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Made in nl
Fighter Ace

 aphyon wrote:
Showing off again horizon.

I think the grey knights might have a thing or two to say to the white scars for using one of their strike cruisers.


My Novamarines didn't take issue with it either:

I just love the miniature and I give rats about Grey Knights in 40k lollll

Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

The great thing about GKs in BFG is they get to ignore all the chaos marked fleet special rules.

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear 
Made in nl
Fighter Ace

Here, not mine, but just love this fleet by DoublebaseFanatic.
It is the digital starter kit advanced Corsair Eldar fleet:

Made in nl
Fighter Ace

Sunblitz Brotherhood

Designs by Soulforge Studio
Using starter kit available here:

Made in us
Disciplined Sea Guard

United States

My fleet!
[Thumb - RDT_20221004_1854491070986191120022442.jpg]
My 3 Imperial Battleships: Retribution Class: Imperator. Emperor Class: Divine Right. Apocalypse Class: Fearless

[Thumb - RDT_20221004_1855241435574736531708390.jpg]
1 Grand Cruiser and 2 Battlecruisers : Imperial Grand Cruiser : Victoria Eterna. Mars Class: Imperious. Mercury Class: Hammer of Justice

[Thumb - RDT_20221004_1855394550767571602856843.jpg]
Group of 8 Assorted Cruisers: Warspite, Emperor's Wrath, Exeter, Iron Duke, Righteous Fury, Dominion, Zealous, Minotaur

[Thumb - RDT_20221004_1855494961949809403598379.jpg]
4 Dauntless Light Cruisers: Pride of Hawkshroud, Suprise, Vigilant, Havock

[Thumb - RDT_20221004_1855538814103125081851963.jpg]
Frigates: Wayfarer, Scheherazade, Sunfang, Excalibur, Flamberge, Emperor's Light, Holy Wrath, Sword of Damocles, Howard Anderson, Ivan Antanov, and Irena Riva y Silva.

[Thumb - RDT_20221004_1855574841318910026821253.jpg]
Destroyers: Walker, Mahan, Pope, Encounter, Creed, Kell, Cadia, Eisenhorn, Rocket, Banshee, Ardent, Daring

[Thumb - RDT_20221005_0130588678391743139603951.jpg]
Strike Craft

Made in nl
Fighter Ace

Good stuff.

New Tau Orbital City

Made in nl
Fighter Ace

Some new images of the Craftworld Eldar Battleship:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Don't forget about the warp rift competition

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/13 08:32:31

Made in nl
Fighter Ace

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Lordy this game needs to come back.

Gorgeous models, fun rules, and I was even half way decent at it.

Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

Who said it went anywhere, i still own all the books and a fleet of ships. we don't play it as often as i would like.....but then we play lots of different games every weekend.

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Well. I kinda implied that in my last post

I just want commercially available models and game system again. Whilst I don’t hold with third party stuff, recasts and pirated rules, that’s a rule I only apply to myself.

There’s just something about the ship design in this game. Regardless of your chosen side, the models were gorgeous and so suited to the force running them.

Sure, rules wise it was strictly 2D. But it was otherwise Age of Sail naval combat, where forward planning and positioning paid off.

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Too many other games on the go, but I admire BFG from afar. I look forward to issues of Warp Rift more than White Dwarf itself.

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Well. I kinda implied that in my last post

I just want commercially available models and game system again. Whilst I don’t hold with third party stuff, recasts and pirated rules, that’s a rule I only apply to myself.

There’s just something about the ship design in this game. Regardless of your chosen side, the models were gorgeous and so suited to the force running them.

Sure, rules wise it was strictly 2D. But it was otherwise Age of Sail naval combat, where forward planning and positioning paid off.

2D is better than 3D for a game in space at this scale, the third dimension is meaningless.
I really hope for BFG to make a comeback as well, I want to see new models in stores
Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Recently picked up Void Admiral from Amazon, it's a BFG clone with streamlined rules and battleboards like SAGA.

I'm gonna scratchbuild some ships for it and give it a go, but it might be of interest to some here, and the book is really cheap.

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

For me what really made BFG tick was being able to line up your Broadsides a turn or two in advance, carefully coralling the foe with Torpedo volleys in preparation.

Sure against some fleets you’d take a lot of damage getting everything into position. But when a single turn of raw firepower laid into them? Just….gorgeous.

This is also why I adore the Actually Pretty Awful Movie ‘Battleship’. That final stand man. Cinematic perfection.

Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Dug out my unassembled, unpainted Chaos and Imperial escorts. Those are the only original BFG models I have, gifted to me nearly 20 years ago and carried around through nearly 20 house moves.

Assembled my Imperials, 9 escorts. Slapping together some scratchbuild cruisers, light cruisers and a battleship to go with them. Will post the results here when I'm done.

Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Probably not worth making a WIP blog, so I'll post it here!
First I made a template out of chipboard. I got the dimensions from this webpage:

Then I bulked them out with layers of foamboard to get the rough shape. The foamboard layers are in the back of this picture, behind my escorts (I didn't take a better photo unfortunately!)

A few years ago the Dropfleet Space Station kit was half off in the bargain bin in my FLGS, so I picked it up for fodder for this project. There's loads on the sprue, I'll only use a small part for this fleet.

I clad the foam in cable ties, I have two sizes. I will be finishing the cladding on some of the more complex shapes later, maybe adding more layers. Here is a Tyrant class, the weapons batteries are the heads of the cable ties.

Here's the dictator class with launch bays, I might re-do the cladding in the middle there.

And a Gothic Class, I'll paint those guns with plasma glow so they are clearly lances.

Drinking straws for exhaust nozzles. Probably could have done a better job here, tbh! I will fill these in a bit with hot glue and then paint the blue-white glow onto it.

The bottom still needs detailing, probably do a strip of chipboard down the middle, and then clad it up, add a keel structure and some housing for the torpedo tubes at the front.

And obviously, I've got to attach the iconic prows. I'm gonna make these as separate pieces, and I'm going to work hard to give them that ship-shape that is so important to 40K imperial ships. Thinking of making a sort of template for the bottom with a central ridge, and then sculpting the prow out of milliput using that as a guide. Then I'll hot glue it to the foam in front.

Doing this during paternity leave so generally for about 30 minutes to an hour at a time while my kid is napping, and it's really fun. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much. I know I could get better results with a 3D printer but the scratchbuilding process is fun in it's own right.

After these guys are done I'll do an Emperor class battleship, and maybe some light cruisers. But I need to get some more cable ties first!

Thinking about how to do Chaos ships next, their shape is a bit harder for scratch building but I think I have a method that might work out for me.

Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Here's the upper structure of the three cruisers finished. I'm gonna detail the underside a bit too, as well as adding the fixture for the flight stand and torpedo tubes.

Pretty proud of the prows, I think they'll look pretty good painted. And the overall effect works I think - they look like Imperial Cruisers, especially at tabletop distance, and it's pretty easy to tell what they're armed with. Obviously, it's a bit wonky in places, but I'm going to really enjoy playing with these guys!

Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Here's the finished ships. One wonky flight stand, gotta hot glue that.

A front on view:

And from above

Now, to paint them!

Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Finally, painted ships!
Really pleased with how these came out.

Tyrant Class

Gothic Class

Dictator Class

Sword Class

More Sword Class, in Void Admiral these guys will have lasers instead of weapons batteries, hence the glowing blue chambers on the sides.

Firestorm Class, in Void Admiral I'm counting the front lances as missile pods.

I think the scratchbuild is most effective at tabletop distance, up close you can see all the wonky bits and so on. But given my skill level and the general ease of the build, I'm pretty happy with the effect.
Planning to build an Emperor and Retribution class battleship and then try my hand at some Light Cruisers. I think the Battleships will be easier - bigger, blockier builds are easier in this style, but if I can get the distinctive prows for the Light Cruisers down I think I can do something cool there.
After that, the Chaos Fleet is my next plan. Again, I own a half dozen Escorts, and I only need to scratch build the Iconoclast class, which is imo the easiest class to do that with. I was very intimidated at the prospect of the Chaos fleet with it's curves and sloped surfaces, but this has given me confidence and I think I can pull it off.

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Kind of surprised I’ve not see any Capital Ship scratch builds based off the Scimitar Jetbike.

It’s got the right sort of shapes and dimensions.

Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


I thought the same when I saw one recently. Pretty good basis I'd say.

Probably a price thing - you can get BFG capital ships on Ebay, and the price difference for models riding those jetbikes means you may as well save yourself the effort and go for the real deal.

I didn't want to spend on this stuff, so my materials are all dirt cheap.

Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Finished fleet with Light Cruisers and Chonky Battleships added:

Obviously not as nice as official models or 3D prints, but I'm pretty happy with them and I had a lot of fun making them. On to making a similarly sized Chaos fleet next. Will be a bit trickier - the chaos ships are much more complex shapes.

Made in gb
Fighter Ace


I think these scratchbuild work just great, they look good en masse and at gaming distance as you say.

Battlefleet Gothic has always been great for scratch building, I have always loved it for that. Warseer (RIP) used to have a cracking thread of scratch builds from all over, good days!

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