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2015/09/01 19:05:45
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Longtime Dakkanaut
OMG you are my hero, yes it's the Hitech mini's ones thanks!!!
2015/09/01 20:00:13
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Shroomin Brain Boy
we aim to please^^
2015/09/15 02:21:08
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Looking at Brigade games they have an interesting 28mm range - cultists and sky pirates and such.
2015/09/18 02:12:29
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Best cultists page so far - Pulp Miniatures- cultists in a variety of outfits, male and female, including some in gas masks:
2015/10/07 03:47:51
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Regular Dakkanaut
What on earth is pulp?
Working on Imperial guard Kill Team. And a Nightlords 40k army. |
2015/10/07 05:55:09
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Shroomin Brain Boy
The hero's and villains of said cheap printed magazines...
2015/10/15 18:58:32
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
How have I missed this one? Not Genestealer Cult, Not Squats, Not Ogryn, Not infested by genestealer Ogryn! Wish I'd known about it a year ago.
2015/10/17 09:59:14
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Scale Creep Miniatures - not a miniatures line per se, but a way to get Brigade, Blue Moon and Black Cat stuff, as well as a bunch of 15mm ranges, in the USA for less shipping.
2015/10/25 02:35:13
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Andileuvian (sp?) Miniatures. Some adventures, various obscure dinosaurs, some cool sci fi guardians of some lost world or other.
2015/11/09 11:49:10
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Regular Dakkanaut
Permit me to say a word please
LEGENDARION Miniatures. Fantasy, anthro, busts
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/11/09 11:50:18
Our web store - |
2015/11/29 23:10:47
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader
Evil Craft
Decent quality 3rd party chaos space marines. Both complete squads of models ( tactical, heavy weapon and assault marines), and individual sets of components for sale
I let the dogs out |
2015/12/06 12:48:07
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Fresh-Faced New User
I'm not quite sure this is the right place to post this, but I was hoping anyone could help me identify this model. I'm thinking it's an ealry Citadel model, I found it in the same old junk box where I found Urlik Urlikson from "Heroic Fighters of the known world" (Citadel for GW 1986), but I'm sure this one is not part of the set. I cannot take the base of it, to check the signatures, it's glued too well. Anybody recognizing this guy? where can I get more of those ?
2016/02/20 01:26:50
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
| - has Ainsty, Proxy and some others, but also some ranges I've never seen. A pulp sci fi and western range, a 70's cops etc, several of what appear to be 28mm ranges dedicated to adventures in the arctic. Lots of zombies, some civilians with living and dead versions. Prices are very cheap (American $), but sculpting seems uneven, so look closely at what you're getting. Also not -planet of the apes, and lots of paranormal investigators in interesting hazmat getups.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/02/20 01:27:56
2016/02/24 20:54:29
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Effin cool minis - mostly 28mm nude/scantily clad females, mid range sculpting. Don't want to send Brother Vinnie your money? This American company may meet your needs. Also old hammer halflings from Kickstater.
Left handed miniatures: Mix of different stuff, variety of companies, some I'd never seen. Some vintage figures. Probably most notable for 28mm schoolgirls.
2016/03/05 17:22:51
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Copper Mine Miniatures - Get your 28mm Mechanical horses here! Along with a few steampunk/wild west riders.
Cactus games
Makers of Kreig Dwarves and Warbots. Now featuring Free Shipping in the USA!
2016/03/12 01:50:12
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Figone - I think its a new page. In addition to the figone range it has most of the other Bust and large scale stuff you see on C'mon, with a smattering of mostly fantasy and steampunk 30-35mm singles. Scroll down the other manufacturers on the side.
2016/03/13 19:59:34
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Werewoolf miniatures operating from an e-bay store it seems - lots of cool Ogres, many of them gladiators, some guys in Morion helmets, some not-squats, some busts, lots of cool stuff.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/03/13 19:59:57
2016/04/09 22:04:08
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Svarog Miniatures - Kind of Wargames Exclusive with less toplessness and cars. Has a line of "not sisters of battle", along with a number of other interesting bits and bobs - some cossack guard, a great insquisitor, etc.
Automatically Appended Next Post: Tendency towards oversized weapons unfortunately. Automatically Appended Next Post: Not a miniatures company per se, but a blog with tons of companies, some I'd either never seen or had forgotten:
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2016/04/09 23:47:36
2016/05/16 08:53:36
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Fresh-Faced New User
Titan-Forge - alternative armies for Fantasy and Sci-Fi
2016/06/10 17:17:15
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Brigadier General
A couple additions from my own favorites.
EM4 Miniatures.
Huge range of Fantasy and Sci-Fi miniatures. Mostly formerly Grenadier ranges, but also some other brands.
Moonraker Miniatures
Sci-fi and others. Notably old Metal Magic Spacelords ranges.
East Riding Miniatures
A variety of genres, but mostly Sci-Fi and pulp
Home of the Quar and other weird, wonderful and original Sci-Fi and pulp lines. Also some fantasy.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2016/06/10 17:23:35
2016/07/30 08:44:38
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
2016/11/12 13:10:38
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
| uk
Various somewhat off beat historicals and some science fiction parts - small range of 28mm GW, some martian invasion stuff. Here's some WW1 eastern front lady? Parkhurst battlion?
Also, if you ever needed some WW1 ottoman Janessaries carrying a soup pot, check it out.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/11/12 13:11:04
2017/01/05 00:28:48
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
CP Models Miniatures -
Very cheap for the quality site with 28mm and 20mm ranges. All sorts of stuff, sci fi and historical.
Here's some aliens:
Some near future guys:
Includes some space dwarves, a nice range of heads, including gladiator heads, and a whole lot more!
2017/01/15 01:03:49
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Interloper Miniatures - post apoc with a less serious vibe - get your cartoon characters, giant chickens, killer mutant rabbits, and so one here! Gamma world anyone?
2017/01/28 16:19:33
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Evil Bear Miniatures:
Offering most things in 28mm and 15mm:
Hard Suits:
Tactical Trucks in 28mm and 15mm
Some other near future stuff, plus it looks like some Gates of Antares tie ins.
2017/02/06 01:50:22
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
For all your mostly topless Amazon and Feral Elf needs (and I have a fair number myself, so I'm not judging):
Maidenhead Miniatures:
The feral Elves look to be mostly women with horns. The sculpting is a bit dated, but the range is large and includes a particularly fine assortment of riding beasts. At least a few people have gotten their alternative rough riders from MH.
2017/02/12 02:27:39
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
MOM Miniatures - site mostly in spanish:
Large fantasy range. I like their Chaos Warriors:
Also an Angel of Verdun tribute miniature with some similar power armor types:
2017/03/01 12:35:59
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Rotten Factory Miniatures from Poland - small range of fantasy Chaos, more on the Macabre side.
2017/03/06 12:37:09
Subject: Re:List of non-GW miniature companies
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Gorgon Miniatures - fairly historical stuff, but get your Mongol Hobgoblins here! There also seem to be miniatures based on the Free Mars comic, but I couldn't find them on the site.
2017/03/15 22:06:26
Subject: List of non-GW miniature companies
Fresh-Faced New User
Mithril miniatures don't know if i's been overlooked