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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/01/04 01:04:54
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Poll suggested by Scavenger
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/01/04 02:33:16
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Fanatic with Madcap Mushrooms
Being a fantasy player even a third of a inch matters sooo....
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/01/04 05:00:27
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Zealous Shaolin
I once played my cousin, who measured movement from the front of the base to the end of the base (gaining almost another inch in movement) and whose "measure first guy, eyeball the rest" technique led to diagonal troop formations becoming suspiciously horizontal...
He knew what he was doing. I don't think it really registered with him that he was cheating, though. He's a nice guy, just one of those who think finding ways to bend the rules is supposed to be part of the fun.
There are many, many people out there like him. That's why I insist on being a pedant. I don't like being made to feel like I have to watch my opponent like a hawk, so keeping things precise actually makes the game more enjoyable for me.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/01/04 10:54:59
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries
Portland - Australia
I believe in fair game. If I'm playing some one that hasn't played before, I let a few things go. But I try insist the proper gaming ethics. However, I don't really care about the movement styles, but if it comes a bit redonk, I will say something.
If I was playing in a professional campaign or tournament, then it has to be exact.
2000+ Ravenwing 1500+ Crimson Fist Coming |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/01/11 10:16:25
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Flashy Flashgitz
I got a say when your playing a tactical game every inch counts. I find that I have won most of games based on guessing how far so and so unit would be able to shoot, charge, and even the consolidations and movement of my enemies and my own units become important to my every postioning. As I don't buy into regular tounry armies that require little tactics, and perfer very, very varied or even just fun lists. I still manage many victories based on the inch restrictions. So I am a bit of a 'dick' with them. Just because that guy in the front can move there six inches and get in range of my squad with his gun, does not mean everyone in the squad can. Sorry, but I usually make my moves based on those very conditions. I know...it's not the coolest thing I do. It is however, fair for every player because I follow my own restrictions. Each model, 6 inches, and no more than 2 inches apart.
“We are the ones you left for dead. The ones you left in the ground. Buried and forgotten, we have tunneled our ways to the stars, and there will be no dirt nor cave where you can hide. The Dwellar are here.”
Dwellar Codex; 40k Dwarfs
“Well, what do you carry the gun for if you’re just going to waste bullets?” Timer reloads his Boomer as Forling fires his Shrapper.
“I may ‘ne be a good shot Timer, but I don’t miss much from this close up with my hammer,” Forling continues to fire.
“All the enemies are good and far away so what the hell does that…” Timer looks up to see Forling giving him an angry stare. “Oh, yea, ok, um, good shooting.”
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/01/11 16:43:32
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate
I selected the "be as precise as you can, but don't be a douche about it" option. It obviously depends on if your playing with friends or playing in a tournament. But even in tournaments its generally excepted to just measure the first guy in the squad and then move up the rest.
I love 40k... for the first 3 hours, no reason to make this already lengthy game take longer than it has to.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/01/11 18:17:42
Subject: Re:What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Nurgle Predator Driver with an Infestation
I voted try to be exact. Movie thie first guy then move the rest accordingly on open ground. If they are going around or into terrain or piling into combat I measure every one, and expect my opponent to do so as well. Automatically Appended Next Post: I also find that it is acceptable to use the leapfrog technique when moving a huge mob, like fifteen seekers or thirty boyz, just make sure you move the special wargear lads and lasses first.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/01/11 18:20:55
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/01/11 18:56:12
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair
I measure one guy and then the rest go with him. However I am aware of people moving a heavy weapon from the back of the squad to the front when doing this is a bit cheeky...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/01/11 20:18:16
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Yellin' Yoof
I can't move every model exactly as often play Orks so I would spend like 5 minutes a unit just moving.
See my Games and Un official expancions |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/01/11 20:38:18
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Cosmic Joe
Well this poll seems decidedly... decided
Nosebiter wrote:Codex Space Marine is renamed as Codex Counts As Because I Dont Like To Loose And Gw Hates My Army. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/01/11 23:44:05
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
In friendly games I don't care all that much, In something like Ard Boyz yer darn right I am making myself and the person I am playing measure everything.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/01/23 07:57:48
Subject: Re:What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Krazed Killa Kan
Minnesota, land of 10,000 Lakes and 10,000,000,000 Mosquitos
I'm someone who doesn't sweat the small stuff. I voted for "measure the first guy, eyeball the rest," since I play horde Orks, and my opponent would be waiting for twenty minutes in my movement phase if I measured for every boy.
Though in fairness I keep it relatively close. I use the 6"/4"/2" measuring tool in place of a tape measure, so generally all I have to do is take about half a second to move the thing down and move each boy.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/06/15 11:55:35
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Freaky Flayed One
Depends what measuring tools I have with me.
If I have a movement tray that's built for W40k etc I'll use that and measure from the middle to a point (keeping them facing the same angle too probably, or measuring the back guy)
If all I have is a tape measure, then I'll just measure them according to the formation; e.g. front line moves up, 2nd line etc, otherwise you can be getting a big advantage from it and it just doesn't feel like an 'honest' win.
TL;DR I measure when it won't be within .1cm of the actual result.
DR:70+S--G-M-B++IPw40k03--D++A+/fWD-R-T(R)DM+ |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/06/15 20:55:33
Subject: Re:What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Smokin' Skorcha Driver
The way I usually do it is to measure exactly for the first rank , then eyeball the rest of the squad, keeping the tape around to help out if i'm moving to some different weird place..
More serious about it in tournaments, but i try to waste as little time as possible.
tgjensen wrote:labmouse42 wrote:Another problem is the abject masculinity of the game. Nearly every character I've read about has the emotional range of a turnip. Hate, Anger, Fear, Loyalty, and Worship. That's about it.
Christ, where do you buy your turnips? |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/06/21 10:24:24
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Mutilatin' Mad Dok
"Measure exactly for the first guy in the unit, then just arrange the rest so they are in roughly the correct position around him."
As long as neither side gains anything from it, this is fine, in my opinion.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/18 16:00:33
Subject: Re:What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Focused Fire Warrior
I'm a bigger stickler about it with my Tau, since as soon as you assault me it's game over. I can't tell you how many times I had my Crisis Suits just about 10" away from Terminators, fired, then jumped straight back 6" and was somehow assaulted the next turn.
The most common form of this I see is somebody trying to place their model on terrain, and uses the "wobbly model rule" to gain an inch or two, because that's the only place it fits.
I've never had anyone argue about it though. All it takes is a calm "Uhhh, dude I think that was more than 6" and 99% of the time my opponents have said "Oh, sorry about that" and moved it back.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/18 17:53:03
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Stalwart Dark Angels Space Marine
Somewhere dark, cold and scary (A.K.A my mind)
Measure exactly for the first guy in the unit, then just arrange the rest so they are in roughly the correct position around him.
It's fast, simple and easy.
Plus, being an ork player, even doing this it this takes a long time so if I measured exacly it would take half a game ( ok I'm exaggerating, but not by much!) and my opponent would probubly punch me In the face for being such an obssesiv douche.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/08/18 17:55:19
May your rolls be high and your victories countless
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/18 20:23:17
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Long-Range Land Speeder Pilot
JEREMSTER wrote:I selected the "be as precise as you can, but don't be a douche about it" option. It obviously depends on if your playing with friends or playing in a tournament. But even in tournaments its generally excepted to just measure the first guy in the squad and then move up the rest..
I play Nid swarms and it's just like all the Ork players have mentioned. Get the guys on the edges of the formation right and everyone else moves up behind them and it's generally accurate. Or the leapfrog, where I just pull the guys from the back up and the guys in the front don't move at all. otherwise moving 80 gaunts takes way too long.
If not for the mediocre who would be great, and thank goodness for those who are just terrible they make even those who are mediocre look great
May the Sons of Dorn forever be vigilant |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/18 21:02:51
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Agile Revenant Titan
In the Casualty section of a Blood Bowl dugout
It varies really. Usually it's this: "Measure exactly for the first guy in the unit, then just arrange the rest so they are in roughly the correct position around him" especially if I'm playing a family member or close friend.
However, there's a few people at my FLGS who I either slightly mistrust or feel as if being lenient about this would give me a disadvantage. Against said people I'm more strict. Unless they play a horde army of course, I know what that's like :L
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/19 02:30:56
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Jovial Junkatrukk Driver
"Measure exactly for the first guy in the unit, then just arrange the rest so they are in roughly the correct position around him."
For me.
why are the 6th and 7th options even there?
motyak wrote:[...] Yes, the mods are illuminati, and yakface, lego and dakka dakka itself are the 3 points of the triangle. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/28 10:22:39
Subject: Re:What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Slippery Scout Biker
When playing Space Marines, I'll generally try to measure every guy. With my Orks and IG, I've pulled both the leapfrog technique and the first and last ranks up then fill in the gaps technique to speed up the game. Once, I even did the measure 1 guy and shove the rest up, but stopped doing that afterwards (blast templates really suck after using that technique). As long as they're not deliberately trying to cheat, I don't mind if my opponent moves an extra 1/8", it's a game and meant to be fun.
Cirronimbus wrote:I'm a bigger stickler about it with my Tau, since as soon as you assault me it's game over. I can't tell you how many times I had my Crisis Suits just about 10" away from Terminators, fired, then jumped straight back 6" and was somehow assaulted the next turn.
Not saying that it was this, but if it was during 5th ed games, it could have been a Shrike list with Fleet. Move 6", run D6", then charge 6" for a possible 18" charge range. I've played this tactic with Shrike and Vanguard Vets getting a turn 1 charge on Broadsides before (worked out beautifully for me, horribly for the Tau). If during 6th, or Shrike wasn't in the army, totally cheap move (unless they got lucky and rolled super high for the charge in 6th without running).
Raven Guard 9159 pts (100% painted )
Evil Sunz 2410 PTS (15% painted)
31st Harakoni/211th Mordian 4600 pts (60% painted)
Arach-Qin 1200 pts (50% painted)
Necrons 600 pts (100% Painted)
Cygnar 11 pts
Cryx 14 pts
Legion of Everblight 13 pts |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/09/19 10:46:32
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Been Around the Block
Measure at the start of the turn so you now what you need to roll to charge then more or less wing it from there, if you don't roll high enough then it doesn't matter how far you are away at the start of the phase, you still won't make it in...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/09/19 10:53:34
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Missionary On A Mission
Richmond Va
Measuring exactly isint a priority for me, as long as you know that it is next to impossiable to assault turn 1 now.
My Overprotective Father wrote:Tyrants shooting emplaced weapons? A Hive Tyrant may be smarter than your average bug, but that still isint saying much
Pretre: Are repressors assault vehicles? If they are, I'm gonna need emergency pants.
n0t_u: No, but six can shoot out of it. Other than that it's a Rhino with a Heavy Flamer thrown on if I remember correctly.
Pretre: Thanks! I guess my pants are safe and clean after all.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/09/19 11:57:48
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Morat Paramedic
As a non serious skirmish player I generally eyeball everything, though I keep a tape around when it really matters.
I see why Warhammer takes hours to play if you're going to move each...model...perfectly.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/09/19 17:18:55
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Dakka Veteran
Snake Mountain
Measure from front to front, I've had a lot of people measure from the front and then the model ends up with the rear of its base at the tip of the tape, meaning it's getting the models width in extra movement. One of my pet hates
Aside form that, I'm pretty relaxed with measuring
'I'm like a man with a fork, in a world of soup.'
Check out my Blog: http://rysaerinc.wordpress.com/ - Updated 26/01/2015
3DS Friend Code: Rysaer - 5129-0913-0659 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/09/19 17:56:16
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Sneaky Striking Scorpion
I voted 'Measure exactly for the first guy in the unit, then just arrange the rest so they are in roughly the correct position around him.', but to be more precise I would replace 'exact' with 'roughly' (...the irony of that sentence). I don't closely examine the measurements my opponents make, it's more a process of roll out the tape measure to the right distance, stick it in front of the model and move him pretty much to the end of the tape measure.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/10/20 11:06:00
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Hallowed Canoness
I like using the TLAR system "That Looks About Right" measuring's an important part of the game and you should measure to keep it honest, but you don't need to be OCD about it. It's a game. Have FUN.
I beg of you sarge let me lead the charge when the battle lines are drawn
Lemme at least leave a good hoof beat they'll remember loud and long
SoB, IG, SM, SW, Nec, Cus, Tau, FoW Germans, Team Yankee Marines, Battletech Clan Wolf, Mercs
DR:90-SG+M+B+I+Pw40k12+ID+++A+++/are/WD-R+++T(S)DM+ |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/10/20 13:29:57
Subject: Re:What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Malicious Mutant Scum
mydartswinger wrote:
Not saying that it was this, but if it was during 5th ed games, it could have been a Shrike list with Fleet. Move 6", run D6", then charge 6" for a possible 18" charge range. I've played this tactic with Shrike and Vanguard Vets getting a turn 1 charge on Broadsides before (worked out beautifully for me, horribly for the Tau). If during 6th, or Shrike wasn't in the army, totally cheap move (unless they got lucky and rolled super high for the charge in 6th without running).
Well, an infesting turn of events now in 6th, if they run in the shoot phase, No Assault For You. If they shoot rapid fire at you, No Assault For You.
Quod Sum Eris.
Sic Transit Gloria |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/10/20 14:27:25
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Giggling Nurgling
I look at it as if you and your friends can play without issue great have fun. Tournaments on the other hand you need to micro manage.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/11/21 11:05:46
Subject: What is your opinion on measuring distances in wargaming.
Spawn of Chaos
I've only been playing a few months, and of the players in my group have as well (apart from a couple who are getting back into it after years of being away), and we generally do the 'measure the first guy only' technique, especially in the first couple of turns.
It works, it's quick and it's all friendly so there's no need to measure everyone's movement exactly - especially when we have to finish a game. I've been burned on a few assaults for being half an inch short, and whoever I was playing with said 'sorry, you didn't roll high enough!' and I accepted it because I'd say exactly the same thing if it were me!