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2014/09/18 23:39:57
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws
To note, Wargames foundry also carries great paint sets!!
Crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Twitter @Kelly502Inf |
2014/11/14 21:12:39
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Dakka Veteran
a little bit of update information about Kromlech.
For those who do not know we have a web store now at
and as You can see we have not only bits but models also
for SF and Fantasy alike
2014/11/17 06:18:46
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Fixture of Dakka
I didn't see this in the list
They make 15mm and 28mm SF miniatures
Their powered armored marines look similar to the RT Space Marines
2014/11/19 17:44:51
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Fresh-Faced New User
Hey Guys,
I've just bought out Effigy Miniatures and relaunched it as Black Dragon Miniatures. Please check out this cool line of minis.
2014/11/22 01:14:36
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Wargames Exclusive - basically a Chapterhouse type site with 40K themed HQ miniatures. Battle Sisters, Komissars - some death corps of krieg rip offs, space marine stuff. 40K with more cleavage basically. Resin, 28mm, bit pricey.
Edit - also some thousand sons terminators heads - nice!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/11/22 01:18:10
2014/12/01 04:04:18
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Two sites with post apoc stuff - one more fantastical/falloutish
Thunderchild games (cheap resin)
Across the dead earth - human gangs
2014/12/04 13:23:17
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Been Around the Block
Really a good site,think you.
2014/12/08 16:02:47
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Been Around the Block
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/12/08 16:04:22
2014/12/21 15:37:24
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Fresh-Faced New User
Their Vapor The almighty models help to make good Maritime.
2015/01/02 17:35:49
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Just came across They have two lines - a Sinbad line including some interesting Kali Cultists, and some Lovecraft figures - interesting in that you can buy characters in "Normal, Afraid, Armed, and Zombie versions. Very reasonable prices ($4-6 figure), nice sculpting, lists the size of each figure. Mostly 30-35 mm tall, thus decent 28mm I'd say.
2015/01/13 21:06:49
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Fresh-Faced New User
Gemini Miniatures! Should I feel embarrassed about shamelessly promoting my own website on here? :-P
2015/01/25 21:36:57
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
No, but you should add some details about what you have.
2015/01/31 09:37:20
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Longtime Dakkanaut
You forgot Thunderbolt Mountain Miniatures, the company of ex Ral Partha and Citadel sculptor Tom Meier.
He produces what are probably the best like of Elves and Orcs/Goblins in existence (in 30mm), and he owns the rights to, and produces, the old King Arthur 25mm line from Ral Partha. The King Arthur line is not a Post-Roman Britain line, but a high-medieval line of Arthurian miniatures, including every knight from Le Morte d'Arthur, and the Grail Quest.
The King Arthur line is going to look tiny compared to what people call "25 mm" these days.
kestral wrote:Just found "East Riding Miniatures". ERM. They have a 28mm range, or so they say, though I somewhat suspicious since the range is referred to ERM 25. Anyway, you have some bald guys in space suits (looks good for gene stealer cult), some pulp figures, some colonial marines, aliens and space suit folks.
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Very cheap though - $1.50 a figure roughly.
Not to mention some of the best Saxons currently in existence.
The Saxons mix well with the Eureka Beowulf line, which gives one of the best and most detailed lines of Saxons in existence.
For Fantasy LotR players, they mix well with the Rohirrim, to provide a full Éoherë (The miniatures done by GW for the Rohirrim would represent the standing Éoreds of each March, of which there were three for each Marshall - or a Total of Twelve, including the Guard, or 2,400 men). The ERM mounted Saxons would represent the non-standing Éoreds, which tended to be more poorly equipped - there were around 100 of these more poorly equipped Éoreds.
The Complete Army of the Éotheod, or "Rohirrim" would have been 100 - 120 Éoreds, making up an Éoherë of around 10,000 - 12,000 men. With an Éored being between 80 and 300 Horsemen - depending upon the station and role of the Éored
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2015/01/31 09:49:50
2015/02/02 21:02:18
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader
Guys, does anyone know of any of the companies on the list that produce space marine legs? I'm specifically looking for kneeling legs, to model the 1st rank of a squad kneeeling and firing. I've sourced some from Kromlech but they're not quite what I'm after. Any pointers appreciated. Thanks
I let the dogs out |
2015/02/02 21:43:02
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Shroomin Brain Boy
Anvil industry is your solution here...
2015/02/02 22:02:46
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader
Thanks a mill man, they have exactly what I'm looking for! The rest of their stuff has great potential for conversions too.
I let the dogs out |
2015/02/03 08:38:01
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Shroomin Brain Boy
My pleasure
2015/02/14 01:37:02
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Lurking Gaunt
Thank you!!!
2015/02/24 01:43:14
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Swamp Troll
San Diego
Here's a few more for the list.. I only checked them against the OP so if someone else mentioned them, sorry.. Spellcrow - Fantasy and Gothic Sci-Fi/ 40k (note, I've had shipping problems with them in the past) Titan-Forge - steampunk and alternative fantasy plus some 40kish sci-fi Blightwheel - Some pretty cool futuristic sci-fi with slightly different takes on 40k tropes Blackball Games - Weird War 2, Cthullu, other cool stuff Blackcat Bases - All kinds of sci-fi miniatures, interior detailing terrain for modern, bases, and more Crooked Dice - Pulp, sci-fi, and superheroish type stuff Black Hat - They carry Cobalt sci-fi.. some pretty impressive indie models with some interesting aliens Zombiesmith - cool sci-fi .. they have quar and in the sci-fi section A7D12 has a lot of interesting aliens and robots and whatnot Secret Weapon - They have a cool sci-fi tank/vehicle and conversion parts Reaper should really have something in Sci-Fi because they have a ton of Sci-Fi models.. Empress - Modern, non-sci-fi but 28mm scale vehicles etc that make for some great near-future scenarios Scotia Grendel - Void and Kryomek sci-fi plus a bunch of terrain. They also have new fantasy stuff being produced Daemonscape - Sci-Fi 6,15,20,28mm scenery and vehicles. I think this is all the old GZG 28mm Clear Horizon - Primarily 15mm with a 28mm vehicle on pre-order Old Glory - Lots of variety.. sci-fi superhero to pulp etc Warchimera - Alternative model for the chimera and hydra Onslaught Minis 6mm 40k epic compatible Omni-Miniatures - They've got the old Hydrissians.. interesting aliens etc Gangfight Game Studios - Mechadrome.. big robots.. Thon - Hard Sci-Fi .. as far as I know they are actually open for business, though their full range isn't quite up yet Proxie Models - Interesting range of affordable bases, terrain, and even figures. Pardulon - Neat 28mm sci-fi vehicles and various terrain Blue Moon Manufacturing - Huuuuuge selection Sci-Fi and a lot more Zealot - Miniatures from sci-fi and fantasy and bits and terrain. Lots of variety and they distribute for some obscure companies as well. aberrant games - Home of Rezolution sci-fi I have quite a bit more but I think that's probably enough for now
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/02/24 02:03:08
2015/03/14 06:52:36
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Longtime Dakkanaut
No one has mentioned Essex, or Museum miniatures for Historicals.
2015/04/12 00:23:13
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Not a company per se, but a way to get some hard to find ranges: Carries Eureka and Laughing Monk
2015/06/21 10:58:01
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader
I'm looking to get some alternatives to GW jet /jump packs for my Skyclaws. Looking for something much more slim and compact. I'm searching around the various sites, but if anyone knows of anyhing that fits the bill, be much appreciated if you can let me know. Thanks
Not particular on whether it has jets or fans.I deally looking for something about this size of a Seraphim Jump pack. These ones from Haslefree Miniatures are the most suitable I've found so far, except as they're designed to fit Squat equivalents I figured they'd look a bit too small on a marine...
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/06/21 11:07:58
I let the dogs out |
2015/06/21 14:47:51
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Shroomin Brain Boy
2015/06/24 12:06:39
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader
Shieldwolf miniatures -Complete Fantasy miniature regiments, monsters and characters. Ranges include undead, chaos, orcs and goblins, lizardmen, humans including barbarians, Arabic warriors, ogres, and a decent range of monsters for these various armies. Their heavy skeleton infantry and great wolf pack are especially good.
I let the dogs out |
2015/06/28 22:32:29
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader
TableTopWorld -Fantasy Scenery. Range includes complete buildings, interior decor and exterior objects like tombstones and goods piles. And having scoured through every link on this thread, I'll just add the TapbleTopWorld stuff is simply the best scenery I've seen -a notch better than anything else out there, imo. The buildings have removable roofs for interior modelling...and fighting inside them of course.
I let the dogs out |
2015/07/21 17:28:39
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Violent Space Marine Dedicated to Khorne
2015/07/24 22:05:10
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Fickle Fury of Chaos
A very useful reference, thanks for putting it up.
2015/08/29 02:53:39
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
| Some of the Eu4 line has migrated here, but they have more figures than they used to - excellent ones for those who love old style 40K/rogue trader stuff - civilians, lots of beast men with guns for 1.5 pounds each - nice! Automatically Appended Next Post: Not sure if they are mentioned earlier, but I feel I would be remiss not to mention that I have discovered that Rafm ( has such gems as "Cyber Ork Command"! Not sure about scale but they have what looks like a clear cyclone terminator rip off, and that implies something like 28mm
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/08/29 03:20:40
2015/09/01 17:24:44
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Longtime Dakkanaut
Need some help finding a set of models I saw a couple of years back. They were these super grimdark looking not-mechanicus models that looked like terminators (at least scalewise, possibly bigger), full plate armor, robes and I want to say cog axes.
I looked through the links in this thread and can't find them.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2015/09/01 17:53:38
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Shroomin Brain Boy
you probably don´t have a pic for guidance at hand, don´t you?
but from that super grimdark looking not-mechanicus models that looked like terminators
i think anthing from,shop.php?group=175
could be the stuff you´re after...