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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/03/02 02:01:56
Subject: Re:Ragsta raises Crusader Space Marines and... Zombies?!
Black Templar Recruit Undergoing Surgeries
those crusaders or whatever name you'll finaly choose for them are awesome man
the paint job is wonderful and the color you choose is quite unusual but actually it fits them very well.
you should keep in that way for it is amazingly painted.
the zeds are quite cool too
Vox Populi Vox Dei
"To do is to be" - Nietzsche
"To be is to do" - Kant
"Do be do be do" - Sinatra
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/03/03 20:49:17
Subject: Ragsta raises Crusader Space Marines and... Zombies?!
Using Inks and Washes
Great survivors, Ragsta! Love the eclectic collection - looks like there's a story behind each of them. Good use of the Hasslefree stuff  The paintjobs look really good - any chance you could upload to dakka so I can zoom? Your pic is a little small
Major kudos to you for painting 50 of those mantic zombs - wish i had you stamina / willpower
Also - can't believe I haven't commented on the new coppery marines yet, was sure I had. Love them though - far as I'm concerned, it's much better to do your own backstory and come up with a scheme you enjoy than have people unhappy about you not adhering to the plan for a particular chapter.
Really liking your models, and can't wait to see what else you've done now that your plog's a bit more general. Keep up the ace work!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/03/04 15:18:46
Subject: Ragsta raises Crusader Space Marines and... Zombies?!
Fighter Ace
Scarper - Thank you, my friend. It took much beating of my head off the desk to get 50 zeds painted but the finished effect is nice
I'm glad you like the Marines! I am having a bit of an off period when it comes to painting them but I too am liking where their fluff is going. I have some character models to finish, at which point I'll inject some more fluff.
I do have quite a bit of fluff behind the survivors as I posted alot of this stuff up on Warseer previously. Maybe I'll put it up here if people are interested? I have actually been inspired to pick these guys up again by your own log and it's individuals - you can expect more survivors to come.
Faust - Welcome, friend! Those are some very kind words, thank you very much  Yes, I am still having real trouble with the name for my Chapter hahaha! Once I get some group shots and the Chapter symbol organised maybe you guys can help me finally sort one out!
Yes, I am very happy with how the paintscheme has worked out - their tabletop quality is quite nice and they look pretty cool en masse.
Sir Calvin - Thank you! Ah yes, vehicles... Currently I don't have any vehicles but I would like to kit the squads out with Razorbacks at some point. I am actually more inclined to paint vehicles grey (like their guns) with red trim rather than bronze.
However, if I get some dreadnoughts they will definitely use the same scheme as the Marines
Swordwind - Thanks, buddy! I am also rather happy with the eyes!
Page 2 of my newly generalised log! Hurray! I have updated the pictures so they link to the Dakka Gallery now
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/03/04 15:33:30
Subject: Re:Ragsta raises Crusader Space Marines and... Zombies?!
Black Templar Recruit Undergoing Surgeries
Rest assured amigo we'll help you out wi the name somehow
anyway keep posting pictures of them we can't wait to see more of them
Vox Populi Vox Dei
"To do is to be" - Nietzsche
"To be is to do" - Kant
"Do be do be do" - Sinatra
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/03/04 19:49:49
Subject: Ragsta raises Crusader Space Marines and... Zombies?!
Devastating Dark Reaper
I will definitely follow this, cant wait to see the dreadnoughts.
Now hurry up with the next update!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/03/04 19:50:12
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/03/11 12:01:16
Subject: Re:Ragsta raises Crusader Space Marines and... Zombies?!
Fighter Ace
Thanks, guys, I will post up more Marines soon - I'm trying to avoid posting PIPs though. Please do let me know if you want to see works in progress anyway
And oi! what's with the Jedi mindtricks trying to get me to buy some dreadnoughts eh?  Well... Maybe... But I'm trying to clear out a bunch of stuff I already have first! Er... Yeah...
And now for something completely different!
Anyone who has looked at my Battlefleet Gothic thread will have seen that I like to scratchbuild ships. One of my recent projects was bulking out my Ork pirate fleet, and with the addition of a final 2 escorts I am happy to say this project is now complete !
Onslaught Attack Ships
Hammer class battlecruiser Juggamork and two escort ships
Fleet shot of the finished ships!
Every ship was scratchbuilt - I used to have a fleet of the original metal fish heads from GW but I got bored with those and flogged them. Light quality for these photos is not that good, so apologies for that. I am very pleased that I can call these guys done for now. Actually, I want to go back over them and add weathering powders and windows but I'm rather worried about taking the plunge... Here is what I am thinking of using to weather them:
Anybody got any experience of using these?
Anyway, I hope that you like them - please do post up any suggestions or criticisms!
Have a great day, everybody
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/03/11 12:04:37
Subject: Ragsta raises Crusader Space Marines and... Zombies?!
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God
Inside your mind, corrupting the pathways
Love the skin colours and blood on the zombies - the ships are also pretty damn awesome - good use of bits
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/03/11 19:17:49
Subject: Ragsta raises Crusader Space Marines and... Zombies?!
Decrepit Dakkanaut
I still love the mesh use! Very badass!
"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/03/17 10:02:28
Subject: Ragsta raises Crusader Space Marines and... Zombies?!
Fighter Ace
SilverMK2 wrote:Love the skin colours and blood on the zombies - the ships are also pretty damn awesome - good use of bits 
Thanks, Silver! Painting zombies is great fun - any time I got bored I just slapped some gore on them. I want to try that Tamiya Red stuff that everyone bangs on about at some point.
I wanted to use lots of bits on my ships to make them look really ecclectic - I also have a serious grudge against my bits box and wanted to use up a bunch of stuff
dsteingass wrote:I still love the mesh use! Very badass!
I love using brass mesh, it's a really easy cheat for adding detail to models! Thanks, man!
Thought I would post up some works in progress - I only get the chance to paint during the weekends so it can be difficult getting stuff done.
One of my goals is to clear my desk of a bunch of projects before my birthday in April - just so I can move on to new toys really!
Work in progress on an oooold Terminator Captain model. There is a HUGE amount of detail on this guy that needs to be done yet! I thought it was a shame for him to go unpainted so he's going to join my force of Marines.
To be honest, I don't really see a place for Terminators in my force but I'll get them finished first, then maybe flog them off.
Some more zombies from Tengu Miniatures - the sculpts are very nice and characterful. I have 6 to finish, at which point I will have completed the 50 zeds we've been talking about. After that I have 3 more survivors to post up, and I'll throw in some fluff too.
I've been watching a whole load of Battlestar Galactica recently - what a blast! It has, however, made me start thinking about spaceships and security personnel... Hmmm...
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2016/01/06 14:55:33
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/04/04 14:20:03
Subject: Ragsta raises Crusader Space Marines and... Zombies?!
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought
Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany
Great blog, your painting is very good!
Since you offered closeups of the survivors on the last page and they interest me... can we get some more pics?
Also, I love your zombies!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/04/04 14:23:36
Subject: Ragsta raises Crusader Space Marines and... Zombies?!
Decrepit Dakkanaut
I LOVE the bloated one!! very cool!
"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/04/07 12:04:17
Subject: Re:Ragsta raises Crusader Space Marines and... Zombies?!
Fighter Ace
How did I miss your replies?  Sorry, guys, that was rude of me!
dsteingass - Hahaha yeah he's cool isn't he! I will post up some proper shots of him once he's based up, which will hopefully be this weekend.
MrMerlin - Thank you very much for your kind words  I'm glad you like this stuff - here's some close ups for you from a while ago!
There's alot of things I'm not proud of okay? I don't wanna make excuses for myself or Baker - I knew we were in deep **** and I just wanted to get through it. Baker was always a creepy guy but at least someone had my back y'know?
We were in this store trying to stock up on supplies - I was an idiot for doing that, the place was rammed with panic buyers already. Talk about bad timing! There was this TV above the counter just blaring away with images of some crazy **** going down. That didn't help- I don't remember a single person who wasn't going bat **** crazy back then!
Don't know when they showed up - was still trying to wrestle these cans off someone when there's all this shouting and breaking glass from the shop front. Couldn't see for the crowd but... That's when I vaulted the counter - the owner tried to stop me but he lost interest real fast... Sounded like a riot was breaking out behind me, I could hear sirens and that ****ed up wailing that... You know, those freaks just put out there.
I got into the shop's back room - I was freaking out big time. Baker was right behind me, trying to wedge the door shut even while other people were trying to follow us... ****, man, I told you I ain't proud.There was a fireaxe and I used it to get out through the back. Baker grabbed this crowbar - man, I think he was actually enjoying himself. I still remember the sounds coming outta that place as we ran...
Don't intend anybody to read this unless it's found. My name is Aldo Rhames and I'm a police officer. It's been a week since I got out of the station - we were keeping the 'subjects' in the cells but they got out when the power failed. Arrested two kids for looting but nowhere to put them after that - they're still with me. Kev and Baker - don't trust them but they're good at finding us food.
Some crazy old lady tried to shoot me - my uniform saved me before she managed it. Mean looking shotgun - not as mean as her though. Fran - she keeps the kids in line.
One thing more - ran into a soldier. Not National Guard but can't tell much else - doesn't talk much. Kovacs? He was walking down the street - walkers following him when we showed up. Think he's lost it. But we need the guns.
I hope you like the shots. There have been some improvements to these minis since they were taken (especially Officer Rhames - feedback on his uniform meant some substantial highlighting improvements and tweaks to hine belt were carried out).
I have some more survivors to come and I have also done some work on my Space Marines so hopefully there'll be another update before the Easter weekend is over
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/02/03 23:31:16
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/04/07 12:24:48
Subject: Ragsta's random bag - Marines and zombie survivors. Headshots dammit!!
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Man! Those are great! You managed such great color dynamics!
"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/04/07 12:55:44
Subject: Ragsta's random bag - Marines and zombie survivors. Headshots dammit!!
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought
Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany
Great minis, and great background! Those are some very characterful models!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/04/09 13:53:04
Subject: Ragsta's random bag - Marines and zombie survivors. Headshots dammit!!
Fighter Ace
dsteingass wrote:Man! Those are great! You managed such great color dynamics!
Thank you! Part of the reason I painted up these figures was I wanted to push myself into using bright paints, I'm glad that you've picked up on the colours!
MrMerlin wrote:Great minis, and great background! Those are some very characterful models!
Thanks, buddy! The fluff was fun to write - I'm a sucker for zombie films and I also really like The Walking Dead series and comics. Still waiting for the actual zombie apocalypse to happen though....

A Seneschal (rank equivalent of Captain). Seneschals are responsible for the command and administration of a company of Marines. Their duties include matters of local justice and exercising Imperial authority where the Administratum is not present. Each Seneschal is expected to carry out his duties without recourse to external aid - the Chapter strives to attain perfection and to think that one of its members would need to turn to lesser men is repugnant to them.

Inquisitor Gerion Thorne of the Ordo Hereticus. This inquisitor is wearing Mk 6 power armour, which appears to be naked steel save for the Inquisitorial seal on left shoulder.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/06/29 09:51:02
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/04/09 14:12:41
Subject: Re:Ragsta raises Crusader Space Marines and... Zombies?!
Canada,Prince Edward Island
Jihad_Ragsta wrote:. Actually, I want to go back over them and add weathering powders and windows but I'm rather worried about taking the plunge... Here is what I am thinking of using to weather them: Anybody got any experience of using these? While I have never used that specific brand of powders. I have played around with the FW ones (this set- and was blown away by how easy they were to use as well as the amazing results they can produce. The site you are looking at makes no sense to me, pretty sure I could design a better webpage they have in an hour or two! Nonetheless, their powders could work just as well, if not better than the FW ones. Loving all your work so far. The zombies and survivors are my favorites, all are full of character and really well painted. All they need now are a few buildings to go along with them, corner stores and the like. Keep up the great work! I will be checking regularly for updates now. Cain Automatically Appended Next Post: Forgot to mention how much I love the bfg ships. I wanted to make a fleet myself, you may have just convinced me to do so!
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2012/04/09 14:14:01
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/04/09 14:30:09
Subject: Ragsta's random bag - Marines and zombie survivors. Headshots dammit!!
Longtime Dakkanaut
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
I'm loving the zombies!
At some point I will also be headlong into a Zombie making project for an appocalypse unit
I will be checking in regularily for some high quality inspiration!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/04/15 17:16:10
Subject: Ragsta's random bag - Marines and zombie survivors. Headshots dammit!!
Fighter Ace
logg_frogg wrote:I'm loving the zombies!
At some point I will also be headlong into a Zombie making project for an appocalypse unit
I will be checking in regularily for some high quality inspiration!
Always glad to inspire, it's one of the things that keeps me posting! Thank you for the comment, I have some zeds right here just for you
Commander Cain wrote:Jihad_Ragsta wrote:. Actually, I want to go back over them and add weathering powders and windows but I'm rather worried about taking the plunge... Here is what I am thinking of using to weather them:
Anybody got any experience of using these?
While I have never used that specific brand of powders. I have played around with the FW ones (this set- and was blown away by how easy they were to use as well as the amazing results they can produce. The site you are looking at makes no sense to me, pretty sure I could design a better webpage they have in an hour or two! Nonetheless, their powders could work just as well, if not better than the FW ones.
Loving all your work so far. The zombies and survivors are my favorites, all are full of character and really well painted. All they need now are a few buildings to go along with them, corner stores and the like.
Keep up the great work! I will be checking regularly for updates now.
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Forgot to mention how much I love the bfg ships. I wanted to make a fleet myself, you may have just convinced me to do so!
Cain, thank you for your feedback re. weathering. I will definitely do this at some point but I want to get the rest of my fleet back on the painting table first so they are all 'uniform.' I agree, Bragdon's site is rather bizarre but hopefully we'll get there in the end!
And you may be on to something re. buildings for my apocalypse... Currently I just don't have the space though.
YES!! MAKE SOME SHIPS!!  It is a very fun thing to play around with - you can make your own for cheap from the bits box like Llamahead has done here:
And here's another cool thread on scratchbuilding starships:!
The Tactical Squads of the Chapter have several noteworthy features - each squad has a veteran combat leader as well as a Sergeant commanding. These veterans are referred to as 'Vaunted' by the Marines. They wear a bare metal shoulder pad and also carry icons of religious meaning on their power plants.
'Vaunted' are troops that have reached a peak of training and religious piety within the ranks. They are looked to by Chapter Initiates as a source of wisdom and leadership when the officers are hard stretched. Inter squad rivalry within the Chapter is always strong and the Seneschals use this as a means to exercise good morale and emphasise the need for constant training. The Vaunted are used for inter squad contests as unit champions.
I put these Marines together as combat leaders for my Tactical Squads. I wanted to reflect the zealotry of my Chapter by using some of the religious icons in the SM sprues that we can get now. So much nicer than those shady banner poles I think!
Operation Failsafe was what they called the attempt at stopping the spread of the virus. Military units created a cordon, supported by the police. The idea was to seal off trouble spots and filter uninfected through stated checkpoints. Filter them and funnel them to refugee camps behind the lines. That was the idea.
The army - I'm not talking national guard, I mean the ARMY - wore full MOPP suits. Now, you ask anyone who's tried to wear riot gear for any length of time and they will tell you how bad things get in that gear. These MOPP suits definitely contributed to the confusion. The civvies were in no mood to be controlled like that, there were multiple instances of rioting.
This was also where the distinction was drawn between shamblers and... Oh I dunno, 'sprinters.' I don't think the runners were quite dead - they might have been a result of virus mutation but these days who really cares? Anyway, runners got in amongst the crowds and that was pretty much it. The army panicked and it was a massacre.
Those pretty little refugee camps behind the lines? Well, to a zed there ain't no such thing as boundaries - I don't think any of the perimeters held for more than a week after... Well, after Failsafe failed.
I finally finished the zombies from Tengu. I was very happy at the finished result after the basing. I also realised how slow on the uptake I've been - only just realised that these guys represent Boomers, Tanks and Witches from Left for Dead!
Thanks for looking, everyone, can I just say thank you for posting your comments here as it really makes me feel good about my updates. I hope to continue to provide some useful and fun things here.
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2016/01/06 15:01:33
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/05/13 22:26:31
Subject: Re:Ragsta's bag - Howzabout a scratchbuilt Gargant?
Fighter Ace
Hello Dakka
I was quietly browsing the web as you do on a Sunday and I suddenly realised that I had something to share with you (my only other option was watching humpback whales wrestling on TV... sorta).
Some of you may have noticed that I love to scratchbuild starships. This actually all began when I had an army of Epic Orks and made myself some junked trucks and battlewagons. Sadly, the army was sold long ago but I still have these pictures of my scratch built Gargant Da Red Bad Un.
*Sigh* I sold this fella too...  I really loved the job though, even the simplistic paint job was fun!
Let me know if you want to see the WIP shots - it really is great how easy building Ork stuff is!
Love n hugs
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/02/03 23:21:21
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/05/14 20:40:35
Subject: Ragsta's bag - Howzabout a scratchbuilt Gargant?
Using Inks and Washes
He's awesome Ragsta! How big is he? I know the epic stuff is pretty tiny, but that looks like it would have made an awesome ruzzbot or something even at 40k scale. Really like the paintjob too - decrepit, multicoloured and orky, without being painful to look at. Tough to do, i hear
The L4D zombies look ace too - nice use of the varying skin tones! Did you get a look at zombicide while it was still a kickstarter, by any chance? Hope you've got more survivors in the line some time soon.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/05/15 09:32:59
Subject: Ragsta's bag - Howzabout a scratchbuilt Gargant?
Fighter Ace
Thanks, Scarper! The paintjob was ridiculously easy to do:
1) Undercoat black.
2) Drybrush Boltgun Metal.
3) Light drybrush Mithril Silver.
4) Wash with heavily watered down Dwarf Bronze.
5) Block in the primary colours, leaving splashes of the metallic base shining through!
I am pleased you like it - the model itself was twice the height of a Terminator, so maybe slightly taller than the Epic Gargants we get now.
Varying skin tones on zombies are what keep me sane! I think I would have gone bonkers if I had to paint 50 zeds all the same way!
I looked at Zombicide with great interest my friend - I was very tempted BUT I am trying not to buy anything new until I get some of my current toys finished! Gah!
I have 3 survivors in the pipeline for you - a combination of child, chemicals and fuzz
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2012/05/15 09:49:15
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/05/15 09:36:41
Subject: Ragsta's bag - Howzabout a scratchbuilt Gargant?
Using Inks and Washes
Haha, if it's hasslefree, I think I may be able to guess one or two of them
Looking forward to seeing them - I really liked your background on the last guys!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/05/28 11:42:29
Subject: Re:Ragsta's bag - Howzabout a scratchbuilt Gargant?
Fighter Ace
I'm glad you like my fluff, it's rare but I like doing it for the survivors. I am looking forward to the fluff you plan to put up for your objective markers!
SO I was browsing my dusty computer archives and realised that one of my past projects might go down well here. Anyone who likes scratchbuilding will hopefully like this!
Ragnarok Pattern Leman Russ Battle Tank. Number 8 of the 2nd Company, 2nd Battalion.
Initially I didn't enjoy painting this at all- while the turret turned out nice I really disliked hand painting Knarloc Green all over this swine! I used Magic Ink from the Warstore to wash it. That was annoying too. A coupla drybrushes and some chipping made alot of difference in my mind. Really pleased with the finished article tho
Comments and criticisms very welcome- let me know your thoughts on the stowage! Also, hope you like the mud effect I've gone for. I gave it extra armour on the sides using track links. No baggage there tho. Depends on feedback!
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2013/06/29 09:55:31
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/05/28 12:29:07
Subject: Ragsta's bag - Ragnarok pattern battle tank
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Awesome! Show us more please!! Automatically Appended Next Post: ..The scratched Tank Treads is something asked for quite a bit around here!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/05/28 12:29:47
"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/05/31 13:26:49
Subject: Ragsta's bag - Ragnarok pattern battle tank
Using Inks and Washes
You scratched that entire tank? Wow, Ragsta, that's really impressive! I'm a bit of a plasticard failure - I can't imagine the patience and attention to detail it takes to knock together something like that...
It looks really good - based of the chimera chassis? Does it count as an LR? The stowage you've got on it looks ace, but I think it could handle a little more - that kind of thing on tanks is really a matter of taste though, so it all depends on what you think with a dry fit! /copout answer.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/05/31 13:28:10
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/06/04 17:26:56
Subject: Ragsta's bag - Ragnarok pattern battle tank
Fighter Ace
dsteingass wrote:Awesome! Show us more please!!
..The scratched Tank Treads is something asked for quite a bit around here!
Aha, tracks aren't scratch built I'm afraid. You can buy them here - I recommend the fellow's work for sure! Awesome toys here too!
Here are some PIP shots for you, as requested
My Rivetting Technique
I cut open a water filter cartridge and poured all the little balls into a big dish.
Using a vice drill with a small drill bit I drilled shallow holes where I wanted rivets to go. My formula was 5 twists of the drill clockwise then 2 anti- clockwise to get the plastic rubbish cleared out. Yes, I know that's a bit scarily involved.
Watered down PVA glue and dabbed a little bit into each hole.
Scooped out a little pile of balls (shh) and spread them out on a tile. Then I picked out sizeable ones using tweezers and plonked one into each hole.
Using the flat edge of a scalpel I gently pressed each ball into its own hole. After that, another dab of watered down PVA to seal them in.
Scarper wrote:You scratched that entire tank? Wow, Ragsta, that's really impressive! I'm a bit of a plasticard failure - I can't imagine the patience and attention to detail it takes to knock together something like that...
It looks really good - based of the chimera chassis? Does it count as an LR? The stowage you've got on it looks ace, but I think it could handle a little more - that kind of thing on tanks is really a matter of taste though, so it all depends on what you think with a dry fit! /copout answer. 
Your construction fu is also impressive,but thank you anyway! Yes, all scratch built except the tracks. It's my interpretation of what a Ragnarok pattern Leman Russ should look like. The hull's been stretched to improve trench crossing performance. And I agree - needs more stowage!
I have a second Raggie in the works..... And this time the tracks ARE scratchbuilt!
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/06/29 09:58:53
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/06/30 17:23:24
Subject: Re:Ragsta's bag - Ragnarok pattern battle tank
Fighter Ace
It's been a while  I have just moved back to Edinburgh, and I am loving being back ! Finally managed to unpack all my hobby stuff. Finally there is no DUST screwing with my painting!
Three new survivors for my zombie apocalypse. The middle one's name is Josiah but I don't have names for the others yet. Josiah wears a red jacket and jeans but he's looted body armour from somewhere along the way. I like the idea that he was just a random guy who managed to loot some military kit.
Any suggestions for the psycho kid with a machete happily received!
Comments welcome! I have 10 zombies that I can start working on soon, plus I have some more random survivors to get started on too.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/06/29 09:59:40
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/07/01 15:35:15
Subject: Re:Ragsta's bag - Zombie Survivors
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought
Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany
The three new survivors look great, as always plenty of character. And the tank is really cool as well.
And I understand why you like to be in Edinburgh! Been there once, loved it. I'd really have liked to go there this year too, but we drove past it just today
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/07/01 20:53:00
Subject: Ragsta's bag - Zombie Survivors
Fighter Ace
Thank you, Mr Merlin! Very nice of you to comment, I am trying to work out why I get so few of them! I think maybe my thread is getting a bit too random for people to maintain interest?
Yep, I love the character behind zombie survivors! Once I clear out my 40K stuff I am hoping to be able to devote more of my time to them!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/12/21 22:42:14
Subject: Re:Ragsta's bag - Zombie Survivors
Fighter Ace
Hello everybody
It has been a long time since I updated this thread. I have made some really fun friends on Dakka and it's wrong to neglect them!
I had a feeling that 2012 was going to be a big year for me and I was not wrong - I worked in London and then moved back to Edinburgh (I love Edinburgh!). Now I am finally settled into my own place and feeling happy. I have a bunch of new stuff to show you and I look forward to doing that!
This Assault Squad came out quite nicely for a bunch of eBay rescues! I would say 70% of the Marines I am putting together have been rescues like this, it's actually quite nice knowing I have given them some care and attention. The squad will be getting some extra attention later (few more highlights, purity seals and extra gear) but right now I am more interested in getting my minis painted to a nice standard and out of the to do pile!
The Chapter's Chaplains perform their duties of moral guidance diligently. They scrutinise young initiates for signs of physical and mental corruption with ruthless zeal - on many occasions the Initiates carry out any purgation themselves, such is there obsession with purity.
The Chaplaincy of the Brazen Guard is a well developed institution. The Chaplains are expected to assist the Seneschals in the execution of justice over Imperial dominions. Considering the religious convictions of your average Chaplain such judgements are usually swift and brutal. The Brazen Guard pride themselves on exercising this justice upon their own troops too. Battlefield executions for dereliction of duty are rare but not unknown.
This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2016/01/06 15:03:56