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Made in at
Second Story Man


So far during our Christmas Blogs, we’ve covered plenty of details about games set in our Pannithor universe and a number of you are probably asking “BUT WHAT’S HAPPENING WITH SCI-FI?” Ok, wow – you’re actually shouting it, imaginary blog reader. Well, short story is… there’s plenty happening with sci-fi in 2021. Great, we’ll finish there. Thanks for reading today’s blog.

Oh, you want more than that? Ok, we’ll go into a little more detail. The truth is a lot of sci-fi goodness will be coming your way later in the year, so it’s a little too early to talk about too much now. BUT we do have some fun stuff coming up soon. Let’s take a look!

As you may know, it seems like forever that the Deadzone two-player set has been out of stock. Throughout lockdown we had numerous issues keeping the miniatures in supply. Then we got the minis… and ran out of the rulebook. We are putting this down to ‘the 2020 phenomenon’!

However, this did give us an opportunity to take a look at the two-player set and decide what was best to keep it in stock. We decided that we would mostly keep the contents the same, but there will be a small change to the rulebook. To be honest, a large portion of the rulebook is now out of date because of Escalation, which includes the latest faction stats and scenarios.

With that in mind, we decided the rulebook is a little surplus to requirements because a lot of the stuff you’ll be referencing during games is included in Escalation. So the revised two-player set will now include

a digital version of the rulebook
a free physical copy of Escalation
a free digital copy of Escalation too!
We think this is a great way to get into the game, and make sure you have the most up to date army lists!

We’re expecting it to be back in stock VERY soon!

During the Open Day, we also teased a new sub faction: Forge Father Artificers. We haven’t got a lot more to announce about the release date, but take a look at their new leader… the Master Artificer!

We are super excited about the Artificers and can’t wait to get them out to you.

In 2020 we released a mini Command Protocols, which was a PDF that included stats for the Spectra, Matsudan and some amended stats for existing units. In early(ish) 2021 we’re planning another mini Command Protocols that will introduce some of the new Kings of War Ratkin models into Deadzone.

We’re also planning a slight boost to the Mazon Labs with some CYBORGS! Honestly, Mazon Labs is a totally legitimate corporation that just wants to help people… nothing sinister going on there. The revised stats for the Mazon Labs and Veer-myn will be available as a free download in Q2.

A while back Ronnie mentioned that we’ve been taking a look at the rules for Firefight to tighten them up a bit and make sure it’s easier to make the transition from Deadzone into Firefight, which is a slightly larger-scale sci-fi wargame.

It’s still being worked on, and we will need lots of folks to help with play testing… sssssssoooooooo you might want to start painting up those awesome sci-fi vehicles. Just sayin’

Finally, it’s normally Ronnie that leaks all our new releases, but this time Rob’s loose lips have sunk the spaceship. He mentioned something codenamed: ‘Arena Wars’ – a DreadBall spin-off that’s focused on arena-based, gladiatorial combat.

We’ll have PLENTY more on this later in the year but, until then, you can start drooling over this new miniature… the Tigrax. Hang on, isn’t that a giant base from DreadBall? This is getting curiouser and curiouser.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/01/03 11:02:23

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


I love that Doc Ach!

Made in at
Second Story Man


Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Not Dr. Octopus looks awesome.
Made in at
Second Story Man


FireFight 2nd Edition Beta Test

From the stream today:
last time they took the Warpath rules and scaled them down, which was not the game that people expected
this time they chose the use the Deadzone rules and scale them up, while taking advantage from the other games that were developed in between, hence it uses D8 as well as the same power dice as KoW Vanguard

Game size is aimed at 1000-1500 points with the current Mega Army Sets (130€) played on 4x4 to 6x4 (or 3x3 for smaller games) which fits well to the 2 sizes for Deadzone (2x2 and 2x4)
The public Beta is there to break the game and get as much feedback as possible (FB group for now with Google form following later)

How to Play: Firefight 2nd Edition - Introduction

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

Firefight 2nd edition

Release 2022

The main concept behind Firefight Second Edition is that we wanted a game that scaled up from Deadzone, rather than scaled down from Warpath. In fact, Firefight Second Edition started as Deadzone XL, which Andy playtested at the Mantic Open Day a few years ago.

- Uses D8s rather than D6s, No exploding 8s
- 1,000 point games (mega army boxset type size 60 models ish) 4x4 table can scale down to 3x3 and up to 6x4
- Unit based game
- Individual model removal
- Firefight orders still in game
- Deadzone commander type orders - Vanguard style command dice
- Measurements not cubes - measure from unit leader
- Competitive and Narrative type games
- Not a Warpath replacement which remains it's own thing
- Initial 4 playtest factions more to be added

WIP Playtest rules

You might also need some miniatures too! Well, we’re pleased to say that for the rest of April you can use the code FIREFIGHTPLAYTEST to get 20% off any Warpath Mega Force, Warpath Starter Force or Warpath Reserve Force. The latter, in particular, is a great way to upgrade your Deadzone strike team. One thing to note, the Warpath sets won’t start shipping until April 26th because we need to build them!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/04/10 22:22:05

Made in gb
Pious Warrior Priest


Having followed the development closely over the last two years, this is the 28mm game sci-fi game I want to be playing.

It's a complete rewrite from a different rules base, going for fast games with small model counts roughly equal to 2nd edition 40k, 30-40 minis and a few vehicles on average.

Heavy focus on tactics with assault reactions, going to ground and just lots of different possible things for a unit to do. Command dice completely different to deadzone or warpath, instead uses a command point spending system like in vanguard.

In terms of 40k comparisons, 3rd edition is probably the closest to it in overall style, but with d8's instead of d6 for greater stat ranges, command dice system, alternate activations and a greater variety of meaningful choices to make with a unit.
Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

Andy will be doing a series of videos on Firefight 2nd edition

Made in at
Second Story Man


next video is up

scarletsquig wrote:

In terms of 40k comparisons, 3rd edition is probably the closest to it in overall style, but with d8's instead of d6 for greater stat ranges, command dice system, alternate activations and a greater variety of meaningful choices to make with a unit.

this sound really promising, not the 40k reference in general but that there is a variety of meaningful choices

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Very interesting. I backed the Warpath Kickstarter mainly interested in Firefight, but 40K 8th edition dropped right before a received my box. Alas, most of my gaming group mistook a better 40K for a good game and I never got to try Firefight 1e.

Quite interested in a Firefight that's based more on Deadzone, as I love Deadzone.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/04/11 17:55:35

Made in gr
Storm Trooper with Maglight

- wrong thread -

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/04/11 21:25:06

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Psychopomp wrote:
Very interesting. I backed the Warpath Kickstarter mainly interested in Firefight, but 40K 8th edition dropped right before a received my box. Alas, most of my gaming group mistook a better 40K for a good game and I never got to try Firefight 1e.

Quite interested in a Firefight that's based more on Deadzone, as I love Deadzone.

Yeah I was the same.
Though by now, most of the stuff I got for a larger list has been sold off (bright side it paid off the KS cost, so now everything left was free).
Most of what I have is 2-3 DZ sized factions, but too small Warpath/Firefight.

This could get me back interested..
Made in at
Second Story Man


yeah the original Firefight had some bad timing and decisions on the rules (being made to be a better 40k on players request at the end of 7th and released around when 8th hit so most players went for the original better 40k)

for me Firefight has a lot of potential as the other game that fills the same spot is Star Wars Legion and I am not a big Star Wars fan (enough to play X-Wing as I like space fighter combat, but not enough to go down that rabbit hole)

and the 1000 point/platoon sized game is the right spot for me to get everything I would like to have in an army without needing too much of it (building/converting 1 tank is fun, knowing that you need to make 4 more to get a good army list is not)

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in at
Second Story Man


the other videos are now online

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in at
Second Story Man


last video:

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/04/17 17:25:10

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in at
Second Story Man


Designers Notes:

I have been involved with Mantic in lots of ways for the last five years. I was involved in the development Kings of War: Vanguard and a number of other bits for Star Saga. However, the main thing I have been involved with is Deadzone – and I have been the rules committee chairperson for the last three years. During this time I think it’s fair to say the game has been rejuvenated by the release of Command Protocols: Outbreak, which was then quickly followed up by Escalation. Some of you may already have heard rumours that there is a lot of new stuff coming for Deadzone soon as well… although that’s for another time.

I am also one of the people behind the Weight of Fire YouTube channel and podcast, so you will see content coming out on there about Firefight too!

Why a second edition?

I think it’s fair to say that while the first edition of Firefight was a really good game, it didn’t quite have the impact of a new launch. Although the Kickstarter managed to fund a lot of good hard plastic troops and, most importantly, vehicles – the game itself never really gained a large player base.

Therefore, Mantic felt that a new edition of the game, which built on the growth and success of Deadzone would be a better approach than the first edition format of a new dice and style mechanic, which may have worked well for the larger scale Warpath game. To this end they asked me as an experienced Deadzone player and RC chair to lead the development of the new Firefight.

What are the main differences?

I think it’s important to be clear though that Firefight is not Deadzone and, likewise, it is not Firefight: First Edition. It is, to some extent, a hybrid of the two with a lot of aspects of other Mantic games and other non-Mantic games I play thrown in for good measure. So if you see something and think ‘that’s not how it plays in Deadzone or Firefight’ then it’s quite probable that it’s been done intentionally but, of course, please feedback in the playtest group in case something hasn’t been considered!

My original approach to this game was to make it fun, fast and streamlined. So you’re able to play in a reasonably short time, without taking up a huge space – but with the ability to scale up to larger games, if people want. A lot of the simplicity of play comes from some aspects of Deadzone but there are a number of new features in here too.

This is why you may have noticed there are fundamental differences between Firefight: First Edition and Second Edition. The most obvious being the use of D8s and the change of command dice to Power Dice from Vanguard. In a similar way the leader being the sole point for movement and shooting is a big deviation from First Edition. That, along with movement being standard and keywords describing changes to how a unit works, are all ways of simplifying the time at the table. In a similar vein keeping similar terminology between multiple Mantic systems was decided upon to keep people feeling that they’re in familiar territory. The use of Nerve was also in this style to be somewhat like how it works in KoW, where when a unit is severely damaged it may disappear completely so there are less units of 1-2 models hanging around the table- which visually, sometimes look a bit sad.

Overall though I feel these changes make for a fun and interactive game, which should keep both players engaged throughout the round and have to make multiple decisions about which units they activate, along with how to use their rare Command Points – which I’ll cover in a future blog.

Has the game been available to playtest before?

The alpha group has been running for over a year and includes members who were sworn to secrecy or Rob would send his murder goblins to their house. The members of this group were principally people I knew would be able to contribute fair and balanced feedback during early development. It was intentionally a small group and has been essential to getting the game to where it is now.

Where are my minis and where is the cool new stuff?

You will notice when all the beta lists are released that some profiles or game styles have been removed or changed. There is a good reason for this, which is to make the game more streamlined or to replicate more closely how units work in Deadzone. Finally, it might be because the models are no longer available or are hard to get hold of.

Of course, I’m sure that Mantic will have some surprises up its sleeve for new models… but these have to remain top secret for now. But let me say the [REDACTED REDACTED] is great and I love the [REDACTED REDACTED] and the upcoming [REDACTED REDACTED] are just superb!

What’s the purpose of the beta?

The beta is principally to refine the rules as they are to make the game as enjoyable as possible. I envisage this will mostly be around wording or keywords and rules, as well as refining the cost and profiles of units in the game. All feedback is welcome and even if it’s not the direction we feel the game should take it doesn’t devalue your contribution at all.

For example, there’s a been a lot of talk in the playtest group about climbing buildings or shooting from on top of buildings. Because we had been playing a lot of alpha games in Universal Battle it was hard to recreate this sense of space, so it didn’t really come up. However, I really appreciate the suggestions that have been made by people so far and it’s ensured I take another look at the building rules for Second Edition.

To this end I keep a running doc of all the changes I have made based on feedback received and this will be released at regular intervals to control the number of versions we have floating around. The next version of the rules and profiles along with a new faction release (Asterians) will be on the first weekend of May.

This beta is likely to run for quite a long time and so there will be plenty of opportunities to get games in as the world situation continues to evolve. We are planning a playtest day at Mantic HQ in the summer for those who can make it (dates to follow in due course).

What else can you do? Well, just carry on doing what you’re doing really; engaging and encouraging the development of the game by talking about the rules, playing games and showing off the minis you are working on, not just in this playtest group but in any other Facebook and club groups you are in. This will encourage others to dig out their minis or even start a new army!

Thanks all and get back gaming!


Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in at
Second Story Man


Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

New Warpath sports game?

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in ca
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

I think it's supposed to be like Aristea! or Riot Quest- arena based team brawler.

I swear I read that somewhere.

I'll be happy if we see some Matsudans in the mix!

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

Overdrive preview starts 1:11:06

Autumn 2021 - retail release - up to 6 players - reuses existing DB Giants in core box
- Dreadball half time Gladiatorial game between Giant players
- No ball
- King of the hill type game - 1 active scoring zone get your player into it - extreme musical chairs
- Ultimate game modes - Pass the bomb, Capture the flag, Invade, Killstreak, Dodge Brawl

[Thumb - IMG-0755.jpg]

[Thumb - IMG-0756.jpg]

[Thumb - IMG-0757.jpg]

[Thumb - IMG-0758.jpg]

[Thumb - IMG-0759.jpg]

[Thumb - IMG-0760.jpg]

[Thumb - IMG-0761.jpg]

[Thumb - IMG-0762.jpg]

[Thumb - IMG-0763.jpg]

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2021/06/26 18:06:35

Made in at
Second Story Man


originally a halftime show for Dreadball, now it is a game of its own

each arena has a fixed set of players from whom the trainers select from (alternating)
in a league game (or tournament) each coach has his fixed team of 6 players, from whom he chooses 3, again alternating with the opponent and no player can occur twice (i.e. if the 1st trainer chooses Dozer and the 2nd trainer also has Dozer in his team, he can no longer use it)

alternating activation of the players, 4 activations per trainer per rush, each player can be activated up to 2 times, OverDrive ability 1 time per rush, and there are 8 rush per game, scoring zone randomly changes each rush
playtime about 60-90 minutes (they played a League in 1 day in HQ during playtesting)

additional players will be released in packs of 2 players (and will also receive MVP rules for Dreadball)

Pre-order starts in July / August, release in September (pre-order exclusive score markers)

Automatically Appended Next Post:
End of Stream Teaser:


This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2021/06/26 19:14:51

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Sooooo eight year old Restic sculpts?

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in at
Second Story Man


old sculpsts, but not sure of they pack the old models in the box or make new ones

it was mentioned that Giraldez got the old PVC ones because they were to ones available by the time for the promo pics, which hints that there are new ones in the box (and the promo pics only use the real minis, the other stuff is rendered so I guess it is currently in production and they don't have something real to show yet)

Mantic uses the softer and coloured boardgame plastic for their boxed games so I hope they keep this and make new models for the game

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

I had just got the last of the giants off eBay! Although, probably a lot cheaper than getting them with overdrive.

Can't say I'm that interested. In it though. Dreadball is great, and I think I'd rather just play more dreadball than overdrive. Although, I've got an extreme pitch, which this looks identical too, so I might already have everything but the rules...

Ronnie had previously said that deadzone 3.0 was on the cards... Command protocols 3.0 goes against this!
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Deadzone 3 with rats again? Would have been a nice opportunity to start working on a proper bug people army, weren't they supposed to be one of the big baddies of the setting?

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Stonecold Gimster

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Deadzone 3 with rats again? Would have been a nice opportunity to start working on a proper bug people army, weren't they supposed to be one of the big baddies of the setting?

v3 already?
Sigh... we started with cards, multiple expansion books, then moved to command dice instead of cards, and more expansion books. I wonder what will change for the sake of it this time? I'm all for improving editions by incorporating errata, but I feel like I'm on the GW merry-go-round with Mantic now.
Does it need another version? As far as I can tell it just needs the rulebook updating with the latest model stats and errata.

My (out of date) Painting Blog: http://gimgamgoo.com/
Currently most played: Silent Death, Xenos Rampant, Mars Code Aurora and Battletech. 
Made in at
Second Story Man


the last interview with Ronnie said exactly that, to re-do the starter set and update the core book
and it was also said that some of the new KoW units for Ratkin will make their way to Veer-Myn

I just expect a new Core Book with updated rules to have everything in one place and a new Starter Set

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in gb
Stonecold Gimster

 kodos wrote:
the last interview with Ronnie said exactly that, to re-do the starter set and update the core book
and it was also said that some of the new KoW units for Ratkin will make their way to Veer-Myn

I just expect a new Core Book with updated rules to have everything in one place and a new Starter Set

Which would be a good choice.

Hyping "a new edition" is all the thing these days thanks to GW. It may draw some new people in. But I'm sure there's many people that when it gets a year into an edition, not bother because they worry their stuff will be out of date, because it will soon be time for another new edition. Not to mention all the current players who would rather spend hobby money on models (or a new faction) than replacing books.

I guess GW have set the bar for other games companies (and hobbyists) into thinking a churn and burn cycle means "supported".

My (out of date) Painting Blog: http://gimgamgoo.com/
Currently most played: Silent Death, Xenos Rampant, Mars Code Aurora and Battletech. 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

As said above, mantic have stated the next edition of deadzone would just be a clean up, merging the errata into the core book.

Hopefully they'll fix the minefield of typos as well. And the campaign system needs an overhaul. There's also scope for newer artificial stupidity rules, but probably best left for an expansion.

Given the size of the last command protocols book, the campaign system could probably come out of the core book and be a separate book. That would allow it a broader scope, adding loads of custom scenarios and solo rules (incorporating the stupidity rules).
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Do they have any great typos? Dropfleet, for example, made a special edition miniature of their most famous typo, Traffic James. I’d love to see Mantic embrace their silliness in a similar manner.

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