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2015/07/21 22:00:20
Subject: YouWaShock's Models 1/1 2024 in Review
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Like many others, the Stormcast Liberator models looked more to me like they would be right at home in the 40K universe instead of WHFB. And since I already had a small pile of bits waiting to be turned into an Adeptus Custodes model ( SG torso/HE legs variety), I took the opportunity to grab a five-pack of these guys to use as fodder for conversions, the first of which was to be the Custodes. Hope the pics work ok. I tend to take WiP shots with a phone in less-than-stellar lighting.
I hope to post more pics as I work on other Inq28/Inquisimunda, Necromunda, Gorkamorka, and Mordheim themed models, plus anything else I happen to be working on. Maybe some fluff for some of them.
I would also like to take a moment to thank all of you. All of you who post your work and delve into the real potential this game and these models have. A special thanks to all the =][=/Inq28 theme modelers and painters, who have served as an inspiration to me as I have lurked these forums for the past few years. PDH, DexterKong, Bruticus, migsula, weirdingway, KrautScientist, any others I am forgetting at the moment, all you guys do work to aspire to.
Thanks for looking.
This message was edited 183 times. Last update was at 2025/01/02 06:18:40
2015/07/21 23:57:03
Subject: Stormcast Adeptus Custodes
Aspirant Tech-Adept
Looks really good to me, I've see a few of these stormhost custodes but this one looks to be a cut above. The pics are fine but a tiny bit small, what's he got on his face? It looks a bit like the ultramarine invictarii helmets.
My only crit is that the shield is shaped quite like a crux terminatus, which is out of place on a custodes I believe. A more roman or knightly shield could work in its place.
2015/07/22 11:28:37
Subject: Stormcast Adeptus Custodes
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain
Stormonu wrote:For me, the joy is in putting some good-looking models on the board and playing out a fantasy battle - not arguing over the poorly-made rules of some 3rd party who neither has any power over my play nor will be visiting me (and my opponent) to ensure we are "playing by the rules" |
2015/07/22 17:12:25
Subject: Stormcast Adeptus Custodes
Walking Dead Wraithlord
@JohnnyHell. Thanks!
@Bruticus. Thank you! The faceplate is from the Empire general from one of the older WHFB starters. Fifth? The Orc v. Empire one. Trimmed a bit for a slimmer profile. I get what you are saying about the shield. It is one of the storm shields from the assault terminator box. I picked the longer one because it had a nice aquila on it and was the least "crux-y." I wanted to avoid using the shield he came with, but I guess I could have shaved the detail off the SS and transferred it to the SC one.
2015/07/22 20:46:17
Subject: Stormcast Adeptus Custodes
Blood Angel Captain Wracked with Visions
Absolutely fantastic!! Out of all the Stormcast conversions I've seen this is head and shoulders above the rest
2015/07/22 23:25:51
Subject: Stormcast Adeptus Custodes
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant
Hanging out on the Great Plains
Good job. What did you use to build the head?
Eastern Frontier Exploratores
224th Astra Legion (main army)
628th Praetorian Guard Cohort (wife's army)
827th Auxilia Cohort (ad mech fun)
825th Foderati Cohort (in the beginning army)
1212th Foederati Cohort - Jokaero (cause I like apes with guns) |
2015/07/22 23:34:16
Subject: Stormcast Adeptus Custodes
Perfect Shot Black Templar Predator Pilot
This is what I have been waiting for. This is exactly what I wanted to see and it looks amazing.
2015/07/23 06:06:49
Subject: Stormcast Adeptus Custodes
Walking Dead Wraithlord
@Dreadclaw69 and EmperorsChampion. Thank you very much. Glad you guys like him!
@thesilverback. Thank you. The head is a Phoenix Guard head with the faceplate from a plastic Empire commander and a plume from a 3rd ed. Dark Eldar. Extra decoration is a lion's head cut from a plastic cannon bit and a griffon head cut from an Empire standard. GS to blend them in a bit.
2015/07/24 04:42:14
Subject: Stormcast Adeptus Custodes
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne
Outstanding work! This is probably the best of the Custodes I've seen so far - and frankly amongst the best SigMarine conversions I've seen. Not many figures make me actually say "wow" when I see them. Kudos!
2015/07/26 07:24:38
Subject: Eldar Autarch
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Thank you very much, Azazelx!
I am a big fan of the Eldar and when I played 40K (I rarely play anymore, and when I do it is most likely to be 3rd edition) it was usually with them. When the Autarch was introduced in Epic I was intrigued, even more so when they brought it over to 40K in 4th. Even though I may never use it, I wanted one for my collection. Late last year I finally got around to making one. Bannaichgaoth, Autarch of Sceariyuden Craftworld. My own craftworld, patterned after Biel-Tan. Built for looks, but legal to play, I think, if it ever comes up. It won't.
And some WIP shots. Larger pic.
Thanks for looking.
2015/08/04 20:03:33
Subject: Re:YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes)
Walking Dead Wraithlord
“I don’t get it, what if you step on a nail or something?”
The ship security guard gestured vaguely toward the woman’s feet, propped up on one of the tables in the common area of the Celestial Hauler, a medium-sized shipping and passenger carrier used often by those wishing to avoid excessive Imperial scrutiny, bound for Garon. They were unadorned save a few lengths of fine decorative chain, skin the color of ivory. Her hood was back, revealing her hairless scalp and finely pointed ears. Her arms were crossed across her chest and a complex eyepiece was set next to her feet on the table. The room was lit by dirty yellowish glowtubes that left much of it in shadow, which still wasn’t sufficient to hide the grime. She regarded her questioner with an irritation that was just impassive enough to escape his notice.
“Eldar,” spoke her traveling companion, a human male hunched over the table next to hers. He looked up from the powered gauntlet he was working diligently on, the weapon humming softly as he adjusted the inner mechanisms. “Light on their feet.”
“I have heard it said, Human, that when you are unsure of your terrain, bare feet are best. And my Path has carried me to many unfamiliar places.” She turned up one corner of her mouth in a sardonic smirk.
“Word is you’re some kind of shooter. Boys scoped your gear out coming on board. What happens when you’re out in the field and you can’t cover your targets because you gotta waste time watching where you step?”
“My steps are truly none of your concern. As to my pursuits, the Darkstar and I have nothing to prove, or justify. To anyone.”
“But, what if you step on a nail?”
After an audible exhale, the Eldar woman fixed her eyepiece in place and drew up her hood before standing. She stood easily a head taller than the guard, and drew very close to him before speaking, so close he could hear the optics in her rangefinder adjusting. She smelled of summer’s roses and...blood? An astute observer would notice he had begun to sweat.
“I tire of your prattling.” She trailed a fingertip from his temple to his chin. “You would need to remove your shoes to count the number of times over the course of this conversation that I considered removing your filthy mon-keigh hide and giving it to some back-planet farmer to wipe the nether regions of his pet ambull. Do not make yourself known to me again.” She had walked out the door and down the corridor before the guard’s mouth finally closed.
“Arrogant Xenos witch. Who’s she think she is? Get the boys together, teach her a thing or two.”
“Well,” sighed the Eldar’s companion, “you had better clean up first.” He tossed the other man a greasy rag and pointed to his face. Confused, he touched it to his cheek.
It came away red with blood.
“Ahhh, Riin. Our august lady. She hates when I call her that. Guess if she ever decides we’re quits I had better watch my back. But for now that’s her job. Mine and the rest of our little band. Not sure why she’s hooked up with the boss, or why she stays. Says stuff about “her Path” and all that Xenos mumbo-jumbo. Whatever. Boss has his plans, we see they come together. All I really need to know. She’s a strange one, though, even for an Eldar. I’ve fought with and against Eldar, and their cold, and she’s cold as they come. Snuff you out like blowin’ out a candle, you, your friends, your family, anyone you ever met, and never look back. But her an’ that wicked gun of hers (don’t let her hear you call it a gun) have saved my bacon more than a few times. Figure she tolerates me on account of me savin’ hers the one time she got caught out.”
“The gem? Not sure. Some brute-o slave merchant tried to buy it off her in the open-air markets on Chracta. She said it weren’t hers to sell. He didn’t quite get the picture and tried to get tough. He’s gotten used to feeding himself with his left hand by now, I imagine.”
“Hmmm? It shoots dark matter, or something like, according to the boss. Now, I’m no techpriest, but I know what kills you quick and that gun is on the list. It’s like needles from out of a place where light can’t ever go. Him on the Throne, it’s something when she cuts loose with it.”
“Sheolriin Neamhníbháis. Or something. We just call her August Riin. She hates it.”
2015/08/06 20:37:18
Subject: Re:YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes)
Walking Dead Wraithlord
“You hear stories, you know? Adeptus Astartes. The Space Marines. Warriors of the Stars. They’re all true.”
“I went into battle twice beside the Marines. Second time I even spoke to one of ‘em seeing as how our regiment had taken such a beating from the greenskins that a corporal like me was in charge. They’re nothing like us. Giants. All armor and valor and none of that silly stuff like fear or doubt what takes hold of a man in the hours before he’s probably gonna die. They led the way, and we followed, caught up in their wake like leaves in a storm. We took that stronghold that day, but the Marines made it happen. Not one single Ork made it out of there alive. Not one Marine of the ten that came to our front didn’t walk off the battlefield on his own two legs, no matter how shot up or hurt they were. Dying for the Emperor is part of the job in the AM, but more of us lived because they were there. I won’t forget that.”
The first of five for an Inq28 squad. Working idea is that they are a squad of veterans assigned to work with the inquisitor as penance for failing at some task. This is Brother-Sergeant Barrakus. Brothers Hanubaal, Phaess, Murdaak, and Deckern to follow. Automatically Appended Next Post:
This guy makes worms on the cheap. Teskal on the Reaper forum made one that looked like a DUNE sandworm. I was inspired. Constructed and painted in Nov. 2014.
And a scale shot with a soon-to-be-digested marine.
Thanks for looking.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/08/07 07:42:03
2015/09/06 19:05:42
Subject: Re:YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 8/7 Shai-Hulud
Walking Dead Wraithlord
This is a marine I built out of some parts I had to see how I would approach this style of truescaling. I used the Necron torso as a base because I did not have any spare marine torsos at the time.
WIP shots. The last image is him standing next to a plasticard-spacer style truescale marine. I would have liked to include shots of the stormbolter's construction, but they were all too blurry. It is based on two old ( RT strikeforce) bolters stuck together and then puttied, plasticarded, and embellished with a couple of drum mags, a strap, and two old marine knives.
Thanks for looking!
2016/12/23 20:30:46
Subject: Re:YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 9/6 True-scale Prototype
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Time does fly. I have been doing stuff, just very sporadically until the last couple of months. The release of Burning of Prospero has lit a fire (get it) under me and so I bought it and Calth. As a result I have been focusing on Marine stuff. Eldar will always be my greatest love, but the Astartes and the Imperium are too cool, especially with the new kits that have come out, to ignore.
This model is based (obviously) on a Stormcast Liberator and will represent whatever commander I am using in either Terminator or Artificer armor should I ever play 40K again. The Marine army is really just for fun, modeling, and collecting, but I have been in the hobby for too long to completely disregard the possibility of these models hitting the table at some point. You never know.
He started out as this pile of parts:
I also made a Cypher. Not sure yet how he fits in, but I played Dark Angels back in RT, so why not? The new takes on him are always great models, so I wanted to take a crack at making my own.
Thanks for looking, and hopefully it won't be so long until I post again.
2016/12/24 00:27:55
Subject: YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 12/23 Space Marines
Tough Tyrant Guard
Great fluff and some lovely conversions. It's hard to make exposition about a character sound natural but your writing style draws you in very quickly. I look forward to seeing some paint on these.
2016/12/24 06:35:27
Subject: YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 12/23 Space Marines
Dusty Skeleton
Yeah, can't wait to see some paint here!
2016/12/24 12:27:11
Subject: YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 12/23 Space Marines
Pious Palatine
Awesome plog, some really inspirational conversions going on!
2016/12/24 20:43:22
Subject: YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 12/23 Space Marines
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Thank you very much for the compliments. I also hope to see these painted one day.
2017/01/01 22:16:11
Subject: Re:YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 01/01 Sisters Of...
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Happy New Year, all.
I am super-late to the party on these, since plastic Sisters of both flavors have become a reality in the time since I planned these, but I couldn't help but be inspired by KrautScientist's models (again) and figured I should follow through.
Kitbashed Sister of Battle and Sister of Silence for use in an =][= band of some kind. Fluff still in progress.
Thanks for looking!
2017/01/02 16:11:23
Subject: Re:YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 01/01 Sisters Of...
Lesser Daemon of Chaos
Those Custodes are wild! Keep it up.
2017/01/22 20:53:01
Subject: Re:YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 01/01 Sisters Of...
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Thank you!
Here's another one. I really liked the alternate weapons included on the Custodes sprue, but will be arming mine with the more traditional Guardian Spears. However, I wanted at least one model armed in this way for the collection, so I bashed this guy together out of my last Stormcast and a few other parts.
Thanks for looking!
2017/01/22 22:37:54
Subject: Re:YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 01/01 Sisters Of...
Regular Dakkanaut
Impressive conversions, keep it up!
2017/02/03 23:07:25
Subject: Re:YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 01/01 Sisters Of...
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Thank you!
This model is a redux of one I made sometime around Y2K. A Chief for the Pit Slave gang. For some reason I was never totally satisfied with the original, and have remade it using a different Wych as the base model (I originally used the Succubus from this era) and pulled the bionics and pistols from the original conversion. I had forgotten what a pleasure it is to work with metal models...
Thanks for looking.
2017/02/03 23:15:11
Subject: YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 02/03 Pit Slave Chief
Roaring Reaver Rider
That Autarch you made is absolutely stunning. Stellar work on all your conversions though.
1500 1000
Please check out my project log on Dakka here |
2017/02/12 19:47:10
Subject: Re:YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 02/03 Pit Slave Chief
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Thank you! That means a lot coming from one of the big names in Eldar around here.
"Ahh, yes, it's about time we pulled an easy detail. All we gotta do is keep an eye peeled up here while the boss gathers up his little trinket and make sure none'a them xenos-lovin' culters come snoopin'. Easy as could be, friend. Matter o' fact...What do you mean, "who's that, then?" Who's who, then? Uhhh...I don't know anything about that, friend. August might though. Let's go find her and ask. Quick now, friend. Don't look back, if we get noticed we're done. Run, man!"
The Solitaire chuckled. She walked casually through the ruined cathedral, crumbling stonework casting strange shadows. Look at the mon-keigh mongrel curs scamper back to their master. If they get noticed. Of course she noticed them, as much as she noticed the pebbles scurrying away from the toes of her boots. So concerned with the momentary lives they are given. She smiled. And her mask frowned. She frowned. And her mask smiled. She loved this game. Or hated it. She remembered the words, and that they had meaning, but the feelings were lost on her. Even her own kind considered her to be aloof and apart. They were right, of course, but could not fathom the distinction between being apart and being a part. A part of The Dance. The Dance Without End. She stopped and hopped on one foot three times, then skipped forward playfully three paces before leaping fifteen feet straight up., her dathedi exploding in a cascade of burning petals. She spread her arms and laughed a full, but humorless laugh. The echoes were a chorus of different voices. She flipped and spun in midair before landing soundlessly. The shadows applauded. All but one. Off to her left, the barrel of an impossibly-long rifle caught a moonbeam through the shattered roof. She stopped, and curtsied. She smirked. Her mask grimaced. Of course she was here. Tied inexplicably to the capers of her mon-keigh pet. She felt the dark pulse in the lance's heart. Certain death, if it ever had any hope of striking her. Sheolriin melted back into the shadows, and the Solitaire waved back gleefully. She flicked the base of her Kiss, a soft tone filling the empty air. She heard an approaching group. Heavy-footed, clumsy, angry. Apparently someone objected to Riin's human taking their sacred object, even though they had no idea of it's real power. Looks like things here were going to get a bit more complicated. She turned to leave. If they tried to stop her, she might even Dance for them. She smiled. And her mask smiled.
Eldar are my number-one love. However, my army consists almost entirely of metal models from RT/2nd edition. I own a Wraithknight, but bought it more for collecting than for playing. So when a friend gave me a modern Solitaire, I was sort of at a loss as to what I should do with it. I loved the model, but it didn't fit in (appropriate, I guess) with the rest of my Harlequins. But, it would be great as a model in =][= or Inq28 where nothing really has to match. Some kitbashing later, and I had Arebennian Kieralii Sorrowmoon. While I liked the Caress aesthetically, I went with the Neuro-disruptor as an homage to the original Solitaire model.
Thanks for looking!
2017/02/13 03:42:10
Subject: YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 02/12 Solitaire
Roaring Reaver Rider
Beautiful work on the Solitaire, it treads that line between a subtle conversion and a more overt one very nicely, the torso piece blends in seamlessly and the hair flows nicely and is very well sculpted, another great job all around. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
1500 1000
Please check out my project log on Dakka here |
2017/02/13 06:19:39
Subject: YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 02/12 Solitaire
Pious Palatine
More excellent conversions. Loving the Custodian made from the AoS Stormcast.
2017/02/13 06:47:52
Subject: YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 02/12 Solitaire
Sinewy Scourge
I love that solitaire, really really nice and clean conversion. I didn't actually notice the chest piece being different until I_F pointed it out, which is a good thing
2017/05/20 02:12:32
Subject: Re:YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 02/12 Solitaire
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Thank you! Sorry for the slow reply. I have been painting.
I took a long break from painting models in favor of building with what time I could find, well over a year, but have been at it again the last couple of months.
The first model I painted wasn't really a proper model at all, but a glob of hot glue. A red slime, nicknamed Clubber.
Made this guy while constructing a costume for my daughter's school recital. And his brother, the Cosmic Slime, painted more recently, as Clubber has been done for a month or two and Cosmo was finished a little over a week ago.
Hot glue and a bowl of ice water.
I have painted more models, but to post them all would be a huge disjointed mess. So I will post more over the next few days. Thanks for looking!
2017/05/20 04:06:46
Subject: YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 05/19 Slimes
Canada,Prince Edward Island
Loving the quality and variety of stuff you've manged to squeeze into one page!
Those glue blobs are super cool, wouldn't mind trying to make a few of them myself. If you ever felt like making another I would love a tutorial from start to finish!
Keep up the good work