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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/23 22:08:06
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels - Primarch Sanguinius - Pg 66
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine
Thought I'd start a post on the WIP for my Blood Angels. Bit of a background first...started in this hobby 2 years ago and have been strictly a hobbyist. Don't know much about the actual game play as I have never tried a game though I do enjoy the fluff. Since getting into the hobby, I've been mostly buying HQ/Elite models as they seemed "cooler" to paint than the normal rank and file troops. Recently, I bought an army from Craigslist and have since started off creating my first army: Blood Angels!
Here's all the models I have so far:
- Mephiston
- Brother Corbulo
- Lemartes
- Librarian in Terminator Armor (Already Painted, need to repaint shoulder/knee pads red)
- 2 Tactical Squads (Used)
- 1 Combat Squad (Used)
- 1 Jump Pack Assault Squad (Used)
- 15 Units Death Company
- 15 Units Sanguinary Guard
- 1 Command Squad
- 1 Devastator Squad
- 2 Rhinos (Used)
- 1 Razorback (Used)
- 3 Vindicators (Used)
- 1 Drop Pod
- 1 Baal Predator
- 1 Dreadnought
- 2 Irconclad Dreadnoughts (Will convert into Furioso and Librarian)
All the used models have been soaked in SimpleGreen and stripped of paint already. I've started work on the 25 units that will be the 2 tactical squads/1 combat squad.
Here's a picture of the 5 guys I've painted so far.
This message was edited 32 times. Last update was at 2022/03/19 23:10:14
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/23 22:12:09
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator
Very nice, I'd digging the darker blood angel look.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 07:52:49
Subject: Re:Eggroll's Blood Angels
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine
Thanks wizard12, I never personally like the bright cartoonish look of the normal BA scheme so I tried to go for something a bit darker with deeper shadows and darker reds.
Ok. Got some pics of some of the rest of the tac squad finished and in my display case. They have a satin finish which really shines from the camera flash but they are much more matte in appearance in person.
Also finished stripping paint from a few more models, got them rebuilt and rebased.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 08:04:51
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Stormin' Stompa
Another hand in front of face plasma gunner?
Guess everyone has em nowadays
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 08:15:27
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Alluring Mounted Daemonette
being a blood angels (or rather, Flesh Tearers) player myself, here are some units that i really really recomend you use, just because they are so awesome
HQs: none of the named characters are really worth their points, however dante, astorath, and seth are fun and pretty good. dante because you can take sanguinary guard as troops, astorath because he removes the death company 0-1 limit and also gives red thirst on 1-3 instead of on a 1, and seth because he is quite hard in close combat with s8 and rending
Elites: Sanguinary Guard are very good, however they are also very expensive and dont have an invul save. Sanguinary Priests are a must. They give furious charge and feel no pain to anything within 6 inches, and you can take 3 as 1 elite choice. Corbulo is nice and hard to kill, but a bit overpriced. Furioso Dreadnaughts are basically venerable dreadnaughts without the 'venerable' rule, but they are still good. i recomend frag cannon and heavy flamer. Mag-grapples are nice but not a must. Furioso Librarian is also nice, but again not fantastic.
Troops: Death Company are expensive but good. I recomend take 9 of them, with 3-4 power weapons and a hammer, with a chaplain(now elites not HQs) in a rhino. Don't take jump packs because they are overpriced, unless you're gonna take lemartes with them, and even then only take 5 of them.
Dedicated transports: Blood angels can now take all 3 land raiders as transports, however being land raiders they are still really expensive and not really recommended unless you put assault terminators in them. O and land raiders can deep strike now too.
Fast Attack: Baal Preds now have scout and fast. Arm them with inferno cannon and heavy flamers and watch your opponant cry.
Remember that all your infantry and dreadnaughts have red thirst, meaning that you're gonna get a fair few furious charge and fearless marines. So even your tactial squads with red thirst are gonna outfight vanila marines on the charge.
Glory to the Twelfth! Glory to Angron!
"Because we couldn’t be trusted. The Emperor needed a weapon that would never obey its own desires before those of the Imperium. He needed a weapon that would never bite the hand that feeds. The World Eaters were not that weapon. We’ve all drawn blades purely for the sake of shedding blood, and we’ve all felt the exultation of winning a war that never even needed to happen. We are not the tame, reliable pets that the Emperor wanted. The Wolves obey, when we would not. The Wolves can be trusted, when we never could. They have a discipline we lack, because their passions are not aflame with the Butcher’s Nails buzzing in the back of their skulls. The Wolves will always come to heel when called. In that regard, it is a mystery why they name themselves wolves. They are tame, collared by the Emperor, obeying his every whim. But a wolf doesn’t behave that way. Only a dog does. That is why we are the Eaters of Worlds, and the War Hounds no longer."
—Captain Khârn of the World Eaters Legion's 8th Assault Company, from his unpublished treatise The Eighteen Legions |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 16:55:43
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine
battle Brother Lucifer wrote:Another hand in front of face plasma gunner?
Guess everyone has em nowadays
Yup, everyone with a SM army needs a plasma gun shy model!
CalasTyphon216 wrote:being a blood angels (or rather, Flesh Tearers) player myself, here are some units that i really really recomend you use, just because they are so awesome
Thanks! I haven't bothered creating an army list yet since I don't know if I'll be playing the game but if I do, I'll keep your advice in mind.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 17:07:22
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Krazy Grot Kutta Driva
Really strong paint jobs there. Are you going to trim the shoulder pads? I think it'll help break up all the red. Looks just a little too much right now.
You've got skills there though mate.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 17:08:39
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Blood Angel Chapter Master with Wings
Very interesting style take on BA, nicely done!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 17:15:39
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine
jackanory wrote:Really strong paint jobs there. Are you going to trim the shoulder pads? I think it'll help break up all the red. Looks just a little too much right now.
You've got skills there though mate.
Yup, originally I was going to do the shoulder trim in black to give more definition but all the reference pictures I found on BA Tacticals had all red shoulder pads except the Sergeants who have a black middle. I tried doing more shading on the bottom half of the pads to give more contrast between the middle and edges but I don't know if that shows up as well.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 17:17:07
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Pulsating Possessed Chaos Marine
I like your bases, just plain cork or? Will you add some death company troops later?
Keep up the awesome work!
Woff, I'm a Cow! |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 18:36:26
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Chaplain with Hate to Spare
These look great! love the muted colours, did you airbrush or normal brush? the conformity says airbrush, but the models say awesome!
Flesh Eaters 4,500 points
" I will constantly have those in my head telling me how lazy and ugly and whorish I am. You sir, are a true friend " - KingCracker
"Nah, I'm just way too lazy to stand up so I keep sitting and paint" - Sigur
"I think the NMM technique with metals is just MNMM. Same sound I make while eating a good pizza" - Whalemusic360 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 18:47:20
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine
Limbo wrote:I like your bases, just plain cork or? Will you add some death company troops later?
Thanks. Bases are done with torn up cork boards. Then sprinkled with GW basing sand for the cracks in between.
nerdfest09 wrote:These look great! love the muted colours, did you airbrush or normal brush? the conformity says airbrush, but the models say awesome!
Good eye. They are airbrushed for the basecoat, shadows and highlights. I then go back and line in the details and paint the metallics. Saves me a ton of time. Also I do my basecoat/primer using Duplicolor Rust Primer which gives it a darker red base.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 18:56:31
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Sureshot Kroot Hunter
I like the looks of these Blood angels, they look a little bit like Angels Vermillion mixed with traditional Blood Angels.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 19:11:15
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Chaplain with Hate to Spare
well your method works fantastically, I've not toyed with airbrushes yet but would love to as i'm all about chasing a good loking army that is quick to paint, and i've always loved the look of airbrushed marines, it suits the shapes of the armour much better than brush blending, and your models are testamount to how good it looks!
Flesh Eaters 4,500 points
" I will constantly have those in my head telling me how lazy and ugly and whorish I am. You sir, are a true friend " - KingCracker
"Nah, I'm just way too lazy to stand up so I keep sitting and paint" - Sigur
"I think the NMM technique with metals is just MNMM. Same sound I make while eating a good pizza" - Whalemusic360 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 21:33:32
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit
Beautiful take on the BA scheme there, don't feel you have to limit this blog to BA though, I'd love to see a close up of that Typhoon bike on your work station
No trees were hurt in the making of this sig, however many electrons were disturbed.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 22:25:43
Subject: Re:Eggroll's Blood Angels
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine
Lovely paint scheme, I think darker coloured BA look great too. Makes me want to get an airbrush even more! Just hand painted a BA Razorback, about 8 coats of Blood Red thinned down later and it still looks awful to me, brush marks etc, airbrushing would make it smooth and take a fraction of the time I guess...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 22:34:25
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit
@Redbristles In the mean time why not try out army painters range. It may help you cut your paint time, I know it did for me. Especially on vehicles.
No trees were hurt in the making of this sig, however many electrons were disturbed.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/24 22:41:37
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Fixture of Dakka
On a boat, Trying not to die.
I like the gradient shift from lights to darks on the Tac squad. It gives it more depth and makes it stand out.
Damn the fact that half of my family has art degrees...
Every Normal Man Must Be Tempted At Times To Spit On His Hands, Hoist That Black Flag, And Begin Slitting Throats. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/25 05:32:09
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine
Lennysmash wrote:Beautiful take on the BA scheme there, don't feel you have to limit this blog to BA though, I'd love to see a close up of that Typhoon bike on your work station
Ah, it was a box of Ravenwing Bike Squadron I picked up for free. The upgrade sprue it came with had the typhoon missiles in it and I just figured I'd throw it on the main bike for fun. Don't plan on running a DA army so doesn't need to be game legal.
Automatically Appended Next Post: redbristles wrote:Lovely paint scheme, I think darker coloured BA look great too. Makes me want to get an airbrush even more! Just hand painted a BA Razorback, about 8 coats of Blood Red thinned down later and it still looks awful to me, brush marks etc, airbrushing would make it smooth and take a fraction of the time I guess...
For my BA army, I've been using Duplicolor Sandable Primer Rust which I picked up at Canadian Tire which is a hardware store in Canada. 10 bucks a can so compared to GW, it's relatively cheap and provides good coverage w/o obscuring detail. I also use their black primer as well and I think it's the best compromise between quality and price. If you can find it, definitely try it out as it will make base coating your BA a lot easier.
Automatically Appended Next Post: Got the other 8 units primed and airbrushed tonight. Primed using duplicolor primer rust colour.
Here's the first airbrush step where I've added highlights using Blood Red airbrushed on top of the primer.
Second step I've added shadows using a mixture of Createx Airbrush Colors paint: Opaque Red and Opaque Black in a 50/50 mix. I also added blue masking tape which is specially designed for painting on the bottom of the shoulder edges so I can add the darker transition between the shoulder pads and outer rim.
Final step I've used a watered down Opaque Red on all of the surfaces to kick back the Blood Red. I personally don't like the orange-ish red hue of Blood Red so this is basically a filter that gives it a richer red colour while removing the orange hues.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2010/08/25 05:45:31
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/25 07:42:45
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine
In a Toyota, plotting revenge.
Excellent dude! My favourite blood angels army by far!
metallifan said: I almost wonder is "Matt Ward" another pen name for C.S. Goto?
metallifan said: The Imperium would probably love Hitler...
Play KoL! Click my sig to go to the main website and sign up!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/25 08:12:45
Subject: Re:Eggroll's Blood Angels
Dakka Veteran
Wow, those are awesome. I've started work on a BA army myself and they kind of put mine to shame a little, so dark and moody. That's great work, can't wait to see the rest of the army and characters  .
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/25 08:15:01
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Resentful Grot With a Plan
I really like the dreadnought behind the 20 marines. Nice and earthy...
Titans: For those commanders who do not believe in overkill.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/25 09:26:42
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets
Your painting is excellent and a nice break from the blaringly bright red we normally see.
My one problem is the blood drop icons on the shoulder pads, it just somehow seems like a very stark contrast, maybe weather them a bit or use a darker yellow?
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/25 14:20:14
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Tunneling Trygon
Boss 'eadbreaka wrote:Your painting is excellent and a nice break from the blaringly bright red we normally see.
QFT. Keep it up.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/25 19:28:31
Subject: Re:Eggroll's Blood Angels
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine
Just a quick post of a melta gun marine. Singled him out since he didn't have a helmet and had to do his skin.
Also, a side project is my DA Terminator Captain. Used some parts from the DA Vet Upgrade Sprue including the autogun. Just need to finish up a display base for him which is delayed by my order from Bitz Barn. I'd have to say they are the worst Bitz company I've ever ordered from as it's been a month since my order. Anyway, that rant is for another time.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/25 19:51:41
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Canada,Prince Edward Island
You have a good selection of people there! keep up the good work
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/25 19:58:19
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Chaplain with Hate to Spare
Sorry to keep posting but I just re read this thread and I love your stuff! it's just so damn inspirational! keep painting (spraying) :-)
Flesh Eaters 4,500 points
" I will constantly have those in my head telling me how lazy and ugly and whorish I am. You sir, are a true friend " - KingCracker
"Nah, I'm just way too lazy to stand up so I keep sitting and paint" - Sigur
"I think the NMM technique with metals is just MNMM. Same sound I make while eating a good pizza" - Whalemusic360 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/25 20:05:37
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine
nerdfest09 wrote:Sorry to keep posting but I just re read this thread and I love your stuff! it's just so damn inspirational! keep painting (spraying) :-)
No worries. Part of the reason I started this painting log is to get feedback which keeps me motivated! Automatically Appended Next Post: Boss 'eadbreaka wrote:Your painting is excellent and a nice break from the blaringly bright red we normally see.
My one problem is the blood drop icons on the shoulder pads, it just somehow seems like a very stark contrast, maybe weather them a bit or use a darker yellow?
Thanks. Looking back at the decals now, you're right, they do stand out a bit too much. I'll have to revisit them later and see if I can tone it down a bit. Shading them lightly along the bottoms shouldn't be too much work with the airbrush.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/08/25 20:31:17
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/25 22:42:20
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Pulsating Possessed Chaos Marine
I like the pose on the DA, but the green is alittle to bright IMO, makes me think more of the Mantis Warriors.
Melta gunner looks great, but there's something about his backpack that bothers me thought, but I can't put my finger on it
Woff, I'm a Cow! |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2010/08/25 22:55:38
Subject: Eggroll's Blood Angels
Agile Revenant Titan
Thanks for the airbrush tutorial. Wow. What an effective way to paint with an airbrush. Other than a base color, I didn't think there was much reason to use an airbrush.
No earth shattering, thought provoking quote. I'm just someone who was introduced to 40K in the late 80's and it's become a lifelong hobby. |