able to then sell prints of my designs instead.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/30 17:39:14

Post by: Crablezworth

 Malika2 wrote:
I don't have a printer myself, so I can't sell prints directly. If I can find a Print on Demand party or something along those lines, they might be able to then sell prints of my designs instead.

It'd be worth getting a friend or a commercial printer to do a run of the current kits so you can show the pictures of the finished prints. I also don't own a printer but a friend of mine does, one thing he pointed out to me is he's more likely to buy stl's if there are pictures of the prints.

I really love these, def plan on trying some out myself, also really looking forward to the stuff you previewed on facebook like the ship and vending machines.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/30 18:19:23

Post by: Malika2

It'd be worth getting a friend or a commercial printer to do a run of the current kits so you can show the pictures of the finished prints. I also don't own a printer but a friend of mine does, one thing he pointed out to me is he's more likely to buy stl's if there are pictures of the prints.

I should find someone to partner up with indeed. In theory I just need a hobbyist with a printer and time to print and paint the models. I could supply him/her with the STL's for free.

I really love these, def plan on trying some out myself, also really looking forward to the stuff you previewed on facebook like the ship and vending machines.

The vending machines, amplifiers, and potted cacti will most likely be released later this week, if not early next week. The first two shuttles will hopefully be ready later this month. The third one will probably be done by the end of the month if not sometime in October.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/30 18:46:23

Post by: Crablezworth

One thing that works too is offering something small for free, like posting a free stl (this could be as small as one of the crates or one of the little dudes) and posting it all over, thingiverse and cults. Helps people remember to come back and see what else you're offering and they can test print themselves and see it how it comes out.

It's like those anti drug psa's when we were kids where the drug dealer gives out free drugs "first one's free"

Gotta get'm hooked

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/30 20:28:44

Post by: Malika2

I might just do that, sort of a simple sample pack.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/30 20:35:02

Post by: Crablezworth

 Malika2 wrote:
I might just do that, sort of a simple sample pack.

Nice, I'm stoked


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/31 06:47:11

Post by: Malika2

Simple free sample pack!


Just some free samples for you guys to try out. The kit contains:
- 1 drunk worker
- 1 potted cactus
- 1 closed Type Alpha Logistics Crate
- 1 empty Type Beta Logistics Crate


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/31 07:33:28

Post by: Crablezworth

Nice, lovely little sampler. I like that you chose the guy with the bottle. Picked up the alpha logistics set, I love the crate handler servitor

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/31 07:35:26

Post by: Malika2

Ah, that was you? Awesome! Thanks for the support. I can't wait to see what you'll do with these.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/31 20:36:51

Post by: Crablezworth

 Malika2 wrote:
Ah, that was you? Awesome! Thanks for the support. I can't wait to see what you'll do with these.

Now I just gotta patiently wait for my buddy to get more resin in

Sent you a pm with a little idea I had

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/31 21:22:20

Post by: slave.entity

Did anyone mention Broncofish's Grimdark Terrain? Some of the best terrain sculpts I've ever seen. I don't play AT yet but I want to get into it just to use his terrain.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/08/31 21:42:06

Post by: Crablezworth

Ya grimdark terrain is awesome, fits perfectly into the setting of the game and makes it feel lived in. Everything in this is grimdark but the crates and gw bits. (and vanguard miniatures dudes on the forklifts)

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/09/01 08:59:45

Post by: Malika2

Grimdark Terrain's stuff is pretty mind blowing! I feel it could work nice on its own, but I feel it's even cooler when combined with terrain kits from GW, Vanguard Miniatures, Troublemaker Games, and all the others out there. Just to give your city that extra level of 'realism'.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/09/01 09:16:14

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I just put these up in the thread about historical models but it should go here too.

German flak towers from Takom models+a zeppelin.


1/350, versus Titanicus which is ~1/285 but I imagine they will look fine.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/09/01 09:26:22

Post by: Malika2

I think that with some minor grimdark styled tweaks those buildings would work amazingly!!!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/09/03 20:57:47

Post by: Jack Flask

Not sure how useful this will be, but I figured I'd share.

I assume most people who play/used to play 40k probably remember the Pegasus Hobbies Chemical Plant kit which was pretty popular for running pipes around your terrain.

I think I just found an equivalent in Epic/Titanicus scale.

Here's some comparison shots I took with a Vanguard Miniatures servitor and guardsman.

It's a little bit overscaled compared to real life but I think that actually works towards the 40k aesthetic. And if you just want the pipes there are also sets E (duplicate pipe sprues from A, B, and D) and G (even more pipes and a unique sprue of support beams to make elevated pipe networks)

The only problem is that I don't know where you can get them outside of Japan. The few export sites I saw them on were all out of stock.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/09/03 21:20:51

Post by: Malika2

Wooooow, that is pretty darned awesome!!!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/09/04 08:38:52

Post by: Pacific

Those look very cool - thanks for sharing!

Will have to take a look on Scalemates and see if any distributors outside of Japan sell it.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/09/04 14:34:40

Post by: Malika2

New kits out!

Smallscale speaker boxes

These speaker boxes are great for those who'd love to kitbash in smallscale (6mm / 8mm). Whilst originally designed for 6mm / 8mm scales, these might also work for bigger ones. You might want to check the details when going bigger than 15mm scale.

This set contains the following parts:
- 3 types of individual speakers
- 10 individual handing speakers
- 4 types of racked hanging speakers
- 9 combinations of stacked speakers
- bonus worker


Smallscale graveyard

Bring out your dead! This kit will allow you to easily build cemeteries in 6mm / 8mm scales. The necropolis structure and graves are modular, allowing for many different combinations to be made.

This kit contains the following parts:
- modular necropolis (crypts with terminal, crypts, roof)
- modular graves (4 graves, 4 gravestones)
- 3 caskets
- 6 dead bodies*
- 9 bundles of candles

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!

*one of the corpses might have an orientation issue on the faces, the software are contradicting one another. Which is why I've included two versions of it. Please let me know if there are any issues!


Smallscale cacti

These cacti will allow you to decorate your smallscale terrain and bases. Whilst originally designed for 6mm or 8mm scale, they should also work for larger scales if resized.

The kit contains the following bits:
- 28 potted cacti
- 13 unpotted cacti
- 8 empty pots
- 1 worker

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!


Smallscale vending machines

Even in the grimdark future one might need a quick drink or snack! These vending machines are suitable for many smallscale (6mm or 8mm) projects, but could also be resized for bigger stuff. I wouldn't recommend going bigger than 15mm without redoing the details.

This set contains the following bits:
- 10 different vending machines
- 3 drunk workers

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/09/12 09:55:22

Post by: Malika2

New release!

Smallscale Shipping Containers (Type Alpha):

Various types of shipping containers are found throughout the human colonies. The Type Alpha Shipping Container is one of these. Besides being used to transport goods, it also has a market stand variant.

This modular container designed for 6mm/8mm scaled gaming, so it would fit perfectly with stuff like Adeptus Titanicus or Battletech. But it could probably be upscaled to larger scales as well.

The kit contains the following parts:
- standard shipping container (19.75mm long x 13.5mm tall x 11mm wide)
- ventilated shipping container
- long shipping container (39.5mm long x 13.5mm tall x 11mm wide)
- 6 types of standard containers converted into market stands
- 8 types of container hatches


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/09/16 10:54:34

Post by: Malika2

Don't on a 3D printer, but still want my bits? I've been reaching out to some parties to distribute my designs. First of them are TapThatGames. I've sent them my entire catalog, so hopefully you'll be able to order your printed models from there soon.

But first up is the Cemetery Kit:

Available here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1070467620/bits-blitz-cemetary-kit

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/09/18 14:55:22

Post by: Malika2

Need some civilian shuttles?

Scarab class civilian shuttle

The Scarab class civilian shuttle is designed for smallscale (6mm / 8mm) gaming, making it compatible for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, Aeronautica Imperialis, X-Wing and others.

The kit contains the following parts:
- 3x hulls (landing gears out, landing gears in, separate landing gears)
- separate landing gears
- 2x crew members


Beetle class civilian shuttle

The Beetle class civilian shuttle is designed for smallscale (6mm / 8mm) gaming, making it compatible for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, Aeronautica Imperialis, X-Wing and others.

The kit contains the following parts:
- 3x hulls (landing gears out, landing gears in, separate landing gears)
- 2x engines
- 3x hatches (closed, opened, crew member walking out)
- separate landing gears
- crew member


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/09/23 08:08:43

Post by: Malika2

New release!

Smallscale ventilation systems

These smallscale (6mm/8mm) ventilation systems were designed to be used on buildings and vehicles for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, and Dropzone Commander. It could of course also be used for other projects and resized if needed.

The kit contains the following items:
- 21 types of ventilation systems
- 2 types of windcatchers
- 1 mechanic

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/09/28 09:20:39

Post by: Malika2

Various of my items have become available on Tap That Games!

Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Vending Machines


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Gamma Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Delta Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Beta Transport Drums


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Beta Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Alpha Transport Drums


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Alpha Shipping Containers


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain- Type Alpha Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scatter Terrain- Cacti Set


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/10/01 09:19:45

Post by: Malika2

Another free sample pack out!

Just some free samples for you guys to try out. The kit contains:
- 1 luggage carrier
- 1 logistics worker
- 1 speaker box
- 1 bundle of candles
- 1 ventilation box


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/10/18 09:04:33

Post by: Malika2

New bit released by Vanguard Miniatures:

Tower Roof

A solid resin cast tower rooftop formerly available as part of the Habitorum plastic tiles set, now available separately.

1 x resin dome

1. Base 50mms square, height 55mms


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/10/25 08:05:16

Post by: Malika2

New printed terrain out!

So many moons ago Troublemaker Games did a Kickstarter campaign for 3D printable terrain. Now Vanguard Miniatures is stocking some of those items, selling them as printed items (no need to ask for STL's here).

Small Gas Tanks

Set of four different small gas tanks compatible with Troublemaker Games plastic terrain sets


-Resin printed product
-8mm tall infantry figure show for size purposes only


Roof Top Vents

Set of four different roof top vents compatible with Troublemaker Games plastic terrain sets


-Resin printed product
-8mm tall infantry figure show for size purposes only


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/02 22:43:09

Post by: Malika2

Found this, thought some of you might appreciate this: https://hardwarestudios.co/product/sprawl-under-siege-6mm-scatter-set-06-repair-bays/

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/09 14:58:11

Post by: Malika2

My first building just got released!

Alpha Hab Tower

The Alpha Hab Tower is designed for 6mm/8mm gaming, but it could probably be upscaled for 10mm and 15mm scaled gaming as well. This makes the Alpha Hab Tower suitable for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Dropzone Commander, or Battletech.

The kit consists of the following parts:
- 3 types of entrances (all windows, single row of balconies, double row of balconies)
- 3 types of back walls (all windows, single row of balconies, double row of balconies)
- 3 types of side walls (all windows, single row of balconies, double row of balconies)
- 2 types of roofs
- 7 types of balconies

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/09 21:47:04

Post by: Crablezworth

Very approximate, but sorta rough idea for scale. Reaver is my buddy's tiger eyes SMM painting.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/10 14:24:46

Post by: Albertorius


Now I need to see how it prints in pla and resin.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/10 15:24:22

Post by: Malika2

 Albertorius wrote:

Now I need to see how it prints in pla and resin.

Keep me posted on how that goes, very curious to see what you'll do with this design. Purely based on the wall and roof options you've got 162 different combinations to play with. That's without counting the different balconies you'd end up using.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/10 15:33:25

Post by: Albertorius

Well, first things first I'll need to test them as-is, probably with the easiest to setup (windowed)

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/10 16:33:13

Post by: Crablezworth

 Albertorius wrote:
Well, first things first I'll need to test them as-is, probably with the easiest to setup (windowed)

Any kinda scale shot would be great, photoshoped the reaver by eye but not sure how close it is.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/13 14:54:32

Post by: Albertorius

Ok, let's see: printed one on the FDM one and another on the resin one. The FDM took about 13 hours >_>, and... well, it seems there were some issues with the models (I did actually need to repair the models when prepping them for resin, so it might be something about that). But FDM slicers tend to be very picky with files, so....


The resin building is proper chonky!. I think it would probably be better if we had the full building and the floor as two separate files (without the balconies) in various combinations: that way it would be easier to print, supports wise, and you could make the buiding thinner and save a lot of resin (you could probably make it half as heavy at least without losing any integrity). It would also allow you to print them directly from the plate with no or minimal supports needed.

It does look pretty cool, all told, and size wise it looks like so:

And the other sides:

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/13 15:53:28

Post by: Malika2

So all four walls as a single piece and the roof still separate? Lemme see what I can do there.

As for the wall thickness, right now The walls are around 4mm (some parts thicker, some thinner) thick. Can I decrease it to an average of 2mm you think?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/13 16:02:23

Post by: Albertorius

 Malika2 wrote:
So all four walls as a single piece and the roof still separate? Lemme see what I can do there.

As for the wall thickness, right now The walls are around 4mm (some parts thicker, some thinner) thick. Can I decrease it to an average of 2mm you think?

Yes, that was what I meant, that way you could even put it directly on the printing plate, and the floor separate would avoid the need of making anything complicated like holes to avoid straining the fep or the like.

As for thickness, I've printed full sized 40k tanks hollowed out with 1.2mm walls, so I'm pretty confident that 2mm is more than enough. Making the walls thinner would also make them easier to print vertical as a full building with supports, as each layer would be smaller. For a regular sized resin printer, I think you should be able to print 3, maybe four buildings without roofs on a single print (provided you print directly on the plate or put some thick base supports). Then you can print another plate with the floors and the balconies you need, and voilá.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/13 17:18:39

Post by: Malika2

I was thinking of perhaps selling the kit with thinner walls, but do give the instruction of first putting four walls together before printing. That way you’d print a single piece building and simply add the roof on top afterwards.

That way I would still keep the very modular nature of the kit, without having to sell 81 different buildings! :p

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/13 17:28:56

Post by: Albertorius

 Malika2 wrote:
I was thinking of perhaps selling the kit with thinner walls, but do give the instruction of first putting four walls together before printing. That way you’d print a single piece building and simply add the roof on top afterwards.

That way I would still keep the very modular nature of the kit, without having to sell 81 different buildings! :p

That should certainly work for resin, yes, and even for FDM too (although for FDM it would probably be better to have fully solid buildings and let the slicer calculate tie filler). After all, it's easy to just put them all together in window's 3d builder or whatever, but thinning them down will certainly help, and if they're meant to be printed that way, the backs of the front and back tiles of the building wouldn't need the extra recesses that they have now, so they could be completely flat as the sides.

You'd just need to add them to the current ones as options, probably stating what's the expected working method.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/13 17:55:38

Post by: Crablezworth

Nice pics, looks awesome

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/13 17:56:30

Post by: Albertorius

So, turns out I could fit three on the Mars 3's bed:

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/13 18:54:25

Post by: Malika2

Quick question, is the bit underneath the entrance staircase still hollowed out or have you now made it solid in order to print it like that?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/13 19:10:40

Post by: Albertorius

 Malika2 wrote:
Quick question, is the bit underneath the entrance staircase still hollowed out or have you now made it solid in order to print it like that?

Still hollowed out, there is no actual need to make it solid, I think, as it would mostly support by itself.

I haven't actually checked anything yet, just positioning and how long would it take to assemble the four pieces.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/13 22:20:03

Post by: Malika2

Did you have any difficulties with printing the eagle heads on the roof?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/13 22:55:01

Post by: Albertorius

 Malika2 wrote:
Did you have any difficulties with printing the eagle heads on the roof?

Not really, no, they came out no problem both with the pdf and the resin print.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/14 10:16:09

Post by: Malika2

I've updated the building in my store, so adjusted front/back walls and an extra instruction advising people to first put the walls together and printing those as a single piece.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/14 10:34:25

Post by: Albertorius

 Malika2 wrote:
I've updated the building in my store, so adjusted front/back walls and an extra instruction advising people to first put the walls together and printing those as a single piece.

Nice, thanks

I'll try to prep some to print next weekend, see how it goes.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/15 01:13:50

Post by: Crablezworth

I'm envisioning and upgrade pack with even more balconies and possibly a small landing pad that could fit into the single/double slots for the balconies. Maybe even a rooftop landing pad could be cool to shake things up. I showed my buddy all the different little dues on balconies and he immediately said "he's gotta do some strippers" lol could do a red light district expansion set

@Malika perhaps with Albertorius's permission you could post some of the pics on the fb page and relevant AT groups, the shot with the knight is great for scale. Also nice to see it in plastic and resin.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/15 07:09:09

Post by: Albertorius

 Crablezworth wrote:
I'm envisioning and upgrade pack with even more balconies and possibly a small landing pad that could fit into the single/double slots for the balconies. Maybe even a rooftop landing pad could be cool to shake things up. I showed my buddy all the different little dues on balconies and he immediately said "he's gotta do some strippers" lol could do a red light district expansion set

@Malika perhaps with Albertorius's permission you could post some of the pics on the fb page and relevant AT groups, the shot with the knight is great for scale. Also nice to see it in plastic and resin.

If it's of any help I'd be glad to. I'll also try and post the print on Cults, for show.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/15 08:25:22

Post by: Malika2

 Crablezworth wrote:
I'm envisioning and upgrade pack with even more balconies and possibly a small landing pad that could fit into the single/double slots for the balconies. Maybe even a rooftop landing pad could be cool to shake things up. I showed my buddy all the different little dues on balconies and he immediately said "he's gotta do some strippers" lol could do a red light district expansion set

I am very tempted to do some other variant bits that fit into the building. Including a type of roof that will allow you to make the building twice as tall. Different balconies (including ones with plant pots hanging on them) are also planned. Haven't really thought of strippers yet

@Malika perhaps with Albertorius's permission you could post some of the pics on the fb page and relevant AT groups, the shot with the knight is great for scale. Also nice to see it in plastic and resin.

I was kinda waiting for Albertorius to paint these up, but I could also show the ones he's already shared.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/15 08:46:53

Post by: Crablezworth

 Malika2 wrote:
 Crablezworth wrote:
I'm envisioning and upgrade pack with even more balconies and possibly a small landing pad that could fit into the single/double slots for the balconies. Maybe even a rooftop landing pad could be cool to shake things up. I showed my buddy all the different little dues on balconies and he immediately said "he's gotta do some strippers" lol could do a red light district expansion set

I am very tempted to do some other variant bits that fit into the building. Including a type of roof that will allow you to make the building twice as tall. Different balconies (including ones with plant pots hanging on them) are also planned. Haven't really thought of strippers yet

@Malika perhaps with Albertorius's permission you could post some of the pics on the fb page and relevant AT groups, the shot with the knight is great for scale. Also nice to see it in plastic and resin.

I was kinda waiting for Albertorius to paint these up, but I could also show the ones he's already shared.

Different balconies sounds cool, plants sounds cool. Was thinking you could try and see what some of the AC units look like if they fit into the balcony slots. Also maybe little signs too that can slot in where the balconies go. I like the height just fine myself, in fact the wider one you preview on fb look cool too. Guess that bigger one is gonna be called beta tower hab?

As for Albertorius's awesome pics, it goes over better in the groups cuz it's more tailored to AT, and the scale is pretty informative. I know I was stoked to see the pics for scale, double stoked to see it in resin and fdm. Def agree it will be cool to see them painted, the wip progress shots help get people invested. Always cool to see a project come together.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/15 09:39:25

Post by: Malika2

Different balconies sounds cool, plants sounds cool.

I feel that those little details really make the terrain feel more 'real', sort of like how this scene gives it a more 'alive' feeling.

Was thinking you could try and see what some of the AC units look like if they fit into the balcony slots. Also maybe little signs too that can slot in where the balconies go.

I haven't considered different stuff in the balcony slots yet, I'll have to look into that.

I like the height just fine myself, in fact the wider one you preview on fb look cool too. Guess that bigger one is gonna be called beta tower hab?

I was thinking of doing a few different building shapes using the wall components I've designed. The roofs would then kinda determine the shape of the building, but users can then decide which wall components they'd use. Was even thinking of trying out the roof shapes sort of similar to the old AT88 buildings.

As for Albertorius's awesome pics, it goes over better in the groups cuz it's more tailored to AT, and the scale is pretty informative. I know I was stoked to see the pics for scale, double stoked to see it in resin and fdm. Def agree it will be cool to see them painted, the wip progress shots help get people invested. Always cool to see a project come together.

Sounds cool!

@Albertonius, would you be cool if I'd feature your pics on my channels? Also, are you on Instagram? If so, I can then tag you as well.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/15 11:40:50

Post by: Albertorius

 Malika2 wrote:
Different balconies sounds cool, plants sounds cool.

I feel that those little details really make the terrain feel more 'real', sort of like how this scene gives it a more 'alive' feeling.

Was thinking you could try and see what some of the AC units look like if they fit into the balcony slots. Also maybe little signs too that can slot in where the balconies go.

I haven't considered different stuff in the balcony slots yet, I'll have to look into that.

I feel that you could really go all hog with those, now you have the slots: you could add multi-level details, for example, that would slot with the balcoly holes, like for example bridges to other buildings, or landing pads, defense turrets, new building faces for specific levels (for example, you could convert one level into something else fronting it on th balconies, like, dunno, a techier front), or big old signs and the like... there's lots of possibilitles just adding to what's already there.

@Albertonius, would you be cool if I'd feature your pics on my channels? Also, are you on Instagram? If so, I can then tag you as well.

Sure, of course, no problem , happy to help. I do not have Instagram, though, I'm kind of low key ^^. Mostly I have the printing and painting thread here and sometimes I post something on twitter.

Also, I did a bit of a hack job with the FDM one, adding some grass to try and hide some of the misprints (lower your expectations accordingly ^^):

The other one I've only drybrushed it so far, but I think the aswesome detail is now much more visible, so here it is:

And lastly, scale Warhound:

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/15 11:49:13

Post by: Malika2

Wow...just wow...

Here is one that has been printed and primed by Wolfkeeper over on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CWS0f9Mqq8z/

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/15 11:59:42

Post by: Albertorius

Looking very nice! Hopefully they'll also post painted pics afterwards.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/19 21:47:32

Post by: Crablezworth

If anyone is looking for good AT terrain files, the lazy forger has a black friday sale today, 30% off with the code LAZYFRIDAY30. They also released the long awaited second shanty set today and it looks awesome, reminds me of half life 2 a bit.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/19 21:52:10

Post by: Albertorius

I have some of those and they're really cool

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/19 23:16:35

Post by: Crablezworth

 Albertorius wrote:
I have some of those and they're really cool

If ya print any I'd love to see some pics, just got them but still waiting on my buddy to fix his printer.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/22 14:55:28

Post by: Malika2

I thought these might come in handy for some Titanicus bases / terrain:

b]Novan Regulars – Siege Troops Casualties[/b]

Casualty figures that can be added to bases to create little vignettes and or for making 3D damage/wound/suppression markers, or anything else you can think of.

Set contains:

4 x casualties sprues (24 x figures in 6 poses)

1 x Quarter master team sprue (4 x figures)

28 x figures in total


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/24 16:36:17

Post by: Malika2

Don't have your own printer but still wanna get your hands on the Alpha Hab Tower? DG Minis UK have got you covered!

Available here!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/24 19:23:20

Post by: Crablezworth

Nice! Just playing around with the options, balconies don't seem to add to the cost. Also wondering if it's like the same balcony or the ones with dudes on them. Price seems really good, just wondering how the balcony stuff works.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/24 21:10:43

Post by: Malika2

Yah, that’s also a bit unclear to me. Perhaps an idea to ask on DG Minis’ facebook page?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/25 13:18:40

Post by: Pacific

 Crablezworth wrote:
If anyone is looking for good AT terrain files, the lazy forger has a black friday sale today, 30% off with the code LAZYFRIDAY30. They also released the long awaited second shanty set today and it looks awesome, reminds me of half life 2 a bit.

That looks amazing, thanks for the link! It would be perfect, with a few mods, for my Ork 'central business district'

Now to contact a mate with a printer..

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/25 20:16:59

Post by: Crablezworth

 Pacific wrote:
 Crablezworth wrote:
If anyone is looking for good AT terrain files, the lazy forger has a black friday sale today, 30% off with the code LAZYFRIDAY30. They also released the long awaited second shanty set today and it looks awesome, reminds me of half life 2 a bit.

That looks amazing, thanks for the link! It would be perfect, with a few mods, for my Ork 'central business district'

Now to contact a mate with a printer..

Workin on mine

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/26 11:08:39

Post by: Pacific

Lookin' very good!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/11/26 21:06:40

Post by: Crablezworth

 Pacific wrote:
Lookin' very good!

Thanks guy, now I just gotta finish them

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/12/16 12:40:52

Post by: Malika2

Bring out yer dead!

I've decided to release the dead workers from the cemetery kit as a separate package.
The dead workers can be found here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/smallscale-dead-workers

The original cemetery kit can be downloaded here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/smallscale-cemetery-kit

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/12/16 15:01:02

Post by: Crablezworth

Nice!, gotta do a limited edition horrible drunks version for new years where it's the same set of 6 but they've all got bottles in their hands

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/12/16 16:09:55

Post by: Malika2

 Crablezworth wrote:
Nice!, gotta do a limited edition horrible drunks version for new years where it's the same set of 6 but they've all got bottles in their hands

Now I want to do grimdark Allo Allo!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/12/16 22:17:42

Post by: Crablezworth

A third set for "sleepy mechanics" and they've all got like wrenches in their hands

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/12/20 13:40:44

Post by: Crablezworth

So the lazy forger just dropped this out of nowhere, make me nostalgic for the movie contact, it's also HUGE. This thing is like the size of a reaver titan. Best part, for all that detail it's only 3 pieces.



[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/12/20 16:29:19

Post by: Overread

I really need to get some of his stuff - its awesome!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/12/20 20:24:31

Post by: Malika2


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2021/12/29 13:42:37

Post by: Malika2

Final release of the year!


Designed for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Epic, or Battletech in mind, these crude structures will give your battlefield some extra character. This kit includes 6 highly detailed 6mm/8mm scaled structures.

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/01/06 09:02:28

Post by: Malika2

For those who don't have a 3d printer of their own:


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/03/01 01:55:13

Post by: Crablezworth

Some examples of grimdark terrain, the lazy forger and bits blitz designs stuff on the table. Everything vibes very well together.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/03/21 09:54:52

Post by: Malika2

Many were a bit disappointed by the pricy resin Armigers by FW, not to mention the inferior casting quality. Perhaps this might be a suitable alternative?

Novan Regulars – Corsair Pattern Light Battle Strider

The Corsair light battle strider was amongst the first of a new generation of battle walkers to come from the armouries of the Great Houses of the Novan Commonwealth.

Set contains:

3 x Corsair light battle striders

Two hull weapon types included.

Two arm weapon loadouts included.


1) Three leg poses
2) Two sensor head designs
3) Optional open cockpit torso with pilot figure
4) Model height approximately 26mms not including shoulder weapon
5) Plastic bases not included.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/03/21 16:10:14

Post by: Crablezworth

Wow, there's no excuse from forge world to not be able to give weapon options. They even come with different head options from the looks of it, I love the open cockpit one too, such a cool idea.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/03/21 16:39:43

Post by: Togusa

 Malika2 wrote:
Don't have your own printer but still wanna get your hands on the Alpha Hab Tower? DG Minis UK have got you covered!

Available here!

How well do these work with the existing Civitas kits that come from GW?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/03/21 19:23:26

Post by: Malika2

 Togusa wrote:
 Malika2 wrote:
Don't have your own printer but still wanna get your hands on the Alpha Hab Tower? DG Minis UK have got you covered!

Available here!

How well do these work with the existing Civitas kits that come from GW?

Scale wise they would work just fine. But it's not as if the parts are just interchangeable like that.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/03/22 13:41:40

Post by: Crablezworth

They match the aesthetic really well. If you're looking to kit bash tho the grimdark terrain stuff might work better because some of the pieces are designed to fit.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/03/30 14:25:03

Post by: Malika2

Who needs some Eloi objective markers?

Eloi Objective Markers – (STL Download)


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/03/31 06:38:08

Post by: CragHack

I have a 3d printer, are there any GOOD (really close to civitas imperialis in terms of looks) stl files?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/04/08 09:53:24

Post by: Malika2

Anyone see the latest release by Grimdark Terrain?


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/04/19 10:00:32

Post by: Malika2

I guess these could work as Eldar Knights...

Eloi Federation – Savage Banshee Detachment

The Eloi Federation makes use of a great many battle walker designs, fast, graceful and with incredible agility in comparison to our own battle striders, they are potent and deadly war machines.

This particular design is one of the most prolific machines fielded by Eloi battlegroups, Banshee’s operate in units of three with a piloted command unit and what appears to be two linked drones working in concert, although fully piloted combat teams have also been observed.

Armaments, two melee weapons held in left and right hand (sword/axe), each forearm also mount a light pulse laser, and two shoulder mounted medium rail cannon.

Set contains:

3 x Savage Banshee models.

1. Resin printed multipart models with some modelling options
2. Approximate height, 67mms to top of “wing”
3. Plastic bases not included


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/04/21 21:07:47

Post by: Crablezworth

Grimdark previewed their may stuff, they're calling it maychanicum. So far looks like some mechanicum parts for the crawler section of their big excavator model. The really cool stuff is the drones, which apparently the idea is you can put a couple on a 60mm base and use as a count as acastus porphyrion. Really cool idea.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/04/23 00:37:31

Post by: Commander Cain

I've really got to bust out the 3D printer and do up some of those models, they look great!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/04/23 21:06:05

Post by: Crablezworth

 Commander Cain wrote:
I've really got to bust out the 3D printer and do up some of those models, they look great!

There's a great conversion kit for warhounds that's going to get updated soon.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/04/23 23:40:10

Post by: Overread

Out of interest where do Grimdark show their preview? I can't seem to find it on their website. Or is it a subscribers-only thing?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/04/24 01:01:01

Post by: Crablezworth

 Overread wrote:
Out of interest where do Grimdark show their preview? I can't seem to find it on their website. Or is it a subscribers-only thing?

Usually first on their discord channel, then it trickles out to like facebook and so on.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/05/08 20:49:04

Post by: Malika2

Nice! Not yet fully sold on those big guns on the flyers, but that’s just me.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/05/08 20:51:03

Post by: Overread

If you think of them as laser, plasma or other energy weapons then it works. Size is only really an issue if you're thinking of them as kenetic weapons with a huge explosive force way out of scale with the size of the model.

Also I think they've got some renders missing as the updates list that there's some additional parts for their huge land crawler that they released last month - with no confirmation on if its just the upgrade parts or if the crawler is included as well or anything.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/05/09 01:54:25

Post by: Crablezworth

 Overread wrote:
If you think of them as laser, plasma or other energy weapons then it works. Size is only really an issue if you're thinking of them as kenetic weapons with a huge explosive force way out of scale with the size of the model.

Also I think they've got some renders missing as the updates list that there's some additional parts for their huge land crawler that they released last month - with no confirmation on if its just the upgrade parts or if the crawler is included as well or anything.

Just upgrade parts it would seem.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/05/09 07:53:21

Post by: Malika2

 Overread wrote:
If you think of them as laser, plasma or other energy weapons then it works. Size is only really an issue if you're thinking of them as kenetic weapons with a huge explosive force way out of scale with the size of the model.

Also I think they've got some renders missing as the updates list that there's some additional parts for their huge land crawler that they released last month - with no confirmation on if its just the upgrade parts or if the crawler is included as well or anything.

Maybe so, personally I would have done the big gun underneath the aircraft, with the smaller gun(s) on top of the carapace. Basically a switch around of the guns.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/05/09 14:40:38

Post by: Crablezworth

 Malika2 wrote:
 Overread wrote:
If you think of them as laser, plasma or other energy weapons then it works. Size is only really an issue if you're thinking of them as kenetic weapons with a huge explosive force way out of scale with the size of the model.

Also I think they've got some renders missing as the updates list that there's some additional parts for their huge land crawler that they released last month - with no confirmation on if its just the upgrade parts or if the crawler is included as well or anything.

Maybe so, personally I would have done the big gun underneath the aircraft, with the smaller gun(s) on top of the carapace. Basically a switch around of the guns.

His hands are a bit tied because the two drones on one base count as one of these:

So the the weapon height matters in game, esp cuz if one of the two drone's gun is blocked the firepower drops by half.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/05/11 07:23:27

Post by: Malika2

Thought these might come in handy as terrain bits...

Cybershadow – Logistics/Utility Crab

Set contains:

2 x logistics upper hulls

2 x crane arms

2 x lower hull

12 x legs


Novan Logistics Set

Set contains:

3 x barrels sprues + 7 additional loose barrels

3 x stacked boxes sprues

2 x separate open boxes sprues + 4 loose boxes

2 x separate closed boxes sprues


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/05/11 15:12:02

Post by: Crablezworth

Is this one big enough to hold shipping crates?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/05/12 20:28:32

Post by: Malika2

It's a bit smaller. It should be able to hold the crates and barrels from the Novan Logistics set. See it more as a small truck rather than a shipping container carrying vehicle.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/05/13 05:48:27

Post by: aphyon

Didn't see anybody mention this-

Sacrusmundus 3d print file available in 28MM and 6mm scale for every battllefield in the 40K universe including epic/titanicus scale:


Here are just a some of the sets-



dark eldar-






As for minis in epic scale-vanguard has made a huge contribution to my collection but i will also recommend



Trolls under the bridge (mostly for necron stuff)


And scourge scenics


oops almost forgot this baby-the warlord titan version i love best from nuclear shrimp games in titanicus/epic scale-


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/05/13 16:41:04

Post by: Crablezworth

Sacrus mundus has amazing stuff. I've only got a few pieces of theirs in my collection but very cool and insane amount of themes.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/05/19 12:09:32

Post by: Malika2

In the meantime!

More STL's from Gregster's Lab!

6mm Chemical/Gas Tanks Set – (STL Download)

3D resin printable STL files set.

All files unsupported.


6mm Security Walls – (STL Download)

3D resin printable STL files set.

All files unsupported.

File set comes in 6mm scale but has been tested up to 15mm and would probably work fine at 28mm too.


And some more 3mm scaled stuff:

3mm Novan Regulars – Static Rocket Launcher Batteries

Set contains:

6 x rocket pods

6 x cruciform bases


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/07/01 11:55:58

Post by: Malika2

I've designed this set for Vanguard Miniatures. I guess it could come in handy for those who want to build repairbays for Titanicus or just play some MicroMunda!


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/08/02 08:28:49

Post by: Malika2

New freebie! Who needs some workers to climb their ladders or giant robots?

STL's of these four workers available here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/smallscale-ladder-climbers

Note that the ladder in the render is not included in this set and is available through Vanguard Miniatures: https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/shop/6mm-raised-industrial-walkways-set-1-stl-download/

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/08/05 10:25:57

Post by: Malika2

Another freebie!


Each shrine is about 10mm tall. Making it perfect for Titanicus scaled terrain and what not.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/08/05 19:52:46

Post by: Crablezworth

You gonna need to make priests now too!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/08/06 09:57:12

Post by: Pacific

Lovely work Malika on those!

My first thought is you can display them as both climbing and doing gangnam style

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/08/29 09:36:58

Post by: Overread

Anyone know what's up with Grimdark Terrain this month? Their website and FB haven't been properly updated in ages and they are still only showing the July Crane on their site - nothing for August?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/08/29 11:45:17

Post by: Malika2

There are still a few days of August left. Rudolf will post something if he fails to meet the deadline.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/08/29 19:51:22

Post by: Crablezworth

 Overread wrote:
Anyone know what's up with Grimdark Terrain this month? Their website and FB haven't been properly updated in ages and they are still only showing the July Crane on their site - nothing for August?

He was going to post a preview last night but that never happened, he indicated aug should be done/out by tuesday. He's a new father so I believe that explains the delays and lack of updates/communication.

I think it's fair to say some subscribers don't love being charged the first of the month only to hear very little to nothing for 3-4 weeks, the mechanicum release is still missing a building/bunch of parts for said mystery building, so I think there's some substantive concern that release dates have been lagging more and more, it used to be the most it was delayed was a handful of days. I'd be ok with him doing every other month or half months or something but it's a bit frustrating. Hard to get hyped for something with little to no preview. Great designs though.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/08/29 19:54:27

Post by: Overread

Yeah it sounds like he should do a pause month and let himself catch up. Just pause payments for current customers, and charge new ones the regular amount and give them the previous month's release. So basically just one month being rolled over two months.

Once you're sculpting and releasing on the very last days of the month with nothing up front you REALLY need to pause like that otherwise its really going to harm growth. By this time most people paying attention are getting excited for next month's models and are dropping Patreons/Tribes.

Plus as they aren't on Patreon its even easier for them to lose customers who never remember to check their website out again. Heck I only just remember each month to check out.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/08/29 20:33:01

Post by: Crablezworth

He's very industrious so I'm sure with enough coffee we'll see the august release before the month's out

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/09/01 15:39:19

Post by: Crablezworth

Aug grimdark is pretty dope, AT scale modular ships and a dock/quay.




Also noticed deepcut studio's got this mat, might work well together for a nautical theme. Very tempted.



[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/09/09 07:43:40

Post by: Malika2

I'm gonna drop these here...

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/09/09 09:01:04

Post by: Crablezworth

 Malika2 wrote:
I'm gonna drop these here...

I added a make but feel free to use the pics.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/09/09 11:08:17

Post by: Malika2

 Crablezworth wrote:
 Malika2 wrote:
I'm gonna drop these here...

I added a make but feel free to use the pics.

Don't mind if I do!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/10/06 06:11:05

Post by: Malika2

Possible Eldar Revenant proxy?

So this just dropped in...

Eloi Federation – Harpy

Set contains:

1 x multipart Harpy miniature with modelling options

Optional parts include variant pose feet, two head choices (piloted or drone) and three arm weapon choices (heavy pulse lasers, quantum lance’s or resonance cannons)


- 3D resin printed model
- Model height approx, 85mms to top of the wing
- Component count, 36 pieces
- Models painted by John Fielding.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/10/06 10:11:51

Post by: Mr_Rose

Weird. It’s like a master Bonesinger watched an episode of Gundam Wing and decided maybe some mon-keigh weren’t so bad after all.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/10/06 18:20:01

Post by: aphyon


What ever happened to greigsters lab gothic buildings? Vanguard used to have them in 3mm, and i know they did a 6mm run. i would love to get my hands on more of it.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/10/06 19:12:25

Post by: Crablezworth

Such a great little detail having the tiny pilot. Is it aprox the size of a reaver ish?


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/10/07 07:19:40

Post by: Malika2

Here's the machine standing next to a Warhound:

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/10/07 10:14:25

Post by: leopard

he's sacred the paint and arms of the poor battle puppy!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/11/21 11:24:32

Post by: Overread

A bit of mini scale game news here as there's a few days left on the kickstarter to go :

Dakka news post:

KS page itself:

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/11/21 17:46:24

Post by: Crablezworth

Lazy forger black friday sale. I grabbed the new warehouses and the sci fi medina set.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/11/21 17:50:37

Post by: Overread

Just a heads up Lazy Forger has a Frontiers (basically kickstarter for 3d printing) starting next month so that might be worth waiting for as it might have some seriously good deals on things too - esp if you've possibly not bought much


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/01 13:18:44

Post by: Gitdakka

I recently posted these in the epic-thread, but i saw no mention of this kit in this thread. So I thought to share it with you titanicus guys too.


Building this set was good fun.

[Thumb - 20221129_203113.jpg]
[Thumb - 20221129_203121.jpg]

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/02 12:01:02

Post by: Pacific

Hey folks - I don't suppose anyone knows a good/cheap source of a bunch of Epic/AT-scale shipping containers, of the sort that come in the Manufactorium Imperialis set? Like the ones pictured in the middle here:

They don't have to be too detailed or need to open (so 3D prints are fine), just after a bunch of them to bulk out a sort of industrial sector I am building.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/02 13:52:04

Post by: Crablezworth

Grimdark has files for a bunch of crates that are approximately the same size, some files even have them pre-stacked to save resin.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/02 17:17:00

Post by: Gitdakka

Once again vanguard has some stuff

[Thumb - Screenshot_20221202_181539_Chrome.jpg]

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/03 13:55:04

Post by: Pacific

Thanks guys! I will try and find a cheap printing option for the resin ones.

Just putting a few of these guys together on some terrain. Sorry if these have been covered already in the thread (@Malika - are these yours selling through Vanguard?) https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/shop/civilian-workers-set-1/

One of the things I really like about them are that some of them are on little tabs that can be easily snipped away, for attaching to terrain. I think anyone that tried to cut around the feet of a 6mm mini, and sometimes removed the legs by accident, knows how much of a help that will be! But lovely little miniatures, I'm going to dot them around some industrial terrain.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/03 17:43:53

Post by: Crablezworth

It's always enjoyable to put bits blitz dudes on terrain, stoked on the metal ones.

Have you seen the metal holo terminals? Malika designed these too I think.


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/04 15:03:49

Post by: Malika2

 Pacific wrote:
Thanks guys! I will try and find a cheap printing option for the resin ones.

Just putting a few of these guys together on some terrain. Sorry if these have been covered already in the thread (@Malika - are these yours selling through Vanguard?) https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/shop/civilian-workers-set-1/

One of the things I really like about them are that some of them are on little tabs that can be easily snipped away, for attaching to terrain. I think anyone that tried to cut around the feet of a 6mm mini, and sometimes removed the legs by accident, knows how much of a help that will be! But lovely little miniatures, I'm going to dot them around some industrial terrain.

I did those yah! They’re the first of several sets of my “depressed workers” range which will be cast by Vanguard Miniatures. For those with access to a 3d printer, I’m also selling the STLs of these workers: https://cults3d.com/en/users/BitsBlitzDesigns/creations

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/05 13:53:57

Post by: Pacific

They are lovely work mate! Really characterful. I plan to dot them all over my terrain. I have added some to the 'Battlefield in a box: toxic pool' set, just to try and bring the pools to scale a bit better. I'm going to have these next to the industrial section I am building.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/05 14:49:21

Post by: Crablezworth

Those look great, love the guy tossing toxic waste

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/05 19:11:07

Post by: Malika2

Awesome stuff!

Am I the only one getting flashbacks to the Simpsons Movie? Hahaha

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/13 09:24:12

Post by: Pacific

I haven't seen that film but assume is it something related to Homer getting up to some tomfoolery in a nuclear power station?

Malika - am having so much fun with these little industrial worker dudes you have made and adding them to the AT terrain.

In this one a Techmarine is doing some work on a platform. Some Orks below are arguing about which one is going to go up and stop him, but means getting past the Ogryn bouncer who is standing guard!

I looked at the platform on the side of this tower and thought "Donkey Kong" so that is what is going on here!

Also well done for channelling the spirit of the old Streets of Rage 2 cover for the monitor-head guy!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/14 02:39:18

Post by: Crablezworth

Those look amazing! @Pacific

The lazy forger's campaign for their full spectrum dominance game launched


At the first tier you get rulebook/cards pdf as well some sample files of terrain that works very well when printed at 8mm for AT

You get a shanty and an apartment building, as well as communications building files that have been unlocked and are available for download immediately.


this looks awesome

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/30 09:56:24

Post by: Pacific

That looks amazing Crablezworth. I have some of their shanty towns and are using them for some Ork buildings, they are certainly very characterful.

A WIP of some terrain I have put together. This is a mix of the Winterdyne/Grimdark Heresy train and the GW industrial set. The train set is really great, very nice quality miniature, and with some thoughtful spaces for magnets (the track is stuck to the surface, but the stoppers and train carriages/engine are attached by magnets). There is a little diorama going on with some Orks on the crane building and a Marine delegation of officers having arrived in a World Eaters train!


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/30 13:01:23

Post by: Malika2

Man, this is really nice! Awesome to see Crablezworth's attempts at worldbuilding 'contaminating' others to do the same.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/30 15:35:05

Post by: Crablezworth

Love the train diorama Pacific, looks awesome!

 Malika2 wrote:
Man, this is really nice! Awesome to see Crablezworth's attempts at worldbuilding 'contaminating' others to do the same.

The secret to diorama-rama is it never really ends

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/30 19:20:59

Post by: Malika2

Can’t wait to see what you guys will come up with next!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2022/12/31 07:26:42

Post by: Crablezworth

 Malika2 wrote:
Can’t wait to see what you guys will come up with next!

Waiting on a vanguard order with your awesome hologram tables in it

Excited about the librarian too, just gotta get it printed

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/01/08 09:48:59

Post by: Pacific

I have just finished some river terrain. These were from some very reasonably priced casts on ebay which had a basic paintjob, I added a bit more detail to it and some resin water effect for the surface of the water. Also couldn't resist adding some little diorama bits to make it fit in better with the Epic scale! had a Hellhound missing a track for years in my bits box and finally found a use for it with a rusted old hull stuck on the river bank. And the great little Ork pilot miniatures from Vanguard, and Ork holding a flare gun, gave me the idea of the crashed aircraft.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/01/08 13:17:16

Post by: Malika2

Ooooh those are nice!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/01/15 16:09:09

Post by: Crablezworth

Grimdark just announced a collaboration with argonaut on some titan accessories.


"Good news everyone! I am very happy to announce the arrival of our first "non-Rudolf Creator" having his products on the GDT Website: "Argonaut" aka Jason will be selling his awesome Warlord Armour files on the GDT Shop platform.
"Argonaut" provides the traitor half of the community with what we all have been wishing for: Chaos Armour for Titans! Jason has gone tirelessly through a tedious testing and fitting process to make the files fit perfectly on the GW Warlord plastic set, we all like. The kits in the shop come (like all products) as STL, pre-supported STL and with supporting scenes, in case you need to add / change the supports.
There are big things to come in the future, because Argonaut is already working on armour panels for other Titan classes. Also, there will be collaborations of GDT x Argonaut for mutations and even more Chaos in the future.
Hitting the shop today are two new kits and a bundle:
- "Halo Kit" with a classic chaos star pattern and "evil -looking" heraldic shields (all parts needed are included)
- "Ellipse Kit" with a more heavily armoured version and a blank shoulder for decals / free-hands (all parts needed are included)
- discounted product bundle including both kits at a lower price
To celebrate the kick-off Jason has decided to give an additional 10% discount on the Armour Bundle for the next 48 hours, using the voucher code: AWESOMENAUT
I am super happy to add an awesome complementary product to the shop and also I am looking forward to what Argonaut aka Jason will surprise us all with in the future! So let's have a very warm welcome to him and fire up those printers for some Chaos Titans! "


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/01/16 09:11:09

Post by: Pacific

Wow those look excellent, I can see them being very popular with the Heresy-era (or post-Heresy) AT players. Am I correct in saying there isn't anything official from GW of this sort yet?

Just a quick bit of terrain and little diorama I finished over the weekend. Hopefully Heresy fans (or people with a very long memory from RT days!) will recognise what is going on here.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/01/16 12:55:54

Post by: Mr_Rose

So far, yes. You’d think there would be, considering that they have all those extra weapons already and some of their first vehicle accessories were extra armour for things like rhinos and predators.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/01/16 16:18:04

Post by: Malika2

 Pacific wrote:
Wow those look excellent, I can see them being very popular with the Heresy-era (or post-Heresy) AT players. Am I correct in saying there isn't anything official from GW of this sort yet?

Just a quick bit of terrain and little diorama I finished over the weekend. Hopefully Heresy fans (or people with a very long memory from RT days!) will recognise what is going on here.

Hey, I recognise that building!!!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/01/17 06:42:31

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Pacific wrote:
Wow those look excellent, I can see them being very popular with the Heresy-era (or post-Heresy) AT players. Am I correct in saying there isn't anything official from GW of this sort yet?

Just a quick bit of terrain and little diorama I finished over the weekend. Hopefully Heresy fans (or people with a very long memory from RT days!) will recognise what is going on here.

Field police and World Eater?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/01/17 09:13:09

Post by: Pacific

Yes mate thats it! That stumped the B&C forum, you are the only person to get it. Berserker letting the 'Nails get the better of him with some local workers, Field Police is giving a final warning before he gets 'ultimate sanctions'.

@Malka - great job on those buildings btw! Full of detail. I have them setup as a kind of residential zone next to the factory area.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/01/28 00:58:59

Post by: Overread

Grimdark Terrain have released their January pack!!

Walls, guns and more!!
Fully modular, backward compatible with other terrain, loads of options and features including magnet slots and more.

I believe next months release is also planned to add on well to this months.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/01/28 09:52:01

Post by: Pacific

That's amazing! Would be an awesome centrepiece for a terrain board.

I love how the walls have been designed with Epic miniatures in mind too.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/01/30 18:48:21

Post by: Malika2

Who needs some computer consoles?


[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/02/22 01:58:40

Post by: Rolsheen

Does that second archway have a maglev line coming through it?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/02/22 02:28:42

Post by: Crablezworth

Attaches to the grimdark monorail/train track.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/03/15 17:28:43

Post by: Crablezworth

Kid Kyoto posted this on another thread buy it may be of use to AT players for terrain and its on sale for like 12$


Scale wise the little yellow guy is about the same height as a questoris knight. The big ship is like 20 inches long.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/03/31 12:29:00

Post by: Overread

This is way more interesting and still has a few earlybird tiers at only £25


Goals are reached with the number of backers and they've already hit 100 in the first day which unlocks the looted Zepplin and there's a very good chance they'll hit the massive mobile fortress at only 300 backers (their first campaign hit 250)

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/03/31 18:46:28

Post by: Malika2

One does not have to exclude the other. Heck, I’m hoping for folks to kitbash their Orky monstrosities using components from both campaigns!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/03/31 21:53:35

Post by: K.B.

Yeah, anyone familiar with Troublemaker's history will understand what's happening here. They (He? is it still just Ben?) know exactly what they're doing these days. Having a reliable source of good-quality purchasable PLASTIC ork stompa and gargant components is something pretty much every epic ork player has dreamed of for over a decade now, and Troublemaker is really the only outfit capable of pulling off such a niche product in plastic.

I've been consistently (and pleasantly) surprised how many epic players still rely on physical models, and Troublemaker's existing plastic line caters specifically to this market. As a 3D printer myself, I'd never print the kind of stuff I could just buy in plastic from Troublemaker - their plastic terrain is genuinely awesome.

The Troublemaker aesthetic has, in the past, been on the unique end of the spectrum with stompa/gargant models though - and I think it's clear this campaign seeks to address that issue once and for all. And to be fair, I also feel like the straight "pile of junk" aesthetic for ork gargants, while cool in itself, is a little unnecessary in print. The print versions above look fine enough, but there's no room for hands-on tinkering with prints like this, the way most ork players are wont to do. With the plastics, although their base structure is much more clean, there's FAR more potential for hobby-work (which I think this market will appreciate).

I'm always printing extra bits to add to my gargants anyway, so a clean base to work with would go a long way in both respects, I'd say.

Not sure I'm into the idea of a "boxed game", and would probably rather just by a baggy full of sprues, but I can see why they might choose this route to cover initial expenses.

And to be honest, Troublemaker's plastics are so good now, I'd be keen to see them tackle a remake of their plastics orks. I think they're ready for that.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/04/03 07:21:14

Post by: Crablezworth

 Malika2 wrote:
One does not have to exclude the other. Heck, I’m hoping for folks to kitbash their Orky monstrosities using components from both campaigns!

Yeah, it's different end users too, the plastic stuff is more tangible for people who may not have a printer and both probably will work well together for kit bash.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
K.B. wrote:
Yeah, anyone familiar with Troublemaker's history will understand what's happening here. They (He? is it still just Ben?) know exactly what they're doing these days. Having a reliable source of good-quality purchasable PLASTIC ork stompa and gargant components is something pretty much every epic ork player has dreamed of for over a decade now, and Troublemaker is really the only outfit capable of pulling off such a niche product in plastic.

I've been consistently (and pleasantly) surprised how many epic players still rely on physical models, and Troublemaker's existing plastic line caters specifically to this market. As a 3D printer myself, I'd never print the kind of stuff I could just buy in plastic from Troublemaker - their plastic terrain is genuinely awesome.

The Troublemaker aesthetic has, in the past, been on the unique end of the spectrum with stompa/gargant models though - and I think it's clear this campaign seeks to address that issue once and for all. And to be fair, I also feel like the straight "pile of junk" aesthetic for ork gargants, while cool in itself, is a little unnecessary in print. The print versions above look fine enough, but there's no room for hands-on tinkering with prints like this, the way most ork players are wont to do. With the plastics, although their base structure is much more clean, there's FAR more potential for hobby-work (which I think this market will appreciate).

I'm always printing extra bits to add to my gargants anyway, so a clean base to work with would go a long way in both respects, I'd say.

Not sure I'm into the idea of a "boxed game", and would probably rather just by a baggy full of sprues, but I can see why they might choose this route to cover initial expenses.

And to be honest, Troublemaker's plastics are so good now, I'd be keen to see them tackle a remake of their plastics orks. I think they're ready for that.

The boxed game aspect is interesting, the previewed rules seem fun, and being able to keep track oh the base is a cool feature. I agree it'd be nice if there was an option for people who don't quite want the total contents, like just one half or the other. Their terrain really is great, love that they'll do plastic sprues where everyone else just wants to do stl's.

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/04/03 13:51:05

Post by: Pacific

K.B. wrote:
Yeah, anyone familiar with Troublemaker's history will understand what's happening here. They (He? is it still just Ben?) know exactly what they're doing these days. Having a reliable source of good-quality purchasable PLASTIC ork stompa and gargant components is something pretty much every epic ork player has dreamed of for over a decade now, and Troublemaker is really the only outfit capable of pulling off such a niche product in plastic.

I've been consistently (and pleasantly) surprised how many epic players still rely on physical models, and Troublemaker's existing plastic line caters specifically to this market. As a 3D printer myself, I'd never print the kind of stuff I could just buy in plastic from Troublemaker - their plastic terrain is genuinely awesome.

The Troublemaker aesthetic has, in the past, been on the unique end of the spectrum with stompa/gargant models though - and I think it's clear this campaign seeks to address that issue once and for all. And to be fair, I also feel like the straight "pile of junk" aesthetic for ork gargants, while cool in itself, is a little unnecessary in print. The print versions above look fine enough, but there's no room for hands-on tinkering with prints like this, the way most ork players are wont to do. With the plastics, although their base structure is much more clean, there's FAR more potential for hobby-work (which I think this market will appreciate).

I'm always printing extra bits to add to my gargants anyway, so a clean base to work with would go a long way in both respects, I'd say.

Not sure I'm into the idea of a "boxed game", and would probably rather just by a baggy full of sprues, but I can see why they might choose this route to cover initial expenses.

And to be honest, Troublemaker's plastics are so good now, I'd be keen to see them tackle a remake of their plastics orks. I think they're ready for that.

Very well said. I am supporting this KS with interest, there is a real lack of quality Gantant-type miniatures (especially for those without a printer) and this really looks like it ticks a lot of boxes. Hopefully a fun game in its own right too!

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/04/03 14:34:27

Post by: Malika2

 Pacific wrote:
K.B. wrote:
Yeah, anyone familiar with Troublemaker's history will understand what's happening here. They (He? is it still just Ben?) know exactly what they're doing these days. Having a reliable source of good-quality purchasable PLASTIC ork stompa and gargant components is something pretty much every epic ork player has dreamed of for over a decade now, and Troublemaker is really the only outfit capable of pulling off such a niche product in plastic.

I've been consistently (and pleasantly) surprised how many epic players still rely on physical models, and Troublemaker's existing plastic line caters specifically to this market. As a 3D printer myself, I'd never print the kind of stuff I could just buy in plastic from Troublemaker - their plastic terrain is genuinely awesome.

The Troublemaker aesthetic has, in the past, been on the unique end of the spectrum with stompa/gargant models though - and I think it's clear this campaign seeks to address that issue once and for all. And to be fair, I also feel like the straight "pile of junk" aesthetic for ork gargants, while cool in itself, is a little unnecessary in print. The print versions above look fine enough, but there's no room for hands-on tinkering with prints like this, the way most ork players are wont to do. With the plastics, although their base structure is much more clean, there's FAR more potential for hobby-work (which I think this market will appreciate).

I'm always printing extra bits to add to my gargants anyway, so a clean base to work with would go a long way in both respects, I'd say.

Not sure I'm into the idea of a "boxed game", and would probably rather just by a baggy full of sprues, but I can see why they might choose this route to cover initial expenses.

And to be honest, Troublemaker's plastics are so good now, I'd be keen to see them tackle a remake of their plastics orks. I think they're ready for that.

Very well said. I am supporting this KS with interest, there is a real lack of quality Gantant-type miniatures (especially for those without a printer) and this really looks like it ticks a lot of boxes. Hopefully a fun game in its own right too!

Will this tempt you to start a Gargant Mob?

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/04/04 14:16:26

Post by: Pacific

Yes already tempted and already succumbed to it mate

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/04/12 01:20:57

Post by: Crablezworth

The Lazy Forger has a storewide 30% off sale with the code COMPOUND30


New compound set is amazing

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/04/29 21:04:17

Post by: Overread

Heads up last day for the Raiders of Cendre!

They've pretty much unlocked everything and add a boat load of models include an armoured train and more.

$40 gets you the whole set, $70 if you want their previous army as well



[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/08/15 08:59:07

Post by: Malika2

Just released the Alpha Hab Lofts!

Get yours here: LINK

[LI] Legions Imperialis-model and terrain options @ 2023/10/24 19:30:21

Post by: Malika2

So this happened...

This Alpha Hab Tower turned Tech Shanty is designed for 6mm / 8mm games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Epic, or Battletech in mind. This kit includes two versions of the same structure (one with commercial signs that are flat, the other one with three dimensional signs) and a simple balcony. Note that the balcony used is compatible with the Alpha Hab Tower and Alpha Hab Loft kits.

Dimensions (including signs etc that stick out): 75mm wide x 66.92mm deep x 108.55mm tall.

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.
