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"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- Full army photoshoot. pg 31  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

I think this could be the year where I completely clear out my paint backlog, since my last post I have been cruising through models, took be a good 45 minutes just to photograph them all!

I shall start with the many terminators that I completed:

Here are some Scarab Occult guys, all that gold trim is paintful to do

Then some repainted CC ones

Aand some more repainted terminators, this time in Aegis armour. (can you tell I just discovered the joys of airbrush OSL?)

One of my favourite armour designs, the Saturnine Terminator is now all done. I just had to paint the knee bits as big gems, that was a lot of fun.

I also did two squads of lightning claw termies, one in Tartaros and the other in Cataphract armour

Okay, that's the terminators all done! Well, I have another 20 needing paint but that's another story...

Now for the standard infantry. I somehow painted all the new MKIII armoured guys I just bought in record time

Starting with the assault squad, the chunky jump packs I printed are my new favourite style. I'm sure the weapon loadouts are not at all playable in game, I just really wanted to use up some stuff in my massive bits box!

For the second squad, I wanted to have one of every missile launcher ever designed by GW. From what I could tell, there are basically 9 unique designs which works out great for a full squad.

The final MKIII squad I wanted to make use of all the volkite weapons I had kicking around. Experimented with a few different colours, teal, orange, but settled on purple for a really eye catching glow.

Speaking of glowy guns, my disintegrator squad is also fully painted and even comes with the added treat of some completed bases!

Capping off the infantry is a Consul all ready to lend a hand or 5. Just have to paint the other Consul and then I have finished everything that came in the Age of Darkness set!

But Cain you say, how are all these guys gonna get around the battlefield? Fear not, I did some vehicles as well...

Let's start with some jetbikes

I repainted these 3 to match the new metallic red scheme, colour looks a little overexposed, I've never been one for taking the best pictures of my stuff.

The one on the left is also a repaint while the other is a nice fresh coat

As if that wasn't enought jetbikes, I did another 3!

The matching Landspeeder also got a fresh coat of paint to match all his friends.

Time for some larger vehicles I think.

First up, my restored gunship that I rescued from my bits box a while back

The accompanying Storm-bird-thing also got a repaint! It didn't fit in my photo booth so you get a sneak peek of the terminators I'm painting at the moment and a look at the chaos that is my desk

Last but not least, tanks.

I've had this model in a state of disrepair for almost 7 years, its finally off the shelf of shame!

And I promise this is the last model, a converted Deimos Razorback, complete with retro turret

Plasma and Lascannons, for when you don't know what gun to take so you just grab a variety pack

Once I get some more basing material I'll try to do another group shot. The army now covers more than two tables so it is quite the process to get them all set up.

Made in us
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant


Looking amazing! They already look great, so I can't wait to see what you do with the rest of them. This has been one of my favorite blogs overall (long before I signed up for Dakka). Just when I was about to sell my small Horus heresy TS army too.

Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More. - https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/800909.page

Way too little free time. 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Madrid, Spain

Spectacular army, what a joy has to be to have them all painted up.

Also known as KeiserS! muette is my old name.

I also have a 3d models shop, check it out here! https://cults3d.com/en/users/keiserspandp/creations 
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

blockade23 wrote:Looking amazing! They already look great, so I can't wait to see what you do with the rest of them. This has been one of my favorite blogs overall (long before I signed up for Dakka). Just when I was about to sell my small Horus heresy TS army too.

Thanks for the kind words! I hope I can keep plugging away at the army for quite some time!

muette wrote:Spectacular army, what a joy has to be to have them all painted up.

Cheers! It is really nice to actually have most of them painted up, beats staring at a shelf of grey models for sure.

I'm on a few days off and am on a bit of an infantry push, starting with the terminator squad I had almost finished in my last post, the green energy mauls were great fun to paint

And while I had some green in the airbrush, I finally made myself finish the blade occult squad I've had kicking around for many years

And yesterday, I painted up my melta squad. Realizing I had several HH tank accessory sprues, I was able to make pretty much an entire squad of MK2 armoured guys, just had to print them some legs and use up some stuff in my bits box.

The hot yellow melta barrels were a joy to paint, I have really been enjoying adding a few splashes of colour to my army, really helps to make the squads stand out from each other.

I also finished off a tank as well, not bad for just a couple of days!

Made in us
Sneaky Lictor

Sedro Woolley, WA

 Commander Cain wrote:
I think this could be the year where I completely clear out my paint backlog, since my last post I have been cruising through models, took be a good 45 minutes just to photograph them all!

Fantastic. They look freaking awesome. I am also pounding away at a paint backlog. Maybe we can compare notes, piles of potential(or shame) etc.

My P&M Blog: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/315066.page

Correct. Despite countless millennia of evolution, technological advances and civilization, we're still monkeys throwing feces at things we don't like.-Zed.

Imperial Flyers don't actually "fly" they just go fast enough that they fall in an arc that keeps them parallel to the ground. -Clockwork Zion

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Man, you're cranking these out

Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Flipping heck Commander! Mighty impressive stuff. The extra pops of colour are really cool, adding loads of interest. Finishing off my pile of potential is a pipe dream, but you must be really close cranking through so many minis.

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Thanks guys! It's not easy cranking out all these models but I am trying to keep up the momentum! I have an excel doc that I listed all my painted and unpainted models which weirdly keeps me going, being able to move stuff into the done column gives my brain happy feelings that is vital in working through the paint pile.

That being said, I have been sick for a couple of weeks and not painting at my usual pace, I did however get a couple of Consuls done, a standard bearer and linebreaker

I tried my hand at nmm, I am very rusty so it isn't amazing but from a distance, looks pretty decent

The linebreaker turned out pretty good. I have been having some airbrush issues and it has resulted in some parts being a little chunky with paint, it might be time to upgrade to a fancier airbrush as the one I'm using was the cheapest I could find off Amazon...

The screen looked good when I was painting it, now I look at the picture it looks awful, ah well, it's gloss varnished so I think it will have to stay that way!

Made in gb
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps

Earlobe deep in doo doo

Excellent looking army.

"But me no buts! Our comrades get hurt. Our friends die. Falkenburg is a knight who swore an oath to serve the church and to defend the weak. He'd be the first to tell you to stop puling and start planning. Because what we are doing-at risk to ourselves-is what we have sworn to do. The West relies on us. It is a risk we take with pride. It is an oath we honour. Even when some soft southern burgher mutters about us, we know the reason he sleeps soft and comfortable, why his wife is able to complain about the price of cabbages as her most serious problem and why his children dare to throw dung and yell "Knot" when we pass. It's because we are what we are. For all our faults we stand for law and light.
Von Gherens This Rough Magic Lackey, Flint & Freer
Mekagorkalicious -Monkeytroll
2017 Model Count-71
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


I like the look of the screen, don't be so hard on yourself

Made in us
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


I think the screen looks good, though I would have done it differently, in that I would have used one of my naked woman decals on it. He's "studying the battle plans."

Made in ro
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Sorry to hear you’re not feeling too good. Hopefully it passes soon. As for the screen I think it looks pretty good, though ShadowsandDust’s idea sounds pretty funny too! Would probably be more Emperors Children than Thousand Sons I reckon!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Llamahead wrote:Excellent looking army.

Thanks! I'm afraid it's just going to keep growing forever haha

Syro_ wrote:I like the look of the screen, don't be so hard on yourself

Yeah it is fine, I just know I can do a little better, always good to keep trying to improve my skills!

ShadowsAndDust wrote:I think the screen looks good, though I would have done it differently, in that I would have used one of my naked woman decals on it. He's "studying the battle plans."

I've printed another backpack with a bigger screen, might have to get a little creative with the next one

gobert wrote:Sorry to hear you’re not feeling too good. Hopefully it passes soon. As for the screen I think it looks pretty good, though ShadowsandDust’s idea sounds pretty funny too! Would probably be more Emperors Children than Thousand Sons I reckon!

I finally recovered, might have been a splash of the Covid, luckily nothing more than feeling like garbage for a week or so...

Last weekend I tried to smash through a few squads of infantry and was pretty succesful. I had an ancient tactical squad from around 2004 that got the new shiny red treatment and some nice fresh assault cannons. The paintjob is nothing special as the models have a chunky layer of paint that never got removed fully. Still, I think they fit in okay with the new guys.

I know for a fact that a few of the monopose ones in the back have been painted as Ultramarines, the Dark Angels, then Blood Angels, then matte Thousand Sons, and now what you see today. Quite the life they have lived!

To keep the heavy weapon theme going, my MKIV squad is all wrapped up. What's your favourite heavy bolter style? Mine is definitely the silly oversized one on the right based off the old 90's model

After doing all that infanty I treated myself to an HQ model, and decided to paint up my converted Delegatus in terminator armour (pretty sure that's not an option in the game but I think it's cool)

The base is a custodes terminator, my quest to feature every piece of armour in the legion cares not for lore or rules!

The large speakers on his back were sourced from the Zaangor kit, finally putting some of those models to good use..

I have a couple more custodes models that I have desecrated for my army, should have them done soon!

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Back to full strength it seems commander! The heavy weapons teams look good, the thick layers of paint seem pretty well hidden too. The classic shoulder mounted variants have a certain ridiculousness that I like too. Lovely work on the ex-Custodes

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Thanks for the kind words Gobert!

It's been a few months since I did an update but I have not been idle, in fact I have been painting up a storm which means time for another chunky update!

Let's start with some Terminators, first off, someof the new plastic Indomitus guys, great sculpts and much better scaled than the old ones

This is Scopey, the worst shot in the entire legion, hence the 6 scopes in the desperate attempt to help him hit something smaller than a Blackstone Fortress

After a lot of hunting, I finally found some STL's for Gorgon Terminators, completing my armour variant collection for terminator armour!

These guys I printed far too large so my headcannon is that they are Thunder Warriors in custom armour to help contain all their awesomeness

Tried to do a new paint scheme on the shoulderpads, ended up making them the exact colour of the bases, ah well!

Not terminators per-se, but a few Primaris marines did manage to sneak into my army somehow, probably a magic time portal?

Did I say I had every armour variant? Time to make up some new ones, this offshoot of Indomitus armour has segmented knees and weird helmets, feel free to suggest a name for it!

Let's take a quick break from infantry, how about some tanks?

First up, a Rhino variant with a little more headroom for the taller gentlemen

Not enough headroom you say? How about a convertible instead?

Not enough firepower either? Take a Basilisk and that's my final offer

Okay, time to fill those tanks with some troops.

First up, a repainted Pyrae flamer squad

I also repainted the Pavoni terror squad with sweet new purple skin tones

While I was painting them, I did the new Posessed kit as well. Not nearly as good a kit as the old one in my opinion, I am not a fan of the newer monopose kits, makes conversions much harder...

Hey, more Primaris, where are these guys coming from?!

Ah there we go, some classic beakies, much better

Finally got to use up one of the big transfers from the sheet!

And the spotty teenagers of space marine armour variants, MK5 Heresy

Oh gosh, the time portal is going weird again, more Primaris with bug guns

And a rare appearence of some MK8 Errant armour (based off the original Jes Goodwin sketch)

Check out those fancy power fist style gauntlets

To conclude the whacky time loop portion of this adventure, I bring you some MK16 Damocles armour. If Tau inspired Space Marines aren't Heresy, nothing is.

Oh and I repainted some old assault marines as well, they were some of the first models I ever converted for this army back in 2011

Time for another break, let's do some Dreadnoughts this time

Starting off with a Deredeo, all praise the airbrush, glowy plasma has never been so easy!

I finally got the Space Crusade dreads painted after a very long time

Possibly the most uncomfortable dreadnought to be wired into? Assuming the head is at the front and the feet at the back, that's like sleeping facedown for the next 10,000 years

Ugly is a big boy, had to steal Magnus's base as it was the only one large enough

The biggest fella is the Telemon Dreadnought however, guess a Custodes forgot to lock up after battle because my guys snagged it for their own collection

Walking on the ground is so 41st millenium though, how about some things that fly?

I dug out an ancient Landspeeder that was painted up in my old Imperial Guard colours, here's a before and after

Crazy to think it was 13 years sonce I first built this model...

Feeling inspired, I finished another landspeeder in the collection

As they both felt a little to well armoured, I gave the army a nice couch to sit in, complete with powerful engines and assault cannon

In addition to leaving the dreadnought unlocked, the Custodes also parked some jetbikes in a tow-zone so the Thousand Sons snagged those as well

Oops, forgot some infantry, time for a truly weird armour variant, let's call it MK2c Sontar Pattern

Breachers all armed with hot pink Gravity guns? Almost definitely not allowed in-game but I love them

We are reaching the end, time to wrap up with a chef curated selection of Consuls and Chapter Masters

Starting off we have a champion and master of signals

The MoS clearly did his on the job training with the Ravenguard

Next up, people with too many limbs

Plus an armistos who should probably keep his helmet on based on the radioactive glow of his conversion beamer

Then we have Laudren Thalarn, first Chaplain of the Thousand Sons... plus a random terminator I didn't know what to do with

Now for a couple of Moriats, possibly my favourite type of HQ, the double pistol is just so fun, add in a jetpack and it's even better

Behold, another champion, a pathfinder, and in the middle, Raptora master sorcerer

Definitely need to add some glow to the base of the sorcerer, it looks very weird without it at the moment.

Yet more Custodes kit falling into the wrong hands, makes for a nice herals and praetor though!

As the 9 Fellowships of the TSons all have a named character leading them, I naturally had to make/print unique models for them

This is Menes Kalliston of the 4th Fellowship

And here we have Baleq Uthizzar of the 5th. Praise Tzeentch for skilled 3D designers who can look at a piece of artwork and create stuff like this

Finally, I present Auramagma of the 8th, cheerfully summoninga Tutelary who wants you to get off his lawn

The army has now surpassed 500 models! I did a photoshoot with them to celebrate 1 year of painting them in the new metallic paint scheme. Much of the stuff above was painted since then so it's even bigger now!

This was after I went on a basing rampage and used up a whole giant tub of crackle paste and breathed in an impressive amount of weathering powder.

Hmm, don't think I showed off the Kratos and Landraiders, here they are!

Including repaints, I have about 150 models left to add, then I think it's time for a break. Maybe back to Titanicus? Or I could dust off my old Mechanicus army?

Thanks for dropping by!

Made in ca
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Great looking army.
If those Marines only knew that in 10,000 years those Landspeeder would be sent to legends.
Made in us
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot


Now that is a sexy army that I have loved watching get made

A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head. - Maxim 12 - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

Check out my painting and modeling blog here! Currently I'm working on getting my painting set up... set up. 
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

This is amazing! Such an impressive army in terms of quality as well as quantity! Can’t wait to see the whole gang together. As for names on the new pattern of terminator armour, perhaps Cain pattern?

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India


Made in us
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant


As one Tsons fan to another, these look glorious. You should be proud of yourself! The OSL, conversions, use of a variety of kits, absolutely excellent.

Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More. - https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/800909.page

Way too little free time. 
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