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BattleTech 'Mercenaries' Kickstarter - EU SHIPMENT CLEARED CUSTOMS!!! (UPDATE #114)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in be
Monstrous Master Moulder

No news yet about any European fulfillment while the US is getting solid release dates for retail.

Not having anything yet for a KS estimating delivery for June 2024 and not having it by Christmass really blow, despite having to pay insane amounts for "premium shipping". In reality, this "premium shipping" meant that they send out nothing at all until every single item is in the EU hubs.

I'm done with CGL after how bad this KS was being communicated (and let's just call a spade a spade, the lies from their community manager).

The boy, I say, the boy is as sharp as a sack of wet mice... 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Funny you should say that, as an email came through not an hour ago:

US/CAN/RoW without hubs: Fulfillment continues.
UK: Fulfillment began on November 20th!
EU: Address verification emails began getting sent out over the weekend as the hub checks in the shipment!
AU: Ship still in transit.
Asia: Fulfillment continues.

2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG

My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...

Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...

tneva82 wrote:
You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... 
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

I’m excited, I went way overboard and may have more mechs than I could ever need.
But it’s getting close now and that’s Hype!
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I had notification mine was delivered yesterday in the UK, typically when i am away with work, but something to look forward to at the weekend when i get home
Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Scotland, but nowhere near my rulebook

Just got a delivery notice with tracking details for Evri in the UK, so who knows which hedge the parcel will end up in
Made in us
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

<Refresh email>

<Refresh email>

<Refresh email>
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

Heh. I have scanned my junk folder more often in the past few days than for the past year

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in us
Lieutenant General

Florence, KY

For those in the US, the McCarron's Armored Cavalry ForcePack is available for purchase online from Barnes & Noble and should be available in stores shortly.

'It is a source of constant consternation that my opponents
cannot correlate their innate inferiority with their inevitable
defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war.'

- Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty
Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Made in us
Lieutenant General

Florence, KY

From left to right: Jackalope, Hammerhead, J-27 Ordnance Transport, Lament (prepainted Hastati Sentinels), Kintaro, Havoc.

[Thumb - Third Star League Strike Team.jpg]

'It is a source of constant consternation that my opponents
cannot correlate their innate inferiority with their inevitable
defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war.'

- Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty
Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Scotland, but nowhere near my rulebook

My god.

It's actually arrived.
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

Is it full of stars?

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

Update 108 dropped.

Utterly useless. Just says “in progress”. No numbers no prediction no effort at all.

Except for US where they lost 200 backers in their terrible system. And EU where although they said address check emails were going out, they weren’t really and they waited a couple of weeks before telling anyone about it.

They are so bad at this.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/03 21:16:44

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Scotland, but nowhere near my rulebook

No, actually. Since only 3 of my loot boxes were Clan, there is no complete Star


Update 108

Hey there backers,

Here's our weekly update:

US/CAN/RoW without hubs: Wave 1 and 2 are complete except for a few stragglers. See info below for some more detail.
UK: In progress.
EU: We've been informed of stock getting stuck at customs. We've also received comments from the community that no EU backer has been able to confirm getting an Address Verification. We've asked QML to reverify with our EU hub, and they said that they decided to hold off on Address Verifications due to the customs hold-up. We just didn't get that updated info in time for the backer update last week, so apologies for the false alarm. The hub, QML and CGL are all working on getting this pushed through as quickly as possible.
Asia: In progress.
AUS: Stock still in transit.

Stragglers in US/CAN/RoW without hubs: There were a couple of extra stragglers for additional stock shortages. QML is fulfilling those, and missing product will be passed to CGL's warehouse for fulfillment.

Additionally, we've gotten a few questions from backers that haven't gotten address confirmations or shipping notifications yet. After researching, we've identified about 200 backers who were somehow filtered out of the backer spreadsheets. We have requested stock from QML to be shipped to CGL's warehouse, and those backers will be fulfilled directly from there. Apologies for the inconvenience to those backers and we'll communicate as soon as this is underway.

Mercenaries Rules in PDF: You asked, and we listened! The rules from the Mercenaries box set are being finalized into their pdf format, and we'll upload that to all backers as soon as we are able (give us a few weeks to get it all configured).

Have a great week, everyone!

Ok, EU, everything should be lining up now...

EU: We've been informed of stock getting stuck at customs


But at least they know who they still need to get things to, right?

we've identified about 200 backers who were somehow filtered out of the backer spreadsheets

I'm sorry. What?

You just... Lost 1% of your backers? Just like, gone, forgot they existed, oops?

Australia, Asia, no actual news for you this week. LOLZ.
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

How steep were the KS shipping fees for EU and UK backers? Kinda curious, as I wanted to order something from Catalyst during their sale and well.. after some messing around I came across this, wooooh! feth you ROW indeed.
[Thumb - WHYYYYYY.png]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/03 21:17:22

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Scotland, but nowhere near my rulebook

See, you seem to have accidentally ticked the "Deliver by Union class Dropship" box.
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

CGL famously have a website that returns utterly derpy international shipping prices. Apparently if you email them directly they can do something, but it’s all a bit crap.

In terms of the Kickstarter all 25,000 or so backers have been charged about 3 or 4 times as much as needed for shipping.

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Scotland, but nowhere near my rulebook

Yeah, the delivery company that sent my stuff can deliver 15 kilograms of stuff, next day, for £12


They charged me $26. For a box that weighs 5kg, at the most, so should have been in the £7 range.
Made in us
Lieutenant General

Florence, KY

Today's Tuesday Newsday mainly focused on the Voltron Kickstarter:

Lorcan Nagle wrote: Episode 35

3rd December 2024
Guests: Brent Evans, CGL Art Director; Jason Hardy, RPG Director; Opti, Voltron RPG Developer

-Black Friday sale is still ongoing. Items at 50% off are:
--BattleTech Essentials
--Clan Invasion box set
--Legend of the Jade Phoenix Trilogy
-Last day to ship before Christmas for domestic is December 16th
-Pax unplugged is this weekend. CGL will be streaming on their YouTube channel. The first stream link is up on YouTube. Lots of product announcements

-On a scale of one to killing Coach’s linebacker, how excited is Brent for the upcoming BattleTech material? Very excited. Rem said she’s really looking forward to the Pax announcements
-Any updates for BattleTech products in December? Only McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry, which streets on the 11th but was up for order already.
-ETA on restock on Alpha Strike Commander’s edition? When Kickstarter fulfillment is complete, the rest of the current print run will be returned to PSI and released for shipping.
-When will the Star league Assault Lance be out? It and ilKhan’s Eyes Only are out January 15th
-Does CGL have any sort of Service Level Agreement for UK Mercs Kickstarter fulfillment? They said 5 weeks and they’re about 3 weeks into that.

'It is a source of constant consternation that my opponents
cannot correlate their innate inferiority with their inevitable
defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war.'

- Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty
Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Made in us
Lieutenant General

Florence, KY

The Mercenaries Box Set Rulebook PDF has been uploaded, and can be accessed using the "Get Your Digital Downloads" button located on your survey at https://battletech-mercenaries.backerkit.com/.

The link also contains a number of digital goodies first made available in Backer Update #45, including Fortunes of War #1 and #2, Shrapnel: Year One Collection, digital wallpapers, and more!

'It is a source of constant consternation that my opponents
cannot correlate their innate inferiority with their inevitable
defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war.'

- Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty
Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Made in gb

 BrookM wrote:
How steep were the KS shipping fees for EU and UK backers? Kinda curious, as I wanted to order something from Catalyst during their sale and well.. after some messing around I came across this, wooooh! feth you ROW indeed.

From the chatter on discord they have a third party handling the store and while they are supposed to do international shipments they do not want too so have stuck the massive shipping charges on to stop people. For the last couple years they've been "SOON(tm)" on getting other distribution hubs.
Made in us
Lieutenant General

Florence, KY

Liya has posted a video on the Third Star League ForcePack

'It is a source of constant consternation that my opponents
cannot correlate their innate inferiority with their inevitable
defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war.'

- Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty
Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Made in us
Lieutenant General

Florence, KY

11am - 12pm ET: Leviathans News
12pm - 1p: BattleTech Announcements
1p - 2p: BattleTech Fiction
2p - 3p: BattleTech: Aces Announcements
3p - 5p: BattleTech: Aces Co-op Game
5p - 6p: BattleTech: Aces Solo Mode Game

From the BattleTech Forums

Lorcan Nagle wrote:BattleTech
Panel: Rem Alternis; Randall Bills; Ray Arrastia, BattleTech Line Developer (by video); Aaron Cahall, BattleTech Assistant Line Developer, Ray’s Therapist, External Hard Drive and Wartime Consigliere (by video)

-Recent book releases:
--Force Manual Kurita
---BattleTech and Alpha Strike force building companion
---Randall told Ray he felt a little bad for him, because he’ll be working on BattleTech for many years to come and he didn’t thin Ray would make a better book than this
---If the plastic minis are the most important thing done for BattleTech in the last 25 years, this is the second
---Ray was incredibly stressed out when the proof arrived, everyone left him alone with it for a little while
---It’s already gone back to reprint despite a large initial print run
---The book was a massive collaborative effort for all involved
--Hot Spots Hinterlands
---Randall had much less to do with this one - Ray, Aaron and Randall collaborate on the macro-scale, he gives them his ideas which they “run into the ground wonderfully”
---Ray shouted out Josh Franklin as the developer/Alpha Strike overseer/revamper of the campaign rules
---An expansion of Josh’s rules in the Mercs box set
---Even if you’re not running a mercs campaign, there’s a lot of useful material that you could use in your own games/campaigns.
---Aaron described it as the payoff for Tamar Rising, the way to bring it to the table
---He also shouted out the original 90s Hot Spots book, a collection of plot hooks for your Saturday game
---There’s a mission where you’re hired to protect nukes but you can steal them and deal with the aftermath
---There’ll be an AMA with Josh Franklin soon
-Upcoming releases
--BattleTech: Mercenaries box set
---Should be at retail in January
---The philosophy for the current box sets is that each one adds something else to your game, in this case campaign and battlefield support
---BattleTech is a combined arms universe, but mechs are the kings of the battlefield, the Battlefield support rules are meant to reinforce that.
---They’re not getting rid of the existing vehicle and infantry rules, this is just a way to bring support elements to the table easily. Randall doesn’t see himself going back to the old way fully
---Randall pointed out that you can mix and match. At Masters and Minions last year they had four SM1s on a table, three were battlefield support and one was Callandre Kell in a full record sheet version.
--ilKhan’s Eyes only
---Randall notes the campaign map in the back, Randall frequently apologies to Ray for dropping it on him and adding it to the book series at the last moment
---Randall shouted out the art team, saying that the space combat art is reaching the levels of what Doug Chaffee used to do, which is the highest compliment he can give
---The final sourcebook in the “clock face” series of campaign books and the first book of the ilClan cycle
---We get to see what’s happening in the middle of the Inner Sphere, and what’s happening on Terra
---We’re going to see things we’ve never seen happen in the Inner Sphere before
---Brings the Capellans, Wolves and the ilClan-loyal clans up to 3152
---Aaron shouted out Josh Perian, Stephen Toropov and Eric Salzman for developing and writing on the book. They took the top-level story ideas and turning them into a book. Paul Shardin did a lot of the early work, especially the logistics of unit moving around the map
---This was the most difficult of the books to make, and it makes a capstone for the arc.
---Aaron feels it’ll be well-received, and will turn the ilClan era into more of a setting that players will want to inhabit.
---The first two-thirds of the book is going to be similar to the first three books in the series, while the last section will recap the prior books and update the setting for each by a month or two
-Because of audio issues with Ray and Aaron’s video connections, Rem is going to have Ray and Aaron on Tuesday Newsday stream to talk through their points on the panel.
-While they had more products to show and talk about last year, the first half of the Kickstarter items are hitting retail between January and July.
-Randall was asked how he sees BattleTech going over the next five years. He talked about the world tour being so amazing, he hit 100,000 miles of travel during his flight to Pax. He has some side projects he wants to do, like the new 4X game, COMMAND, and writing his Nova Cat novel, but his big goal is to have BattleTech be mentioned in the same breath as Warhammer, D&D and Magic, so if a granny is going into a game shop to buy a present for her grandkid she’ll know the name when she’s talking to the staff. He mentioned a YouTube video from a couple of years back called “the coolest SF universe you’ve never heard of”, and how they’re still in that niche.
-Rem asked Randall for his one sentence pitch, he called it “Big stompy robots blowing stuff up.” Rem has two: “Game of Thrones with robots” and “40K but with hope”
-Mike Richie asked Randall what was BattleTech like, and Randall replied “I’m gonna talk for 20 minutes, is that OK?” Mike said yeah, so Randall proceed to infodump, and at the end Mike said “wow, this is much deeper than the box art suggests”
-Ray is very happy to see people finally getting their stuff, the videos and photos of unboxings
-New minis:
--McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry Assault Lance
---Barnes and Noble exclusive for six months.
---B&N have been very happy with BattleTech and having it in new venues is great for the game’s expansion
---Jumping Starslayer
---Black Knight repose
---Awesome 9Q
--Black Remnant Command Lance
---A lance covering the Penny Arcade guys’ let’s play series that’s been running for a couple of years
---It all began when the PA guys open the Alpha Strike box on-stream and Jerry was almost complaining that the box was too good, there was too much stuff in the box for the price
---They decided to stream the game and their Destiny/Alpha Strike hybrid with no house rules and it worked fine
---They approached CGL with the idea of doing a forcepack and it was developed in secret, it’s on sale at Pax
---Dragon Fire
---Blood Asp I
---Flashman repose
---Cyclops 11H (rocket launcher variant)
--Randall talked about how so many people talked to him on his world tour about how much they loved using rocket launcher mechs
---General release in Q1
--Third Star League Strike team
---Pre-painted Lament
--Battlefield Support: Emplacements
---A selection of bunkers and turrets
---These will be modular, so you can swap the turrets between the different bunkers and towers
---They’re working to make the turrets compatible with the LRM and SRM carrier missile pods
---The box will include BSP and Alpha Strike cards
---There will be BattleTech structure record sheets for them as a download too.
-Randall will be at the Roundtable in Gwelf in Toronto on Tuesday and Zulus on the 14th
-Randall talked about how he, Bryn and some friends who aren’t as BattleTech-literate have been playing MechWarrior 5: Clans. He and Bryn were excited when they got to Turtle Bay, while their friends were wondering what had them so giddy.

BattleTech Fiction

Panel: Michael Ciaravella, Author, CGL Events Manager; John Helfers, CGL Executive Editor; Bryan Young, fiction author (by video); Phil Lee, fiction and sourcebook author, Shrapnel editor, “CGL Swiss army knife” (by video)

-Letter of the Law by Phil Lee
--Not exactly a sequel to Hunting Season, more another novel in the FWL
--About a member of the Stewart family who decides to retake their homeworld now the Wolves aren’t defending it, and a lot of people are unhappy
--Phil ended up being the FWL expert by stepping up to write about then for a number of projects, and he ended up becoming an expert
When Shattered Fortress was being written, they had the idea to write and publish some novellas to promote it. Phil’s idea was to do the investigation into Jessica Marik’s death, and it became Hunting Season much further down the line. Phil basically fell in love with writing the League during this process.
-Shrapnel 19 drops next week.
--A lot of new authors
---Spirit Cat, Sea Fox and Periphery stories
---A fun article where a bunch of ComStar Adepts argue about which era of their history was best
-Fox Patrol
--Fox Tales was mentioned, a compilation of the initial Shrapnel stories plus a new one
--Lone Wolf and Fox will be released in a single volume with a new story called Jade Foxes, showing the battle of Sudeten from the Patrol’s point of view
--A short novel about the Lone Wolves after they arrive at Almotacen, ties into Hot Spots: Hinterlands
-Bryan has plans for Jiyi’s Falcons, one of the most consistent questions Bryan gets is when do they meet up with Stephanie Chistu, and this is still up in the air. Michael holds the keys to Stephanie’s side of the equation and Bryan the Jiyi, so they’ve been discussing it but there’s a lot of story to tell before it happens
-John is calling the next year for fiction “the year of Terra”
-Trial of Birthright by Michael Ciaravella is done!
--Out by the end of December
--The first of the Star League novels
--Picks up moments after the end of Hour of the Wolf
--Alaric need to figure out what he’s going to do and how he’s going to change the universe
--It’s more of a challenge than he’s expecting
--Out January 24th
--Also starts moments after the end of Hour of the Wolf
--The Sea Foxes are trying to find Tucker Harwell following his disappearance and the chase for him
--The events are all about the attempts to control the HPG network into the future
--As much as the book is stompy robots, it’s also a spy thriller
--Puts the technology and changing nature of the universe in the spotlight
--They’re going to be catching up with a lot of the surviving Republic and Dark Age characters over the next few novels
-Blood will Rise by Tom Leveen
--A follow-up to Blood will Tell by Jason Schmetzer
--Tom’s first full-length novel
--Out in April
--Deals with the Capellan attempts to breach the Fortress Wall, and Danais and Daoshen’s evolving relationship.
-The Long Road by Jason Hansa
--About Tara Campbell post-ilClan
--Out maybe for Gencon
--Jason pitched this to Ray last year and got it ready for publication in record time
-Other works brought up
--The founding of the Clans Trilogy, as a jumping on point for people who came in with MW5 Clans
--In The Shadow of the Dragon
---About Yori Kurita solidifying her grasp on the Draconis Combine
---Went through a lot of revision to encompass more detail around the Combine in the late Dark Age
---Starts with a murder mystery, ends with a mech battle
-Michael has three more BattleTech projects on the go
--A Treachery of Ravens, about the Snow Ravens is the only one mentioned
-They’re in the process of bringing back the BattleCorps anthologies back, new cover art, revised, proofed interiors
--The Corps is out now
--Some of the short novels will be brought back too
-Den of Wolves is progressing. John said three quarters done and he’s cracking the whip whenever he can
-Wars of Reaving Trilogy
--Craig and Jason are making good progress on their books
--Hoping to have them out next year
-Bryan has turned in a series of 4 novellas in the 30-40,000 word range covering the Ghost Bear civil war.
-Mike Stackpole and Bryan are hard at work on the graphic novels, the writing is almost done and it’ll be turned over to editorial soon.

BattleTech Aces
Panel: Michael Ciaravella; Randall Bills; Josh Derrickson, Aces Developer; Tommy Grofton, Lynnvander studios

-CGL have had a relationship with Lynnvander for some time, they’ve worked on games together. When Covid happened Randall and Bryn said they had a lot of time on their hands, so what can they do? Randall decided to become a miniatures games expert. One of the many games he played was Star Trek Alliance, a Lynnvander production. Randall and Bryn had a spreadsheet tracking elements of the games they played and Alliance had one of the best AI systems they’d seen. Randall and Bryn were thinking about how they could do something like this for Alpha Strike as they were working on the box set at the time. They pitched the idea to Tommy, and the initial idea was a deck of cards and a booklet. And then the project spiraled.
-Tommy talked about how they’d been pitching a lot of games unsuccessfully to Wizkids, and eventually they bit on Tommy’s offhand idea of making Attack Wing co-op. The game was barely being supported and Alliance ended up being a major revitalisation for Attack Wing.
-They are working on a BattleTech Aces version, but Alpha Strike was easier to do and was a better place to start.
-Aces is built around 200-400 point games, a couple of lances on the table. But there’s potential to build it out.
-When they decided the product shouldn’t just be a deck of cards they fixed on adding a narrative focus as BattleTech is such a narrative game and universe. The campaign has a sort of choose your own adventure vibe
-Randall noted that Lynnvander did a lot of work to delve into the universe so there was very little feedback CGL had on the detail front.
-Randall taught Josh BattleTech two years ago, he’s since read like 40 of the novels, many of the sourcebooks and TROs, and he says he knows BattleTech as well as Star Wars, which he’s been into since he was 14
-CGL believe so strongly in Aces that they are committed to four box sets, each one linked to one of the ilClan-era sourcebooks
-The first box is called Scouring Sands, set in Tamar Rising, followed by one for Empire Alone, Dominions Divided, and IlKhan’s Eyes Only
-Cover by Marco Mazzoni. New cover style, does a full wraparound onto the sides of the lid. Each box is themed to a biome
--New terrain
--Randall talked about the cardboard terrain in the Alpha Strike box, he didn’t get to see the buildings until a production set after championing them during production. He knew they had to add them to the Aces boxes as well.
hills. They’re functionally the same as buildings in terms of how they’re put together, but they help to break up the terrain. Josh was inspired by the depictions of Hall’s terrain in Embers of War. The larger hills are strong enough to hold 4 metal mech minis. They’re stackable and designed to easily be put beside each other to make bigger ones
--2-sided river and canyon pieces, they have jigsaw connections on the ends. 6 pieces in the box with endcaps, it’ll run about 4 feet long in total, pieces allow for bends in the rivers
--A trussed bridge
--MSRP is $79.99
--New reference card to make it easy to do combined arms
--Campaign book, at its core it’s a variation on Chaos Campaign
---Book may be spiral bound, the prototype they showed is but it might not make it to production
---The campaign is set on Apolakkia, on the border between the Alyina Mercantile League and Jiyi’s Falcons
---Each scenario has a 2-page spread, has some fiction by Russel Zimmerman and preface on one side, mat and force on the other
---Lots of tokens that trigger cutscenes as you play, there’s waypoint that triggera blurbs, many with gameplay effects in the back
--Edge point tokens with triggerable edge ability cards. Because Aces is meant to be co-op, players will have a small number of units so you can’t
--Cardboard tokens for infantry, armour and emplacements, plus Battlefield support cards even though there’s no other BattleTech content in the box
--Alpha Strike cards for a lot of units that have yet to have colour cards, such as Elementals and emplacements
--Aces decks, many changes since the open beta.
---There are now two card types, commanders and units
---The unit cards have three stances: balanced, aggressive or cautious.
---The commander cards will alter these behavioral stances, giving the units personalities
---There are now specialist roles, such as a Skirmisher (JMPS) that will more aggressively exploit the ability
---Wheeled and hover vehicles have a special deck, VTOLs will have a special deck too in a later product
--Randall talked about how a lot of people on his world tour told him their friends, family, partners and so on have gotten into BattleTech via Aces, because it’s co-op, which is a lot more popular these days. He hopes this will spark more co-op modes for minis games
---Similar to Alpha Strike, there are two brand-new minis in the set
----Thunderbolt IIc
----2 Fulcrum hovertanks
---Locust IIc 4
---Baboon 6
---Thor H
---Marauder IIc 6
---Rifleman C 2. The Project Phoenix-style fins will be an optional piece
---Kraken 3
Aces Actual Play
Players: Tommy Grofton, Josh Derrickson, Randall Bills

-Randall was up in Canada filming a MechWarrior Destiny game series with Lynnvander. The team is the Mech 7.
--Randall pilots a Banshee
--Tex an Awesome
--Tommy a Highlander
--Big Red a Wolverine
--Paul from Focht's News in a Spector
--New players Maryam and Sage piloting an Ostroc and Scorpion
-They played mission 00, which is going to be in each box set’s version is slightly different. It’s meant to have you playing a minor variation of the second training game in the Alpha Strike box set. But they’re using the Scouring Sands minis for the enemy and playing with the Mech 7
-After table setup they shuffled the waypoint tokens and placed them face down on the table.
--cripple three enemies
--Destroy up to 4 supply caches
--Lose no more than 4 units
--Game ends after 7 turns or when one force is wiped out
--Both sides were under forced withdrawal, there’s an aces card to cover the AI behaviour
--When a player unit is in 6” and LOS of one of the waypoints, reveal the token, 4 of them are cache buildings with CF 4, and have story elements that are revealed when the tokens are flipped
-Three named character units were given a random edge ability. In the regular games players get to pick their ability when creating their force.
-One player is designated commander. If the force commander on either side is destroyed, you have -2 to initiative for the rest of the game.
-There is an initiative track, allows you to note which turn you’re on and who won initiative.
-Aces defaults to front-loaded initiative
-You place the aces deck for a unit below the unit card, and just slide the unit card off to check turn order and instructions,
-The aces cards have conditions on them to determine whether they fight cautious, balanced or aggressive in a given turn. The commander card will help with target selection.
-The attack instructions are now on the back of the card, so after you move you flip the card over and put it back under the stat card after movement to indicate the user has moved and you can’t see the fire instructions yet. The attack instructions also have an order of actions, which isn’t always the same as the move order. After you fire you just slide the card to the bottom of the deck and you’re ready for next turn.
-Aces uses multiple attack rolls by default.
-There are three default edge abilities you can use
--Increase or decrease one weapon dice roll by one per turn
--Reroll a motive crit on a vehicle a character is controlling
--Reroll a critical hit against a unit a character is controlling
-The commander’s deck changes at the end of the turn based on the events in the current turn, you check conditions and might swap out the commander card based on the instructions.
-Some events will trigger on turn changes as well, for example in turn 2 the players got a -2 to their initiative roll. But still won the roll.
-At the start of Turn 4 a waypoint on the turn track was triggered that gave the AI player reinforcements
-At the end of the game there's an evaluation that gives different dialogue depending on the victory conditions

We now know where the Dragon Fire will be showing up. The 'Mechs are the Dragon Fire 3F, Cyclops 11H, Flashman 10E and Blood Asp I.

The Thunderbolt IIC from Anthony Scroggins' Patreon (plus a bonus -- the BattleTech Aces boxed set contents!):

In the comments section :

Q : Given the Kerenskycon roadmap was given and the mechs you have been working on, we can infer based on the rough roadmap how far you are in the redesigns. Without naming anything specifically, are you able to disclose if anything on that roadmap has changed? i.e., have any changes been made, like the content of any force packs changed or new force packs inserted? I understand if you are not able to even say that much, but I thought it was worth asking.

A : Definitely changes. Hence seeing things that aren't on the road map. We're not that far ahead haha.

[Thumb - Thunderbolt IIC Sketch Revised.jpg]

[Thumb - IMG_9238 Turrets.jpeg]

This message was edited 9 times. Last update was at 2024/12/07 00:09:31

'It is a source of constant consternation that my opponents
cannot correlate their innate inferiority with their inevitable
defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war.'

- Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty
Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Made in be
Monstrous Master Moulder

Still not a single update for me (or anyone) in Europe, despite posting 2 weeks ago about the lack of updates.

Since then, CGL has had to retract their statement about adress verifications being send out to the EU and had to come clean that the EU shipment is suddenly stuck in customs.

How on earth does something suddenly get held up for weeks in customs now... When CGL has been claiming that most of the EU product has been in the EU hubs since their update on Agust 28th about only a few more items being missing to begin fulfilment in this region.

Things are seriously not adding up here. Honestly, it just seems like CGL isn't shy about lying about these sorts of things and even had the audacity to e-mail backers of BT mercenaries about yet another KS they are launching despite having several active ones in various stages of fulfilment.

This KS came with a "premium shipping pricetag" (I've honestly had several tons of equipment/statues/concrete delivered for my garden for less than what they charged me) only to end up with bottom of the barrel shipping and handling. Never again.

The boy, I say, the boy is as sharp as a sack of wet mice... 
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

Same. If I ever need any more mechs after this they will be printed.

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in us
Lieutenant General

Florence, KY

Dragon Fire from the Black Remnant ForcePack with optional dorsal gun

[Thumb - Dragonfire Sculpt.jpg]

'It is a source of constant consternation that my opponents
cannot correlate their innate inferiority with their inevitable
defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war.'

- Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty
Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Made in us
Lieutenant General

Florence, KY

A better pic of the ACES release, plus a little bit of Fox Patrol merch at the bottom right.

[Thumb - Batt;eTech ACES.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/09 21:17:08

'It is a source of constant consternation that my opponents
cannot correlate their innate inferiority with their inevitable
defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war.'

- Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty
Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Made in jp
Battleship Captain

The Land of the Rising Sun

 Elmir wrote:
Still not a single update for me (or anyone) in Europe, despite posting 2 weeks ago about the lack of updates.

Since then, CGL has had to retract their statement about adress verifications being send out to the EU and had to come clean that the EU shipment is suddenly stuck in customs.

How on earth does something suddenly get held up for weeks in customs now... When CGL has been claiming that most of the EU product has been in the EU hubs since their update on Agust 28th about only a few more items being missing to begin fulfilment in this region.

Things are seriously not adding up here. Honestly, it just seems like CGL isn't shy about lying about these sorts of things and even had the audacity to e-mail backers of BT mercenaries about yet another KS they are launching despite having several active ones in various stages of fulfilment.

This KS came with a "premium shipping pricetag" (I've honestly had several tons of equipment/statues/concrete delivered for my garden for less than what they charged me) only to end up with bottom of the barrel shipping and handling. Never again.

Asia was alreading being packaged 2 weeks ago, and yet not a peep. Maybe it's because there are millions of us...


Jenkins: You don't have jurisdiction here!
Smith Jamison: We aren't here, which means when we open up on you and shred your bodies with automatic fire then this will never have happened.

About the Clans: "Those brief outbursts of sense can't hold back the wave of sibko bred, over hormoned sociopaths that they crank out though." 
Made in us
Lieutenant General

Florence, KY

From the BattleTech Forums:

Lorcan Nagle wrote:Randall is going to be on the Six Sides of Gaming YouTube/Twitch channels today at 1PM Eastern for an Aces tutorial


From the BattleTech Forums

Lorcan Nagle wrote:Episode 36

10th December 2024
Guests: Ray Arrastia, BattleTech Line Developer; Aaron Cahall, BattleTech Assistant Line Developer

-Recap of Pax announcements
-Mercenaires retail release

-Ray talked about Hot Spots Hinterlands, about how the book picks up where the campaign material in the Mercs box leaves off. The Hinterlands has been very popular, reminding a lot of players of the chaos March and a great place to put your unit.
-Hot Spots: Draconis Reach. Expected in late 2025, maybe 2026, a book on the FedSuns/Combine border post retaking of the Dragon’s Tongue
-Aaron talked about how a lot of the sourcebooks in recent years were more story than game aids, and they want to change the balance so there’s more gaming material again.
-IlKhan’s Eyes Only.
--The last in the line of Sourcebooks about the aftermath of the battle of Terra.
--Goes through what happens behind the Fortress Wall, the space around Terra and what happens when the wall comes down.
--Takes place over about 18 months.
--Will have a section that moves beyond the ends of the prior three books.
--The book was very hard to do, which is part of why it was the last of the 4 books to be done.
--Aaron described it as “the Dog caught the car, what next?”
--Aaron shouted out Josh Perian as developer, and Wunji Lau, Stephen Toropov and Eric Salzman’s work on the book
--Alaric’s comeuppance will come, but they want people to almost feel bad for him when it happens, and they hope that journey starts here.
-Force Manuals
--Mercs is up next
--Invading Clans is well into development
--In early Development on Steiner
-They’ve had some pitches on other books, they’re looking at FASA products as well to see what kind of books they could bring back
-Ray would like to know what people would like to see
-They’re slowing down on plot sourcebooks for the moment while the fiction expands into the space they’ve created
-They’re going to focus on the rules side, slowly revamping and developing.
-Ray is looking forward to faction-oriented packs, two FedSuns ones are up first, then two Draconis Combine
-He’s also looking forward to retooling things. He mentioned Fox Patrol has been added to the list and is going to try and get that pushed as high up the list as he can.
-Ray and Aaron are both looking forward to the Ares forcepack. It’ll have all the omnipods for the different weapons configurations
-There are a number of products they’re working on now that they can’t talk about yet that Ray is looking forward to people seeing. He talked about how he doesn’t get jaded about waiting for work to get out after he’s finished with it, he feels like the payoff is worth it when people are excited to see it. Aaron likes the hype cycle as they build up to releases

-Any word on the Premium BattleMaster and Wolverine being added to the Webstore? Unsure, Rem will ask again
-When will the patches from the Mercs Kickstarter be available for sale? They haven’t seen anything on the schedule. As the patches would be webshop/con products they’re not on the retail list.
-Any update on EU Kickstarter fulfillment? Rem hasn’t heard, she usually follows up with QML on Monday but missed that due to travel, she’ll be contacting them this week, hoping to have an update this week.
-If we’re not going to see awesome warship battles in the ilClan era, can we get some more in past eras? There’s naval action in ilKhan’s eyes only at least
-Is there any insight into why tanks traditionally operate in matched pairs? It’s way before Ray and Aaron’s time. There’s a lot of military tradition involved in the early history of BattleTech but Ray doesn’t know it.
-Can we have flare LRMs back? No
-Can we get light mech-centred forcepacks? It’s on the list, Ray still wants to do a Bug Company with lances made up of wasp, stinger, locust and like one more light, maybe the Valkyrie. Nothing solid yet, though.
-Any updates on the Brush Wars PDFs? The problem is the layout pipeline, they don’t have the assets to spare right now. It’s neck and neck between it and Print on Demand for stalled products that needs a layout person attached.
-When will the ELH Dice pucks and athletic shirts be back on the webstore? Not sure on dice pucks but a T-shirt order is going out soon. QML will be returning unused dice pucks from the kickstarter soon but no idea what will be in the list.
-Are all forcepacks planned for Clan Invasion, will they all need ilClan supplements, how much will the PDFs cost? Yes, yes, and price isn’t finalised yet. When the first two supplements are in the can they’ll know more.
-When will the force manual supplements will be out? Probably Q1 2025
-Any plans for Destiny sourcebooks? Not yet.
-Any RPG stuff in the pipeline? Nothing solid
-Any plans to offer the plastic minis individually? No, it’s not an option presently. They said it’s not an issue because of IWM’s license, which is a common assumption. It would be a lot of SKUs to add to the product line to do all the forcepack minis individually
-Any updates on MUL 2.0? Not at this time. Josh Perian is moving forward, Aaron shouted out Josh’s heroic efforts
-Are there plans for improving logistics to get products to us? There are plans in motion like a webshop upgrade, discussion with international distribution partners, but they’re reluctant to make any statements until contracts are signed or delays happen.
-There will be a Hinterlands AMA with Josh Franklin in the CGL Discord on Saturday

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/12/10 22:13:38

'It is a source of constant consternation that my opponents
cannot correlate their innate inferiority with their inevitable
defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war.'

- Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty
Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

Another stunning lesson in clarity and transparency…

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in pl
Been Around the Block

Some pretty exciting things on the list, hopefully with the KS almost done, they can focus on those. I'd love to see the new MUL if only to finally have updated ilclan availability data.

IKEO should be a fun book too. I think I'd be fine with the timeline stalling there.
Aces reveal at PAX was a surprise, and its nice that it basically doubles as a force-pack for AML/Falcon remnants.
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