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[H] custom airbrushed WH40k t-shirts, [W] Chaos,SM,GW,paypal [US]  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Painting Within the Lines

portland oregon

[H] Custom warhammer t-shirts
I have a huge stock of white cotton t-shirts. Not undershirts, these are actual thick outdoor style t-shirts.
I make each shirt upon request, to order in your size, faction,nickname, favorite mini,etc...
I use a paint that sets to heat(like silkscreen)Here are some samples.



I will paint any picture on them that will not get me in trouble(no profanity or racial stuff etc), I have airbrushed many Warhammer shirts at an LGS and downtown markets. I am not mass producing and must make each shirt separately, much like fan art that promotes the industry.
So bullet points;

1.I dont need you to draw it, just tell me what it is. Or send me a pic. Or tell me a page number.
2.a logo or crest/sentence? 30$
3.With a full size color picture? 50$ but feel free to ask me any question.
4.White shirts can be full color. Black shirts are in B&W only.
5.The cost of the shirt is included allready.
6.They are thick and quality. NOT undershirts!
7.I am willing to trade for minis even if not listed in my wants.just ask!

I also have various FW models unpainted.
Some models have been removed from this list for bartering...
Sonic dreadnought
GW prince nurgle epidemus on throne

I would like to have[W],
Space Marines of any kind including Chaos
or pm me if you have any questions

This message was edited 15 times. Last update was at 2013/03/18 10:20:58

Made in us
Plummeting Black Templar Thunderhawk Pilot

Those shirts are awesome! Can we get prices? And can you define the limitations of the pics that we can have on the shirts?

Can I like have the picture of Helbrecht out of the BT codex on it? Or would I have to draw something up?
Made in us
Painting Within the Lines

portland oregon

And good question. I would NOT need a picture from you unless it was your own idea, for example; a symbol you had invented for your faction.
In your case Marshall Ragnar, I would look up Helbrecht as a reference(which would be awesome) and then do him to fit your description within reason. Whats within reason? Like a comic cover, you can only fit so much before its crowded or costly. An entire battle might look cool but do you wear a size 3X? and have 75$
(one guy did!)

The ork customer asked for a nob with gob and a faction name and colors(of course you get your colors), he's a good example of me looking at a codex or other material as a reference to see what a nob looks like, but then doing it in my own style(which I describe as graphic novel, or comic book cover).
He paid 40$ for it which included the shirt. I always include the cost of the shirt unless you special order.

Just your name/nickname/faction name with an effect like fire,ice,blood,metal...etc
About 25$

White shirts are easier! With a blank canvas I can do full color.
If you want a black shirt it will cost about 10$ more and be in black and white style like the Celestine.

Most common price for a shirt is about 40$ but since I can do literally anything you ask for, its hard to give a cookie cutter price.

So bullet points;
1.I dont need you to draw it, just tell me what it is.
2.Just a name or word? about 25$
3.With a picture?Average price around 40$but feel free to ask me.
4.White shirts can be full color.
5. Black shirts are in B&W only.
6.The cost of the shirt is included allready.
7.They are thick and quality. NOT undershirts!

thanks again for that question.

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

UK - Down South - GB

Very nice i wish you well.

Can i ask you about your painting process?

Do you use any specific paints?
Do you freehand the whole image or do you use some templates?
Any tips of layering the image?

How much to ship to UK?
Made in us
Painting Within the Lines

portland oregon

First off, brainscan, your avatar is frikin awesome. ok,
Ship to UK?
Sure, I ship to Germany quite often, I would be willing to split the shipping with you on that. Im guessing that would be about 6$ each at most.

What paints?
I use Createx paints.Transparent colors in an airbrush paint with a binder for cloth that responds to heat. (like silkscreening)Black and white are the only opaque colors I use.
http://store.createxcolors.com/ Good for beginners.
There are other companies that are just as good. Goldens makes airbrush paint without binder. Works great on minis! For shirts just add binder.
Did I mention it works good on minis?

Freehand only! I NEVER use stencils! In fact I don't pencil out sketches because it locks down the style too much.
Draw up a great stencil and carefully cut it? good advice for careful patient painters. Modelers fall in that category quite often. I dont.

Tips for layering?
I dont airbrush the way I teach others to. I am fast and sloppy, I do mine just like I learned to do tattoos or graffiti, grab the black, draw a picture and add colors.
DONT DO WHAT I DO!(unless you are trying to develop a style like nuskool or japanese brushscript)
What the pro's tell you to do is; LIGHT TO DARK. You can use your light colors to sketch and give volume without the harsh results of making a mistake with black or something dark. Painting an ork? You can sketch the whole thing in yellow and then come in with green, and then reds, and then blues, then black.(Like chalk) By this time if you have made a mistake, no one will see it. Maybe it takes much longer, but you will look the master painter on your first try.

Thanks for the great question.

Made in us
Painting Within the Lines

portland oregon

First order on Dakka complete;
An Eldar player in Australia has gotten the first one!

Here is an additional pic. This is other side of t-shirt, though the auto adjust did a terrible job, I may have to re-upload this one.

This is not a bump but an update to the progress of this thread,If it would be more appropriate in the P&M blog let me know,thank you

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/03/17 23:26:05

Made in au
Nimble Glade Rider

Adelaide, Australia

I received the shirt from Zariart - SEXUAL work

Video review:

Totally recommend this guy to the highest degree

Keep em coming man!


Live in Adelaide, Australia and want to play some games? Hit up our club at; harlequinhalls@gmail.com
or visit our Facebook at; https://www.facebook.com/HarlequinHallsChapter

Ulthwe Eldar
Made in gr
Nurgle Veteran Marine with the Flu

Athens, Greece

Pm sent!
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Excuse me while i pick up my jaw, i seem to have dropped it somewhere.

Yet another thing i need to save up for! So many possibilities, you are one talented son of a gun.

Do you do other stuff like forum banner signatures, avatars, posters etc. Do you withhold the rights to the image you create? What would other stuff cost?

This is the first time i'm exalting a Swap Shop thread, that must be making Dakka history or something!

Made in us
Painting Within the Lines

portland oregon

If I had lost my jaw I would jump at the chance for a gob replacement! Thanks for your kind words!
I do the other things that you mentioned, banners etc.
Prices for me depend on what you would like and how big. Banners in the past have ranged from 50$ to 200$
I will find some pics of previous works like that and upload them.

If I recreate an image of yours, the rights are still yours(IMO). I would hope artists who recreate my work would feel the same way.

Made in us
Battleship Captain

USA-Illinois- the Chi

Oh wow! thats so cool, can you do artwork out of IA books?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/03 22:18:40

Made in us
Long-Range Land Speeder Pilot

So how about different colored shirts? I assume we can't go too crazy, but if we wanted to special order a color of shirt how much would that be?
Just as another idea for shirt types would it be too complicated to do those "super hero shirts"
but done with 40k images like guardsman carapace or space marine power armor?

You love it you slags!
Blood Ravens 1500 pts 
Made in us
Painting Within the Lines

portland oregon

@Capitansolstice,I would love to do some work from the Imperial armor books. That would look epic.

@Joetaco, I can work on a super colored shirt but it would be cheaper and easier for me to just airbrush the background so that it looks like it. For example; If your asking if I can make the shirt look like Space marine armor or carapace, then yes I can do that.
Or ork, or eldar,or etc... And I cant wait to do one because I have some ideas for how to do the battle damage and penants.

Made in us
Battleship Captain

USA-Illinois- the Chi

Oooohhhh.... well

Made in us
Painting Within the Lines

portland oregon

Is that a good oh?
Is there an image or imagery from one of the IA books that stand out in your mind for a shirt?
For me it would be the seige of vraks. Some great stuff there.

Made in us
Battleship Captain

USA-Illinois- the Chi

Yeah Seige of vraks!
its a good oh

Made in gb
Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

Nottingham, England

Holy gak.

Love it.
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Looking forward to seeing you pics of previous works. Every time i view this thread it blows my mind!

You should maybe make it into a P&M Blog as well, i'd bet even more people will see it that way.

Made in gb
Yvan eht nioj

In my Austin Ambassador Y Reg

Gents, can we please cut the chatter - this is a Swap thread, not a discussion thread. I'm sure the shirts are lovely but please keep the comments of 'Wow amazing' and similar to yourselves. If you wish to order or discuss a shirt, then take it to PM. It isn't fair to other Swap users to have this thread constantly bumped by 'Amazing!' comments and the like.

If you want to discuss the artwork, then please start a thread in one of the other sub-forums, maybe General Discussion or Painting/Modelling.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/04 14:04:25

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Made in us
Painting Within the Lines

portland oregon

My last post on this thread is dated4/4/12
after the 4 day non amazing bump.
Malanthrope is sold.

Made in us
Ultramarine Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control

North Carolina

How well do these hold up to washing?

Made in us
Painting Within the Lines

portland oregon

Good question,
The airbrush paint I use is heat activated just like silkscreen ink. If you iron the shirt and wash it in cold water,It should last forever!

Made in us
Ultramarine Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control

North Carolina

Hmm, very tempting

Might have to dig up some Ultramarine photos


If I sent you a photo could you provide a rough idea of what it'd look like prior to working on it?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/10 07:06:29

Made in us
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

Imperial Embassy

i wish i could get me this symbol on a red shirt:

"Those that Dare impersonate the dead are judged to join their ranks!"- Alucard
6970 points of Preheresy Night Lords 7681 points Preheresy thousand sons 8230 points Preheresy Iron Warriors 3230 points Preheresy Death Guard 4940 points preheresy Dark Angels 4888 points preheresy Iron Hands 2030 points preheresy Blood Angels 2280 points preheresy space wolfs 1065 points preheresy white scars 3210 points preheresy sons of Horus 1660 points Grey Knights 628 points Sister of Battle 2960 points adeptus mechanicus 18650 points Titanicus legio Nex Caput capitis 5566 points Imperial Guard 5875 points Preheresy Emperor's Children 3735 points Preheresy World Eaters 1710 points Preheresy Word Bearers 2090 points preheresy Imperial Fists 1570 points preheresy Alpha Legion 4600 points necrons 1420 points prehersy Raven Guard 960 points prehersy Salamanders 6334 points Tau Empire 20942 points tyranids 8722 points eldar 3125 points dark eldar 10745 points Bearers of the Light 1415 points Preheresy Luna Wolves 8508 points Chaos

Made in us
Painting Within the Lines

portland oregon

@Jstncloud: A rough idea? do you mean an actual photo? I can copy EXACTLY or change it to taste.
If you mean a codex picture or painting,then ALL my shirts are rough ideas with 10% line difference for copyright reasons. Send me a pic and I can answer that better.

@TyraelVladinhurs: 2 ways to do that. Put it on a red shirt for 40$
Put it on a white shirt with a red square or fade for 30$ (or trade of course)

Made in us
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

Imperial Embassy

zariart wrote:@Jstncloud: A rough idea? do you mean an actual photo? I can copy EXACTLY or change it to taste.
If you mean a codex picture or painting,then ALL my shirts are rough ideas with 10% line difference for copyright reasons. Send me a pic and I can answer that better.

@TyraelVladinhurs: 2 ways to do that. Put it on a red shirt for 40$
Put it on a white shirt with a red square or fade for 30$ (or trade of course)

what would you want in trade?

"Those that Dare impersonate the dead are judged to join their ranks!"- Alucard
6970 points of Preheresy Night Lords 7681 points Preheresy thousand sons 8230 points Preheresy Iron Warriors 3230 points Preheresy Death Guard 4940 points preheresy Dark Angels 4888 points preheresy Iron Hands 2030 points preheresy Blood Angels 2280 points preheresy space wolfs 1065 points preheresy white scars 3210 points preheresy sons of Horus 1660 points Grey Knights 628 points Sister of Battle 2960 points adeptus mechanicus 18650 points Titanicus legio Nex Caput capitis 5566 points Imperial Guard 5875 points Preheresy Emperor's Children 3735 points Preheresy World Eaters 1710 points Preheresy Word Bearers 2090 points preheresy Imperial Fists 1570 points preheresy Alpha Legion 4600 points necrons 1420 points prehersy Raven Guard 960 points prehersy Salamanders 6334 points Tau Empire 20942 points tyranids 8722 points eldar 3125 points dark eldar 10745 points Bearers of the Light 1415 points Preheresy Luna Wolves 8508 points Chaos

Made in us
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!

New Jersey, USA

PM sent.

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Made in us
Painting Within the Lines

portland oregon

Sorry wrong thread, moved to P&M

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/12 02:52:50

Made in us
Stalwart Space Marine

Somewhere on the Pacific Ocean

Are WH40k the only shirts/design you will make? Or can you do something outside WH40k for trade?

Life, Liberty and the Persuit of all who threaten it. 
Made in us
Bounding Assault Marine

Redlands, California

PM sent

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