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BattleTech 'Mercenaries' Kickstarter - SHIPPING, SUPPORT AND STREET DATES (UPDATE #99)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

Justyn wrote:
Plastic Battle Armor in Destiny scale please!
I think the BA is resin as well -

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Yeah. It looks great too. And is infantry, so in resin might still be a reasonable price. But would be better in plastic. Both for durability and price.

That picture definitely doesn't show any extra detail on the large mechs. So it appears they are just the same files scaled up.
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

Made in es
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer

Must admit that the price to stuff of the unveiled levels seems so far... a bit light. We'll see how the KS develops.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/21 21:00:08

Made in us
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

York, NE

 Albertorius wrote:
Must admit that the price to stuff of the unveiled levels seems so far... a bit light. We'll see how the KS develops.

Have to wait and see what the Stretch Goals give as free ad-ons.

Many other Kickstarters have set a pretty high bar for free stuff piled on.

Something is happening on the 24th, we sent you a poster.
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

 Albertorius wrote:
Must admit that the price to stuff of the unveiled levels seems so far... a bit light. We'll see how the KS develops.

I thought that, but the $150 mark in the clan invasion looked pretty much the same. Clan box, 2 force packs and some merch. The Madcat is basically swapped in for some of the other merch.

As noted above, it will depend on double mech stretch goals and suchlike kicking in.

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in be
Regular Dakkanaut

If by "ForcePacks" they also mean the Battlefield Support sets (vees), then the Company Pledge
could net 28 minis (4 vees & 8 Mechs in Core Box + 2 Support sets of 8 vehicles each).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/22 06:28:47

Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

Swag doesn't include T-Shirts. That sucks.

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I have the intuition that the pledges levels and amount of minis in the final offer will be very similar to the Clan Invasion campaign, which was a perfectly decent value. This time they may just double their funding though.
Made in ca
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Monarchy of TBD

 frankelee wrote:
I have the intuition that the pledges levels and amount of minis in the final offer will be very similar to the Clan Invasion campaign, which was a perfectly decent value. This time they may just double their funding though.

I think you're right- the notable omission is the double force packs, which will hurt the overall value of higher level pledges.

Klawz-Ramming is a subset of citrus fruit?
Gwar- "And everyone wants a bigger Spleen!"
Mercurial wrote:
I admire your aplomb and instate you as Baron of the Seas and Lord Marshall of Privateers.
Orkeosaurus wrote:Star Trek also said we'd have X-Wings by now. We all see how that prediction turned out.
Orkeosaurus, on homophobia, the nature of homosexuality, and the greatness of George Takei.
English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleyways and mugs them for loose grammar.

Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

I can see double forces being a stretch unlock. A good way to get a mid-campaign bump in funding, and they will know very closely from the clan campaign what the impact will be.

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Yeah, I absolutely believe extra packs will get unlocked as stretch goals. Otherwise it would be massively cheaper to wait and buy it all from an online retailer, which I think the people at Catalyst are smart enough to realize isn't viable.
Made in jp
Battleship Captain

The Land of the Rising Sun

We will see in time. I'm probably going to join at the company level pledge, and order a bunch of vees.


Jenkins: You don't have jurisdiction here!
Smith Jamison: We aren't here, which means when we open up on you and shred your bodies with automatic fire then this will never have happened.

About the Clans: "Those brief outbursts of sense can't hold back the wave of sibko bred, over hormoned sociopaths that they crank out though." 
Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

Want to open a store?

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in at
Second Story Man


4"/10cm would mean ~20mm scale

that could be a nice scale for infantry as well, suits would not be too big and you could get enough "mass" on the table without going low on machines

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in gb
Highlord with a Blackstone Fortress

Adrift within the vortex of my imagination.

I am not sold on the 4" mech, its not big enough for a game of battletroops or as a shelf sitter, and the pricetag of $45 is ridiculous.
Methinks they only exist to provide the illusion of a deal, almost every pledge will include one and priced accordingly, yet it will be just as small sprue throw in. Notice how big the mech looks, and how it is visually compared to the 28mm one. It is easy to forget and be misled.

Now if they were to make a plastic kit mech scale dropship, Leopard or Union, that would be a better add on. Take a leaf from Archon Studio who made bigger things than that to throw in. They even made a quad mech in a recent campaign, and you got one for free if you pledged high enough.
Is a plastic Union dropship in this KS far fetched. Not at all. If you pledged for the last Archon Studio campaign you got a Tarrasque, its 14" long and was FREE.

Now Catalyst is not Archon Studio, they don't have the same infrastructure and tooling. But if Catalyst can add useless junk mechs that you cannot use in hard plastic they can make something better that we can. I would settle for a bunker, command post or mech repair gantry or useful obstacle or objective terrain piece.

I am not impressed, and I hope there is a non-entry pledge that doesn't include worthless junk at extra cost. I might start with the intro pledge, I might as well get one, its the only way to get a Vindicator. Though hopefully we will see Retaliation boxes in the campaign. I bought two last time and wish I had bought more.

n'oublie jamais - It appears I now have to highlight this again.

It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. By the juice of the brew my thoughts aquire speed, my mind becomes strained, the strain becomes a warning. It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. 
Made in ie
Regular Dakkanaut

 Flinty wrote:

I thought that, but the $150 mark in the clan invasion looked pretty much the same. Clan box, 2 force packs and some merch. The Madcat is basically swapped in for some of the other merch.

As noted above, it will depend on double mech stretch goals and suchlike kicking in.

$95 was the reward level for the Clan Invasion box, 2 lance/stars and Clan Challenge Coin. But that was four years ago and a bit has changed in the world since then.


Edit: Sorry the original rewards delivery date was 2019, can't see on the KS when it launched. 2018?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/22 14:08:42

Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

I hope the 4" mech is in parts so I can easily magnetize it. Also, with the size of it, i'm worried more about shipping costs. I like the large mech, but I also have 2 3D printers and would rather print larger versions of the Mech I want and get another force pack for the price.

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in gb
Highlord with a Blackstone Fortress

Adrift within the vortex of my imagination.

 Theophony wrote:
I hope the 4" mech is in parts so I can easily magnetize it. Also, with the size of it, i'm worried more about shipping costs. I like the large mech, but I also have 2 3D printers and would rather print larger versions of the Mech I want and get another force pack for the price.

At the 'value' that Catalyst set a Force Pack costs considerably less. Even so I would exchange any 4" mech for a Force Pack as a straight swap without hesitation.

n'oublie jamais - It appears I now have to highlight this again.

It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. By the juice of the brew my thoughts aquire speed, my mind becomes strained, the strain becomes a warning. It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. 
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

 Orlanth wrote:
I am not sold on the 4" mech, its not big enough for a game of battletroops or as a shelf sitter, and the pricetag of $45 is ridiculous.
Methinks they only exist to provide the illusion of a deal, almost every pledge will include one and priced accordingly, yet it will be just as small sprue throw in. Notice how big the mech looks, and how it is visually compared to the 28mm one. It is easy to forget and be misled.

Now if they were to make a plastic kit mech scale dropship, Leopard or Union, that would be a better add on. Take a leaf from Archon Studio who made bigger things than that to throw in. They even made a quad mech in a recent campaign, and you got one for free if you pledged high enough.
Is a plastic Union dropship in this KS far fetched. Not at all. If you pledged for the last Archon Studio campaign you got a Tarrasque, its 14" long and was FREE.

Now Catalyst is not Archon Studio, they don't have the same infrastructure and tooling. But if Catalyst can add useless junk mechs that you cannot use in hard plastic they can make something better that we can. I would settle for a bunker, command post or mech repair gantry or useful obstacle or objective terrain piece.

I am not impressed, and I hope there is a non-entry pledge that doesn't include worthless junk at extra cost. I might start with the intro pledge, I might as well get one, its the only way to get a Vindicator. Though hopefully we will see Retaliation boxes in the campaign. I bought two last time and wish I had bought more.
Full agreement. For me, minis are for use, not display. So that Timber Wolf is worthless to me, or worse, since I'd have to ebay it, and I don't want that hassle. Like Orlanth, I hope there is a pledge without this negative value "bonus". I was looking forward to the KS, but if the only non-Timber Wolf option is the Recruit pledge, I'll wait for retail. I just bought the Beginner Box a month ago, and I have three unread BT novels on my Kindle. So for me, the deal is poor value. It needs more sweetening.

Works in Progress: Many. Progress, Ha!
My Games Played 
Made in ie
Regular Dakkanaut

I suspect there may be a $1 level pledge like the last one for people to just buy a copy of the Mercenaries box in the pledge manager, whether it qualifies for stretch goal goodies is another issue.
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Well, if there's a $1 pledge available day 1, take that and provide polite feedback about how the presence of the 4" Mech is disincentivising you from a larger pledge.

And, no, throwing around "worthless junk" in your comment takes it out of the "polite feedback" bracket.

2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG

My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...

Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...

tneva82 wrote:
You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


That's a fine idea, and I'll be doing just that.

Hopefully they'll allow an exchange for something else, even just patches and pins.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/22 17:50:45

Made in gb
Highlord with a Blackstone Fortress

Adrift within the vortex of my imagination.

 Dysartes wrote:
Well, if there's a $1 pledge available day 1, take that and provide polite feedback about how the presence of the 4" Mech is disincentivising you from a larger pledge.

And, no, throwing around "worthless junk" in your comment takes it out of the "polite feedback" bracket.

I am happy to work with you on that.

n'oublie jamais - It appears I now have to highlight this again.

It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. By the juice of the brew my thoughts aquire speed, my mind becomes strained, the strain becomes a warning. It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

At first, I was mildly excited by the 4" Mad Cat because it's nifty. But it's just nifty and as someone just getting into Battletech, I too would rather be able to swap it for another force pack. It won't necessarily dissuade me from one of the larger pledges, but the option sure would be nice.
By the end of the campaign, if I can pick up everything I think I need with just a company pledge, then cool. I'll take the 4" novelty figure. If not, I might drop to a recruit pledge (or drop out entirely) and consider other options. Being able to swap it out for one more force pack might make the difference.
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

I’m looking forward to it! I’ll have the standard sized one, a 10mm scale one I printed and this one at 20mm scale How many other scales are worth doing I wonder!

Russian Madcats! Make them hollow!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/22 22:05:29

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

I have no feelings on the 4" Mad Cat whatsoever.


Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Misread badly.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/03/23 01:49:21

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I think the ability to trade out the Mad Cat for a couple more force packs would go over quite well. It is such an awkward scale. Even one force pack would work. However they valued it at $45. If that is truly what they think its value is, two lances, or one larger pack and some salvage boxes would be more appropriate.
Made in us
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

United States

Justyn wrote:
I think the ability to trade out the Mad Cat for a couple more force packs would go over quite well. It is such an awkward scale. Even one force pack would work. However they valued it at $45. If that is truly what they think its value is, two lances, or one larger pack and some salvage boxes would be more appropriate.

Id be happy with a few salvage boxes even.
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