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Made in gb
Crafty Bray Shaman

Anor Londo

This project looks very interesting I will have to keep an eye on it.

Regarding the sisters, I don't mind the stylized way that they are holding their swords, even though they would look better if they were held correctly!

What is bugging me is the chest of the standing sister; it looks very unrealistic, almost like a cross between a porn star with fake boobs and the chest of a male bodybuilder.
Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

Yes it's Hollywood, but watch here at around 3:20.

He's using one sword in the regular grip and one as a defensive sword in a rear grip. If you think about how a shield is held and a majority of it is covering the forearm, elbow and shoulder then relate that to the backward pointed blade being used as a defense it makes more sense. Realist I said makes MORE sense not perfect sense. Cyberpunk to me has always been about the blending of Japanese and American cultures in a scifi setting. Tough guy Americans pretending to understand how to use a sword while looking good in the process. Sure there's also the pure martial artists in there as well a the pure heavy hitting cyborgs, but most of the time there was always some guy with just enough martial arts skill who picked up a sword and swung it like a baseball bat. So these models are hitting that vibe. I'm no weapon expert, unless you count watching highlander and countless martial arts movies, but let's not get caught up in the minutiae. The models look cool, hopefully the game will as well. If you don't like the model it's alright, I'm sure they will make more models and I'm sure you'll find one that's sensible to your style. If not you can always cut the blades off and swap the so the knife is held backwards and the sword is forward facing.

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in pl
Fresh-Faced New User

Look at this : )

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Lancaster PA

I feel a little silly even saying it, but bottles are not people. Specifically, people parry, block and dodge. As you can see in the video, the back hand slice comes from one direction. You just don't have the range of motion to execute strikes from various angles from the same starting position. Not a huge deal for an off hand weapon when you have a sword in your main hand held in the standard way. Quite an issue when you don't.

Anyway, do what makes you happy. Just be aware that it looks silly to people who know a thing or two about the topic at hand. Or don't be aware, no skin off my back

Woad to WAR... on Celts blog, which is mostly Circle Orboros
"I'm sick of auto-penetrating attacks against my behind!" - Kungfuhustler 
Made in us
Infiltrating Prowler

Portland, OR

 jmurph wrote:
That article pretty much reinforced what is bad about the style. It is a limited use technique for close quarter infighting.
 Wehrkind wrote:
Yea, like I said, the reverse grip is useless in about 95% of combat situations

Rule #1, the Rule of Cool which is the basis for everything hollywood and includes miniature gaming. If we were talking 'realistic' in nature then half of the miniatures and styles wouldn't even exist because they didn't make sense. They aren't meant to necessarily make sense as it is a fantasy/scifi environment. That aside, I can't speak for the game since I'm not sure if its board game style or more corporate, hacking, cyberpunk city fightings.

In my normal cyberpunk, blade runner, shadowrun environments 95% of the battles are close quarters. Afterall if you were out in open ground, that is what rifles and snipers are for. We can also go a step further, if we go anime style and bring in some Ghost in the Shell mechanics where cybernetics allows the program to track bullets, letting them use the sword to deflect and cut bullets in half. Holding a sword in the reverse lets someone cover their whole body section in that method. I also don't know if the blade is retractable in nature, most of my blades for my characters were for concealment purposes.

No one is discounting that the use is limited. You are looking at a snapshot pose, one second of battle that doesn't define the style, combat situation or miniature really. A person isn't limited simply by one fighting style nor do armaments necessarily mean that are the only weapons available. Many miniatures games let you swap out weapons, pistols for rifles and vice versa, which aren't always represented by the miniature itself. I also understand that a particular pose may not always make sense to people. That is why some people prefer historical miniatures battles over fantasy or scifi miniatures battle or WH40K Fantasy vs WH40K, people have varied tastes and that is ok.

 Wehrkind wrote:
I feel a little silly even saying it, but bottles are not people. Specifically, people parry, block and dodge
Honestly I do agree that is a poor example because it doesn't explain anything. Unfortunately no real world examples can really be used as we already know its limitations in combat tends to revolve around close range. When are fighting multiple corporate goons in a hallway, you don't necessarily want reach either. You want their bodies close to you for you to strike, but letting their body block line of fire for the people behind them so they don't just simply open up with machine guns. The pistol lets you reach out to remind them not to take risks, while you continue in a fluid motion to keep momentum moving forward towards your objective. Not completely accurate but this is a better representation... again yes the uses are still limited, I'm not saying it is superior or better but is situational. However most of those situations would be encountered in a cyberpunk, shadowrun environment because they aren't fighting on open ground and usually involve operations about movement, not engaged, entrenched encounters.

Start at 4:01 unless you want to hear about it more, for some reason linking with the timer doesn't work once its embedded.

Unknown things which can contribute the use of the style as well.
- Environment, where they are fighting.
- Her arm is cybernetic, is it connected to a cyberbrain or program that lets it intercept, block, deflect incoming fire.
- Does her wrist spin (ie: General Grievous)?
- Is the sword a standard sword or is it a power sword, does it change size or retract?
- What is the technology level of the cyberpunk genre, we talking Blade Runner, Cyberpunk 2077, Shadowrun or Ultra Violet (weapons are created by nanomachines and stores in a micro state)?
- Does she have multiple combat styles? This is only a static pose of an action shot, who is to say she can't use both techniques when the situation arises.

Don't get me wrong, I can understand where some people who may not be familiar with the styles may not fully understand how to adapt them. There is nothing wrong with that or the opinion that it is silly. A lot of people have varied views and opinions. I tend to be more opened minded but I'm also a dreamer. If warfare and combat stayed the same, we wouldn't be where we are today. Today's modern warfare is much different than combat 20 years ago and even more 60 years ago. They share some basics but a lot has changed thanks to new technology, methodology that has changed the way we have thought. It won't be everyone's cup of tea. I'm not a fan of the Shoko Takayama miniature, but I don't like hulking, bulking forms .. doesn't mean they don't have their place though, since I can't really have Ghost in the Shell without a Batou or Appleseed without Briareos.
Made in pl
Fresh-Faced New User

Guys ... see updates.

Thank you for constructive critics.
Made in au
Sinister Chaos Marine

To be fair, it's already rule of cool to have swords in a game with guns to begin with.

Obviously, using a reverse grip can be done. Nobody disputes that. But, much like something such as a half-swording, there's a reason why it wasn't the commonly used stance.

To most people, of course, it won't matter. Can't argue with that. Thing is, to me at least, that the use of a reverse grip is pretty much a trope in fantasy/scifi. That then usually leads on to female characters with silly armour and the like. There are those of us who still enjoy a level of realism, though, even in fantasy/scifi.

Still. I do like setting, and stances aside the renders aren't bad, so I'll be keeping an eye on this one.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/01/29 00:09:36

Made in us

Sword Justice Warriors!

At the end of the day - whatever?

I suppose it would be great if everyone could be happy, but, well...

Anyway, I like what I see so far - can't wait for the launch!
Made in pl
Fresh-Faced New User

Another one:

Made in us

... Ex-Military
... Extremely Dangerous
... Ruthless

... Almost Human

... Smoker!
Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

 Alpharius wrote:
... Ex-Military
... Extremely Dangerous
... Ruthless

... Almost Human

... Smoker!

Just paint it orange and every time you move him say "What's up Doc?"

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in us
Myrmidon Officer


Ooh. If only those glasses were round, we could have had Jake Armitage!


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/01/29 14:44:26

Made in us
Brutal Black Orc

The Empire State

For the most part, I treat the miniatures as statues and like to see dynamic unique poses as well as some traditional combat poses or poses that are practical. Infinity has a number of miniatures with impractical poses.

I do respect people that want to see various levels of realism, to an extent I agree but usually comes from a armor design choice.

Made in pl
Fresh-Faced New User

Hi guys. Next update on Facebook. This time something about Ubermensch.
Made in pl
Fresh-Faced New User

Hello everybody,

it is time to meet our heros together.

Made in us
Primered White

McDonough, GA

co-op board game with minis? Sign me up! Will the resin version of the minis be the same price as the metals?

Made in pl
Fresh-Faced New User

Hi Lord,

Due to quality and durability we plan to make this figures in metal only.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Everyone who want to know a little more about Nakamura drones please go to our Facebook page.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/01/31 19:31:28

Made in pl
Fresh-Faced New User


huge update last days. Check the latest news on our site Facebook.com/hintthegame

Sneak peek.

Made in gb
Camouflaged Ariadna Scout

Very Ghost in the Shell.
Like many of the Infinity miniatures.
Made in pl
Fresh-Faced New User

I think it is complement : )

In the meantime nice update on FB. Photo of the real miniature.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

HINT The Game wrote:

we done successful 2 KS campaigns and now growing fast : )

What two KS projects have you successfully done?

How late did they deliver?

Is delivery complete?


Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in pl
Fresh-Faced New User


By Fire and Sword. Both campaigns.

How late? I don't know because i worked as graphic designer. I think 3 to 5 month? Something like that.

As i know, yes. The second is delver now.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

So By Fire and Sword was supposed to deliver in June of 2013, and it looks like a KS Update in Feb of 2014 says they completed shipping product, and at that point there were still PDFs to be finished and released.

Deluge was supposed to ship most stuff in Oct 2014, and is not yet fulfilled.

Did you and your team run those projects? If you were just a graphic designer, does that mean this will actually be the first project you run?

What is your plan to not deliver as late as on the Fire and Sword projects?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/05 12:47:03

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

They said they also worked on Warzone, AvP and Wolsung. Some folks are still apparently waiting on Warzone stuff, Wolsung is beginning to deliver after a few months of delay and we all know about AvP...

They can either deny much involvement with these, in which case this will indeed be their first venture. Or they did have major involvement in which case their track record is less than stellar.

"The Omnissiah is my Moderati" 
Made in si
Stabbin' Skarboy

Czech Republic

I liked this project so far, but why there is this "Ubermensch" description given to the player characters? Is that supposed to be cool?

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

 Alex C wrote:
They said they also worked on Warzone, AvP and Wolsung. Some folks are still apparently waiting on Warzone stuff, Wolsung is beginning to deliver after a few months of delay and we all know about AvP...

They can either deny much involvement with these, in which case this will indeed be their first venture. Or they did have major involvement in which case their track record is less than stellar.

Yep. I've been part of too many bad KS projects, and seen even worse ones. At this point, I want the team involved to convince me they can deliver (and have a workable plan to do so) and if it is not their first rodeo, I want them to detail 'lessons learned' from previous efforts. Point to some of the ones with problems as examples of your past work, and then back track to 'well, we were not REALLY involved much' and you start to set off warnings.

The figure renders look okay but until I know more about the company it will be something I consider in the future once it hits retail and I can see reviews of the game as well as of the figures.

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Indeed, and if this isn't a Prodos shell company, then it certainly reads like one. They did Warzone and AvP, and manufactured some of Wolsung too. Not sure about the other game.

I dislike the flaunting of the resume, then saying "well we only did X with that project so it wasn't really our fault if there were problems" when they discover that potential backers level criticism at those endeavors.

Still, if they are genuine, and if this is the first project that is truly "theirs", then good luck to them.

Is this going to be a KS project? Maybe I missed it, but I don't see anywhere that specifically states yes or no...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/05 13:26:32

"The Omnissiah is my Moderati" 
Made in pl
Fresh-Faced New User

Guys, in the meantime ...

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

In the meantime, forget your legitimate questions and concerns, because here's some more renders!

Yup, sounds like Prodos.

"The Omnissiah is my Moderati" 
Made in pl
Fresh-Faced New User

 CptJake wrote:
So By Fire and Sword was supposed to deliver in June of 2013, and it looks like a KS Update in Feb of 2014 says they completed shipping product, and at that point there were still PDFs to be finished and released.

Deluge was supposed to ship most stuff in Oct 2014, and is not yet fulfilled.

Did you and your team run those projects? If you were just a graphic designer, does that mean this will actually be the first project you run?

What is your plan to not deliver as late as on the Fire and Sword projects?

Just to make things clear , BFAS, Warzone, AvP, Wolsung and other projects, are not ours, but some people from HINT team just worked on them as contractors. Mainly on graphics and concepts. HINT will be our first commercial project in this team, but we have background in project management, graphics design, and we gathered great team of excellent sculptors and graphics. About the delays - if we decide to run it through KS we will be prepared. We are sure that by good business plan, logistic, diversification of suppliers, and by duplicating competences in key areas (e.g.: more than one production house) and by providing constant information we will be able to avoid others mistakes.

They said they also worked on Warzone, AvP and Wolsung. Some folks are still apparently waiting on Warzone stuff, Wolsung is beginning to deliver after a few months of delay and we all know about AvP...
They can either deny much involvement with these, in which case this will indeed be their first venture. Or they did have major involvement in which case their track record is less than stellar.

We are not feeling responsible for politics (and mistakes) of firms, for which we have worked, but we can draw conclusions.

I liked this project so far, but why there is this "Ubermensch" description given to the player characters? Is that supposed to be cool?

it's just fiction. These word is in the dictionary. We know what connotations it has. But it is a dark future, and the story is directed to adult and sensible players.

Yep. I've been part of too many bad KS projects, and seen even worse ones. At this point, I want the team involved to convince me they can deliver (and have a workable plan to do so) and if it is not their first rodeo, I want them to detail 'lessons learned' from previous efforts. Point to some of the ones with problems as examples of your past work, and then back track to 'well, we were not REALLY involved much' and you start to set off warnings.

The figure renders look okay but until I know more about the company it will be something I consider in the future once it hits retail and I can see reviews of the game as well as of the figures.

We have drawn conclusions from former campaigns and we will do everything to make this project life on time and in highest quality. It's our project, our child, so we will do everything to make it happen.

Indeed, and if this isn't a Prodos shell company, then it certainly reads like one. They did Warzone and AvP, and manufactured some of Wolsung too. Not sure about the other game.

I dislike the flaunting of the resume, then saying "well we only did X with that project so it wasn't really our fault if there were problems" when they discover that potential backers level criticism at those endeavors.

Still, if they are genuine, and if this is the first project that is truly "theirs", then good luck to them.

Is this going to be a KS project? Maybe I missed it, but I don't see anywhere that specifically states yes or no...

We are not connected in any way with Prodos company.
To all.
Yes we are new on the market, but we are involved in games since "forever". Some time ago we got the idea of HINT, we worked hard and long on it and we will make it go life. We’ve gathered the strong crew, that is creating the game. If we decide to run that project through KS we will do everything to avoid mistakes. We have an emergency plan, and we try to adjust to changing circumstances.

We hope, that you understand the difference between freelancer and an employee. It's hard to be responsible for release schedule, when all you do is graphics. In case of BFAS project we fully support it and taking full responsibility. The boys are the best in the world in what they do. From my point of view it is better to delay the release for one month, than in a hurry make it all wrong. Don't take me wrong, the deadline is most important.
Please be sure: we are well prepared.

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