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Made in ca
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Older than my teeth, but younger than my tongue.
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

 1hadhq wrote:
MrMerlin wrote:
1hadhq wrote:

4 1


that makes you this threads greybeard

But the poll saves me.... someone is beyond 56.... just wait bit and we have the really venerable ones.

I doubt it. The venerable ones are all encased in dreadnoughts and only revived when the going gets tough.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Happygrunt wrote:
17, but I want to know who is over 66.

Obviously some sort of troll.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/06/21 17:47:50

Made in it
Devastating Dark Reaper


28 Baabyyy

We are the Children of Eldanesh and Ulthanesh. The galaxy will be ours again.

My Instagram
My Blog
Made in gb
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant


I am x years old

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/02/06 14:19:51

See that stuff above? Completely true. All of it, every single word. Stands to reason. 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

West Michigan, deep in Whitebread, USA

I'm soon to be 38, and have been playing around since Jr. High (late 2nd edition 40k). Back in the old days when games like Necromunda and Mordheim came out.

"By this point I'm convinced 100% that every single race in the 40k universe have somehow tapped into the ork ability to just have their tech work because they think it should."  
Made in us
Unbalanced Fanatic

Atlanta, Ga


One has to wonder. Do the Tyranids consider drop-assault troops... fast food? 
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

I was old when the Old Ones were young
Made in se
Fresh-Faced New User

42 here. Good to see so many young fellas keeping the scene alive so to speak.

Enjoy your youth; it really does start going downhill once you hit 36. On the plus side, chances are relatively high you will no longer be able to see your toes at that age. Quite nice if you have hairy toes, not so nice when trying to get rid of the gut.
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

So this poll was posted over 8 years ago. Not to question the validity of the result but I'm in an older bracket now than when I originally answered the poll. As are many of us, I suspect.

Time for a new poll maybe?

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

44.328850 / -73.110190

Well look at that. I'm finally a 1%er.

 Gitsplitta wrote:
That's.... dirt... Skalk. Actual dust. (09/08/2021)
Made in gb
Stalwart Space Marine



"Life is not measured in years, but in the deeds of men." 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

35 and get off my lawn!
Made in us
Using Inks and Washes

San Francisco, CA

10 years older than when I first replied to this poll!

I play...


Who am I kidding? I only paint these days... 
Made in ch
Irked Necron Immortal


looks like we have 3 1% groups
Made in us
Dark Angels Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries

Rexford NY, USA

Dang, I feel old now.

Let’s just say that my first war games were hex and chit…

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/03/25 19:48:29

Made in us
Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

This poll is not aging with us. I think I'm locked into the 31-35 bracket when I'm actually in the 41-45 bracket now.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I'm no statistician, but I'm guessing that one looking at these results would conclude that if people aged 5-15 aren't registering 80% to 90% here, the hobby isn't looking like it has a bright future.

But what surprises me most is that people past middle age like myself aren't in the overwhelming majority; I'd really come to believe that the (old) stereotype of the elderly man painting soldiers was the norm. 26 to 30 year olds leading the dakka pack seems to me a very optimistic sign, as these are the people who, presuming they continue in the hobby, will continue funding and crafting it for many decades to come.

On the subject of aging, I wish I could follow the cliche' and say that I envy the young, etc., but given the state of the world today, I don't. Perhaps that's good for me in some sense, but saying it doesn't bring me any pride, satisfaction, or happiness. I wish we all cared more about the generations behind us and lived accordingly in the present. Passing the buck and hoping to clock out before the worst happens, which seems to guide what most gerontocracies do, is a miserable, miserly mindset of minimal meaning minus mindfulness. (Sorry. Once I typed "miserable, miserly mindset" I couldn't help making fun of my own alliteration.)

At least I can take some comfort in knowing that my generation won't be the last to find joy in our strange, obscure, and wonderful hobby. Kitbashing and painting miniatures is probably the closest I'll ever come to knowing the peace and tranquility that Zen monks pursue. May this hobby continue to be a quiet, rejuvenating refuge to all of you through the best and worst of times, long after I'm gone.

Dakkadakka: Bringing wargamers together, one smile at a time.™ 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

I’m 143 I’ve got 4858 children, grand children and great grand children.

Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Leicester, UK

I've been 29 for a few years now

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Vermonter wrote:
I'm no statistician, but I'm guessing that one looking at these results would conclude that if people aged 5-15 aren't registering 80% to 90% here, the hobby isn't looking like it has a bright future.

Hopefully some of those young people who are not wargaming now will get older at some point

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/08/31 21:48:11

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

44.328850 / -73.110190

 Vermonter wrote:
But what surprises me most is that people past middle age like myself aren't in the overwhelming majority

Oh, we are. You and I just represent the minority that (a.) cares about how to use a computer, and (b.) can be bothered to fill out a survey.

 Gitsplitta wrote:
That's.... dirt... Skalk. Actual dust. (09/08/2021)
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

I'd think that the owerwhelming majority of today's yoof dont fancy using BBS-style forums such as Dakka. Don't read too much into it.

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

This poll is 10 years old now. Might be worth closing this out and starting a new poll to refresh the data?
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I’m 53 and starting my second Imperial Guard Army. My first Imperial Guard army was built and painted long about 1998-99 era. Fast forward 2022, my 22 year old son decides he is getting into WH 40k. It’s funny how things seem to revolve thru time. Needless to say my 20 year hiatus was spent doing the fatherly type things. So, yea, I find this servey rather interesting. Thanks for letting me join in.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Welcome, Cadianruss! Always good to have more people who remember life before the internet, and GW before it became a publicly traded corporation. Neither of my kids are currently into 40K or miniature games whatsoever, but if your son is just starting the hobby at age 22, maybe there's still hope.

Dakkadakka: Bringing wargamers together, one smile at a time.™ 
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

Every year, I get older than I was when I answered this. How devious.

realism is a lie
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Columbus, Ohio

So that's the problem with this place, and all its high falutin' lah-dee-dah tenth edition boojum.

Back in my day, we played FIRST edition, and we wuz durned glad ta do it!

And we had RESPECT FOR OUR ELDERS! And chicken tasted better! And...

What? Its time for my insulin shot?


Or sumthin...

First, all means to conciliate; failing that, all means to crush.

-Cardinal Richelieu 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I'm 62 at this particular moment.

(It seemed to happen so quickly. I also didn't realize there were so many kids here)

Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

46. Am I too old for this stuff? Are you all youngsters gonna stop when you pass 40?
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