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Salamanders 40k and 30k - 24/08 Xavier, Forgefather, and Garran Branatar  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Some incoming reinforcements for 2015 - assembled and ready for an undercoat...

5 x Pyroclasts
10 x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield Terminators [5 of the plastic kit with Forgeworld shoulder pads, 5 of the Heresy era Firedrakes]
5 x Scouts with Shotguns
[Thumb - IMAG0605_1.jpg]
Salamander Heresy and 40k Reinforcements

[Thumb - IMAG0608.jpg]
Primarch Vulkan

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Nice haul. Next stepaint!

Made in us
Flashy Flashgitz

Pacific Northwest

 Nevelon wrote:

I love battle companies, but let’s be honest: How many tac squads does one man need?

At least six!


Ruralguard, excellent mix of old and new. Always good to see salamanders. I like your conversions too.

I've still got some Rogue Trader era marines, but they are just a little too small, maybe scouts? I like the Space Crusade marines better than the 2nd and the Battle For Macragge, hug-my-bolter marines, which I have several squads of. Those FW pieces look like a blast to paint, Vulkan will be cool. Nice job on the company, keep it up!


Gorgrimm 'Eadsplittas Bad Moons
Aegis Guard Space marines

"For every battle honor, a thousand heroes die alone, unsung, and unremembered"

My External Space Marine Blog

Made in us
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

United States

Salamanders have 7 Tactical squads per company. They have only 7 compaines as well. Each of 120 men. 7 Tac, 2 Assault, 3 Dev
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Ruralguard, excellent mix of old and new. Always good to see salamanders. I like your conversions too.

I've still got some Rogue Trader era marines, but they are just a little too small, maybe scouts? I like the Space Crusade marines better than the 2nd and the Battle For Macragge, hug-my-bolter marines, which I have several squads of. Those FW pieces look like a blast to paint, Vulkan will be cool. Nice job on the company, keep it up!

Thanks Gorgrimm. I've decided just to accept the height differences, though find its a lot of the 2nd edition era that looks short. The Space Crusade stuff I love, and brilliant that 20 years on I'm still getting value from it!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Midnightdeathblade wrote:
Salamanders have 7 Tactical squads per company. They have only 7 compaines as well. Each of 120 men. 7 Tac, 2 Assault, 3 Dev

That's my understanding.

The company is a command squad, full set of HQs (Captain, Chaplain, Librarian, Forge Master), 4 x 'modern' tactical squads plus 3 x 'classic' 2nd edition starter set squads, 2 x assault squads (1 with jump packs, 1 on foot), 2 x devestator squads. For Salamanders there should be a third devestator squad, which I see as the crew for the support choices: 3 in the Centurion suits, 6 manning the Tarantulas / count as Rapiers, and 1 for the Thunderfire Cannon. Plus transports (1 razorback for the command squad, 4 for the tactials, plus rhino for the assault squad). Guess the dreadnoughts are company level too.

And then there's a 1st company detachment: the much loved two sternguard squads, soon to be two complete terminator squads, plus a retro terminator librarian and captain. Storm eagle and Land Raider Achilles should count as 1st company I think.

And 10 scouts.

And the Forgefather, Dreadnought Bray, and the Primarch.

A lot!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/01/02 18:38:49

Made in us

Louisville, KY, USA

ruralguard wrote:

And the Forgefather, Dreadnought Bray, and the Primarch.

Ooo, thanks for the reminder! I need to pick up a second Bray'arth that I can convert as Cassian Dracos (really just the same machine with slightly different markings - replacing Bray's name on the crotch plate, maybe some Saturnyne Ram logo on the shoulder armour).
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Thought I'd offer a quick update on the first of reinforcements I'm painting, the Pyroclasts. I'd describe these as about 90% there - they need some further highlighting and a few of the fine details (e.g. around the eyes) need improving but they are mostly done. I'm happy with how they are coming along. Next up the shot gun scouts!
[Thumb - DSC06011.JPG]
Salamander Pyroclasts

[Thumb - DSC06007.JPG]
Salamander Pyroclasts

[Thumb - DSC06009.JPG]
Salamander Pyroclasts

[Thumb - DSC06008.JPG]
Salamander Pyroclasts

Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Some more progress: more detail on the Pyroclasts, five new shotgun scouts to join the old scouts [the Adeptus Arbites models], and some WIP photos on Primarch Vulkan. Absolutely amazing model, trying hard to do it justice. Have a concept in mind of Vulkan in bright, clear detail - and the scenic base darker, more in shadow to draw attention to him.
[Thumb - DSC06018.JPG]
Primarch Vulkan, Salamanders

[Thumb - DSC06019.JPG]
Primarch Vulkan, Salamanders

[Thumb - DSC06020.JPG]
Primarch Vulkan, Salamanders

[Thumb - DSC06016.JPG]
Pyroclasts, Salamanders, Horus Heresy

[Thumb - DSC06017.JPG]
Pyroclasts, Salamanders, Horus Heresy

[Thumb - DSC06021.JPG]
Space Marine Scouts, Salamanders

[Thumb - DSC06022.JPG]
Space Marine Scouts, Salamanders

[Thumb - DSC06023.JPG]
Space Marine Scouts, Salamanders, Adeptus Arbites

Made in us
Been Around the Block

Really quick WIP update, adding some detail to the base - an Iron Warrior and Night Lord defeated by Vulkan.
[Thumb - IMAG0657.jpg]
Primarch Vulkan, Work in Progress

Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Selection of new photos: Vulkan [amazing model!], Firedrakes, Recon Marines and Scouts.
[Thumb - DSC06558.JPG]
Primarch Vulkan, Salamanders

[Thumb - DSC06513.JPG]
Primarch Vulkan, Salamanders, in front of the ranks

[Thumb - DSC06534.JPG]
Primarch Vulkan, Salamander, lens flare from window accidental but like'd the effect!

[Thumb - DSC06555.JPG]
Defeated Iron Hand and Night Lord - smashed by Vulkan's hammer

[Thumb - DSC06559.JPG]
Salamanders Legion Firedrakes

[Thumb - DSC06561.JPG]
Salamanders Legion Firedrakes

[Thumb - DSC06563.JPG]
Salamanders Legion Firedrakes - both 30k and 40k

[Thumb - DSC06565.JPG]
Salamanders Legion Firedrakes - both 30k and 40k

[Thumb - DSC06531.JPG]
Salamanders Recon Marines and Sniper Scouts

[Thumb - DSC06571.JPG]
Salamanders Recon Marines and Sniper Scouts

Made in be
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

In the Warp, getting trolled by Tactical_Spam, AKA TZEENTCH INCARNATE

Absolutely amazing

Following this for the glory of the Imperium!

Tactical_Spam: Ezra is fighting reality right now.

War Kitten: Vanden, you just taunted the Dank Lord Ezra. Prepare for seven years of fighting reality...

War Kitten: Ezra can steal reality

Kharne the Befriender:Took him seven years but he got it wrangled down

Made in us
Been Around the Block

 Ezra Tyrius wrote:
Absolutely amazing

Following this for the glory of the Imperium!

Thanks so much!
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Recently picked up a few eBay bargains - all in need of some work. First up, some quick phone snaps of a refurbed and repainted classic Whirlwind.

Will post some proper photos when I've finished the other: a Landspeeder Storm.
[Thumb - IMAG0772[1].jpg]
Classic Whirlwind, Salamanders

[Thumb - IMAG0774[1].jpg]
Classic Whirlwind, Salamanders

[Thumb - IMAG0773[1].jpg]
Classic Whirlwind, Salamanders

Made in gb
Been Around the Block

So an update...

2 old style / 2nd edition Whirlwinds - both eBay bargains / repaints

A Damocles command rhino from Forgeworld [I've wanted one of these ever since they produced the kit something like a decade ago, really like the model - even if the interior detail hard to photo!]

A Landspeeder Storm [although the quick and dirty heavy flamer conversion hasn't really worked - time to think of another idea]

10 Vanguard Veterans on foot [a raid on the bits box for weapons, the spare torsos from the new assault squad sprue, and some 3rd party - Kromlech - legs]. I really like the squad because the only bits purchased specially were the legs, everything else is a spare, repair, and re purpose job!

Master of Signal conversion - an old Rogue Trader marine torso, spare legs, Cadian Vox set - simple, but effective

[Thumb - DSC07016.JPG]
Damocles Command Rhino, Salamanders

[Thumb - DSC07018.JPG]
Damocles Command Rhino, Salamanders

[Thumb - DSC07029.JPG]
Land Speeder Storm, Salamanders

[Thumb - DSC07030.JPG]
Land Speeder Storm, Salamanders

[Thumb - DSC07032.JPG]
Whirlwinds, 2nd Edition, Oldhammer, Salamanders

[Thumb - DSC07033.JPG]
Whirlwinds, 2nd Edition, Oldhammer, Salamanders

[Thumb - DSC07034.JPG]
Whirlwinds, 2nd Edition, Oldhammer, Salamanders

[Thumb - DSC07038.JPG]
Whirlwinds, 2nd Edition, Oldhammer, Salamanders

[Thumb - DSC07051.JPG]
Vanguard Veterans, Salamanders, Kromlech Legs, Space Marine Veterans

[Thumb - DSC07043.JPG]
Vanguard Veterans, Salamanders, Kromlech Legs, Space Marine Veterans

[Thumb - DSC07047.JPG]
Vanguard Veterans, Salamanders, Kromlech Legs, Space Marine Veterans

[Thumb - DSC07045.JPG]
Vanguard Veterans, Salamanders, Kromlech Legs, Space Marine Veterans

[Thumb - DSC07041.JPG]
Master of Signal, Heresy, Salamanders, Quick Conversion

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/08/27 20:27:31

Made in gb
Been Around the Block

I've had a box of unused, unpainted Vanguard Veterans since the kit first came out with the last codex and never had any motivation to paint them. Wanting to clear the backlog before starting on the Battle of Calth box set, I took to browsing the internet and found inspiration in the yellow and black scheme the Salamanders were pictured as back in the Rogue Trader days for the Badab War. Inspiration found, I set to work on these - Badab War Salamander Veterans! I've blended the yellow and black scheme, with some Salamander green highlights. Have also used a skull transfer, as they used to be pictured with.
[Thumb - DSC00192.JPG]
Badab War Salamander Veterans, Vanguard Veterans

[Thumb - DSC00195.JPG]
Badab War Salamander Veterans, Vanguard Veterans with Plasma Pistols

[Thumb - DSC00198.JPG]
Badab War Salamander Veterans, Vanguard Veterans with Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields

[Thumb - DSC00189.JPG]
Badab War Salamander Veterans, Vanguard Veterans, Sarge with Powerfist

Made in gb
Pious Palatine

Looking good. I like the variation from regular Salamanders to the Badab Vets, really eye catching.

Made in gb
Been Around the Block

 evildrcheese wrote:
Looking good. I like the variation from regular Salamanders to the Badab Vets, really eye catching.


Thanks so much
Made in gb
1st Lieutenant

Because we’re here,lad...

An amazing P+M blog ruralguard. Though the way you're churning out troops, you won't just have a company, you'll have a legion worthy of the great crusade on your hands!

I love those little moments between the first kiss and the pepper spray... 
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

 Bash the Bosh wrote:
An amazing P+M blog ruralguard. Though the way you're churning out troops, you won't just have a company, you'll have a legion worthy of the great crusade on your hands!

Thank you Bash the Bosh. There's a full (40k) company, plus a Scout detachment, and a chunk of first company veterans, and I'm working on some Heresy stuff. Because I've worked on them on-and-off for many years, it always surprise me how many there are now!
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Painted up a set of the Anvil Industry Sniper Recon Team models to expand my Heresy Recon Squad from 5 to 10 models. Not too much to say - great models, easy to paint, lots of detail, and fit nicely with the Forgeworld models.
[Thumb - DSC00182.JPG]
Anvil Industry, Sniper Recon Team, Salamanders Heresy, Salamanders 30k

[Thumb - DSC00183.JPG]
Anvil Industry, Sniper Recon Team, Salamanders Heresy, Salamanders 30k

[Thumb - DSC00186.JPG]
Anvil Industry, Sniper Recon Team, Salamanders Heresy, Salamanders 30k

[Thumb - DSC00187.JPG]
Space Marine Legion Recon Squad - Anvil Industry and Forgeworld models together

[Thumb - DSC00188.JPG]
Space Marine Legion Recon Squad - Anvil Industry and Forgeworld models together

Made in us
Ultramarine Master with Gauntlets of Macragge

What's left of Cadia

Those Salamanders. Simply gorgeous. From what I've seen you're doing both 30k and 40k Salamanders?

TheEyeOfNight- I swear, this thread is 70% smack talk, 20% RP organization, and 10% butt jokes
TheEyeOfNight- "Ordo Xenos reports that the Necrons have attained democracy, kamikaze tendencies, and nuclear fission. It's all tits up, sir."
Space Marine flyers are shaped for the greatest possible air resistance so that the air may never defeat the SPACE MARINES!
Sternguard though, those guys are all about kicking ass. They'd chew bubble gum as well, but bubble gum is heretical. Only tau chew gum
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Thanks War Kitten, great to see that you like them.

And yes, some 30k and 40k models. Thought about doing a different 30k legion, but the great Forgeworld Salamander models persuaded me otherwise!
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Just realised: I've forgotten to upload the close up of three of the Badab Vanguards. So here are the three armed with power swords:
[Thumb - DSC00193.JPG]
Badab War Salamander Veterans

Made in gb
Been Around the Block

I'll take more detailed photos soon but after a few eBay wins, now have a lovely 40k hero trio: the Forgefather, Chaplain Xavier, and everyone's favourite Deathwatch Terminator.
[Thumb - DSC00016.JPG]
Salamander, Xavier, Forgefather Vulkan, Garran Branatar

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