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Craneblade. My baneblade recovery tank conversion and other conversions and scratch builds.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


So having had a few unexpected days off with a vomiting bug, I'm further ahead on my new build, this is going to be mostly scratch built. Having said that I will be using things like weapons and hatches plus smaller details from the bits bin( it's grown beyond one box now ). this is a sort of free flow project for me with no defined "I'm going to build this" so it may change along the way and become something completely different. So here are some pics for your feedback and comments. I always appreciate your honest opinions.

Have based it it on the Crassus chassis although I think it will be a little smaller, I don't have a model of one and am working of pictures. As to what goes inside the running gear is up in the air,
still have another support vehicle to start but this will be a simple chimera conversion, just waiting on the right parts on eBay, this will be pulling my interiptaion of the fuel trailer now long oop from forgeworld.

Happy Wednesday

[Thumb - image.jpeg]

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


So another weekend draws to a close and have managed to fit in quite a few hours tonight. Have had a little accident with the project box earlier in the day so spent a good two hrs gluing things back on the craneblade and transport conversion. Nothing major but it did cost me some time to replicate little bits that were to damaged to reattach.
having put a smile back on my face with repairs I continued with my latest project, Crassus based scratch build. This is coming on quite well and have got both the side units nearing completion and have been contemplating tracks. At the moment I'm planning to attempt to build my own but we will have to see, consistency across so many fiddley pieces is a bit daunting at present.
The cab section still needs some fine tweeking for the final side panels, armoured Windows and the placement of all the final details. Hoping to get a bit more done tomorrow but back on nights for a fortnight so who knows when I'll get a chance, link to a few detailed pics below

[Thumb - image.jpeg]

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


Well I've started on the tracks but it's slow going, 2 hours to make 7sections!! hoping now I have all the measurements sorted I will speed up a bit, other wise it's going to take me at least a month to make all the sections I need.
pic of them trial fitted below, happy modelling

[Thumb - image.jpeg]

Made in gb
Gargantuan Great Squiggoth

Not where I should be

Sorry bud missed your updates, excellent work.

Always a bit scary when your toys get beat up. Glad to hear you are back on track.

The track units are looking fantastic. Excellent work, brilliant attention to detail.

Sir you need to learn about casting, it is real easy and makes mass production of units like the track pieces a breeze.

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


Cheer Camkierhi, have looked at some "how too's " on casting after your suggestion and think I will give it a go, not to sure what my wife will say when I start mixing up resin in the kitchen but I'll cross that bridge when it arises!! ( Lost my modelling room with the birth of our son 2 yrs ago so do all my modelling on the kitchen counter once kids are in bed)
Means I can concentrate on building the main body and leave the tracks for a while,
Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Hererford, leo

Really wanted to do a smaller style crassis, this is going to be great. cant wait for more. Amazing detail on the tracks btw.

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


Cheers stonned, now I've started to put the modules together not sure if it will be any smaller. Track sections are coming on all be it slowly, and I'm hoping to have a photo update tomorrow evening.
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


Well it's been a good weekend and no mistake, made some good progress on the Crassus project today although there's still plenty to do

Link to pics https://imgur.com/a/cJWnV

[Thumb - image.jpeg]

Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Hererford, leo

looking good.

Made in gb
Pious Palatine

Part of me finds it terrifying that you've scratch-built that.

The tracks look especially amazing (although they're missing from the the latest update?).

Made in ie
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Kildare, Ireland

Just wow...

 Strombones wrote:
Battlegroup - Because its tits.
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


Cheers EDC, I think,, not sure if terrifying is good or bad but I'll take it as good, tracks are showing in the second shot on imgur just goes to show how well hidden they are . there hidden by the top armour base, so having made a huge effort with the track sections I'm not sure I want them that covered, dilemma time,

Thanks Big P,
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


After a busy Easter managed to get back to doing a bit on a couple of projects, I made a bit of a mistake when I attached the sides and there was a 2mm difference between the sides that threw the whole front out, so have had to remove the side and reattach in the correct position and I'm now happy with how the fron sits.

[Thumb - image.jpeg]

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


Finally had an idea for one of the craneblade attachments after getting stuck in traffic for over an hour next to a truck loaded with crane and digger attachments. This is my take on a magnetic hydrolic grab, work in progress but it's coming on.
[Thumb - image.jpeg]

Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Hererford, leo

Can really see the crassis taking shape, and wicked detail on the grabber thing.

Made in gb
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

These kind of scratch builds always amaze me ! Fantastic work mate.

Made in ar
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

By the foot of the Andes

Design, craftsmanship and detailing on that piece are amazing, traffic jam really paid off!

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


Cheers guys, I have a couple more ideas floating round my head at the mo, must get them down on paper at least before I forget
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


Productive week, as suggested before I'm learning to make moulds and cast resin, so far so good, so hoping will speed up repetative part making on future projects. Especially track sections!!
Also continued work on my grab, main build done and onto to my favourite bit, the fine detai Lots of rivets , nuts and bolts required on this before painting can begin. Shown below roughly set on the carapace of my (fallen) imperial knight to give an idea of scale,
[Thumb - image.jpeg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/04/16 07:19:29

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Don't know how I missed all these updates, that chassis and track system is beautiful.

That grabber is huge! But, it's the IOM so, I guess it is needed.

My mostly terrain and Sons of Orar blog:
 whalemusic360 wrote:
Alph, I expect like 90 sets of orange/blue from you.
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


Cheers stormwall,
had intended the grab to be used with my craneblade project but as you say, it's rather large, will have to see if it fits in still. It won't go to waste though, something large is lurking at the back of the workbench that it will definatly look right
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


Had some good results from the molds I made last night, scratch built track sections and some experiments with torso's. 95% of the detail has been replicated with only some of the button detail on the torso's lost, pretty pleased as a first attempt knocked up in my kitchen!
[Thumb - image.jpeg]

Made in gb
Gargantuan Great Squiggoth

Not where I should be

Talc the mould. Not sure if you are using a release agent or not, but if you talc the mould, it helps with the flow of the resin and will give crisper casts.

All looking fantastic sir, that grabber is brilliant.

Made in gb
Aspirant Tech-Adept

This is all fantastic work , cant wait to see more.
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


Thanks for the tip Camkierhi, I'll try that one later. I have been using a release agent but as its all virgin territory there is a lot of trial and error going on!!

Cheers hk1x1, pleased you like it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/04/17 18:15:46

Made in gb
Omnious Orc Shaman

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...

Nice updates, that grabber is sweet as...

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


Thanks for the positives Ruglud,

Tried the talc trick suggested by Camkierhi and it certainly makes a difference, been attempting to cast some legs earlier today ( 4 failed attempts) and every time the ends of the feet where missing,trapped air bubble , but with the talc it seems to have pushed the air out perfect, result perfect feet!!!!!
[Thumb - image.jpeg]

Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Hererford, leo

Good work on the moulds, might try the talk powder trick myself.

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


Cheers stonned, been going through the spares box for unusual thing to cast!! So far I've found and old first edition space marine sprue, that looks complete!!! Might have a little play after work tomorrow

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/04/17 22:03:06

Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Hererford, leo

Good luck with that, im sure people would be ken for some classic plastic bits too.

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