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Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

All Necrons going 32mm now?
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

This is Seth's Strikeforce. No datasheet for it in the review though

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/12/12 22:39:38

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

 sockwithaticket wrote:
New Terminator kit sprue pictures show that four out of five torso fronts come with a head already molded in and the legs all come with the back of the torso molded on.

That is abominable design. There is literally no reason not to follow the established pattern of loose heads and two piece torsos unless your specific aim was to cut down the options people have when posing their miniatures

For a company that keeps claiming it's about models not games it's truly pathetic. And they have the cheek to charge more for it than 4 of the other 5 terminator kits.

As ever with GW, they just cannot seem to do something good without following it up with something utterly stupid.

I guess they wanted better poses. Lets face it, multipose Terminators tend to have bad poses. Obviously it limits the options...

Mr Vetock, give back my Multi-tracker! 
Made in us
Rampaging Carnifex

South Florida

Chad Warden wrote:
All Necrons going 32mm now?

Good eyes. Those do look like 32mm. Which would mean a reboxing of some Necron units.

Made in us
Chaplain with Hate to Spare

Sioux Falls, SD

Did anyone else notice that the Angelic Host Web Bundle's Command Squad was built using a bunch of BA Tactical Squad parts?

5250 pts
3850 pts
Deathwatch: 1500 pts
Imperial Knights: 375 pts
30K 2500 pts 
Made in us
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

Hey! What that tower in the back?! New Void shield?!
[Thumb - Ku7VhQR.jpg]

2K Daemons Fantasy
2.5K Ogres
3K Flesh Tearers
2K Necrons
Made in gb
Ghastly Grave Guard


 casvalremdeikun wrote:
Did anyone else notice that the Angelic Host Web Bundle's Command Squad was built using a bunch of BA Tactical Squad parts?

Yes though they were on 25mm bases and not the new 32mm ones. Blood angels may yet have another week of releases. They still have no army boxed set release so throwing another new kit in is a possibility (fingers crossed for assault squads)
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

 jspyd3rx wrote:
Hey! What that tower in the back?! New Void shield?!

Could it be just converted? Looks interesting indeed
Made in us
Chaplain with Hate to Spare

Sioux Falls, SD

Motograter wrote:
 casvalremdeikun wrote:
Did anyone else notice that the Angelic Host Web Bundle's Command Squad was built using a bunch of BA Tactical Squad parts?

Yes though they were on 25mm bases and not the new 32mm ones. Blood angels may yet have another week of releases. They still have no army boxed set release so throwing another new kit in is a possibility (fingers crossed for assault squads)
I am not counting on a new Assault Squad. If they were going to do it for BA, it seems they would've already done so. The only thing that I can really see is that the legs on the Company Champion are not from the Tactical Squad box. Is it possible that they are showing a converted kit? Sure, but that would be false advertising. Most of the other parts are just the regular Command Squad spruce mixed with Tactical Squad parts though.

If they did suddenly release a new Command Squad kit, I would be all over it. I may run into problems with slots with Elites pretty soon.

EDIT: oh Christ, it is the Company Champion torso from the Command Squad box. I'm slowed.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/12/12 23:05:33

5250 pts
3850 pts
Deathwatch: 1500 pts
Imperial Knights: 375 pts
30K 2500 pts 
Made in gb
Ghastly Grave Guard


Still though army box will be due. See what comes with it if they get one anyway
Made in us
Stern Iron Priest with Thrall Bodyguard

Redondo Beach

i'm going to be painting Seth for the Nova Open charity raffle in a month or two...
good to see i chose a character who is getting some love...
it gets me even more motivated to paint...

i'm loving the look of ALL the new BA plastics...

now it's time to finish painting a plastic Dante conversion...
my second one...
i'm happy to see my clients will be getting some good use out of him this time around...
i felt bad for the first guy who bought one, 9 months ago...
now, i bet he is stoked!!!


Paint like ya got a pair!

Available for commissions.
Made in gb
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

United Kingdom

Backfire wrote:
 sockwithaticket wrote:
New Terminator kit sprue pictures show that four out of five torso fronts come with a head already molded in and the legs all come with the back of the torso molded on.

That is abominable design. There is literally no reason not to follow the established pattern of loose heads and two piece torsos unless your specific aim was to cut down the options people have when posing their miniatures

For a company that keeps claiming it's about models not games it's truly pathetic. And they have the cheek to charge more for it than 4 of the other 5 terminator kits.

As ever with GW, they just cannot seem to do something good without following it up with something utterly stupid.

I guess they wanted better poses. Lets face it, multipose Terminators tend to have bad poses. Obviously it limits the options...

Absolutely many of the existing multi-part kits are hard to get decent poses out of, but that has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that their legs don't already come with a back attached or front torso parts with heads whose facing direction cannot be altered. It's mainly down to the complete lack of thought that went into the leg and arm design of those kits, with the former all being the same kind of static, splayed, slightly crouched style that makes tactical marines so difficult to do anything cool with and the latter largely being straight arms with no indication that they can flex in any way whatsoever.

From the preview pictures on the website the alterations they've made to this kit do very little to address those issues, the lightning claw armed terminators are particularly good examples of this (the 'come at me bro' one excepted). Cutting down the posability of them without needing to hack them up is not helpful in getting better poses from your terminators. If they're going to restrict what we can do with them they could at least come up with more like the Dark Vengeance chainfist Terminator who is rearing back with his chainfist balled, ctually looking like he's about to punch it through something. That model demonstrates that they can engineer parts that make a dynamically posed Terminator if they put their minds to it and it would be so easy for them to alter that ad file to get an awesome lightning claw pose,

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/12/13 00:30:47

Made in us
Battle Tested Karist Trooper

Central Coast, California

 jspyd3rx wrote:
Hey! What that tower in the back?! New Void shield?!

Looks like standard Imperialis modular terrain with bits of the defense line up top?

Made in us
Wicked Canoptek Wraith


Anyone know what the new Necron information looks like in Exterminus? I'm wondering if it's worth the buy.

**Queens 40k Fight Club NYC**

Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

I ordered the new campaign book. I didn't realise these were so expensive (I didn't look at the price of the first one I bought). Anyway, they're amazing books, so big props to GW for finally doing campaign books. But I of course immediately take those props back for not bothering to leverage these campaigns into a wider release. Shield of Baal will be forgotten as quickly as it arrived.

 Fango wrote:
 jspyd3rx wrote:
Hey! What that tower in the back?! New Void shield?!

Looks like standard Imperialis modular terrain with bits of the defense line up top?

It is. It's just a kit-bashed building.

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant

Glad flesh tearers are getting some love though mind. Always preferred them as a chapter to the blood angels, that little bit darker and grim dark - surprised the sisters are happy to fight alongside them though given what happened on Armageddon.

It's not going to happen, but it would be lovely if the got a little upgrade sprue for them, 20 flesh tearer chapter shoulder pads, some chain axes, some really dark faces without the hair, maybe a bit of battle damaged armour to go here and there with a few vehicle parts.

My hobby instagram account: @the_shroud_of_vigilance
My Shroud of Vigilance Hobby update blog for me detailed updates and lore on the faction:
Made in us
Chaplain with Hate to Spare

Sioux Falls, SD

endlesswaltz123 wrote:
Glad flesh tearers are getting some love though mind. Always preferred them as a chapter to the blood angels, that little bit darker and grim dark - surprised the sisters are happy to fight alongside them though given what happened on Armageddon.

It's not going to happen, but it would be lovely if the got a little upgrade sprue for them, 20 flesh tearer chapter shoulder pads, some chain axes, some really dark faces without the hair, maybe a bit of battle damaged armour to go here and there with a few vehicle parts.
I would love to see some upgrade sprues made for BA and Flesh Tearers. The art and color schemes of the Flesh Tearers in the new codex is phenomenal. The thing is, the new BA Tactical Squad box really doesn't fit Flesh Tearers very well, they would be better off using the regular Tactical Squad. If they released an upgrade sprue with ten Flesh Tearer shoulder pads, a heavy flamer, some Flesh Tearer helmets, and a muscled torso or two for the Sergeants would be really cool. That way they could customize the regular Tactical Squad kit.

I would like to see a kit for Blood Angels that comes with some shoulder pads, a muscled torso, some Jump Packs, and tabards so you can customize Assault Squads, Command Squads, and Captains to fit better with the new BA Tactical Squads. I get they want us to buy more BA Tactical squads, but I would gladly spend $10 USD on an upgrade sprue and a Command Squad.

5250 pts
3850 pts
Deathwatch: 1500 pts
Imperial Knights: 375 pts
30K 2500 pts 
Made in gb
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!


GW do a nice line in flesh tearer shoulder pads but they've been out of stock for ages. That said, look at the image of Seth linked above - he's got basically as much straight Blood Angel iconography on him as he does Flesh Tearer, you could achieve the same effect by simply painting on the buzz saw motif on a kneepad and a shoulderpad. I disagree that the new tacticals kit doesn't fit Flesh Tearers well.

Dead account, no takesy-backsies 
Made in us
Chaplain with Hate to Spare

Sioux Falls, SD

 Bull0 wrote:
GW do a nice line in flesh tearer shoulder pads but they've been out of stock for ages. That said, look at the image of Seth linked above - he's got basically as much straight Blood Angel iconography on him as he does Flesh Tearer, you could achieve the same effect by simply painting on the buzz saw motif on a kneepad and a shoulderpad. I disagree that the new tacticals kit doesn't fit Flesh Tearers well.
The wings are the biggest problem. The new Tactical squad is LITTERED with them. Works out well for most of the BA successors, but doesn't really fit the Flesh Tearers very well. And what I mean by that is Seth is the only Flesh Tearer depicted with wing iconography. The rest look like regular old Space Marines.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/12/13 10:28:50

5250 pts
3850 pts
Deathwatch: 1500 pts
Imperial Knights: 375 pts
30K 2500 pts 
Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant

Yeah flesh tearers are thuggish and brutal. Their MO tends to have them run through so many brick walls that their equipment is damaged, possibly looting equipment post battle.

My hobby instagram account: @the_shroud_of_vigilance
My Shroud of Vigilance Hobby update blog for me detailed updates and lore on the faction:
Made in gb
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!


To be honest, even with my Blood Angels I mix and match the heavily blinged-up kits like Death Company with the normal marine kits to achieve a more "toned down" look, and I sort of assumed anyone making Flesh Tearers would do the same - that'd break up all the wings. And I've not seen many other flesh tearer images but of those I have, they universally have some wings on them somewhere (even if it's just the chest eagle)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/12/13 10:54:17

Dead account, no takesy-backsies 
Made in gb
Et In Arcadia Ego


This book being out this thread is over.

Further BA discussion can take place in the appropriate board, or a new thread can be started for any new models/books.

The poor man really has a stake in the country. The rich man hasn't; he can go away to New Guinea in a yacht. The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all
We love our superheroes because they refuse to give up on us. We can analyze them out of existence, kill them, ban them, mock them, and still they return, patiently reminding us of who we are and what we wish we could be.
"the play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king,
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