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Big Fortress Thingy. I've seen the Sprues.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Saw these today.

Not a great deal to tell, other than it is HUGE. Seriously, massively HUGE. The Angel bit alone is easily 9 or 10 inches.

The kit comes with not one, but two Missile Silos. One is covered up by the twin-lascannons, the other obviously not. However, there is only one twin las-cannon, as it's spread over the two silo sprues.

For those worried about it looking too Dark Angelly, don't panic too much. The cap which covers up the Missile Silo is double sided, Winged Sword is on one side, the other is a plain old Aquila.

Oh, and it's big enough that it could be used for Inquisitor. If you sorted out the door which is a bit weeny.

Made in us
Bane Knight

Washington DC metro area.


edit: hosted locally now

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/11/21 21:50:56

Special unique snowflake of unique specialness (+1/+3versus werewolves)
Alternatively I'm a magical internet fairy.
Pho indignation *IS* the tastiest form of angry!
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

That's the ones.

Did I miss a pre-existing thread? If so, apologies to the Mods.

Made in us
Bane Knight

Washington DC metro area.

Nope. From somewhere else. I'm protecting my source.

Special unique snowflake of unique specialness (+1/+3versus werewolves)
Alternatively I'm a magical internet fairy.
Pho indignation *IS* the tastiest form of angry!
Made in gb
Killer Klaivex

Oldgrue, you've got the same keyboard as me.

How much are these going to cost again?

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

£60, minus the 2.5% VAT thingy.

Made in us
Prescient Cryptek of Eternity

Mayhem Comics in Des Moines, Iowa

Surprised to find out the missile silos are on one of the lower levels, and not the top of that tall tower.

Made in us
Bane Knight

Washington DC metro area.

Not my Keyboard. Yoinked a friend's photos.
Mine's still a ps/2 cream colored monstrosity that clicks like a typewriter.

Special unique snowflake of unique specialness (+1/+3versus werewolves)
Alternatively I'm a magical internet fairy.
Pho indignation *IS* the tastiest form of angry!
Made in us
Warp-Screaming Noise Marine

Centerville MA

Thats what i thought. Imagine how pissed the Devastators would be when there up top while the missles fire off. Ouch

Made in us
Bane Knight

Washington DC metro area.

All that said the thing is xbox huge. GW seems to have their lessons on large panels in place. Makes it easier to believe in a thunderhawk kit coming in plastic.

Special unique snowflake of unique specialness (+1/+3versus werewolves)
Alternatively I'm a magical internet fairy.
Pho indignation *IS* the tastiest form of angry!
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

I wonder how flexible the kit is. One huge fortress is not all that useful but if it could be broken into 2 bunkers and a building that would be great.

Anyone care to guess?

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Hard to tell without having a squizz at the instructions I'm afraid.

However, I am pretty confident that you could use the bits in the kit to make one of the Annexes a seperate Bunker. How much would be left and what you can (or more importantly can't) do with it is a different story.

Will endeavour to pick one up next week and have a good old fashioned tinker with it.

Made in jp
Anti-piracy Officer

Somewhere in south-central England.

Kid_Kyoto wrote:I wonder how flexible the kit is. One huge fortress is not all that useful but if it could be broken into 2 bunkers and a building that would be great.

Anyone care to guess?

The cynic in me says that flexibility isn't what GW are interested in, unless it comes through buying additional parts.

Amazing flexibility can be got out of a kit like this by the magic of the jeweller's saw and plasticard.

I'm writing a load of fiction. My latest story starts here... This is the index of all the stories...

We're not very big on official rules. Rules lead to people looking for loopholes. What's here is about it. 
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Or multiples of the kit.

Look at that massive fortress wall they made out of nothing but bastion parts.
Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

I doubt this one is modular like the Bastion kit. I'll only get one.

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

You might be able to bash two together, with a single tower surrounded by 4 Missile Silos.

Again, without the instructions, I can't be sure. But worth investigating, as it would make a kick arse objective for Apocalypse (missile silos active) or plain old 40k (missile silos inactive)

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Ashkerly, there's an assembly guide in WD360.

With two, I'm now pretty sure you can have a single tower surrounded with Weapon Systems.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/11/22 01:24:12

Made in us
Nimble Dark Rider


Would make a nice Epic-scale fortress monastery with Defence Laser battery and Deathstrike Missile Launcher. Too bad it's $99...

WHFB: D.Elves 4000, VC 2000, Empire 2000
Epic: 3250, 5750, 4860
Made in au
Tunneling Trygon

It looks awesome. Shame I can't be bothered to get one.
Made in au
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

Australia, Victoria

I might have to grab one as a masterpeice for my display board or something at home... then again it could also be a awesome centerpeice for a FLGS's table.

Sad that they keep focusing on imperial defences tho.. i seriously want some more xeno stuff... come on tau bunkers and walls, i would buy 10 sets of them in a heartbeat ;p

My Youtube channel.
"What is a Belmont? A miserable pile of whips and sub-weapons." 
Made in au
Tunneling Trygon

Tyranid scenery would be a cinch. Imperial bastion, a few half eaten corpses drooping off the edge. Oh and some really tall plants.
Made in au
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

Australia, Victoria

Tim the Biovore wrote:Tyranid scenery would be a cinch. Imperial bastion, a few half eaten corpses drooping off the edge. Oh and some really tall plants.

True that... since the nid codex is just around the corner, a few peices of tyranid infested or even tyranid terrain itself would work wonders for some people and their imangination ;p

I've seen some of the forge world nid peices, they look ace ;p

My Youtube channel.
"What is a Belmont? A miserable pile of whips and sub-weapons." 
Made in us
Prescient Cryptek of Eternity

Mayhem Comics in Des Moines, Iowa

I plan on getting one for the FLGS terrain, already got half of what I need for it in the fund and should get the rest from the tournament next weekend.

Also been putting together a nice alien jungle terrain set, pretty much entirely from aquarium plans and decoration. It'll be a joint Tyranid/Nurgle table when I'm done with the stuff.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka


Im just relieved it has a lot of skulls.. I mean I probably wouldnt have even bought it if it didnt have the REQUIRED "pile o' skulls" somewhere on the model

Keeper of the DomBox
Warhammer Armies - Click to see galleries of fully painted armies
32,000, 19,000, Renegades - 10,000 , 7,500,  
Made in us
Shas'o Commanding the Hunter Kadre


Aduro wrote:Also been putting together a nice alien jungle terrain set, pretty much entirely from aquarium plans and decoration. It'll be a joint Tyranid/Nurgle table when I'm done with the stuff.

Indie stores are so...barbaric. I mean making jungle terrain without using GW's $40 aquarium plants or GW plastic trees? Madness!

I bet you even use...*gasp* alternative models in your armies, don't you?!

Anyway...it seems like a fun piece of terrain, but I'm a bit turned off by the fact that it's apparently a holiday-only release and won't be available throughout the year. I hate that kinda crap and think it's a bad move on GW's part.

 Desubot wrote:
Why isnt Slut Wars: The Sexpocalypse a real game dammit.

"It's easier to change the rules than to get good at the game." 
Made in us
Prescient Cryptek of Eternity

Mayhem Comics in Des Moines, Iowa

Off hand, I can't think of any non-GW figs in my armies. Non-GW Bitz sure, but still not very many.

And nope, no GW plastic trees. They're too small for me. Don't really block any kind of LOS. I use lizard/fish tank bonsai trees from Petsmart. They're probably a good 5" wide at the base of the average one. If I ever got around to making the brush, that'd be another finished table theme.

And last I heard, the fortress wasn't holiday only, just that it would only be in local stores for the holiday. After that it would be a direct only item from the on-line shop.

Made in gb

Devon, UK

Both the flgs I've been to are saying they hope to get it in but cant guarantee it...

Digitus Impudicus!
Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

Bristol, England

I had a bit of a play around with this kit on thursday evening.
My GW, where we hold our club night, opened a couple and started to assemble the main towers as gate houses with a door made from the Shrine of the Aquila.
It's going to be huge when it's all done.
There are definate dark angel shields that would need grinding off/covering up for use with other chapters.
I'm amazed that they didn't make these seperate with options for other chapters.

Oli: Can I be an orc?
Everyone: No.
Oli: But it fits through the doors, Look! 
Made in us
Anointed Dark Priest of Chaos

So what are the dimensions for the square area that the DA tower piece sits on? It looks to be about a 5" per side square. Is this accurate?

I'm thinking a tower made from the Aquila looking sides of the other recent GW kit or even a double high Bastion tower (minus the base) would look good on this kit in plase of the DA tower.


++ Death In The Dark++ A Zone Mortalis Hobby Project Log: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/663090.page#8712701
Made in us
Cowboy Wannabe


I like this thing in general... but not the monster skulls and the dark angel themed parts.

Wonder why it is not a generic Imperial peice?

Made in us
Automated Rubric Marine of Tzeentch

VA Beach

Kits required to make a good Imperial City: Hundreds of dollars
Kits Required to make a great Titan from scratch: Thousands of dollars
Having these on your table and seeing the reaction of your opponent: Priceless

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/11/23 21:53:32

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