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2024/01/10 09:20:29
Subject: Wargames Atlantic New Releases and News 2024
lord_blackfang wrote: The Aztecs are the biggest victim here with even their faces repeating.
With the Aztecs its historically accurate though, as all Aztecs were clones created by ancient Alien astronauts. Did they really have only one face? Ancient alien theorists say... maybe!
2024/01/10 20:08:33
Subject: Wargames Atlantic New Releases and News 2024
While a bit of shield variety wouldn't have gone amiss, however
given the number of times i see folk looking for multiple copies of the shield, head, etc for their army projects i could see there being an equal number of complaints if we did get a sprue of 8 (even slightly) different designs
and depending on how different they were it could make sculpting of the rest of the kit harder if all of them had to be checked against a range of standard poses (and we have seen issues with arm/weapon pairings not working right with some of the WGA kits even when they have presumably been checked so less complications are certainly good in this regard)
2024/01/10 20:16:59
Subject: Wargames Atlantic New Releases and News 2024
given the number of times i see folk looking for multiple copies of the shield, head, etc for their army projects i could see there being an equal number of complaints if we did get a sprue of 8 (even slightly) different designs
Ding ding! Winner, winner chicken dinner!
The clue is in our company name "Wargames" - i.e. armies - not conversion bits for diorama pieces although folks are very welcome to do that too!
2024/01/11 13:17:38
Subject: Wargames Atlantic New Releases and News 2024
Wargames Atlantic wrote: The clue is in our company name "Wargames" - i.e. armies - not conversion bits for diorama pieces although folks are very welcome to do that too!
Yeah, don't knock us kitbashers. If your kits were only good for building massive armies of similar-looking guys, I wouldn't have bought so many of them. When I get my Damned KS boxes, it's going to be Chaos kitbashapalooza.
Dakkadakka: Bringing wargamers together, one smile at a time.™
2024/01/11 13:42:26
Subject: Wargames Atlantic New Releases and News 2024
Talking Banana wrote: When I get my Damned KS boxes, it's going to be Chaos kitbashapalooza.
If they keep with the original shipping date from the crowdfunding page it should start shipping in about 4 months (the date was May 2024), so not that long.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/11 13:42:47
Oh yeah! It's the very first glimpse of the very first Damned frame to come off the machines in the factory! I honestly could not be more excited than I am right now! It's alive, ALIVE!
Let's just get to it shall we?!
You will have to forgive the terrible lighting. This photo was taken on the shop floor where we don't keep any fancy photography equipment for obvious reasons. As soon as I have the frame in hand I'll take some batter shots for you and get another update out.
And, if you keep an eye out for the next update I'm going to do something special for one lucky backer when the first samples do arrive at my desk...
looks like things are progressing well for the Damned
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/12 16:16:20
2024/01/12 16:22:13
Subject: Wargames Atlantic New Releases and News 2024
Just real shame about the masked heads being 6 identical copies, didn't we just talk about this yesterday?
WGF is convinced that those of us making armies want all our figures headed/shielded identically...?
Half joking.
Still, the sprue looks great and I'm very much looking forward to this. Nice variety of non-extreme poses, the space AK's look good and a solid selection of GW-compatible special weapons. This bodes well for the Ogres...
Identical Gas Mask faces isn't a big deal to me really as it sort of makes sense. My IG army is mostly identical Pig Iron Productions Gas Mask heads.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/12 16:35:35
The sprue itself looks good but it looks like a lot of the helmeted and unscarred heads have been dropped, unless they are some other sprue? which is a pity as they were the heads that interested me most.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/01/12 16:48:27
2024/01/12 17:03:21
Subject: Re:Wargames Atlantic New Releases and News 2024
Is the skeleton on the (viewers') left a normal one and the one on the right a giant? If so, that's pretty cool, would not object to a skeleton giant. I guess there's a market for non-terrible Bone Giant substitutes for TOW now.
Or is it two views of the same (or similar) skeleton, one in close up? If so, what's different to normal WA skeletons? Is it even more chunky? Skeleton dwarf or halfling?
Les Grognards cavalry rider and armoured horse head, given a Bulldogs cap head and mounted on a GW Pistoliers horse to give me Terrax Guard Rough Riders. These will be added to my small Terrax Guard force kitbashed with Les Grognards infantry and Bulldogs heads.
Why the GW horse? For me, the WGA horses are a wee bit small (in other words, realistically proportioned for historical kits) to fit in with my other 'heroic' 28mm cavalry. Purely a personal view.
I am hoping though that the mounts for The Damned cavalry are more 'heroic' scale.
Make the Conquistador Cavalry a Reality in Hard Plastic!
We have a winner! Conquistador Cavalry has moved out of voting and is now up for pre-production order!
This set beat out the other 11 with an impressive 1872 votes on Vox Populi. We now have to hit our pre-production goal of $6,000 to send it to tooling!
The Spanish used the shock factor of horses and mounted men to great effect in their conquest of the New World. In one instance, Cortez was able to route an entire Aztec army by leading a charge of five horsemen agains the Aztec command. These models are also suitable for conflicts in Europe in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.
This hard plastic box set will allow you to build armored and unarmored riders and horses with a wealth of head and weapon options. We are also hoping to add arquebusier options. And a doggie if he fits!
Final part inclusions will depend on frame layout once it is designed but this set will have 12 full cavalry models.
Well, I have been looking forward to these... 12 to a box... the Damned only get 9 cavalry to a box. .
EDIT: Hope the doggo stays on it... And I do hope that pistols make it too, even if not historically accurate.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/01/19 19:30:23
2024/01/19 19:52:32
Subject: Wargames Atlantic New Releases and News 2024
Just real shame about the masked heads being 6 identical copies, didn't we just talk about this yesterday?
If they don't show up on another Damned sprue, hopefully helmeted heads will show up as an STL from someone. If I was WGA, I would keep a list of these small requests and try to put out an STL on their digital store about the time most of the sprues reach the customers heads.
The News and Rumors section is all about surprises. I'd certainly hate it if we got 100 posts saying "I know something you don't know..." - malfred
2024/01/19 20:34:42
Subject: Wargames Atlantic New Releases and News 2024
I'm hoping the doggo stays too, and I hope for firearms but I don't see any on the parts breakdown. Surely we don't need 18 different lance poses and 12 different sword poses on a sprue that will presumably have 4 bodies?
Posters on ignore list: 36
40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.
Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here.
2024/01/19 21:19:28
Subject: Wargames Atlantic New Releases and News 2024
lord_blackfang wrote: I'm hoping the doggo stays too, and I hope for firearms but I don't see any on the parts breakdown. Surely we don't need 18 different lance poses and 12 different sword poses on a sprue that will presumably have 4 bodies?
I was thinking that too... but that picture is pretty old. It looks like the same teaser they showed 2 years ago... so hopefully some things have been worked on in those 2 years... It also says 12 riders to a box, but shows 5 bodies... *SHRUG* so no idea.
Edit: Unless it really is 5 bodies to a sprue since the blurb says you can make armored or unarmored riders... so maybe 5 riders bodies per sprue (2 armored, 2 unarmored and 1 command?) with 3 sprues to a box... and 12 horses... ? No idea... but 20 rider bodies for 12 cavalry kind of fits in with the extra stuff in the Skeletal cavalry design philosophy.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/19 21:23:42
2024/01/19 23:17:05
Subject: Wargames Atlantic New Releases and News 2024