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2012/10/22 06:39:47
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Infiltrating Broodlord
2012/11/18 19:05:45
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Speed Drybrushing
Ramshackles shop is currently closed, states they are moving to Gran Canaria and will reopen November 1st.
2012/11/30 07:18:42
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Human Auxiliary to the Empire
Thank very helpful.
2012/12/10 23:33:24
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Fresh-Faced New User
Great list.
I kinda like Scibor miniatures for character model.
2013/01/03 14:45:00
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Chalice-Wielding Sanguinary High Priest
Arlington TX, but want to be back in Seattle WA
very cool of you to comprise a list for everyone who is too lazy to research for themselves. thanks!~
4250 points of Blood Angels goodness, sweet and silky W12-L6-D4
1000 points of Teil-Shan (my own scheme) Eldar Craftworld in progress
800 points of unassembled Urban themed Imperial Guard
650 points of my do-it-yourself Tempest Guard
675 points of Commoraghs finest!
The Dude - "Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women, man."
Lord Helmet - "I bet she gives great helmet."
2013/01/28 18:00:39
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Servoarm Flailing Magos
Can you add Dream Pod 9 ( (shiny new web site.)
Working on someting you'll either love or hate. Hopefully to be revealed by November.
Play the games that make you happy. |
2013/02/13 11:54:18
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Calculating Commissar
Might be worth removing Maelstrom games from the first post (gone into liquidation) and adding wayland games ( as they have a decent stock.
2013/02/13 20:08:34
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Updated the list a bit.
2013/02/15 22:02:29
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Disbeliever of the Greater Good
Thanks for this, yo! Helps
Tau! Rarw! |
2013/02/20 20:10:49
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Imperial Recruit in Training
| also sells some nice female commissars etc
2013/05/11 19:50:53
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Eureka miniatures has Shadowforge plus some other companies, wide range of scale and genres
2013/06/14 01:58:59
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
In addition, this site has some ranges I've never seen before. In particular there are great cultists with bags on their heads of various sorts, and a pile of "not firefly" miniatures, as well as french foreign legion in gas masks. Lots of "sci fi civilians". Seems very cheap, although the sculpting seems uneven.
2013/06/24 00:27:35
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
| - Has some sci fi stuff, mostly 25mm however, plus they seem to have the Jon Carter of mars line from long ago.
Plus: Very cheap bretonnian type figures in 28mm (I suspect it is "true" 28mm), plus some orks and goblins. You can get 10 metal foot troops (5 poses) for $15, or a Knight mounted and on foot for $5
2013/07/28 12:14:57
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Regular Dakkanaut
South Wales
Great Escape Games - uk - Old West, WW2, Ancient/Medieval
North Star Military Figures - - many historical ranges
Ironclad Miniatures - - French/Indian Wars, Victorian Sc-Fi, Steam tanks!
Publisher of Dead Man's Hand, Clash of Empires and Rules of Engagement |
2013/09/14 11:49:45
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Guardsman with Flashlight
I found this company, only just started, but I have one of their kits, quite nice really...
2013/09/19 02:41:23
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Black Hat Miniatures - includes a fantasy chinese range, a fantasy ww1 range (halflings vs goblins), a variety of historical and quasi historical figs.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/09/19 02:41:48
2013/11/02 17:18:24
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot
wait! along the lists of miniature manufacturers, i've saw that in the long past there was one that made lasguns with the dressings of real life weapons. i.e. lasguns that looks like the following
- Tommygun
- MP 40
- StG 44/AK47
- Mauser K98
- M1 Garand (or M1 carbine)
yet i can't remember its name.
and if such manufacturer no longer exists,is there any miniature manufacturers that creates 'Las-mauser' rifle? is it also in the list too!
| |
2013/12/13 17:50:00
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran
They need to add Iron Wind Metals.
Da' Burnin Couch 2018 Best Overall
Beef and Wing ITC Major GT Best Overall 2018
2019 ITC #1 Overall Best Admech
LVO 2019 #1 Admech |
2013/12/15 10:11:09
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Dakka Veteran
Maybe you could kindly add us to this list, a wide range of our customers (of what they've been telling us at least) use our miniatures for Warhammer Fantasy. ;-)
2014/03/13 23:36:01
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Longtime Dakkanaut
Awesome list. Anyone know of companies that make decent 28mm terrain accessories? I'm talking about random items you'd find in a city, or battlefield type of debris
2014/04/04 00:55:00
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Fresh-Faced New User
Has anyone from EU bought anything from Crocodile Games recently? I was wondering if anyone remembers what the fee was for shipping it to EU.
Thinking of buying some models for myself but I don't wanna pay too much on the shipping for just some models.
Hope I can ask this here!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/04 00:56:05
2014/05/14 05:45:22
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Fresh-Faced New User
Awesome lists. They are pretty excellent
2014/05/26 00:41:46
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Here is a small site but the prices are great - 3-4 models for $10. Has a nice line of beast men and interesting post apoc stuff. Amazon on segway caught my eye.
Whups, didn't include the link.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/05 11:35:14
2014/05/26 09:59:15
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Brigadier General
The new Sick Man of Europe
Black tree design does a nice range of historical miniatures from all ages, such as WW2 leaders. Not just Dr Who.
2014/06/12 22:14:58
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Kung Fu Cowboys - only 3 models so far, but could be interesting….
2014/06/30 10:39:01
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Fresh-Faced New User
Hello is new company, some of their stuff is quite nice. Especially bases and conversions.
2014/07/12 15:08:00
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Brigadier General
Just wanted to add that Old Gory should be in the Fantasy section as well. They have a few fantasy ranges. Including most of the Dwarf Wars (westwind productions) line, and "Ghost" miniatures. The problem is that they have two websites with the same products in different layouts and some have pictures at one website and some have pics at the other.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/07/12 15:10:42
2014/08/11 20:18:21
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Fresh-Faced New User
Not a manufacturer but element games in the uk have been very reliable and cheap for several orders I have made recently.
2014/08/24 23:26:19
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Just found "East Riding Miniatures". ERM. They have a 28mm range, or so they say, though I somewhat suspicious since the range is referred to ERM 25. Anyway, you have some bald guys in space suits (looks good for gene stealer cult), some pulp figures, some colonial marines, aliens and space suit folks.
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Very cheap though - $1.50 a figure roughly.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/02/05 11:41:04
2014/09/18 23:30:02
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Hellacious Havoc
Awesome thread, and very informative. Thanks
The wolves go for the throat.
We go for the eyes.
Then the tongue.
Then the hands.
Then the feet
Then we skin the crippled remains. |