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KalashnikovMarine wrote: The problem with your FS-92 is that it's a Beretta. I have no idea about the storm or any newer models, but every M-9 or 92 series pistol I've handled is uniformly ass.
Really? I've always had good luck with them. The 92 in any of its iterations isn't a gun I'd choose to carry, because other stuff fits me better, but they're accurate and reliable. They get a lot of hate for reasons that I've still not figured out.
KalashnikovMarine wrote: The problem with your FS-92 is that it's a Beretta. I have no idea about the storm or any newer models, but every M-9 or 92 series pistol I've handled is uniformly ass.
Really? I've always had good luck with them. The 92 in any of its iterations isn't a gun I'd choose to carry, because other stuff fits me better, but they're accurate and reliable. They get a lot of hate for reasons that I've still not figured out.
Every. Single. One. Gak trigger, jamming, gakky sights, and they recoil like your grandmother finding a mouse in her knitting bag. I thought it was just Marine Corps 92s/M-9s but I've fired some virgin ones now, still garbage. Apparently they have issues with slides blowing up too... I don't remember where I heard it but apparently SEALs had issues with that leading to the running cadence line "You think you a Navy SEAL? Not till you eat some italian steel"
I beg of you sarge let me lead the charge when the battle lines are drawn
Lemme at least leave a good hoof beat they'll remember loud and long
I never had a problem with the 92 either. Nor do I know anyone who has. And ours were plenty accurate. I used to nail targets at 50 yards with the one I carried. I dont own one cause I dont like how they fit my hand.
AustonT wrote: A re blued historic firearm is just as de valued as a wire wheeled one. The browned patina is actually a desirable feature of collectible guns.
What about if you re-brown the gun?
I mean, real life historical owners had to refurbish their weapons sometimes. That usually involved browning the metal and polishing or varnishing the woodwork.
AustonT wrote: A re blued historic firearm is just as de valued as a wire wheeled one. The browned patina is actually a desirable feature of collectible guns.
What about if you re-brown the gun?
I mean, real life historical owners had to refurbish their weapons sometimes. That usually involved browning the metal and polishing or varnishing the woodwork.
For a historical collector the original finish and the signs of aging are part of the value. Personally I'd suggest finding a solid gunsmith in your local area and having it reblued. It's not mint, but it's still an original luger and a valuable collector's piece.
Back in Berettas I looked up my own gunshop gossip and found the origin of the little ditty I posted above.
Turns out three NSW members did take some Beretta slide to the face but that was worked out before the FS model ever existed. *shrugs* I dunno maybe it's just bias from a couple bad experiences but 92s will forever be gak guns in my mind.
On another fun topic I found this gem floating around
Carrying a M1911 variant cocked and locked, unless it has a firing pin block safety is INSANITY. Hundreds of owners, some with bullet holes in their faces, know how treacherous this gun can be when dropped for when it breaks into full automatic fire. The disproportionately high recoil moment (made worse by light allow frames) also prevents follow on shot accuracy.
It's no joke that you can tell a Marine Gunny by X-Raying the bones of his wrist. They are typically fused from firing too many rounds with .45 caliber pistols (in the old days). Today's soldier is as likely to be a 100 pound woman, instead of a 200 pound six footer and will not typically have their wrist bones fused and won't be able to properly use (shoot accurately) an oversized pistol. That goes particularly for those stupidly designed double row .45 designs.
There's so much wrong here I don't know where to start, I've drop tested my Rock Island 1911A1 with a round in the chamber and on an empty chamber and it barely twitched. I've NEVER heard of a 1911 doing a mag dump, and I've always found the recoil on a 1911 to be light and easily manageable with good follow through accuracy (and a lot of people agree with me since they are common competition pistols) I also can't say I've ever felt a 1911 was over sized in any way or that .45 rounds produced a ton of kick. Hell a 1911's grips feel slimmer in the hand to me then say a Glock, it's part of the reason I prefer it. Finally every cop and CCP I know who carries the 1911 carries it at condition one (locked and cocked) and they carry with confidence. I do too for that matter.
Any one got any experience to back up any of that?
I beg of you sarge let me lead the charge when the battle lines are drawn
Lemme at least leave a good hoof beat they'll remember loud and long
I've only shot two 1911s and they both have had frequent FTEs. I've heard that they have lots of issues, but maybe that is just the hip thing to say in my circle of friends.
d-usa wrote: I've only shot two 1911s and they both have had frequent FTEs. I've heard that they have lots of issues, but maybe that is just the hip thing to say in my circle of friends.
Depends on the 1911 I guess. I've never had a malfunction with mine and I've torture tested it with a 500 round brick of Russian steel case .45, if that won't gak up the function nothing will.
I beg of you sarge let me lead the charge when the battle lines are drawn
Lemme at least leave a good hoof beat they'll remember loud and long
djones520 wrote:Well lets try to keep it from going down that tangent.
Have you got any? I'm not 100% on Canada's laws but I know you can have them. My father owns 3 or 4 and he lives in B.C.
You have to take a firearms safety course and pass a test that only a complete imbecile could fail. Then you apply for a possession & acquisition license, which takes about 30 days and will include a background check. Then you are able to purchase restricted (handguns, single action or semi-auto) and non-restricted (long-barrels, no full auto, mag size restricted for center-fire) firearms. Full-auto is prohibited, and we have regulations about barrel and overall length as well.
Firearms must be stored behind 2 locks (trigger lock, gun safe, gun room, etc) or have their important pieces be disassembled. They may not be loaded while stored.
There are a few very specific nuances about the storage and definitions (what constitutes a gun safe, for example), but this is generally the meat of the Canadian laws. Transport can be complicated, though.
Generally speaking, even though our laws seem repressive by comparison, in reality they really are not. There is no justifiable reason to ever need a Mac-10 or a sawed-off shotgun other than crime, and we really only restrict full-auto and home brew modifications.
Generally speaking, even though our laws seem repressive by comparison, in reality they really are not. There is no justifiable reason to ever need a Mac-10 or a sawed-off shotgun other than crime, and we really only restrict full-auto and home brew modifications.
Spoken like a man who's never had the exquisite pleasure of going to a machine gun shoot
and I hear they ration health care in Canada.
I beg of you sarge let me lead the charge when the battle lines are drawn
Lemme at least leave a good hoof beat they'll remember loud and long
AustonT wrote: A re blued historic firearm is just as de valued as a wire wheeled one. The browned patina is actually a desirable feature of collectible guns.
What about if you re-brown the gun?
I mean, real life historical owners had to refurbish their weapons sometimes. That usually involved browning the metal and polishing or varnishing the woodwork.
There's actually two things here. Browning or Field Browning is similar to bluing in that it is a protective finish. A discerning buyer will know the difference between a gun that has been browned and a blued gun that has browned over time. TBH I don't know why bluing browns, I suspect it has to do with the rust bluinng process.
In any event any restoration of any kind destroys original condition which is typically the most valuable. Original restored functional and restored museum quality fall below that and then there's just the various old but not particularly valuable besides looks and function.
Perhaps the one exception tha you may have been referring to is say a Brown Bess that was carried for a hundred years and periodically refurbished at the Tower Armory for example. The work would be accompanied by a stamp indicating the work that had been done and where and contributes to the value.
Avatar 720 wrote: You see, to Auston, everyone is a Death Star; there's only one way you can take it and that's through a small gap at the back.
Powder Burns wrote:what they need to make is a fullsize leatherman, like 14" long folded, with a bone saw, notches for bowstring, signaling flare, electrical hand crank generator, bolt cutters..
Never used a beretta, but I have a friend in the JROTC in college who has used them, and she hates them. Says they're terrible. Listed many of the reasons guys above did. Up until she told me though, I had never heard anyone complain.
As for the 1911's, everybody and their mom makes a variant on that design it seems, and I bet thats a bigger source of the problems than the main design itself. Every time I've asked about one the guy who has experience with them said that quality can vary wildly between brands. Only real consistant thing I've heard is to go for "G.I." ones, and avoid the overly fancy "tactical" ones. What exactly that means I'm not sure, but I guess they're saying that the ones that are kept simple work much better than the ones where somebody is trying to fix something that was never broken?
'I've played Guard for years, and the best piece of advice is to always utilize the Guard's best special rule: "we roll more dice than you" ' - stormleader
"Sector Imperialis: 25mm and 40mm Round Bases (40+20) 26€ (Including 32 skulls for basing) " GW design philosophy in a nutshell
I've put well over 1000 rounds through Army Berettas and never had any problem. It was one of the easiest weapons to shoot 'expert' with. I'm actually considering a Beretta Nano as a carry weapon.
Once while running the 9mm range one of the staff guys who 'knew what he was doing and didn't need any help' held his M9 wrong and the slide cut his thumb REALLY nicely. Multiple stiches for him. I laughed.
Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings.
KalashnikovMarine wrote: The problem with your FS-92 is that it's a Beretta. I have no idea about the storm or any newer models, but every M-9 or 92 series pistol I've handled is uniformly ass.
Really? I've always had good luck with them. The 92 in any of its iterations isn't a gun I'd choose to carry, because other stuff fits me better, but they're accurate and reliable. They get a lot of hate for reasons that I've still not figured out.
Every. Single. One. Gak trigger, jamming, gakky sights, and they recoil like your grandmother finding a mouse in her knitting bag. I thought it was just Marine Corps 92s/M-9s but I've fired some virgin ones now, still garbage. Apparently they have issues with slides blowing up too... I don't remember where I heard it but apparently SEALs had issues with that leading to the running cadence line "You think you a Navy SEAL? Not till you eat some italian steel"
Don't know about yours. I’ve heard a lot of service guys didn’t like them, especially as they got more beat up. Mine: Recoil: negligible. My daughter loves it and first started loving shooting it at 8. Jamming: With about 8,000 round shooting it, its never FTF or FTE'd, nothing nada. Its as reliable as Texas is big. Seriously, this is the pistol I have in the bathroom safe. Its the Alamo gun for the Wife to use and she's lethally good with it. Sights: original sights were about 2 inches low at 15 yards, and the original beads are not big. Thats ok as I put an adjustable sight on it, but I'll give you this one. Trigger: from factory the DA pull is like 14 lbs, and the SA pull was about 7. I put a D spring in it and the SA pull is about 4 lbs. I'm not keen on the actual trigger face. I never shoot DA and never intended to, so that wasn't an issue until I started IDPA. Cleaning: Its without a doubt the easiest of all of my pistols to tear down and clean. The Beretta Storm is more of a pain in the ass with the rotating barrel (but man recoil is light on that one). OT but I think I am the only person on the planet who liked the original 1911 takedown procedure. I hate the new captured springs, and the need for a retainer of some sort for many new 1911 pistols. Accuracy: for fun I would shoot this at 7 yards and hit nickel sized targets freehand. Usually did this when some tacticool jerk showed up nearby and started to play mall ninja. The only thing more accurate I had outside of a .22 is an old model 29 handcannon with a 7inch barrel.
Now to get the M&P up to speed I had to: 1. Get a trigger job done. Now I knew this going in, and the M&Pc I've left alone. After about a thousand rounds the rough it, it was fine but still a pretty heavy release, so Burwell here we come. 2. Adjustable sights. 3. Front sight. Had to get a larger front sight because of the height of the adjustable sight, which also meant I had to get a new holster. On the positive I have a fiber optic sight now. 4. Competition barrel. The pistol as arrived had crap accuracy. Having had S&Ws before I was shocked. I was further shocked when the M&Pc which I bought later, was substantially more accurate, and in line with what I expected. Drop a KKM barrel in it and presto: quarter inch group at 7 yards dead on. Finally as good as the Beretta.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/01/31 12:17:50
-"Wait a minute.....who is that Frazz is talking to in the gallery? Hmmm something is going on here.....Oh.... it seems there is some dispute over video taping of some sort......Frazz is really upset now..........wait a minute......whats he go it? Can it be?....Frazz has just unleashed his hidden weiner dog from his mini bag, while quoting shakespeares "Let slip the dogs the war!!" GG
-"Don't mind Frazzled. He's just Dakka's crazy old dude locked in the attic. He's harmless. Mostly."
-TBone the Magnificent 1999-2014, Long Live the King!
As for the 1911's, everybody and their mom makes a variant on that design it seems, and I bet thats a bigger source of the problems than the main design itself. Every time I've asked about one the guy who has experience with them said that quality can vary wildly between brands. Only real consistant thing I've heard is to go for "G.I." ones, and avoid the overly fancy "tactical" ones. What exactly that means I'm not sure, but I guess they're saying that the ones that are kept simple work much better than the ones where somebody is trying to fix something that was never broken?
That's basically it. There's a variety of mods made to the basic 1911 design, a lot of them enhance functionality.... others don't. Probably the most infamous in my circle of gun nuts are double stack 1911s of any variety but Paraordnance in particular. Other brands reliably bite, while it's usually the people that have been making them for most of their service life that have the formula down to a science. Colt for example. I've never heard of an issue with their 1911s, and they are priced accordingly. Kimber on the other hand is a boutique 1911 that costs a bundle, but they tend to be safe queens and require a lot of care and maintenance, a cop friend of mine also notes that on many forces a Kimber 1911 is a status symbol for officers (in the lieutenant sense).
GI in this case can also refer to MIL-SPEC weapons which especially with 1911s can be a very important distinction to make, both with the functionality of the weapon and sourcing parts for it, like say a match grade barrel. Tactical can yet again refer to the compact/commander/officer length 1911s which also tend not to work as well as the full size. Something to do with the spring as I recall.
All of the above are actually why I push Rock Island's 1911s. They're Colt clones made on Colt machines that got ditched in the Philippines as the Japanese invaded. They're MilSpec on their parts and tolerances so they make a great base for a project gun (which is what I'm doing with mine, dropping a match barrel, extended safety, doing a trigger job and upgrading my sights) and are over all a solid entry level 1911. For best results toss the magazine that comes with it and buy yourself some Chip McCormick mags, (the power mags are great and go for around $25 a mag, but I have a pair of the "Shooting Star" which are around $16 on Midway USA and they work flawlessly.) break the pistol in with around 100-200 rounds and clean it thoroughly. (Pay attention on reassembly, you don't want "newb scratch")
Frazzled, Jake I'm glad you guys have had good experiences with your Berettas. I think I'll just leave'em as not for me though. If I really need a 9mm in my life I'll grab a police trade in Glock
For the record, this is the only acceptable way to do a double stack 1911
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/01/31 12:55:14
I beg of you sarge let me lead the charge when the battle lines are drawn
Lemme at least leave a good hoof beat they'll remember loud and long
Frazzled wrote: [
DA/SA: first trigger pull is long like a revolver, with short follow up pulls. Beretta's, Taurus's, and Sig Sauers.
SA only: Think Colt .45. Short trigger pull.
DA only: (from the factory) all trigger pulls are like a revolver pull.
More later if someone else doesn't fill as I have to boogie.
Little more clarification, SA pistols require you to cock the hammer in order to fire them. On semi-auto pistols, the slide will cock the hammer as it moves back to eject the shell, allowing for follow up shots without the shooter having to cock the hammer. On SA revolvers, the hammer must be manually pulled back after each shot to recock the hammer and index the cylinder. A DA pistol starts with hammer in the uncocked position and is cocked by the pulling the trigger until it releases and fires. DAs will have a long, heavy trigger pull, but is consistent shot to shot. DA/SA acts like DA for the first shot and SA for each subsequent shot. DA/SA is only available in semi-autos and some people feel they are safer than SA or striker fired pistols because you don't have to carry them around cocked.
Striker fired is some where in between DA/SA and pure DA pistols. The slide must be racked in order to cock them, so they are always cocked unless fired. They don't have any sort of exposed hammer and tend to have less trigger pull than a DA but more than an SA. Glocks are striker fired.
I personally like the DA/SA because I hate long trigger pulls (I shot rifles the majority of the time) and I think they are a bit safer than pure SA.
djones520 wrote: In my master bedroom closet resting on the floor. All of my ammunition is on our shoe rack that's about 6' off the ground, well out of the little ones reach.
Oldest is 4, and coincidentally already knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is never to touch my guns without asking for permission.
I don't mean to be a jerk and tell you your business. But my dad was pretty scary: also in the air force. And I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was never supposed to touch his Stanley knife ever! (like under pain of death). Yet I still have a big scar on my hand proving that kids don't always do as they are told. I was 6 when I got the scar. The knife that gave it to me was kept in a locked draw, which was itself in a locked room. I figured I knew what I was doing, and my dad would never find out anyway... Only he did because I near sliced off half my finger.
My point is you should not underestimate the ingenuity of your children, especially when it comes to getting at things they are not supposed to. You also probably shouldn't trust them to keep themselves safe by making good decisions. Kids have a natural tenancy to make bad decisions and kill themselves. That's why nature invented parents: to make decisions for them and hopefully keep them alive.
It's worth thinking about. You can never be too careful.
The 92 is trash in my opinion. Too big, too heavy, not very ergonomic. If it was such a good pistol, cops would carry them as well. Guess what, cops carry Glock, H&K and a myriad of other brands and models. I personally like FN.
Cops do carry the 92 and 96, quite a few of them. They are in fact one of the most common of the "myriad of models" cops carry. Far more frequently found than HKs, but hey let's. OT let reality get in the way of a good rant. And what department DOESN'T love a service pistol that costs $400 and can be carried loaded.
Avatar 720 wrote: You see, to Auston, everyone is a Death Star; there's only one way you can take it and that's through a small gap at the back.
Powder Burns wrote:what they need to make is a fullsize leatherman, like 14" long folded, with a bone saw, notches for bowstring, signaling flare, electrical hand crank generator, bolt cutters..
As for the 1911's, everybody and their mom makes a variant on that design it seems, and I bet thats a bigger source of the problems than the main design itself. Every time I've asked about one the guy who has experience with them said that quality can vary wildly between brands. Only real consistant thing I've heard is to go for "G.I." ones, and avoid the overly fancy "tactical" ones. What exactly that means I'm not sure, but I guess they're saying that the ones that are kept simple work much better than the ones where somebody is trying to fix something that was never broken?
That's basically it. There's a variety of mods made to the basic 1911 design, a lot of them enhance functionality.... others don't. Probably the most infamous in my circle of gun nuts are double stack 1911s of any variety but Paraordnance in particular. Other brands reliably bite, while it's usually the people that have been making them for most of their service life that have the formula down to a science. Colt for example. I've never heard of an issue with their 1911s, and they are priced accordingly. Kimber on the other hand is a boutique 1911 that costs a bundle, but they tend to be safe queens and require a lot of care and maintenance, a cop friend of mine also notes that on many forces a Kimber 1911 is a status symbol for officers (in the lieutenant sense).
GI in this case can also refer to MIL-SPEC weapons which especially with 1911s can be a very important distinction to make, both with the functionality of the weapon and sourcing parts for it, like say a match grade barrel. Tactical can yet again refer to the compact/commander/officer length 1911s which also tend not to work as well as the full size. Something to do with the spring as I recall.
All of the above are actually why I push Rock Island's 1911s. They're Colt clones made on Colt machines that got ditched in the Philippines as the Japanese invaded. They're MilSpec on their parts and tolerances so they make a great base for a project gun (which is what I'm doing with mine, dropping a match barrel, extended safety, doing a trigger job and upgrading my sights) and are over all a solid entry level 1911. For best results toss the magazine that comes with it and buy yourself some Chip McCormick mags, (the power mags are great and go for around $25 a mag, but I have a pair of the "Shooting Star" which are around $16 on Midway USA and they work flawlessly.) break the pistol in with around 100-200 rounds and clean it thoroughly. (Pay attention on reassembly, you don't want "newb scratch")
Frazzled, Jake I'm glad you guys have had good experiences with your Berettas. I think I'll just leave'em as not for me though. If I really need a 9mm in my life I'll grab a police trade in Glock
For the record, this is the only acceptable way to do a double stack 1911
In my younger days, if you bought a Colt, for it to be reliable at all, you had to immediately take it to a smith to smooth the feedramp, throat the barrel, checked to make sure everything actually fit, and put actual sights on the thing.
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Barfolomew wrote: The 92 is trash in my opinion. Too big, too heavy, not very ergonomic. If it was such a good pistol, cops would carry them as well. Guess what, cops carry Glock, H&K and a myriad of other brands and models. I personally like FN.
Cops carry plenty of 92s and Sig 226s. Glock has an excellent marketing campaign to police, and glocks are generally lighter. Doesn't mean they are better (especially with the problems Gen 4 has been having). But if you like those, good for you. Its all about what you like.
Automatically Appended Next Post: Also, STI makes excellent double column 1911s. I've seen them in action. They are scary good. Of course they are also scary expensive.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/01/31 13:37:43
-"Wait a minute.....who is that Frazz is talking to in the gallery? Hmmm something is going on here.....Oh.... it seems there is some dispute over video taping of some sort......Frazz is really upset now..........wait a minute......whats he go it? Can it be?....Frazz has just unleashed his hidden weiner dog from his mini bag, while quoting shakespeares "Let slip the dogs the war!!" GG
-"Don't mind Frazzled. He's just Dakka's crazy old dude locked in the attic. He's harmless. Mostly."
-TBone the Magnificent 1999-2014, Long Live the King!
AustonT wrote: Guns scare me. I don't own them and niether should you.
I see what you did there. You've been conditioned via your military training to tell private citizens not to own guns! Well played, fascist. Well Played.
First they came for the guns, but no one said anything.
Then they came for the attack cats, but no one said anything.
Then they came for the Warhammer 40k models, and gak got real!
I was actually considering getting a gun with my tax refund this year, mainly for the irony, and was considering a simple revolver like a .38. I want bigger than a .22, but have no desire for a .44. I've shot .44 in the past, and that's more than I need.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/01/31 14:06:23
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/01/31 14:10:48
-"Wait a minute.....who is that Frazz is talking to in the gallery? Hmmm something is going on here.....Oh.... it seems there is some dispute over video taping of some sort......Frazz is really upset now..........wait a minute......whats he go it? Can it be?....Frazz has just unleashed his hidden weiner dog from his mini bag, while quoting shakespeares "Let slip the dogs the war!!" GG
-"Don't mind Frazzled. He's just Dakka's crazy old dude locked in the attic. He's harmless. Mostly."
-TBone the Magnificent 1999-2014, Long Live the King!
My guns are mainly for collecting seeing as though they are mainly Mosin Nagants of different styles and eras. So far we have the basic 19/30 with and without hexagonal receiver, a carbine with rounded receiver, and a Sniper model including the scope. I wish to get my hands on an Ex-dragoon model though. Most of these are too large to fit into our gun safe, except for the carbine which is shorter, so to remedy the situation their bolts were removed and placed into the safe.
My SKS and two nagant revolvers currently reside in the gun safe as well.
I do enjoy shooting at circles on paper targets though.
Cuurently, we own a Remington R1 1911, it stays at home for defense... I've got my eye on the Walther PPK in. 380 as a CC pistol, so hopefully once i move and settle again, we'll pick one up.
I like the look of the KGP-161. 45oz isn't too bad.
yea full size revolvers are pretty heavy. They are also accurate as sin.
-"Wait a minute.....who is that Frazz is talking to in the gallery? Hmmm something is going on here.....Oh.... it seems there is some dispute over video taping of some sort......Frazz is really upset now..........wait a minute......whats he go it? Can it be?....Frazz has just unleashed his hidden weiner dog from his mini bag, while quoting shakespeares "Let slip the dogs the war!!" GG
-"Don't mind Frazzled. He's just Dakka's crazy old dude locked in the attic. He's harmless. Mostly."
-TBone the Magnificent 1999-2014, Long Live the King!
@ halonachos: Sounds like you need a bigger safe. Son2's Mosin fits in mine (holding it while he is in college) as long as thebayonet isn't attached.
My non-smart ass answer to the topic:
My current favorite toy is a Colt rimfire/.22 that looks just like an M4. Cheap to fire and a ton of fun. I have a bunch of 'high capacity' magizines for it that just make blowing holes in things a joy.
I also have a few other full caliber black guns to include a HK91. A few wood stock rifles, from .22 to .308. A couple shotguns to include a Mossberg 500T with M4 style stock that is the go to gun. A few handguns of various flavors (all semi-automatic).
Most are kept in a gun safe. Most are used for target shooting and varmint capping. Mr Cottonmouth is NOT welcome by the horse troughs and copperheads are not welcome in the front yard for example, dangerous to dogs and kids. The copperhead that decided to hang out under the horse trailer was an interesting critter too seeing as we generally tie the horses to the side of the trailer to saddle them up. I haven't hunted for food recently but have hunted. Wife and I both maintain conceal carry permits.
Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings.
AustonT wrote: A re blued historic firearm is just as de valued as a wire wheeled one. The browned patina is actually a desirable feature of collectible guns.
What about if you re-brown the gun?
I mean, real life historical owners had to refurbish their weapons sometimes. That usually involved browning the metal and polishing or varnishing the woodwork.
There's actually two things here. Browning or Field Browning is similar to bluing in that it is a protective finish. A discerning buyer will know the difference between a gun that has been browned and a blued gun that has browned over time. TBH I don't know why bluing browns, I suspect it has to do with the rust bluinng process.
In any event any restoration of any kind destroys original condition which is typically the most valuable. Original restored functional and restored museum quality fall below that and then there's just the various old but not particularly valuable besides looks and function.
Perhaps the one exception tha you may have been referring to is say a Brown Bess that was carried for a hundred years and periodically refurbished at the Tower Armory for example. The work would be accompanied by a stamp indicating the work that had been done and where and contributes to the value.
This. Your highest value will be an item that is 100% original in every way, and has been meticulously maintained. With good maintenance and little to no use, you theoretically should never need to do any sort of restoration. That tends to be unrealistic over 50, 100, 150 years and many owners. My Luger has been well maintained in general and is in great shape aside from the finish. It feels like a damn swiss watch compared to some of the other brutes I have. Unfortunately that original finish (rather lack thereof) is a big deal.
Frazzled wrote:Get a .357. It will shoot 38s too, but with less recoil.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/01/31 15:17:19
11,100 pts, 7,000 pts
++ Heed my words for I am the Herald and we are the footsteps of doom. Interlopers, do we name you. Defilers of our
sacred earth. We have awoken to your primative species and will not tolerate your presence. Ours is the way of logic,
of cold hard reason: your irrationality, your human disease has no place in the necrontyr. Flesh is weak.
Surrender to the machine incarnate. Surrender and die. ++
Tuagh wrote: If you won't use a wrench, it isn't the bolt's fault that your hammer is useless.
Barfolomew wrote: The 92 is trash in my opinion. Too big, too heavy, not very ergonomic. If it was such a good pistol, cops would carry them as well. Guess what, cops carry Glock, H&K and a myriad of other brands and models. I personally like FN.
Cops carry what they're issued. Cops are frequently issued Glocks because police departments get them for damn near free.
Powder Burns wrote:what they need to make is a fullsize leatherman, like 14" long folded, with a bone saw, notches for bowstring, signaling flare, electrical hand crank generator, bolt cutters..