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Made in us
Veteran Inquisitor with Xenos Alliances

I really like the Obliterators nice use of the Chaos spawn! I look forward to seeing some paint on them.

Out of curiosity Kid_Kyoto what part of China are you actually in? I travel back and forth there every other month to Shenzen down by Hong Kong.
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Thanks for the kind words but I'm in the North in Beijing.

Still if you ever head up this way let me know.

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Some additions over this week...

I am LOVING the possessed sprue. Yeah the unit sucks but the box is worth it for aspiring champs, raptors, lords, whatever. There we have Sir Spikesalot, even his spikes have spikes!

And the last of my 20 CSM squad. Each has a different pair of CC weapons. I like Red Star with his hammer and sickle.

For the 82nd airborne this is my idea for a drop pod.

And finally an empire wizard as an Imperial Priest.

Made in us
Crazed Witch Elf

Albuquerque, NM

That Empire Wizard looks really cool. I also like Sir Spikesalot, but I bet can be a real prick... :S. Really cool lookin army though. This is always what I've liked about Chaos is the ability for two players to slap down 1500 of the same army, but they look completely different in every way. Great job.

Imperial Guard

40k - 6-12-0
City Fight - 0-0-0
Planetstrike - 0-0-1
Apocolypse - 4-2-1  
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Got some painting done this week, most importantly another test model for my glossy blood effect.

He still needs inking but I think the blood effect works.

On a whim I threw together some bitz to make a special character for the Fallen Wolves, Carnivore Dimitri Bitraiah. Often confused with the more famous Kharn the Betrayer he nonetheless works to set the standard for skulls, spikes and oversized weapons.

And here they are facing off against a Macross Konig Monster

Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

Are you going to make that helicopter bulkier for gothic
40k purposes?

Get your own Dakka Code!

"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

malfred wrote:Are you going to make that helicopter bulkier for gothic
40k purposes?

Hadn't really thought about it...

I've still not made my 82nd Airborne list yet so I don't know how many I'll need.

Any ideas? Obviously it will need more skulls.

Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

Somethin' tells me you ain't takin' this army seriously Kyoto...


Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Actually they're both pretty serious. Since the odds of me playing a game in Red China are pretty slim I'm not too worried about competition but I am trying to raise my basic painting skills which have always been pretty basic indeed.

And the US army themed marines have been a dream of mine for a while.

Made in ch
Long-Range Land Speeder Pilot

Bay Area

I really, really like the the Hammer and sickle marine. You should make a whole army to that theme. To combat your Airborne.

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Well I finally got some models up to the BLOOD STAGE, the best painting stage of all.

[Thumb - bloody wolves 001.jpg]

[Thumb - bloody wolves 002.jpg]

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Lancaster PA

One thing I have seen done on larger models/masks etc. for making good looking blood is taking your red substance of choice, putting some in your mouth, and spitting/blowing it out over the subject. Some of the theatre geeks (note the 're') I hung out with in college used that to make realistic splatter type markings. Basically just blow the stuff on and let it drip down from it's initial point of impact, and it mimiks the result of a close up gun shot/chainsaw wound really well.

If you don't want to put your paint in your gob (a good idea probably) a balloon was used for bigger things, so perhaps a little rubber dropper or something similar would do the trick. They also used something that looks like a whoopie cushion attached to a board, which was then hit with another board, but I don't know if that was a scratch build or what.

The main difference between this and the basic paint sprayer is the globby effect. Instead of a fine mist, you get bigger and more random drops of paint that will hit, smear a little, then drip down.

Now, note of warning: I have never painted a miniature that needed to be dripping blood, so I don't know how well it would lend itself to small things, but it makes for a GREAT effect on masks, costumes, and one large sized (12" xenomorph) actionfigure I saw it done on.

Woad to WAR... on Celts blog, which is mostly Circle Orboros
"I'm sick of auto-penetrating attacks against my behind!" - Kungfuhustler 
Made in us
Battleship Captain


The scale of that chopper looks perfect for a drop pod, KK - is it just a generic toy you picked up somewhere?

And also that Macross Monster makes for an incredible Titan! Where did you pick it up?

Oh yeah, and Sir Spikesalot? He's sharp!

Man, I wish there was a real Black Library where I could get a Black Library Card and take out Black Library Books without having to buy them. Of course, late fees would be your soul. But it would be worth it. - InquisitorMack 
Made in us
Ultramarine Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control

Plano, Texas

Indeed, do tell more about the monster.

I've found for my blood effects I use Tamiya Clear Gloss Red. You put 2-3 layers on the model after sealing it and it looks great. It has enough opacity to look realistic, and its glossy enough to look very sweet.


Ultramarines army Profile

Inquisition army profile

My Titan PLOG

My Imperial PLOG

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Perhaps an eye dropper would work? I've still got some 2nd edition bezerkers to check with.

The blood is in fact Tamiya gloss red. great stuff and it's not enamel like I thought so brushes stay clean.

The Monster is a macross toy from one of the video games. It actually transforms! Though not very well IMHO. I always loved the Macross designs, the Monster is my 3rd favorite after the veritech and Warhammer/excaliber/whatever it's called.

The chopper is made by New Ray toys I've seen them in the US so you might be able to find them.

Made in us
Ultramarine Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control

Plano, Texas

Kid_Kyoto wrote:The blood is in fact Tamiya gloss red. great stuff and it's not enamel like I thought so brushes stay clean.

LOL! Great minds think alike! I've never seen the red applied to a grey so it looked different.
I'm used to applying it to my red and black tyranids (or their claws).


Ultramarines army Profile

Inquisition army profile

My Titan PLOG

My Imperial PLOG

Made in us
Infiltrating Oniwaban

Fauxbliterator is my new black. Both the word and the idea. Yeah, cables would make them even better. If you have a spare HB feed or two sitting around (or any thinker conduit that's not round), that would be good too.

As for blood, try mixing some gloss varnish in with Blood Red. Increases translucency and gloss at the same time.

Infinity: Way, way better than 40K and more affordable to boot!

"If you gather 250 consecutive issues of White Dwarf, and burn them atop a pyre of Citadel spray guns, legend has it Gwar will appear and answer a single rules-related question. " -Ouze 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Ah my poor, poor BLOOD!zerkers. Pushed aside by other sexier projects and forgotten.

Well no longer.

Because today we see the premier of their greatest weapon yet, the fearsome BLOOD!icator!

The BLOOD!icator is widely considered by the Inquistion to be the 16th most disturbing bodily-fluid themed war engine in the whole of the Chaos legions. It exceeds even the Flemdicator of the the Death Guard though it is exceeded by the Emperor's Children's Ejaculatrix.

Powered by BLOOD! harvested from the corpses of slain it processes them in the BLOOD!vats to fuel the BLOOD!cannon which fires bolts of pureist BLOOD!

Unlike other Khorne Bezerkers who sort of fancy a bit of BLOOD!, I can honestly say the BLOOD!zerkers really, really (x2) like it.

A lot.

[Thumb - Bludicator May 2008 010.jpg]
OK it doesn't look like much now

[Thumb - Bludicator May 2008 012.jpg]
How about now?

[Thumb - Bludicator May 2008 015.jpg]

[Thumb - Bludicator May 2008 016.jpg]
Blood... blood... blood...

[Thumb - Bludicator May 2008 018.jpg]
but somehow it still feels incomplete...

Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

After that description I saw the first pick and though 'Well that was a lot of build-up for nothing'.

Then I saw the others. Interesting idea. Would you believe that I envy your painting abilities?


Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Ah! Solid conversion Kyoto-san, nice GS and use of the CoD pipe bits! Was gonna say the yellow panel seems off, but then saw it tied in with your marines' yellow pads.

- Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

H.B.M.C. wrote:After that description I saw the first pick and though 'Well that was a lot of build-up for nothing'.

Then I saw the others. Interesting idea. Would you believe that I envy your painting abilities?


You are certainly lying but I thank you anyway. I'm still deciding what to do for vindicator #2. Naturally it will have to be called the Skulldicator...

Hmm... (looks at corpse cart I bought in Shanghai)

Made in us
Khorne Rhino Driver with Destroyer



Seriously, do a thin wash of that over the blood. It adds a sense of realism that you'll thank me for later. Promise.

Made in ca
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Soviet Kanukistan

Kid_Kyoto wrote:Naturally it will have to be called the Skulldicator...

Maybe a Rhino with the back portion of the troop carrying roof removed and replaced with a skull-chucka catapult. Very Evil-Dead-ish.
Made in us
Crafty Bray Shaman

NCRP - Humboldt County

damnit Kyoto-san, I almost spit my dinner of hot dogs all over my monitor reading your bloodzerker primer!

Jean-luke Pee-card, of thee YOU ES ES Enter-prize

Make it so!

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

I'll give the ink a try. As I said it came out well enough but somehow that rear blood vat still lacks... something. Maybe a need to do half a victim being sucked in screaming.

the pipes and vat are from the pegasus chemical plant actually, not the CoD. Good kit, I find a lot of uses for it.

Made in us
Ruthless Interrogator

You got some great conversions here.

To answer a few questions that have been raised in the thread; Magic Sauce from the warstore is awesome. I bough the whole set and use it all the time. I would definitely recommend it for your models as it's would bring out some depth.

Also, for blood spatter, the easiest way to acheive it realistically is load up a brush with some watered down red and get it close to the part of the mini you want blood spattered and blow on the brush tip. It will spray droplets in a pretty realistic pattern.

You can never beat your first time. The second generation is shinier, stronger, faster and superior in every regard save one, and it's an unfair criticism to level, but it simply can't be as original. - Andy Chambers, on the evolution of Games Workshop games
Made in ph
Frenzied Juggernaut

hey dude nice models you got goin there. do you just mail order your models? cuz i've been around beijing never in my life have i saw a nice hobby store there. lol.


qwekel wants to get bigger, please click on him and level him up.
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

At last some progress...

Yea though the Bloodicator is a truly fearsome war machine it makes up only half the firepower of the fearsome BLOOD!zerkers of Khorne.

Yea so they have called upon the eighth most fearsome body-part-related warmachine in all the armies of chaos (slightly more fearsome than Tzeentch's Hand of Death but slightly less so than the dreaded Throbbing Member of Slannesh)...


The SKULLdicator!

[Thumb - skulldicator 001.jpg]

[Thumb - skulldicator 002.jpg]

Made in us
Ruthless Rafkin

Glen Burnie, MD

Dip an old toothbrush into what ever you use for your blood, and flick it onto the model via the brush.

You end up with this:

-Loki- wrote:
40k is about slamming two slegdehammers together and hoping the other breaks first. Malifaux is about fighting with scalpels trying to hit select areas and hoping you connect more. 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Some new additions!

I'm tinkering with my army list. for a while I had 4 plasma gunners in my dev squad. I thought that plasma guns which pose a hazard to users and targets alike would be the most favored weapon of the BLOOD!zerkers but their poor performance in 2 games tells me otherwise. Then I realized the problem, the searing heat of the plasma bolts boils blood and incinerates skulls!

Surely this is what was making the BLOOD!zerkers fail!

So I thought. Lascannons were surely out for the same reason, missile launchers were an option but still not quite right. Then I realized that the BLOOD!zerkers needed heavy bolters. They're loud, heavy, ejaculate white hot death and leaving big messes of blood. Add a chainsaw bayonet and Bob's your uncle!

I also decided to cut some of my powerfist champs. A S5, I5 power weapon is more than enough for some squads, especially since they all have krak grenades and hit the rear armor of tanks.

Thus I present the BLOOD!evistators! and Baron Skullsplitter
[Thumb - Bloody Wolves Aug 2008 003.jpg]

[Thumb - Bloody Wolves Aug 2008 005.jpg]
Baron Skullspliter

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