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[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/11 18:54:34

Post by: Manchu


Prices ...

Ridgehauler Preview

Squats Preview

WarCom wrote:These parties are led by Charter Masters, Squats with centuries of experience – and all the accompanying obduracy. These canny old prospectors have Leadership, Brawn, and Shooting as their Primary Skills – and can access Wisdom of the Ancients as a Secondary.

WarCom wrote:The Charter Masters are ably supported by Drill Masters, Champions who keep the rest of the Squats in line. These guys prefer to work at range, and have access to a similarly deluxe armoury – plus primary access to Wisdom of the Ancients.

Then there are the Drill-kyn, the rank-and-file Gangers who make up the bulk of any prospecting party, and Diggers, your greenhorn Juves with barely four or five decades behind them – the eagerness of youth! As with all Squats, these fighters have a doughty Toughness 4.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 14:43:20

Post by: Alpharius

Have there been any scale shots of the new Squats next to existing miniatures?

How squat are these Squats?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 14:46:22

Post by: warboss

Good question. From just the pics on the bases, they look more like 30mm ogryn rather than short squat humans.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 15:13:53

Post by: Kanluwen

 Alpharius wrote:
Have there been any scale shots of the new Squats next to existing miniatures?

Not that I've seen.

How squat are these Squats?

Well, they're on 28mm bases from the looks of things...but the helmets are huge and make them look a bit weirder than they probably will look in person.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 15:43:21

Post by: Geifer

They look similar to Kharadron. Similar proportions and leg length, I'd say. I'd expect the Necromunda Squats to looked dwarf sized. They'd be embiggened compared to GW dwarfs from fifteen or more years ago (because dwarfs have knees now) but in line the the last wave of dwarfs (Ironbreakers and Longbeards) from Fantasy and the current AoS dwarf models.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 17:05:15

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Goodies up for pre-order next week.


Ridgehauler Cab

Ridgehaulee Gunner sprues

Ridghehauler Trailers



Mind Merdena

Wy’tari Stormcaller

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 17:19:42

Post by: Flinty

Ooh cool. I have a spare book of the outcast that needs converting to something useful

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 17:21:59

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Only 8 squats in a box?

So they're shorter and you get fewer of them?!

I wonder what the truck will go for? Hoping for ~$50, thinking ~$75, fearing ~$100.

Mildly annoyed the gunners might be a separate kit.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 17:23:40

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Gunners separate for the Trailers only. Still an odd choice.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 17:27:01

Post by: beefeb

gunners on pintle mount a separate cost addition....thats too much, they are effectively selling an incomplete kit, red card GW

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 0023/06/12 17:27:51

Post by: Haighus

Well, the containers come with Stormbolters and the stubbers are 130 creds each. Not sure how many gangs could afford stubbers on each trailers, and the Stormbolters are cheaper.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 17:33:49

Post by: Chairman Aeon

I’d be good with Van Saar grav-cutters becoming actual wargear/vehicles that the whole gang could take…

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 17:35:34

Post by: Shakalooloo

beefeb wrote:
gunners on pintle mount a separate cost addition....thats too much, they are effectively selling an incomplete kit, red card GW

Looks like the front of the train comes with the gunners, but they're sold on their own for the trailers.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 17:35:53

Post by: Flinty

While they probably should also come with the trailer pack, selling the separately does make sense due to the existing stock of munitorum containers out there that could use the upgrade.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 17:49:01

Post by: Dysartes

I find it interesting that neither the Cargo-8 truck nor trailer explicitly stated that they come with the container shown...

Having said that, the barrel & crates on the images imply that it does.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 17:51:15

Post by: Ancient Otter

Is it a straight reprint of the previous Orlok gang tactics or will the this be the third edition of them?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 17:56:31

Post by: El Torro

Ancient Otter wrote:
Is it a straight reprint of the previous Orlok gang tactics or will the this be the third edition of them?

I don't know, but we've had reprints of old cards before, so I imagine this is a reprint.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 18:02:40

Post by: lord_blackfang

Given the price of the habs, I'd put good money on the full Hauler (Cab, 4 trailers, 4 gunners) being more expensive than the Horus Heresy box

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 18:08:16

Post by: JWBS

Hauler box looks like it's sold w/o trailer. If this is correct, it means that the box is hauler (including cab and container), and to add a trailer you're buying two haulers and leaving the cab off the second one.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 18:09:13

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

JWBS wrote:
Hauler box looks like it's sold w/o trailer. If this is correct, it means that the box is hauler (including cab and container), and to add a trailer you're buying two haulers and leaving the cab off the second one.

I suspect the truck bed is one sprue, with the cab being a separate sprue. Otherwise why release the trailer separately at all?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 18:10:22

Post by: JWBS

Ah yes, didn't realise there is a separate trailer release.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 18:11:20

Post by: NAVARRO

Nice!!!! Get me some of those miners!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 18:52:36

Post by: Flinty

Hmm. Looks like one of the AOS releases could be dual use with Necromunda with those flying bug things

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 20:08:31

Post by: Mr_Rose

Maybe they’ll sell a “complete land train” set with cab, three cars (engine+2× trailers) and three munitorum containers along side separate cab and trailer sets?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 20:29:08

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Mr_Rose wrote:
Maybe they’ll sell a “complete land train” set with cab, three cars (engine+2× trailers) and three munitorum containers along side separate cab and trailer sets?

At no discount, but you do save yourself 3 clicks so y'know there's that.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 22:25:59

Post by: Alpharius

Time is money!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 22:27:46

Post by: Kanluwen

El Torro wrote:
Ancient Otter wrote:
Is it a straight reprint of the previous Orlok gang tactics or will the this be the third edition of them?

I don't know, but we've had reprints of old cards before, so I imagine this is a reprint.

Might be a reprint + the cards out of Ash Wastes.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/12 23:58:52

Post by: beefeb

 Shakalooloo wrote:
beefeb wrote:
gunners on pintle mount a separate cost addition....thats too much, they are effectively selling an incomplete kit, red card GW

Looks like the front of the train comes with the gunners, but they're sold on their own for the trailers.

Ahhhh, yes that makes more sense..ta

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 00:25:53

Post by: privateer4hire

Since this was probably lost with the new thread, Old Hammered shows a cool kitbash option for about $17 when I priced them on amazon. He kept his final version a little less weathered and clean than many of us would go with but some grime, dust and rust effects will help if you decide to make your own.

Here’s his video. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DKlyKipmtjwWe

Search for Green Toys Car Carrier if you want to use the same basic vehicle he used.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 03:31:15

Post by: H.B.M.C.

So no fuel tank part for the trailer?

 Dysartes wrote:
Having said that, the barrel & crates on the images imply that it does.
I'm wondering if they're re-cut the sprue.

The container sprue has 3 barrels and 4 crates. Each of those pictures shows 1 barrel and 2 crates. Now it could be nothing, but it's weird that both pictures show the same extra bits.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 04:10:23

Post by: MajorWesJanson

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
So no fuel tank part for the trailer?

 Dysartes wrote:
Having said that, the barrel & crates on the images imply that it does.
I'm wondering if they're re-cut the sprue.

The container sprue has 3 barrels and 4 crates. Each of those pictures shows 1 barrel and 2 crates. Now it could be nothing, but it's weird that both pictures show the same extra bits.

They also don't show the storm bolters the containers come with.

If they are going to make a fuel tank, gw can just scale up the design from titanium. Maybe as a single sprue 3 pack like containers, and release it as terrain in the next kill team set?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 08:20:53

Post by: DaveC


[Thumb - 90712D8F-1962-4B89-9365-4AB2DDDE42C5.jpeg]

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 08:31:35

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Hmm. Not as much as I feared if I’m honest.

Still not cheap, and if that list is indeed complete (which I’ll assume for now) then the Gunner Sprue is gonna be Direct Only?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 08:33:59

Post by: DaveC

No gunner sprue on the price list just the 5 lines so it looks like it’s direct only

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 08:36:18

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

At this stage, just Book of the Outcast for me. Get a feel for it, see what then tickles my pickle.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 08:44:33

Post by: Danny76

It is really odd that the Squats are a box of 8.
It seems a lot less for the money with their size.
Even the Orlock specialists Box is 8 models and that seems heftier etc..

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 08:46:39

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Danny76 wrote:
It is really odd that the Squats are a box of 8.
It seems a lot less for the money with their size.
Even the Orlock specialists Box is 8 models and that seems heftier etc..

Guess it’ll boil down to their Cred Cost per Ganger. Eyeballing them I suspect they’ll be pretty Cred intensive to found and maintain, so there is an argument a box of 10 would just result in redundant models?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 08:54:06

Post by: Danny76

I’d take the models for alternate builds..

The real thing it comes down to is sprue space.
I guess these 8 and their bits etc are packed in..

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 08:59:02

Post by: JWBS

£95 for truck + trailer is too much imo, definite pass from me.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 09:01:22

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Thanks for that!

Anyone know off hand how much GBP57.50 is in USD?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 09:05:36

Post by: DaveC

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

Thanks for that!

Anyone know off hand how much GBP57.50 is in USD?

EDIT found it it is $95 - (Warbringer Nemesis Titan)

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 09:11:05

Post by: H.B.M.C.

It's not a new price point. That's what Start Collecting! boxes cost.

So that makes it:

AUD$78 for the book (same as what they are now)
AUD$70 for the gang (same as what they re now)
AUD$150 for the truck.
AUD$84 per trailer.

And then probably increase all of the above by 5%-10%.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 09:20:13

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

LOL, I was hoping for $50-$75 and $100 was my line of death...

So of course it's $95

Probably get one. I wonder how big it is next to a Chimera?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 09:34:23

Post by: Olthannon

Wow so the "train" part by itself and you have to buy each trailer separately? That sucks poops and peeps.

I'll certainly pick up some Squats though.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 09:48:48

Post by: Geifer

 Olthannon wrote:
Wow so the "train" part by itself and you have to buy each trailer separately? That sucks poops and peeps.

It's the individual price, really. I don't see a problem with selling the trailer separately and allowing people to buy a cab and as many trailers as they need. It's just that as GW kits the individual box prices are silly and you can't get a discount for buying a maximum sized land train.

GW never had the opportunity to make a (non-terrain) Christmas box for Necromunda considering gangs are too small for that. I wonder if now that they have these pricey kits they may do one with a full land train (and possibly a small escort).

 Olthannon wrote:
I'll certainly pick up some Squats though.

Afterwards, are you going to toss them?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 10:31:10

Post by: lord_blackfang

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Given the price of the habs, I'd put good money on the full Hauler (Cab, 4 trailers, 4 gunners) being more expensive than the Horus Heresy box

Didn't even need the gunners to cost more than HH

The cab is more than what Spartans go for on eBay

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 10:57:31

Post by: BrookM

Lack of a promethium tank makes me worry that it'll be a FW upgrade kit instead.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 11:14:24

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 BrookM wrote:
Lack of a promethium tank makes me worry that it'll be a FW upgrade kit instead.

Coke can and straws?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 11:20:33

Post by: Chopstick

95 for boring truck? Peace out I'll take 2 achilles ridgerunner with speed and cool options.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 12:07:01

Post by: grahamdbailey

New Delaque psyker


[Thumb - Screenshot_20220613_130525.jpg]

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 12:07:19

Post by: Arbitrator


[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 12:09:33

Post by: zedmeister


[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 12:13:06

Post by: PetitionersCity

 BrookM wrote:
Lack of a promethium tank makes me worry that it'll be a FW upgrade kit instead.

I think that's a trailer with the oil barrels:

Or whatever else players agree

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 12:21:06

Post by: Gert

That Spyker is awesome. I can very much relate.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 12:23:18

Post by: Segersgia

Only the Servo-Lugger left and we will finally have all of the original Gang-brutes available as models.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 14:11:32

Post by: jojo_monkey_boy

That delaque model is one of the most amazing things GW has designed recently. Really just phenominal.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 14:42:09

Post by: Agamemnon2

I guess you could say it's a real... big brain move?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 14:44:42

Post by: Manchu

“Check out the big brain on Brad!”

Looks like something out of David Lynch’s Dune, which is to say “perfect for Necromunda.”

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 14:55:21

Post by: KillerAngel

 jojo_monkey_boy wrote:
That delaque model is one of the most amazing things GW has designed recently. Really just phenominal.

Just goes to show how subjective amazing really is. All I see is that trend from a while back where people were putting balloons over half their head and nose, breathing in from their mouth and breathing out their nose to inflate the balloon really big. Just looks kinda silly to me.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 15:06:16

Post by: BertBert

They really seem to have figured out the delaque designs. I did enjoy the Piscean Spector a lot and this is right up my street as well.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 15:17:03

Post by: pancakeonions

KillerAngel wrote:
 jojo_monkey_boy wrote:
That delaque model is one of the most amazing things GW has designed recently. Really just phenominal.

Just goes to show how subjective amazing really is. All I see is that trend from a while back where people were putting balloons over half their head and nose, breathing in from their mouth and breathing out their nose to inflate the balloon really big. Just looks kinda silly to me.

Ya, I'm definitely not a fan either... But then there were folks saying how much they disliked the hab terrain that comes with Ash Wastes, and that's what brought me back into the fold, and led to my first GW purchase in years. That and the giant fleas. Love 'em!

They finally got me!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 15:20:39

Post by: Mr_Rose

Personally I like both the habs and the spyker. I just wish he wasn’t purple. Too genestealer and/or Mars Attacks!
But then that’s something I can actually fix so it’s still a cool mini.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 15:50:29

Post by: Either/Or

The ash waist specific stuff (terrain, vehicles) are $$ even for GW. Probably will end up picking up the book, maybe the squats, but not in a rush. Curious to see the rules for GSC vehicles in Necro and to see what third parties come up with as alternatives to the GW land train/semi truck.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 16:22:14

Post by: lord_blackfang

Love the psyker for sure.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 16:39:59

Post by: Olthannon

 Geifer wrote:
 Olthannon wrote:
Wow so the "train" part by itself and you have to buy each trailer separately? That sucks poops and peeps.

It's the individual price, really. I don't see a problem with selling the trailer separately and allowing people to buy a cab and as many trailers as they need. It's just that as GW kits the individual box prices are silly and you can't get a discount for buying a maximum sized land train.

GW never had the opportunity to make a (non-terrain) Christmas box for Necromunda considering gangs are too small for that. I wonder if now that they have these pricey kits they may do one with a full land train (and possibly a small escort).

 Olthannon wrote:
I'll certainly pick up some Squats though.

Afterwards, are you going to toss them?

If I have their permission I'll toss away

In my head I had figured you would get the train bit as a main + one trailer in a box and then you could if you wished buy another 2. One thing per box for that price is kinda brutal.

Also, the psyker looks cool as hell, I'm definitely going to convert that model for a custom admech priest.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 16:56:16

Post by: warboss

While I really like the idea, I don't think the execution is very good and would have preferred a smaller head, emaciated limbs, and no cape like in the art they showed at the link. The original is much more horrifying and less comical for me.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 17:08:22

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

in resin those spindly frame elements would be pain to cast so i can see why they went the way they did

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 17:52:47

Post by: Albertorius

 Arbitrator wrote:

First that came to mind was this

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 17:55:19

Post by: warboss

 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:
in resin those spindly frame elements would be pain to cast so i can see why they went the way they did

True. Though I'd counter that it's not GW is far removed from the lost art of casting in metal. Small boutique companies with much more limited budgets and worse margins still occasionally combine the two when the material and purposes overlap. Alternatively, the parts could be thickened in resin to be strong enough but still maintain the overall asthetic of the original art. The key is the emaciated body of the character juxtaposed with the oversized cranium whereas the metal frame carrying him is only the design flourish IMO. What they ultimately produced isn't bad by any stretch but I think it could have been significantly improved with those elements carrying over from the art. YMMV.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 18:27:42

Post by: privateer4hire

Ninja’d. and by Manchu!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 18:56:54

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Either/Or wrote:
The ash waist specific stuff (terrain, vehicles) are $$ even for GW. Probably will end up picking up the book, maybe the squats, but not in a rush. Curious to see the rules for GSC vehicles in Necro and to see what third parties come up with as alternatives to the GW land train/semi truck.


Watcorp's various vehicles, including their new land train might be what you're looking for. Note that he sells physical prints as well as STLs.

Ramshackle Games also has a resin land train already in their shop.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 19:36:32

Post by: Memnoch

That Delaque model is disturbing. And cool.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 20:10:30

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Not feeling it, the head is just too... round.

The Black Stone Fortress psyker with the tumor head was a lot more interesting.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 20:18:12

Post by: GaroRobe

Now I want to buy a lot of this ash waste terrain

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 20:23:43

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

I just realized "Spyker" is just "Psyker" with the first two letters switching places

This has made me irrationally angry

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 20:25:52

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Yeah can't say I'm a fan of 'Mega-Mind'.

Hardly surprising though. It is a modern 'Delaque' miniature afterall.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 20:45:18

Post by: privateer4hire

He’s right up there with Pumba and Santa sleigh space wolf

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 20:48:47

Post by: GaroRobe

 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
I just realized "Spyker" is just "Psyker" with the first two letters switching places

This has made me irrationally angry

It also has "Spy"

Because Delaque are sneaky petes

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/13 22:33:29

Post by: Flinty

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Either/Or wrote:
The ash waist specific stuff (terrain, vehicles) are $$ even for GW. Probably will end up picking up the book, maybe the squats, but not in a rush. Curious to see the rules for GSC vehicles in Necro and to see what third parties come up with as alternatives to the GW land train/semi truck.


Watcorp's various vehicles, including their new land train might be what you're looking for. Note that he sells physical prints as well as STLs.

Ramshackle Games also has a resin land train already in their shop.

I'm certainly looking forward to getting some Watcorp stuff on the print bed. In the meantime, I'm doing up a couple of utility vehicles that are similar to the GSC vehicle profiles:


[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/14 17:29:39

Post by: Flinty

Oh, and the next bandwagon is pulling in


[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/15 08:33:03

Post by: Agamemnon2

I do like the look of that one, it's less gothic than the official minis, but the angular no-nonsense look would still work fine with them. And for the price of one GW crawler, you could get the whole set of files to print your own, AND a commercial license to sell prints to other gamers.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/15 08:41:57

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Really? It looks Fisher-Price. Lacking in detail and character.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/15 08:46:40

Post by: JimmyWolf87

That one looks decent. Not sure I'd use those containers for Necromunda itself; they lack that little bit of 40K flair to slot right in but they'd find a ton of use in other games. Be interested to see if the GW container would fit neatly on those carriages.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/15 08:58:29

Post by: Overread

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Really? It looks Fisher-Price. Lacking in detail and character.

I think it has sufficient detail as a terrain feature. What's hiding the detail is that they've only got lightly coloured renders with no real shadowing or highlighting going on and no colour variation picking out the details. So its painted very much like a young kids toy.

That said I agree it lacks character for the setting. In the end its honestly both too close to the GW design and yet not GW enough to really work for me as being interesting. It's less cool than the GW design; it lacks any real 40K features or feel and just feels like a lazy copy-cat.

Some of the extra parts might actually make it interesting - like tank tracks. To me its a failing of the campaign to put what is potentially the most interesting parts into stretch goals which rely upon financial targets in a campaign where you can't double-dip the same customers. If you're going to get 20 customers you'll get 20 customers and 1 payment from each. STL campaigns still have to kind of learn that stretch goals can't work the same as for physical product lines where the same person can be encouraged to spend more; where a stretch goal might well make them spend more to get the new unlocked content; or to pay up front to encourage it to unlock.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/15 09:47:44

Post by: Agamemnon2

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Really? It looks Fisher-Price. Lacking in detail and character.

Yes, really. It might shock you, but when I say a thing, I mean it. If anything, modern GW sculpting in general has too much "detail" and "character", and my god, it's become hideous to behold. It's like having every single meal you eat in your life designed exclusively by Michelin-starred pastry chefs. Sometimes you just want a god-damnéd hotdog, not a fragile three-dimensional sculpture made out of whimsy, droplets of caramellized mustard, and artfully charred ashes from an artisanal sausage.

The container transport I referred to is a hot dog. Nothing more, nothing less.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/15 10:24:29

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

FWIW I found another alternative


$35 1/43 tandem truck, looks easy to turn it into a gun truck.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/15 15:52:04

Post by: privateer4hire

JimmyWolf87 wrote:
That one looks decent. Not sure I'd use those containers for Necromunda itself; they lack that little bit of 40K flair to slot right in but they'd find a ton of use in other games. Be interested to see if the GW container would fit neatly on those carriages.

Not looking like the 40k verse can definitely be a feature.
And for the much reduced prices (especially those paying non-UK), a bits box raid should overcome if it’s gotta look like emperor land

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/15 16:50:35

Post by: lord_blackfang

Like some have said, good for terrain, not so good as a gaming piece. Fully enclosed, no crew, etc. But worth getting just for the trailers, they don't lose anything compared to GW's outrageously priced ones. Overall I'd rather have Watcorp's (and I do!), it offers a lot more pieces (including the all important fuel tank trailer) and despite the sculpts looking a bit... beginner-y, its chunky simplicity is even a bit endearing.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 13:13:47

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Get vehicle'd!

WarCom wrote:In case you’d prefer to drive straight out of the showroom, this book contains stats and upgrades for standard Imperial vehicles such as Wolfquads, Achilles Ridgerunners, and Goliath Rockgrinders. You can turbo-charge their engines, festoon them with spikes, boarding cages, and boobytraps, or just bolt on extra weapon hardpoints.

But even that element of customisation pales in comparison with the raw possibilities of the Wasteland Workshop – a new system which lets you build almost anything short of a banjaxed Baneblade, slam it into top gear, drive it right out onto the ash wastes and start shooting (or racing, or ramming, or boarding, or…)

WarCom wrote:Third, choose how you’re getting around. There are four locomotion types to pick from:

1. Wheels are moderately manoeuvrable, but don’t enjoy rough terrain
2.Tracks are a bit slower but a bit hardier in the dirt
3. Legs are very agile, but they’re a little wobbly
4. Skimmers zip serenely above the fray,* but first you’ll have to find them on the trading post (and at Rarity 10, or 8 for Van Saars, they’re not exactly commonplace)

*Yes, you absolutely can bolt an anti-grav unit to a Leman Russ to see what happens.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 13:18:12

Post by: zedmeister

Nice! Freeform vehicle customisation?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 13:32:04

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

VDR is back yo!

I hope Rhinos appear somewhere on that list, I'd like them to get back to their role as the Imperium's work horse.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 13:35:11

Post by: Kanluwen

They'd be a Medium Vehicle, so they are present.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 13:36:15

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Even if "Rhino" isn't explicitly there, given what these rules appear to be, I'm pretty sure you could make the rules fit the vehicle.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 13:42:58

Post by: Kinetochore

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Get vehicle'd!

WarCom wrote:In case you’d prefer to drive straight out of the showroom, this book contains stats and upgrades for standard Imperial vehicles such as Wolfquads, Achilles Ridgerunners, and Goliath Rockgrinders. You can turbo-charge their engines, festoon them with spikes, boarding cages, and boobytraps, or just bolt on extra weapon hardpoints.

But even that element of customisation pales in comparison with the raw possibilities of the Wasteland Workshop – a new system which lets you build almost anything short of a banjaxed Baneblade, slam it into top gear, drive it right out onto the ash wastes and start shooting (or racing, or ramming, or boarding, or…)

WarCom wrote:Third, choose how you’re getting around. There are four locomotion types to pick from:

1. Wheels are moderately manoeuvrable, but don’t enjoy rough terrain
2.Tracks are a bit slower but a bit hardier in the dirt
3. Legs are very agile, but they’re a little wobbly
4. Skimmers zip serenely above the fray,* but first you’ll have to find them on the trading post (and at Rarity 10, or 8 for Van Saars, they’re not exactly commonplace)

*Yes, you absolutely can bolt an anti-grav unit to a Leman Russ to see what happens.

OMG - hold me!,

so glad they made build your own vehicle rules - both from a modelling and building perspective and it means I can design and sell more 3D printable gubbins - win!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 13:45:19

Post by: H.B.M.C.

I feel like these rules are the kind of thing Andy Chambers would have killed for back in the day.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 13:45:31

Post by: JimmyWolf87

Fully intend to take one of the new (old) Deimos pattern Rhinos and get it tricked out for my Enforcers.

This ruleset is probably going to be unbalanced madness and, in this instance, I'm all here for it.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 13:48:40

Post by: Voss

Wait. Rules that encourage conversions and kitbashing? With standard rules for Imperial versions of GSC kits and make your own for almost any kit?

Twilight Zone, eh? I'm on to you, Serling!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 13:52:45

Post by: Olthannon

Almost gobsmacked that GW are turning a bit of a corner here. Necromunda is a different species from 40k in more ways than one. I'm almost intoxicated with the idea of building up some mental vehicles.

Oh the possibilities!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 13:54:30

Post by: Mentlegen324

I am quite shocked that Vehicle Design Rules have returned, never expected that to happen. Especially when people keep repeating the whole "No model, no rules" thing.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 13:58:39

Post by: NAVARRO

Don't worry rules we be patched and deleted a few months with a new book of official only vehicles.

The Spyker looks funny but not in a good way

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 13:59:06

Post by: Chopstick

The Spedd Freekz and sentinel dream is real

Even Land Speeder

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 14:05:00

Post by: Flinty

VDR! Brilliant!

Unfortunate that they don't appear to go up to super-heavies

Now to make an anti-grav tunneller! Or a flyer with legs or something!

Lets break this nonsense!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 14:07:23

Post by: Chopstick

Time to hoard some of those Sentinel kits, so when the sleek, new one come out the old one would look "jury-rigged" by default

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 14:07:40

Post by: Flinty

Also "plasma coil engine" should really just be called "NOS!"

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 14:15:27

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 Flinty wrote:
Unfortunate that they don't appear to go up to super-heavies
They have to keep some stuff for the next book.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 14:18:54

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I just have 3 things to say...


[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 14:22:04

Post by: H.B.M.C.

The guy who made those Prospector vehicles showed up on Facebook recently posting them, IIRC.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 14:42:39

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
The guy who made those Prospector vehicles showed up on Facebook recently posting them, IIRC.

Post a link if you see it. One of my favorite conversion articles of all time.

Up there with IronHands.com using chicken bones to make a chaos temple!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 15:30:33

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I for one am looking forward to seeing what others can come up with.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
It’s also going to be useful for creating NPCs as a Games Master. And of course adapting it to Gorkamorka.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 18:31:47

Post by: PenitentJake

Chopstick wrote:
Time to hoard some of those Sentinel kits, so when the sleek, new one come out the old one would look "jury-rigged" by default

This is a brilliant idea.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 20:02:51

Post by: Vertrucio

Exactly my thought. Pickup some discarded sentinels from people trading up to the new ones. They'd go great with ash Nomads.

Can easily see palanites getting a chimera.

I will probably remove or reduce the effect of the jury rigged rule, which seems there only to promote using official kits, clearly a concession to marketing.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 20:19:53

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Finally, you’re ready to go. There’s just one thing to remember. Custom vehicles all have the jury-rigged special rule because they’re cobbled together from whatever junk has been lying around the surface of Necromunda, so repairs cost twice as much as they would for standard configurations.

Huh, here I always thought the saying was Jerry Rigged and that it had something to do with Germans in WWII being called Jerries (which IIRC was because British troops were called Tommys so Germans were Jerries as in Tom and Jerry).

Nope. Turns out they are 2 different sayings, meaning almost the same thing.

Learn something every day etc.


Jury-rigged means something was assembled quickly with the materials on hand. Jerry-built means it was cheaply or poorly built. Jerry-rigged is a variant of jury-rigged, and it may have been influenced by jerry-built. While some people consider it to be an incorrect version of jury-rigged, it’s widely used, especially in everyday speech.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 21:00:22

Post by: lord_blackfang

Sooo replacement parts improvised from junk cost twice as much as brand parts

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 21:28:33

Post by: privateer4hire

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Sooo replacement parts improvised from junk cost twice as much as brand parts

Just wait until you see the pack prices for improvised upgrades. Then we’ll know what twice the cost really means.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 21:30:06

Post by: Mr_Rose

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Sooo replacement parts improvised from junk cost twice as much as brand parts

Well, since the actual official repair shop will, at best, tear off all your mods and return it to stock before even looking at the cracked headlight seal, but more likely shoot you, arrest you, and then do all that anyway, yes, probably. Black market back alley machinists don’t come cheap… the bodyguards alone…

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 21:46:56

Post by: Racerguy180

Vertrucio wrote:Exactly my thought. Pickup some discarded sentinels from people trading up to the new ones. They'd go great with ash Nomads.

Can easily see palanites getting a chimera.

I will probably remove or reduce the effect of the jury rigged rule, which seems there only to promote using official kits, clearly a concession to marketing.

My Palanites are gonna mob around on LS storms(seems fitting).
Orlocks(already) have bikes & quads, just need to add a Ridgerunner.
Goliath will rock up on a....Goliath.
Outcasts I haven't really decided yet.
Delaque presents an interesting problem, I'm not sure which fits them best.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 22:27:42

Post by: Altruizine

 Vertrucio wrote:

I will probably remove or reduce the effect of the jury rigged rule, which seems there only to promote using official kits, clearly a concession to marketing.

"Build Your Own" rules often open the door to ruthlessly efficient min-maxxed designs, so the penalty may also serve as a disincentive for those.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 22:36:41

Post by: Flinty

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Sooo replacement parts improvised from junk cost twice as much as brand parts

Alternatively, shoddily built vehicles made of random gubbinz takes a lot more time and effort to keep working. However, the rule does seem to be of dubious provenance, so Definately a take-it or leave-it thing.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 23:26:58

Post by: Olthannon

 Altruizine wrote:
 Vertrucio wrote:

I will probably remove or reduce the effect of the jury rigged rule, which seems there only to promote using official kits, clearly a concession to marketing.

"Build Your Own" rules often open the door to ruthlessly efficient min-maxxed designs, so the penalty may also serve as a disincentive for those.

This is the most likely reason. The book won't be out 5 minutes before some sod has come up with the list of best vehicles for arseholes.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/16 23:28:39

Post by: CadianSgtBob

 Olthannon wrote:
The book won't be out 5 minutes before some sod has come up with the list of best vehicles for arseholes.

Can we not insult people for having fun with the game in a way that you don't personally enjoy?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 01:16:52

Post by: privateer4hire

 Olthannon wrote:
 Altruizine wrote:
 Vertrucio wrote:

I will probably remove or reduce the effect of the jury rigged rule, which seems there only to promote using official kits, clearly a concession to marketing.

"Build Your Own" rules often open the door to ruthlessly efficient min-maxxed designs, so the penalty may also serve as a disincentive for those.

This is the most likely reason. The book won't be out 5 minutes before some sod has come up with the list of best vehicles for arseholes.

VDR for 3rd was a great way for you and the local guys to custom build stuff that nobody would agree to play against.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 01:44:30

Post by: Psychopomp

 privateer4hire wrote:

VDR for 3rd was a great way for you and the local guys to custom build stuff that nobody would agree to play against.

The absolute best thing I saw come from the 3e VDR was one of our locals converted a Gorkamorka truck with a Catachan driver and 15 lasguns arrayed along the wall between the driver and the bed. In the bed was another Catachan standing behind the lasguns with a laspistol in one hand and the other raised in a fist.

When we asked why the gunner had his fist in the air, the player replied "He's yanking the string they ran through all the triggers!"

(The lasguns weren't linked. It was just 15 lasguns with BS3. Usually didn't do much, but there was one time we saw it wipe out a squad of 12 genestealers in rapid fire range...)

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 01:51:16

Post by: privateer4hire

That sounds cool!

It also would have been one of the first nopes the guys I played regularly would have issued. Tournament mind set permeated the scene

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 02:05:26

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 privateer4hire wrote:
Tournament mind set permeated the scene
Well hopefully people get that this is Necromunda, which is kind of an anathema to competitive play.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 02:34:06

Post by: Racerguy180

H.B.M.C. wrote:
 privateer4hire wrote:
Tournament mind set permeated the scene
Well hopefully people get that this is Necromunda, which is kind of an anathema to competitive play.

I just flat out don't understand why anyone would want to play competitive Necro???

If there was ever a better use of the word I'm not sure it's possible.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 07:39:52

Post by: privateer4hire

Yep. That’s why I am thankful for the group I am with now. We play narrative games using grimdark future firefight, song of blades and heroes, pulp alley, etc. The only official necromunda stuff we kept was models and terrain.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 07:48:06

Post by: Jadenim

Racerguy180 wrote:
Vertrucio wrote:Exactly my thought. Pickup some discarded sentinels from people trading up to the new ones. They'd go great with ash Nomads.

Can easily see palanites getting a chimera.

I will probably remove or reduce the effect of the jury rigged rule, which seems there only to promote using official kits, clearly a concession to marketing.

My Palanites are gonna mob around on LS storms(seems fitting).
Orlocks(already) have bikes & quads, just need to add a Ridgerunner.
Goliath will rock up on a....Goliath.
Outcasts I haven't really decided yet.
Delaque presents an interesting problem, I'm not sure which fits them best.

I figure the Taurox would make a good Enforcer vehicle; it has that SWAT van / MRAP feel to it.

My Escher will probably be getting bikes and trikes for the girl-punk biker gang look

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 08:13:11

Post by: Albertorius

Kinda want to do a bosozoku Goliath gang.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 08:37:26

Post by: Scottywan82

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
I feel like these rules are the kind of thing Andy Chambers would have killed for back in the day.

For real! This makes Necromunda more tempting than ever before. I love the idea of some Mad Max insanity in the Ash Wastes.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 09:21:36

Post by: Olthannon

Delaque need weird spidery walkers right?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 09:40:44

Post by: zedmeister

 Olthannon wrote:
Delaque need weird spidery walkers right?

Or some sort of tunneler

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 09:57:45

Post by: Haighus

 Olthannon wrote:
Delaque need weird spidery walkers right?

Dunecrawler with ironstrider legs.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 10:00:18

Post by: StraightSilver

I think the vehicle design rules are cool and it's great that you can use a lot of current GW 40K vehicles straight off the bat.

I'm now wondering if that's why so many bits from the Cargo8 Ridge Hauler are being sold separately.

I'm wondering if the heavy stubber crew from the Ridge Hauler will fit the cupploas/hatches for things like the Goliath, Ridge Runner etc, so you can easily swap out the GSC crew?

Do we think the hatch sizes are the same as those on the cargo containers?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 10:10:07

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

This is your semi-regular reminder that Ramshackle Games exists


[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 10:11:45

Post by: H.B.M.C.

If giant pieces of fragile resin are your thing, sure...

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 11:11:56

Post by: The_Real_Chris

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Sooo replacement parts improvised from junk cost twice as much as brand parts

You can't get these Detroit parts easily.


Cawdor - soft skin trucks. Or that crazy fortress of redemption from the comic
Delaque - ? Maybe ridge runners and bikes for a scouting feel.
Escher - Skimmers
Goliath - Goliath
Orlock - Bikes and quads
Van Saar - Walkers
Nomads - Whatever they get
Corpse grinders - Ork stuff with rollers and pincers and grabbers...
Enforcers - Taurox
Outcasts - I supposed based on affiliation?
Chaos Cult - I suppose CSM gear based around God mixed with scraps like soft skins.
Squats - Rhino of course. New Deimos one.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 13:02:07

Post by: Chopstick

Make more sense if the vehicles are "exotic custom" or import.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 13:06:46

Post by: H.B.M.C.

WarComm has a new article. It's just a puff piece without any real substance, but it has pretty pictures:


From the looks of it you don't have to glue the container in place. That's a good thing.

And based upon the first picture in the spoilers, they haven't recut the container sprue for this kit. You can see the three barrels, 2 small and 2 large boxes that come on each sprue there.

Plus, as far as the trailer goes:

"The trailer comes with its own armoured container, plus boxes, barrels..."

So the trailer box isn't just the trailer. You do get a container in there. No fuel tank though, which is a shame.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 13:38:53

Post by: Chopstick

Look like it's possible to make a 2 heads truck from 2 kits, won't be cheap though, ouch.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 13:46:50

Post by: warboss

 Albertorius wrote:
Kinda want to do a bosozoku Goliath gang.

It's an older code sir but it checks out. As long as you put that old meme real life recoilless rifle on the side of the cycle too.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 15:23:09

Post by: Flinty

To be honest. they could have just stuck with the first image. There is so much joy in the half-assed cardboard cutouts.

And Warboss is referring to the Vespa TAP 150, in case anyone is wondering

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 16:25:06

Post by: Albertorius

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
WarComm has a new article. It's just a puff piece without any real substance, but it has pretty pictures:

Wow, the quad looks horribly clonic.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 16:26:02

Post by: Chairman Aeon

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Sooo replacement parts improvised from junk cost twice as much as brand parts

Seems right. The last time I went to an auto wrecker the used parts were more expensive than one from NAPA…and I had to wrench it off the wreck myself.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 16:41:47

Post by: Chopstick

 Chairman Aeon wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
Sooo replacement parts improvised from junk cost twice as much as brand parts

Seems right. The last time I went to an auto wrecker the used parts were more expensive than one from NAPA…and I had to wrench it off the wreck myself.

Authentic parts from out of production models tend to be expensive, outside of collectible reason if the new part work and is cheaper no reason to get the old, expensive one.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 22:18:18

Post by: beast_gts

Squat sprue:

Ridgehauler sprues:

Trailer sprues:

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/17 22:50:44

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

Lmao the gunners you can buy on their own don't even have grenade launchers

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 02:09:51

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
AUD$78 for the book (same as what they are now)
AUD$70 for the gang (same as what they re now)
AUD$150 for the truck.
AUD$84 per trailer.
I was off by a bit. The truck is indeed AUD$150, but the book is AUD$84, the gang is AUD$74 and the trailers are an insane AUD$100 each.

Thank the Emperor for places that do 25% off, hey?

[EDIT]: Holy Hannah! You wanna pay AUD$43 for four pintle-mounted heavy stubbers?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 03:28:49

Post by: Alpharius

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
AUD$78 for the book (same as what they are now)
AUD$70 for the gang (same as what they re now)
AUD$150 for the truck.
AUD$84 per trailer.
I was off by a bit. The truck is indeed AUD$150, but the book is AUD$84, the gang is AUD$74 and the trailers are an insane AUD$100 each.

Thank the Emperor for places that do 25% off, hey?

[EDIT]: Holy Hannah! You wanna pay AUD$43 for four pintle-mounted heavy stubbers?

Just what is the minimum wage down there in Australia?!?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 03:53:27

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 Alpharius wrote:
Just what is the minimum wage down there in Australia?!?
Irrelevant to the topic?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 04:23:31

Post by: Rolsheen

 Alpharius wrote:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
AUD$78 for the book (same as what they are now)
AUD$70 for the gang (same as what they re now)
AUD$150 for the truck.
AUD$84 per trailer.
I was off by a bit. The truck is indeed AUD$150, but the book is AUD$84, the gang is AUD$74 and the trailers are an insane AUD$100 each.

Thank the Emperor for places that do 25% off, hey?

[EDIT]: Holy Hannah! You wanna pay AUD$43 for four pintle-mounted heavy stubbers?

Just what is the minimum wage down there in Australia?!?


How many trailers can each Ridgehauler pull?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 06:45:12

Post by: Jadenim

 Rolsheen wrote:
 Alpharius wrote:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
AUD$78 for the book (same as what they are now)
AUD$70 for the gang (same as what they re now)
AUD$150 for the truck.
AUD$84 per trailer.
I was off by a bit. The truck is indeed AUD$150, but the book is AUD$84, the gang is AUD$74 and the trailers are an insane AUD$100 each.

Thank the Emperor for places that do 25% off, hey?

[EDIT]: Holy Hannah! You wanna pay AUD$43 for four pintle-mounted heavy stubbers?

Just what is the minimum wage down there in Australia?!?


How many trailers can each Ridgehauler pull?

4 I think was mentioned in one of the articles?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 07:37:21

Post by: H.B.M.C.

I would hope that they'd eventually do a convoy box, like they did with the terrain boxes, that has, say, a truck and two trailers for some level of discount. That might be worth it.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 07:39:38

Post by: Chopstick

 H.B.M.C. wrote:

[EDIT]: Holy Hannah! You wanna pay AUD$43 for four pintle-mounted heavy stubbers?

Not much reason to take Heavy Stub over grenade launcher or storm bolter anyway, unless special weapon restriction.

Would be nice if the gunner also come with legs, so people can mount them on the back of their DIY vehicle.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 07:47:56

Post by: H.B.M.C.

That'd be a further AUD$43 for the "leg" sprue.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 07:58:09

Post by: Racerguy180

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
That'd be a further AUD$43 for the "leg" sprue.

That cheap??? Git outta 'ere...

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 08:01:54

Post by: Chopstick

The gunner from the ridgehauler sprue has legs

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 09:27:52

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Interestingly, despite the artwork in previews (and at many stockists) showing the second release Orlock gang cards, this release is the original set of Orlock cards. So if you missed 'em the first time around - and that'd be pretty easy given they sold out in about 8.3 nanoseconds - maybe you can get 'em this time.

[EDIT]: Sprues & Brews have their coverage of the new book up.

I am very happy to find this in there:

Outland Beastmasters (Millisaurs and Ripperjacks!)
Old school Necromunda fans will be excited to see the return of Outland Beastmasters and their various animal companions! This also hopefully means we will see Forge World models for these guys soon too! Each beastmaster can pick one of 3 Exotic Beasts (Rats, Millisaurs and Ripperjacks) and can have up to 3 of them at a time (With them having the option of buying replacements if they ever have less than 3 at the start of the post battle sequence). Rats basically get a free replacement at the end of the battle if they die, Millisuars can move under impassable terrain, and Ripperjacks can move over any other terrain, never fall and can drop the initiative of anyone they are engaged with.

100% going to have to add these to my gangs!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 09:40:02

Post by: zamerion

I am a little disappointed that neither the hanger on nor the brute of the nomads have a drawing

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 10:08:27

Post by: Flinty

zamerion wrote:
I am a little disappointed that neither the hanger on nor the brute of the nomads have a drawing

If they draw them then The 3rd party crowd release stuff before GW can.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 10:14:16

Post by: zamerion

 Flinty wrote:
zamerion wrote:
I am a little disappointed that neither the hanger on nor the brute of the nomads have a drawing

If they draw them then The 3rd party crowd release stuff before GW can.

showing drawings is something they have done in almost all of their books, even for miniatures that have taken years . Another thing is that they then change the design. (there is a drawing of beastmaster, and who knows when we will have a miniature.)

When they talked about a big bug, I was thinking of using alarielle's, but seeing the profile it will be too big. Now I have no idea what to use.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 11:10:51

Post by: Chopstick

Ash waste nomad champs have access to force field!

Look like promethium tank is this piece.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 13:46:34

Post by: Rolsheen

I hope that's not the actual trailer they're going to release, I was hoping for a proper tanker trailer.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 16:42:25

Post by: beast_gts

Squat size (from electriceve on Twitter):


[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 16:46:58

Post by: JWBS

Not thrilled about those proportions. Place them next to a human in proper modern GW scale and they're looking fairly massive. Oh well.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 16:47:54

Post by: Chairman Aeon

 Rolsheen wrote:
I hope that's not the actual trailer they're going to release, I was hoping for a proper tanker trailer.

From Necromunda, the game with the Champagne aspirations and a de-alcoholized beer production budget.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 16:54:07

Post by: Flinty

Doesn’t look like a tank to me, with the cover over it. Might just be depicting random cargo.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 18:27:52

Post by: NAVARRO

Yeah my hopes for 25mm bases are crushed.

I mean I would prefer the mini to be, maybe 15% smaller but I can live with it.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 19:10:48

Post by: Alpharius

 Rolsheen wrote:
 Alpharius wrote:

Just what is the minimum wage down there in Australia?!?


Thank you! Still doesn't really explain GW's rather bonkers AUS pricing though...

beast_gts wrote:
Squat size (from electriceve on Twitter):


Looks OK, I guess, but almost the size of what Exo-Armor should (?) be - maybe?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/18 19:14:48

Post by: Albertorius

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
AUD$78 for the book (same as what they are now)
AUD$70 for the gang (same as what they re now)
AUD$150 for the truck.
AUD$84 per trailer.
I was off by a bit. The truck is indeed AUD$150, but the book is AUD$84, the gang is AUD$74 and the trailers are an insane AUD$100 each.

Thank the Emperor for places that do 25% off, hey?

[EDIT]: Holy Hannah! You wanna pay AUD$43 for four pintle-mounted heavy stubbers?


That's... something, alright,

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 01:36:28

Post by: Chairman Aeon

So Book of the Outlands includes all the vehicle rules…?!? Did GW make a mistake and accidentally make the Ash Wastes core book optional?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 02:42:58

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Sure seems that way. They also put two full gangs into one book, at the same time.

Now won't get "Book of Bikes", "Book of Big Rigs", and so on.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 03:30:51

Post by: warboss

Relative corporate generosity can mean only one thing... a new edition to invalidate everything is on the way.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 03:47:00

Post by: Vertrucio

Just in time to base everything on a modified Kill Teams system.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 07:26:23

Post by: Flinty

Modified such that they use exactly the same shapes and colours for movement, but in a different order! (And still not in the logical progression based on number of sides of each shape)

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 07:58:54

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

H.B.M.C. wrote:Sure seems that way. They also put two full gangs into one book, at the same time.

Now won't get "Book of Bikes", "Book of Big Rigs", and so on.

It seems you're assuming this book won't be superseded in 6 months

warboss wrote:Relative corporate generosity can mean only one thing... a new edition to invalidate everything is on the way.

You took the words right off of my keyboard!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 11:57:55

Post by: JWBS

Size comparison. I still think they should have been smaller but I'll definitely buy some as I like the look of the kit I can tell these will be very enjoyable to paint.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 12:05:38

Post by: Albertorius

Hm, going by mass alone they seem to be twice as big as a human...

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 12:07:46

Post by: warboss

25mm ogryn it is.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 12:36:45

Post by: Mr_Rose

Not sure what people were expecting then? They’re squats, not halflings. And they’re pretty universally wearing bulky armour. We already know from the open-masked helms that they have a bunch of extra padding in there; I assume this is because their greatest threat is normally rockfall rather than being shot. No reason that can’t apply to the rest of the suit.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 13:13:06

Post by: warboss

 Mr_Rose wrote:
Not sure what people were expecting then? They’re squats, not halflings. And they’re pretty universally wearing bulky armour. We already know from the open-masked helms that they have a bunch of extra padding in there; I assume this is because their greatest threat is normally rockfall rather than being shot. No reason that can’t apply to the rest of the suit.

I think the missing clue is in the name's meaning and the recent cover art.



short and thickset; disproportionately broad or wide:

Now I fully admit we haven't seen a full frontal scale shot next to a normal human (though I suppose someone could photoshop it into the Mk VI comparison pic above) so we don't know for sure but they seem a tiny bit shorter than a normal human (ganger/guardsmen/cultist/whatever) but not a full head and they're definitely thicccer (triple c instead of the art's double). I actually like the models FWIW and the scale bump is ok with me given the 30+ year gap inbetween the prior squats (BL and FW specialty models notwithstanding) but they resemble smaller ogryn to me personally instead of upsized dwarves. Regardless, I'm interested in seeing the 40k versions for RPG purposes where scale won't matter as much.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 14:09:46

Post by: NAVARRO

I have to agree, they are a bit too big. They look tons of fun to paint though.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 14:16:30

Post by: H.B.M.C.

They look chunky, but not tall. Their armour is massive, which I think is fine.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 15:58:12

Post by: Skinnereal

JWBS wrote:

Size comparison. I still think they should have been smaller but I'll definitely buy some as I like the look of the kit I can tell these will be very enjoyable to paint.
How do they compare against other Necromunda models, though? Aren't they a bit taller than 40k, in general?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 16:27:39

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Can't wait to see the VDR rules, I'll have to pick this up when I'm in NY this summer.

We have a chart to finish!

I'm thinking the Bane Lord missile launcher tank, and the Shadow Hammer for indirect artillery. Doom Blade is obviously the all heavy bolter tank.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 16:32:07

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

Anyone have a good comprasion between the Necromunda Squats and actual humans, from straight-ahead so it's actually usable as a size comparison?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 16:57:33

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Bane lord is already claimed.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 16:59:17

Post by: Mentlegen324

How do the new Necromunda Squats compare to Grendlesen or Gunnstein?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 18:02:22

Post by: Albertorius

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
How do the new Necromunda Squats compare to Grendlesen or Gunnstein?

Grendlesen and Gunnstein are dead.

(I'll get my coat)

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 18:14:22

Post by: Flinty

Darn that Richard Dreyfus. Darn him to heck.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 18:20:50

Post by: JWBS

GSC up next week! I've been waiting for this one placed here cos there isn't a GSC thread and also not enough GSC news to make justify one. Anyway, GSC are a very nice base for a Necro gang, esp now that bikes and buggies and trucks are relevant to the game. Best kits for Necro, whether running them as GSC or just headswapping them into a different faction.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 18:23:13

Post by: Racerguy180

Kid_Kyoto wrote:Can't wait to see the VDR rules, I'll have to pick this up when I'm in NY this summer.

We have a chart to finish!

I'm thinking the Bane Lord missile launcher tank, and the Shadow Hammer for indirect artillery. Doom Blade is obviously the all heavy bolter tank.

Yeah Shadow Hammer should have a Goliath cannon on it.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
JWBS wrote:

GSC up next week! I've been waiting for this one placed here cos there isn't a GSC thread and also not enough GSC news to make justify one. Anyway, GSC are a very nice base for a Necro gang, esp now that bikes and buggies and trucks are relevant to the game. Best kits for Necro, whether running them as GSC or just headswapping them into a different faction.

I used Neophytes as the basis for my ash waste Orlocks and love the models(esp bikes/quad). They're relatively easy to de-xenofy, and take necro upgrades well(minimal fiddling). Pretty much I'm gonna use most of the range for my Orlocks

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/19 18:56:21

Post by: JWBS

I'm thinking I'll do the Skitarii vanguard headswap for one of my gangs, the Neophyte bodies, weapons, and arms are so great and they fit a number of architypes with a simple headswap.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/21 17:23:35

Post by: Baxx

Notice how all Ash Wastes Nomads start with Ash Cloak that includes the effect of Respirator? And they all have Respirator available for purchase in the gang equipment table.

They can buy 'scavenged' (aka reclaimed) stub gun (without plentiful) for the low price of normal stub gun. But most of them have full access to Trading Post and can get normal stub gun there. Are players voluntarily nerfing themselves and buying the worse gun for the same price as the normal?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/21 17:55:50

Post by: Danny76

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
How do the new Necromunda Squats compare to Grendlesen or Gunnstein?

This was my first thought.
Aren’t regular Necromunda Humans bigger than regular (recent released) humans in 40k?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/21 18:00:53

Post by: Agamemnon2

The Squats do look nice, despite being pretty hench. I've half a mind to pick up a box and convert a transport for them from the shiny new Deimos Rhino. It'd be a lot of fun to add a whole bunch of wasteland survival gear, Squat artisan modifications, and maybe even a flatbed trailer for lugging one of their exosuits with.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/21 18:35:07

Post by: Oguhmek

I want a Helllord, if only for the chance to put three "l"s next to each other.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/21 18:55:42

Post by: NAVARRO

 Agamemnon2 wrote:
The Squats do look nice, despite being pretty hench. I've half a mind to pick up a box and convert a transport for them from the shiny new Deimos Rhino. It'd be a lot of fun to add a whole bunch of wasteland survival gear, Squat artisan modifications, and maybe even a flatbed trailer for lugging one of their exosuits with.

Why oh why would you give me these ideas.... I dont want to buy a rhino!

Sounds like a wicked fun project!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/21 18:58:12

Post by: Flinty

Yes you do… Rhinos are fun to play with!

I really like the idea of the heavy armour support trailer!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/21 21:05:33

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Good news! The chart has been updated!

Thanks to James Hewitt on Facebook!

[Thumb - banefell 2.jpg]

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/21 21:54:30

Post by: Mr_Rose

Logically, the Stormblade should have been called the Hellsword and the Stormlord should be in the Stormblade slot. Also, the Legion Fachion should be called the Fellsword while the Legion Glaive slots in neatly at Doomsword.

Doing that removes the whole “Lord” column for use on Titans, as is only proper, but still leaves some unfurnished locations.
What would a Shadowblade, Shadowhammer, Fellhammer, and Doomblade look like? And can we come up with a decent tank version of the hellblade?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/22 00:41:33

Post by: JWBS

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Good news! The chart has been updated!

Thanks to James Hewitt on Facebook!

By Royal decree!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Logically, the Stormblade should have been called the Hellsword and the Stormlord should be in the Stormblade slot. Also, the Legion Fachion should be called the Fellsword while the Legion Glaive slots in neatly at Doomsword.

Doing that removes the whole “Lord” column for use on Titans, as is only proper, but still leaves some unfurnished locations.
What would a Shadowblade, Shadowhammer, Fellhammer, and Doomblade look like? And can we come up with a decent tank version of the hellblade?

I have trademarked StormGlaive. Coming late 2022!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/22 01:02:16

Post by: H.B.M.C.

I still prefer the older variants: The Swordhammer and the Bladeblade!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/22 07:30:49

Post by: Mr_Rose

What about the mirror chart? You know, the one with the bladebane and and swordshadow?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/22 07:34:10

Post by: Flinty

You need to be careful mixing tanks and anti-tanks. When they come together they annihilate one other

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/22 08:26:51

Post by: MajorWesJanson

 Flinty wrote:
You need to be careful mixing tanks and anti-tanks. When they come together they annihilate one other

Well, theoretically yes, but in nature it tends to come down to which one has the first turn.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/22 08:30:34

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 Mr_Rose wrote:
What about the mirror chart? You know, the one with the bladebane and and swordshadow?

Logically the Blade Bane would be heavily armored tank whose defenses blunt even the fiercest attacks.

The Sword Shadow sounds to me like a support vehicle that trails the warrior tank and assists.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/22 08:46:37

Post by: lord_blackfang

Hammer Storm for sure is an AoS endless spell

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/22 10:02:30

Post by: Flinty

Lord Shadow is a metal band isn't it?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/22 13:31:29

Post by: JimmyWolf87

Baxx wrote:
Notice how all Ash Wastes Nomads start with Ash Cloak that includes the effect of Respirator? And they all have Respirator available for purchase in the gang equipment table.

They can buy 'scavenged' (aka reclaimed) stub gun (without plentiful) for the low price of normal stub gun. But most of them have full access to Trading Post and can get normal stub gun there. Are players voluntarily nerfing themselves and buying the worse gun for the same price as the normal?

Not all fighter entries allow access to the Trading Post for weapons, just for wargear. Most standard Ganger and Juve types are like this and they're limited to the weapons available in their entries. Presumably Nomads follow a similar principle so their Gangers/Juves would only have the scavenged ones available.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/22 15:02:35

Post by: Mr_Rose

 Flinty wrote:
Lord Shadow is a metal band isn't it?

Lords of Shadow was a Castlevania game so… pretty close.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/22 15:54:41

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

As it happens I am working on a lander that will use Storm Lord rules.

Should I call it the Fell Lord or the Hell Lord?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/22 16:06:11

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Lord Lord, obviously.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/22 16:21:37

Post by: Flinty

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
As it happens I am working on a lander that will use Storm Lord rules.

Should I call it the Fell Lord or the Hell Lord?

Go all in with FellHell Lord and sound like you're clearing your throat each time you activate the unit!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/22 22:55:23

Post by: Baxx

JimmyWolf87 wrote:

Not all fighter entries allow access to the Trading Post for weapons, just for wargear. Most standard Ganger and Juve types are like this and they're limited to the weapons available in their entries. Presumably Nomads follow a similar principle so their Gangers/Juves would only have the scavenged ones available.

Yes, you are absolutely right. That's why I said "most of them", ie. leader, champ, specialist champ and specialist juve (prospect) compared to only juve, ganger and specialist ganger.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/23 05:48:32

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Lots and lots and lots of Cargo-8 pictures! Assembly information/tips as well.

Sadly it also contains the reality of this product:
You see the spreads from the Book of the Outlands? Almost none of those variants can be build from the kit, you need additional sprues. They didn't give you a variation for the bullbar, there are no non-guild pieces in here, no alternate heads, no rear gunner or alterations for the drivers cabin.
They move you through a rather time consuming process of building the suspension to hide it after you assembled all of them under the covers.
If you compare [the expensive gunner sprue] to the new Horus Heresy vehicle accessory sprue we shown in the Spartan Review, that is a sprue worth 15+ EUR. So if you're going to charge 21 EUR for the gunner sprue, give the people a reason to pay that. Add gang house heads in there, add some captured vehicle bits in it and spend it an at least medium sized frame with options (for example those cool tusks, that were shown in the artwork).

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/23 07:06:14

Post by: JimmyWolf87

Baxx wrote:
JimmyWolf87 wrote:

Not all fighter entries allow access to the Trading Post for weapons, just for wargear. Most standard Ganger and Juve types are like this and they're limited to the weapons available in their entries. Presumably Nomads follow a similar principle so their Gangers/Juves would only have the scavenged ones available.

Yes, you are absolutely right. That's why I said "most of them", ie. leader, champ, specialist champ and specialist juve (prospect) compared to only juve, ganger and specialist ganger.

Sure but that's still about half of any given gang's roster who don't have access to the trading post for weapons (depending on how many prospects one takes) because of the 'Gang Fighter (X)' quota. I'm not in any way suggesting that taking the scavenged pistols is a good idea, but there is at least a purpose for them existing as an option.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/23 08:36:13

Post by: Olthannon

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Lots and lots and lots of Cargo-8 pictures! Assembly information/tips as well.

Sadly it also contains the reality of this product:
You see the spreads from the Book of the Outlands? Almost none of those variants can be build from the kit, you need additional sprues. They didn't give you a variation for the bullbar, there are no non-guild pieces in here, no alternate heads, no rear gunner or alterations for the drivers cabin.
They move you through a rather time consuming process of building the suspension to hide it after you assembled all of them under the covers.
If you compare [the expensive gunner sprue] to the new Horus Heresy vehicle accessory sprue we shown in the Spartan Review, that is a sprue worth 15+ EUR. So if you're going to charge 21 EUR for the gunner sprue, give the people a reason to pay that. Add gang house heads in there, add some captured vehicle bits in it and spend it an at least medium sized frame with options (for example those cool tusks, that were shown in the artwork).

A shame although partially expected. I believe they did say early on in one of the articles, the cargo haulers are driven specifically by some merchant guild and I guess they hire Necromunda gangs to defend them?

It sounds a bit disappointing based on that price. I'm sure I'd happily do some converting on one if I ever picked it up, but it would be nice to have more options in the kit.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/23 09:04:17

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

I'd much rather have a decent suspension than not even if it is covered in the traditional build as it gives you the option of leaving it exposed if you want to convert/build your own cab/show battle damage etc

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/23 09:42:35

Post by: Geifer

Thanks for the link, HBMC. I like the cab a lot better in bare plastic. GW's pictures didn't really do it for me.

 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:
I'd much rather have a decent suspension than not even if it is covered in the traditional build as it gives you the option of leaving it exposed if you want to convert/build your own cab/show battle damage etc

Same here. Yes, it is more time consuming for little gain if you just want to build the stock model, but it opens up conversion potential if everything isn't integrated into a pre-built bit. I hated losing separate wheels on Guard tanks. My old Battlewagon wouldn't have been possible if I had to base it on a current Chimera. The Ridgerunner is a good kit from the looks of it, and something I'd like to see more of.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/23 10:08:37

Post by: Chopstick

Steep price but if you had a group they can all share the ridgehauler for the game that need it.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/23 10:10:58

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:
I'd much rather have a decent suspension than not even if it is covered in the traditional build as it gives you the option of leaving it exposed if you want to convert/build your own cab/show battle damage etc
Weirdly it is something that annoys me, but works in my favour, as I fully intend to have the land train act as terrain as much as in game. So having a trailer tipped over with mad-detailed suspension, however annoying it will be to build, will look quite good!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/23 10:39:03

Post by: lord_blackfang

Building it is no problem, I'd consider the real "cost" of a detailed suspension sprue space that could be used for more relevant bits. Don't matter to me either way, this is one of those kits I wouldn't buy if I were the richest man on Earth because I am offended by the price. I'd sooner base my gang truck on a Kratos, it's cheaper than a cab and 1 trailer.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/23 10:42:42

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Building it is no problem, I'd consider the real "cost" of a detailed suspension sprue space that could be used for more relevant bits. Don't matter to me either way, this is one of those kits I wouldn't buy if I were the richest man on Earth because I am offended by the price. I'd sooner base my gang truck on a Kratos, it's cheaper than a cab and 1 trailer.
I don't disagree. All that wasted space on the sprue could've been put towards maybe not creating a super-expensive separate sprue with two half-people and a pair of stubbers.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/23 10:46:08

Post by: lord_blackfang

Well I *just* got the first files for Watcorp's 3d printable wasteland crawler, I look forward to printing a 6 foot long land train for the cost of one GW paint pot

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/23 15:08:06

Post by: privateer4hire

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Well I *just* got the first files for Watcorp's 3d printable wasteland crawler, I look forward to printing a 6 foot long land train for the cost of one GW paint pot

Cool. Please post pictures when you do

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/23 17:21:11

Post by: Flinty

I was slicing the last night

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/23 17:45:52

Post by: pancakeonions

I'm also keen to see pics... I'll probably get the Cargo truck, but opt for 3d printer alternatives for the trailers...

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/26 04:28:12

Post by: privateer4hire

Apologies if this was already posted but this is a cool terrain project for making ash waste habs


[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/26 06:55:53

Post by: alphaecho

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Well I *just* got the first files for Watcorp's 3d printable wasteland crawler, I look forward to printing a 6 foot long land train for the cost of one GW paint pot

I'm hoping my physical pledge is one of those being posted next week.

I really must look into 3d printing or at least find somewhere local that will do it for me.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/28 10:10:18

Post by: Baxx

JimmyWolf87 wrote:
Baxx wrote:

Sure but that's still about half of any given gang's roster who don't have access to the trading post for weapons (depending on how many prospects one takes) because of the 'Gang Fighter (X)' quota. I'm not in any way suggesting that taking the scavenged pistols is a good idea, but there is at least a purpose for them existing as an option.

Yeah the distinction is mechanically functional (unlike let's say the enforcer distinction between subjugator/palanite, which was thankfully dropped with the Badzone enforcers), however it is only partial and mostly meaningless/worthless. By that I mean if they should have fluff limitation to get worse versions of guns, make it so that they always must take this, instead of only before the first battle and afterwards less than half are stuck with the limited worst version. And when the cost is the same for normal and scavenged it's even worse.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/28 15:29:18

Post by: JimmyWolf87

Yeah the distinction is mechanically functional (unlike let's say the enforcer distinction between subjugator/palanite, which was thankfully dropped with the Badzone enforcers), however it is only partial and mostly meaningless/worthless. By that I mean if they should have fluff limitation to get worse versions of guns, make it so that they always must take this, instead of only before the first battle and afterwards less than half are stuck with the limited worst version. And when the cost is the same for normal and scavenged it's even worse.

I'd always considered the Palatine/Subjugator distinction to absolutely have a mechanical point of separation; there's still their armour and some weapons like the Heavy Concussion Ram, Shields etc. that are only available to Subjugators and they, in turn, can't take the more reliable Enforcer Bolters etc. (in spite of this directly contradicting their own fluff that explicitly mentions them as more likely to have lethal weaponry including bolters than the normal Palatines). Did I like it? No. Did it make sense? Not really but there was a fairly clear distinction and, unlike the Scavenged Stub, at least some of those options are actually desirable.

In practice I do broadly agree; the existence of the non-Plentiful stubbers is a bit redundant and 'different for the sake of it' after game one when anyone who wanted the better version (and able to equip it) could visit the Trade Post and pay the same but at least at that point you have to have a free character able to perform a post battle action so there's just a smidge of effort needed to get the better stuff. It doesn't bother me at all (not least because it's so miniscule an issue) but it at least adds a bit of flavour for someone playing a one-off skirmish game and it's utterly harmless.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/28 23:07:08

Post by: BaronIveagh

Christ, those prices. Almost $30 for two gunners for the Cargo 8? WTF GW!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/28 23:16:53

Post by: privateer4hire

They’re really good shots

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/28 23:28:49

Post by: Eilif

 BaronIveagh wrote:
Christ, those prices. Almost $30 for two gunners for the Cargo 8? WTF GW!

Necromunda continues to present visually interesting and financially nauseating reasons to stick with NCE.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/29 01:03:02

Post by: BaronIveagh

 privateer4hire wrote:
They’re really good shots

Considering they're two half guys in a turret rings that cost as much as the entire baneblade accessories sprue, they had better hit on a 1 and up.

Cargo 8 itself is almost as bad, the damn thing costs and much as an IG Start Collecting Box all on it's own. I had wanted to pick up one or two since in lore the guard uses them, but at that price, feth that.

I think they just did it so that it looks like you're getting a deal with Cargo 8 and trailer, since bought separately, they're almost $30 cheap4er than the Bundle.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/29 01:12:22

Post by: H.B.M.C.

It's 4 guys in that set, not 2.

That doesn't excuse the price, mind, but just pointing it out.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/29 01:18:41

Post by: BaronIveagh

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
It's 4 guys in that set, not 2.

That doesn't excuse the price, mind, but just pointing it out.

The real pisser? For all the bitching about US health care, I just had surgery that ended up costing me less than that Cargo 8 would.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/29 02:39:50

Post by: privateer4hire

 BaronIveagh wrote:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
It's 4 guys in that set, not 2.

That doesn't excuse the price, mind, but just pointing it out.

The real pisser? For all the bitching about US health care, I just had surgery that ended up costing me less than that Cargo 8 would.


[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/29 04:07:42

Post by: MajorWesJanson

On topic of the cargo 8, the wheel and suspension sprues are separate and duplicated. Possible so they can use them for other vehicle kits?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/29 13:35:35

Post by: pancakeonions

 MajorWesJanson wrote:
On topic of the cargo 8, the wheel and suspension sprues are separate and duplicated. Possible so they can use them for other vehicle kits?

In the Cargo 8 kit? So after you finish building the truck, there's a bunch of left over bits?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/06/29 13:49:48

Post by: MajorWesJanson

 pancakeonions wrote:
 MajorWesJanson wrote:
On topic of the cargo 8, the wheel and suspension sprues are separate and duplicated. Possible so they can use them for other vehicle kits?

In the Cargo 8 kit? So after you finish building the truck, there's a bunch of left over bits?

Not exactly.

In the center is the main axle, and on the outsides below the top tires are parts to extend it to paired wheels. The main sprue for the trailer chassis has the keel of the wagon and parts to make single wheel assemblies instead. The wheel sprue though has all the parts to make a double wheel set, and is duplicated in both the hauler and trailer boxes, and seems like it could be reused in other kits as well, or potentially replaced with a compatible track sprue to make a tracked or half track vehicle.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/02 07:37:25

Post by: Vertrucio

I'm kind of curious as to whether some of the Votann vehicles will get official stats in Necromunda. Has there been any indication of that? Admittedly, the squats are thousands of years out of contact, but here's hoping for easier vehicle access.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/04 12:59:59

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Both are very cool!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/04 13:01:15

Post by: Mentlegen324

I can't really figure out why but something about them both seems off when compared to the other Necromunda miniatures. It's like there's a slight uncanny valley effect.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/04 13:12:37

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

They both seem quite tall and skinny if that helps?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/04 13:14:29

Post by: The Phazer

Genestealer Cult says yoink.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/04 13:16:32

Post by: Voss

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
I can't really figure out why but something about them both seems off when compared to the other Necromunda miniatures. It's like there's a slight uncanny valley effect.

Its the forge world derpy potato face.

//reads article. Yep. FW. (not everything, but a lot of plain human faces from FW just look bad)

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/04 13:19:29

Post by: GaroRobe

Is the agitator rocking some chaos stars on his belt?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/04 14:10:32

Post by: Segersgia

 GaroRobe wrote:
Is the agitator rocking some chaos stars on his belt?

They are Hangers-on from the Book of Ruin, which gave us rules for the Corpse Grinder Cult, Genestealer Cult, and Helot Cult gangs...

...So probably

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/04 14:10:49

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

 GaroRobe wrote:
Is the agitator rocking some chaos stars on his belt?

Yup. The naughty boy.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/04 15:12:12

Post by: Olthannon

They look pretty damn cool.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/04 15:24:01

Post by: NAVARRO

Meh nothing to get out of my way about avoiding FW resins.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/04 15:47:37

Post by: Irbis

These are OK, but I am not sure if I see the point. GSC Clamavus is going to be cheaper, more readily available, and (one head swap and light shaving of GSC symbol later) easier to convert to fit Necromunda gangs. You also have SoB Dialogus and Preacher as alternative for Cawdor, Esher and CSM gangs, sure some conversion is needed but 'base' mini fits these gangs much better, IMO. Then you have new CSM cultists that will provide you with multiple Agitators for the price of FW one...

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/04 15:53:34

Post by: privateer4hire

These are the best Mantic have put out in awhile. Well done!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/04 16:03:01

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 privateer4hire wrote:
These are the best Mantic have put out in awhile. Well done!

What you did there. I saw it.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/04 17:51:17

Post by: kendoka

Right arm and cracked head on the first one looks odd.
Right legs (on both) seems skinnier than the left ones. .
Crouch section of pants (on both) are strange.

Nice ideas but a weak FW release.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/05 10:42:03

Post by: Overread

I wonder if its either the paint style that's making things appear odd; or if those parts are supposed to be painted different. Eg they are machine parts which the painter has miss interpreted and painted in flesh tones.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 14:33:18

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Get your motor runnin!

Cloned to be wiiiiiiild!

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 14:34:14

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Bit weird to put a vehicle from Halo into Necromunda, but sure, whatever. Would'a been nice to know if there was a book coming with this.

Oh who am I kidding? There's always a new book coming with Necromunda.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 14:37:18

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Dunno. Never played Halo, and I know eff all about it.

I do like how the frontal spikes are shaped liked Rhino heads though.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 14:43:56

Post by: ImAGeek

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Bit weird to put a vehicle from Halo into Necromunda, but sure, whatever. Would'a been nice to know if there was a book coming with this.

Oh who am I kidding? There's always a new book coming with Necromunda.

Halo was my first thought too.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 14:44:15

Post by: Arbitrator

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Dunno. Never played Halo, and I know eff all about it.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 14:49:04

Post by: ImAGeek

I even thought it was named the same, but I think the Mauler is the Brute pistol.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 15:02:49

Post by: oni

Seriously… GW is ripping off Halo. Sad.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 15:08:48

Post by: Domandi

I know that every kit is an ork kit.... but damn with a simple headswap, that thing would make a great Warboss on bike.

And honestly, you could prolly just use that head and paint him up green and it wouldn't look too out of place.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 15:23:21

Post by: jullevi

Is anyone else considering to pick new Warcry scenery for Ash Wastes?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 15:49:17

Post by: Mr_Rose

jullevi wrote:
Is anyone else considering to pick new Warcry scenery for Ash Wastes?

Very first thing I thought of. The robed gang look like they might be good alternative wastelanders too, maybe with some head swaps for masked faces.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 15:55:07

Post by: Chopstick

That's actually look nice, I'd probably use that head for leader and champ.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 16:00:06

Post by: Dryaktylus

jullevi wrote:
Is anyone else considering to pick new Warcry scenery for Ash Wastes?

No. But those swamp denizens would look good in the deep underhive hunting spiders and mutated fish while fighting against gangs, mutants and other dregs of society.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 16:40:56

Post by: SamusDrake

Not my cup of tea, but I suppose its a welcome addition for Goliath players.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 16:43:54

Post by: Flinty

Same. Never been that fond of the Goliath aesthetic, it new and interesting stuff is always interesting

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 16:49:39

Post by: Mr_Rose

Yeah, bike thing doesn’t hold my attention but it is definitely very Goliath.
Do kind of want to make a corpse grinder cult version though, using the grinder bits from the Goliath truck in place of the front axle/tyre.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 16:49:59

Post by: TGG

Moar vehicles!

My first thought seeing the warcry and kill team boxes were necromunda conversions. Nurgle cultists or sump sea fishers, guild alliance crews, outcast gangs and so on.

I'm looking forward to seeing the terrain that'll come in the kill team box.

They better have a vehicle crew kit in the works for each gang.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 21:39:22

Post by: privateer4hire

What’s the guess on goliath bike pricing?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 21:44:18

Post by: Thargrim

jullevi wrote:
Is anyone else considering to pick new Warcry scenery for Ash Wastes?

Never crossed my mind, for some reason I imaged Necromunda being a planet almost entirely devoid of wood/plants except for some being grown in hab blocks deeper in the hive cities.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 21:58:09

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

 privateer4hire wrote:
What’s the guess on goliath bike pricing?

£28? So, identical as the Ash Nomad's Helemites and Orlock Quads

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 22:02:08

Post by: privateer4hire

So $47 USD for a single bike? Hmmm

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 22:50:04

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

 privateer4hire wrote:
So $47 USD for a single bike? Hmmm

£28 for a pair I reckon.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/10 22:54:09

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
 privateer4hire wrote:
So $47 USD for a single bike? Hmmm

£28 for a pair I reckon.

Yeah, one bike per sprue and two sprues to a box, just like with the Quads

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/11 00:03:09

Post by: privateer4hire

Ah. That makes sense. Thanks

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/11 03:50:45

Post by: Either/Or

The Goliath bike has to be about the worst vehicle sculpt from GW since the heady days of the taurox and stormraven.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/11 06:22:57

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Either/Or wrote:
The Goliath bike has to be about the worst vehicle sculpt from GW since the heady days of the taurox and stormraven.

I really like it. Yes it’s clearly a riff on the Halo vehicle I was educated on earlier, but it’s suitably pugnacious.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/11 06:33:26

Post by: endlesswaltz123

Carcharodons Chaplain on a bike is my first main idea...

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/11 06:38:04

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

It’s also reminding me of something else, but I can’t put my finger on what.

There are design elements of Ski Mobiles, but there’s something sci-fi and it’s bugging me. I don’t know if it from another computer game, a cartoon, a movie or what.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/11 07:01:25

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
It’s also reminding me of something else, but I can’t put my finger on what.
Halo homages aside, it looks like something out of Borderlands.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/11 07:15:06

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Not played that either!

This is really irritating me. I think it might be another computer game, but it had rear track drive as I remember whatever it is being a sod to control. Or I watched someone struggle to ride one in a film.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/11 10:47:06

Post by: MarkNorfolk

The old ork wartraks and scorchas had a rear track and front wheel…..

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/11 10:56:40

Post by: Danny76

I wouldn’t say they copied the halo one, just that it has similar ideas.
Definitely wasn’t the first thing I thought of, it’s closer to some other vehicles from stuff.
Can’t quite place where I think it comes from..
But I guess they might have looked at that.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/11 11:07:10

Post by: warboss

Danny76 wrote:
I wouldn’t say they copied the halo one, just that it has similar ideas.
Definitely wasn’t the first thing I thought of, it’s closer to some other vehicles from stuff.
Can’t quite place where I think it comes from..
But I guess they might have looked at that.

Agreed in that I wouldn't say copied but rather inspired by personally. Copied or even a version/variant of wouldn't have major elements changed unlike various 3d model offerings. It's obvious though that the sculptor was aware of the Halo brute cycle though IMO and it is absolutely the first thing that came to my mind when I saw it.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/11 11:15:06

Post by: Manchu

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
I can't really figure out why but something about them both seems off when compared to the other Necromunda miniatures. It's like there's a slight uncanny valley effect.
The FW paintjobs probably.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/11 14:58:03

Post by: lord_blackfang

It's alright but it's disappointing to see Necromunda gangs will continue to be constrained to one small sprue per release. Nobody should expect to get anything bigger than a heavy bike.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/11 16:18:46

Post by: Chairman Aeon

 lord_blackfang wrote:
It's alright but it's disappointing to see Necromunda gangs will continue to be constrained to one small sprue per release. Nobody should expect to get anything bigger than a heavy bike.

No reasonable person should expect more than one new small sprue per cycle. I just wish one of those cycles was a refresh of the basic gangs and then you could have two different sprues (original & new) in a basic gang box.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/11 16:28:43

Post by: Boosykes

Bike is clearly a stealth ork release

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/11 16:36:01

Post by: Chopstick

A combined box would be awkward for delauque since the brain fish need 2 sprues to make. So a 4 sprues box :

I just wish the upgrade sprue was bigger so we can have all the missing resin weapn and left/right version of all weapons. maybe a champ/female ganger/house hired guns kit

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/14 15:59:22

Post by: TGG

Boosykes wrote:
Bike is clearly a stealth ork release

Everything's a stealth ork release

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/14 20:40:55

Post by: Segersgia

TGG wrote:
Boosykes wrote:
Bike is clearly a stealth ork release

Everything's a stealth ork release

Speaking of Orks. With focus being put on the Ash Wastes, do y'all see an Ork gang making an appearance in the future?

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/15 02:23:42

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Not a fan of the bike, it's supposed to look fast but the track in the back does not say 'speed' to me. A wheel would have been so much better.

And if there was any doubt, we're now definitely looking at a year or more of bike and buggies, whatever they can squeeze on a half sprue.

[Necromunda] News & Rumors @ 2022/07/15 03:05:24

Post by: Chopstick

It's not supposed to look fast, the article literally said it "Trading speed and slick manoeuvrability for raw power and the ability to roll over difficult terrain – or other vehicles"