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Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/12 16:06:15

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, i started this account mainly to get myself the motivation to start and finish a certain passion project. In this case my Mechanized Renegades and Heretics army. I am a terrible painter and worse photographer so you 've been warned. Regardless on with the show:

"Who are you to judge me? To insult me? You are nothing and you have seen nothing! I have sacrificed 25 years of my life for my pension and settlement rights to be stolen away under my nose because some aristocrat decided he did not want to settle my regiment and instead sent us back to hell. Ultimately he got what was coming for him and you, acolyte, a noble as you are of equal parasitic status to the planetary governor, will also get what you deserve!" General Meinel, voice recording, before brutaly butchering inquisitorial acolyte Renauld

Automatically Appended Next Post:
So, this is the start, maybee i will expand on the story, maybee not, depends on my whims.

Main goal is to achieve the following list:

HQ: Renegade Commander (obviously Meinel)


Command Squad A: 11 Disciples (named Panzerfüsiliere) with Vox, plasma gun and Rocketlauncher (in this case named LeIG, the howitzer)

Command Squad B: 12 Panzerfüsiliere with Vox, Plasma gun and LeIG

Command Squad C 12 Panzerfüsiliere with Vox, Plasma gun and LeIG

All of these are using Chimeras, two of which are as you can see basic, the third one was at one point in it's life a Basilisk chasis that got destroyed, then sold to me for cheap and now is a improvised Chimera with an autocannon.

The Second part is the Airborne support Two Valkyires with rocket pods and a multilaser, dropping out Disciple squads, in this case named Falschirmgrenadiere:

Flaschirmgrenadiere A: 12 Disciples with Vox, Plasma gun and a Heavy Stubber team

Falschrimgrenadiere B: 12 Disciples with Vox, Plasma gun and a Heavy Stubber team

The third part of the army are the Feldjäger, (Marauder Squads) which serve as recon squads for the army.

Auge Squad: 5 Feldjäger 2 Sniperrifles

Ohr Squad: 5 Feldjäger 2 Sniperrifles

The heavy support section will be filled by the non finished Leman russes in the background.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/12 16:53:46

Post by: Excommunicatus

Здравствуйте товарищ!

I demand close-ups for the close-up God.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/12 17:02:14

Post by: Not Online!!!

Hmm, if you demand it in the name of the close up god, i might find something:

How about some Feldjäger? Albeit they normaly tend to sit behind that won't do let me think....

Maybee you want to see some Panzerfüsiliere, they will certainly close the gap.

Of course, the Fusil part needs to be also pointed out no?

Found one!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/12 17:34:03

Post by: Excommunicatus

I'm a devotee of Slaanesh; I want to see everything.

They're pretty sexy. What are they made from? Victoria bodies with Anvil heads?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/12 17:49:25

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
I'm a devotee of Slaanesh; I want to see everything.

They're pretty sexy. What are they made from? Victoria bodies with Anvil heads?

Bodies, heads, all basic parts of the models are from anvil.
Some Bits like mp's and the rifle near the howitzer are Fw, then there are some marauder bits in there.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/12 19:30:36

Post by: KernelTerror

Excellent start, looking forward to seeing your progress on that army !

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/12 21:39:33

Post by: ulfhednir86

I Love the models, style and back story keep we up

The idea of including a background story a great idea. I have one for my army as well (must be a heretic thing) maybe i should write it down lol.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/13 20:27:09

Post by: Not Online!!!

" What do you mean Commisar? Under Attack? Behind the frontline 14 Kliks? What? Who are you? GUARDS to [muffled noises] " Last Vox Message from PDF Commander Alonze de Galas. Suspected to be killed by Traitors within his ranks, albeit the Inquisitor suspects, a victim of the Falschirmgrenadier units. Is this even possible? To bypass any detection, drop a Team and then just proceed to eliminate a VIP? Personal log Acolyte Renauld.

So first off thanks for the nice words, these here are WIP (well mostly done, only some gubbins left but he, still WIP) Falschirmgrenadier units. The Squad consists off a Vox carrier, A heavy stubber team with additional ammo, aswell as a Officer and a Plasmagun carrier.

The whole unit and it's Valkyrie.

Did you say Anti-Personell Support? No? Goddamn Fredie, stop wasting your AMMO!

I only stop this so-called ammo waste, if you stop using Geballte Ladungen on everything that DOES NOT NEED ONE!

So this will probably be the last Update until Friday/ saturday.
Have Fun.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/16 17:07:20

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, it is friday and i had some time for myself, now this little guy here, i would like to introduce you:

"What we know about Meinels second in command? Well his name is Graff, civilian life rather unremarkable, was drafted and showed talent in military matters. His career in the Guard certainly however was exceptional, showing leadership, ingeniuety and a calm under fire that only was described as outstanding." Acolyte Alvarez to Inquisitor Grenault in a meeting

So this here is Graff, Oberst Graff, a rather peculiar beeing, mostly silent, to the point were his troops sometimes question if he got his tongue cut out.

Ofcourse he is also the leader of the other Falschirmgrenadier Squad which is similarly equipped to the first, beyond of course Graff:

Did i mention that i really like heavy stubbers?
Or grenades?

Here are the full 12 Falschirmgrenadiere (run as Disciples) :

I also made some better pictures of the Panzerfüsiliere that serve as bodyguards for Meinel, aswell as the Improvised Chimera that at one time was a broken Basilisk:

Lastly here is the whole Progress done by me over the last week:

With that said, i will soon post my list and i might need a little help to decide to get the list up to 2000pts whilest also fitting the theme of a Mechanized army made up of Veterans, so feel free to either PM me or comment on here.

Have a nice weekend.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/16 22:31:07

Post by: Excommunicatus

For some reason, this wasn't showing an update in 'My Subscribed Threads'. Apologies.

The Falschirmgrenadiere look fantastic.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/16 22:35:14

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
For some reason, this wasn't showing an update in 'My Subscribed Threads'. Apologies.

The Falschirmgrenadiere look fantastic.

Why apologise?
I kinda feel the urge for more grenade aswell as some stabby bitz, hand x pi i have around 1500pts, probably slightly more, i am seriously considering either a wyvern or a hydra, probably another leman russ? I have no idea.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/16 22:51:53

Post by: Excommunicatus

I just feel a bit silly for exhorting you to post pics when you already had.

Hydras seem bad, to me, and with two Valks do you need more anti-air?

Will you be adding Support Squads or would they fall outside of your veteran theme?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/16 23:00:40

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
I just feel a bit silly for exhorting you to post pics when you already had.

Hydras seem bad, to me, and with two Valks do you need more anti-air?

Will you be adding Support Squads or would they fall outside of your veteran theme?

Well, i have a whole traitor PDF allready which serves as recruiting fields for my 31. In essence it's a wild Variation of FW r&h (2 stubber teams 5 enforcers and a command squad) cadians with marauder bitz, gsc units, intermixed with cultists to show attrition there, they have the support squads but that army is very much infantry centric and therefore difficult to transport.

Aswell as my good old Grent dollarhyde, leader of the AMU or Asteroid Mining Union which are basically neophytes intermixed with some admech.

So i very much have a Backup army, i also have two CSM warbands as allies, one is the soulsellers a bunch of nurgle csm ghosts that sold their soul to a Decimator aswell as mercenary warlord phyrax which leads 18 marines with 2 rhinos.

They are intended to show up later on here as allied detachments and are allready finished, well mostly.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Just to point out the traitor PDF has a size of :
80militia men
20 command squad disciples in 2 squads
20 disciples in another 2 squads
28 AMU miners (marauders)
5 enforcers
2 commanders (1 is dollarhyde, which i am quite proud of how he turned out, the other is the generic fw leader)
1 malefic Lord (a csm Cultist melee Champion that got a chaos warrior sword, i should have a picture of him in my gallery)

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/16 23:18:42

Post by: Excommunicatus


So, FWIW, you could get foam trays for all those PDF minis from Battlefoam for about $60 USD + shipping and have room for your veterans too, probably. You'll have 60 empty slots, at least.


The only issue vis-a-vis GEQ and those trays is that neither standing Vox-Casters nor Standard Bearers will fit if they're fully glued, but that's what magnets are for.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/16 23:23:51

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:

So, FWIW, you could get foam trays for all those PDF minis from Battlefoam for about $60 USD + shipping and have room for your veterans too, probably. You'll have 60 empty slots, at least.


The only issue vis-a-vis GEQ and those trays is that neither standing Vox-Casters nor Standard Bearers will fit if they're fully glued, but that's what magnets are for.

Actually i could upload the soulsellers, but they were mainly a test to make as good looking as possible with the least ammount of time used for painting. Therefore they are simplistic.
As for the PDF, some parts are painted others are not, but in essence i aim to paint atleast 60 militia men in order to fill out a battalion.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/17 10:25:26

Post by: Not Online!!!

As i said, here are the pictures of the "Abhorrent" PDF (well considering the "Abhorrent " is a rather large Space Hulk that serves as main base of Operations for the 31. would i need to rebrad them as SHDF?)
Anyways here is the whole Horde of militia men including 2 command squads in the back:

of course they need a leader, (and for this "nice" person i stll need a name, one-handed-skarfaced-ugly-boy? na probably not )

These here are the Veterans, from these the mainbody of the 31. is recruited, for all intends and purposes they are run as Disciples and fill their ranks from the Militia in turn, which are the workers and population of the "Abhorrent".

Just like any society, raw materials need to be gathered and this is the job for the Miners under Grent Dollarhydes command, and when you are in essence a floating nomadic moonsized graveyard for spaceships you will get alot of these from Asteroids that either impact the "Abhorrent "or get mined outside of it. Since there is alot of Overlap in the ships shoved into each other it is a rather safe area for civilians to live in since there are a lot of Gellerfields overlapping each other making the main part of the ship into a sizeable hub for People that are either fed up with the imperial rule, Khornates, or traders, leading to an even larger need for minerals and other goods:

These men are also working in parts of the ship which are in essence most of the time not protected by Gellerfields and therefore are rather well armed and trained (experienced depends since they have a rather high attriton rate), they are also the other source of Manpower for the 31. and often times men normally fielded in the 31. work under Grent when there is not glory to be won for Khorne, however since they sometimes get rowdy Enforcers, enforce the peace via whatever they happen to have in their hands, genereally the Enforcers work in this society more like Military Police that serves also to maintain the security and prosperity of the people traveling in the "Abhorrent":

Ofcourse Shotguns and Flamers are rather well liked under these men thanks to the often Claustrophobic nature of the "Abhorrent" but mining laser (run as meltas) are also usefull.

Ok Now to the CSM Warbands, First off Mercenary lord Phyrax, a rather old CSM, some suggest that he came from a Alpha Legion Cell since he is freakingly large, regardless he is a man that prefers forward plans:

His Chosen are all equipped with Combibolters, and named Immortals since they all wear what ammounts to basically the same armor:

Of course beeing straight forward and a Mercenary that works for anyone that pays up, he rather is involved or was involved in many conflicts and therefore managed to gather 2 small squads of Berzerkers:

Phyrax also has somehow managed to get the support of a Dark Mechanicum Heretek, run as a warpsmith, he is still in WIP but i am rather proud of my little Kitbash:

Then there are the "Soulsellers", A bunch of CSM that stranded in the Space Hulk and now inhabit the Region that are not protected by the various Gellerfields. Probably in search of treasures they tried to get in and get out but did not make it far before falling victim to a sudden warp entrance, their only option was to sell their soul to the Decimator they had with them:

Well here is the Decimator that owns their souls and a rather good friend to the Dark Mechanicum adept under Phyrax, It refers to itself as "Legion" since there are a lot of legionaires in it, well probably anyways it seems to be rather insane.

Whilest i am normally not a fan of DG i really liked the look of the ones i got in the set box, this here ofcourse was the leader of the unlucky expedition team and is run as a regular Terminator Lord of Nurgle with the AL trait, since well, he is a ghost.
Just like his men and since this was a boarding team they are mostly Terminators:

Or Terminator Wannabees:

However the Squad that was there to defend the entrance point also fell victim to the jump and are now Ghostly, Ghastly Plague Marines:

They had some Heavy support, but not even that remained untouched by the sudden exposure to the Warp in it's purest form:

Generally they mind their own buisness in one of the non habitable parts of the Hulk, however since the Dark Mechanicum adept managed to communicate with the Decimator they were of course rather welcome as fellow combatants in the war against the Imperium, even though normally the only Cults that are allowed in the "Anhorrent" are Khornates or unaligned, in order to prevent the complete disintegration of discipline as to avoid the complete wipeout of the inhabitants, which also have a rather large part of Atheistic civilians on board.

So i guess this should suffice:

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/17 18:24:08

Post by: Excommunicatus

Niiiiiiiiiiice. I didn't realize before yesterday that you had a whole other Renegade army already, I thought the 31st (Guards?) Mechanized were your first go around.

Depending on the level of silliness you're willing to put up with in your army's background, you could say that they went on holiday by mistake.

I like to mix serious nods to history like Starshiy Serzhant Yeryomenko and The Motherland Calls! with pop-culture references that are, frankly, quite silly. It stops me getting too 'precious' about the whole thing and it's a nice little nod to the days when GW had a sense of humour. IMO, of course.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/17 19:18:30

Post by: Not Online!!!

Niiiiiiiiiiice. I didn't realize before yesterday that you had a whole other Renegade army already, I thought the 31st (Guards?) Mechanized were your first go around.

Na i started in 5th with the outdated Vraks list, mainly because i wanted something different then regular CSM.

Depending on the level of silliness you're willing to put up with in your army's background, you could say that they went on holiday by mistake.

I don't think such a concept of holiday exists if your society lives in a Space Hulk and whilest the Hulk "Abhorrent" is only the size of a small moon, that is plenty enough room for a decent population which needs to be fed and trained in order to survive the Hulk, ergo the PDF (the army you seen today in my post) are basically conscripted men and asteroid miners which serve to maintain the ship and or build a City within it. The 31. is basically a conglomerate laid toghether before their "treason" in order to defend the Refugees / Regiments itself from destruction by Ork, they took over a planetary System, turned to Khorne and took over the spacehulk which they now use as a Hive/ Battleship carrier, in order to get out of the grasp of the IoM. (kind of like Migratiing warband/horde actually come to think of it)

I belive the mere fact that Flags and Vox are omnipresent, even on the militia is silly enough considering that they are basically what ammounts to a bunch of workers, shopkeeps and pissed off Asteroid miners.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/17 19:30:06

Post by: Excommunicatus

Probably it doesn't, but I've never felt overly constrained by the nebulous bounds of 40K canon, such as it is. Especially if it means I can fit in a silly pop-culture reference. Going on holiday by mistake, FYI, is a reference to a cult British movie called Withnail & I.

So really they're more a like Naval Defence Force/Kreigsmarine with some press-ganged 'recruits'? Ratings, are they called?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/17 19:49:53

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Probably it doesn't, but I've never felt overly constrained by the nebulous bounds of 40K canon, such as it is. Especially if it means I can fit in a silly pop-culture reference. Going on holiday by mistake, FYI, is a reference to a cult British movie called Withnail & I.

So really they're more a like Naval Defence Force/Kreigsmarine with some press-ganged 'recruits'? Ratings, are they called?

Did not get the reference but I blame my cultural background,then again i might make some " Soldat Läppli " references which most non swiss won't get.

As for what they are, think of them as a cross between a militia army, attritioned regular units, rioteers, volunteers and conscripts in a space naval setting.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/17 20:33:57

Post by: Excommunicatus

So they wander the stars inflicting Khorne's wrath? That's a fairly tragic-romantic backstory, if correct. I approve.

I hadn't heard of the Soldat Läppl and since all the google results are in German which I haven't studied or used in nearly fifteen years I still don't really know what they are/were.

See, if I was Swiss, I'd work in a reference to that time Switzerland accidentally invaded Liechtenstein a few years ago. But again, I like silliness and real-life references. Your mileage may vary and, for clarity, I'm not trying to tell what you should do.

Merely 'spitballing'.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/17 21:13:13

Post by: Not Online!!!

Soldat Läppli is a commedy that is and was also a reaction against the rather authoritarian and order oriented Swiss military whilest also pointing out flaws within the army. It basically has as protagonist said Soldat Läppli, which btw is allready a hint in the name for it's rather comical nature, and true to his name the Soldat Läppli is rather peculiar beeing somewhere in the terrain of incompetent, well meaning and a true horror for his superiors. Btw Läppli has ties to Lappie, which means a dumb/ unhandily person but in a somewhat friendly way.

Also even if you could German, the film is in swiss german, a whole other beast, to the point even our relatives generally struggle.

As for the whole Lichtenstein incident, let's just say that we invaded them multiple times, gotta keep the monarchists in line. (Mind you Direct- democracy is probably one of the most radical structures and ideologies out there and for swiss identity rather important for distinction especially torwards "brother" nationalities.) BTW, we also shelled them with artillery and i know from atleast one incident that is non public that was a violation of germanies border. Then again so long nothing happens no harm done.
(Probably would trigger Steinbrück though, that donkey threatened us with cavallery for beeing a tax haven, meanwhile he ignored Jersey or Monacco or Delaware)

I could probably also work in the "swabian war" which is memeworthy in itself. Better yet the Neuenburger handel, or better known as " That one time Switzerland was threatening and winning against prussia"
That one is remarkably memeworthy.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/18 14:14:06

Post by: Not Online!!!

So build stage over, well more or less, depending on what i think will be neccessary in the future i might buy some more, but now it's time to show you the last 2 Squads and the whole army so far:

Well this here is Squad B again the same equipment as before:

Squad C has some additional bitz added:

Mainly stabby bits, add to that Covenant of Khorne and you actually get quite alot of melee power out of the 6 ppm Disciples.

And here the final conclusion and List for the army so far:

The list is buil as following so far:

Vanguard Detachment A:
Renegade Commander (Meinel) Energy Sword, Lasgun 29 pts.


Command Squad A: 11 C.Disciples Missile Launcher, Plasma Gun, Banner, Command Vox, 119 pts.
Chimera: Autocannon, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Stubber 102pts.

Command Squad B: 12 C.Disciples Missile Launcher, Plasma Gun, Banner, Command Vox 115 pts.
Chimera: Multilaser, Heavy Bolter 93pts

Command Squad C: 12 C.Disciples Missile Launcher, Plasma Gun, Banner, Command Vox 115 pts.
Chimera: Multilaser, Heavy Bolter 93pts

Marauder Squad Auge: 5 Marauder, Stalkers, 2 Sniperrifles 34 pts.

Heavy Support:
Leman Russ: Battlecannon, 3 Heavy Bolters 168 pts

Leman Russ: Battlecannon, 3 Heavy Bolters 168 pts

Vanguard Detachment B:
Renegade Commander (Graff) Power fist, Lasgun 35 pts.


Fallschirmgrenadiere A (11 Disciples): Heavy Stubber, Plasma Gun, Vox 88pts.

Fallschirmgrenadiere B (12 Disciples): Heavy Stubber, Plasma Gun, Vox 94pts.

Marauder Squad Ohr: 5 Marauders, Stalkers, 2 Sniperrifles 34 pts.

2x Valkyrie: Salvo pods, Multilaser, 284 pts

Total:1'571 pts.

Now the question, how should i go about to fill up the army to 2'000pts. I personally thought 'd buy myself some Hellverin Amirigers mainly because they'd fit the mobile theme, but i kinda can accomplish the same with exterminator / punisher leman russes, i also would like to add in some field artillery and thought about Quadlaunchers / Earthshaker batteries, however considering how expensive they are i wonder if there would be some decent replacement options.

Anyways i guess next update will be some of my abmissal painting so until then.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/18 14:31:04

Post by: Zid

Those renegades look awesome, keep up the work!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/18 14:35:04

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Zid wrote:
Those renegades look awesome, keep up the work!

Anvil Regiments range, is simply put, gorgeous.

The quality is great, i have probably in total only needed like 5 minutes to clean them before glueing them, the Resin they use is not britlle like FW's resin (IMPLEMENT LOUD SCREAMING OF HORROR AND DISMAY WHILEST BUILDING THE FETHING DECIMATOR) and the price (especially their shipping policy) is 1A.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/18 14:44:20

Post by: Zid

Not Online!!! wrote:
 Zid wrote:
Those renegades look awesome, keep up the work!

Anvil Regiments range, is simply put, gorgeous.

The quality is great, i have probably in total only needed like 5 minutes to clean them before glueing them, the Resin they use is not britlle like FW's resin (IMPLEMENT LOUD SCREAMING OF HORROR AND DISMAY WHILEST BUILDING THE FETHING DECIMATOR) and the price (especially their shipping policy) is 1A.

Sadly I stick in line with GW's models solely because I plan to go to larger events in the future, where the model policies are more stringent... but yes, these look excellent. I would probably use them as cultists

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/18 18:03:07

Post by: Excommunicatus

So, roughly speaking, is the cost of assembling a squad using Anvil bitz comparable to buying a Catachan or Cadian box from GW?

I made the mistake of looking at ushanka heads again...

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/18 18:17:34

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
So, roughly speaking, is the cost of assembling a squad using Anvil bitz comparable to buying a Catachan or Cadian box from GW?

I made the mistake of looking at ushanka heads again...

Ehm, yes actually for me atleast , it is a fair deal, generally they have their "custom builders" which are worth it, i payed for the 5x12 dudes around 241 Euro with the equipment i wanted, with the look i wanted.The whole infantery base i have probably cost me around 350 Euro with the HWT's Squad and the marauders beeing buitl completely seperately without a builder for which ammounts to 70 models for that price.

For 70 IG dudes i pay 29x7 CHF + 2 x39 CHF+ 28CHF which would be 309 CHF but not equipped as i would want them. Shipping is free after a relative small ammount so i don't mind the price.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/18 18:35:48

Post by: Excommunicatus

Hmm. It seems a unit made of Anvil parts would cost me $6 more than the Cadian box does, without a Vox-Caster, Special Weapons, Heavy Weapons or Grenades. It's unclear whether that includes the VAT discount for not being a non-EU resident, though. I'd wager it doesn't but I can't be sure.

With a 20% VAT discount on the quoted price, they'd work out roughly $3 cheaper than Cadians and then I'd need to pay extra for Vox-Casters et al. It's tempting.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/18 19:05:18

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Hmm. It seems a unit made of Anvil parts would cost me $6 more than the Cadian box does, without a Vox-Caster, Special Weapons, Heavy Weapons or Grenades. It's unclear whether that includes the VAT discount for not being a non-EU resident, though. I'd wager it doesn't but I can't be sure.

With a 20% VAT discount on the quoted price, they'd work out roughly $3 cheaper than Cadians and then I'd need to pay extra for Vox-Casters et al. It's tempting.

Do not use single orders to completly make the units, instead use the platoon builder, since all stuff in there is cheaper, like Voxes etc.

Edit: You could also just take the heads you 'd like and put them on Cadian sized bodies.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Zid wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:
 Zid wrote:
Those renegades look awesome, keep up the work!

Anvil Regiments range, is simply put, gorgeous.

The quality is great, i have probably in total only needed like 5 minutes to clean them before glueing them, the Resin they use is not britlle like FW's resin (IMPLEMENT LOUD SCREAMING OF HORROR AND DISMAY WHILEST BUILDING THE FETHING DECIMATOR) and the price (especially their shipping policy) is 1A.

Sadly I stick in line with GW's models solely because I plan to go to larger events in the future, where the model policies are more stringent... but yes, these look excellent. I would probably use them as cultists

I am more of a laid back guy but yeah if you go to events it's prob better to stick with the GW/FW line, however the quality of their Resin is , questionable at best for such a company and simply unaceptable oftentimes at worst, i was working around 3 Hours on one shoulder of the Decimator i posted here to simply make the armor plates fit...

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/18 19:31:09

Post by: Excommunicatus

Oh, ok. I was using the single squad tool.


Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/18 21:15:02

Post by: Not Online!!!

After i took a look at my army, i realised something, they look all with gasmasks and similiar like they would be an infantery force, attacking through gas.

Now I always wanted Earthshaker batteries but kinda always found them rather to expensive for what you get from Fw, now my question is, do some of you know an alternative for such pieces of artillery?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/18 21:37:25

Post by: Excommunicatus

Basically any 1:35 scale Howitzer, I'd have thought.


Or there's a tutorial to make an Earthshaker Carriage and a Chimera from the Basilisk somewhere around the interwebs.

How about

The 15 cm Schwere Feldhaubitze 18 or sFH 18 (German: "heavy field howitzer, model 18") was the basic German division-level heavy howitzer during the Second World War.


They're $7 USD each. EDIT - Nope, that's to buy a PDF file. DO NOT CLICK ADD TO CART.

They're $32 USD inc. shipping on ebay.


Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/18 21:53:13

Post by: Not Online!!!

Hmm, they seem slightly to small for a Earthshaker, but a heavy mortar they could very well be.
That or a thudd gun.
I think i will consider them.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/20 15:03:37

Post by: Not Online!!!

"The worst was the constant movement of the enemy, the lack of frontlines. It made us sick, we felt like we had nowhere to hide, nowhere to fallback to. That and the constant use of gas and smokescreens, our gunners could not make out their tanks and we could not make out their units until they were right on top of us. And let me tell you, they were like maniacs, swinging daggers, bajonetts and rifles like clubs. Stabbing, cutting and bludgeoning people left right and center whilest throwing greanades, molotovs and smoke canisters everywhere." Riflemen Jennick, 3rd Fenyian Regiment.

So today i thought, he let's paint some stuff, guess what, spray is out after the first squad is halfdone..... Thankfully i use a double priming of sorts, first black then grey and i got some work in, also started on the flag.

And i also made some more details on my Feldjäger squads, still missing some marks and other improvements and fixed some minor faults and am also begging to mark my Panzerfüsiliere.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/20 15:49:59

Post by: Excommunicatus


Wouldn't your army call Molotovs Ribbentrops?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/11/20 15:55:43

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:

Wouldn't your army call Molotovs Ribbentrops?

Na, Molotovs are Molotovs, blame the fins for that one.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/08 12:06:41

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, i had a rather big enlightenment moment, and remembered that in my bitzbox there must be the leftover gun of the basilisk, which i bought for cheap since it was destroyed.
Now i always wanted a piece of fieldartilery also hidden and preferably reeinforced.

So this is it, for now it is not fixed toghether, i still will try to make it turnable and ofcourse there will be some filler for the sides of the gun.

Also i said hidden and i might found a perfect solution for that.
See i own a bit of mosquito mesh which might do the trick for a bit of cammo netting, now i just need someway to cut it accurately.

Also for those wondering why there are two ectoplasma cannons, I may try to make a stalk tank: out of 2 Sentinels that will be run as the plasma Leman Russ, and or i will massacre an amiriger set and built it out of one of them.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/08 12:38:09

Post by: Excommunicatus

That's nice WIP. How does an artillery emplacement work with a mechanized force, though?

If Swiss screens are anything like Canadian screens then you should be able to cut that stuff with a regular pair of scissors or stanley knife.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/08 13:25:06

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
That's nice WIP. How does an artillery emplacement work with a mechanized force, though?

If Swiss screens are anything like Canadian screens then you should be able to cut that stuff with a regular pair of scissors or stanley knife.

Nope, can't do it with scissors, heck even my trusty army knive capitulates.

Btw, i never said the mechanized would not know how to dig in, also there still is the other "cannonfodder" part of my army.
Maybee i just make a piece of terrain out of it.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/08 13:28:29

Post by: Excommunicatus

Really, eh? I guess Swiss mosquitoes are made of sterner stuff.

I don't mean to dissuade you from making it an artillery piece, it's clearly an Earthshaker so it's entirely legitimate to run it as one.

I just wondered about the 'head-canon' behind it, 'cause I obsess so much over these kind of silly little details in my own force.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/08 13:33:50

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Really, eh? I guess Swiss mosquitoes are made of sterner stuff.

I don't mean to dissuade you from making it an artillery piece, it's clearly an Earthshaker so it's entirely legitimate to run it as one.

I just wondered about the 'head-canon' behind it, 'cause I obsess so much over these kind of silly little details in my own force.

I'd blame the quality as too high

Well since i anyways need to fix my table i might make it dual use, as a Mission target aswell as for my defense force PDF part of my army which also gets the task of holding ground.

So win win.
Will probably give them a officer from the 31. And some random crew man from my allready existing army.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Sidenote, should i get a Malcador?
I mean as a breaktrhough tank it 'd fit no?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/09 10:48:23

Post by: Not Online!!!

Vanguard Detachment A:
Renegade Commander (Meinel) Energy Sword, Lasgun 29 pts.


Command Squad A: 11 C.Disciples Missile Launcher, Plasma Gun, Banner, Command Vox, 119 pts.
Chimera: Autocannon, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Stubber 102pts.

Command Squad B: 12 C.Disciples Missile Launcher, Plasma Gun, Banner, Command Vox 115 pts.
Chimera: Multilaser, Heavy Bolter 93pts

Command Squad C: 12 C.Disciples Missile Launcher, Plasma Gun, Banner, Command Vox 115 pts.
Chimera: Multilaser, Heavy Bolter 93pts

Marauder Squad Auge: 5 Marauder, Stalkers, 2 Sniperrifles 34 pts.

Heavy Support:
Leman Russ: Battlecannon, 3 Heavy Bolters 168 pts

Leman Russ: Battlecannon, 3 Heavy Bolters 168 pts

Vanguard Detachment B:
Renegade Commander (Graff) Power fist, Lasgun 35 pts.


Fallschirmgrenadiere A (11 Disciples): Heavy Stubber, Plasma Gun, Vox 88pts.

Fallschirmgrenadiere B (12 Disciples): Heavy Stubber, Plasma Gun, Vox 94pts.

Marauder Squad Ohr: 5 Marauders, Stalkers, 2 Sniperrifles 34 pts.

2x Valkyrie: Salvo pods, Multilaser, 284 pts

Total:1'571 pts.
Back to the drawing board it seems, thanks to the CA my army is now quite a bit cheaper:

1571 -19 Chimera A -40 for the other 2 chimeras - 38 for the two valkyries - 10 for all the plasma guns invovled -4 for the grenadier stubbers -15 for the missile launchers (the howitzers) - 2 for Graffs powerfist:

New Total 1443 pts. Difference 128 pts.
I now feel the urge to add in Sentinels, /heavily modified sentinels....

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/09 14:11:08

Post by: Not Online!!!

"Reorganisation of the AMU and other Paramilitary Units of the Abhorrent aswell as common regulations.

In order to maintain discipline aswell as fighting capability the following order will be released to the people of the Abhorrent:

1. The following Organisations are now prohibited to Operate: The ecclesiarchy, Cults of the following Gods: Slaanesh, Tzeentch and Nurgle. All this cults were found to be disruptive for the society on the Abhorrent, membership is punishable by death via sacrifice to the Entity known as "Legion".

2. The AMU (Abhorrent Miners Union) aswell as the WUA (Workers Union of the Abhorrent) are to reorganise their paramilitary groups and equipment into the "Abhorrent Freischärler" or AF

3. The combined ressources of the AMU aswell as the WUA are headed by the "Dreiergremium", which consists of Gregor "Einarm" Steiner from the WUA, Grent Dollarhyde from the AMU and Heretek Magos Insidolfus "the big"

4. The competency of the "Dreiergremium" is the managment of ressources, the production of necessary goods for the war effort aswell as the maintaining of order. Additionally the General calls upon the "Dreiergremium" in order to plan the further action on our crusade against the corrupt Imperium.

5. The AF is allowed to conscript any able bodied citizen of the Abhorrent or any aligned world. If persons are not willing to join, they are Sacrificed to the Entity known as "Legion"

6. The AF is organised in Freischärlerzüge: Each of these consists off the following
- "Achter Gremium" The upper comand responsible for organising aswell as training it's Zug

- 4 Squads of Freischärler of which two atleast compromise of Point Defense Squads or PDS consiting off: 1 Schädler, 1 Heavy MG Team, and 7 Freischärler

- The two other are Mainline squads or MS consiting off: 1 Schädler, 1 Grenadier, 8 Freischärler

-Additonally: Freischärler that survived 2 engagements and are still able bodied and fit, maybee promoted into Schocktruppen which consist off: 1 Schädler, 2 Flammenwerfer, 7 Schocktruppen

- Freischaren may elect a Veteran member of their Squad to a Schädler.

- The duty of a Schädler are as follows: Firstly, Maintenace, training and commanding as a NCO on the field, aswell as policing the Abhorrent to defend it's Citizens from attacks on the integrity of the society.

- A Freischarenzug therefore consists of the following: "Achter Gremium", Schocktrupp, 4 Freischarentrupps aswell as further auxilia deemed necessary by the "Dreiergremium"

- The AF is responsible to consolidate ground, build structures and extract ressources on occupied plantes. It also has to maintain the Garnison in the recently conquered system "Diametres 1"

- The "Dreiergremium" is responsible for expanding our base in the system of "Diametres 1"

- Schädler, aswell as Stosstruppen may be promoted to a Rank within the 31. Mechanized. Upon elevation a Schädler will continue to perform his duties to defend the society from internal threats. Schädler that are in the ranks of the 31. are not required to train the Freischärler.

May Khorne be pleased with our Vendetta."

General Meinel,

So as you can see, i picked up what i had left from my old main army, unified it and made my secondary defense force into a structurized, somewhat fluffy, defense army that i can further expand, as i see fit.

I also plan on finishing painting these units. They are there mostly to provide some CP and generally be cannonfodder for my more elite section, aswell as the defenders of Diametres 1 which is a table project i am working on
(No Excommunicatus, there will be no pictures as of yet of said table) .

As for Auxilia planned for this particular Freischarenzug, either more stubber teams, because who doesn't like Heavy stubbers. Mortar squads. Pioneer squads and maybee soonish some rather peculiar projects run as sentinels but called stalk tanks, thanks to good old "Insidolfus"

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/09 15:35:07

Post by: Excommunicatus

Unless I'm doing something really dumb 'cause it's early and I've only had one coffee and/or I'm dumb, a Chimera (60) with Autocannon (10), Heavy Bolter (8) and Heavy Stubber (2) is 80pts (60+10+8+2).

Since the CA pages are posted here I guess we're ok with posting points values, right?

You seem pretty light on AT in general, maybe beef up the costs by slapping some Lascannons on the Leman Russ? You've also got 5CP. Granted, you've nothing really to spend them on, but... you could add a Khorne Daemon Battalion for 550pts...

EDIT - My 2K R&H list lost... *drumroll* 38pts. Mostly 'cause of changes to Sentinels.

EDIT 2 - Never mind, I am dumb.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/09 16:17:34

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Unless I'm doing something really dumb 'cause it's early and I've only had one coffee and/or I'm dumb, a Chimera (60) with Autocannon (10), Heavy Bolter (8) and Heavy Stubber (2) is 80pts (60+10+8+2).

Since the CA pages are posted here I guess we're ok with posting points values, right?

You seem pretty light on AT in general, maybe beef up the costs by slapping some Lascannons on the Leman Russ? You've also got 5CP. Granted, you've nothing really to spend them on, but... you could add a Khorne Daemon Battalion for 550pts...

EDIT - My 2K R&H list lost... *drumroll* 38pts. Mostly 'cause of changes to Sentinels.

EDIT 2 - Never mind, I am dumb.

Nope you are correct on the chimera, however remove the specific points on it's weapons.

As for why no at here, well this is really just for ad hoc.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/17 14:08:40

Post by: Not Online!!!

So this is a Update:

First off, now not only do i lack a Black spray, i now also lack brushes..........
Secondly, i am however mostly finished with my AF , cannonfodder department for my army.
Thirdly: I also found the perfect sized box. Yes the perfect sized box, don't question my sanity, i never got handed one.The box will end up as a Pillbox/ Bunker, after i am done with it.

First off: I am working on Insidolfus, since A: Warpsmiths got alot cheaper and B: I might or might not have gone a tad insane and plan on some verry random Kitbashing for Hellverins.

He still misses mostly detail work.

Now the Militia Itself:

The first MG squad, some smaller detail work still missing, but since i now lack detail brushes....

Same here. Still quite content with the equipment, probably will give the enforcer/Schädler a once over for scratches in his carpace armour.

I also forgot about the fact that Cultists, especially on their backside are rather blocky pieces of plastic and not particulary detailed if you don't look at them from the front.

Once again, i wonder why GW did not release a proper cultist box.

Oh and i gave good old One hand a once over.

Now, it will probably take me some time to get back into the flow, probably will build somemore, and especially paint more after my new detail brushes arrived, especailly the FW Renegades flag seems a bit empty.

Anyways, have some nice festive days.

I need some coffee now......

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/17 15:58:18

Post by: Excommunicatus


Are they all GW Cultists are are there some of Anvil's in there too?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/17 16:13:29

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:

Are they all GW Cultists are are there some of Anvil's in there too?

Nope, anvil Industries Cultist line is not really fitting.
They are made up out of gsc cultists and regular gw ones.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/23 16:36:40

Post by: Not Online!!!

"What, Is, That?!?" General Meinels comment on first seeing the "Watchdog" Class Amiriger

Well, the next one, will be more of a Stalk tank, gonna abuse the living gak out of those metal tentacles and hades autocannons for a count as leman russ.

Anyways : Merry Christmas

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/23 17:00:46

Post by: KernelTerror

Gorgeous conversion, loving the asymmetry !

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/23 18:18:43

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Gorgeous conversion, loving the asymmetry !

thanks to you i found what bothered me so much

and now, after bleeding,sweating and tearing up a bit. (since i cut myself with my knife)
i am now content

It still now looks asymetrical, but the Hades Autocannon just fits better for when i want to play them as amiriger Hellverins.

Once again french aesthetic for the save!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/23 19:26:17

Post by: KernelTerror

Glad to be of service ^^, that massive gatling looks brilliant !
Having been baptized in blood, this knight should do great in battle !

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/23 19:53:22

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Glad to be of service ^^, that massive gatling looks brilliant !
Having been baptized in blood, this knight should do great in battle !

Well, i suppose,it will do, so Khorne will.
But considering it even worked for the Grey Knights in that one horrible piece of fluff, it just has to.
(on the other hand with the recent state of the GK codex, it probably didn't do them that good. )

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/24 10:53:25

Post by: Not Online!!!

"So you mean to tell me, that you not only disabled these with scrapcode, Recycled the leftover parts of forgefiends, rebound the Daemons to said forgefiends to Fritz und Franz, cause Feth em i guess and now forced them into these Abominations?" "Yes i guess?" "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND INSIDOLFUS?!? WHAT IF THEY BEGINN A RAMPAGE?!?" Not likely General, they are as cudly as puppies, well as Puppies their size with modified Hades Autocannons and huge energy claw-fist things can be."

These are actually the main parts, also yes the stubber is in the mouth of the second one.

And this the whole gang, well kinda sorta, still not sure what to make out of the forgefiend....

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/25 14:19:33

Post by: Not Online!!!

So. i found a use out of the left over part.
I am creating a SCA or self-crawling artillery piece.

I also found some leftover parts of leman russes and still have some faces left form the knights and cables but i think detail work later, now i just need to fix the gun into it.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/25 18:47:32

Post by: max_power

Love the armigers, dude. I may need to steal that conversion idea for my army.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/25 21:05:55

Post by: Not Online!!!

Hmm, if you like the Amirigers, welcome aboard then.

Now this here, is the finished Basilisk wannabee.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Has anyone a decent name for this thing?

It kinda looks like a Cycloptic- spider?!?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/26 10:29:16

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, did some reworking, finally did my Tank Ace.
Anybody with a good name suggestion?

Hmm, need to update the list it seems, i will run the Amiriger conversions as Leman russ punishers, since that is easier and they have approx the same size but are a tad bigger.
The spider Basilisk will also need a name.
And the 2 MBT Leman russes

Also successfully integrated the Mecha part into the 31.

Also thankfully i got now new Brushes! Hurray i can finally begin painting again

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/26 20:44:15

Post by: Excommunicatus

Solid progress.

I would literally call it 'The Thing'.

Or maybe Skipper the Eyechild, but that's because I'm a big fan of a British TV show that almost certainly didn't air in Switzerland.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/26 22:05:08

Post by: tzurk

This is some good heresy, OP. Love the Spiderlisk. For names - The Eye That Walks? Crawling Thunder? Arachnoquake?

I also love the knight helmets on the cultists - they might be a little big, but a Chaos cultist seems like exactly the sort of dude who would find/be gifted something like that and make sure they wear it no matter how fethin' uncomfortable/sore they get because a) their God demands it and b) it looks badass.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/26 22:30:00

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:

Solid progress.

I would literally call it 'The Thing'.

Or maybe Skipper the Eyechild, but that's because I'm a big fan of a British TV show that almost certainly didn't air in Switzerland.

Hmm need to investigate. Altough "the Eyechild" would be interesting.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 tzurk wrote:
This is some good heresy, OP. Love the Spiderlisk. For names - The Eye That Walks? Crawling Thunder? Arachnoquake?

I also love the knight helmets on the cultists - they might be a little big, but a Chaos cultist seems like exactly the sort of dude who would find/be gifted something like that and make sure they wear it no matter how fethin' uncomfortable/sore they get because a) their God demands it and b) it looks badass.

Actually i made that choice more out of the reason, that only the nutcases would neither use a metalmask / helmet.
Mostly though because of my own expirience.

Not to mention that Mutation on a space hulk population also could be rather big and the cannonfodder part you saw in pg.2 are also worker /"volunteers" that potentially also had some rather unpleasant Jobs to do.

Again a Eye suggestion, i do like arachnoquake, but to long.

Anyways welcome aboard!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 max_power wrote:
Love the armigers, dude. I may need to steal that conversion idea for my army.

You need to improvise on the Arms.
Forgot that to mention, and also make the side part flat since the Arms are fixed by the shoulder pads (?)
Not to mention the cylinders on the Arms need some shortening and you need some stuff to cover the sides since the Forgefiend arm is not in the socket.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/26 22:51:47

Post by: Excommunicatus

Skipper the Eyechild is an episode of and character in a spoof-horror TV show made by Channel 4 called "Garth Marenghi's Darkplace".

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/26 23:07:19

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Skipper the Eyechild is an episode of and character in a spoof-horror TV show made by Channel 4 called "Garth Marenghi's Darkplace".

I am laughing my ass off, that is hillarious!
Eyechild it is for the little lovebug with the long gun!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/27 14:31:11

Post by: Not Online!!!

And we begin anew with painting:
Think the white masks makes a good contrast:

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/28 11:31:14

Post by: Not Online!!!

And, we advance further, also found my old baneblade, which needs some fixing up.

Next up i guess i beginn to paint up my Valkyries.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/29 12:40:27

Post by: Not Online!!!

And the first squad is finished:


Some squadmembers:

Yes some got camo helmets, others have 31. written on them, others have a Khornate symbol on their helmet.

now i just need to paint the other groundsquads up as to fix in the painted up Missile Launchers/ AT guns.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/30 21:58:58

Post by: KernelTerror

I was actually quite fond of your first Idea, S.C.A, Self Crawling Artillery.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/31 09:10:56

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
I was actually quite fond of your first Idea, S.C.A, Self Crawling Artillery.

It still is S.C.A. It now just also has a name.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2018/12/31 23:04:23

Post by: Excommunicatus

SCA the Eyechild.

How do you lose a Baneblade?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/01 08:41:10

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
SCA the Eyechild.

How do you lose a Baneblade?

S.C.A: "The Eyechild"

I am swiss, we "lost" 12 MBT's in a fortress (bunker complex) and about the first thing you learn in the swiss military is what you are allowed to lose and what you are not allowed to lose.

(losing tanks= losing the part of your assult rifle to switch it to full auto = )

Truth be told i never really used my Baneblade, so i put it into a box and stored it away.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/03 09:57:15

Post by: Not Online!!!

And i got some work in on Insidolfus.

I am also sick, i feel like nurgle spit in my soup.

Anyways, happy new year.

And i still can't paint stuff^^

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/06 11:10:01

Post by: Not Online!!!

So today, i worked further on my cute little valkyrie, aswell as insidolphus.

and whilest i am content with the vlakyire so far,i am not particulary happy with how insidolphus turned out.

Mainly i tried to do some runic stuff, since he looked to clinically sterile for a dark mechanicus magos.

I swear if i look at my runes i either end up pressing like a elephant or have parkinson and twitch all over the model..

Automatically Appended Next Post:
So brought good old insidolphus also to an acceptable level.
need coffee now.

This are the Runes i so much despise:

Now in true terrible quality:

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/09 15:12:57

Post by: Not Online!!!

"Tell me, lord Phyrax, why did you decide to follow us? To be honest, General, because you have a plan, a ship, well if you want to call the Abhorrent that way, but more importantly a cause. A cause worthy of Khornes attention, simply put. By beeing around your little vendetta i grow too in power and i too again have a cause. Just like these brothers that were lost before, i too lost my cause a long time ago, playing shadowy games without impact just to be discarded as cannonfodder as soon as i became uncomfortable, here I am too on a Vendetta and once more filled with fire and just rage." Part of a voice recording sometimes after the succesfull assult on Diametres 1

So Phyrax now got some more astartes bretheren rallied around him.

this is one of the two 5 man squads (the other one got a plasma launcher)

Whilest i also thought that good old Insidolphus could also get a job on the field:

introducing Argnar, and mostly the thing Insidolphus will babysitt as a count as warpsmith.

And these little Skittari will be run as a Cultist squad:

That brings Phyrax's Warband up to a Battalion consisting off:




5x CSM Missile launcher

5x CSM Plasma gun

10x Cultists


Phyraxes Imoortals 5x chosen with 5 combibolters and a power maul

5x Khorne berzerkers with Bolt pistols and 4 chainswords 1x powersword

5x Khorne berzerkers with bolt pistols and 4 Chainaxes 1x powerfist

2 x Rhino with combi bolter and havoc launcher each

1x Agnar, Reaper autocannon Hellbrutepowerfist.


3x CSM bikers

Now i am thinking about tomorrow, i either get a Hellturkey, since i like the mdel to no end, another chimera, 10 raptors or something else that takes my fancy beyond some colours and a black spray.

Edit: How did i end up with 2400 views?!?
Something ain't right.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/10 19:38:36

Post by: Not Online!!!

A small teaser.

Those who guess the unit, get to suggest a name for it.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/11 10:42:25

Post by: Not Online!!!

So this here, is the "ogryn Berzerker Champion"

Yes he has a magmacutter that count's as a power drill.

Of course they need to be kept in line!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/12 12:35:12

Post by: Not Online!!!

Wip Minotaur berzerkers. Funny story i always wanted a big guys only Beastmen army, however wasn't a fan of Aos /WHFB so never started, now i went to the shop, looked at the ogryns, turned left and saw these.

For some mutants picked out of a spacehulk and modified by Insidolphus i am quite content. The skin could use some washes and some of the parts are not painted at all but am quite happy how they work out so far.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/13 15:38:39

Post by: Not Online!!!

So. finished Ogryns, well Minotaurs, either way, i think they turned out okay:

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/14 13:25:06

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, i kinda think the S:C:A piece has become my favorite out of my little pet project.
The eyechild simply put is adorable:

Still heavly WIP, need to mostly correct minor faults and some other things, but overall, AIN'T IT A ADORABLE LITTLE BASILIK WANNABEE?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/14 18:05:31

Post by: Excommunicatus

Holy of Holys, this has moved on since I was last here.

Loving the Minogryns. In fact, I love it all.

FWIW, I don't see an issue with your painting. I think you're judging yourself too harshly.

Is the Baneblade going to be joining the other enlightened members of your 'Renegades', then?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/14 18:20:49

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Holy of Holys, this has moved on since I was last here.

Loving the Minogryns. In fact, I love it all.

FWIW, I don't see an issue with your painting. I think you're judging yourself too harshly.

Is the Baneblade going to be joining the other enlightened members of your 'Renegades', then?

too generous, fun fact, i used some ogre or now OGORS (whoever came up with that name needs to be beaten) weapons someone traded in for voxes.

As for the baneblade, probably, altough it needs a look at.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/15 10:57:55

Post by: Not Online!!!

Ah, the smell of finished models that actually look finished!
Maybee it is just coffee though, Anyways, Enjoy:
First of, The Eyechild that little lovebug, with washes and fixes aswell as some better fleshy bits:

Then ofcourse finished Meinel:

And his personal Squad:

Especially proud of the Missile Launcher /Howitzer:

And Insidolphus:

Minor faults and washing ofcourse for him aswell.

Done are now:
General Meinel

The Eyechild

First squad of Panzerfüsiliere.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And finally, now the full army once more:


General Meinel: Lasgun, Power Sword, Inspiring leader, Covenant of Khorne. 29 pts

Command Squad A: 11 Dsiciples, Plasma gun, Banner of hate, command vox, Missile Launcher team. 112 pts.

Command Squad B: 12 Disciples, Plasma gun, Command Vox, Missile Launcher 108pts

Command Squad C: 12 Disciples, Plasma gun, Command Vox, Missile Launcher 108pts

Marauders: 5, 2 Sniperrifles, Stalkers, 34 pts

Marauders 5, 2 Sniperrifles, Stalkers, 34 pts

Heavy Support:
Leman Russ, Battlecannon, 3 Heavy Bolters 168pts

Leman Russ, Battlecannon, 3 heavy Bolters 168 pts

2 x Chimera, Multilaser, Heavy Bolter 146pts

1x Chimera, Autocannon, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Stubber. 80pts

Vanguard B
Graf: Powerfist, Lasgun. 33 pts.

3 Ogrynberzerks, Berzerkerchamp with energy drill 100pts

Disciples: 12, Plasma gun, Heavy stubber, Vox 85pts

Disciples: 11, PLasma gun, heavy Stubber, Vox 79pts

2x Valkyrie, Rocket pods and ML 242 pts.

Heavy Support:
2x Leman Russ Punishers, Heavy Bolter 300pts

Basilisk, Heavy bolter. 108pts.

Total 1934pts.

Not to bad and really close for the full 2000pts mark point.

(thankfully i could just add in 2 chaos spawn and would get up too 2000 excactly.)

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/20 22:14:18

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, i was a bit busy and had to improvise and also find a propper mark for my paratroopers.

I present you Graff.

With mark and some of his Fallschirmgrenadiere, WIP of course but what do you think?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/22 07:14:49

Post by: Excommunicatus

You have 2400 views 'cause your stuff is awesome.

Is that paint really called 'London Grey'?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/22 07:24:31

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
You have 2400 views 'cause your stuff is awesome.

Is that paint really called 'London Grey'?

Yes it is, should have seen the face when I asked the clerc for it

Nobody expects the London Grey!

But let us look at the Brightside!

I also asked for scions, to bad he atm didn't have any.

Wanted to create some propper elite marauders for babysitting reasons.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Btw, i once again tired of painting.....

So i dug through my bitz box and look what i've found!
IT is possitively ancient! and perfectly fits into Phyraxes A-Team

Will run it as a jumppacklord with combibolter!

now i either have the posibility for a tackle via shoulder or a sweeping sideways advance with the bolter forward:

Decisions decisions.

The finished endproduct.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/23 12:46:36

Post by: Not Online!!!

Today in "Not Online!!! once more shows his terrible Painting"

Well, Phyraxes A- Team comes toghether, here the fellow that helped him leg it after nearly beeing assasinated via mission.

Yes i tried myself at flames. I am somewhat happy.

And i gave Phyrax the wash treatment:

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/23 20:25:54

Post by: Excommunicatus

I still think you're being too hard on yourself.

I will say though that a finished base adds to the aesthetic appeal of minis considerably.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/23 21:15:45

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
I still think you're being too hard on yourself.

I will say though that a finished base adds to the aesthetic appeal of minis considerably.

I prefer neutral black bases, ofcourse that means not that I wont put stuff on em.
Generally i have a bit of tradition that units of mine that perform outstanding in a match gain trophies which then will be added on the base or the model itself. F.e.the khorne berzerker champion of mine with a Pf got his trophy rack after challanging and killing a c'tan in melee.

Yes i am wierd, but i am not going to stop that little tradition of mine now

Edit: that is probably a leftover of my first army, yes i once was an orky player, yes troophies grant a flat reroll for a git dead, yes that is fair.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

The one behind.
Reminds me i need to propperly finish them soon.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/23 21:46:21

Post by: Excommunicatus

I would argue that everyone in the hobby is at least a little bit weird, if 'weird' means 'unusual'. Most people don't spend money on plastic crack, don't spend hours painting figurines and don't write stories about them, so all of those thing are 'unusual' or 'weird'.

At the end of the day, they're your minis and if you prefer a plain black base then who gives a [Expletive Deleted] what I think about bases, right?

In other news, I was talking to an old friend last night who reminded me that on one of our trips to Chamonix Mont-Blanc, we accidentally invaded Switzerland by snowboarding down the wrong side of Le Tour.

Sorry about that.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/23 22:06:47

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
I would argue that everyone in the hobby is at least a little bit weird, if 'weird' means 'unusual'. Most people don't spend money on plastic crack, don't spend hours painting figurines and don't write stories about them, so all of those thing are 'unusual' or 'weird'.

At the end of the day, they're your minis and if you prefer a plain black base then who gives a [Expletive Deleted] what I think about bases, right?

I guess so, but i i consider it just a hobby, it is either this or in my case gaming. Frankly since PC games tend nowadays to be gak, or gambling dens in disguise i say, why bother wasting money there when I can get some paint, glue and miniatures.

In other news, I was talking to an old friend last night who reminded me that on one of our trips to Chamonix Mont-Blanc, we accidentally invaded Switzerland by snowboarding down the wrong side of Le Tour.

Sorry about that.

How dare thou!

Also were you freeriding kid, because if so, we will find you and then we will let you disapear in one of our bunkers, like we do with anything really come to think of it.

Jokes aside don't be stupid if you freeride, can be terrible for your health and I don't want a repeat of a certain incident...

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/23 22:19:49

Post by: Excommunicatus

We actually didn't realize we'd been in Switzerland until later on when we were in a bar, trying to figure out where we went wrong.

We were free-riding, yes. We went to Chamonix quite a lot because it was cheap, but the problem with cheap is that it often also means 'crowded', so we rarely bothered with the 'official' ski runs 'cause running into infants every five seconds is no fun for anyone.

And yeah, DLC and pay-to-win killed my interest in video-games, mostly.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/23 22:54:02

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
We actually didn't realize we'd been in Switzerland until later on when we were in a bar, trying to figure out where we went wrong.

We were free-riding, yes. We went to Chamonix quite a lot because it was cheap, but the problem with cheap is that it often also means 'crowded', so we rarely bothered with the 'official' ski runs 'cause running into infants every five seconds is no fun for anyone.

And yeah, DLC and pay-to-win killed my interest in video-games, mostly.

Well that and dumbing down, in the case of the total war series.

Anyways, i got
Phyrax now,
And Mister jumppack.
Insidolphus as a warpsmith,
That would be a supreme command detachment.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/25 13:05:47

Post by: Not Online!!!

"Captain, status report.
Our troops have advanced succesfully over the riverside, secured the promethium refinery and have encircled the enemy Tank forces in the city.
The AF divisions holding strong?
Surprisingly well, General, they have dug in so deep that 3 counteroffensives have been crushed, in no small part to Phyraxes second in command.
Actually, Phyrax were is he?
Infront off the bridge but he is not entering.

What excactly is going on out her........ INSIDOLPHUS WTF IS THAT THING!!!!!!"

So, it occured to me today, that i want to build something, first thing i wanted to do was a Warpsmith, on a spacemarine body, then i realised that i still have Daemonengine stuff, plague drones, etc lying around.
AND that i lack a Daemonprince.

Now this here is my Damonprince with "wings"
Well technically it is a Herald of Khorne bound into a Daemon engine and enslaved by Insidophus, to act as a personal bodyguard to Meinel.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/25 21:40:41

Post by: Excommunicatus

That's crazy good.

So Plague Drone, Forge/Maulerfiend, Minotaur arms?

What's the fourth kit?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/25 22:14:15

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
That's crazy good.

So Plague Drone, Forge/Maulerfiend, Minotaur arms?

What's the fourth kit?

Terminator Lord.
The backside of his skull trophy is a terminator shoulder pad.

Oh and forgot the assult marine jumppack.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/26 08:18:16

Post by: KernelTerror

That thing is positively grotesque, well done ! I can definitely see this beast jumping into enemy lines and crushing infantry as it lands !

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/26 09:49:23

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
That thing is positively grotesque, well done ! I can definitely see this beast jumping into enemy lines and crushing infantry as it lands !

Very much appreciated.

i am probably going to run it as a regular DP that ain't khorne, well since the intention is to use it to boost my pitifull performing renegades!
(psychich power is just to good on DP's and smiting stuff whilest using deathhex sounds like a fun thing.)

On the other hand, running him with Khorne, and a daemonic axe aswell as a claw, makes him the perfect Knight hunter with khorne. 10 S8 ap-3 s3 attacks and 2 claw attacks that hit on 3+/2+ makes him rather unnice, not to mention that VotLW aswell as the Khorne double fighting stratagem make him a rather brutal little thing.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
As for those that want to see more painted stuff:

How about these here:
First i finished the Chosen:

And afterwards here is Graff and his Falschirmgrenadiers:

To differenciate there is on the camohelmets now some green dots and the other ones that just have their regular helmets have gotten the same sign that Graffcarries on his cap.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/27 09:46:24

Post by: Not Online!!!

When you talk about the diffrent markings, have even pictures of it and forget to actually upload them at all.

Jesus, sometimes iwonder if a allready have dementia:

Oh and i finished the banner, finally:


I guess transports are up next, well a chimera and a valkyrie.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/28 11:38:07

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, not quite a Transport, but still an interesting WIP:

So, what still needs to happen:

-skin, same redish like


-scratches, metalic



Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/01/29 20:18:21

Post by: Not Online!!!

This is a small update, btw how do i name this thing?!?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/02/01 12:38:04

Post by: Not Online!!!

And Finished:

Name suggestions?
I atm was stuck at Bob.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/02/08 15:38:24

Post by: Not Online!!!

So for those that were wondering, what i was doing.

Well this:

I had finally enough, the last match (NR70 btw) finally broke the back of the Camel, and i decided since GW can't be bothered and FW doesn't support us anymore i'd rewrite the whole fething IA13 into 8th edition.

Atm there is in the proposed rules section the same link and i need some feedback.

Anyways, Will update some minis today too.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/02/10 09:20:48

Post by: Not Online!!!

And this here is what little me played after more or less putting his renegades to the side:

Also this little Apostate Priest/ Rogue Psyker, not sure as what to play him.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/02/11 13:32:15

Post by: Not Online!!!

"Are they Taunting us?" last recorded Vox-message of AA battery 7.2, corinth.

, like i said, i was working on a Valkyrie.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

oh and a better picture for the Soulsellers.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/02/15 14:06:01

Post by: Not Online!!!

I'd like to introduce you to "MÜLLER"

Yes, the wash is missing.
But i had a shitton of fun to paint today!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/02/16 10:23:03

Post by: Not Online!!!

And the endproduct aswell as the SCA.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/02/16 11:02:26

Post by: KernelTerror

Excellent to see these demon engines complete. What are the plans for the next ones ? Maybe a rework of the new black legion spider thing ?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/02/16 11:15:35

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Excellent to see these demon engines complete. What are the plans for the next ones ? Maybe a rework of the new black legion spider thing ?

Shooting it before it lays eggs, .

I dislike it buuuut maybee insidolphus ascends if you get my meaning.

Also finishing the other one, the valkyries and tanks and the last 3 squads of the 31.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Probably also maybee build a new defiler.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/02/16 12:04:31

Post by: KernelTerror

Ahahah, true lots of things already on your list ^^. I'll be interested to see how you build your next defiler too, reminds me that I need to give mine some attention as well.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/02/16 14:54:37

Post by: Not Online!!!

I actually total forgot, that i finished my AF cannonfodder

Silly me.

And a Total Prgoress of the denizens of the "Abhorrent":

Left is Phyrax and his A-teeam, aswell as the Soulsellers:

Middle is Graffs Fallschirmgrenadiere and the Support vehicles aswell as Meinels groundtroops:

The right side is the AF cannonfodder.

Quite happy overall.
34 31.ts are done.
The soulsellers are done.
Phyraxes A team is done.
The AF auxilia (58 models) is done.

so some tanks are left and 36 31.ts memebers.

@Kernel, Defilers always need love since GW adamantly tries to keep them down.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 KernelTerror wrote:
Ahahah, true lots of things already on your list ^^. I'll be interested to see how you build your next defiler too, reminds me that I need to give mine some attention as well.

Probably a Propper stalk tank though.

One can never have enough count as stalk tank leman russes, especially when one is a Renegade!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/02/22 14:32:54

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, i did some digging and found that i had some Bloodletters unbuilt, naturally they would fit this little project, so i went into overdrive and tried a new little painting scheme:
I let you decide how terrible you find it!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/02/23 13:54:33

Post by: Not Online!!!

Now only the banner is left and the instrument.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/02/24 15:33:51

Post by: Not Online!!!

And finished.

inspiration was this:

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/03/15 15:11:49

Post by: Not Online!!!

Every Genius needs someone that balances their mad ideas, organizes stuff and plans things.

Well this here is my WIP cablegolem.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/03/17 09:24:44

Post by: Not Online!!!

Little sneak Peak.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/03/17 10:12:25

Post by: Fifty

How would the Eye-Child compare size-wise to the new Venom Crawler?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/03/17 10:24:24

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Fifty wrote:
How would the Eye-Child compare size-wise to the new Venom Crawler?

Good question, i don't own a venomcrawler, also probably never will because i just dislike the model.

It is a the main body of a Forgiefiend turned on it's head and the barell of an earthshaker which is apporximately the upper part lengthwise to a forgefiend, however there are 2 Knight shoulder pads as the gun holder, so atleast equal in size?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/03/29 15:08:42

Post by: Not Online!!!

So with the whole Shadowspear / CSM update, i guess it's time to get Phyrax some propper love:

Since this ofcourse is a space based warband and piratey like, i guess Red Corsair trait is very much laccepted:

Anyways finished the first to breach enemy ships here and i am sure what to do with my double energy axe champion.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/03/30 15:41:14

Post by: Not Online!!!

Whilest my painting is meh, i belive my talent lies more within the realms of kitbashing. I also got my hands recently on Vigilus ablaze, and am severly annoyed at the fact that nothing was stated to be done by the Heretic militarum.
On the other hand, Dark apostles are nice and since i play khornate a nice way to get something that normaly is only realy available via psyker; therefore i went, got my self some cheap chosen from the last boxset, dug around my bitzbox and well, this happened:

Well, that and another chosen i decided to make into a psyker, not sure on MoP or good old Sorcerer, probably sorcerer.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/03/31 14:10:57

Post by: Not Online!!!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/01 19:49:28

Post by: Not Online!!!

And the DA:

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/04 13:51:13

Post by: Not Online!!!

So progress on the R&H part:

From left to right state of finished: Left and middle squad, got their copper details, right squad allready close to finished, missing there is metal, camo helmets and some signs.

Mostly detail work right aswell as skin left to do.

Then here, for Phyrax his HQ backup, yes this thread has been hijaked by CSM once again,

And i somehow managed to miss out on a sign for my CSM, well this ended now:
Whoever manages to guess what it is abstracted from get's to name either the sorcerer or the DA: (Hint it is also featured on some Pirate flags)

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/04 14:34:59

Post by: Excommunicatus

The horde assembles.

Big fan of everything but the DA is particularly delicious.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/04 14:54:25

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
The horde assembles.

Big fan of everything but the DA is particularly delicious.

Glad you like him, he just required bits from 6 Sets
Edit forgot the Horns!! '
How could i

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/05 16:17:00

Post by: skonis

Damn, that sigil is looking juicy!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/05 19:20:40

Post by: KernelTerror

No idea where the sigil is from but great choice, looking forward to seeing it painted on flags or tanks ! Awesome looking battlegroup too !

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/05 19:29:16

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Obviously not skull and crossbones, but I struggle seeing the arm-and-cutlass sigil (Thomas Tew, Chris Moody) in it. My guess than is going to be the figure standing up, arms raised, holding a weapon of some sort (ie Blackbeard, Kennedy, Black Bart, Ed Low, John Phillips, John Quelch)

My guess is going to be the figure holding a spear: the vertical being the figure, the long arrow pointing down-left being the spear, and the other arrows representing arms, head, legs, and heart.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/05 19:42:30

Post by: Not Online!!!

Ok another tip, we swiss are kinda famous for producing it aswell.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/06 12:00:55

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well challenge accepted, also havocs are big Boys.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/06 12:28:48

Post by: Excommunicatus

So it's a cuckoo clock, chocolate or a Victorinox tool?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/06 14:29:38

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
So it's a cuckoo clock, chocolate or a Victorinox tool?

Cut the arrows away

Also dakka, meet dakka!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/06 14:32:11

Post by: Excommunicatus

Dakka for the Dakka God

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/06 14:37:01

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Dakka for the Dakka God

Autocannons > every option for havocs else!

Also the sign is an abstracted sandwatch, cut away all the arrows from the crossings

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/06 14:42:25

Post by: ListenToMeWarriors

So the bodies for Havocs C and D will readily accept the non missile launcher/Lascannon options? Good to know.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/06 14:44:54

Post by: Not Online!!!

ListenToMeWarriors wrote:
So the bodies for Havocs C and D will readily accept the non missile launcher/Lascannon options? Good to know.

You need more pads, thankfully the new csm box has more pads then you need.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/06 14:47:42

Post by: ListenToMeWarriors

Pads are nota problem thanks to the old bits box, but not including 10 is another confusing design decision, but cheers for the heads up.

Am eager to see how the new Terminators turn out as well, keep up producing all those empty sprues!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/06 16:10:22

Post by: Not Online!!!

This just got to my attention:

for a 500 pts list you can easily do the following:


3x5 CSm with AC

1x5 Havocs with AC and 1pg.

Red corsairs for 11 CP in total:

Mark all the units slaanesh, then proceed to watch the fireworks.

(also 11 CP in 500 pts?!?)

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/07 15:17:31

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, Challenge done:

Yes i made the Heavy bolters here aswell in autocannons.

Also; well Chainaxes were short, so will do with Chainswords: (also the chainswords, look like the cutlasses.) So no skin off of my walllet.

And a 10 man squad with 2 PG and an axe, (nor shortage of corsairs will be very handily)

and the whole warband.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/07 18:04:01

Post by: Excommunicatus

Are the new Terminators as monopose as they appear?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/07 18:11:05

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Are the new Terminators as monopose as they appear?

depends, the bodies are iffy because the torso and the legs are made up out of 3 interfitting parts. (granted that can be an advantage since you can easily mark where to cut and easier cut them into your wished form)

The arms do have a small socket, which mostly serves to hold the arm up and fix it for easier glueing but that is an extremely small protrusion which you can easily remove, in aobout 10 s with some sandpapper.

So in a way they are more easily modular then thier older counterpart but also less at the same time.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/14 09:48:13

Post by: Not Online!!!

So grey coating done and the black Detail on the terminators and close to finished Panzerfüsiliers.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/23 14:31:59

Post by: Not Online!!!

Hi, this an update, some faults to mitigate and wahses.

Oh and Bye!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/24 13:41:01

Post by: Not Online!!!

Onwards i say:

Finished the Squad, now with washes!

And progress on the CSM:

I love the new CSM models, but at the same time i hate em, so MANY BLOODY DETAILS in places rather uncomfortable to reach!! But so BAROQUE AND SHIQUE!

anyways, little not Online stands now nfront of a problem:

mainly how do i make the cable heads for the Havocs?
For reference that dude lying there is the sorcerer and mostly there for a sample of my Cables sofar.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/27 14:11:50

Post by: Excommunicatus

Sorry for the ate response and everything, but I honestly don't know what you mean.

I don't see any cables.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/27 16:46:01

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Sorry for the ate response and everything, but I honestly don't know what you mean.

I don't see any cables.

The tounge and his stomach region under his bones. Granted they look now more like flesh.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/04/27 17:30:29

Post by: Excommunicatus

Oh, ok. I gotcha.

Why not continue the same scheme as on the Sorceror, for consistency?

Looks good on him, it'll look good on them.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/03 14:17:03

Post by: Not Online!!!

You know what is today? Update Friday!
Also PTF or PAINT TERRIBLE FRIDAY, that'll teach me to paint after chopping wood....

Phyrax to the left, to signify the end product (hopefully)

Ok missing things, Eyes, straps, more smaller detail, wahses and ofcourse SIGNS AND JOKES!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/03 15:05:21

Post by: Excommunicatus

Remind me who Phyrax is?

You're too hard on your painting. I'm not going to blow smoke up your arse and tell you it's brilliant, but I am going to tell you that it's much more important that you get units finished to a standard you're happy with than to obsess over details and get nothing done.

My plog is an essay in cutting corners and I still get nothing done. You consistently put out finished minis that you're happy with.

It's good stuff.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/03 15:20:22

Post by: Not Online!!!

Remind me who Phyrax is?

Actually, did i never show him alone?
Probably my proudest model

Automatically Appended Next Post:
OK so turns out i never showed off Phyrax

Automatically Appended Next Post:
He has been in work for about a 1 year now, as in partially started liked the effect, i own him since that lord came out and used him for experimentation, he is the reason i restarted also my CSM, mostly because i really liked his colour scheme.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/05 11:12:49

Post by: Not Online!!!

So this project is close to Termination, ha.
Excuse my bout of terrible punnyness, i am snowed in atm......

Well missing things, blood and markings and ofcourse the banner.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/05 14:55:20

Post by: Excommunicatus

Phyrax is real nice.

He's the head honcho then?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/05 14:51:36

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Phyrax is real nice.

He's the head honcho then?

Well for the marine part yes.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/07 07:49:09

Post by: Not Online!!!

WELL finished!

Oh and new project allready Primed:

Also, excactly 1500 pts here for CSM:
Finished for them are All the HQ's
Chosen and decimator aswell as 5 terminators and 10 Bloodletters.

TO do:
20 CSM (nearly finished aswell)
5 Havocs.

Probably future aquisitions:
3 Riders of the Apocableypse: Yes 3 Lord Discordant sock puppets for Insidolphus.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/10 20:16:35

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well next project, marauder for my AF Division, melee.
I recently realized that my AF irregular forces are outnumbering my 31. So i got myself some gors, some csm chainswords and a bunch of gsc to add aswell as lasguns to run them as both with or without guns.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/11 15:45:30

Post by: Not Online!!!

Khorne will be pleased it seems. (82 pts for a lot of shanking)
Also i'd like to introduce you to the normal inhabitants of the Abhorrent, well atleast in the non protected and more warp touched parts.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/12 02:25:25

Post by: Excommunicatus

They're really good.

I see a Beastman Kill-Team in my future.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/12 18:36:01

Post by: Not Online!!!

Colonel Stiepan,
Classification: Traitoris Extremis
Allegiance: 31. Mechanized , part of the "AF" auxilliaries
Description: Profficent with Chainsword, highly dangerous, knowledge of summoning verified in Steinstrasse- Incident, Managing the auxillia at multiple other secotrs is mainly to enforce further cooperation and hand out punishment (maybee function similar to enforcer type units of Vraks?) DO NOT ENGAGE ALONE.
The Emperor protects

9 cultists and an enforcer completely kitbashed. There to fill out my AF auxxilia with a 30 man blob melee cultist unit and an enforcer to babysitt them.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/12 18:42:39

Post by: KernelTerror

Nice latest additions. You do not plan to use the firecrackers in the last picture on them I hope ^^ !

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/12 18:49:34

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Nice latest additions. You do not plan to use the firecrackers in the last picture on them I hope ^^ !
Only if they run away.

Also that is a bunch off matches not crackers.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/12 19:13:54

Post by: KernelTerror

Terrible translation on my end, apologies. But that would have worked too !

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/13 09:56:29

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
They're really good.

I see a Beastman Kill-Team in my future.

I would be very considerate if you go with gors, take beastigors instead, their size and armor makes for easier kitbashing oppurtunities,.Also size wise they are marine size, keep that in mind.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

8 marauders for Khorne!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/16 16:48:58

Post by: Excommunicatus

Kitbashes for the Kitbash God.

They're nice. They'd be stronger if there were six of them, and they worshiped a proper God...

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/16 17:59:42

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Kitbashes for the Kitbash God.

They're nice. They'd be stronger if there were six of them, and they worshiped a proper God...

DO YOU WANT A fething SLAP^^ ( reference, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyhXSngGTA8)


I was kinda torn on getting myself a harp dude, some bloodletter bits and maybee start a propper daemon army, for summoning purposes.
But then i saw the big chaos knight and was like: NOPE this is better

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/16 18:02:24

Post by: Excommunicatus

Can't it be both?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/16 18:04:00

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Can't it be both?

Them monis don't lie on the ground in switzerland, and whilest statistically i should have 250'000 CHF snap in my private bank account, last time i cheked the balance was 0 and my studies not finished^^

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/17 13:43:09

Post by: Not Online!!!

So that would be the AF part of my army, will get supported by some renegade Knights.

993 pts in total:
Commander PP chainsword
Malefic Lord, Warpflux

2x 20 Militia vox , GL, HS

1x 30 Cultists: 3 Flamers, Champ with shotgun

10 Marauders Melee (Beastmen) Champion with PP and Energy Axe, 2 Flamers.
10 Marauders Shotguns 2 Flamers
10 Command squad, Command Vox, PG, AC, Flag

Heavy Support:
6x Mortar HWT

Fast Attack:
1x Chaos Spawn.

Commander Lasgun, Chainsword

Enforcer, Lasgun, Chainsword
8 Marauders 2 x Sniper rifle
3 Ogryns +powerdrill

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/17 17:50:40

Post by: KernelTerror

Nice looking battlegroup ! Cheers to these first 1000 points, and to the next !

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/17 18:03:44

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Nice looking battlegroup ! Cheers to these first 1000 points, and to the next !

Some pages back you see the mechanized part which is pts wise bigger.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/17 18:16:05

Post by: Excommunicatus

So, FWIW, I recently noticed that AoS stuff tends to be cheaper than 40K and that Spirit Hosts look a bit like Bloodletters and come on the same size base as Spawn.

2 Spawn is $50 CAD, 3 Spirit Hosts is $31 CAD...

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/17 18:20:44

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
So, FWIW, I recently noticed that AoS stuff tends to be cheaper than 40K and that Spirit Hosts look a bit like Bloodletters and come on the same size base as Spawn.

2 Spawn is $50 CAD, 3 Spirit Hosts is $31 CAD...

10 gors cost me 25 chf, 10 gsc cultists 45.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/19 12:37:56

Post by: Not Online!!!

so, i found this ugly thing in my crates, and decided i A, need more Dreads and B, i still need a Warpsmith.

with these parts this happened:

Also now , let me introduce to the crab:

and the full shenanigan dred squad.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/27 14:56:03

Post by: Excommunicatus

Something off to the bottom-left is about to get [Expletive Deleted]ed up.

Really nice stuff.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/27 16:05:21

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Something off to the bottom-left is about to get [Expletive Deleted]ed up.

Really nice stuff.

Because of the last picture?

I mean crabclaws are the same level as tentacles, don't feth with it or the dude/ gal that has them except you want to get fethed

I allready have started reworking the dreadnought, Allready double grounded and the warpsmith allready is only missing the metal parts.

Now I will go and Grab myself some bloodwarriors from AoS and some backpacks and will make possessed berzerker automatons probably. Brazen possessed automatons.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/05/31 14:28:01

Post by: Not Online!!!

"Reeinforcements, fina....Men, run!!"
Commander of the second sector, incident 39

so i am kinda unhappy how my first DA turned out, i also want some Khorne berzerkers / regular csm with chainswords and pistols, well i mean this is my summer project, alongside the fact that i want to finally get my Warband painted up.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/01 13:02:37

Post by: Not Online!!!

Full 2000pts now, thanks to the addition of another 20 CSM and a DA.

These are the Khorneberzerker/ Khorne CSM for the list, and yes i cut appart 2 arms and a Chainsword per Chainsword wielding dude. Yes Feth me indeed totally worth it though.

And this is my Khorne DA, yes DA why excactly? Because A: the master of executions is a great model, except the head, SCREW THE HEAD, B: Because no matter what but a Khorne DA without a AXE is like a Boy without a choppa or (gunz), something about it ain't right. C: Because i felt like my old kitbashed DA was more looking like a sorcerer and D: the Model (new one from GW) for the DA looks bad, it just irks me, also no axe so see point B.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/02 15:07:03

Post by: Not Online!!!

full 2000 pts and my summer project, hopefully i manage to finish it this month

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/02 19:30:41

Post by: Syro_

A very nice army, I hope you'll share some pics of it on the battle field when you're gaming with it. Good luck finishing.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/02 20:55:28

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Syro_ wrote:
A very nice army, I hope you'll share some pics of it on the battle field when you're gaming with it. Good luck finishing.

Will try to get some pics, also the luck for finishing the army is very much appreciated.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/04 16:38:02

Post by: Not Online!!!

So i have toyed around with a bit of an undead theme for CSM, (Ethereal) mostly, since now we can sack quite a bit of -1 to hit modifyers.

Well, let me introduce you to the Chained:

( i also made an somewhat achievable goal: 20 CSM, 20 Poxwalkers as zombie cultists, and the leader above)
Inspired i got by the video from GW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpF8GZJifpw&list=LLAcjvYEzFqyiF6CfcstPrqw

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/04 18:33:32

Post by: KernelTerror

Wow, All hails The Chained !
Great model.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/05 13:28:11

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Wow, All hails The Chained !
Great model.

Ha, says the Genious that literally builds knights out of assorted wierd stuff!
Thanks tough:

Also on a side note, today, I had Inspiration, I had fire and i had the urge to paint and screw my allergy so i did it outside:
Turns out a good result came off it:

In case of Havocs: Literally ONE with the GUN:

AND ten dudes for Cannonfodder Purposes:

OHH and also progress on the Khorne Knights?
No honestly they need a better name:

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/12 08:53:58

Post by: Not Online!!!

And Update:

Finished the next 10.

Next things up:
Warpsmith, DA/Master of executions kitbash and 10 Khornate marines.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/13 13:00:24

Post by: Not Online!!!

Khornate DA or Master of executions.

Warpsmith finished.

And the 10 Khorne berzerks / Chaos marines.

Yes i had fun painting for once.
Also the last 3 ones are my favourites!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/13 14:24:30

Post by: amazingturtles

They are very nice, the hats turned out very snazzy.

I suppose they are not actually hats but i am going to call them that

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/13 16:20:00

Post by: Not Online!!!

 amazingturtles wrote:
They are very nice, the hats turned out very snazzy.

I suppose they are not actually hats but i am going to call them that

Thanks, i belive it is stated that they are that way to imitate bloodletters.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/14 12:59:11

Post by: Excommunicatus

So, FWIW, I think maybe the flayed-skin cloak could use a light wash of Reikland or Soft Tone around the joins and stitches, but I also think it would look great if you left it as is.

The biggest problem with it, for me, is not really a problem with the cloak at all, it's that the axe blade is too close to the same colour, but is that because of lighting shenanigans?

I also think The Chained is amazing. You do have a real knack for kit-bashing.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/14 13:07:08

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
So, FWIW, I think maybe the flayed-skin cloak could use a light wash of Reikland or Soft Tone around the joins and stitches, but I also think it would look great if you left it as is.

The biggest problem with it, for me, is not really a problem with the cloak at all, it's that the axe blade is too close to the same colour, but is that because of lighting shenanigans?

I also think The Chained is amazing. You do have a real knack for kit-bashing.

It's the lightning, its a mixed copper drybrushed with a light green, basically like phyraxes sword.

Probably. Need to redo the heads.

I could drybrush a red over the blade actually, that should fix it.

Thanks, that's why i asked btw

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/15 13:22:35

Post by: Not Online!!!

So thanks to the nice folks over there: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/602556.page
I kinda, got to the info and found out that the size for a fieldartillery unit would come in.
Now what's missing, the barrell needs to be a bit bigger and ofcourse more chaosifying. (also considering some small chaines and a score keeping parchement)

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/15 19:22:12

Post by: KernelTerror

Yay, artillery !
Shell the loyalist scum !

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/15 19:29:34

Post by: Excommunicatus

What scale is that?

IMO it works as an AA-gun in 40K, but not as artillery. It's hard to tell, but it looks like the HWT Mortar would fire bigger shells.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/15 19:57:56

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
What scale is that?

IMO it works as an AA-gun in 40K, but not as artillery. It's hard to tell, but it looks like the HWT Mortar would fire bigger shells.

For sure a Heavy mortar would fire heavier shells, however my intention is to run it as a field howitzer and just use the Heavy mortar profile for it.
It is also a test model since i never built a italiere 8,8 AA gun so it is unmodified.

The main issue is the forward part of the Barrel, however for that i have an solution, infct i have 3 solutions.

I will cut the start of the Ac barell, and the part getting smaller in order to get a bigger barrell and a muzzel break and a broader barrel, that should achieve the more meatier bulkier look for a 40 k model.

On a side note, Italiere makes great models.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 KernelTerror wrote:
Yay, artillery !
Shell the loyalist scum !

"Remember to recycle the shell casings"

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/16 09:17:32

Post by: Not Online!!!

So now the barrell fits more size wise, to do, build the other 2 and the crew, also chaosifying it.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Finished the full battery: fixed the barrels.

To do: 9 crew, of which 3 will be technical assistants (modified skitari) and 6 crew.

Altough don't expect an update the next 2 weeks.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/06/25 17:06:17

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, now the side Project is nearly ready to go.


I need Slogans for the gun shields so go full suggestion on me!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/05 14:14:59

Post by: Not Online!!!

Can't you see them, the Chains, the pain! Yet I still remain here loyalist scum and can not die and soon you will join me as nothing more then another sockpuppet to do my bidding! "The Chained, torwards an unknown Vanguard marine

So, as some of you might remember i planed a little side project, ever since i got inspired by GW's Concept army of ghosts. I also had some (well alot) of old Chaos Barbarian flais and chains around. And some spikes and CSM pads, etc and decided that, he why not take a gander at the boxes.
Now i was kind of positively surprised with some of the weaponry the new vanguard marines had, namely the Sniperrifles and the boltguns and i also wanted to have some of these for my heretical little grubby paws.

Voila some planning scrubbing and filling out the idea in a fluffy way, this happened: I'd like to introduce you the first squad of Chosen of the cursed. A Former Alpha legion Cell having lost an internal struggle now all but sockpuppets of the chained.

I also modified a bit of the units, so here we have the obligatory PG and Reaper Chaincannon.

Some operatives, cursed to follow as blind enslaved dead. Not on the other side yet, not here really aswell.

And the last one.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/05 14:52:49

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I'm super excited to see what you do with these paint-scheme-wise!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/05 14:56:59

Post by: Not Online!!!

preety much this, mainly because it was always a goal of me to have a bunch of undead ghost CSM and secondly the moment i got my concept ( how to run the army : -1 to hit for everyone and their mother, alot of lords some with combi weaponry and a lot of sorcerers) Gw dropped this and i basically had the painting scheme, EXCEPT for the HQ.

Alas the Chained one, he will be the only one not beeing ghostly.
(well i plan on making him especially in regards to his face, or lack thereoff, partially ghostly)

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/06 09:12:08

Post by: Not Online!!!

This is a WIP kitbash for a Lord with Combiplas and chainsword (relic since AL because WHY NOT?)

I am allready working further on him, have defiled the chest aquilla and added some more dudads behind in the line of the strip that is clearly seen sofar.

Now for the Psyker i have some very interesting plans, i'll basically give him a half destroyed helmet of one of the Terminator trophy racks. As with all Psykers in this list, he will equally be painted slightly different but overall that is something i can worry about when the stuffs built.

Oh and the list for these will in total be 1200 pts of shenaniganry.

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tommorow: Cleaning even further, building a venom crawler and 2 obliterators.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/07 00:06:47

Post by: StormX

Oh damn, mouth watering models, they all look epic, very cool. I want to teleport them to me but its not working.

Edit - Just noticed the painted models further up the thread, they look extremely epic also.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/07 00:26:05

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Stormatious wrote:
Oh damn, mouth watering models, they all look epic, very cool. I want to teleport them to me but its not working.

Edit - Just noticed the painted models further up the thread, they look extremely epic also.

Much appreciated, altough i feel like tommorow i got something that tops this by quite a bit

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/07 00:34:32

Post by: StormX

Awesome ill stay tuned for sure, thanks.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/07 06:59:56

Post by: Not Online!!!

Yes, i took a trophy rack destroyed head/helmet for his face.

Turns out in the 40k universe you should Not touch any old energy sword. You might get enslaved for such stupidity.

Edit: also post 200 and over 9000 views.
Isn't there a joke to be made somewhere?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/07 13:47:22

Post by: StormX

Far out, awesome!

That sword is epic looking also.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/07 14:13:01

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, thanks.

So this is the full Cursed little happy spooky warband.

Casual 3 detachments.

To our left a battalion with DA , Lord and sorcerer aswell as 3 5 man squads.

Behind, MoP 2x1 oblit and a venomcrawler.

To our right a lord, 2 greater Possessed and a chosen squad.
Aswell as their Zombie-cultist cannonfodder.

Also, yes I am alpharius shenanigans are with that ammount of charachter going to happen.

1304pts total and mostly made out off 1 shadowspear box.

Is the army any good? Honestly doubt it but the ammount of -1 to hit, 5+ FNP and other possible shenanigans make for a memey list.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/07 15:18:39

Post by: StormX

You have heaps of great looking models and conversions, i just skimmed through this thread looking at the pictures, great talent.

What faction do you have the most points of?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/07 15:52:07

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Stormatious wrote:
You have heaps of great looking models and conversions, i just skimmed through this thread looking at the pictures, great talent.

What faction do you have the most points of?

Renegades and heretics of various groups. Probably.
Altough with this the CSM side once more has taken the advantage, altough with my summer job starting and Anvil bringing out new renegades you can bet your ass that there will be more of the 31.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/07 16:19:43

Post by: StormX


Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/08 18:47:52

Post by: Not Online!!!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I normaly Don' t do washing before, but I like the effect probably will look better once i get the other steps in.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/09 16:56:21

Post by: StormX

Cool, hope it works out, looks cool already.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/10 19:17:10

Post by: Not Online!!!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
So, grey drybrush then the eyes.
Simple, effective, good looking for a bunch of Ghosts.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/11 01:43:37

Post by: StormX

Nice Online!!!

Are you going to do much more to them?


Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/11 10:49:10

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Stormatious wrote:
Nice Online!!!

Are you going to do much more to them?


No actually just a grey light drybrush and the eyes.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/11 10:51:21

Post by: StormX

NIice man that's a quick efficient way to get good result!.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/13 14:07:23

Post by: Not Online!!!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Well, someone better call the ghostbusters it seems.

Things to do, Eyes.
Well and the venomcrawler, MoP, Psykers and lords aswell as greater possesed.

Albeit these will get a bit more other colours.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/13 14:21:49

Post by: Excommunicatus

They're really, really good; from concept to execution. Have an exalt.

Can you share how you painted them in more detail? I'm going to try for the same look on the Spirit Hosts I'll be running as Spawn.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/13 14:38:11

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
They're really, really good; from concept to execution. Have an exalt.

Can you share how you painted them in more detail? I'm going to try for the same look on the Spirit Hosts I'll be running as Spawn.

Sure: i basically took the the concept art video from GW:

I however wanted to have a darker look overall so i used the Coelia greenshade more liberally, basically i double washed instead of just the recesses. Then i readded a layer of hexwraith again , even more thinned this time over those that turned out too dark.
Then i used ulthuan grey and just drybrushed them, somewhat liberally on some, less on others to get a bit of "variance " in it.

The next step i have planned are the eyes, i will however make a fireyred orange. Then the more strongly connected to the warp get a small drybrush amount over them with that mixture, especially the venomcrawler.

that's it.
2 shades, drybrush colour, 2 mixed colours for the eyes and the details, and a grey spray.
Also because you don't need to be 100% correct with the scheme you can as you see even as a lazy painter crank out good looking miniatures rather fast.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/14 09:16:59

Post by: Not Online!!!

well, drybrushing is done. (for most parts) must make some decent photos of the MoP tho since i somehow fethed them.......
(don't do photos at 2AM it seems....)

Also eyes. Personal favorite sofar, the Greater possesed.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/16 20:10:22

Post by: Not Online!!!

The Chained. Anchor of souls.

His Aides.

The Chosen:

Greater Possessed.





The Cursed: 1200 / 1300 pts finished. less then one month overall used. Army so far fielded once; result "I AM ALPHARIUS WHACK OMEGON" fun., also a huge ammount of -1 / -2 made the list hillariously durable. The rather insane ammount of Charachters also leads to a lot of Melee shenanigans.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/17 13:48:59

Post by: Excommunicatus

They are glorious.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/17 15:06:52

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
They are glorious.

I am firmly of the opinion that a knight in these colours would be an interesting addition

On the other hand, I probably am going to add either a new Anvil militia (the second wave as great helmets fitting an irregular part of the 31.st ) or a Knight army, altough my abmiissal skills with magnets will hinder me quite a bit .

maybee both.

anyways, here's the whole army:
Left upper corner, the Battalion. Right upper part is heavy support detachments and a vanguard at the bottom.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also 10'000 + views?
how come?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/17 15:50:29

Post by: KernelTerror

Yup, that scheme with the addition of the red details worked great, well done ! Way to kill a painting backlog ^^ (Although I do not doubt your capacity to build more heretic stuff !) !

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/17 16:06:05

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Yup, that scheme with the addition of the red details worked great, well done ! Way to kill a painting backlog ^^ (Although I do not doubt your capacity to build more heretic stuff !) !

well my regular painlog's still full, but this was more like a little test.

That turned out better then expected really

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I am especially fond of the cultists poxwalkers.
They turned out insanly nice.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/17 18:00:16

Post by: Captain Brown

Not Online!!!,

Congrats on reducing the armies of the unpainted.



Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/09/18 12:24:49

Post by: Excommunicatus

So, I looked at them again and yeah, they're glorious but it's worth mentioning that The Chained is fething magnificent.

I'm seriously in love with them, to the point that I might change my plans for my Heretic Astartes and do this instead.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/18 17:13:43

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
So, I looked at them again and yeah, they're glorious but it's worth mentioning that The Chained is fething magnificent.

I'm seriously in love with them, to the point that I might change my plans for my Heretic Astartes and do this instead.

since you generally are the better Painter then me i would say just try it.
It is a simple and amazing baseline sheme that can be applied fast.
Modification is also easy as you can see.
Accuracy is only really required on the Eye detail.

Infact i would suspect a Blue wash sheme would also look rather amazing along the same lines.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/22 09:24:13

Post by: Not Online!!!

Do people even remember these?

Anyways, found some time and wanted to go back to my old theme:

Progress has been made.
Also addmittedly i now am a better and faster painter. Still, i think these two need a bigger, meaner brother!

Now missing on the one to the right is the metal paint. A metal drybrush on the armored parts and the teeth. Then washing in Nuln Oil.

Then i should probably start working on the crew for my field guns. and on my militia force...... and my 31. and the squad of CSM still staning around unpainted and on the defiler and on the fixed up old Dread and and and and and.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/24 14:00:00

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, please now i need names, NAMES FOR THE NAME GOD!

Name this! Please.

Also, needs some washing and the skulls trophy needs to be made white.
have i missed something else?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
oh and the Hades has some missing black, gotta go fix this fast.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/24 18:41:57

Post by: Excommunicatus

Oh, I see. A big thingy.


Did you ever see the show Spaced? They built a robot (for Robot Wars) called 'TFU', which board rules prohibit me from explaining, but which might be appropriate. The Bakhauv? Beerwolf? Elwetritsch? Nachzehrer? The Rasselbock?


Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/24 19:38:05

Post by: Not Online!!!


I like .

You know what it is right?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/24 19:40:22

Post by: Excommunicatus

Yeah, I went to a wiki on Germanic folk-lore and pulled some stuff that seemed fitting/cool.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/24 19:49:01

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Yeah, I went to a wiki on Germanic folk-lore and pulled some stuff that seemed fitting/cool.

IN swiss german standard german (yes switzerland has it's own high german, no WE WON'T ADOPT THE FILTHY GERMAN GERMAN * angry fistshaking) we well use Tatzelwurm also for this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myriapoda .

and is also a rather liked children book here.

Altough i belive you meant this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatzelwurm which is a Stollenwurm (mineshaft worm or mineshaft wyrm). (YES AGAIN WE WON'T CONFORM TO FILTHY GERMAN GERMAN NAMING CONVENTIONS* further agitated fist shaking)

Altough i gotta say,Tatzelwurm or Stollenwurm makes actually quite sense.

(Sidenote, i am neither angry nor hostile to germans, i mainly am jabbing jokes at them and high german!)

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/25 08:39:19

Post by: Not Online!!!

400 pictures for the picture god!



Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/25 11:24:22

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

really like those ghosts

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/25 11:34:40

Post by: Not Online!!!



I probably at some point will expand them a bit. really depends though on Anvil industry and their new stuff.


And finished!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/26 13:51:57

Post by: Excommunicatus

Not Online!!! wrote:

Altough i belive you meant this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatzelwurm which is a Stollenwurm (mineshaft worm or mineshaft wyrm). (YES AGAIN WE WON'T CONFORM TO FILTHY GERMAN GERMAN NAMING CONVENTIONS* further agitated fist shaking)

Yeah, the wiki I was on linked to a description of what you're calling a Stollenwurm.

Personally, I prefer Tatzelwurm just because of the way it sounds, but I can't speak German beyond tourist-level and have no real experience of Swiss culture aside from accidentally invading one time via Vallorcine. Of course, it's your crack/nationalism.

Also, 'stollen' makes me think of cake.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/26 16:59:28

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:

Altough i belive you meant this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatzelwurm which is a Stollenwurm (mineshaft worm or mineshaft wyrm). (YES AGAIN WE WON'T CONFORM TO FILTHY GERMAN GERMAN NAMING CONVENTIONS* further agitated fist shaking)

Yeah, the wiki I was on linked to a description of what you're calling a Stollenwurm.

Personally, I prefer Tatzelwurm just because of the way it sounds, but I can't speak German beyond tourist-level and have no real experience of Swiss culture aside from accidentally invading one time via Vallorcine. Of course, it's your crack/nationalism.

Also, 'stollen' makes me think of cake.

well it is kinda necessary for swiss to be nationalistic, since well the whole schtick of Willensnations vs Nationsstate is relevant for our existience

Stollen is also this:https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stollen_(Geb%C3%A4ck) it's traditional christmas food aswell.

As for the whole german german and swiss german thing, it is symptomatic that if a swiss german attempts to speak high german the german complains that he should "Stop speaking dialect" which is insulting because the swiss german dialect he would not even understand (except if he is from voralberg but that has other reasons), and yes at the day i had to talk to a german for 1/2 H in which he constatnly complained about my swiss high german to the point i just started trolling the poor fellow with rel swiss german words.

As grandma always told me: Schadenfreude is a beautifull Hapiness.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/27 02:49:30

Post by: StormX

Have been away so wasn't able to comment. Very nice work Not Online, keep it up!


Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2027/02/28 19:40:14

Post by: Not Online!!!

Soon TM,
I always wanted a daemon engine heavy list:

I have therefore ordered 3 Lord discordants and a helldrake, which will be added to the Cursed.

Oh and repainted my old Forgefiendaswell.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/29 03:40:04

Post by: StormX

Nice!!!! 3 of them, and a heldrake!!! too cool, lucky guy.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/29 10:00:38

Post by: KernelTerror

Ahahah 3 lord discordant, that is brilliant !
very cool wardogs too !

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/29 11:05:25

Post by: Not Online!!!

Lack of Autocannon made me repaint this.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
 KernelTerror wrote:
Ahahah 3 lord discordant, that is brilliant !
very cool wardogs too !

and a helldrake and a forgefiend and a Venomcrawler.
DOOOOOM is all i say

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/29 11:36:17

Post by: Excommunicatus

I'd seriously recommend a lightbox. The one I got was $20 CAD on that there Amazon.

At the least, try a pic with a neutral background. At this point, I reckon your pics don't do your painting proper justice.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/29 11:48:41

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
I'd seriously recommend a lightbox. The one I got was $20 CAD on that there Amazon.

At the least, try a pic with a neutral background. At this point, I reckon your pics don't do your painting proper justice.

Pah, i do that when i am DONE with the insanity following this.
Mostly a helldrake conversion.

I, pst, I have plans

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/07/29 15:09:41

Post by: StormX

Looking awesome, that forgefeind looks great aswell.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/01 08:56:43

Post by: Not Online!!!

Progress, also have a nice 1. August!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/01 08:59:14

Post by: StormX

Nice, looking awesome.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/06 11:50:37

Post by: Not Online!!!

WEll another 10 dudes finished for Phyrax.
Probably some of my better work with the CSM squads.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/06 12:10:12

Post by: StormX

Nice they look fantastic, great color choices as-well all matches perfectly.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/06 12:15:10

Post by: Not Online!!!

must do some minor touches, then that is the whole infantry for phyrax.
I am fairly content with them.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/08 04:04:59

Post by: StormX

Nice, they look great, really nice color scheme as-well. Have your drakes and that other model ( cant remember name ) arrived yet?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/08 09:55:36

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Stormatious wrote:
Nice, they look great, really nice color scheme as-well. Have your drakes and that other model ( cant remember name ) arrived yet?

No, just one drake.
The rest is 3 Lord discordant.
and i might or might not be going for the 4 riders of the apocalpyse

Well 3 riders and a Drakerider
probably, if i can get it to work

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/09 13:14:55

Post by: Not Online!!!

The maybee soon to be 4 riders of the apocalypse.

IT's a Lord discordant allright.
Not an insane kitbash, but i am of the opinion that before i start kitbashing i need more intimate knowledge of the model and since i intend on running them all as Lord discordants, i kinda just built one.

Personally, it's a nice model, altough the tentacle controlling the gun is absolute Garbage tier design to conect propperly. Thank you GW.
OVerall a really nice model to build though, I also wish there would be a Hellstalker entry without the rider. That would make for a nice swarm of daemonengines.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/09 13:54:47

Post by: StormX

Woooow, that's freaking awesome! so lucky!. Just had to log in before i go to bed to say that.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/10 17:37:07

Post by: Not Online!!!

Rate this spooky fellow.
1 - slaanesh in full creep mode.

Not yet finished. it will get the typicall red orange eyes and other little bits.
I am howver content with him, he is beautifull with that scheme.
Thank god i have atleast another minor one and one heavily modified.
Then again i will probably let one ride my little helldrake

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/10 17:38:43

Post by: StormX

Wow, that looks absolutely awesome, far out.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/10 17:40:40

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Stormatious wrote:
Wow, that looks absolutely awesome, far out.

Rate this spooky fellow!
1 - slaanesh in full creep mode.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/11 07:46:37

Post by: Not Online!!!

And finished

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/11 10:22:21

Post by: StormX

Damn, excellent work, love it.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/11 10:30:25

Post by: Not Online!!!

Pah, this is nothing, prepare for the thing i am working on right now

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/12 14:50:19

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, how bout that thing?

i'd say it is quite well done, for my standards atleast.
Also, never bothered with the hellturkey until now,

First question: Why isn't there an entry for a srocerer or Warpsmith ontop of one?

Second question: why can^'t i put more Hades autocannons on it?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/12 18:07:45

Post by: KernelTerror

Ahahaha, sweet !

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/12 18:12:17

Post by: StormX

Great work, that looks so cool, amazing looking army now that's for sure.


Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/13 09:13:05

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Ahahaha, sweet !

Remember kids, if on the hellturkey ride, always secure your chains.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Stormatious wrote:
Great work, that looks so cool, amazing looking army now that's for sure.


I am getting a vitrine ready for them.
I 'd say that is my best looking bunch so far.
Well beyond the eyechild.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/15 16:48:50

Post by: Excommunicatus

Well now. This is all just excellent stuff. It's becoming increasingly difficult to avoid the temptation to copy you.

If I might make one small suggestion, I'd add lots of chains to your Ghost-Rider in the Sky. Like a collar/harness type of deal. He looks a little precarious as is.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/15 17:23:48

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Well now. This is all just excellent stuff. It's becoming increasingly difficult to avoid the temptation to copy you.

If I might make one small suggestion, I'd add lots of chains to your Ghost-Rider in the Sky. Like a collar/harness type of deal. He looks a little precarious as is.

Mate, he's dead.
I rekon he died by falling down.


He hasn't learnt. Yet.
It seems.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/15 20:33:06

Post by: Excommunicatus

Fair point.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/15 22:17:03

Post by: Not Online!!!

Altough i have played around in my head a bit with chains and might 've found a way to make it happen.

Also the next Lord discordant tommorow.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/16 13:16:14

Post by: Not Online!!!

Today, i planned ahead. and then i asked myself a stupid question.
What are hobbies of Chaos lords?
Especially when they are former AL?

Turns out Phyrax likes to fix Terminator armour. And modify Meltaguns.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/16 19:35:47

Post by: StormX

Oh my god, i never knew you could do that to him, wow nice!!!. Never knew you had Abaddon. So cool. Every thing is attached nicely, i had trouble attaching some things with mine lol. Great conversion skills you have.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/16 19:46:51

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Stormatious wrote:
Oh my god, i never knew you could do that to him, wow nice!!!. Never knew you had Abaddon. So cool. Every thing is attached nicely, i had trouble attaching some things with mine lol. Great conversion skills you have.

Bah was really simple, well actullly it wasn't the fething sword mate, I TELL YOU:

The arm was just the old Combimelta that comes with the termites lord. And since Phyrax runs as RC and that is their relic ( a really good one btw) i kinda just thought to myself, he cut that arm in half, use the half arm from Failbadon.
Then it came to the sword, and since phyrax has a tendency to use it as a cane:

i kinda decided, he would do the same.

Then i suffered through 20 minutes just making it fit....

Worth it though.

I mean LOOK AT IT:

Isn't it a fancy pose?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/16 19:51:48

Post by: StormX

Absolutely Awesome.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/17 15:43:55

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well, i am going for a theme it seems, this time only a minor kitbash:

the next one will have a horn and the Glaive will be hold by the mechadendride.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/17 22:21:00

Post by: StormX

Awesome man, so many lovely models!!!. Very very very nice.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/18 17:17:03

Post by: Not Online!!!

Say hello to rider number 3.
With horn, for the absolutely devastating charges of chaos Knights

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/19 05:36:17

Post by: StormX

Nice looking good.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/19 09:30:06

Post by: Not Online!!!

Finished the Cursed !

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/19 09:35:14

Post by: StormX

Holy, very cool looking army, looks like it all worked at well the whole ghostly theme idea.


Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/19 09:39:03

Post by: Not Online!!!

Ayy, it is also really nice pts wise. bit more then 2000 so i can switch around a bit.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also close to 13'000 views?
i am impressed. But folks there isn't really all that good stuff too see?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/19 17:50:11

Post by: KernelTerror

Hahaha must be the awesome looking terminator lord ^^.
Very cool group shot of the chaos ghost marines though ! Do they glow in the dark ?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/19 19:51:27

Post by: Not Online!!!

 KernelTerror wrote:
Hahaha must be the awesome looking terminator lord ^^.
Very cool group shot of the chaos ghost marines though ! Do they glow in the dark ?

No sadly no.

The Lord is allready in painting stage and will get phyraxes colours, since well it is phyrax in a terminator.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/20 14:11:21

Post by: Not Online!!!

Picture 440 an close to be finished phyrax in terminator armor.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/20 15:31:36

Post by: Boss Salvage

Not Online!!! wrote:
Picture 440 an close to be finished phyrax in terminator armor.
A) I really like when people make multiple versions of their (chaos) heroes. Really builds up the narrative of the army in a nice way

B) With the release of the new termies - but NOT a new termi lord - it's pretty clear to me that we have no choice but to convert Abby over. So I've been on the lookout for people messing with that $$ kit, and there really haven't been too many instances where people replace the talon arm. Mad props for showing us that a standard termi gun arm works I'm still debating what arms to swap onto my eventual TDA lord - thinking talos weapon(s) because Slaanesh + they're awesome - but this is quite helpful.

And since I've come out of lurking: lots of cool new stuff in your army, triple disco lords at the top of that list! I'm wondering if I've got multiple heldrakes in me; I've still got one 3/4 built, but would want to run 2-3 because reasons.


I mean, look at this poor old befuddled fool wandering around the modern battlefield

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/20 17:29:24

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Boss Salvage wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:
Picture 440 an close to be finished phyrax in terminator armor.
A) I really like when people make multiple versions of their (chaos) heroes. Really builds up the narrative of the army in a nice way

B) With the release of the new termies - but NOT a new termi lord - it's pretty clear to me that we have no choice but to convert Abby over. So I've been on the lookout for people messing with that $$ kit, and there really haven't been too many instances where people replace the talon arm. Mad props for showing us that a standard termi gun arm works I'm still debating what arms to swap onto my eventual TDA lord - thinking talos weapon(s) because Slaanesh + they're awesome - but this is quite helpful.

And since I've come out of lurking: lots of cool new stuff in your army, triple disco lords at the top of that list! I'm wondering if I've got multiple heldrakes in me; I've still got one 3/4 built, but would want to run 2-3 because reasons.


I mean, look at this poor old befuddled fool wandering around the modern battlefield

Hold right there.
Nobody insults the generic Terminator lord. Nobody!
It is the Best HQ left over from a time where MONOPOSE was not a thing and where little Florian didn't need an engineer degree and a Scalpel to build a cool looking Lord with terminator armor.

BTW the arm is the same weapon as your picture lord for the combi melta.

Additionally he only looks so confused because look at the poor sod, he hasn't even Hair left he probably suffers also from dementia, that is poor old legionaire. don't kick him whilest he is down. that ain't nice pal.

Also, as you can see, it isn't the lord that is out of size, but the new Failaddon.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/21 07:56:02

Post by: Not Online!!!

And here He IS. Finished. Ain't he a happy spanker? (btw the Smoll one is also phyrax, just in the less Rapetrain mood.

Seems like the fellow really has a tendency to use his sword as a cane.

"Your armor is gak old man!" Stupid primaris marine recorded before getting literally stomped into the ground by angry old Legionaire

I really like how the sword turned out.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/21 13:10:47

Post by: Boss Salvage

Not Online!!! wrote:
Nobody insults the generic Terminator lord. Nobody!
*hearty scoff*

Everyone knows chaos leaders should be bigger and more imposing than their underlings, not shriveled little husks in last MK's plate
(I own a couple of the old termi lord, and he was grand for his time, with good bits to pillage. But so smol now.)

Double Phyrax look great, daemonic pimp canes and all!

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/21 13:14:15

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

The leaning on the sword is what really ties the two models together, makes it clear that they're two different versions of the same character.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/21 13:53:30

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Boss Salvage wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:
Nobody insults the generic Terminator lord. Nobody!
*hearty scoff*

Everyone knows chaos leaders should be bigger and more imposing than their underlings, not shriveled little husks in last MK's plate
(I own a couple of the old termi lord, and he was grand for his time, with good bits to pillage. But so smol now.)

Double Phyrax look great, daemonic pimp canes and all!

TBF, he is abbadon based, and we all know Abbadon has that size to compensate something , right

But yeah, a slightly enlarged Termi lord would've been fancy. (but knowing GW it would just be another monopose and cost double the shekels then it does allready.)

"daemonic pimp canes and all!"
considering Phyrax is an ardent follower of Khorne, i don't think he would appreciate that name. Altough the old man might allready forget that you called it that way.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
The leaning on the sword is what really ties the two models together, makes it clear that they're two different versions of the same character.

It does, doesn't it?

Altough he seems more laid back when not in Terminator armor.
must be the tusks. Probably reminded of his youth as an Alpha legionaire

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/22 13:29:16

Post by: Not Online!!!

So after a lul in Painting Renegades, Kitbashes and most importantly my 31.st Well this happened:

The red phase once again, allways takes the longest on them.
Rekon tommorow or this weekend the 31.st is finished including the last valkyrie.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/22 13:30:55

Post by: StormX

Love the colors you used for these guys, and particular like your picture of the red and grey models in the show your army thread.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/22 13:34:29

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Stormatious wrote:
Love the colors you used for these guys, and particular like your picture of the red and grey models in the show your army thread.

Those are the finished bunch.
Some need some touches.

Basically what remains to do in these case, is:

-Make the gasmasks, (black lenses and white Mask, aswell as metal parts)
-Make Puches, either green, red, orange, etc.
-Bionic eyes. Probably orange or green.
-Differentieate the wraps above their boots. (for maximum effect use differing colours
- Fix slip ups.
-Then washing with nuln oil for the grimy stuck on a Space hulk look.
-fix base by painting black over spills.

Reminds me, i could've posted a picture of my other CSM Marines.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/23 17:34:55

Post by: Not Online!!!

Today, my renegades got called OP and not table worthy:
Out of Spite this happened:

Metal and mask--> DONE:

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/24 15:18:08

Post by: Not Online!!!

Next step, making camo helmets and painting details.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/25 10:30:34

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, remember how i stated i'd be done with the two squads?
Yeah me and planning. So i run out of space and wanted a nice place to atleast partially store my army, so i searched for a Vitrin: Went to my father for obvious additional help in transporting the stupid thing, he just casually states," Why go to IKEA, my cousin runs an antiquary shop literally here , he surely must have one lying around that he used"-

--> now i come from what can only be described like a near clan like family, and generally have a lot of contact with them. So went to visit him started to talk about some historical stuff, Got a full tour of the property.
I literally have never seen such an ammount of Kar31 guns in one room. WW2 Equipment, (hats from pilots mostly) SS uniform found somewhere in the mountains that ended up sold to him, including an Genuine MP40, Picture of General Guisan with real autogramm (Most people don't know him but he is a person of significant historical relevancy for Switzerland)
Historicall uniforms of Sonderbundstruppen, sans trousers, (Just wow), and more and more and more. I literally walked around a building for 4 Hours. Ofcourse i got jack done for my minaiatures but i managed to get my hands on a Vitrin for 50 CHF. Which i count for a massive win

On a more positive note i finally set my CSM warband up propperly for a picture

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/26 04:13:11

Post by: StormX


Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/26 12:29:13

Post by: Not Online!!!

AND FINISHED: 31. infantry DONE.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/27 19:45:29

Post by: Not Online!!!

Small update, people remember right?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/30 11:41:50

Post by: StormX

Nice every thing looks fantastic, great work!!!!!.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/31 11:15:15

Post by: Not Online!!!

Guess the project.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/31 19:51:34

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Bunker time?

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/08/31 20:08:32

Post by: Not Online!!!

is correct, also killteam time.

Not Onlines Chaos: Sentinels and a tank. @ 2019/09/01 10:23:15

Post by: Not Online!!!

Pikaboo, warcrime time for Killteam:
Let me introduce you to some B and C CSM.

To do, further 5 CSM for the secondary KT.

Another 5.

Then a Champion and or lord.

Maybee not.

But atleast a secondary squad will happen.

Also since they are mercs, anyone any diea for a name?