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2016/01/23 14:10:18
Subject: Painting Maelstrom's Edge [upd apr 5: Master Handler, Drones, SecDef, Chieftains, Hakoyu, Pa'ku]
Sure Shot Scarecrow Sniper
april 5 2019 Epirian Foundation Master Bot Handler, Contractor Drones, SecDef Tactical Team, Broken Chieftains, Hakoyu Grand Master and Pa'ku Artillery
november 20 2018 Broken Rabble, Assault, Fire Support, Gnolti, Hypnotist, Jammer
november 18 2018 Band of Broken
november 3 2018 Broken Gnolti & Rabble Fire Support
july 17 2018 Karist Angel Keeper and Hellblasters
june 10 2018 Karist Heavy Weapon Troopers
december 19 2017 Epirian Suppression team & Underground outpost
november 24 2017 Karist Praetorian squad and Karist temple
october 1 2017 Broken Rabble squad
january 21 2017 Karist Shadow Walker #2
december 18 2016 Epirian Hunter warmech #2
[december 11 2016] Mature Angel #2
[november 10 2016] VIP Objective markers
[august 16 2016] Obstacles & Cybel Refinery objective markers
[august 4 2016] Faction objectives, hills and trees
[july 25 2016] Epirian Hunter & Scarecrow with Crumbly wall & Rocky outcrops
[july 21 2016] Karist Tempest Elites and wall, Karist force complete!
[june 2 2016] Epirian Contractors with crew cabin
[april 27 2016] Karist Troopers with casemate
[april 10 2016] Epirian Firefly and Spider Drones with storage tank
[april 3 2016] Karist Angels and silos
[march 26 2016] Vehicle workshop and Epirian Bot Handlers
[march 10 2016] Karist Kaddar Nova, Shadow Walker and ruined factory
[feb 12 2016] Epirian Scarecrow crater barbecue
[feb 9 2016] Karist Troopers and cybel power station
[jan 31 2016] Epirian Contractors and a crumbly wall
[jan 23 2016] Karist Tempests and a crew cabin (scroll down in this post)
Finally finished my first MEdge stuff! It seems most people start painting their Karist models, and so have I, for no other reason than that I find it harder to decide on a color scheme for my Contractors...
I decided I'd paint up a piece of terrain for each unit I finish, so I won't be stuck with a finished army and no suitable terrain. I hope I can keep it up...
The rock with the pink marking is a magnetic 'squad leader' indicator...
There's a couple more in my gallery. I think the top view is the most accurate color wise. Need to improve my photo workflow...
This message was edited 34 times. Last update was at 2019/04/05 09:48:17
2016/01/23 14:58:58
Subject: Maelstrom's Edge building and Karist Tempest Elites
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle
Nice work!
Check out my gallery here
Also I've started taking photos to use as reference for weathering which can be found here. Please send me your photos so they can be found all in one place!! |
2016/01/23 20:51:04
Subject: Re:Maelstrom's Edge building and Karist Tempest Elites
Stoic Grail Knight
Man, those look great!
2016/01/24 08:01:57
Subject: Re:Maelstrom's Edge building and Karist Tempest Elites
Sure Shot Scarecrow Sniper
Thanks guys, much appreciated!
2016/01/27 09:37:25
Subject: Maelstrom's Edge building and Karist Tempest Elites
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Looking great, love the frontier styling of the building
Check out our new, fully plastic tabletop wargame - Maelstrom's Edge, made by Dakka!
2016/01/27 09:53:46
Subject: Maelstrom's Edge building and Karist Tempest Elites
Making Stuff
Karists look great, and the vaguely Western styling to the building is perfect.
2016/01/31 14:49:20
Subject: Re:Maelstrom's Edge building and Karist Tempest Elites
Sure Shot Scarecrow Sniper
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/01/31 16:09:46
2016/02/01 02:01:10
Subject: Re:Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update jan 31: Epirian Contractors and crumbly wall]
President of the Mat Ward Fan Club
Looking good!
Also, in that lost shot, are those 12 sided D6s???
2016/02/01 03:35:59
Subject: Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update jan 31: Epirian Contractors and crumbly wall]
Making Stuff
I really like that colour scheme on the Contractors.
Nice work!
2016/02/01 06:23:39
Subject: Re:Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update jan 31: Epirian Contractors and crumbly wall]
Sure Shot Scarecrow Sniper
Yup! They're called Doublesix Dice. It's a kickstarter product, but a permanent store is online, though not yet quite finished I think. I think they're really neat
Thanks! It's inspired by the orange and blue Scarecrow bot from the workshop diorama, so thanks to whoever did that
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/02/01 09:12:00
2016/02/01 13:59:46
Subject: Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update jan 31: Epirian Contractors and crumbly wall]
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Looking good
Check out our new, fully plastic tabletop wargame - Maelstrom's Edge, made by Dakka!
2016/02/03 18:26:07
Subject: Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update jan 31: Epirian Contractors and crumbly wall]
Stonecold Gimster
Looking awesome!
Can I ask what colours you used for the Karists? Or even better - how you painted them to look so good?
My (out of date) Painting Blog:
Currently most played: Silent Death, Xenos Rampant, Mars Code Aurora and Battletech. |
2016/02/03 19:05:46
Subject: Re:Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update jan 31: Epirian Contractors and crumbly wall]
Sure Shot Scarecrow Sniper
The Tempest recipe is as follows. All paints are from the Warcolours range that a forum member here produces, except for the washes and the Stirland Mud which are Citadel. First time I used Warcolours. They're generally very nice, just don't use them if you need a paint that covers very well, as most just don't (which can be an advantage too).
Undercoat: I sprayed these black and then 'blue grey 5' up to... maybe 3. That was when I thought I could do the armour with the airbrush. I now know I can't . In the future I'll just undercoat blue grey 5. The whole model was then washed with Nuln Oil.
Armor: blue grey 4 all over except in recesses, blue grey 3 highlight, blue grey 2 highlight, blue grey 1 edge higlight. The highlights are done with 'two brush blending', which is basically sticking a damp brush between your teeth and using that to fade the edges you paint with the other brush (not while still between your teeth!). First time I tried this technique. It's not very difficult once you get a little experience with it. The damp brush between the teeth is also great for quickly erasing small errors.
Suit: just the nuln oil over the undercoat that's already there, if I wrote this down correctly. I'll find out soon enough once I do the Troopers, they have lots more suit to paint.
Cybel energy: layer pink 5, pink 3, pink 1, then pink 5 + lahmian medium wash, re-highlight with I think pink 1, might have been 2, and a few final dots with I think pink 1 + white.
Metal bits: layer metallic black, metallic pewter, metallic silver, metallic white, (nuln oil wash on gun barrel)
Eye dash: layer ochre 4, ochre 2
Base: stirland mud, warm grey 4 drybrush, cool grey 1 drybrush, heki wildgrass (the tall grass), static grass (a pot with a mix of various Woodland Scenics flavours, mixed too long ago to remember which), black trim
Leader rock: warm grey 5, warm grey 4 drybrush, cool grey 1 drybrush, agrax earthshade, cool grey 1 drybrush, pink 4 marking, pink 2 marking
It's a longer process then I'd originally planned, but not too bad. I hope this was somewhat understandable, if not I'll try again!
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2016/02/03 19:13:48
2016/02/03 22:48:57
Subject: Re:Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update jan 31: Epirian Contractors and crumbly wall]
Stonecold Gimster
That was fantastic.
It kind of read like a txt file I keep on my computer with all the paint schemes I've used. Something I ensure I have because I get halfway through projects, move onto something different then a few months later have forgotten what colours I used when I return to the original project.
I was going to try and learn to use my airbrush on the tempest elites (for something other than basecoating). Maybe I'll need to buy a few more from SAS to practice on.
Thanks again.
My (out of date) Painting Blog:
Currently most played: Silent Death, Xenos Rampant, Mars Code Aurora and Battletech. |
2016/02/04 06:40:47
Subject: Re:Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update jan 31: Epirian Contractors and crumbly wall]
Sure Shot Scarecrow Sniper
No problem, it actually Ãs a copy from a .txt file I keep . Forgot one thing though: pink drybrush around the pink bits to give a tiny bit of glow.
I'd be really interested in seeing what you can manage with the airbrush. I"ve not had the patience to learn to use it for detailed stuff. The fact I ran out of cleaner didn't help
2016/02/07 16:18:33
Subject: Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update jan 31: Epirian Contractors and crumbly wall]
Alluring Mounted Daemonette
Nice work! I really like both your paint schemes but the fact that you are committing to producing a terrain piece with every squad is great!
2016/02/09 11:12:13
Subject: Re:Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update jan 31: Epirian Contractors and crumbly wall]
Sure Shot Scarecrow Sniper
2016/02/09 12:29:42
Subject: Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update feb 9: Karist Troopers & cybel power station]
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Really nice stuff, I love the way you've put the corner caps on a lip and then laid the edge pieces under the corner caps to make it all nice and flush. Thanks for sharing
Check out our new, fully plastic tabletop wargame - Maelstrom's Edge, made by Dakka!
2016/02/09 13:12:17
Subject: Re:Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update feb 9: Karist Troopers & cybel power station]
Sure Shot Scarecrow Sniper
Hehe, yeah, I wish that were a piece of cleverly thought out engineering on my side. Instead it went "d'oh, of course these won't fit over that corner where I just put that other bit of plastic. Damn. Where's my cardboard strips???" In fact, pretty much all of my building and painting follows this formula
2016/02/12 10:28:15
Subject: Re:Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update feb 12: Epirian Scarecrow crater barbecue!]
Sure Shot Scarecrow Sniper
2016/03/10 22:18:52
Subject: Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update march 10: Karist Kaddar Nova, Shadow Walker and ruined factory]
Sure Shot Scarecrow Sniper
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/03/10 22:20:30
2016/03/11 02:01:15
Subject: Re:Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update march 10: Karist Kaddar Nova, Shadow Walker and ruined factory]
Cog in the Machine
Looking good! It's remarkable how good a simple building can look with a few details...
Knowledge is power. Guard it well. Also guard money. And people. And Alcatraz. In fact, Just guard the whole bloody world. Isn't that what IG is for?
Armies: Left and Right |
2016/03/11 03:24:14
Subject: Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update march 10: Karist Kaddar Nova, Shadow Walker and ruined factory]
Making Stuff
Nicely done. The grey looks great on the Karists.
For the building base - paint PVA on the underside (a nice thick coat, so it softens the cardboard) and glue it down to a piece of masonite or thin ply.
2016/03/11 05:01:22
Subject: Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update march 10: Karist Kaddar Nova, Shadow Walker and ruined factory]
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Really nice work, especially love the smooth paintjob on the kaddar nova.
Check out our new, fully plastic tabletop wargame - Maelstrom's Edge, made by Dakka!
2016/03/11 09:00:33
Subject: Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update march 10: Karist Kaddar Nova, Shadow Walker and ruined factory]
Sure Shot Scarecrow Sniper
insaniak wrote:
For the building base - paint PVA on the underside (a nice thick coat, so it softens the cardboard) and glue it down to a piece of masonite or thin ply.
I'm afraid my cardboard (or posterboard, rather) isn't soft at all any more, there's already a coat of glue on the underside... Clamping it to some wood might be a good idea though... or vinyl floor tiles... The Pringles tower in one corner, mound of sand in the middle and foamboard 'bracket' in front really did some odd things warp-wize... oh well, lesson learned.
Yeah, I'm covering a lot of ground with some cardboard strips and 2 terrain sprues, amazing things.
Anyway, thanks all I'm thinking some bot handlers and another big ass building are next.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2016/03/11 09:03:58
2016/03/17 10:31:33
Subject: Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update march 10: Karist Kaddar Nova, Shadow Walker and ruined factory]
Hulking Hunter-class Warmech
This is an epic thread, I love how you're building your world with terrain alongside the units.
I've been travelling the last few weeks but this makes me want to get back to my Medge stuff...
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/03/17 10:32:37
2016/03/18 07:52:49
Subject: Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update march 10: Karist Kaddar Nova, Shadow Walker and ruined factory]
Sure Shot Scarecrow Sniper
Thanks! That's really nice to hear (read).
2016/03/22 07:05:32
Subject: Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update march 10: Karist Kaddar Nova, Shadow Walker and ruined factory]
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver
I have no idea why I never subbed to your thread, sorry Oddball. I can't believe that you had used Orange too!!!!! Loving the scheme you came up with. I'll be sticking with the black and silver to contrast on mine, but your's have come out tops. Wish I had the space to make the terrain too, they also look great.
2016/03/22 09:55:05
Subject: Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update march 10: Karist Kaddar Nova, Shadow Walker and ruined factory]
Sure Shot Scarecrow Sniper
Thanks! I'm much happier with my scheme on the Contractors than on the robots, but I promised myself a quick colour scheme for everything MEdge and so far the bots are the only models where I accomplished this .
2016/03/26 21:34:50
Subject: Re:Painting Maelstrom's Edge [update march 10: Karist Kaddar Nova, Shadow Walker and ruined factory]
Sure Shot Scarecrow Sniper