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1) This plastic is REALLY nice to work with. I'd say its very much on-par with being as nice to work with as GW plastics. Cleans really easily; holds detail; feels good and all.
The previous/first generation plastics from TTC were just that little bit "harder". Sharp detail, but a bit of a pain to clean.
2) Ships go together really well and cuts are smartly placed to hide the joins well within the natural detail of the ships
3) Assembly is easy
4) I'm confused why all the peg slots on the ships are half-slots with the side missing. It creates a weak point for the larger ships when attaching them to their flight stems/separators.
5) I swear there's a missing part for the Cruisers that never made it onto the sprue. If you compare them to the Anomaly exclusive ship, there's a large gap on the underside at the rear on the plastic ships which, on the Anomaly, houses a large cylinder "engine". It feels like the plastic cruisers were meant to have this part too as something that glued in; but either got lost and never added to the sprue or they couldn't add it in/work out a way to part it clean. It's a small thing, smaller still by their nature of being strange designs and once you put the wings on; but I do notice it when comparing across.
Overall these are really sweet ships to build and honestly if this is the quality of plastic they can achieve now that's really fantastic and I'm excited to see a lot more done with this new production method.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/26 17:52:35
The Anomaly is also much thicker through the hull, with extra triangle plates on the side of the prow and under the chin. It’s all around a beefier ship than the plastic heavy cruisers. I suspect the plastic cruisers were made thinner and smaller to fit more easily in the sprue. Perhaps they were the original ship designed by the Bioficer’s creators?
The half-slots for base pegs bothers me when it cuts into detail that should be there, such as on the Seneca cargo ship. I get why they switched to using it, but I wish they would stop.
I just don't get why there isn't the other half on the sprue in some form. Some ships have them (eg the little probes) but the big cruisers have them missing.
I do agree the Anomaly has differences to the plastic ships, but the large chunk at the back is the only bit that really looks like something is "missing" from the design based on the structure of the other ships.
Overread wrote: I just don't get why there isn't the other half on the sprue in some form. Some ships have them (eg the little probes) but the big cruisers have them missing.
I do agree the Anomaly has differences to the plastic ships, but the large chunk at the back is the only bit that really looks like something is "missing" from the design based on the structure of the other ships.
It's a really minor point just one I noticed
I see the piece you mean, and it is a shame it’s missing. It would have been a cool way to differentiate between light cruisers and cruisers, besides the dinky top weapon.
Automatically Appended Next Post: In the video, Dave says they’ll have plastic for the Bioficers. That leaves Resistance as still the only force with no plastic minis for Dropzone. I hope they’ll take the opportunity of a Resistance vs Bioficers starter to release them in plastic.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/26 23:47:37
Since our last FAQ and errata we’ve had plenty of feedback on both rules and balance. After no small amount of help from our Agents compiling this feedback and testing these changes, we’re ready to set these changes out into the wild!
New Rules!
To aid in the unintentionally underpowered Shaltari regaining some of their lost damage potential, we’ve added in the new rule Reave-X. Reave functions similar to Scald, in that crits grant an amount of negative modifier to the targets save value against that hit, but works at any range, not just within Scan. This rule has been added to many Shaltari weapons as well as a small amount of weapons throughout the game (like Bioficer Scythes instead of their previous Burnthrough rule).
The second new rule isn’t new per-se, you’ll have already seen this on Bioficer Scythes and the Shaltari Strontium. This update just codifies it into a generic named special rule, Anti Wing, that you’ll find listed in the weapon stats instead of separately on the ship stats sheet.
Often Posited Conundrums Many new FAQ’s and answers have been added, we’ve tried to include as many of these as possible, including whether Space Stations are Dropsites, and how High Power interacts with Orders and other special rules.
Balance Updates A great many ships have had their stats adjusted, from simple points changes to complete overhauls of weapons, you can find a list of all the changes in this update at the end of the FAQ document. The big changes in this update are sweeping points adjustments to carriers, as well as points increases to Famous and Faction admirals.
To make up for that last point, we’re also introducing Admiral Level 1 Faction admirals, these allow you access to a single optional ability as well as coming with a single ability of their own.
Since our last FAQ and errata we’ve had plenty of feedback on both rules and balance. After no small amount of help from our Agents compiling this feedback and testing these changes, we’re ready to set these changes out into the wild!
I don't think Reave as applied is enough to fix the core blunder of Energy/Kintetic weapons and saves, but it's a step in the right direction. The significantly faster launch assets was sorely needed, and Aegis got the nerf bat to the head it deserved. Feels like a relaunch with actual playtesting, and last year was the open beta.
2025/01/13 15:56:14
Subject: Dropfleet/Dropzone/Battlezone Commander news. DFC 2.0 out now. Plastic Battleships!
A good few changes like making the bioficer scyth weapon ability standard for taking out fighter wings. Nice to see a few more guns in their roster got the Reave1 ability to give a bit of flavour and more punch to them. Interesting to see burnthrough removed on the scythe weapons, but it was likely just a bit too good on those guns.
I agree about pulling in the power of Aegis and the nodes for bioficers got bumped up to 2hull now that they can't abuse stacking Aegis
TTCombat wrote:Are you ready for new plastic battleships? This hulking brute is a Carthage Super Battleship equipped with enough armaments to destroy any puny Scourge ship.
2025/01/17 17:05:50
Subject: Dropfleet/Dropzone/Battlezone Commander news. DFC 2.0 out now. Plastic Battleships!
Honestly I really like those wing designs on the new scourge, its a huge redesign but really looks good. I do wonder if they are going to change up their cruisers when they get a new kit as well.
I absolutely loathed the first version of the Beelzebub for its stupid big guns hanging off the front wings. I hate the new one as well for its tacked on looking forward gun tube things.
The whole game seems to be increasingly "huge guns" as a design style and I just hate it.
2025/01/22 14:57:21
Subject: Dropfleet/Dropzone/Battlezone Commander news. DFC 2.0 out now. Plastic Battleships!
Still haven't gotten my starter box yet, still want to get it, just so busy and too many things/money/etc. So um, the rules have been FAQ'd/updated? If I do get the starter/beginner box will the FAQ/updates change the game significantly from whats in there?
Nostalgically Yours
2025/01/22 16:25:50
Subject: Dropfleet/Dropzone/Battlezone Commander news. DFC 2.0 out now. Plastic Battleships!
BanjoJohn wrote: Still haven't gotten my starter box yet, still want to get it, just so busy and too many things/money/etc. So um, the rules have been FAQ'd/updated? If I do get the starter/beginner box will the FAQ/updates change the game significantly from whats in there?
Since our last FAQ and errata we’ve had plenty of feedback on both rules and balance. After no small amount of help from our Agents compiling this feedback and testing these changes, we’re ready to set these changes out into the wild!
New Rules!
To aid in the unintentionally underpowered Shaltari regaining some of their lost damage potential, we’ve added in the new rule Reave-X. Reave functions similar to Scald, in that crits grant an amount of negative modifier to the targets save value against that hit, but works at any range, not just within Scan. This rule has been added to many Shaltari weapons as well as a small amount of weapons throughout the game (like Bioficer Scythes instead of their previous Burnthrough rule).
The second new rule isn’t new per-se, you’ll have already seen this on Bioficer Scythes and the Shaltari Strontium. This update just codifies it into a generic named special rule, Anti Wing, that you’ll find listed in the weapon stats instead of separately on the ship stats sheet.
Often Posited Conundrums
Many new FAQ’s and answers have been added, we’ve tried to include as many of these as possible, including whether Space Stations are Dropsites, and how High Power interacts with Orders and other special rules.
Balance Updates
A great many ships have had their stats adjusted, from simple points changes to complete overhauls of weapons, you can find a list of all the changes in this update at the end of the FAQ document. The big changes in this update are sweeping points adjustments to carriers, as well as points increases to Famous and Faction admirals.
To make up for that last point, we’re also introducing Admiral Level 1 Faction admirals, these allow you access to a single optional ability as well as coming with a single ability of their own.
Since our last FAQ and errata we’ve had plenty of feedback on both rules and balance. After no small amount of help from our Agents compiling this feedback and testing these changes, we’re ready to set these changes out into the wild!
I don't think Reave as applied is enough to fix the core blunder of Energy/Kintetic weapons and saves, but it's a step in the right direction. The significantly faster launch assets was sorely needed, and Aegis got the nerf bat to the head it deserved. Feels like a relaunch with actual playtesting, and last year was the open beta.
2025/01/22 16:27:51
Subject: Dropfleet/Dropzone/Battlezone Commander news. DFC 2.0 out now. Plastic Battleships!
I’ve had problems with the oversized guns since the Resistance plastics. Those did grow on me, but the Hanoi, the PHR dread and new battleships, and especially the Scourge big gun BBs just look like toys. The old Hercules and Shaltari BB integrated their huge cannon into their hulls in a way that worked. The new trend of huge guns hanging off the ships like GI Joe vehicle guns is unfortunate.
For me, the bioficers work because they really are just sentient space guns. The weapons are integrated into the ship in a way the hangdong guns on the 2nd wave battleships aren’t.
BanjoJohn wrote: the rules have been FAQ'd/updated? If I do get the starter/beginner box will the FAQ/updates change the game significantly from whats in there?
Yes and yes, but in a good way. The game as published at launch was bad, real bad, should not have been published/take it back to playtesting bad. The rulebook it comes with is a tatty little thing of no value, the rules are effectively digital only and should be treated that way.
That really is the problem in a nutshell. Biggus Dongus guns make the ships look like toys, in spoils my ability to think of this as an interesting hardish SF game and instead it's a silly wacky space toy thing and I just have no interest in that kind of game.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/22 16:30:40
2025/01/22 22:16:33
Subject: Dropfleet/Dropzone/Battlezone Commander news. DFC 2.0 out now. Plastic Battleships!
BanjoJohn wrote: the rules have been FAQ'd/updated? If I do get the starter/beginner box will the FAQ/updates change the game significantly from whats in there?
Yes and yes, but in a good way. The game as published at launch was bad, real bad, should not have been published/take it back to playtesting bad. The rulebook it comes with is a tatty little thing of no value, the rules are effectively digital only and should be treated that way.
That really is the problem in a nutshell. Biggus Dongus guns make the ships look like toys, in spoils my ability to think of this as an interesting hardish SF game and instead it's a silly wacky space toy thing and I just have no interest in that kind of game.
Thanks, that's kinda sad because I love/prefer a nice physical book instead of having to look at PDFs, or print off PDFs. I know they won't change the miniatures so I'm a little more likely to get the box now, but using lulu or something to print off a new/updated physical book of rules seems like a hastle if they might update the rules again in a few months, unless it seems like these are the final update? But I doubt there'd be a final update in today's world.