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"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- Full army photoshoot. pg 31  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

So it begins...

As some of you may know, I have been blathering on about starting a Thousand Sons army for months. I finally have enough progress for it to be worth showing you!

The Idea

What if the Thousand Sons had not turned to Chaos? As many of you may know, the Sons remained a loyal legion until the very end when the Space Wolves were unleashed upon them for practicing forbidden sorcery. I intend to create an army of these marines as if they had never betrayed (or been betrayed by) the Imperium.

While I am concentrating on the models atm, I do intend to write up a decent story line eventually. Any suggestions are much appreciated.

The Army

At the moment I only have a vague idea of how big this force is going to turn out, however, I think that two Fellowships (companies) should suffice.

Being a completionist I am also obsessed with owning every single variant of armour, tank and whatever else might interest me plus things of my own design!

The Finished Product

For those of you just joining the blog, fear not! Paint does indeed show up as well as does the quality of modelling

Here's a few more recent pictures to give you a taste of what lies ahead as my skill have improved significantly since 2011!

The Models

Enough Chat! I have already started work on a few marines, care to take a look?

While they may look very rough at this stage, once they are all cleaned up and painted they should look quite the part!


Scarab Occult Veteran

Tactical Squad Marines

Assault Cannon Marine

Multi-Melta Marine (a very fun conversion)

Assault Marine

Raptora Cult Marines

Auto Cannon Marine and Pyrae Marine (he is holding some fire but it looks very odd in these pics!)

And finally, a sergeant with unfinished staff (pics seem to have been slowly getting larger, ah well!)

Well, that is pretty much I have for you right now, hope you like what you see!

Next up, paint!

This message was edited 172 times. Last update was at 2024/09/11 03:49:09

Made in us
Haemonculi Flesh Apprentice

Cool idea! Maybe a walk through of what you plan on using the different marines for....especially the assault canon guy

Made in za
Possessed Khorne Marine Covered in Spikes

Awesome conversions! Will definitely be watching this

I think it may be worth your time to look at the Dornian heresy, if you dont know about it. It is a very well written fan made alternate history, switching the traitor legions for loyalist legions. I really enjoy it, and it has loyalist Thousand Sons with very a interesting history.

Take a look.


Edit: maxmini also makes a not-thousand sons helmet in their "steam knights" helmet range.

the first helmet is very similar to the thousand sons pre-heresy helms in the horus heresy artbook

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/11/25 17:23:03

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


That autocannon looks awkward as hell, sorry. The multimelta is cool though, where's that heat vent from?

Did you know? The Reach belongs to the Forsworn. 
Made in gb
Xenohunter with First Contact

Really good looking conversions there! love the look of that Raptora cult sergeant/captain!!

I always try to keep this up to date with what projects I'm working on... but they just keep piling up

Hobby addict with a serious problem. 
Made in gb
Journeyman Inquisitor with Visions of the Warp

Great start, assault cannon and melta look very nice , autocannon looks a bit weird,the rest are cool.
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

@ Red Corsair. Thanks! I will probably just throw all the fancy/illegal weaponry into a Dev squad and leave it at that, I may get a few bemused looks if I try to field the assault cannon guy in a game!

@Obsidian. Thank you sir! I have actually read the dornian heresy works, while I liked most of them, the 1k sons tale seemed a bit lacking at the start. While I may take some parts from it, most of the fluff will be my own work.

Also, I will probably be picking up some Maxmini stuff along with the new kromlech heads, too good to resist!

Any other sites that I have not yet come across would be very appreciated!

@ Kvlt Ghost. Yeah, I made the AC very quickly, any suggestions on how to improve it? The melta vent is from a Landspeeder`s missile pod, waste not want not!

@ Nathan. Thanks!

@Neil101 Thanks! Any ideas on how to improve the AC?

In other news, a mysterious package has arrived at the door, I suspect there could be some marine bits inside!

Made in za
Possessed Khorne Marine Covered in Spikes

I meant to ask in my original post, but which codex are you using to represent them?

edit : on top of that, i want to ask if you could give me a run down of the guy made from the AOBR Captain. It give me an idea for a conversion, as I'm making a conversion for a friend who recently got into the hobby, and i didnt think of using the AOBR captain on it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/11/26 16:27:12

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Always wanted to quote myself!

Commander Cain wrote:
I have also decided to make this army with no thought for rules or gameplay to allow me free reign with converting and modelling.

I figure if I do want to use them in a game anyway, I will either use the BA or SM 'dex simply because everyone else chooses to play them a Grey Knights! SW is also an option as they can take lots of libby's iirc.

The conversion was super simple, all you need is a aobr captain (obviously), a regular marine torso and shooty right arm , DA head and a backpack.

Replace the aobr guys torso from the body and replace it with the marine torso.
Cut the fancy gun away from the captain's body then stick it back on to the body.
Then, slap the new head and pack onto the marine, easy!

Only problem with this conversion is that I need to sculpt a loincloth back on to him as there is a blank space left after changing torsos.

I have a whole bunch of Black Reach guys that are all getting chopped up for this project, I WILL make them look good!

Made in au
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!

Adelaide, Australia


Notice: If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing
Made in za
Possessed Khorne Marine Covered in Spikes

Commander Cain wrote:Always wanted to quote myself!

Commander Cain wrote:
I have also decided to make this army with no thought for rules or gameplay to allow me free reign with converting and modelling.

I figure if I do want to use them in a game anyway, I will either use the BA or SM 'dex simply because everyone else chooses to play them a Grey Knights! SW is also an option as they can take lots of libby's iirc.

The conversion was super simple, all you need is a aobr captain (obviously), a regular marine torso and shooty right arm , DA head and a backpack.

Replace the aobr guys torso from the body and replace it with the marine torso.
Cut the fancy gun away from the captain's body then stick it back on to the body.
Then, slap the new head and pack onto the marine, easy!

Only problem with this conversion is that I need to sculpt a loincloth back on to him as there is a blank space left after changing torsos.

I have a whole bunch of Black Reach guys that are all getting chopped up for this project, I WILL make them look good!

oops, i totally missed that comment in your older post my bad. Well, i have the same thought with My CSM army now. I'm not really planning to play for it (in fact, the game doesn't appeal to me in the slightest) so I'm basically throwing the codex out the window and going for "the rule of cool". I actually need to update my Blog ive done a lot of models and havent posted in my blog for a while because of real life issues.

Unfortunately, i tried it, and my plan for the model im making wont work with the AOBR captain, but i think i may be able to make him into a neat heretic to lead a squad of mine.
Made in au
Frenzied Berserker Terminator

I'm subscribing just to see the contemptor, they rock!

Veteran Sergeant wrote:In the grim darkness of the far future, the guy with a rifle is the weakest man on the battlefield, left to quake in terror, hoping the two or three shots he gets do the job before somebody runs screaming across the battlefield to hit him with an energized stick.

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Wiltshire, UK

Looking good so far, always like the Thousand Sons.

Are you going to be painting them in the red pre-heresy scheme?

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

I sure am! Red all the way

Made in gb
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran

I don't know!

The stuff looks great I'm going to love watiching this plog!Can't wait to see mroe!


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/12/01 17:45:23

Made in gb
Skink Armed with a Blowpipe

Who this is great subscribed

Lustria, Altdorf, Phalanx and Cadia...

I need to cut down on my armies.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Staying on target.....

I love thousand sons very much and look forward to seeing more!

Just can't help wish their heads were a bit more thousand sons like, just my 2p

An all new Renegade Blog, full of heretical goodness!! - http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/656038.page

Trondheim wrote: Oh my...... I feel a need to do unmentionabel things with you now Scottie

Made in us
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

I would like to see more "Egypt" stuff. Alternately, more "sorcerous" stuff. I feel like they don't look different enough from regular marines yet, although paint could help that.

The guy holding the crook (Anhk?) is going in the right direction. I like the idea of fire throwing guys.
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Don't you worry yourself about them not looking egyptian enough scotti and kestral! I have a whole bunch of stuff planned for these guys and will probably be changing some of the heads for the new Kromlech ones when I make a bitz order!

Made in br
Longtime Dakkanaut


Hey bro, great ideia, im looking forward for this... and you give me the ideia for my next army.... chaos wolves, as if they had turned to chaos during the great heresy

If my post show some BAD spelling issues, please forgive-me, english is not my natural language, and i never received formal education on it...
My take on Demiurgs (enjoy the reading):
Please, if you think im wrong, correct me (i will try to take it constructively). 
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Khorne Wolves! I have always wanted to see someone make an army of them. Perhaps we should team up and write up some fluff for our armies?

Made in ie
Implacable Black Templar Initiate

Great mini's.

@ Commander Cain :
There is a good bit of fluff for Khorne Wolves in the Dornian heresy pdf from bolter and chainsword to use as a spring board.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/12/05 12:36:21

Eventus facti excusat - The outcome justifies the deed
Made in us
Battleship Captain

USA-Illinois- the Chi

That is a really cool idea, cant wait to see how it turns out

Made in us
Painting Within the Lines

portland oregon

Cant wait to see some of this painted,looks original so far.
Fluff for your stuff,it helps get you get in your armies head.

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Looks promising. I'm keen to see them with paint on!

Made in gb
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps

Earlobe deep in doo doo

Interesting idea doing an alt history 40k army. Might be worth having a look at the War Gods of Aegyptus line fr inspiration.

"But me no buts! Our comrades get hurt. Our friends die. Falkenburg is a knight who swore an oath to serve the church and to defend the weak. He'd be the first to tell you to stop puling and start planning. Because what we are doing-at risk to ourselves-is what we have sworn to do. The West relies on us. It is a risk we take with pride. It is an oath we honour. Even when some soft southern burgher mutters about us, we know the reason he sleeps soft and comfortable, why his wife is able to complain about the price of cabbages as her most serious problem and why his children dare to throw dung and yell "Knot" when we pass. It's because we are what we are. For all our faults we stand for law and light.
Von Gherens This Rough Magic Lackey, Flint & Freer
Mekagorkalicious -Monkeytroll
2017 Model Count-71
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Thank ya folks!

Fluff is incoming, my basic idea is for a space-roaming leigon, cast away from their home planet ( Prospero) due to an invasion by the Space Wolves who have recently turned to the worship of Khorne. I do not want to get too ahead of myself so I will have a sit down in the near future and get the good old pen and paper out and get thinking!

@Lamahead, That Aegyptus line of models is making me want to find a way to fit an Egyptian style daemon army into the force, darn you!

On the model side of things, I have made up a couple of termie squads and will get some pics of them up when I have access to a computer and camera, stay tuned!

Thanks again for the kind words, they keep me motivated to keep this project running smoothly!

Made in us
Troubled By Non-Compliant Worlds


Any idea when we can see some of these bad "good" guys painted?

Charlies well spent Paycheck

I apologize in advance for sounding rude, I don't mean to sound that way 
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Just as soon as I get some red paints!

In all seriousness, I will be buying all the GW paints that I am missing after Christmas along with bits from various companies.

Made in us
Oozing Plague Marine Terminator

Las Vegas, Nevada

This is most likely the coolest idea for an army that I have seen on a long time. Subbing to see where it goes, Commander. Also, thinking of building a 1K Chaos Army myself. Maybe we can do an internet match when they are done! HAHA. Keep up the good work, please put some wips in as you are working on these. I am not very good at conversions and would be very interested in seeing your methodology.

You are waaaaay beyond crazy my friend -DSteingass
Yes, everything that changes the entire fething world is overrated..... - DSteingass
...yep... some of the dakka chaps here sure made the joints of my jaw quite loose..Viktor Von Domm
...they put Space Marines in tin cans and drop them from orbit, I don't think fuel consumption or aerodynamics is a concern - DSteingass
I think once again my motormouth has brought me into deep... - Viktor Von Domm
he knows no pain...nor fear, he is a riveteer - Viktor Von Domm
We don't do generic, mainstream, normal, or anything of the sort! ^^ - Shrike
You build fething Titans Henry Ford style Max!! - DSteingass

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