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Do you buy STL files for 3d printing?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
Do you buy STL files for 3d printing?
Yes, I own a printer
Yes, I have access to a printer
Yes, but have no way to print them ATM
No, but would be interested if I had a printer
No, not interested

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Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


I’m still learning with my Ender 3 pro, but so far it works well. In my opinion, it isn’t great for printing anything other than spaceships and terrain, so I would prefer to spend money on actual minis than on STL files. Everything Is e printed so far has come from Thingiverse.

However, I did pledge a reasonable amount for the Raygun Raptors Files, mostly because they seem to be designed to print well in PLA.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I haven't used mine in a while due to filament costs continuously rising and consistently going out of stock when I need to reorder, but I ended up with a qidi x-one that I use primarily for scenery. I tried printing a figure and a couple tanks which didn't turn out too bad but decided scenery was a much better use of the printer.

The printer itself is pretty decent and easy to use with no assembly needed.

I found printablescenery.com that has a a bunch of modular nice looking sets that look great for fantasy as well as 40k. I purchased a bunch but have only printed a few so far.

Aside from those purchases, I use thingyverse for additional 40k scenery models.

We're gonna need another Timmy!

6400 pts+ 8th
My Gallery

Free scenery I created for 3d printing: https://cults3d.com/en/users/kaotkbliss/3d-models
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

I have a folder of shame to go with my pile of shame...

I've had 2 folders full of glorious Antenocitis Workshop tanks that I've been saving for a special day of resin printing. Then added the raygun Raptors to that, and a Heresylab Admech lady. Then I've got a mechanical wolf and cyberpunk kickstarter bubbling away just now as well. And that's just for the resin printer that only arrived yesterday, but I need to sort a home for it.

I have various cheap.and cheerful scenery sets and a more expensive set from Imperial Terrain to burn out the FDM printer on. Currently making a Portals.of WOR thing to use as a display stand in my new Cabinet.

Plus all the stuff from thingiverse... I think I may have a problem...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/10/02 22:20:12

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

Need a line in the poll for yes, but rarely, or I usually can find a free design.

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in it
Reliable Krootox

Yes, I buy a small amount of prints and fid it saves me a lot of money that would otherwise have gone to GW!

Made in us

Louisville, KY, USA

I've bought a hand full of files. Usually it's when I need X model for a project, no one has posted a free version, and my meagre modeling skills aren't up to creating it for myself.
Made in gb
Killer Klaivex

The amount of money I spend monthly on Patreon stl subscriptions finally topped over £100 pcm today (not including the cost of the MEGA I sort and store them on). Given I've never printed anything yet, I'm starting to wonder if I have a problem...

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/10/17 20:25:42

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