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Made in gb
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God

Inside your mind, corrupting the pathways

Love the slingshot grot

Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

какой же террейн без холмофф. о холмы... зеленые моря травы и цветофф грибоф... ну по крайней мере пока там не было пару драчек и мерзкие ИГшники не спалили родную хату.... тогда холм - это ну холм...
даннаый проект должен был по замыслу добавить красивости, служить мелким укреплением для пИхоты, ну и послужить следующей ступенькой для прокачки скилла мека.

each must be hills! on the hills covered with mushrooms ... I do it for beauty, as well as to train their skills. Materials: toothpicks or matches, tree branches, cardboard, sand and stones, disposable cups, glue. it can be used as a defensive line Aegis or invent your own rules for the application

минимум покраски и холм едет в Гомель... погостить.... вернулся он матерым и битым жизнью террейном.
a little paint and a hill, went to another city for the tournament. returned an experienced and scuffs.

the Republic of Belarus
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

kopta for Pupets

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продолжим... вроде все понятно без комментариев...

репа у пилота - одна из самых харизматичных. именно благодаря ей вид у пацана как у бывалого аса. так и хочется подписать - Сынки - я воевал!.... ну или Смотри как умею!

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This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2015/02/22 14:00:30

the Republic of Belarus
Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

Skills are nice, but WHY are you just copying other peoples stuff so closely, instead of making interesting stuff yourself? If you want those models, you can get them easier than what you are doing? Why waste nice skills in making copies when you can get something original and unique.
The stuff you are copying is dirt cheap on ebay.

Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

JensDK wrote:
Skills are nice, but WHY are you just copying other peoples stuff so closely, instead of making interesting stuff yourself? If you want those models, you can get them easier than what you are doing? Why waste nice skills in making copies when you can get something original and unique.
The stuff you are copying is dirt cheap on ebay.

in the shop "Ebay" seller in the US and the UK. postage costs, the Republic of Belarus, to make expensive! This option is good. but it does not suit me. and I am very sorry about this. This is a forced measure :(

the Republic of Belarus
Made in ba
Furious Raptor

Karlovac, Croatia / Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dont feel sorry, it is always inspiring to see such marvelous scratch building skills. Keep us updated please.

My Night Lords P&M blog - http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/558453.page

My Ebay page - http://www.ebay.com/usr/alan-3ad

My deviant art page - http://alanbajric.deviantart.com/

Swap shop - 1/1 successful trades 
Made in gb
Da Head Honcho Boss Grot


Why buy it when you can build it yourself good call on your part nice job as well
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

I agree with the sentiment to make your own stuff, copy or original, the choice is your's. Your technique and execution are superb. Don't worry about the Nay sayers.

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

dubovac wrote:Dont feel sorry, it is always inspiring to see such marvelous scratch building skills. Keep us updated please.

lone dirty dog wrote:Why buy it when you can build it yourself good call on your part nice job as well

Warboss_Waaazag wrote:I agree with the sentiment to make your own stuff, copy or original, the choice is your's. Your technique and execution are superb. Don't worry about the Nay sayers.

dubovac wrote:Dont feel sorry, it is always inspiring to see such marvelous scratch building skills. Keep us updated please.

thank you. your support - priceless.

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типа... жили были на одной планете орки и... бла бла бла..... а потом прилетели пацаны мека Рукожопа и все как то перекосилось.....
on one of the planets, lived - Orcs .... and then flew Mek Rukozhop (pun -perevod- hands out of your ass) and a local guy, made an offer - one can not refuse.

к чему картинка?!... просто базой следующего проекта будет дикий орк из другой галактики( игровая система "Кольцо Власти" от "Звезды")... а нафиг они ломаные лежат на чердаке?
for that picture! this game "Ring of Power" ( http://www.ringofrule.ru/main.php). miniature orc - in this game system. now the project "Ring of Power" - is closed. But a few orcs I have. I think - they do not care about my Waaagh!

запцацка от бурнаша... пригодилась лишняя... хотя чего лишняя - нужнейшая вещь. very useful extra item from Orc with a flamethrower( Burnaboys). though why extra ???

по делу зубочистка конечно лажа и на ее месте должен быть поршень.... позно я опомнился, отклеить не получилось... заклепки может и крупноваты, но опять же первый опыт меганобостроения.... работа не закончена так что по голове не бить!!!
the pistons are made of toothpicks. bad idea !!! fix did not work. this is my first experience - do meganob.

сервоприводы пробовал сделать из проволки обмотанной проволкой. начал гнуть обмотка разошлась.. заклепки конечно ужасны!!!
клешня- простовато - но пока отрабатываю некоторые моменты( никто не думает что это мой последний тИрМИнАтАр) сил моральных больше нет... загрунтую... будет памятник рукожопству и немой укор - а мог же лучше!!!! нанес немного царапин и сколов на броню
servos and wires - wire. claw primitive. but I hope this is not my last terminator .... I'm not very happy. rivets - terrible. he looks like a Lego. next job - will be better. I will consider my mistakes.
ts size - is the size of the new models meganob.

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они такие милые. их так хочеться обнять и погладить. хочеться дать им конфетку! Сквиги - милые и добрые создания. берегите их.
they are so cute. So you want to hug them and stroke them. wants to give them candy! Squig - lovely and kind creation. take care of them.

проба в лепке. материал пластика "Йозки".
attempt sculpting miniatures. material - polymer clay "yozki"

этот проект пока все... в тупике...
project Squig - a dead end ....

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/02/24 06:09:18

the Republic of Belarus
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

копту №3 решил кое как доделать..... сложно когда появляются проекты -"висяки". немой укор.... и постоянный бардак, который называется творческий беспорядок!!!
tired of doing! decided to finish this project. it's not perfect. weapons, it was necessary to strengthen the magnets.

на этом сборка завершена можно красить. опции в принципе можно на магниты.... но нужды пока такой нет. бомбочка приклеена намертво. ну да будет чуть что как ускоритель... для турбобуста.
Wysiwyg ??? norm

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/03/16 07:05:14

the Republic of Belarus
Made in de
Shroomin Brain Boy

Berlin Germany

>>I'm not very happy. rivets - terrible. he looks like a Lego. next job - will be better. I will consider my mistakes.
ts size - is the size of the new models meganob.<<

well...i see an instant way to fix this... just put one smaller sized rivet on each already made rivet and call it finished... would look very good...

at first i was a bit hesitant about your stuff as i can´t understand a word in russian... but i have to say...excellent work here mate!!! more of everything please^^

cheers, vik

Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

 Viktor von Domm wrote:
>>I'm not very happy. rivets - terrible. he looks like a Lego. next job - will be better. I will consider my mistakes.
ts size - is the size of the new models meganob.<<

well...i see an instant way to fix this... just put one smaller sized rivet on each already made rivet and call it finished... would look very good...

at first i was a bit hesitant about your stuff as i can´t understand a word in russian... but i have to say...excellent work here mate!!! more of everything please^^

cheers, vik

thanks for the idea

I repeat Postings in English . I use an automatic translator.
я повторяю Коментарии на английском. пользуюсь автоматическим переводчиком.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/25 13:07:56

the Republic of Belarus
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

in my army - a little dakka. it is required to fix it.

я рассматривал множество конверсий... есть очень оригинальные, но я тогда (это где то январь 2014) был Очень сильно ограничен в запчастях. кроме того хотелось что бы модель была узнаваема. у меня есть одно конверсия которая требует переделки
I watched a lot of work. many good conversions. I have a requirement to Lootas.

все таки стоит делать мародеров с оружием на этакой раме. узнаваемо и понятно! хотя в оправдание могу сказать - хват у 2го мародера как у многих минек системы с тяжелым вооружением.... но пока вышла личинка Флешгитса... тоже раму какую нибудь придумать...СОВЕТЫ ПРИНИМАЮТСЯ!!!!!
miniature must be recognizable. guns on their shoulders. Although many models, with heavy weapons, machine guns kept in another way. I tried it. get - larva fleshGits.

мародер №3 вышел какой то странный. вроде и концепт соблюден... навешано на него всякого.... может так и стоит. видел несколько конверсий где мародер - этакий орк склад всего... необычно как то. все таки все гениальное просто.... конечно при наличии битса. итак долгожданный 3ий...
figure №3. An unusual. Orc - junk warehouse.

тогда я не думал как красить.... теперь проклинаю тот день когда я ... ну вы поняли. тут есть битс от ИГ. это мой главный оппонент сделал пацанский подгон. так что живем!!!
I do not know how to paint now. will not be easy.

the Republic of Belarus
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Awesome loota!

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

the Republic of Belarus
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

трубы прыделаны... заклепки приклепаны, пластины... эээ припластинеты - полнЫ фарш кароче.
готовность 96.4%

хуже заклепок - пародия на шашечку.... таксисты... блин

сквадрон будИт таранить... главное чтобы при ударе все это во внутрь не полезло и гротофф не пАубивалА

планоФФ многА...

the Republic of Belarus
Made in de
Shroomin Brain Boy

Berlin Germany

i can follow pretty much all of the production process...but how did you make the big wheel in the first place?...

also... finished tankette looks so sweet!

Made in gb
Da Head Honcho Boss Grot


Just awesome work you really have captured the look of the FW one so well

I think the way you work is rather a good way of attacking the process, also you can then move onto your own designs using the skills you have learnt.

The tank s great and how you did the megaphone is brilliant great work all round truly.

Vik I think he has stuck discs together to get the bulkiness and the out side section was probably cut from a pipe/tube, as for the holes in the centre I would think were drilled out and cleaned up.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/03/17 23:33:24

Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

 lone dirty dog wrote:
Just awesome work you really have captured the look of the FW one so well

I think the way you work is rather a good way of attacking the process, also you can then move onto your own designs using the skills you have learnt.

The tank s great and how you did the megaphone is brilliant great work all round truly.

Vik I think he has stuck discs together to get the bulkiness and the out side section was probably cut from a pipe/tube, as for the holes in the centre I would think were drilled out and cleaned up.

Photo №2. glue the 2 circles and rings. Drill two wheels. wheels rotate, align the edge with sandpaper.

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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/03/18 13:15:25

the Republic of Belarus
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus


the Republic of Belarus
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

the Republic of Belarus
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

the Republic of Belarus
Made in gb
Da Head Honcho Boss Grot


Awesome work you have captured the grot vibe nicely and loving the grot tank commander as well, can't wait to see you finish the rest and add some paint as well
Made in gb
Gargantuan Great Squiggoth

Not where I should be

Your work is incredible, brilliant stuff.

Hope you don't mind stealing some of your ideas.

Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus


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собственно я тут подумал... может еще у кого есть идеи как лутнуть какой танчиг и обыграть его название .... аля rustyblade(ржавый клинок) - маленький гротский бейнблейд????????????????....
ну идеи появятся... пишите

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This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/04/20 21:50:09

the Republic of Belarus
Made in de
Shroomin Brain Boy

Berlin Germany

lol.... if life gives you lemons....make a lemon russ tank...

i´d stick with that tanks name!

also....you could show us your sketches some more... i think they are cool from what i see ....

Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus


the Republic of Belarus
Made in ua
Spawn of Chaos

Внезапно великий и могучий на дакке) Welcome to the dakka, как говорится)
За скретчбилд респект, это интересная штука.

I accept commissions.


Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

 Wermilion wrote:
Внезапно великий и могучий на дакке) Welcome to the dakka, как говорится)
За скретчбилд респект, это интересная штука.


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Your advice ?! and opinion ....
вышло как то так. гусеницы вышли какие то невнятные... совсем мало сколов и царапин, может еще кто что подскажет?!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/04/30 07:37:36

the Republic of Belarus
Made in de
Shroomin Brain Boy

Berlin Germany

your tank looks super... no arguing there... where i see room for improvment is the tracks... i would add tiny spikes...maybe small triangular cut off´s to make it look a bit more brutal...after that...paint it^^

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