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Feels like it has been longer. Quick WIP update. Primaris Legionnaires built. Two PiP, the other three need GS and they are ready to go. Three regular Marines and a Primaris Lieutenant ever so slowly getting done. Just a few details, chipping, and powdering to go. And I have finally started painting the Wood Elf Blood Bowl team I bought when 3rd edition was still fairly new.
Thanks for looking.
2017/09/15 03:51:39
Subject: Re:YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 07/26 Various WiP
Been painting. Slowly. But slow progress is still progress, I suppose. Finished my first Primaris and a couple reg'lar Marines. Do like those Primaris models, especially this Lieutenant.
And a group shot of all the Marines I have painted in the current color scheme. All five of them...
As always, thanks for looking.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/09/15 03:54:58
2017/09/15 05:47:57
Subject: YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 09/14 Space Marines
Really cool color scheme there with the blue and white accents. Original and very well executed.
LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13
I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14
2017/09/16 02:03:42
Subject: Re:YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 06/24 Primaris Captain
youwashock wrote: Less than a week before 8th edition came out I finished the first marine in the latest version of my chapter's (The Angels of Truth) color scheme. I work so slow that there were only about a dozen painted models in the army before, and they were all RT era models or so that had no place in the army after I decided I wanted it to be made up of more modern plastics. So updating the color scheme really isn't that big of a deal since it wasn't exactly super-established.
And I painted another KD survivor. Fist of the North Star is probably one of my favorite things, so it was very early on in the first KS that I decided I had to make a survivor based on Ken. How long ago was that? Yeah, I work slow. Of course, he's died a few times like all survivors in KD, but Hokuto Shinken can never truly be defeated.
Thanks for looking.
Wow, I love the Kenshiro inspired paint job... as Hokuto no Ken is one of my fav shows of all time I will just leave this here for you....
2017/09/16 08:53:44
Subject: YouWaShock's Models (formerly Stormcast Adeptus Custodes) 09/14 Space Marines
Well I absolutely love that colour scheme the varied green with gold, which and blue accents is stellar executed perfectly too!
Great to see a sandy base too! Partly because it really compliments the scheme, and partly because they might just be in the same part of the universe as my eldar
I have delusions of one day playing Blood Bowl, so I have started painting my Wood Elf team. Purchased, I believe, somewhere in the late 1990's. I own the original BB treeman, but used an inferior stripping agent to get the older than time paint job that was on it off. In frustration I grabbed the closest suitable substitute, a BONES Spirit of the Woods. Not a bad model, figured he would do the job.
And with the first three linemen.
I also have the first model for my Vampire team. This guy was painted around 2002 and is one of the few models I kept when I sold my VC army. The Strigoi models always got a bad rap, but I still like them. He will make a nice contrast to the clean cut vamps that came with the old box set. He just got a new base and he is ready for action.
Now, I like the way the treeman came out. These guys are painted pretty fast (for me) and I am satisfied enough with them on the whole. But barky here needed a base that is too big for my liking, and while he is passable, there is something about his aesthetic that just wasn't cutting it for me. Oddly enough, I own the Treebeard model from GW's LotR range, and the working name for my team is Fangorn's Warhawks, so you may ask yourself why I didn't just start with Fangorn in the first place. Well, in my irritation I forgot I owned it. That has been remedied and one grueling modeling session later he was assembled and will take his rightful place among the painted models finally. This guy has been in his box on the shelf for a LONG time. Since the initial release. Box says 2002.
So BONES tree will most likely never see the pitch (as if the others have a chance either, but whatever) but he is one more model painted so there's that.
Thanks for looking!
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/10/04 03:55:31
Always loved treeman models, I do like the bones guy, but the old GW one gives me a little wood....mahogany (John carpenters vampire$)
LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13
I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14
And so it came to pass that in the grim darkness before the dire battle,
the black-clad Astartes came to stand before the Emperor.
The Emperor asked of the Astartes, "What is your name?"
And the Astartes answered only, "Legion. For we are Many."
Finished the first two of five Primaris-sized Legion of the Damned. Have also decided to do a Centurius based on the Primaris LT with the sword and pistol.
And a couple WIP shots.
Very much enjoyed painting these guys and look forward to having the whole squad done. Centurius is also mentally pushing his way to toward the front of the to-be-built line.
Thanks for looking!
2017/10/25 08:35:11
Subject: YouWaShock's Models 10/24 Primaris Legion of the Damned
Thank you very much, guys. Glad you like them. The flames are something I have been formulating for a while. Funnily enough, the model that was supposed to be the test bed for that effect is still unfinished. Not one flame on it yet.
Speaking of test beds...
This little number was given to me by my long-time friend Damon Richardson of Ganesha Kickstarter fame. A (very?) long time ago we played a game called RONIN from Cell Entertainment. We both loved their games and were saddened when they closed up shop. It has been a dream of Damon's for years to make his own mech game and models reminiscent of games like Battletech and RONIN. This model represents the latest step. This is an unreleased production-level resin prototype. I am very excited to see this dream be this close to reality. Looking forward to painting this guy up.
2017/10/30 18:27:46
Subject: Re:YouWaShock's Models 10/24 Primaris Legion of the Damned
Some great stuff here. Really like the Sin City dead guys and the Legion Of The Damned, lovely custom work on them. Like the colour scheme you went for on Wolverine, but I'm always a fan of the green and yellow Rogue, even though you made her look awesome.
As a general rule, I don't much care for RPGs. I have had some good times, but mostly I prefer the focus and clearly defined beginning and end of miniature/card/board games. So of course I have allowed myself to be roped into one. A superhero setting based loosely on Savage Worlds' Necessary Evil.
My character, Volt-Edge. Inspired heavily by 90's comics. She throws lightning bolts, mainly. Converted from Heroclix models, GW bits, and Kingdom Death hands.
Her arch-enemy (and brother), Dreadsurge. He screams real loud. More 'clix.
WIP shots.
Fun to do. Low pressure. And I get to have minis in my RPG.
Also built another of the prototype 'mechs. This one is lighter, surely not Assault class like the last one. Here it is with a size comparison with the bigger mech and a model most people will be familiar with for scale.
Eventually it will be based in a similar fashion, then it will be time to paint.