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Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

Orders are now live (for annual subs) on the online store.


Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
Eh, I did say I wasn't going to get the Termie because of Warhammer+, but maybe it's worth getting a year subscription to check out the content and get the Termie.

What's the content like these days? Is it actually good or only stuff a rabid GW fan would like? I'm not really down for content simply because it's GW related content, but if it's actually good then it's a bit more interesting to me.

I haven't given the vault a look myself, but if you're like me and wouldn't spend money on GW's dodgy fluff endeavors at full book price, you'd be able to read a fair number of recentish campaign books for a lot less. I haven't read White Dwarf in forever, so I don't know if there's any appeal in it.

The painting tutorials I watched seemed functional. I have no use for them, and given you've been around long enough the same is probably true for you.

I've only watched the first and last lore videos, Abaddon and Squats. Largely because I prefer to read this kind of stuff rather than watch someone talk about it. They seem like comprehensive summaries based on the Abaddon one, but may not go into enough detail for your taste. The Squat one felt more substantial, but that may be because it's all new stuff from the as of yet unreleased codex with only scarce Warhammer Community articles that overlap it. May be of interest to listen to on the side or if you want an overview of something that happens to have a video.

Battle reports seemed fun enough if you're interested in the games.

I don't play, so I don't know what shape the apps are in.

I overwhelmingly found the various animations entertaining. They're hardly flawless, but it didn't feel like that ever got in the way except in the case of one Hammer and Bolter episode. As hinted at above, I'm not fond of GW's writing these days, at least what makes it into codices and campaign books, but I got a lot of fun out of the animations. So while I wouldn't spend money on those books to read modern fluff, I have no regrets about spending on Warhammer+ for, effectively, just the miniature and animations. Caveat, since that may be relevant here, but some individuals have been known to call my taste in movies trashy, so my opinion may not be of particular use to you.

What was criticized about the service a year ago is still true. A fair bit of it is stuff you can get for free elsewhere, and possibly better and/or in larger quantities. And as suspected early on, the release of new animations is slow. For myself I can say (and have, occasionally) that after the miniature and the voucher, a year of Warhammer+ is so cheap that I don't feel bad about subscribing and feel like I get my money's worth from the animations. If I wanted to subscribe for a month to binge them, I'd pay a little more than half of what remains of the yearly subscription cost. I don't think the difference is substantial enough to forego getting access around the year at my leisure.

Hope that helps, as subjective as it is.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut


Calling them "animations" is a bit of an exaggeration, they hardly move most of the time.

"Tabletop games are the only setting when a body is made more horrifying for NOT being chopped into smaller pieces."
- Jiado 
Made in ie
Krazy Grot Kutta Driva

I didn't sub last year, as I thought the W+ stuff looked very mediocre & the models were not enough to swing it.

This year, I love the models and was almost tempted to take a year sub out. Trouble is I feel that its encouraging the mediocrity of the W+ content to continue. I know if you count the relevant cost of the models & any other vouchers/extras, W+ is next to nothing. But I still feel what they offer on there is so below the minimum standard set by every other resource online.

I'd much rather see W+ improve, offer subs without hiding behind 'free' miniatures and start offering content that others just cant match.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Biloxi, MS USA

 Geifer wrote:
I haven't read White Dwarf in forever, so I don't know if there's any appeal in it.

There are some older White Dwarfs dating back to 2008, too, it's not just new ones.

You know you're really doing something when you can make strangers hate you over the Internet. - Mauleed
Just remember folks. Panic. Panic all the time. It's the only way to survive, other than just being mindful, of course-but geez, that's so friggin' boring. - Aegis Grimm
Hallowed is the All Pie
The Before Times: A Place That Celebrates The World That Was 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
Calling them "animations" is a bit of an exaggeration, they hardly move most of the time.

uh huh..
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Did they ever get around to the show called "Broken Lance"?

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut


Danny76 wrote:
 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
Calling them "animations" is a bit of an exaggeration, they hardly move most of the time.

uh huh..


Literally South Park tier. My favourite part is where you can tell they just flipped the asset for guy's head because his scar teleports to the other side of his face for a moment where he looks the other way.

"Tabletop games are the only setting when a body is made more horrifying for NOT being chopped into smaller pieces."
- Jiado 
Made in us
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

It looks like someone videotaping a comic book while shaking the camera around. I just got a headache trying to watch that after 1 minute.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Richmond, VA

Got charged for the year and selected my mini. It says I can order now, but it won't let me on the store site. Imagine my surprise.
Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

I think the ability to place the order doesn't actually open up until september

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

chaos0xomega wrote:
I think the ability to place the order doesn't actually open up until september

It’s confusing. One member of the Loot Group picked his the same time I did, and he was able to complete the order. My choice is noted, but I’ve no way to Add To Cart and check out. I did however get notification it’d be available from 15 September though.

Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

I was able to order both minis just after lunch, I added a box of accursed cultists as well so they won't ship until next week anyway.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Next weeks releases.

Interested in the Lore. I want to be interested in the Battle Report too, but that will depend on how much detail they give me about the Squat’s weapon stats etc, as that seems to be something largely glossed over in others, instead being “this unit shot that unit and here are some dice rolls with little context and now he lost three dudes”.

Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
I think the ability to place the order doesn't actually open up until september

It’s confusing. One member of the Loot Group picked his the same time I did, and he was able to complete the order. My choice is noted, but I’ve no way to Add To Cart and check out. I did however get notification it’d be available from 15 September though.

yeah, I was able to select my choice but not to order it, same as you. Wonder if it was an error that allowed the other guy to complete his? Either way I'll guess we'll see soon enough.

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Could simply be a volume thing, and supply being done in at least two waves.

No big rush from me, and I’m hopeful the Leviathan arms will be back in stock so I get free home shipping on both.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
Calling them "animations" is a bit of an exaggeration, they hardly move most of the time.

uh huh..


Literally South Park tier. My favourite part is where you can tell they just flipped the asset for guy's head because his scar teleports to the other side of his face for a moment where he looks the other way.

I mean it’s literally not South Park tier.
Closer to like Dragonball Z or other animes etc.
It’s an artistic style, yes a cheaper one.

And you’re proving the point with that one show. Picking one of their lesser shows. If you used one of the other three released, two are a lot higher quality so wouldn’t suit your argument. And Interrogator is noir so not comparable.

But that’s just your thing, to gak on anything you can. You do you. As It’s the internet.

Made in gb
Thane of Dol Guldur


 RexHavoc wrote:
I didn't sub last year, as I thought the W+ stuff looked very mediocre & the models were not enough to swing it.

This year, I love the models and was almost tempted to take a year sub out. Trouble is I feel that its encouraging the mediocrity of the W+ content to continue. I know if you count the relevant cost of the models & any other vouchers/extras, W+ is next to nothing. But I still feel what they offer on there is so below the minimum standard set by every other resource online.

I'd much rather see W+ improve, offer subs without hiding behind 'free' miniatures and start offering content that others just cant match.

Frankly that's a little naive. If you want the models, sub. Take the other stuff as a bonus. Your little protest isn't going to change anything.

Heresy World Eaters/Emperors Children

Instagram: nagrakali_love_songs 
Made in be
Been Around the Block

Ashaar wrote:
It seems I was a fool trying to be prepared. I was on a monthly sub for year 1, saw it was due to renew today, so a couple of days ago upgraded to a yearly thinking it would bill me today - as in, add time to my existing sub. No, they've refunded me for July and I can't select my year 2 mini.
Have emailed customer support but ughhhhh GW why.

Lol, I have the same situation... monthly subscribed since august 2021. 25/08/2022 I claimed my Orruk Megaboss, and after this I upgraded to an annual subscription for the year 2 mini. What happened is that I got a refund for the month of july.. and can only select the year one mini, which I already claimed.

What a mess. I emailed them, so I hope they will fix it or atleast give me a refund, as the intend was not to pay two years on a row for the year 1 mini. ;-)
Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

chaos0xomega wrote:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
I think the ability to place the order doesn't actually open up until september

It’s confusing. One member of the Loot Group picked his the same time I did, and he was able to complete the order. My choice is noted, but I’ve no way to Add To Cart and check out. I did however get notification it’d be available from 15 September though.

yeah, I was able to select my choice but not to order it, same as you. Wonder if it was an error that allowed the other guy to complete his? Either way I'll guess we'll see soon enough.

I couldn't order mine earlier today when my sub renewed, but when I went back to the MyWarhammer page just now, a pop-up informed me that I could order my model.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Richmond, VA

 Shakalooloo wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
I think the ability to place the order doesn't actually open up until september

It’s confusing. One member of the Loot Group picked his the same time I did, and he was able to complete the order. My choice is noted, but I’ve no way to Add To Cart and check out. I did however get notification it’d be available from 15 September though.

yeah, I was able to select my choice but not to order it, same as you. Wonder if it was an error that allowed the other guy to complete his? Either way I'll guess we'll see soon enough.

I couldn't order mine earlier today when my sub renewed, but when I went back to the MyWarhammer page just now, a pop-up informed me that I could order my model.

I got the pop-up, but when I clicked on it, it still didn't work. Did yours?
Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

 Scottywan82 wrote:
 Shakalooloo wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
I think the ability to place the order doesn't actually open up until september

It’s confusing. One member of the Loot Group picked his the same time I did, and he was able to complete the order. My choice is noted, but I’ve no way to Add To Cart and check out. I did however get notification it’d be available from 15 September though.

yeah, I was able to select my choice but not to order it, same as you. Wonder if it was an error that allowed the other guy to complete his? Either way I'll guess we'll see soon enough.

I couldn't order mine earlier today when my sub renewed, but when I went back to the MyWarhammer page just now, a pop-up informed me that I could order my model.

I got the pop-up, but when I clicked on it, it still didn't work. Did yours?

Clicking took me to my chosen free model on the GW store, which I could add to my basket. Then I went back to my subscriptions to link through to add the other model. I checked-out and ordered both.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Richmond, VA

 Shakalooloo wrote:
Clicking took me to my chosen free model on the GW store, which I could add to my basket. Then I went back to my subscriptions to link through to add the other model. I checked-out and ordered both.

Oh, good! I clicked, and got to the listing on the site, but I still don't have the "order" option on it. I will try to be patient for now and if it still isn't working tomorrow, I'll shoot them an email.


EDIT: And now it let me add it to the cart. Woot!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/08/28 23:48:53

Made in us
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Just checked the AU prices - the £24 model translates to AU$66.

You know, instead of $41. I realise they want to bake in some currency buffer, but it's a bit ridiculous...

Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut


 Azazelx wrote:
Just checked the AU prices - the £24 model translates to AU$66.

You know, instead of $41. I realise they want to bake in some currency buffer, but it's a bit ridiculous...

That's just standard GW practice, AU prices are usually inflated by a good 50% at least compared to the actual exchange rate.

"Tabletop games are the only setting when a body is made more horrifying for NOT being chopped into smaller pieces."
- Jiado 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Got my Terminator ordered. Time to persuade my amazing painter mate to do the honours.

Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

 Geifer wrote:
AllSeeingSkink wrote:
Eh, I did say I wasn't going to get the Termie because of Warhammer+, but maybe it's worth getting a year subscription to check out the content and get the Termie.

What's the content like these days? Is it actually good or only stuff a rabid GW fan would like? I'm not really down for content simply because it's GW related content, but if it's actually good then it's a bit more interesting to me.

I haven't given the vault a look myself, but if you're like me and wouldn't spend money on GW's dodgy fluff endeavors at full book price, you'd be able to read a fair number of recentish campaign books for a lot less. I haven't read White Dwarf in forever, so I don't know if there's any appeal in it.

The painting tutorials I watched seemed functional. I have no use for them, and given you've been around long enough the same is probably true for you.

I've only watched the first and last lore videos, Abaddon and Squats. Largely because I prefer to read this kind of stuff rather than watch someone talk about it. They seem like comprehensive summaries based on the Abaddon one, but may not go into enough detail for your taste. The Squat one felt more substantial, but that may be because it's all new stuff from the as of yet unreleased codex with only scarce Warhammer Community articles that overlap it. May be of interest to listen to on the side or if you want an overview of something that happens to have a video.

Battle reports seemed fun enough if you're interested in the games.

I don't play, so I don't know what shape the apps are in.

I overwhelmingly found the various animations entertaining. They're hardly flawless, but it didn't feel like that ever got in the way except in the case of one Hammer and Bolter episode. As hinted at above, I'm not fond of GW's writing these days, at least what makes it into codices and campaign books, but I got a lot of fun out of the animations. So while I wouldn't spend money on those books to read modern fluff, I have no regrets about spending on Warhammer+ for, effectively, just the miniature and animations. Caveat, since that may be relevant here, but some individuals have been known to call my taste in movies trashy, so my opinion may not be of particular use to you.

What was criticized about the service a year ago is still true. A fair bit of it is stuff you can get for free elsewhere, and possibly better and/or in larger quantities. And as suspected early on, the release of new animations is slow. For myself I can say (and have, occasionally) that after the miniature and the voucher, a year of Warhammer+ is so cheap that I don't feel bad about subscribing and feel like I get my money's worth from the animations. If I wanted to subscribe for a month to binge them, I'd pay a little more than half of what remains of the yearly subscription cost. I don't think the difference is substantial enough to forego getting access around the year at my leisure.

Hope that helps, as subjective as it is.

Thanks for the rundown.

I feel like I wouldn't value battle reports, unless there's something really special about them, I rarely watch battle reps on YT (usually only if it's a game I'm unfamiliar with and trying to see if it's something I'll enjoy).

What format are vault books in? Is it something I can download and view on a different (offline) device, or only through some viewer on the website?

I'm a bit confused about the miniatures, looking at the terms on the website, if someone hasn't been subscribed in year 1, if you start an annual subscription you will be able to get the model 22 days after starting the subscription? But it sounds like people are already ordering it?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
 Azazelx wrote:
Just checked the AU prices - the £24 model translates to AU$66.

You know, instead of $41. I realise they want to bake in some currency buffer, but it's a bit ridiculous...

That's just standard GW practice, AU prices are usually inflated by a good 50% at least compared to the actual exchange rate.

That's not really standard practice, standard practice is to get a number out of the random number generator and use that to determine the exchange rate.

A lot of the time GW exchange rate is not far off the real exchange rate, other times it's flying rodent gak insane.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/08/30 14:22:21

Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Got my Terminator ordered. Time to persuade my amazing painter mate to do the honours.
Or have a change of heart and sell your very rare model to me.

Wouldn't be the first time.

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
What format are vault books in? Is it something I can download and view on a different (offline) device, or only through some viewer on the website?

To the best of my not very tech savvy self's knowledge you can't download any of it. Would probably not be a good subscription service if it provided the option to download stuff, I reckon.

It opens with Adobe Acrobat in my browser. Not sure if that makes it PDF or a different file format, but since you're only supposed to view it through GW's website, it's not like it makes a difference.

You can highlight and copy text to easily beat someone in an online argument, though. Like this:

The Warhammer Vault exists to preserve the rich lore and background of Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar. As such, outdated game scenarios and unit rules have been removed from this publication.

Straight from the revised edition of Codex:Armageddon. What a mission statement!

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
I'm a bit confused about the miniatures, looking at the terms on the website, if someone hasn't been subscribed in year 1, if you start an annual subscription you will be able to get the model 22 days after starting the subscription? But it sounds like people are already ordering it?

I assume GW's IT people aren't much more tech savvy than me and it's some sort of glitch. My subscription renewed during the night, so I only got to check in the morning after a few hours. At the time I could click the order button to take me to the relevant online store pages, but not add the models to the basket with a note from when I'd be able to order instead. I just checked the subscription tab on my account and now the buttons that take me to the respective store pages are replaced with the text informing me that I can purchase them from September 18 onward.

It's best to assume that the middle of September date that was advertised is what GW actually had in mind and anything else is just technical issues that may or may not get fixed in due time.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

Damn yeah I had both the year 2 items in my cart but must have forgot to checkout - they are both now no longer available to me until "9/18". Which sucks.
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