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Vanguard Miniatures update thread - July 23, site restored!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Those tech shantys are the bees knees.

Nice stuff.

Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

New releases!

Renegade Gene Mutants – Shamblers


Novan Regulars – Heavy Armoured Tractor


Eloi Federation – Sirocco Fast Tank Squadron


Eloi Federation – Heavy Support Platform Battery


Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


We are again approaching the Christmas/New Year holiday period here in the UK and I thought I’d post up some end of year news.

Troublemaker Games for whom I retail products have a new campaign coming very soon now, this campaign expands on the plastic tiles sets and adds new 25mm round city bases to the range.

I have many new miniatures planned for the coming year all factions within the 6mm Defeat in Detail product line will be getting reinforcements during 2024 and hopefully we can get more 3mm released next year too. I’m not sure what if any plans Troublemaker have for their 15mm range but I do hope to see further expansion in the scale.

Cybershadow Stalkers, the first in what was planned to be an expanding range of large resin cast battle walkers will release in January, stock of both the new designs are already here and I just need to finish creating the site entries before launching these kits. Another kit in is the works which will follow first quarter next year but after that I have no idea if further kits in this “walkers” range can be achieve due to difficulty in securing commissioned designers.

Ships, I have around a dozen ship designs finished that I will be pushing towards resin casting as soon as masters can be produced, this includes the long awaited Zeus Grand Cruiser which was originally going to be a 3D printed item but which has now be resin cast with full production starting during January alongside two other small ship models.

More printed products are likely during the new year but for the most part I am moving away from 3D printing as a major aspect of the business. Printed products are less practical than cast products and are time consuming to manufacture in number. 3D printed products are not what I hoped they would be and I have mostly returned to traditional casting for the future.

Vanguard already retails some items under license and that will be expanding during 2024.

So as you can see we have plenty to look forward to in the coming months, you can keep apprised on all this and more via vanguards Discord page.

I would just like to thank all the people involved in the manufacture of my miniatures and especially my commissioned volunteer designers for their continued willingness to work with vanguard and also their continued patience with my constant design tinkering guidance, appreciated guys thank you.

Of course without my loyal customers I would not be here so many thanks to one and all for your continued custom, encouragement and support again this year it is greatly appreciated.

Have a great holiday everyone and I’ll catch you in 2024.

Best Regards John

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


So the big battleship that was always out of stock will be in stock the next time I want to plunk money down? It’s a bit late this season, but at least it will end the cycle of me requesting notification upon restock and then never receiving notifications.

Made in us
Maddening Mutant Boss of Chaos

Albany, NY

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
So the big battleship that was always out of stock will be in stock the next time I want to plunk money down? It’s a bit late this season, but at least it will end the cycle of me requesting notification upon restock and then never receiving notifications.

Very excited for this possibility.

Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

Super, super happy with the miniatures and other stuff I have got from Vanguard this year (made the armies I have put in spoilers below possible!) and also really great support as a 'one stop shop' for the Epic community. Enjoy the well-deserved break and looking forward to the new releases in 2024!


Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in us
Lord of the Fleet

Seneca Nation of Indians

Eagerly awaiting the grand cruisers.

Fate is in heaven, armor is on the chest, accomplishment is in the feet. - Nagao Kagetora
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

New releases!

Novan Regulars – Warrior II Dozer Blades Set

Set contains:

4 x dozer blades
4 x spiked rams


1. Designed to fit warrior II vehicle hulls


Renegade – Dragon II Flamethrower Tanks

Set contains:

3 x renegade dragon II hulls
6 x turrets (2 variants)
6 x fuel tanks (2 variants)
3 x hull MG’s


1. You can build three of either variant vehicles
2. Image shows both variant designs
3. Warrior II spiked ram not included


Renegade – Self-propelled Artillery Set

Set contains:

3 x renegade SP artillery hulls
3 x short bow cannons
3 x heavy mortars
3 x hull MG’s


1. This set contains the parts to build 3 cannon or 3 heavy mortar vehicles
2. Image shows one of each variant
3. The renegade militia artillery crew set contains plinthless figures that can be used on these vehicles


Renegade – Self-propelled Field Mortars Set

Set contains:

3 x renegade SP artillery hulls
3 x heavy field mortars
3 x heavy quad launchers
3 x hull MG’s


1. This set contains the parts to build 3 mortar or 3 quad launcher vehicles
2. Image shows one of each variant
3. The renegade militia artillery crew set contains plinthless figures that can be used with these vehicles


Automatically Appended Next Post:
This also happened by the way...

Cybershadow Technocracy Heavy Recon Stalker- Jackal II

**Cybershadow Technocracy Jackal II -** The Jackal II represents a generational leap in Cybershadow walker design heretofore unseen in Novan space. Though bearing the name of its predecessor, the Jackal II is a completely new chassis and has been rebuilt by the Technocracy from the ground up around a newer, more advanced power system.

Although the Jackal II is considered a light recon stalker, it still towers above even super-heavy tanks and other war engines common to Novan space. Each Jackal has two primary weapon hardpoints in the arms capable of mounting a wide variety of weaponry, ensuring commanders have the tools to engage any threat they should encounter. Complementing its primary weaponry are two modular hardpoints above the powercore coolant housings. These offer additional utility and flexibility by adding supplemental comms, optics, sensors, and countermeasures to the already robust systems of the standard Jackal II.

Tactically, Cybershadow Jackals can be found ranging far ahead of heavier walker battle squadrons, providing vital intel and conducting probing attacks ahead of the main assault. They are extremely agile for their size and can cover ground at phenomenal speed when necessary. Although lightly armed in comparison to the heavier battleline walkers, a single Jackal still possesses enough firepower to easily decimate lesser enemy formations. Indeed, Jackals have even been known to form the spearhead of smaller assaults should field commanders be unable to acquire heavier assets.

1. PDF model assembly guide can be found in the Rules Category on this site.
2. Model shown mounted on an 80mm round spinner base from Troublemaker Games not included but available in store.
3. Full multi-part resin cast kit with metal cast crew figures included.
4. Approximate height of model dependent on pose, 68mms to 75mms.
5. Model painted by John Fielding.


Cybershadow Technocracy Heavy Recon Stalker – Vulture

**Cybershadow Technocracy Vulture -** The Vulture is a variant of the Jackal II recon chassis adapted to carry a larger ordnance piece than can usually be mounted on these “light” walkers. To accommodate the Vulture’s heavy dorsal weapon and weapon mount as well as its accompanying power systems, the engineering crew space within the torso has been replaced with a hardwired AI tasked with monitoring the Vulture’s power core and internal systems—oversight, usually provided by the onboard engineering drone on the Jackal II. To further offset the substantially increased weight of the dorsal cannon and systems but retain the speed necessary to achieve its fast-paced mission requirements, the Vulture also replaces the Jackal’s standard heavy weapons and arm mountings in favour of a pair of lighter defensive rotary cannon. Additionally, the notably lighter armour fitted to the lower legs of the Vulture is yet another visible example of the concessions to weight savings of the variant. In a long range, hull down fire support position, Vulture crews are able to mitigate the risk to their weaker legs through careful positioning.

The Vulture’s battlefield role is to provide integrated, long-ranged fire support to recon battle groups as well as serving in an overwatch/sniper capacity as required. Even within heavier Stalker cohorts, the Vulture is prized for its ability to quickly relocate, thereby opening opportunities for commanders to use the Vulture’s heavy dorsal weaponry for enfilading fire missions that would be impossible for a heavier chassis to fulfil.

1. PDF model assembly guide can be found in the Rules Category on this site.
2. Model shown mounted on an 80mm round spinner base from Troublemaker Games, not included but available in store.
3. Full multi-part resin cast kit with metal cast crew figures included.
4. Model height approximately 68mms to 75mms dependent on pose, not including dorsal cannon.
5. Model painted by John Fielding.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/19 10:48:49

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in us

South Carolina, United States

New image of both together. I've gotten a copy of both of these kits and I have to say these are amazingly detailed.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/19 13:46:45

Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Some folks were wondering how big it is compared to a sort of similar mech by another company:

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in us
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

Oakland, CA

Oh, my!

The Stalker and Vulture are excellent.
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Those Renegade field Mortars are HAWT!

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

New naval assets out!

Zeus pattern Grand Cruiser

Novan fleet – combat vessel

Fully resin cast model

Set contains:

1 x grand cruiser hull
1 x grand cruiser prow
1 x grand crusher wings sprue
1 x grand cruiser bridge spr
2 x Zeus cruiser broadsides sprues
2 x grand cruiser dorsal broadsides sprues
2 x ball turret sprues


1. The broadsides battery recesses are tight to either side requiring some trimming of the batteries to fit, it was to late in production to have this issue corrected but I did want to flag it up for potential customers to be aware of. The dorsal batteries fit fine.

2. Flight stand not included.


Zeus GC – Dorsal Broadside Batteries

Novan fleet – Zeus GC batteries

Set contains:

1 x Zeus grand cruiser dorsal batteries sprues
1 x Ball turrets sprue


Cybershadows Assault Destroyers

Cybershadow fleet – combat vessels

Set contains:

3 x resin cast destroyer hulls
3 x resin cast destroyer parts sprues
3 x dorsal turrets


1. Flight stands not included


Cybershadows Light Oilers

Cybershadow fleet support – bulk liquid transport ships

Set contains:
3 x Resin cast Oilers

1. These are the same ships that were previously available as metal casts
2. Flight bases not included


Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


They are all awesome.

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Extremely bad news from my website host, the hosting server is dead and it is quite possible that my website is going to be unrecoverable, both business email accounts could also be lost. Although an attempt to recover the site will be happening it will not be able to be carried out for at least another 12 days or so.
If recovery is impossible then that means a complete rebuild will be required, the site could be out of action for several weeks or more its hard to say at this time. Needless to say this is a disaster of the highest magnitude for me and my business, I'm now looking at possibly spending days and days rebuilding ever product entry which is over 600 plus items of stock. Not to mention the best part of a month of lost sales which I can ill afford.
Anyway that's the situation folks Vanguard Miniatures is closed until the website is either recovered (not sounding likely) or rebuilt.

Hasslefree just announced something similar too, might be a bigger issue.

Made in us
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Hasslefree just announced something similar too, might be a bigger issue.
Three hobby sites so far - I've opened a thread.
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


There is now a new version of the site active and ready to take orders. We have tried to retain the appearance of the old site for familiarity reasons and it may be a while before we are 100% finished with the rebuild but at least we are open again and ready to process orders once more.

We are truly sorry for any inconvenience caused by the server crash and the complete loss of the old site, rest assured that lessons have been learnt and this should never happen again. Customers will need to create a new account as all previous customer data was unrecoverable, I apologise again for the inconvenience.

I must thank all those customers and well wishers for their kind and thoughtful support in this trying period, so thank you one and all for all the offers of technical help and promises of future orders once we were active once more it has all been greatly appreciated.

Limited number of products being shown at this time, we are in the process of adding more as the data comes in and inventory is checked, the bulk of the 6mm products should be appearing on the site during this week but its going to be some time before every product is back up and the site gets a final polish.

But at least we are visible and able to continue trading now.

Many thanks for your patience.


Made in gb
Villanous Scum

Excellent news that such progress has been made, will have to place an order on payday!

On parle toujours mal quand on n'a rien à dire. 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Congratulations and welcome back!

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Just ordered me one of those grand cruisers.

Hey whatever happened to the helion battleship. I saw the ridiculously short lived 3dprints.
Were molds never made for resin casting. Is this to be considered a dead end for the helian battleship?
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Thank you.

The Helian Battleship was not designed with casting in mind, the model would require considerable re-work to make it cast friendly.

I'd like to bring it back but do not currently have time to print manufacture myself, so she remains in limbo for now.
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