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Gathering the platoon ! Astra Militarum 10th edition tactical thread.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Rogue Grot Kannon Gunna

 MinscS2 wrote:
The Macharius BT which has always been inferior to two Leman Russes, or simply been a worse version of the Dorn, actually looks pretty solid at 310 pts with it's current rules doesn't it?

Looks terrible to me. "Lots of tank, weak firepower" just isn't a valid role in 40k. Having a bunch of durability has very little value if you don't also have enough offensive threat to force your opponent to shoot the tanky unit. Normally your priority target is glass cannons, as you can remove as much opposing firepower as possible given a certain amount of your own offense. Then once the glass cannons are gone you take out the normal units as they have the best remaining ratio of firepower spent to threat removed. Only once all the normal units are gone do you worry about trying to remove things that have relatively poor offense but require a ton of effort to remove. So the Macharius is going to sit there all game plinking away with its weak gun while your more important stuff gets removed, and maybe at the end of the game it finally gets some minor value from its durability if the game hasn't already been decided by then. A RDBT, on the other hand, is almost as durable but has way better firepower that allows it to contribute a lot more to winning the game.

The Valdor takes this to an absurd extreme. Yeah, it's got decent durability for the price but it has an absolute joke of a weapon and therefore its defensive stat line will rarely matter. The best way to handle an opposing Valdor is to just ignore it and be glad they spent 300 points on an ineffective paperweight.

Love the 40k universe but hate GW? https://www.onepagerules.com/ is your answer! 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Columbia, SC (USA)

Chat in this thread seems infrequent. Are you not happy with 10th, not able to play a game yet, or retooling your army because of the new meta? Or is there some other reason?

The secret to painting a really big army is to keep at it. You can't reach your destination if you never take any steps.

I build IG...lots and lots of IG.  
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

Gone-to-ground in the craters of Coventry

Or too busy playing to chat here?

For me, I'm "not able to play a game yet".

Before I play Guard in 10th, I want to paint up some units I always wanted to use. I have Ratlings to get done, a 2nd Hellhound, Deathstrike, etc.

6000 pts - Harlies: 1000 pts - 4000 pts - 1000 pts - 1000 pts DS:70+S+G++MB+IPw40k86/f+D++A++/cWD64R+T(T)DM+
IG/AM force nearly-finished pieces: http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-38888-41159_Armies%20-%20Imperial%20Guard.html
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw (probably)
Clubs around Coventry, UK 
Made in gr
Rough Rider with Boomstick

Retooling my army....

You shouldn't be worried about the one bullet with your name on it, Boldric. You should be worried about the ones labelled "to whom it may concern"-from Blackadder goes Forth!
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 JB wrote:
Chat in this thread seems infrequent. Are you not happy with 10th, not able to play a game yet, or retooling your army because of the new meta? Or is there some other reason?

Too busy playing.

I still am sitting on four boxes of unbuilt Kasrkin though. Until they actually come out and 100% say "No, you're not getting a Lasgun Sergeant"? I ain't building gak.
Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

Well, you might as well sell one of the 4 boxes, as you can only actually field 3 units.

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in hu
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot

 JB wrote:
Chat in this thread seems infrequent. Are you not happy with 10th, not able to play a game yet, or retooling your army because of the new meta? Or is there some other reason?

10th edition tanked in my group super-hard so no games for me . And that's super-sad because I enjoyed the four games I had and really liked the arty+assault army concept I put together for the edition.

My armies:
14000 points 
Made in us
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!

 AtoMaki wrote:
 JB wrote:
Chat in this thread seems infrequent. Are you not happy with 10th, not able to play a game yet, or retooling your army because of the new meta? Or is there some other reason?

10th edition tanked in my group super-hard so no games for me . And that's super-sad because I enjoyed the four games I had and really liked the arty+assault army concept I put together for the edition.

Same here. I get it, 10th is a mess, but I like the core changes for the most part (I wish they'd have made different changes to psychic personally, but I don't like using psykers either way for fluff reasons). That said, I'm rather tired of 9th. Personally, I'd like to go back to 5th... I miss the chaos of templates and scatter dice ...if only Horus Heresy expanded to include xenos
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

chaos0xomega wrote:
Well, you might as well sell one of the 4 boxes, as you can only actually field 3 units.

For now. No guarantees that they won't be able to battleline in a special detachment or something down the road.

Also, there are different weapon options for different bodies...and Kill Team's a thing.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Columbia, SC (USA)

Those Kasrkin boxes are unicorns in this area. I still haven’t seen one at any of the three local stores ( including the GW).

I am retooling my army and this will be the biggest revamp since I started it in 3rd edition. GW, as usual, has made their newest items the most powerful but this time they have really increased the power disparity between old and new. Even some of my old models need tweaks. Commisars and officers need different weapons. Sergeants may need autoguns. Tanks need sponsons although I may transition to Rogal Dorns and park my fleet of Russes. And I may add a second Enginseer as well as Gaunt’s Ghosts because they look very good, model- and ruleswise,

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/07/13 20:01:50

The secret to painting a really big army is to keep at it. You can't reach your destination if you never take any steps.

I build IG...lots and lots of IG.  
Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

 Kanluwen wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
Well, you might as well sell one of the 4 boxes, as you can only actually field 3 units.

For now. No guarantees that they won't be able to battleline in a special detachment or something down the road.

Also, there are different weapon options for different bodies...and Kill Team's a thing.

I was getting ready to dump about $10k worth of excess minis that I'll never be able to make full use of (who needs 180 grots when you can only field 60? 9 deffdredz when they are capped at 3? Etc), and this one comment has completely ruined my plans.

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in nz
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

New Zealand

The points update may change a plan or two - there are lots of extra points for those artillery units now. Who would have thought that GW didn't just want us to pound people with artillery parks...?
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

Gone-to-ground in the craters of Coventry


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/14 07:57:01

6000 pts - Harlies: 1000 pts - 4000 pts - 1000 pts - 1000 pts DS:70+S+G++MB+IPw40k86/f+D++A++/cWD64R+T(T)DM+
IG/AM force nearly-finished pieces: http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-38888-41159_Armies%20-%20Imperial%20Guard.html
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw (probably)
Clubs around Coventry, UK 
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

I've played a few games now, here's my 2 cents:
- Battleshock was hyped up but is so inconsequential.
- DKOK are great, but you have to clarify with your TO how they work. The areas I play at claimed they should be a 1 in 10 option and stacked. Due to being a wargear ability and not having any restrictions like aura abilities and core abilities. So I could resurrect 2D3 every turn.
- FW Carriages, Basilisks, and Manticores are still our competitive picks for damage and utility. Our tanks suck, just far too overcosted and lack of tank orders really hurts their output.
- Scout Sentinels are awesome. Probably our best unit. Scout means you can throw them into the mid-field and force your opponent to deal with them. I was using reinforcements on them a lot.
Made in us
Rogue Grot Kannon Gunna

Jarms48 wrote:
- DKOK are great, but you have to clarify with your TO how they work. The areas I play at claimed they should be a 1 in 10 option and stacked. Due to being a wargear ability and not having any restrictions like aura abilities and core abilities. So I could resurrect 2D3 every turn.

Just be aware that RAW they do not have the medic ability at all, and that the ability has been removed entirely from the app version of the rules. Krieg are already by far the best of the four infantry squads with a 5+++, the most special weapons, and easy access to +1 to hit. Adding even d3 respawning models per turn is stacking even more power on the clear winner, which is probably why GW decided to remove it.

Love the 40k universe but hate GW? https://www.onepagerules.com/ is your answer! 
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

 ThePaintingOwl wrote:
Jarms48 wrote:
The areas I play at claimed they should be a 1 in 10 option and stacked.

Just be aware that RAW they do not have the medic ability at all, and that the ability has been removed entirely from the app version of the rules. Krieg are already by far the best of the four infantry squads with a 5+++, the most special weapons, and easy access to +1 to hit. Adding even d3 respawning models per turn is stacking even more power on the clear winner, which is probably why GW decided to remove it.

I bolded my above line. It's up to GW to fix, but this is how my areas are playing it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/15 07:15:10

Made in gb
Junior Officer with Laspistol

Manchester, UK

 ThePaintingOwl wrote:
...which is probably why GW decided to remove it.

I don't believe that GW decided anything. The app could just link displaying wargear rules to the ability to equip that wargear. As dkok have no option to take medipacks, the rule is just not shown.

Let us hope this is fixed in the late july errata.

The Tvashtan 422nd "Fire Leopards" - Updated 19/03/11

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor 
Made in us
Rogue Grot Kannon Gunna

 Trickstick wrote:
 ThePaintingOwl wrote:
...which is probably why GW decided to remove it.

I don't believe that GW decided anything. The app could just link displaying wargear rules to the ability to equip that wargear. As dkok have no option to take medipacks, the rule is just not shown.

Let us hope this is fixed in the late july errata.

They did decide. The rule was originally in the app but then they removed it. So they were clearly aware of the issue and decided to remove the rule from the datasheet instead of adding the option to the wargear list.

And yes, hopefully it is fixed and the option is removed entirely. 65 point Krieg squads with respawn are blatantly overpowered and make all the other options redundant.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Jarms48 wrote:
I bolded my above line. It's up to GW to fix, but this is how my areas are playing it.

Fair. I suppose if you want to win and someone is offering a house rule to buff your best troops take advantage of it while it lasts.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/15 08:30:17

Love the 40k universe but hate GW? https://www.onepagerules.com/ is your answer! 
Made in gb
Junior Officer with Laspistol

Manchester, UK

 ThePaintingOwl wrote:
They did decide. The rule was originally in the app but then they removed it.

From everything I have heard, from several different sources, the medipack rule never appeared in the app.

Edit: I'm not bothered which way this ruling goes. I just want it resolved. I am painting up my infantry, and currently have only painted 9 man units, as I dont know if I need to convert a medic for each of them.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/07/15 08:32:37

The Tvashtan 422nd "Fire Leopards" - Updated 19/03/11

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor 
Made in gb
Adolescent Youth on Ultramar

The Leman Russes are truly expensive now. LRD now is comparable to a Repulsor Executioner, and even the cheaper ones are still at 180 with a huge gap with most armours fielded by most factions. I'm not a very competitive player but I'd consider the autocannon ones, taking maybe one for the ability, and that novacannon ones with full flamer at the front charging blocking doing whatever annoying. If anyone want to shoot them instead of the Scout Sentinels then just be my guest, if not fine by me. Should points drop a bit for LRD, I'll change to the demolisher/avre ones.

I cannot believe the FOBs are still somewhat bad. The 25pdrs or whatever they are called are still S7, when most imperial autocannons are at S9 now. So my octuple pompom on a Hydra can fire 72inch away at S9 while my artillery 25pdr are 48inch S7?

Like, why? New toys are supposed to be strong right? GW? They look so good!

Manticores solid as usual, no surprise. Hydras are really really good against anything with Fly. I'll see if I can find myself some old FW ones with enclosed turret.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/07/15 21:55:08

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Columbia, SC (USA)

I played my first game of 10th Edition with only 1000 points versus Necrons using the Only War mission in the main rulebook.

It is too small a sample to have deep thoughts about Guard in 10th but I did make several observations.

My army was comprised of Lord Solar (Warlord), one commissar, one Cadian Command Squad, Gaunt's Ghosts, three 20 man Cadian Infantry Squads with 2 melta, 2 plasma, and 2 autoguns, a squadron of three Armored Sentinels with lascannons, and a Heavy Weapons Mortar squad.

1) The Reinforcements Strategem is nice but not that game breaking in a 1000 point game. I saved my CP for this stratagem, which was easy since I had Lord Solar. My opponent had a tough time deleting any of my units in the first two turns so I didn't get to bring a unit (Cadian Infantry Squad) back until Turn 3. I also brought another Cadian Infantry Squad back on Turn 4. Since they returned on my rear table edge, they did nothing to influence the final two turns of the game. They just don't move or shoot far enough to have a huge impact on anything except backfield objectives, which were non-existent in my game. It makes me think that Reinforcements after Turn 3 might work better on a Heavy Weapons Squad or Field Ordnance Battery since those weapons have a much longer threat range.

2) Lord Solar is almost an auto include. His three orders when paired with a command squad that has a master vox (24" range for issuing orders) are massive if you have non-Regiment units (vehicles, abhumans, etc.). The extra CP in each one of your command phases is also huge.

3) Gaunt's Ghosts are fantastic. Infiltration lets them set up almost anywhere on the table. If you regret their position, you can use Lord Solar to redeploy them or put them back into Reserve before the game begins. Or you can let them stay in position (to accomplish an action for a secondary) and then pop them back into reserve at the end of your opponent's turn (they can do this every single turn). They are difficult to shoot since the unit has Lone Operative, Stealth, and Tanith Camo Cloaks. The six model unit is only OC 1 per model but Gaunt can give orders so he can make them OC 2. They also have some nice ranged and melee weapons as well as a 5++ on Gaunt.

3) Heavy Weapon Squad overwatch is pretty good. I used my mortar squad a lot for overwatch for 1CP each turn once the enemy moved within 24". The squad was within 6" of a Cadian Infantry Squad so I was hitting on 4+. It is not game breaking but it hurts infantry simply through volume of fire since I was firing the mortars twice per turn (one in my shooting phase with all buffs/debuffs and once in overwatch during my opponent's movement phase with no buffs/debuffs (just the flat 4+ to hit). Creed might make this even better by allowing the overwatch stratagem to be used twice, but I am not sure the same unit can use her ability to use overwatch a second time in the same phase so it might take two heavy weapon squads to take advantage.

4) Sentinels are the new black. Scout or Armored sentinel squadrons are fantastic in 10th. They are price effective compared to other vehicles, they can receive orders, and they can benefit from the Reinforcements stratagem. Use full squadrons of three. Push scout sentinels into the midboard. Put armored sentinels where they can receive orders and shoot the enemy repeatedly. If they have to get into melee, it is best if the sentinels do not have blast weapons so you can shoot your engaged enemy during your shooting phase (-1 to hit) and then use your chainsaw during the Fight phase. They hold up pretty well in melee and can dish some damage to most opponents. You can also give them the Fix Bayonets order so they have a +1 WS during the Fight phase. They are the best unit for their points in our index.

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2023/07/16 01:03:30

The secret to painting a really big army is to keep at it. You can't reach your destination if you never take any steps.

I build IG...lots and lots of IG.  
Made in at
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Vienna, Austria

Hey there,

after having skipped on 40k for the past years (played a game of 6th edition, and a few minutes of 9th edition [got to command one unit of poxwalkers in a test game) I thought it might be fun to do a test game, potentially solo, to get an idea of how it works now. Rules are free to download after all, so why not give it a try and write a rules review for 40k after a game or two with 1000 points lists.

2 hours later I'm writing an Imperial Gua- Astra Militarum army list, looked up a few things, and I was wondering if any of you got news on the situation with infantry squads.Or how you handle them. The rules say that you get special weapons for one in 10 models, a heavy weapons team of course counting as one model. Which of course makes the classic load-out of the infantry squad with one special weapon and one heavy weapon impossible. An odd take, given that I assume that this entry should cover said classic infantry squad. Do you just allow for one special weapon and one heavy weapon per 10 men (or 9, if you count the weapons team as one model) or do you think that was some sort of deliberate choice on the designers' part?


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/15 23:56:34

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Columbia, SC (USA)

It will need clarification but RAW the squad could not take a special weapon if it takes the heavy weapon, a sergeant, and 7 troopers.

The secret to painting a really big army is to keep at it. You can't reach your destination if you never take any steps.

I build IG...lots and lots of IG.  
Made in gb
Junior Officer with Laspistol

Manchester, UK

 JB wrote:
Since they returned on my rear table edge, they did nothing to influence the final two turns of the game.

Reinforcements go into strategic reserve. To quote page 43:

During the second battle round, Strategic Reserves units that arrive must be set up wholly within 6" of any battlefield edge, but no model in those units can be set up within the enemy deployment zone.

Starting from the third battle round, Strategic Reserves units that arrive must be set up wholly within 6" of any battlefield edge.

Plus you have to be outside of 9" of an enemy. So this gives you a lot more freedom for using reinforcements, able to threaten deep into the opponent's lines and backfield.

The Tvashtan 422nd "Fire Leopards" - Updated 19/03/11

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor 
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


 Sigur wrote:

The app accepts 1 special weapon and one heavy weapon though (and a vox-caster, which is also limited to one per 10). It's a mess

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/16 11:03:41

7002 points. Rozth 9th/9th Siege Infantry. CO: Fältöverste Karl Hagan
4000 points. Order of the true Voice. Cult Leader: Sorcerer Ziyad Un-Nefer #AvengeProspero
Praetorian Guard/ Lascari Light Brigade: 2000 points, Huzzah!
Bretonnia: 2000 points (Forever WIP)
[Hey, you! Check out ProHammer Classic] 
Made in at
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Vienna, Austria

 Forcemajeure wrote:
 Sigur wrote:

The app accepts 1 special weapon and one heavy weapon though (and a vox-caster, which is also limited to one per 10). It's a mess

That is funny. Well, thanks for the input on this little thing. I assume I'll just go with the "one special weapon, one heavy weapon" per squad. That seems to be the intention. I never got why they turned heavy weapon teams into counting as one model, but I'm sure it makes sense in terms of certain rules I haven't considered yet.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Columbia, SC (USA)

If we follow the app as the ultimate arbiter, DKK no longer get medi-packs. GW have some clarifications to do.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/16 13:14:56

The secret to painting a really big army is to keep at it. You can't reach your destination if you never take any steps.

I build IG...lots and lots of IG.  
Made in us
Rogue Grot Kannon Gunna

 Sigur wrote:
I never got why they turned heavy weapon teams into counting as one model

Because it's simpler than having two models plus a non-model object for the gun itself which need special coherency requirements and casualty removal rules to function. GW just screwed up and forgot to add "HWT counts as two models" in the wargear options list.

Love the 40k universe but hate GW? https://www.onepagerules.com/ is your answer! 
Made in at
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Vienna, Austria

Heyhey, I have a question about the Datacard things again, specifically the Armoured Spearhead special rule on the Leman Russ: The wording confuses me a little. Does the rule mean that the Leman Russ re-rolls all 1s on the to-hit roll in general and gets to re-roll any misses on the to-hit roll when targetting an enemy unit which holds a mission objective marker?


Made in us
Rogue Grot Kannon Gunna

 Sigur wrote:
Heyhey, I have a question about the Datacard things again, specifically the Armoured Spearhead special rule on the Leman Russ: The wording confuses me a little. Does the rule mean that the Leman Russ re-rolls all 1s on the to-hit roll in general and gets to re-roll any misses on the to-hit roll when targetting an enemy unit which holds a mission objective marker?


Yes, that is exactly what it says.

Love the 40k universe but hate GW? https://www.onepagerules.com/ is your answer! 
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