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Hive Fleet Ouroboros (Last update: GW Tyrannofex and Flyrant)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in de
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Hi folks,

here I will post updates for my Ouroboros Hive Fleet. Half of them were painted about two years ago with old washes, some 110 got painted in the last 4 weeks with the new washes (and everything else the same) and look much better.

First some highlights:



Genestealers (Space Hulk)

Doom of Malan'tai (right, Troll Forged model)

Mycetic Spore (old Epicast model)

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2012/08/02 18:54:40

Hive Fleet Ouroboros (my Tyranid blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/286852.page
The Dusk-Wraiths of Szith Morcane (my Dark Eldar blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/364786.page
Kroothawk's Malifaux Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/455759.page
If you want to understand the concept of the "Greater Good", read this article, and you never again call Tau commies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism 
Made in dk
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge

Copenhagen, Denmark

Looking good!

...Now go visit paypal so I can send out your new pods!

Made in ca
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine

In a Toyota, plotting revenge.

Awesome choice of colours!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Great technique btw. Now do this on 50 more models.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/03/31 01:01:11

metallifan said: I almost wonder is "Matt Ward" another pen name for C.S. Goto?
metallifan said: The Imperium would probably love Hitler...
Play KoL! Click my sig to go to the main website and sign up!
Made in ca
Blood Angel Chapter Master with Wings

Sunny SoCal

Wow, really well done Kroot!

The color choice was really ballsy, done wrong it could have been very watermelon-ish, but you have pulled off the right balance by muting the tones and thoughtful application. I particularly like that it evokes both reptilian and insect qualities.

The subtle touch of the Trygon tail conversion is also very nice. The only thing I would possible add is possibly a satin or gloss coat on the fleshy bit to vary the finish texture and shine.

Good stuff!

Made in gb
Hungry Little Ripper

Portsmouth, UK

Awesome nids man!!!

Made in au
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets



Made in au
Member of the Malleus


colors are a great combination giving it that organic look! loving it

"I am the hammer,
i am the right hand of my emperor,
the instrument of his will,
the tip of his spear, the edge of his sword"  
Made in de
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Thanks for the kind words!

Painting scheme goes like this:
Body Rotting Flesh (!), Carapace Gretchin Green, Joints/mouth/flesh/details Dwarven Flesh, more details: Terracotta.
Good amount of Ogryn Flesh over everything.
Drybrush Rotting Flesh over Carapace.
Teeth and claws Deneb Stone accentuated with Gryphonne Sepia, eyes Warlock purple.

Yes, the Ogryn Flesh completely changes the character of Rotting Flesh. And I wished, I had this Ogryn Flesh instead of the old Flesh Wash two years ago, flows much better and more controlled.

The scheme was inspired and is a simplified version of Moloch's Ouroboros scheme as featured in Imperial Armour 4 and here http://www.hivefleetmoloch.de/hive_fleet_ouroboros.php .

My simplified scheme is fast: One day glueing, one day base coat and basic colours. one day mistake corrections, Ogryn Flesh and details. 20 gaunts, sometimes more in that way.

Here some more:

Hive Guard

Warriors (Rogue Trader, left plastic, right metal, now with bone sword rules again)

Tervigon (actually old Armorcast Malefactor, got 2 of those, painted with old inks)

Tervigon alternative (if I need a third, Horrorclix Alien Queen, painted with old inks)

Tyrannofex (actually Armorcast Exocrine, got 2 of those, painted with old inks)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/03/31 12:02:30

Hive Fleet Ouroboros (my Tyranid blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/286852.page
The Dusk-Wraiths of Szith Morcane (my Dark Eldar blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/364786.page
Kroothawk's Malifaux Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/455759.page
If you want to understand the concept of the "Greater Good", read this article, and you never again call Tau commies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism 
Made in au
Tunneling Trygon

Nice, I like the Trygon especially.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Lancaster PA

Nice color scheme. It is nice to see a more subdued, natural scheme as opposed to the studio OMG LOOK AT HOW ALIIEEEEEEN I AM !! they have going often (Not that the studio schemes look bad exactly)

Woad to WAR... on Celts blog, which is mostly Circle Orboros
"I'm sick of auto-penetrating attacks against my behind!" - Kungfuhustler 
Made in de
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Just painted 2 new Mycetic Spores by Crusader casting, shown here with some size comparisons:

With Megabloks Spore Pod (right) and Armorcast Alien Pod (closed, middle):

With Epicast Mycetic Spore (the original Spore Pod, right), the Armorcast Alien Pod (open, middle in the back) and Forge World Brood Nest (middle front, painted with old flesh wash):

Also from todays photo session some Tyranid terrain:

Forge World Spore Chimney:

Ziterdes Digestion Pool:

Forge World Capillary Towers (left and right) plus Armorcast Alien Sucker Plant (middle):

Hive Fleet Ouroboros (my Tyranid blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/286852.page
The Dusk-Wraiths of Szith Morcane (my Dark Eldar blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/364786.page
Kroothawk's Malifaux Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/455759.page
If you want to understand the concept of the "Greater Good", read this article, and you never again call Tau commies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism 
Made in ca
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine

In a Toyota, plotting revenge.

Sweet stuff! The 2 spore pods are pretty cool looking.

metallifan said: I almost wonder is "Matt Ward" another pen name for C.S. Goto?
metallifan said: The Imperium would probably love Hitler...
Play KoL! Click my sig to go to the main website and sign up!
Made in ca
Blood Angel Chapter Master with Wings

Sunny SoCal

That is a ridiculously large amount and variety of nid scenery, nice!

Do you have a pic of your whole force kicking about? Curious what the lot would look like...

Made in de
Decrepit Dakkanaut

MajorTom11 wrote:Do you have a pic of your whole force kicking about? Curious what the lot would look like...

Only an army shot 2 years old with only half the force (140 models). I am planning to do a new one when the last big bunch of miniatures is painted.

Currently there are 25 Genestealer Cult miniatures in the works, would be a shame not to included them in the new army shot. I will use them "counting as" Termagants, as gaunts have lost all non-human stats (fleet, live ammunition) with the new Codex. I have not decided yet, if I wait for my Ymgarl Genestealers (with Chapterhouse heads by Navarro) and Tyranid Prime (based on 2nd edition Hive Tyrant) to be ready.

I am still reluctant to show my old models, as they were painted with the old Flesh Wash that is far inferior to the new Ogryn Flesh, even when the rest of the painting scheme is exactly the same.

Hive Fleet Ouroboros (my Tyranid blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/286852.page
The Dusk-Wraiths of Szith Morcane (my Dark Eldar blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/364786.page
Kroothawk's Malifaux Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/455759.page
If you want to understand the concept of the "Greater Good", read this article, and you never again call Tau commies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism 
Made in ca
Blood Angel Chapter Master with Wings

Sunny SoCal

I hear ya, and understand. I was more curious to see the scope of miniatures you have than the paint jobs as I know those are still i.p. Looks like you have quite a massive collection!

Good stuff Kroot, you must be pleased to be getting there! Any plans for Tervigons? I love their tabletop function and some of the conversions on this forum and others have been awesome.

Made in ca
Auspicious Skink Shaman

Mississauga, ON

Good job on your nids....really like the color scheme

Hope to see that army shot one day...would be an intimidating force to deal with

Keep it up

Accepting Commission Work at This Moment
Check out my site or follow the following links: Painting Service List / Cool Mini or Not for more info

Also check items for sale Here

Have a moment....why not check on what I'm working on  
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka


Love the old school Tyranid Warriors, they have actually dated quite well.

Inspired to paint my own Space Hulk genestealers with Leviathan colours now to match my Hormagaunts. Are you fielding them with Space Hulk bases only?

Made in us
Scuttling Genestealer

No way.. o-o These are almost the exact same colors on my army. XDD My green is a bit darker though.

I love your terrain. o-o Defintely loving the spore pod design.


Made in de
Decrepit Dakkanaut

scipunk wrote:Hope to see that army shot one day...would be an intimidating force to deal with

Until then, here is the 2 year old army shot with half the current models:

MajorTom11 wrote:Any plans for Tervigons? I love their tabletop function and some of the conversions on this forum and others have been awesome.

I am currently happy to field my Armorcast Malefactors as such (see above). And Exocrines as Tyrannofexes. I have 5 Plastic Carnifexes and am not eager to add more Carnifex models with a bit of greenstuff under the belly. But I follow closely the releases of Chapterhouse and Troll Forged Miniatures. Esp. these threads:

Flashman wrote:Are you fielding them with Space Hulk bases only?

I have 24 normal Genestealers (3 batallions ) that are usually sufficient (plus the 8 I will convert to Ymgarl ones). But I would field the Space Hulk ones with original base, if I need to. They will be used for Space Hulk as well, so need their bases (and I can always lay 25mm bases under them for our local tournaments, if anyone complains).

Another old monster is this Biotitan proxy made from a Godzilla "Legion" model, as i don't like the look of the FW one:

Hive Fleet Ouroboros (my Tyranid blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/286852.page
The Dusk-Wraiths of Szith Morcane (my Dark Eldar blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/364786.page
Kroothawk's Malifaux Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/455759.page
If you want to understand the concept of the "Greater Good", read this article, and you never again call Tau commies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka


Inspiring collection. Those two guardsmen might be in a spot of bother...

Made in de
Virus Filled Maggot

Those are truly great. Just when you thought you saw all good nid color schemes ... ( r-type inspired ? )

oh - and might i also opt for a whole army shot at current strength ? should be awesome
Made in se
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Helsturm Hive

Really nice use of alternative models and very goodlooking colors on your tyranids!

Made in de
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Thanks for the kind words!
anooci wrote:No way.. o-o These are almost the exact same colors on my army. XDD My green is a bit darker though.

universal inverter wrote:Those are truly great. Just when you thought you saw all good nid color schemes ... ( r-type inspired ? )

Actually, this is an official painting scheme with an official name (well... "Ouroboros" ), used and introduced by Forge World for their book Imperial Armour 4 (official background). Models for that book were provided by Moloch http://www.hivefleetmoloch.de/hive_fleet_ouroboros.php , also a member of this forum. So no wonder you will find it copied once in a while, a.o. on half the Tyranid models on the Forge World website http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Tyranids .

The painting schemes differ a bit in the choice of exact colours, mine was done so I can paint huge hordes in a short time. I paused several years playing Tyranids, because I couldn't find a painting scheme that I liked, that looked natural enough. The FW Brood Nest above was the painting test piece that started my new army.

Here three more pics:

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/04/11 17:35:13

Hive Fleet Ouroboros (my Tyranid blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/286852.page
The Dusk-Wraiths of Szith Morcane (my Dark Eldar blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/364786.page
Kroothawk's Malifaux Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/455759.page
If you want to understand the concept of the "Greater Good", read this article, and you never again call Tau commies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism 
Made in ca
Blood Angel Chapter Master with Wings

Sunny SoCal

lol now that is an army, and it's only half? Pure ridiculousness sir!

Made in ca
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine

In a Toyota, plotting revenge.

I think that army is awesome! I love how you painted your pyrovore!

metallifan said: I almost wonder is "Matt Ward" another pen name for C.S. Goto?
metallifan said: The Imperium would probably love Hitler...
Play KoL! Click my sig to go to the main website and sign up!
Made in sg
Fresh-Faced New User

wow, i love your take on the nids! i initially saw only the Troll Forged models you painted, but seeing all this together is just amazing! so inspiring, both for color/style and effort (painting an army is a daunting task)
Made in us
Numberless Necron Warrior

Im Here

Wow, its all very good! do you do anything besides tyranids or is the tyrinaids your thing?

Made in us

You know, April really was a while ago...

Usually, in the P&M sections, if it has been a while, your best bet is to PM (personal message) the OP (original poster).

The OP is, of course, free to resurrect his own thread at any time...
Made in us
Boosting Space Marine Biker


Great color sheme!

Halo Reach: A Dakka Dakka Party Link: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/316615.page

"Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted"

Blue Crosses
IOM Tau Cult
104th Tank Regiment 
Made in ca
Maddening Mutant Boss of Chaos

Montreal, Quebec

I demand a full army shot, that would be so awesome.

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