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Made in no
Longtime Dakkanaut

Rats. Rats with automatic weapons.

Also sounds like next week is the ratling gun

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/06 13:25:53

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

 Overread wrote:
That canister on its back looks like they've gone from warlock "matchlock" design rifles to something that fires with gas pressure from a warpstone fuelled thingy.

Which is a really interesting evolution of the model considering that 1st generation ones were fully matchlock style with the little ammo pouches that you'd "bite to open" from the Napoleonic era.

Article describes the gas being solidified into Warpstone shards, which form the projectile.

I kinda like that. A design tweaked and arguably improved.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Arguably the AoS setting is more technologically advanced. A touch closer to early steam-punk era. So having races like the Skaven with more advanced weapons than in the past makes a lot of sense.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

yeah, this certainly doesn't feel out of place in a setting that also includes things like the KO

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in at
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Rats. Rats with automatic weapons.

Also sounds like next week is the ratling gun

Next week isn't just the ratling gun, next week is the reveal show for the full box
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Not sure if anyone put it over here, buuut...
Compete against your friends using rules from the BRAND NEW EDITION AGE OF SIGMAR!
Included in your ticket are:
One pre-assembled and primed blind box of Spearhead models
An introduction to the Spearhead format from the people who designed it!
Two games on both Friday and Saturday evening (these will not interfere with the Grand Tournament schedule)
Spearhead is a new format of Age of Sigmar with simplified rules that ensures fast, exciting, and intense game play with rounds usually lasting about an hour! This is the perfect opportunity to become familiar with the new edition of Age of Sigmar before it releases and earn a competitive edge!

Due to the nature of this event, photography will not be allowed

This is for the US Open in Dallas.
Made in no
Longtime Dakkanaut

I wonder if they will do a full reveal or just use existing forces and try and keep the rest of the box under wraps?
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

It's reading like it will be the various Spearhead forces, which means the Vanguards repurposed in some cases.
Full reveal will be next week though.
You’ll see it all for the first time at a live event broadcast from the Dallas Open, where we’ll reveal the name of the box and show off everything inside. Then there’ll be a series of demo Spearhead games hosted by commentators Paul, Nick and Adam, and there’ll even be an appearance from some special guests
Made in ie
Gangly Grot Rebel


 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:

Jezzails are pretty nasty in this edition – Wounding on 3+, they get 2 Attacks dealing 2 Damage each with 2 Rend, and their Warpstone Snipers action grants them +1 to Hit if they don’t move. No Stormcast Eternal, no matter how ornate their armour, nor grim their purpose, is safe from these fizzing fusillades.

I know if they do them this time round it would most likely be the bog standard stormvermin models, or even slaves/clan rats. But I would love it if these are released as the easy to build pocket money sized kits that they bring out once the initial big FOMO box kit is done with (like the Myrmourn Banshees one, or the SC sequitors). Small cheap 1 or 2 kits per box for around €10 at a FLGS

I'd have my store order like 10 per month and add them to every other pre-order I make just so eventually I'd end up getting to play a mega sized game with a big hill that really would just be my collection of classic jezzails, leading a sea of these ones.


Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
I wonder if they will do a full reveal or just use existing forces and try and keep the rest of the box under wraps?

they did a similar event last year for 10th edition, and iirc they had all the new models at the event, but my memory is faulty at best, and google isn't helping. gonna lean towards full reveal, tho

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in gb
Gore-Drenched Khorne Chaos Lord

 StudentOfEtherium wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
I wonder if they will do a full reveal or just use existing forces and try and keep the rest of the box under wraps?

they did a similar event last year for 10th edition, and iirc they had all the new models at the event, but my memory is faulty at best, and google isn't helping. gonna lean towards full reveal, tho

They also got a lot of rules wrong and didn't use the full or balanced forces for 40k iirc.
Made in fi
Charging Wild Rider


New jezzails are worth the wait (all 2 decades of it!).

This is shaping up to be one of the best things since the launch of AoS. Have already started a new Total War Ikit campaign in anticipation of all the Skryre goodies to come.
Made in gb
Crafty Bray Shaman

Anor Londo

I like the Jezzails, but I don't understand why the painter has painted so much verdigris onto the wooden shield
Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

Shield-bearer for the Jezzail weapon team has to be the most sought after job for a right-minded Skaven in all of Skavendom. Not only are you far away(ideally) from the enemy, you are also behind a big shield, with arguably the most stable and accurate Skaven weapon system at your back.

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


 nels1031 wrote:
Shield-bearer for the Jezzail weapon team has to be the most sought after job for a right-minded Skaven in all of Skavendom. Not only are you far away(ideally) from the enemy, you are also behind a big shield, with arguably the most stable and accurate Skaven weapon system at your back.

There's also a Skaven behind you with a really big knife....

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in no
Longtime Dakkanaut

Even skaven aren't usually dumb enough to stab the meat shield that's right in front of them.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Overread wrote:
 nels1031 wrote:
Shield-bearer for the Jezzail weapon team has to be the most sought after job for a right-minded Skaven in all of Skavendom. Not only are you far away(ideally) from the enemy, you are also behind a big shield, with arguably the most stable and accurate Skaven weapon system at your back.

There's also a Skaven behind you with a really big knife....

Inquisitor Gideon wrote:Even skaven aren't usually dumb enough to stab the meat shield that's right in front of them.

I thought backstabbing was instinctual for skaven. You see a back, you put a knife in. This is the way. No thought, just action. I’m sure the shield guy is safe while the gunner is having fun with his toy, but once that stops, the knife might come out. Especially if there were any issues (real or imagined) with the shield’s performance during the battle.

And “stable” for skaven tech is still not safe to be around. And if the canister on the gunners back is any indication, this is not any better. Containers hooked up to skaven weapons are never something you want to be around, especially in battlefield conditions.

But to be fair, while it’s still crazy dangerous to be the shield guy on a Jezzail team, it’s all relative. There might be safer places to be, but not many.

Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


 Nevelon wrote:
I thought backstabbing was instinctual for skaven. You see a back, you put a knife in. This is the way. No thought, just action.
That's Hobgoblins.
Lexicanum wrote:Hobgoblins are known for being the most traitorous creatures in the world. "Backstabbing a friend" is often referred to literally in Hobgoblin society, so much that they have evolved a hard flat bone backplate where a stab is most likely.

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Hobby Blog
Made in no
Longtime Dakkanaut

Something seraphon incoming. Looks fancy enough to be new temple guard.
[Thumb - hVMobPXxWJsyIyvx.jpg]

Made in us
Pragmatic Primus Commanding Cult Forces

Southeastern PA, USA

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Something seraphon incoming. Looks fancy enough to be new temple guard.

Agree...and a new TG kit is definitely needed.

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Best Appearance - GW Baltimore GT 2008, Colonial GT 2012


Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Not that I think this is linked to this, but those spikes look very similar to the ones on the back of two of the plastic Flesh Hounds...

2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG

My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...

Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...

tneva82 wrote:
You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... 
Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

 Dysartes wrote:
Not that I think this is linked to this, but those spikes look very similar to the ones on the back of two of the plastic Flesh Hounds...

Arbaal the Undefeated returns!!!!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/07 22:47:25

Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

i like this. seems clearer than 10th edition (as has been said about all these changes)

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in no
Longtime Dakkanaut

Gives me middle earth vibes again with these rules.
Made in no
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Shakalooloo wrote:
 Dysartes wrote:
Not that I think this is linked to this, but those spikes look very similar to the ones on the back of two of the plastic Flesh Hounds...

Arbaal the Undefeated returns!!!!

The worst named character in Warhammer history.
Made in us
Cold-Blooded Saurus Warrior

Xalapa, Veracruz

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Incoming Warlock Engineer

Hey-hey look-see, buddy-pal, I'm a Warlock Engineer. That means I solve-fix problems-issues.
Not problems-issues like "What-what is beauty?", because that would fall-descend within the purview-scope of your conundrums-enigmas of philosophy.
I solv-fix practical-easy problems-issues.
...How am I going to stop-keep some big-big mean-nasty mother hubbard from tearing-destroyin me a structurally superfluous new behind-back?
The answer...
...use a gun. And if that don't work-work....
...use more gun.
Like this heavy caliber, tripod-mounted, little ol' number designed by me...
...Built by me...
...and you'd best hope-wish... not pointed at you.

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Her grimace is massive. Only downside. Also not gonna paint the "fire" of the wings that way.

Here hoping they don't just come as javelins and tridents but also come with hammers and great weapons.

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Changes to endless spells kicks butt, I always hated that they costed points and you need a caster or adjacent to stop them.


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Terrain on the launch box alongside a board is just as good.

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 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Something seraphon incoming. Looks fancy enough to be new temple guard.

This makes me hard as an alligator (trivia: gators are always hard).

Automatically Appended Next Post:
New Jezzails are a much needed improvement, and I'm keen on the new terrain.

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2024/05/12 17:36:16

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Depends if it's just the starter box kit or they get a full kit release. I could see extra weapons in a full kit.
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Gryph hound is awesome because gryph hound.
[Thumb - p9X4CA3wY2rnrrYy.jpg]

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Oh they REALLY went to town with the fur effect!

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