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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/09/26 16:16:09
Subject: Re:Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Otiose in a Niche
"Bloody 'ell governer! 'ow long we gotta ride around in these Chimeras that 'count as' rhinos?"
"Watch your language son, I won't have you taking the word BLOOD! in vain!"
"Sorry guv!"
"As for your question, as you know some (cough) POSER (cough) chapters like to paint their armor red and pretend its BLOOD!"
"Oh yeah guv, I hates them!"
"And they like to take a stock rhino and glue a skull to the front and call it a BLOOD! rhino..."
"'at's right guv, bloody shameful it is."
"What was that?"
"I mean uh... BLOOD!y shameful."
"Correct. But for us BLOOD!zerkers! this will not do! We need something special! Something that say to the world, we really, really, honestly like BLOOD!"
"And skulls! We like skulls too guv!"
"Hmm... skulls... yes... skulls... we certainly do like them..."
And thus was born...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/09/26 16:18:28
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Regular Dakkanaut
Nice job i liked them!
Great job!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2008/09/26 16:19:54
Im rotted, my skin is green, im diseased and im disgusting!
Im Spawn!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/09/28 00:57:36
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Newbie Black Templar Neophyte
kinda creepy
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/09/28 01:27:30
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Morally-Flexible Malleus Hearing Whispers
Well I kind of moved near Toronto, actually.
bloody hell.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/09/28 04:15:20
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Longtime Dakkanaut
Conversions are great, moldlines and painting not so much.
Use Devlan mud to rescue paint job
2012 tourney record:
Eldar 18W-2L-5D Overall x4
Deathwing 21W-7L-6D Overall x4 Best General x1 Best Appearance x3, 19th place Adepticon 40k Champs.
Space Wolves 2W-0L-1D Best Painted x1
1850+ pts. 3000+ pts. 2000+
40k bits go to my ebay... |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/09/28 15:42:02
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Otiose in a Niche
Old Man Ultramarine wrote:Conversions are great, moldlines and painting not so much.
Use Devlan mud to rescue paint job 
Devlan mud?
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/09/28 15:44:46
Subject: Re:Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Otiose in a Niche
And the third is ready! The mighty KilleRhino!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/12/07 09:10:58
Subject: Re:Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Otiose in a Niche
Wow been a while since I updated.
I've found one problem with my army is taking and holding objectives or defending my own backfield so I decided I needed some plague marines.
But how to make Plague Marines fit in with the BLOOD!zerkers?
The answer... Herr Iron Blud!
He of course is the leader of the Steel Warriors: Guardians of the Iron, a cult of BLOOD!zerkers who have devoted themselves to the power of IRON and thus are like real tough and stuff.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/12/07 09:41:51
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Morally-Flexible Malleus Hearing Whispers
Well I kind of moved near Toronto, actually.
Interesting. Good use of the chaos warrior sprue.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/12/07 11:24:16
Subject: Re:Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Deadshot Weapon Moderati
kyoto you might just be totally insane.
Well, its like there's a thin line between genius and insanity: you're the line.
but i must say, they are unique!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/12/07 14:31:28
Subject: Re:Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Decrepit Dakkanaut
its a cool idear, but not totally sold on the blood spatter on them. some of them look good enough and others look a bit over done
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/12/07 15:39:29
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Sniping Hexa
I love your stuff it's great.
Delvin Mud is a GW wash that'd be great on them.
Love your conversion's
Hydra Dominatus
World Wide War Winner |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/12/08 02:38:19
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Stormin' Stompa
The Cauldron 'O Blood is my favourite part so far. You're getting better with the blood effects - Skullsplitter is a nice mess.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/12/09 09:18:42
Subject: Re:Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Otiose in a Niche
KingCracker wrote: some of them look good enough and others look a bit over done
WHAT? Too much blood? Overdone?
Next you'll be saying they have too many skulls!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/12/21 16:11:05
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Sniping Hexa
haha skulls for the skull god !
Hydra Dominatus
World Wide War Winner |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/12/26 08:22:18
Subject: Re:Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Otiose in a Niche
One day in the arrival hall of Eye of Terror International Airport...
"Oh boy, oh boy oh boy!" Lord Bludwolf squealed like a little girl. "New Units! I love getting new units! What do you think we'll get this time Kharn?"
" BLOOD!" Kharn ejaculated loudly. "SKULLS!"
"Well yes, that rather stands to reason what with us being the BLOOD!zerkers and all but I wonder what exactly we'll get this time, oh here they come now!"
"Aye mate, you the bloke in charge here?" Said the spikey-armored warrior with an oversized weapon. "We the BLOOD!inators, where you want us to set up?"
" BLOOD!inators?" His equally spikey comrade asked. "I taut we was the Ter BLOOD!inators?"
"Ter BLOOD!inators? Well that's a pretty schupid name for a unit. We the BLOOD!inators, we always been the BLOOD!inators we'll always be the BLOOD!inators!"
"Okay, Okay, BLOOD!y hell you don't have to go biting my head off. Anyway the rest of the lads are coming now."
"Welcome! Welcome!" Bludwolf ejaculated loudly. "I see some combi meltas and a powerfist."
"Yeah, we figured we'd just deepstrike in, melta a tank and then fight out way out."
"Good, good. Say you lads ain't see Herr Fireskull have you? I thought he was arriving today."
"Yeah, he's still being painted but we expect him presently."
"Good, good, well welcome to the BLOOD!zerkers, looks like you'll fit right in."
" BLOOD!" Kharn ejaculated loudly. "SKULLS!"
"That's what I'm talking about!"
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/12/26 11:52:15
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Frenzied Juggernaut
they sure do like ejaculating
qwekel wants to get bigger, please click on him and level him up.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2008/12/27 14:56:44
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Otiose in a Niche
enmitee wrote:they sure do like ejaculating
In the grim darkness of the far future all communication is done by loud ejaculation.
One of harry Potter books had the line "Ron ejaculated loudly" which actually got parent's groups mad. So I use it any chance I get.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2009/01/13 15:40:32
Subject: Re:Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Otiose in a Niche
just a quick addition, not time for cute story...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2009/01/13 19:01:41
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Ultramarine Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control
bloody hell.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2009/01/14 00:02:07
Subject: Re:Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Nasty Nob on Warbike with Klaw
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2009/01/14 04:33:24
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine
Standing right behind you...
| colours really match up nicely. And the painting is conversions are...sufficient.
'I once tried to kill the World's Greatest Lover...but then I realized there were laws against suicide,' Sideshow Bob. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2009/01/14 06:00:39
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Regular Dakkanaut
Very nice idea "Fallen Wolves"...
To represent Chaos mutations I would have gone for wolfen
Then for heavies like termies and lords etc - I would have gone for Fantasy Werewolves - throw some Shoulder pads and greaves on them.
The Chaos Warriors are awesome - check out the Gothic Marine Conversions - I think its by Doghouse or someone... add some wolfen parts and presto.
just my 2c - would really hug the theme more than the bat wing guys
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2009/01/14 15:16:49
Subject: Re:Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Hmm, the best blood I ever found was testors gloss red, it was an enamel and destroyed brushes but it looked wet and icky. I just can't find it (or indeed any model paints) here in Workers Paradise Red China.
I find a combination of the old GW inks works nice.. 1 part brown ink, 1 part yellow ink, 1 part red ink and 1 part orange ink. Of course if you want your blood more red or less red, you can alter that..
A woman will argue with a mirror..... |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2009/02/14 19:25:24
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Otiose in a Niche
Just a small update, some pictures from a game today.
Please click and vote!!zerkers.html
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2009/02/14 20:40:49
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade
awesome raptor champ
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2009/02/15 06:44:52
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Otiose in a Niche
OK new project.
I got a half-assembled land raider years ago in a trade and never had a use for it. But one day while looking at GW's skull building an idea hit me. What about doing a version of the old epic tank the Tower of Skulls?
I did an Inquisition LR a while back with a tower on top and people liked it but this time I decided to try something different.
That octagon shaped tower was a nightmare, what was I thinking?
Oh well, looks OK now.
The essential components
Dry fit. The octagon ended up a bit wider than the LR hull. If I'd started from scratch I would have rebuilt the LR hull wider but as is... the fit isn't too bad.
As with the rhinos it will have a huge skull on it. Along with about a gazzillion little skulls. When this thing rolls down the street I want to people to know that "these guy rather fancy some skulls don't they".
As always please remember to vote in the gallery!!zerkers.html
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2009/02/15 12:37:07
Subject: Re:Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Monstrous Master Moulder
warpcrafter wrote:I'm jealous of all this ejaculating! All us followers of Nurgle get to do is ooze pus and make others vomit! We don't even get to vomit ourselves unless we're sorcerers or greater daemons or such.
 Tzeentch feels your pain, all we can do is whisper insidiously, no ejaculation makes Tzeentch sad
Bewhiskered Gasmasks: For the Post-Apocalyptic Gentleman
And to this day, on darkest nyte
It can be seen, they tell
A Prynce of Rattes, in finery
Upon a horned bell.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2009/02/16 08:13:16
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Otiose in a Niche
Slannesh mostly just lisps, but I her there's some loud ejaculations as well.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2009/02/16 23:19:37
Subject: Kyoto's fallen wolves blog
Loud-Voiced Agitator
Concord, NC
I think it's so cool that your marines have names...awesomesauce. Keep up the good work.
The LR and Rhino look sweet...nice theme with the troops.
It's cold out, throw another heretic on the fire.
RoGue not RoUge |