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Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

OK, I'm starting this blog to try and keep me motivated to finish my minis and terrain projects I have going. This will not be as big as my old Warseer blogs.
So, I pick up the Leviathan box yesterday and I'm starting by magnetizing the terminators. There isn't much difference between the new and old terminators arms.
This will allow me to put assault weapons and other options on them.
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Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


It will be interesting to see your progress on the Leviathan box. Best of luck

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Looks good, just picked up the SM from the leviathan box myself, looking for conversion inspiration and seems I've found the right place.
Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Thanks guys, This one is the magnetized terminator Captain this time around. I won't be magnetizing the terminator librarian, there isn't much optional war gear.
[Thumb - 20230627_230217 cc ss.jpg]

Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Here is the start of the Infernus squad. The first pair on the left is the original with its reposed version. The second pair on the right, is again, the original with its reposed version. I used spare parts from the infiltrators/Incursors and intercessors boxes. I will be painting them as 3rd Company.
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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/06/28 07:00:24

Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

The last of the reposing. The minis on the left are the original and the reposed ones are on the right in the next two pics.
The gun strap is just a 0.5mm polystyrene sheet cut into a small strap.

Before I start painting them, I need to finish up a terrain project I was working on when I got hold of the Leviathan box.
So I'll be posting some terrain next.
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Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Love the assault terminators with the new arms - I have plans to do similar things with mine, so I'm glad to see it works well!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Tyranid Barbgaunts 
Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Thanks, the main difference in the new terminators is the leg length, next is the torso length. The old arms are very close in size to the new ones, although the new Stormbolters are a bit more bulky in size. That has me wondering if the new thunder hammers and shields will be noticeably bigger? Either way, these are very use-able as is.
Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Well, I got side tracked a bit. I started thinking I could switch the legs from my Ballistus Dreadnought with the legs of one of my three undone Redemptor Dreadnoughts.
They are compatible with a small amount of work and will give more variety to both types of my Dreadnoughts. I'm not happy with how the base came out, but it will do.
Now back to terrain.
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Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Finally built my modular terrain. I wanted something that I could store in a small space and wasn't too game specific or blown up. I started by building up 9 plan boxes and then added details of additional panels. Two of them are now painted. A basic white with minimal secondary colors. A simple sponge technique was used for getting a chipped paint look followed by a watered down light tan wash. No primary colors will be used on them. So far I've used dark gray, yellow ocher, light gray blue and dark silver. MIG powders were used for smoke. I'll be adding some industrial signage and warning strips. Also, this terrain was based off a paper terrain set seen in the background. I'm not sure if it is still for sale?
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Modular Stack

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Two pedestrian bridges and a pipe bridge

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/27 04:01:53

Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Set laid out. A lot of painting left to do.
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Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

I should have been done weeks ago, but Baldur's Gate 3 got me. I think I still need some small scatter terrain to go with it. Maybe some ground mounted solar panels and a few canvas covered boxes. Most of the paint I did with muted colors. I used paints like ochre yellow instead of straight up yellow, dark gray in place of black and muted white with a tan wash. MIG pigments were used for smoke stains.
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Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

All the warning signs were just printed on paper and varnished over with a clear acrylic varnish.
I think this should work with regular 40K, Kill Team and Infinity games.
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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/01 03:52:50

Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

I like it. The terrain is quick and well made. Just enough detail to look interesting without taking away from the real stars of the table (the little plastic soldiers). I often get carried away with details on my terrain and it makes the start to finish time that much longer.

I'm also a fan of minor conversions. So, I like that you've personalized and magnetized your Leviathan marines. Nice work so far. Keep it up.

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Nice work on the marines and dread, and impressive terrain.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Love the terrain!
Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Warboss_Waaazag wrote:I like it. The terrain is quick and well made. Just enough detail to look interesting without taking away from the real stars of the table (the little plastic soldiers). I often get carried away with details on my terrain and it makes the start to finish time that much longer.

I'm also a fan of minor conversions. So, I like that you've personalized and magnetized your Leviathan marines. Nice work so far. Keep it up.

Nevelon wrote:Nice work on the marines and dread, and impressive terrain.

bbb wrote:Love the terrain!

Thanks guys!

Here is some of the scatter terrain. Just two ramen bowls with a handmade turbine on top. It's pretty simple to do:

1) Cut two circles or disks out for each bowl with a circle cutter.
2) Then score 16 fan blades on to the top of the first disk. It is very important to stop scoring the fan blades about 1/4 inch from the center of the disk to keep all the fan blades together.
3) Next glue just the very center of the fan blade disk to the other uncut disk.
4) You now need to make 16 little shims or wedges for the fan blades that are about 1.5mm thick.
5) Glue the 1.5mm shim to the front of the fan blade while also gluing the back of the same fan blade to the bottom disk.
This will tilt the fan blades upward in a louver like pattern.

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Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Really cool terrain, and super versatile! Love the turbine trick too

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

Yeah, that’s a really fun way to make use of those bowls!

Plus you get to have some ramen

realism is a lie
Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

gobert wrote:Really cool terrain, and super versatile! Love the turbine trick too

amazingturtles wrote:Yeah, that’s a really fun way to make use of those bowls!

Plus you get to have some ramen

Thanks to both of you, I hope someone tries it out.

Here is my test model for my 3rd Company. Of course I forgot the decals.
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Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

More scatter terrain. The solar panels were made to be big enough to block line of sight of most infantry units including terminators.
I might put off painting them to work on my marines.
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Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Good thinking!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Tyranid Barbgaunts 
Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Good thinking!

Thank you much.

OK, I finished the first five of the Infernus Marines. The other five are over halfway done too, so I'm making progress.
My painting won't win any awards, but I think they are a pretty good table top quality minis.
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Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Just a quick post. The Milwaukee tool company puts this storage box set out for about $10 US at Home Depot. I wanted to pass this along to anyone who wants an easy terrain project. They can quickly be turned into buildings by gluing a few windows and doors on to them. The roof also needs to be covered. The shorter two boxes need a spacer on the bottom to make them a little taller. The six dividers can also be turned into barrier walls for scatter terrain. I have too much stuff going on right now to start another project, so I won't be working on this for a long time. Just wanted to give a heads up for this if you live in the US or Canada.
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Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Love the stackable terrain. Have you looked at the Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprues? They are full of doors and windows and greebles that are prefect for a project like this.

Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Love the stackable terrain. Have you looked at the Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprues? They are full of doors and windows and greebles that are prefect for a project like this.

Thanks and yes I have looked at Maelstrom's stuff. I do want to use it on those red storage boxes. Right now it's not a priority. My money is mainly going into getting new Space Marines right now. I have a massive amount of polystyrene or plasticard left over from when I had several big hobby blogs over at Warseer that I need to use up too. I can often scratch build what I need, but that Maelstrom stuff would be handy for quick projects.
Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Two new space marines I'm working on. They are about 95% 3D printed from three or four different makers.
The second picture just shows what about 20 years of scale creep looks like. In another 20 years we may be playing the game with those Joy Toy figures.
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Tyranid Veterans

[Thumb - 20230910_013550 ss cc.jpg]
Scale Creep

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/11 08:19:12

Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

I'm done with the infernus marines. I used a finer brush on the highlighting this time which helped. Just need to lighten up my touch a bit to get finer lines.
I also need to use a darker shade of gray to highlight my black. Started painting the Sternguard next.
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Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Very nice! Love the scale creep and the banner.

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Some nice builds and painted units Tommygun1918.



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