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Inquisitorial minions and other random. 23 January 2022 - Adventures En Grisaille continued  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Gorgeous! That's a really great subtle green, and it works great as a canvas for the shoulders really to pop!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Tyranid Genestealers 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll - I was a little nervous with adding the final layer of yellow-white flames on the pads, but I was pleased how it made it look more like a hot forge flame.

What strange archaeotech have we here...?

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Having discovered the en grisaille painting style (for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GoX6tgxFG4), I've been exploring how well works when using drybrushing for the basic gradient. So far, so good, but it definitely works better on more open poses where the model itself doesn't get in the way of the paint.

This badger knight was the first, with the great texture making it a joy to paint.

She was rapidly followed by Hawkmoth the Grievous who I built specifically to test the method on something a little closer to my usual models. Both of them used pretty much every Contrast paint I owned at the time.

I liked the speed and general finish of the method that I went and bought a load more contrast paints, and set about testing them with some models from the grey pile of shame. This is what they looked like pre-contrast:

Then in colour:

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/11/24 22:34:33

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Those look great! I might have to try that out on my next more naturalistic miniatures (aka anything but Necrons).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/28 14:43:33

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Tyranid Genestealers 
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Loving these conversions!
It would be cool to get a breakdown on the parts you've used, is that a bloodbowl mini used for hawkmoth?
Looks like a good base to try an Arbites conversion with...

My hobby ADHD, mostly Necromunda, with a splash of regular 40k... 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

 Guardling wrote:
Loving these conversions!
It would be cool to get a breakdown on the parts you've used, is that a bloodbowl mini used for hawkmoth?
Looks like a good base to try an Arbites conversion with...

Yeah Empire BB team, great for armored barbarian types.

The Empire Nobles are also cool.

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

I'm really liking all of these, but I feel I have to make one point: reverse grip is a legitimate strategy for knives - there is a lot of discussion about which is better, which usually means there's not much in it - but it is totally and utterly useless for swords. It is worse in every possible way, and anyone holding one in such a manner deserves their inevitable defeat. ;D

I also may steal that Catachan idea at some point!
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Glad you like them Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll - you could even adapt the technique for Necrons if you wanted - just replace the black to white drybrush with a black to mithril drybrush, then apply Contrast paints to your heart's content for something which would probably look quite "natural" on them!

Thanks Guardling - as it happens, I've got a pair of Arbites conversions sitting on the grey/unfinished pile of shame. Parts for Hawkmoth also include an Orlock servo-arm and pistol-wielding arm, a Reiver skull-head, Cadian and Catachan knives, Orlock and Enforcer grenades, and a big old Enforcer holstered pistol. The navigator starts with a Delaque body, arms and breather-canister, adds a Cadian laspistol, a Cadian Command standard topper, a Van Saar stave and female head, and some Kroot shoulder pads with the thread trimmed off. The currently un-painted merc has another Delaque torso and shotgun, Genestealer Cult Neophyte legs and arms, a head from the old Dark Vengeance Chaos cultists, and a cape from Anvil Industries older line. The Inquisitor is based on the Genestealer Cult Primus with Ad-Mech arms (Sicarian and Skitarii) and head, a space marine power mace / thunder hammer haft and standard topper, a manipulator arm from the Kataphron kit, and a MkIV space marine Plasma Pistol. I think the big plasma coil he's holding is from the back of a Negavolt Cultist from the Blackstone Fortress set. If there are any other particular minis you'd like a breakdown for, just name them (or quote-reply one of the model's pictures). Oh, and these are the Arbites (Godwyn Fischig from Eisenhorn in his hard-to-see undercoat on the left, and a generic on the right):

Kid Kyoto - straight in with the Bloodbowl body. I don't think I've seen anything using the newer Imperial Noble team yet, so I'm intrigued by their conversion potential - got any good ones you can share or link to?

Took me a minute to realise which model you meant TheCheapskate. In game, I guess she's more carrying than preparing to use it, and out of game it fitted with the DE arm's positioning (which unsurprisingly started out with a dagger attached). Also, she is a radical Inquisitor, so surely defeat is as inevitable as Adminstratum paperwork being filed in triplicate, right? As for the Catachan, I borrowed the concept from someone else, so feel free to keep that chain going!

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2021/12/06 22:14:24

Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Thanks Smallchanges, look forward to seeing the Arbites painted up.
Although I do agree with TheCheapskate about reverse grip on swords, the poses you've used have looked like common uses of it that I've seen through LARP and re-enactment...
Your inquisitor for example is carrying in a sort of casual I'm not here to start the fight but I didn't bring a scabbard pose

My hobby ADHD, mostly Necromunda, with a splash of regular 40k... 
Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Good stuff all around, here. The Necromunda range seems to be a treasure trove for these less regimented forces.

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Well, it's not the Arbites that Guarding wanted to see painted, but here's the last of the four test pieces I showed above in greys:

For some reason, my camera just won't focus on the cloak and keeps focusing on the weapon behind it.

I've also been playing with the recent Underhive Outcasts kit to make a few new Inquisitorial henchmen which miraculously got painted up this weekend. A pair of probable former guardsman, one urban and one jungle, and a lass with a very small shotgun and a very large hammer.

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